i V t'oiiiiueiK vnii lit a: lLamseu:. Tlic ccDim nrf l'Hi.f exercises of Ramseur gimkd school took place ' on Friday and Saturday. April 17th and IMli. in the presence of one of the largest audiences ever assem bled in Ramseur. The exercises began with the annual sermon by Dr. Clyde Turner cf Ureens Loio. Dr. Turner is a very pleas ing and forceful speaker, nnd from 1 vol. 3; tl. he oelivt-tcd a most eloquent and powerful sermon. On Satuuley inc. nil L. L. Hoblis LL. D. cf Cuiltcid College dtlivered the annual ui.diess. ( ,Eeiybod.v knows that r. llobbs is one of the State's most giitid and inter esting si takers. On this happy hi i ; mi li he was at his best, tor tAtr an hour he held his vast au dit i.ce :-i'ill-L(ui;d with his able lii;d match It ss eloquence. 'Puis was the TTist time Dr. iiobbs had i.pok f i; in ICaiiist-ur lor a number of years. His Junius will lu.t forgit Lis powerful and convincing address in behalf if educatiit i; and science. The dtcUmi;.t:( i s and recital. tins 1 the i,ui,g men and young iadi.'.s veie all welil rendered. The dt Ciaimu's n.it'i.l wis wen by J . i ui s A itdtitll i:i.d the leeltcr's l.y .Miss Kdiih Ader. Alter i!ii:i'er tiio i;r;uiu;.tii)g ela----Collsi-tjl f; i !' tle yci'is n;t ii ih -lAcnd tl:iir rialiitiis. .Mr. Til :iiiiis 'iailvs winr.ir.g tho nn-ds.1 ior the lt:t ii; till:. Tie in provt men , ;U tt ;.u;:i ct and .-chi laiship nu dal wks v.ti! Ip.m Willie lo and Misti tarry York. Kiphteen studtuts itCtiM'U e. i u:W ti s Li i.f.u i'j.i te- not hav i.g i t n tardy Lf nbscnt from school a finale cay. H! ti.e tune ni r;:ll b t w e l ifai.i Miir ard l.ile:ty tin- .-core slid 4 to 2 in i!:or of th liuiiiseur tmm. At nig'l.t the beautilul play 'The 'inning of LaKaiie." was piesei.t.d u!""a deensely packed house. Th( play was charm. i:g'y rendered and greatly enjoyed. Hie attt l.c.anre at the game of ball ard at the play were tne laivi- tst Hfr known in the hist, ry 0 (jt- .the town. '!.. txercises weie of the highlit oidir and reflecteil Jwh cieiiit uj en Prof. W. 1'. Whit iiuf l:i.-i ii. s tlfiHs. Airs. W. 1. .White. .Missis Aial.el Farnur. Sue Silt r anil Alls. ):. M. Siler. Annus fie many visiti's fri m a ilii-tiJte wtre Messrs. D. A. t'or i;.'!;SOll if !-agK'Ve, J. iii.lll Smith, .1. A. .Martin.. J. (i. Coward- and Dr. L. Foust of l.il;eity. Dr. F. K. An bury. W. C.Daiiin.t u-d and Ceo. T. Alnrdiick of Ashelmo, 1 Sam Uack and Uev. Wi lier it Creensbtrc. Aiaiiin lledrick it Wilmii j-t u. Hugh I'aiks. H. C. Jones, T. C Jennimgs and Dr. T. I. Fox of Franklinville. Jfttt eiCelJtnt music for tf.ie oc- casitr. was furnished by the Kani-.'from feur Cornet Band. - S'l Items. ( The heavy rsin that fell Sfunday nignf put the faimers back in their work. Miss Ossie Kearns has returned liome from her school that she taught In Davidton county. fJlisa Priscilla HiU' Is in Denton this week, shopping. J. Y. Sheets made a business trip Jn the mountains last week. uMiist) Fannie Hix visited Miss Mittie Russell Sunday. li. a. fierce nas- movea nis saw mill from E. X. Brown's to Mr. Henry Snyder's beJow- New Hope where J.e has a lot of tdmber to saw. ! Lissitti-Luiit-. I ' On Sunday evening. April ll'th. a 2 i; click p. m. a iautiful wed- ciiix i ecu rn d it the home of Mr James W. Luther at Eleazfr when hii enly daugl ttr became the bride j locked at 11m and t kl him of Mr. Rufus H . Laasiter of New lh.t jt V,s gCG( g. for him ( Hope Academy. The ceremony was j t , uot have BettJ. (lliy guIl) Verfoimtd by Uev. C. C. illianiP, ' ... ho entered the parlor in front of ' e" , , . , , , , C0 iibl phi ty. these being Mr. I The train bU, ted for Ieter&Lurg Jatties SUlTord Ud Mis Lydia Las- Ht last- , ea we arrived, there w, ;tek- Mr. Fred Stafford and Miss ' b ,au Iar6e rwi as the Ila AiH. Mr. Crady Thornburg and,''! knw thnt vc were coming. MLss Ciouri Rich, Mr. John Saunders 'and Mi.s Bertie May Candler, Mr. May Cnandier, Mr, irf Mite. Ruds .,n rinrnto i ..II Jin ana Mine, Hessie sea-.1' tii It. Then came tne Dniie ana groom. . . ' : ; : , -. A, number 0f fiiends and relatives weie present. The bride was oea.i tifully attired In. shadow lace auu( mesaline. After receiving liianyi and i cunsratulatioiis the bridal party, fi.icve to the home - of the groom xvhere a sumptuous supper was waiting for them. ' , Mrs. Lassitir )b a vi" popular ,..., t- i Ic..i..r 1j n iric.ni.-nni vonncr' man" and a jirespercus farmer and son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lassiter. Mr. and Mrs. Lassiter will make their home at New Hope Academy, "Wb wish Ihim a long and happy life. IMPORTANT TO AM, WOMEN READERS OF THI3 I'APEll Thousands upon thousands of wo- mon i,nvo ktdnev nr bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer a great deal with pain in the back, bearing-down feel- lng. headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; It makes any one so. But hundreds of women Claim that Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, by to our hospital immediately." I be restorinr health to the kidneyg. nev he thought I was not long foi proved to be Just the remedy needed this wcrld. to overcome such conditions. ' Aunty reached the hospital with A good kidney medicine, possess- jme. and when she left she said lng real healing and curative value. I "Boss soldier, don't forget me. I should be a bleflslncto thousands IhIv tfci ro -after some one else." of nervous, over-worked women. Manv send for a sample bottle .to see what Swamp-Root, the great Kidney. Liver and Bladder .Remedy will do for them. Every reader of this paper, who has not already trie it, by enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton. N. Y., ma? receive samnla size bottle by. Parcels Post. You can purchase the rt-xular fifty-cento and .one-dollar s 9 bottle at all drug store. . TURNER'S ROMANCE j . NO. 9 (Continued from last week.) ' While we were in this camp our baggage, which had been sent from tvaiis'poit in Alarch, was brought to camp and our regimert dressed up Cor the last time duiing the war. On the L'.lt.h day if June we drew five days.' ratiii.s and matched fcr the C'hicahominy livtr. V went about eight nalts in the night and took up. Next day at M o'clock we crossed utitleadow8' Bridge wliere the C. ti d O. K. 11. crossed the river. When v got to th river we were hailed. Every man had ti have a tied cr.p en his pun for we were marched down the stream. We saw the Yankets retreating, so we formed in Une. We reache the little Ullage called Alechanics- ille. Tbey opened lire on us with their shells. We we'e vierd to uie down as flat as we could as it .a g.itt.ii g lu.t Mir us. We lay dow n 's ilat ;;s a It aid but it didn't help is any. We git up and went to 'lightir.g atnin. H got too ba.l fr i. s.i we lay c-.iwn the s cJ:d time. Ihiir trc..is f-cll back beyond a siieiini ealitd Diaveum Creek, and :a t Ivhind 'their hi e; st works. We welt nitir them again. And the Ihiid time we had tu iay tlown. We lesl many . f our hoys in tile, iigli't. We were ciileied now to go for tht'ii). V e git within eight iixt ef tin m and w e icuml out that t . t ti e Fourth Michigan I.( ginn. ,'t. We fi'.r-ti upon them and liny hit Iy rituriitd the shots. 1 rectivtd four of the shits. I re ceiMd a wound in the right arm through the elbow 1 came very t.ear bleeding to death. I was carr'ed off the battlefield. I can't say what toek place be tween the two armies until the last of August, lien I returned to the regimert. .ov 1 will tell my read- eis "wheie l was .ami now i was treated as a wounded soldier. A a so-n as I was w", miided I was carr'ed to the place wiier w cioss. til the river. We were thrown on lint cars, about two hundred of us, just Jike loading wood.. We were carrietl U. lUchiil1 nd. Whin we pnived in the city we were carried i'.- curfs to a large livery stable which had l.en chaned ior us. We vi re plittd rn p'anks to sleep. We were Rd mi rough fi nd tor two 1' .Turner, days, then w e were cani d to Wm Clyde '1 ur-' der Hospital where w e sayed tv,i weeks. The crst of the wound ed weie given a hospital gown, while cur clothing was sent to the 'wash-bouse. Orders cnie that the wounded were to be transferred iUchmond elsewhere. Some 'went to -Gorden's Alllll, Winchester. 'i with about two hundred others 'were sent to Petersburg. When the Vinie came for us to depart, our clcihes were at thewash-h'. utet so I we had to go with onlf our gowns on. No slices n"cr hat. ye gtaited to thwlepot. On our 'way we ni6t a nC looking lady sell lng pUfi- t asked her what she would sell nie two pies for. She Kajd mtj. cf,nts eath 1 told ller j J)ad ro nioney amj asked her i;i ,ve le two as j was hungry. , , ktd at ...e aJld wllen 6lle taw I was wounded she gave them to me. 1 thanked her and went on my way to the depot. We were placed in box cars and w Ye inspected by a doctor to find onit who was able itand the tilp. When he got to me he asked me why I was eatirg. I told him because I was hungry, lie said. '"You will die after this." I ."old him tint I expeted to die. He kioko.l mv lmnrl onH nut wnl 1 111 V 1 aB Ttm llle crowa BI,U l down to rest. A nesra w- man i came i t'l) and look "v "",.... , in my face. She stepped back and' isaid, "Boss, aie yyii a woman or c 'man?" I answeied that I was neilh ei. as I was a wounded soldiev. ooss. wnere are you iroiii: I am irom .n.iii. i;aivniia,' 1 'Dat Ihy gocd old state, too. Bet felliMer. I wants to kis you.' SO 1 reached out with my face and she kissed me all over my face with one ttroke. She wanted to know where I wanted to go. I told her to tl neantt North Carolirai hos- pltal. "Bess. I will go with you.' ! she helped me up and put her arms around nie and supp nted me down the street. When we got mrd we sat down and rested. We I met ladies and gertlenen. but they I all looked downcast and paid no ' attention to us. At last I felt that my strength was goie. I told i"Auty" thet I would have to give up. We sat down on the pavement and she told me to lay my head in her lap.. Some time passed, Peo- pie passing eacn way cui an io- eu arhamed to stop. Two fine-looking men stepped up ard looked at us. They said; "I see you are oanded soldier, Where are you from?'' I fcld him Ifrom North Carolina. ??That is my Btate." I turned around and saw that It was Governor Vance, "Govertior Vance, I voted for you." A-t that the GovernvT said; 'Thank you. I see that you are I very weak. I will see you later. Aunt v. see that this soldier is taken nd I haven't forgotten her and never will. (To be continued..) . felgh BihVbl Play. Willow Dale, a comedy in three acts, will be given by the pupils of the Farmer Highschool on th nlgr. of April 29th. Admisslcn 25 and 15 cents. Pc rents and school chll- dren vadmittea free of charge. HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN Two weeks of the hookworm dispensary work in this county have passed and only three more weeks remain in which the peo ple of Randolph county can take advantage of this opportunity. Either procrastination, indilf- citiiLi. ei p.iaps ifc.i nave caused poor at- tendance at some of the dis - pensary points, while at others interest is at a high point and' many are being examined as can attemlance stiils hohls up to the usu- be seen by table farther 011 inial number for this season. this article. It is strange that! Tlle nenlon Cornet Band has em - anyone would let anything in - torefeve with tlr's rnrnvPnitv Ltll-ltlt. Willi lllt CULUI tUIlll.y vixen 11 means sUCil a oer.ent to j Students ot the larmer High times smcke ctnidrg lrom the chini those infected and to the Whole I School will render the pay, "Willow-I tJ- 0f the old house, which was community. 'dale" in the auditorium of the Denton 'mppcttd to be uneccupied. .Nixon is t- u., " ,i 4.u. ;.. k. lii.t'h School on the niirht of April i'.O, (6ajd :o have infoimeu 'iris inili- u lrt 'LU uua 1" 1 :e tt-Ks, to I come interest at ail tne points V. lit increase and large numbers will be examined and treated and hi cVi-w tlmf -t'hw L-nnM- i , i f if? 11 value gout, lieaiul. Some people who are appar - cnty in good health are lightiy I'liccteci anil tnus'do not snow the typical symptoms as previ- ousiy oiutinca. uut tnese are the very ones who are spreading ' the condition to others and thus are a menace to the health ot the community. It is important therefore that all be examined and if infected treated. Children of school ae:e are more common- Kr infWterl lint triic ic rt nhvava I the case as a man of 94 years has been found infected, as has a baby of three months. The disease is no respecter of per son, for rich as well as poor may be infected. Of course it is more common among poorer class due to poor sanitation. anyone nose SKin comes in i dies has given the brotlHrhoodi i Cnntact With infected soil orj'le class of tt. 'Paul an iim'laticn who eats green vegetables on which young worms has been do- ! posited from the soil will be in fected. The infection thro the skin te more common, however, and the first symptom of this infection is ground itch or toe itch which is due to worm boring thro the the skin and thus starts a slight irritation at the point of en trance. The minute worm is then carried by the blood stream to the heart and lungs, is then coughed up into the throat and swallowed again, going thro the stomach into the upper intestine where it begins to suck the blood of the individual and thus saps his strength and energy. , The female worm deposits innumer able eggs in the bowels which pass into the soil and in 12 to 48 hours hatch into the minute lar va or embryo before mentioned. This embryo is of microscopic size and can only be recognized by examination of infected soil by the microscope. The adult worm is one-half to two-thirds of an inch long and size, of No. 20 thread, white in color, unless it has blood inside it then it is of ;i brown or black coloi. The examination is made of the bowel passage for the egg of the -parasite and if this is found it ia sr'ipntifii' nnrl nrf.iirate evi- . .. . tj. individual -has hookworm disease. The eggs of other intestinal parasites are found and proper treatment in stituted. - So far in this county 599 peo ple have been examined for hookworm disease and 107 found infected. Per cent of 17.8 ot this number 278 were school children between the ages of 6 and 18 years and 90 of these were found infected, making therefore a per cent of infection of 32.3 among the school chil dren examined. , Below is a a tabular result of the work of the past week: Town No. No. Pet Exam. Infect. Liberty .... 15 1 62-3 Randleman . . 7 0 Seagrove ...121 38 31.4 Ramseur ...105 14 13.33 Asheboro ..81 13 16.49 Total 329 66 This would jrive a per cent of infection for the week of 20.06 where so few hav6 been exam ined at certain points, the per cent of infection can not be tak en as a guide to infection in that community. In Asheboro, the examination were mainly from rural districts. It is hoped that every family in Asheboro will be examined from father and mother down to the youngest. A New Papie fx Randlekuata. A new publication. The Randolph Sentnel made Ha appearance last week. The purer Is published, a' Aandlamtn with Mr. R. E. Slate of Stoneville as editor. Mr. Slate in an experienced, newspaper man and he has our good wishes DEN TON HIGH SCHOOL The commencement of Denton Hirh school will be held May 17-19. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. C. A. Cecil of High Point. The literary address was to have been delivered by Judge J. C. Pritchard, but he will be unable to get nere anj jboro H F Dm, HandoHplii county, the place has not yet been filled. The Jl;j.t vttk cf David Nixon, a tnite name of the speaker will be announc-'(,1)an( and tBe dettructibn of an il eil later. The literary societies will .icit aistiHeiy of large capacity tsts ami w,n render a play on the niht of the lllth. There will be an I entertainment by the primary and ; intermediate grades also. . 7 X . VTr' lS "V J iZ'" ,,ew I"" a w1"u" !ployt'J an lllstnR't01' .and ,e l're - ! 1 " lu lu ,tm . 1 K ;' IIIU51C 1U1 " ' ,.nmmii!ii'i.niint . pxpi'i-isp.s. at 8 , m Thi.s pu.y is reported to ; l-.e a good one and will he entertain- ing- to the linish. An admission fee jy washing was done. .Neir,. bo rs '""urged i.nd the proceeds will 'grew susipacious, however,, w'hm .ip- 1)0 'ivtlotl equally between the two i,tiararcts ir.'dicated that eveiy day schools. The Farmer students may u,s wah ui.y w th the Nixi.ns. (,e tlenended upon to act their parts 1 a rumor also became current tlu! ,' well and everybody is invited to come' u two-luite wagn was to be seen , o; ml hear them. Reporter Alh. Uin Liter try Society, I;.UMn,iail .Nrw Air. Dabwin Kl'more ha into rhe Lawrence Iicust' t inov Hil Point street. Mr.. 11. D. Lamhe was appi.inted camp organ1.er itr the Woodimn of tiie World at C. reensl or(J la-:t Fiiday.. lie will ,-tait for tiibson lie Mcntiay to organize a camp there Blessrs Walter I'revcst of Worth- ville. vice-president of the Sunday school conventicn. and W. A. Lambe o" tin'; city attentied St. 'Paul Sun-' cVay sc'hel Sunday. All of them made very encouraging tall;s. I Prof. Fentress cf Pleas-uit Gar den was with the St. laul Sunday I school Sunday. lie was at his best ' land gave a .nice jl.oit talk to the' I Sunday school and congregation. i I 11 II.. n il. . ' 1 l lt 11!ea '--u 'iUi.!'t fie pui J" "Sff1 and 1 1; e 'lie Phihithea tlass of St. Paul gave an ffte-crenui supper last Si'tur kiay i.iglt j:,t the old drug sto:e. This, was fir the benelit of tie Philathea class. Proceeds was over J15.00. Mr. Ed York of Central Falls wa in the city Sunday, the guest of X. C. Trogdon. Air. E. C. Burgess says he is ired of cooking and from the ap pearance of everjthing it is only a question of time when he will cease to cook. ! The Sunday school township con vention of Randletnan townsflrip will convene on the fifth Sunday, in Way. 1 ' ' 'i ' Mes-srs. John A. Woollen. Clif foil Pugh"and others attended the commencement at Ramseur Satuida Walter Davis and family and W. Laughlin moved ,t.o Rcokingham cotton .mills where the have posi tions. Mr. W. B. Owen of Liberty was in town Saturday and Sunday, the guest of his Fen. Mr. Joe Owen. 1 ixiin Hvpb mitsMa r.f ini'ii Mis. Lass'ter of Wilnston-Salem is the guest of her sister. Mrs. T. F. Ashburn. - Wuiins the Cause of Your Cliild'is Pains. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark, nlrnlo ..n,l Ih. vS at lmoBl feverish, with greU thirst, cheeks Trace Dove ttH'Sdetf baseball game flushei amd then pa'e, abdomen swo.al Greoibori. Mtnday. len with sharp cramping palng are " ' " " all indleetions of worm". Do.n't let. Old Court House Being lorn Down, your child suffer Kicka poo Worm The Id court house is being torn Killer will give sure relief-i li kills I down under contract with Mr. E. the worms while its laxntive effect Lee Wood of Ranuteman. Mr. Wocd adds greatly to the health of your (is working nine of the prisoners child by removing the dangerous an who were sentenced from last couit. disagreeable effect of worms fnd .Work is progressing nicely. Near parasites from the system. Klckapoo the top tit ti e house a pickle bit Worm Killer ae a health producer tie was found which contained two should be in every household. Per booklets and a short history cf the fectly safe. Buy a box today.. Price town and county written by Thomas 2c. All druggists or by man. iMcOehee Moire. One of the bcok !iickpio IiKliinn Jled. Co., Philoi. ifts is the constiti.tion of the Ran or St. Iouls. .del I County Agricultural Society, i written in 1874. The other is an Woii'aii Claims Ho lv Vai:lcrl Ill's Sister. Emily M. Pinkerton of Seattle, Wash., declare, in a letter to Sur- rogate Cohanlan hjat fhe is a sister of Geo. W. vand ibiit. whri will vas recently prooaiefl. sue says s-l.ie should receive a share of his estate. "I am not a swindler." the says. "My brother was iGeorge W,. Van derbilt arid I reed of his death re Cintly. 1 was juft 13 years old when I raw my brother for the last time.'' She then relates her family hiMcry at lengtli. Surrcgete Co- aian has r fcl'td t Mrs. pinner- ton telling her to direct her appi:- tlcn to Mr. vat demit s widow. Mrs. Eddth S. VanO.irbilt. Sulrt-iptkhB Paidt Mrs. C. B. Burns. Ramseur Rt. : Mrs. Et'len Welborn, Farmer. J. A. McKinnon, Franklinville. H. T. Curtis. Greensboro. John T. Council. Thomasvllle. K. R. Neighbors. Capelsie. 6b11i Hicks, High Point.1 J. H. Mlllikan, Trinity. H. L. Lomax. Bain. R. L. Clark. Asheboro. J. W. Pegg, Graham. W. W. Brown, Asheboro- Rt. 1. W. M.'Hanner.- Liberty. I!. L. Way. Burlington H. D. Cox. Arcade. Fla. S. E. Allen, Asheboro RL 1. R. C. Redding .Spalding. Idaho. IT. B. Rush. Cuba, Kan. Clyde Cavinees, Centralis. Wash S. E. Way. Asheboro. John H. Rush. Asheboro Rt. 3. b. (J. Alien, AsneDorcy ti. l Mrs B. C. Charlie Crotts, Vancouver D. W. McCarn. Brown. A. L. Bean. Mitchfteld. W. H. Nance, Andover. Kans Birie Royals. Hiigh Point. P. M. ParkH, Denton !lt.I I5IXX'K.lHX(i OUTFIT 14 i HOME K.K XKW SALEM. . jtantlolpli Alan SlSpvml H e vei- tin Htfe eu;libtr itr rive ( An iinteiting ctoiy is told by ,1'nited btates revenue officers in cClulttticn with an arrest on Mill 1 operating within a lew- yards of llis dWuirg house lor the past five - v(lir3 j lNiJi01 alxut five1 years ago built ,ia01"iienScid heme that offfice'rs layiies and Hedrick of the revenue 1 depailmti.t la week succeedeel in : Keating ti, biookadirg cutiit. Fcr ung tmie it is saiu. .n -von i..i,i,., n.,,i iin.l t ,1 T,ttV.rt.ii f 1 i.ors ii.t his laniUw used the old, house as a laundry" w here the fain 'about tho old house especially on. jiiaik. rainy nighrs,. nU that the J team had been Men on scveial oc- tafdens Uaving tlie place loaded I w.'t'n myittiiciK lockages and bar- rtils. Nixei:. acccidiDg to the reve jnue fli.thciities. never sold whiskey lecally. It is bt Iieved that After i maanufacturirg the Jit;iicr ne naui :lt to dittait paits of Randolph' and adjoining counties wliere le dis posed of it in large quantities. The outfit, which w'as de' troyid, n said to 1iBe led a capacity of lrom 15 to 20 galici s d day. .Moxn in rustcdy if. the Cnited States" Gov-t-riniiH t aiithe rities and will be tried soon.. Gietnsboro Kecord. Gives All rrais? to ntion. Nature's t"re- Mr. Baxter Turner of Greensboro says; i was in bed lor four months. Took one bottle of Nature s Cieatio. and resumed my position. Took seven bottles and considered my. self a well man. Wish 1 could in duce every consumptive to tiy it. Mrs. S. A. Grady of Greensboro says; I was treated by three doctor before I began taking Nature's Cre ation and grew wo se all the time. Was In bed when I began taking treatment. Mad night sweats and blgh fevers and was tun down ail over. Physicians told me that I had weak lungs and asthma. I am now able to do my house work and feel better than 1 have in ten months. I do highly recommmend Nature's Cre atlon to any one suffering from run down system, lung trouble or as tl; ma. Write for booklet "Positive Proof. PAUL A. HURNS, Greensboro, N. C. Franklinvllta News. Rev. T. G. Rowe. preached in thej Hi. fj. murcn sunuay nigm anu con ducted second quarterly conference Monday morning.. v. and Mrsi J'. D. Hackney, who hSve been fp'iii .r.f: n.nte time with their son at Charlotte, re- turned In mi e one dy last w eek. oeverai oi our pecjiit? mieuunu commencemer.t at Kamseur Naiur- day. . Richard McCte, colored, died lust. Wednesday, and was burl d at Shady Grove ThuiBdy. Tom Strick- , Lmd conducted the funeral. A. W. Ttpptlt and Gur; ey Cox went V, Greensboro Saturday . T. I. F4)X. C. H. Ellison and r idirrs tv 'frcd G. Foster before Ijie Rari'olpb Si e'ety for the Pro- niotioi of Agriculture and Mechan- iCal Aits, on Oct. 26. 1855. pip Xejvs. Mr.. D. H. Miller of this commun ity Is very feeble. Mise Nola Wooly of Bombay vis- itsd Miss Sallie Lassiter Sunday. Mr. Tcny Johnson of Sol Is visit ine at Mr. Eli Woolev's this week Miss Sjlvanna Copple vbdted MIsa Ma Hicks Saturday night and Sunday. The candv stew Saturday night at the hf ime of Mr. J. FF. BcJing was areatly enjoyed by large crowd. M1se Gertha Wooley of Bombay visited her sister. Mrs. J. F. Boi ine. Sunday. Little Misses Murle and Forrevt ' Kearns visited Misses Connie and I Edna Boling Sunday. I Gray's dwipel News. I Mr. Geo. Cagle attended the sun ' rlse Easter service at Winston-Sa lem Sunday. He says the service was impressive and well worth at tending. Mrs. Carrie Bridges is very ill at this writing. Mr. John Coble, who recently had his lee aimnutated. is improving. Rev. Frank Cagle filled the pui pit here last Sunday, preaching good plain, practical sermon. FratakliinvllVe CVinenorfrdMit Miy aid. The Franklinville commencement will be field cn May 2nd. On Fri - day night therewill be an enter fcainment by the children, un tsai urday. May 2nd. will be commence ment day proper. A ply will he given on Saturday night. Every body 1b cordially invited to attend these exercises. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. The Woman's Club having de cided to hold a Chrysanthemum Show in the fall, call your at tention to the following list of flowers which will be accepted for entry. The attractive prizes which will be offered for all these flowers will be announced m the near future: Largest bloom on potted plant, any variety. . Best potted plants, one each of the following varieties in one collection : x L,illin Bird' Black Hawk, Os trich Plume, Daisy. Finest plant, three h!nnm white. ' Finest plant, three hlnrvmc pink. Finest Plant, three blonma yellow. binest plant, one-half dozen blooms, white. Pinest plant, one-half dozen dozen dozen blooms, pink. rmest plant, one-half blooms, yellow. finest plant, one-half blooms, bronze. Finest plant, 1 dozen blooms. mixed variety. One vase, ten largest bloom;. white. One vase, ten largest blooms, f pink. t One vase, ten largest blooms, yellow. Best general collection, cut flowers, in one vase. Ferns. Finest potted sword fern. Finest potted asparagus fern. Finest potted spingera. Roses. Best collection of roses, three vases, any variety or color. All the ladies in town are cor dially invited to compete, the only stipulation being that the chrysanthemums and roses tak ing the prizes are then the prop, erty of the Woman's Club. April 17, 1914. BUSINESS LOCALS Ten cent3 per line each insertion in this column. Six words to a line. No ad. for less than 25c. FOR SALE Cole Corn and ton Planters for se'e by Cot- C. M. Tysor, Erect, N. C. FOR RENT A eood 2-horse fanr Hh new house and barn, conven iently arranged, near Asheboro. Al so want two farm hands, men with families preferred. If interested, address Box 158, Asheboro. N. C. NOTICE. $5.00 Reward. Wa will Dav S5.00 reward for eadh and every conviction for every per son tresspassing in any way upon the lands of the undersigned in Asheboro and Cedar Grove townships and ad- ' joining the lands of Levi Tucker and J others. M'ALISTER & HAMMER, i Notice. Persons owing the estate of W. Miller, will please make prompt payment on or before 1st day of March. I must insist UDon immediate f settlement. frvri W. C. HAMMER, Admr. VI FOR SALE I have two nice build ing lots on Oak avenue, and five shares Building and Loan, whicn i will sell to any interested, at a bar gain, t or further information, appiy to W. I. Myrick, Troy, N. C. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any one who will fur nish evidence to show that any de1- carcass has peen hauled or depos ited by any one upon my land w land It! I same T' who wilX io hauhAf Asheboro township. The sam ward will be paid any one furnish evidence n tn Whn or deposits dead carcass of any eni-M mal nenr anv uublta rnnd in Asnir boro township. WM. C. HAMMfiR. HORSE FOR SALE One go black horse for sale.. Apply to WM. C. HAMMER. Asheboro, N. C. FOR SALE Ford Runabout nea: new. Cash or frms. B. F. MCDOWELL, Asheboro FOR SALE The A. I. Roct Ct Beo Keepers supplies' and hives, j L. L. WHITAKEtl. FOR RENT OR SALE-I will sell rent mv house and lot on South F' etteville street after May 15th. . rent only -to good responsible pw-. with small family. I FOR SALE Stock of ge"1; merchandise at Fanner. Will iw tory about 11.200. Will either or rent building. Apply to p e v F: A HJ3. Farmer, N. C. Notice of Ouidldacr .(Adv.) " T herehv a.nnlvnr myself f dldate fior the Democratic nony tion for a seat in fflie Slxty-rop Congresa from the Seventh D16! of North Carolina, strnjeci j action of tflie Democratic' a primary called by the ExeC Committee of the District ? held on Saturday. May 16. '"T Your euipport of my oandioai solicited and will be appreciate! rRlvnerl POBERTN. P O

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