bpthfftHEADACHEtrrkr IlllI . "The Handwriting On the Wall." Winston-Salem Journal. No people more than the liquor dealers themselves realize how rap Idly sentiment' against the liquor business is growing In this coun try. That national prohibition is coming booner or later, none who studies the trend oi the times can deny. The following excerpts from an editorial in thol "National Liquor Dealers' Journal' sizes up the situ ation fairly well: "The prohibition fight iienceforth will be NcHon-wide. and contem plates writing into tlie National iConstituticn a prohibition of the manufacture and sale of all! ale -holic beverages. To accomplish this result will require the ratification of thiifty-six out of the forty-eight States of the Union. Of these, nine are already in lin) throutl'i State Diohibition Maine. Kansas, North Dakota. Oklahoma. MississinDl.Geor- fa, Tennessee. North Carolina and West Virginia. The last fivd have been added within a period of sfx years. In addition to Wiese there are eigflteeai States in which a ma jor part of the people live in terri tory made dry by local option, and in which we may be assured prohi bition sentiment predominates. "The most influential argument aga'nst prohibition is that it is not effective, that 'prohibition doesn't nrohi'blt.' TCijs is net basic or mora! the fact of failure to enforce is no argument against even the expedi ency, much less against the moral issue involved. Ultimately all ques tions must be settled by moral standards; only in this way can mank'nd be saved from self-efface ment. The. liquor traffid cannct "If Your Horse Gould Talk" He would tell you to buy J. C. Spach Wagons because they are the easiest running wagons in the world. They are built for hard service and to meet the most exacting conditions. The manufacturers of J. C. Spsch Wagons masters in the art of durable wagon con&truc tion and have & clean record extending .over a period of sixty years. There is no surplus weight in a J. C. Spach Wagon best proportion ed parts and the strongest wheels ever built. Get the benefit and experience of old relia ble makers of wagons when you buy and be sure that your purchase is a J. C. Spach Wagon "The Kind You Can Depend On" J. C. SPACH WAGON WORKS Builders. Winston-Salem, N. C. ilMII!IllIf Kerosene is better fuel than gasoline if you have an engine tha can use it. The Falk Kerosene Engine 3-20 hora power burns kerosene and the cheaper distillates all day and every day, at all loads. It uses the Secor-Higgins Oil-Fuel System that made the OilPull famous. It his spiral cut gears, completely encased, positive drive with least friction end wear. Throttling type governor. Close-regulating and saves wear on belts and machinery vertical valves easily accessible for cleaning. Gear driven ignition with alternating current magneto no pitting of ignition points. The Falk is furnished mounted on. sirids, trucks and per manent bases, also in handy outfit with balers, shelters, saw mills and pumps. Rumely service is back of every Rumely machine 49 branches and 11,000 dealers supplies and repairs on short notice. RUMELY KmMMTiMlm TWwhina Mchl Cuttba Tnctora Cm MctM KofW BaHniPreHM RUMELY PRODUCTS COMPANY ' ' ' " ' (Incorporated) - . Chicago ' ' Powr-Farming Machinery ' Illinois Atlanta, r'1 'll!!!'!l!!!!""'""i!ll!ni! I'!!!""'!liri!!l -uuuiuuiuiuiiiiimtuiuuiiuuujiiiiuiiidui. lUUUiiili ""r 'rumsm save itself by declaring that govern mert Is incapable of coDine- with ttho problem it presents; when. the people Cecide that it must go, it will be abolished. "For Ub Oae liqucr business is to blame; Kt seems incapable of learning any lessen of advancement or a y motive but profit. To per pituate itn-if it has formed, alli ances with the slums that repel all conscientious ei.o patriotic citizens. It delib rately ..ids the nioft cor rupt political powers, and backs with all cf Itb resources the most unworthy men. the most corrupt and lecreaiu officials. It 'Hoes not aid the purification of municipal. State or National administration. Why? Because it has to ask im munity for its own lawlessness. "The cast' of the linuar traffic is railed for adjudication by the Amerwan people and must be ready for tr.'al. Other cases may be called later, buft the one before the court cannot be postponed Th';re are billions of propiity in volved but when the people decide that the truth is- being told about the. alcoholic liquor trade the money value wil not cctint, for conscience aroused puts Wile value of a man above all. other things." New Kind of Aoplane. A. new type of aeroplane wihich is sa'd not to infringe the Wright patents, was tried out fast week at Marblehead, on the Massachusetts coast. Although flying in a gusty nor'wester. ti'e machine was perfect ly manageable. It is claimed to be much lej Wkely to overturn than other machines. The wings curve like a birdd's. and the control is simple. Burns Cheap Oil UNES Cnmm Sewtan Read Macluaaa . Fh4 Mill Grate Elrr.tan Statioury Ebitm Staam EarinM Georgia. I II liUiiilll SlMfSfllflOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute. Chicago.) LESSON FOR APRIL 26 THE LOST SHEEP AND THE LOST COIN. LESSON TKXT-Luke 16:1-10. GOLDEN TEXT- "Even so. I gay unto you, there Is joy In the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that ra penteth." Luke 15:10. I. Introduction, vv. 1-3. We now come to that chapter in the Bible which contains three of the more celebrated parables of our Lord. In last week's lesson we had set before us the severe terms of discipleship laid down by Jesus to the multitude which followed him as he left the house of the Pharisee. The writer, Luke, makes a close connection be tween the final admonition about "ears to hear" in chapter 14 and verse 1 of this lesson. Jesus had sifted the crowd though he had left the door open to himself, for he was seeking those who were prepared to churn with him In hlo nntonflcao . building and of conflict, if they could NEW VijA H J11,0 p,aACB T0 bear bis teaching. This is responded MEXICO. to by those outcast ones the publicans CoI. j. im Writes to and the sinners. They had no Ucreary or State lyan Lntuld rlghteousness of their own. no spirit- .big a SuJebUcai fur Pacific ual hope centered in themselves and tion. they turned eagerly to one who was ' , , . unqualifiedly honest with them though The Raleigh ews and Observer at the same time he set un hAurt Bays tnt Secretary of State of !Lr?hiJ - ?P North Carolina, has written to W. searching conditions. What a con- j. Bryan, scrtary of the United Irast! The grumbling theologians, states St te Department .offering criticizing and bickering, grieved that a solution of the now perplexing be should demean himself by such Mexican problem, urging that some associates. In reply, Jesus shows such action be worked out to bring them the truth of the fundamental a Peaceful settlement. Col. J. Bryan purpose of God's attitude toward these Gr,me8' plan is as follows; who eagerly sought to "hear," by giv- ing them these parables. In Ihe first two, the sheep and the coin, we see divine love seeking the sinner; In tiie vt th .j,i ' . third the prodigal, we see the sinner r.uK me mtuer. nnst s wea ot Great Britain. France. Germany, It goodness consists in saving the bad. aly and perhaps Brazil. Chile and The Pharisee holds aloof. Christ goes Argentina under a clearly expressed out from among the Pharisees and pact, treaty or agreement, jointly to among the outcasts. occupy Mexico for iAs pacification, True and False Shepherds. forming a kind of joint military pro II. Th Lot Shear,. . 4.7Ti.a tectorate there and binding them- shepherd is God the son (John 10:11. 12; Luke 19:10). He is the "True cww.. t,k" :IZZ F ' ones. This adds point to the parable; see the Old Testament rebukes for the T' 34:7 10: Zech-11:16"17: Jer- 50-.6. The lost sheep belongs to the fold, but was out of place. These outcast ones were still Israelites and the backsliding Christian still belongs to the fold. A sinner is a lost sheen, He is away from the care, the protec- tion, the guidance of the shepherd and '"U1) V.T Is torn, bleeding, and "ready to die." Ert!.- SP One such lost one will call forth the , Fe dcrIne' shepherd's utmost endeavor to save it, ""Brfwthit Si far beyond the care lavished upon JJS Sfft' temp'orarily11 imperil the nlnety-and-nlne already safe In the j,is popularity, but it would eventu fold. This means labor, toil, and pri- ally be accepted as a wise and pa vatlon, and he keeps up the search triotic course and win the approval "until he finds it." This does not ot the peace-lovers of tlie world. mean that all will be saved, see John ; 17:2, 12 R. V., but every "sheep" that OWtuary. Is astray he will find. Once found it' .E Ro,a,ne Smith Kennedy was rests upon his shoulders. Is kept by born in 1843 and died in High his power, I Pet 1:5. Over it he and Point April 4, 1914. aged 71 years, the father rejoice, vv. 23, 24, 32. She'was manied to A. W.. Kennedy There is here the evidenct of the In- terest in the flock which is incom- plete and the interest of the owner as well. The safety of the lost one depended upon the shepherd's Interest u i. ii i e. Work of Holy Spirit. III. The Lost Coin, vv. 8-1tX These three parables are a unit in the fact that they reveal the attitude of God toward men who are in their deepest need. Each is the story of something beintr lost and th far that it ia found. The first is a revelation of the son. the last of the father, while this tives and wouM By, God doeth a central one sets forth the work of flings well, and in thif hour of the holy spirit through the church, sorrow lo.ik to him who can sus Rev. 22:17; Eph. 5:25. One of ten tain you. coins in this woman's marriage neck- This from ore who knew her lace is lost, hence the incompleteness, from childood. The spirit will not rest until it is found, nor should the church. The woman takes her lamp the word of God. Ps. 119:105; Phil. 2:15, 16 and sweeps the house. It has been sug gested that sweeping usually stirs up a dust and that some are likely to object. So the world will object when the church of the living God begins to stir up a dust and they are annoyed at any eager search for the lost one3, Acts 17:6. The woman is a sugges tion to us in that she sought "dill- rontlT- irnfll ). In. .nln . fornix c j , Then she. too, calls in her neighbors take the place of calomel and a factory now exists wth a norma that they may rejoice with her. Does harmless liver stimulant having nocaracity of one finished wagon ev the church keep up a like search? bad after-effects. Indeed chis firm' ry ,xty mjnutesi. These wagons And do we know anything about the, will refund purchase prici (50c.)jare fcUnt trom North Carolina s "Joy" of the holy spirit? Gal. 5:22,i without question if iou are in any (strongest white oak and hickory. I Thess. 1:6. Over the wellbelng of'wy dissatisfied wlhhl this vegetable jsinrpl design, strong, durable, best the home the woman watches and,liqu,d' proportioned parts, lightest draft again the search Is In the interest of lt s ve,y M,e to take calo-una liglitest weight.. Every part the owner, and In the interest of the!m.el- eVA?rctT ""y.eH.of V'T ?gn,J, T Tm St"rt household. iv. summary. Tae cmer value oi these two pictures is In their revela- tion of the work and Interest of the son of the spirit The crowding mul titude of publicans and sinners, held in contempt by the Pharisees, Jesus viewed as lost ones. Appalling as this suggestion is, yet the sheep be longed to the shepherd and the coin was the property of the woman. This suggests the dignity and value of men and the. tragedy of their condition. Ktiowing all this and understanding t'.ie full significance ot that tragedy, the son as the shepherd has under taken to seek and to save the lost, Your Wife's Work is just as trying and important as your own and perhaps more tedious but is her strength as great? Women who are nervous and fretful and easily fatigued prompt ly gain strength and natural en ergy by taking Scott's Emulsion aftermeals because it is essentially nourishment not a drug that stupefies or alcohol that stimulates there is pure, rich medical nourishment in every drop which nature appropriates to enrich the blood and upbuild the latent forces of the body. Probably nothing is more popular with physicians for just suth con ditions than Scott's Emulsion. Avoid substitutes called "wines", "extracts" or "active principles" they are not cod liver oil. Insist on th genuine Scott's AT ANY DRUG STORE 13-34 HmAJ.UMm MW?T3H II.I.MNIJH.a... TVould it noft te a forward) st p WU MT. M fi mw ,n thei interest of humanity and anlm ate Senator Johnson of Ala- "HU,l"e " iunnerance or worm- " " '""( 1 1 , United States to Invite some of the mortt iinterest(d nations, say Spain. ?elves to withdraw after establish- ,Dg a 6ttaW,e ??veJrnme.?t7" the, fB?V ernment of Mexico lindemnifying these governments as China did in the occupation of Pckin by-the allie armies Tliis can be accomplished by tiiefe nations jointly. It cannct be accomplished by any one govern ment. Such a course under explicit articles of agreement could not be embarrassing, and such an occupa- tlon or Invasion and passlfication by wlio preceded her to the spirit world several years ago. She professed faith in Chrit in early life and mplary life to the day ot ,hfp. d5ath; Sll9,WM ,f cJferful and fcinl nature, always looking for ithe sunny slde of ltf. Wuh kind words for every cne. And her kind and friendly disposition made for her many friends who will miss her Dut we D0W ,n humble submission to hoping that we may meet her again luo " uur evtrunj riiuw in vur Father'? Kingdom. Our sym- nethir tmocr nut n IhA harca ril. CALOMEL A GREAT DANGER TO MANY jjMa Erect on Som Dodson's Lover Tone TVtke-s Its llace and is Perfectly Harmless. If you will inquire at the Stan iriJl find that dard Drug Store you rindAnn'c 1 hor Tnna l criinrpntctpri . r ." ' ,."L, Z in oe a saie. reu&Dia r nutuv io wards, even though they may ap.pear flrffc. t0 he t tonorariivi relieved. On th. other kand Dodsoa's Liver Tone works easily and naturally (really assisting nature) with no pain nor gripe and correcting all bilious conditions and ills of consti pation, clearing away the sick head ache and tlhe coated tongue, bright ening up the dull brain and strengthening the weakened tody at the same time that k removes colletfced waste from the) overbur dened system. Those who have tried D'-deon's Liver Tone have found that it made th'im healflhier1 and happier. A test may prove of great benefit 'to you rigil.t new. SECKKTAUY DAXJELS bpoaks Out ) the Popularity of tin? IK'uiwrntic Adriunsiu-iUii. Secretary Josephus Daniels, who was enter at the Central Demo cratic Club on Jeffferson Day at HariiscrtuiE, a.. in speaking of tn pcpuianty of the Democrat. c adminietiatii r.. raid tl-at t'he meas ures enacted by the Wilson admin istration lilad benefited the country and thnt rural credit and trust regu latlcn laws were bound to come. He added that the pres i t struggle is L&ainst special privilege and that the enacinicEt of the law fcr di- r tt electUn of Units d States Sen ators was a victory for Democracy which squared with! Mr. Jetfi rson's teachings. The income tax and the currency law are pointed to as Democratic victories and the new tariff law. he asserted, was not causing disaster. "The universal testimony to the new legislation enact' d by this ad-l minisitraticn." said Air. Danjels. "is that it already has proved a bless ing, and tlie fears of those who opposi d it were found to be utter ly groundless. The Democratic par ty policy doiring the present session of Congress will add to the con structive acts accomplished a rural ciedit banking system that will ni' the needs of cur agricu'tural devel opment and anti-trust injures to throttle monopoly and opt? the fr e avenues of trade. "What has been the secret of the wiilespnad popularity of th Dem ocratic program? It is easy to find, the secret is that the leaders in Congress, and the Prtsident of the United States have been imbued with" and dominated by the spirit of Jefferson. Their inspiration has come from the aims and aspirations of Xl ir people ;nd their 'ambition has been to be the true repres?nta- .tlves of the will of the people." Thlrty-Tlu-ee 1'IUUd fltates Seti attrs tk be Elected Thte Yeayr. Thirty-thrre United States Senat ors will be elected this year by diJ rect vcHe of thf people, in the first general test of the J 7th amendment to the Constitution. Terms of 31 Senators expire on March 3 next, and in addition to thpsa Riipr&r-ie: must hp nhcen tn bama and rht late Senator Bacon of Georgia In each State two Sen ators will be elected. In Georgia be sin.es a successor to Senator Bacon there will be a contest over the seat o Senator Hoke Sm.li. who is a candidate to retain his se;t.. In Alabama, besides the election cf a successor to Senator Johnson for the regular term beginning March 4 next, there will bt a Senator chos en to fill liis unexpired term, who 'will sit until Marcd 3, 1915. only. In Louisiana. although Senator Thorntcn's term expires, there will be no election because Representa tive Broussard already has been elected to She Louilsiana seat. Of. the sitting members of the Senate w:hose termB expire, 17 are Republicans ai:d 14 Democrats. In the Alabama and Georgia elections, Democrats are crtain to' be chosen. Senators whose terms expire ar ; Democrats IGecrge E. Chamber Iain. Oregon; James P. Clarke. Ar- Kansas; Duncan U. Fletcher- Flor ida; Thomas P. Gore, Oklahoma; Francis G. Newlands, Nevada Lee S. Overman. North Carolina; Ben jamin F. Shively. Indiana; Ellison D. Smith. South Carolina; Hoke Smith. Georgia; Jcbn Walter Smith, Mary-land; Marcus A. Smith. Ari zona: William j. stone Missouri; Charles S. Thomas. Colorado; Jjthn R. Thornton, Louisiana. R ipublicans William O. Bradl?y,! Kentucky; James H. Brady. Idaho; Frank B. Brandeeee. Connecticut. Joseph L. Brittow, Kansas; Theo- dore E. Burton, Ohio: Coe I. Craw- ford- South Dakota; Albert B. Cum' mir.6. Iowa; William P. Delling ham. Vermont; Jacob H. Ballinger. North Dakota: Wesley L. Jones Washington; Bcis Penrose. Pennsyl vania; George C. Perkins, Califor nia; Elihu Rcot, New York; Law recce Y. Shf.rrr.ac. Illinois; Repd Smoot. Utah; Isaac Stephenson. Wis consin. MosJt of tha Republicans wlioce terms expire are candidat s to suc ceed themselves. Of the Democrats whose' terms expire, all except Sen- otcr TJicrcton are candidates to succeed themselves. TJirte Gciifif tioi:s Hae Had Part! tn tlie lluiilii'n of taie I'unioirs Spach Wage. In thM year 1854 tle first Ppach wagon was built by hand at Waujsh town, Winston-Salem. N. C.. and pftt into service. Continuously since the above dat; these wagons have been produced in increasing, quantities every year. Two g meiatiori; the Spach family spent ie btH ;pait of tliedr livens -in making the Spach waifetn famous and the third generation of tlM famiiJy Is now assisting towards maintaining the excelle-rt name and reputation thi-t this wajon pr.ssete-s. From a ,-mall 1. i - . i -1 - a . V luiliru uui wagon J. C. Spach wagons are sold by dealers throuigh the South and wher ever fold are fully guaranteed both by V.ie seller and the makers. This company has just recently phanagt' at High Point one of these,8 andkruJ?3?rallf1' oo kik ,. .tof.,iiv ! leaves;. hem to dwell cepted. An old Indian woman was killed an "JW M neither industry by a Coast Line train at Pembrokcr chaiity nor Aime Itself can re last Thursday evening while trying palr' to save the life of her dog. The dog L, . . . . j. ran , n the (track alirad of the train Oonm.encf jntfot Apml 2tli and- in attempting to save it she Farmer commencement will be ass killed. She was a vrry old held on April 29th. A large crowd woman and was said to have been is expected. Services' will beheld mentally unbalanced. Ion Sunday. CLINTON HENSLEY TRIED IT ltKAlt'S KMU.SJO. TOXIC. A G I IK AT FaiKily Isfd It fclr Two Years Ibne 'uliir, clIi, Sore Lungs and liromlii'ii. Clinton H. Henslcy, a writes as follows to Dr. farmer. John D. Bear of Elkton: Dear Sir: I Uiave used vour Emulsion in my family for two years and believe l't is the b.it tonic I ever used. It is a fine tldre for coughs ,colus, tote Jungs, bronchi tis or any throat affection. It also builcs up the system and I'mnrnvM tne appedtn Yours truly. Clinton Henslev. For sale by Standard Drug Coin- pony. I'IMMiKKSS IX HEALTH. Meeting S leaks Out r More HeiUth Work. Noith Carolinians do net mean tc be tail-enders always.. At leat-t we are not going to bit at the foot of the tatle mucHi longer with a disgracefully 1 dg-h d jath rate from preventable dismasts. The Demo cratic mass meeting in Raleigh re cently shewed what people think of public heaJth work. Here is what .t'i.ey taid. It is well worth read ing (twice. "We rejoice, in tlie great progress our Slate is m' king- in the; causo of education of all children in meth ods and forces op rating in the in terest of public health, in public morals and public industry We urge that, every en.'rgy of the State be bent in b.ehalf cf a six months school term, and that the Constitu ticnal Amendment for V.ils Durnoso be adopted. i ; , ' "We urge that We efforts of the men and institutions engaged in tne splendid work of conserving the health cf our people, in eradicating disease and prtcenting" infections. be seconded with enthusiastic and unstinted suppoit both by the State and the local governments." When such a body of men unani mously endorse suci' a proposition, it means that tMngs are going to move, and when health work once ge'hs really unde way in this State increased prosperity is insured. A reputation for healthfulneis Is the best adviiitisniert any town, coun ty or State can have, and Noiith Carolina means to have it. 'Muntgomrry t(.ity Takes a Step Forward Id Itoud Bui&lijng. Monday was a, r td-k.tter day for Montcmery county roads and there was much interest shown in the movement that is destine di to mean a county of good roads without a ibond issue. Practically every sec tion of the county was represented anid the board " of commission rs dealt with all alike. The total cf the donations offer ed on the roads from private sources was $4,214.50. To supplement this fhe board of conwiiissk ceis had a fund of $2,500 and fthe nearest even figure that coulrj be used was 0 cents from the county to the dollar from private sources. Upon this basis tlie county.donated $2, 528.70 4o supplement the private do Nations, making a total cf $6- 743.20. The rules governing thf paying1 out of this fund was drawn up and are igicf. Before any of the money can be paild out the committeeman in charge of tf.e work must make an itemized repoit and it must be vwcm to- and it will have to shoT who paid or worked, when t J where. Hhe amount paid in and ui' out and character of wtrk Ac e a tin i road. Mcntgomerian. Tluj Slan!.:ri. Against slander ther. is uo de fense. .. It staits with a r&- ith a nod with a di- g- -w u a look -"-witfli a smile. K Is pestilenea walking in dari' ss- mf eadeng con tagion far an wide f ,iclf the moi-t weary trav'.er canr .t avoid;-ft is the heart--tatcliirtfr dagger pf, the dark ass'isin; it i Oae poison d arrow v.rsc wor' d-ie incurable; it is incrta' eti.ng cf"Tho dead- ly ? der: wurrder .-its employment, inrc-cencM .a pxy and ruin its s; oitK Tl:e man who breaks in to my dwr,llrg or meets nie cn the putne ioaa ana robs me of my propritj oxfE' m'j an injury. He cx e cn tlie way to wealth. urups me or my nara eerninps- in- volves me in difficulty and brings my famKJy to penury and want. But he dees mr, an injury fihat can be repaired. Industry amd economy may again bring me into ease and 1 iaffluence. The men who coming at the niidnigr. t hour fir H my dwell ing does me an Injury. He' burns my roof, my pillow, my raiment, and er' e?L v T il '.Jury that can be repaired. The storm may indeed, best upon me. and chillirg blasts assail mr. but chaiity will receive me ir.to her dwelling, will give me food to eat and raiment to put on; will timely assist mi raising a new roof over the ashes of the old. and I shall again sit by the fireside and taste the sweet friendship of homme. But thte man who circulat s reports con cerning my character; who exposes fveiy act of my life which may be reprrserfted to my disadvantages; who goes tint to this and then to that individual- tells them he is very tendT cf my reputation, enjoins upon them the strictest secr'cy nd then fills their ears with hear- what is worse uoon tfhe hints ard smegesMers cf his own busy imagination; the man thus does tne

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