I WnSSimSM Jamil fSSl People y&JZBj---' THE Brings Solid Comfort to Old All winter long on the Zero days and the windy, blustering days the Perfection Smoke-? less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat. The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums). Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily moved from place to place. At Dtatm Erywhmr STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lacenxmtW is New Jarar) Newark. N.JL BsMmsrs. iU. ere's a BULLDOG G&SGiins ElSfiriC For Every Farm Need 1 to 12 H. P. one for your Threthinit Machine and Saw Mill, others adapted to Pumping, Saw ins, Kur.ruiK Separator, Churns, etc. The Bull Dug is a strums, cumnact etwwe which yuu can ahsoluti-ly rely upon for lone, hard ecrvke. Write today for complete, descriptive catalog showing designs and sizes icr every purpose. THE FAIRBANKS CO, BALTIMORE. MD. BUILT BY THE MAKERS CF FAIRBANKS SCALES. are actually wwk, ra elrm tky are sUwly J-i: .1 j r ucwranaif Mcp sicea strength and avraxiskswent for body aaal Wain. Scott's Emmlmion corrects nervousaecs it is) osoaa tisllya food a casnsia auj, atxntsh jng, aurativeieeel k restore the healthy actio of Weey cells, fortify the UeoJ, sLarpen the appetite, make streagth. health, energy aasl vigor. As pure as milk, k is raaslily assimilated nourishes every organ ansi every tissue. Phy sicians everywhere recom mend Scott's Emtdeton with absolute confidence ia its beneficial results. Don't wait start now, but iasist on SCOTT'S. I v No alcohol or dregs, Scott ft Sawn. B1n.mfil4. N. J. H-iS E PAY BY CHECK 1 s, The up-to date merchant or manufacturer alwavs pays big bills by check. Why not the farmer, too? The business man knows his check n il! come back to him aad be a receipt for each transaction. If this plan proves to the au..vt.Be of the buei ness man, why should not the farmer unci cvtvy other person bo equally wise and pay Ms bills by check ? A large number of persoas have found that tfus system eliminates all chances of error and dispute with their neighbor but there are mno:cther3 iu our section that shstold adopt this plan and receive the benefit. We will be glad if you will call and let as explain our method of handling busineis. Bank of Ramseur RAMSEUR, NORTH CAROUSA ETSJ&a luting Crtipo Growing in the Sandhills. The Manufacturers' Recortl calls attention to the fact that the growt'4 of the grape Industry in the sand hill area of North Carolina h-s reached a state rf value that hae attracde the attention of those In terested In suceepcful grape grow ing. Mr. R. C.Crool, formerly of Wilmington, has required control of the Bradley sruppernorg vineyard fit Southern Pines and is conteraplat ing turnlrg It Into a nursery. Mr. Crool and his oncern wl'l undertak to furnish cuttfrps necffsmy to es tablish a lnrge n"mber of vttioynrrtB jflnd will give expert at'Vire to thoso Interested In grape culture. Tt H unrlerrto- d that a preps plart (will be r-stnbltehrr? nt either South- em Pines or Aberdeen thereby mak- .iih dm mi niaruei for t ho grape I At Milwaukee, Wis., this week a commission of five alienists appoint ed to examine John Schrank, the man hwo shot Col. Roosevelt, re j ported to the court that Schrank Js j Insane. This means that he cannot he tried for tho attempted murder I of Col. Roosevelt, but wHl be com mitted to the State Hospital for the Insane. Qgtectart SfittimeM Selfeac PAY YOUR TAXK8. I, J. W. Birkhead, sheriff of Ran dolph county, N- C will attend at the following places and on days named below for the purpose of col- State, county, schorl and special taxes for ths year 1912: New Hop township, Monday, Nov. 18, 1812, Shaw's store. Concord township, Tuesday, Not. 19, 1912, Farmer. Tabernacle township, Wednesday, November 20, 1912, Tabernacle. I tiriniiy lownsnip, inursaay, lov, 53rcr Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Touch Tyewrifciii2. ccoBntifijr, Banking:, Arithmetic, Grammar, Spelling, Paamannhip ami I 21, Trinity uetier rvriunu;. unntuaMt awsiatou to potunutin. Duaincitt t xaw Market township, Friday, men iurnisnea isooKieepers ana owngrapnr. u&j na f n0v. 22, Gisnoia. nigm sessions, wnce ior iuii iniormaun- Edwards' Business College, HIGH POINT, N. C. Valuable Farm at Auction ' The mnderslgned will sell the valuable farm be loBglaf to the late J. 3. SwaJm, known aa tha Mary Jana Adams farm, on Deep River, two ud ona-half mllas from Randlemaa oontatniag 112 aorea, mora er less ON THURSDAY, DEC 12. AT 2 O'OLuOK P. M. On The Premises. Abomt 30 aorea of river bottom ia cultivation, about 10 acres of meadow land, 40 acrea in woodland. The . land is adapted to the cultivation of f raise of all kinds, truek ate. Tne sale will be made subject to a 10 bid Terms of sale: 1-3 cash, balance on 6 and 12 months time with 6 interest on deferred payments Remember the date, Thursday, Deo 12, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. SAMUEL-' W WAIM MARLY L. SWAIM, Agents for J. S. Swaim Irs. Hammer & Kelly, Attr ye. Chattanooga and Oliver Plows We hare on hand some CHATTANOOGA RE VERSIBLE DISC PLOWS at a bargain. Also a lot of OLIVER RIDING PLOWS. Either of these will stick to the hardest of ground. If interested, cut! to see us. McCrary-Redding Hardware Co. Back Creek towaihlp, Saturday. Nov. 23, County Horn. Grant townahlp, Monday, Not 25, Bethel School Hous. FraakUnrille towaahlp, Tuaday, Nor. 28, forenoon, Cedar Falla; af ternoon, rraaUinvllleJ Liberty township. Wed., Nor. 21, LIborty. Providence towashlj. Than., Nov. 28, A. L. ChamnoM'. Levol Cross township, FrI., Nov. 29, Level Cross. RandJJeman township, Sat., Nov- 30, O. W. Illlott's Store. Asheboro township, erery lay la the week. Union township. Mob., Not. 12, S. A. Coz's Store. ' Richland township, Tues, Not. 19, Seagrove, forcaooa; Tow's Mills, afternoon. Brower township, Wed., Nov- 20; Erect, afteraoen. Pleasant Grove towatMp, Thurs. Nov. 21, A, Jones', forenoon; Ward' Store, afternoon. Coleridge towaihlp, Friday, Nov. 22, Coleridge. Columbia township. Eat., Nov- 23, Ramseur. w The taxes for the year 1912 are now past due. The I- n-requires me to settle the State taxes promptly. Time Is here when all should pay. T T,l III. twnl lnr.nt.r f tha money In needed. The snlarles of the anhoo teachers have yi be met 'anil there are many other demands to nvet. Let every tax payer meet id e proir.ptly and pay his taxes. This November 9, 1912. J. W. BlitKHBAD, Sheriff of Randolph County. The Dispatch Gives? logical Reasons for Good Roads. Davidson county undoubtedly wants good roads but one- reason why she ..hesitates about getting them is her daiiibt aa to wto ought to build them that is, whether it ought to be the townehjp or - the county. It is a fact that under the county pystem we would get our roads sooner but it Is also, a faot that if they are built by co. bonds Thmasovllle and Lexington town ships will have to pay for themln large measure, for these two town ships pay the most taxes. At first blush it seems unjust, to spend Le ington want good roads? Undoubt edly so that the farmers can more, ghany, but a little thought will show thatt it is not. Wfiy does Lexi ington wantgood roads? Undoubted ly so that the farmers can more easily get to town to do their trad ing here, and the only way to ac complish that end is to build the roads to the former's home. To build a complete system of roads in the township would help some, to be sure, but not enough to make the expense worth while. Further more, when you go to' the bottom of it it is not altogether! Leington's money you are spending In the out lying townships,, for if this one is rich it is because it has thev out lying ones to draw upon; nobody ean deny that It is the trade of the rest ofthe courty that made Lex ington and Thomn8villeJ therefore it is no more than right that the two townsshould help make the oth ers. What Davidson needs is several long roads driven from end to end 01 the county and from side to side; touching every township and mak ing it easy to get from any one section of the c unty to any other section; and the roads can be built successfully orly by the county TIMs Is true for several reasons; one is that if the county takes the matter in hand one or two back ward townships will not be able to retard all the rest; another is that If the work Is done in large pieces it can be done for very much less per mile than It would cost if it divided up into numerous small oontracts; again, the cost or main tenance will be less, for a good road invariably wears out faster at the ends than anywheree lse. so that the more loose endB you have the more your roads will' cost to keep up. The most Important of all, however, is the fact that a road is not a good road unless it leads somewhere; a strip of road may be as smooth as a table, but If it Is only two hundred yards long It Is no earthly use to' anybody, and by the same token, a road that trav erses the entire county is vastly more valuable than one that only passes through one township. Peo ple don't build roads for the fun of the thing, but to get an easy route to market, so if their roarl stops five miles short of town thrMr Inbor is wasted. If th townshln builds the roads they must gton with rne township line, und depend upon next one to carry the work alnnir which It may do. or mav not- hut If the county builds them it will build them all the way through. ' The county way is the best: he. cause it is the most business-like. Lexington Dispatch. CLEANS THE HAIR AND MAKES IT LOOK B E AU T I FU L A T ONCE 26 CENT ' DANDERINE ' ' Jn a few moments your hair looks soft, fluffy, lustrous and ' abundant No falling hair or dandruff. "Ssrely try a "Dandorina stair Cleans" if yon wish to immediate ly double the beauty of foar hair Just molstoa a cloth with. Dainderlne and draw it carefully through roar hair, 'axing one am ail strand a a time, this will clane the bair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil la a few moment yoa will bo amaaed Your hair will be wavy, fluffy aad abundant and poses aa incompar able softnea, lure and luxariaace, ftbe beauty and shimmer of true hair j health- Besides beautifying ke hair, one application of Danderine dissolve every particle of dandruff; cleanaes. purifies) aad invigorates ta scalp, forever soppia- i'chiag aad XaUlssj hair- t Danderine i to the hair what fresh aaower of rata and sunshine are to vegetatioa- It goes right o ths roots. Invigorate and rengt ea tjhem- It exhilarating, s'imalat lag aad life-producing properties eaufe the hair to grow abandaaMy !uii, tfroig aad beautiful- Yoa caa sarely have pretty, "oft, lustrous hair, and lot of i. if yoa will last get a 20 ceat bottle ofj Knowlton's Danderine from any dru store or toilet counter and try, 1 M directed- " ' '' OtgOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOXX?008 COOP? aOOOtt&MQOCOSSQ60O3C'r. t Greensboro Commercial School Teaches Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Touch Typevrritir, Pen manship, English, Letter-writing, Punctuation, and all bosi neea Branches- Oar Fall Term opens Stpt 9th- If you want to get the oast result, make, arrangementi to enter dariag the month of September. Our graduates go oat well trained for the beet positions in the business world. A b si nes education is inexDemiTe and will in tare jn (access. Through its assistance alone yo can become self sapporting The teachers are experieaeed and will put forth ererr effort to aaake each one a success For fall inforsaatioti, address the tekeel at Greenabore, N- & omtitmttmmtmvbcmojisatjmat BccececowcieaceeefjQQOooeo Cabbage Plants For Sale Our plants are the finest we have em grown, Stocky, vigorous and healthy, and, should be let as soon as poaiible to insure early heading and a good price. If set deep will stand any weather subject to ibis climate. Low express rtea and full count. Kariy jersey and unariegton, wane-fi-ld's Succession, etc. Single 1,000, $1.25; 2.000 and over. $1.00 per 1.000. Special price on large ordtra. ll-28.4t W. L. KIVTT, High Point, N. C. The Love Letters of a Confederate General JMI WE begin in the November issue a scries of real love-letters written over fifty years ago by one of our national heroes to his sweetheart during the period of '61 to '65. This great general will go down to posterity as having accomplished one of the most brilliant feats of arms in the history of the world. He was as great a lover as he was a general, therefore these letters combine au thentic history and exquisite romance. They sound a human note that no other work of literature has done in a decade; it is war, it is romance, it is Ustory, it is literature. You simply can't afford to miss this wonderful series an inside story of the Civil War now published for the first time and containing all lyine iresnness 01 a contemporary nupreniiiK. 1 iicse iciit-ii, win snyww iV and hold vour interest from first to last. Fill out the coupon and send it now before you forget it. Tie V Pictorial V Review Ce. 222 Wt istb St. V Mew York Cil X findtctrpwhich $10,000 in Cash Prizes please send me P.R. for V anj Uberal Commit, ions to oar Agent: Nov., Dec. and Jan. A.k for Particular, Name THE PICTORIAL REVIEW CO. V 15 Cents a Copy One Dollar a Year Address. 222 West 39th St., New York City NATUM TB1JA YOU As Many Aa Ashebom Reads Knows Too Wall. When tho kidneys are weak. Nature tell yon about it. The urine Is nature's Index. Infrequent or too fregaent f s- saje. ' Other ctisoreds surfost kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills are for dis ordered kidneys. ' ' People in this vicinity testify to their worth. W. P. Holland, Hlfeh Point St., Randleman, N. C, ays; "The stato- ment I gave for publication three years aao.recommendttns; Doaa's Kid- aey Pillls wa correct ia every do tall. Thla remedy never fails to help me when I use it. Pot weeks I suffered from a dull ache through the small of my "back aad I felt dull and languid. The kidney se cretions were unnatural and showed tnat I needed a kidaey medicine. Doan's Kidney Pills, which I ob tained from the Randleman Drug Co., gave me relief In a short time and after taking them I enjoyed much bet'.er health. I am Justified !n recommending this remedy to other kidney sufferers, for I know U to be effective.'' ' For sale by all dealers- Price (0 cents. Foster-VUlburs Co., Buffalo New York.sole agents for. ths United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Stamp Out Consumption BY BUYING Red Cross Christmas Seals Why You Should Join The Fight BECAUSE one death in every ten in your lo cality is caused by tuberculosis. , BECAUSE every seal you buy -vrill be used to fight consumption in your communty. BECAUSE tuberculosis cannot be stamped out unless you do ycur part. Red Cross Seals are Sold Everywhere ONE CENT EACH Sold in Asheboro by Health Department of Woman's Club. .

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