BOURNE PUBLICITY TIOX ASSOCIA- Big Row on in Republican Ranks Leading Senators Expected to De nounce Entire Republican I'ublici' Association. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some Asheboro People Know How u Save It. Many Asheboro people take their lives in their bands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs nfd nelp. Weak kidneys are respon from ! sible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health the slightest delay is "Red Buck" Bryant, writing Washington, tells of a big row that isnrt 111 nealtnme slightest delay is B. ' B . dangerous. Use Doan s Kidney Pills now on between the Progressive Ke- a me,y that has heped thousands publicans, headed by Senators Borah.! of kidney sufferers. Here is an Ashe- Lafollette, Cummins, and others, and boro citizen s recommendation the Republican Publicity Association, Mrs. A. F. Parrish, Academy St., Asheboro, says: I was troubled by my kidneys for years and though tried different kidney medicines, never found anything equal to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thev have always given me fine results. Ever so often I take a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and they have kept my kidneys in good shape and make me feel better in every way. Price fifty cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Parrish had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y, of which former Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, is president. The charges are that the Bourne or ganization has hitched up with Wall Street, and the educational campaign now under way is designed to help the standpatters and to ignore the Pro gressives. According to the reports, Senator Lafollette's tour of the South was planned to counteract the work of the Republican Publicity Association by speeches for progressve principles as ureg of Democratic policies and ad opposed to standpatism. A recent an- ministrations The organization will nouncement from Senator Borah is not f,Q any of thfi work q Nationa that he is noc tying up I and Congressional committees, whose ganization mat iooks 10 wm duty is especially to con(iuct the cam- for campaign contributions. paigns of Senators. Progressive Republicans predict that ft .g reported ; Washington that in a few days Senators of fheir party $100,000 of a $400,000 can-puign fund will be denouncing the Bourne organ- haye aready ben ra,se(, atl(1 tbat a ization as unworthy of recogn.tion number of weaithy reactionaries have from persons who believe in the funda- pledged themselves to pay from 10, mental principles of the party. Atten- 000 t0 $20,000 a year until the tam tion is called to the fact that Senator paign ig QVer for the supporl of the Bourne advocated popular government organization. through the initiative and referendum Aecording tl) the Progressive Re and recall until the 1912 campaign, puDiicans Mr Bourne ha given up when certain disclosures were rr.auf hig popular fe0vernment iuea-s and r. concerning Col. Roosevelt and the doing. busjness now with tne reaction Standard Oil Company. Col. Roose- arjeg whom he formeriy opposed. velt produced letters he nail wruien Among those who are helping Mr. to Senator Bourne telling him it was Bourne in the publicity work, are a "waste of time" and "inadvisable George H jjoses, editor of the Con to try to carry on the negotiations, i n, Monitor; aml George Curtis through himself or any other lnterme- pei,k who wag assjstant clerk of the diary and advised him to "let the House Ways and jjeans Committee Standard Oil lawyers, any or all of whpn the Vayne-Aldrich tariff bill them, as Mr. Arehbolc'. or Mr. Rjcke- wag franled xhe first money turned feller or any one else may choose, de- intQ thp association was that turned cide as to the court in wuich to file jn fey pkepl.eiS(intative Madden, of Illi and then communicate direct with Mr. noig wh() wag a frcn(, of Senator Kellogg or the Attorney General." Lorimer in his prosperous days be Trying to Discredit Wilson fo).e hp was oxpeiicd from tni? Senate The Publicity Association is sending for havil,s vsvtl ,.orrupt practices to out from Washington hundreds of let- win lh(? election t1 lhat boiy others ters to the daily and weekly papers of wJw a).p tQ , ;jttive in vaj.sjng the country, howling calamity, chars:- nloncy foi. tlle oulne organization ing depressed business conditions to .. e"xs;onal,. Ciano, of Massachu the DemoivatL- party, and trying to s,tts.; Hemmingwav. of Indiana; and discredit the present administration Bournt,t ol- Oregon." :r1. It sa,! to tie u.v:ei- Favwr Wo,.ks for President i Washington that Mouit.o, hav- I(. js t.aime, in Washington that his dUposn! a la-re'ifi-n thp ;,te Sen.lU. AM rich favored the fund, i.-. usin it to further tho inter-1 riol,, j,,., ot- Kliliu Root for Pret ests of stan.lnat Republican and il,knt a:l, that tjiU ciUised some fric in iTbui'.'.ing the A'. inch-Payne tariff. Rmonf. ttand?altcis; but now that wall. h,- is .c:;d, many hi-lk-ve the Bourne It has been pivdict.l by a Ve:terr. , 0.franixali(ii will at 'the "psychulogi Progrossivo Ropab'tcan who was a t.aI m,wnti n-jVo its support to Seiv candi.late for Congn ss in 101:1. thai, a . Wt.(kji , Massachusetts. the Chi THIS BILLY SUNDAY TALK IS FOR GIRLS AND MOTHERS in g. stolid ing . th n: the ' day, mar!-: fri ii' pve-r Th thor. to tnat v. hich en.Iec m; i,.0,.eS!.ivo Kepubl cr ns s;iv so bit ipheava! of June, lU12,t)y 0.p0. t,,i to the association that ination of two Kepul.H-; fu ' t, .-, n l,.kvl mi tho la.- hoi- iij.g to find a ntean-s of reaching a pri vate political mnchine throuuh con ; gn-.-sinal investigation. Th.'-y v i.-h j to make j-.i:b',ic the source of t!:e ini- nil nse viunfaign f'io.d of the organi Ixa' ion. it i- . 'aid that the 'recent an- ,: ' is iir.mmont. a i"n! tnat -.ihidon" is due to occur any h 'he div;diii-C line as clearly! ;,s th;.t which ::.--ptliv.t0.1 the; of T.ift and R josevcit in the J .-. nti "i c: v.iiait n of r.H'J. j Rciinh'ican a''e lily aroosed; they say that the new publicity oi ganiz:it:on is meriy . a machine designed to take charge of the Republican party a.nd to nominate and elect a candidate- of big business by a campaign predicated on the old political theory that money talks and what the people- don't know won't hurt. The papers of North Carolina, Ten nessee, and Louisiana are the only ones in the South that get much of the Bourne matter. Mr. Bourne recently announced that the purpose of the or ganization is to promote "the welfare of the American people by disseminat ing w ider knowledge of the principles, policies, and achievements of the Re publican party." Mr. Bourne declares that it is the intention of the organization "to con duct a vigorous educational campaign throughout the United States." The executive committee of the association is composed of the following: Senators Gallinger, of New Hampshire;Gronna, of North Dakota; Works, of Califor nia; Weeks, of Massachusetts; and Representatives Madden, of Illinois; Fairchild, of New York; Moore, of Pennsylvania; and ox-Senators Bourne of Oregon; Hemmingway, of Indiana; Dan R. Hanna, of Ohio; and Benja min S. Hanchett, of Michigan. Avowed Purpose According to the original announce ment, the association was organized "to harmonize and bring together all who believe in the fundamental prin ciples of the Republican party." H'.e promoters have confidently believed that one effect of the movement will be to bring together the variou3 ele ments of the Republican party and all others in sympathy with the pur pose of overthrowing the party now in control of the National government. The association disclaims any in tendon to take part in the campaign of any individual either for noroma tion or election, buf will merely gath er and disseminate information show ing the superiority of Republican prin ciples and accooliahmer.ts and show ing up the so-cailed defects and fail- V.'Ol it that he expose t over a ' Sen-.-tor em of S.-nator Borah that he rt 1-e a candidate for Presi t year v. i.s made in order lhat! !) free to attack and r,e g:ga:it:c scheme of putting big l.e.:hie.-s" candidate, atvl thiamins, of Iowa, who is now in Hawaii, will probably announce upon his return that he is in no way connected with the Bourne organiza tion. The Republican Publicity Associa tion has gofrie about its work in a ystematic, business-like, and elabo rate way. Instead ot merely sending news items through the Washington correspondents, it has gone direct to the weekly and small daily papers with its matter, which is marked special correspondence." The regular Republican committees are said to be "peeved" at the Repub lican Publicity Association, for while they are suffering for want o'unds the Bourne organization, is ro.ig in wealth. President Wilson and other Demo cratic leaders hav3 heard repeatedly of the success of the Bourne organiza tion in collecting campaign contribu tions. They realize that the "big busi ness" interests are pouring their mon ey into this now organization with the hope of sending back to Congress enough Republicans of the type of Cannon, Madden, and Aldrich, to re vise the tariff upward. They believe, however, that the opposition growing in the Republican party to the Bourne organization will be so effective that the association will be driven out of business. When the next Congress meets, it is probable that an investi gation of the Republican Campaign Association will be ordered by the Senate or the House, or both. Chamherlain'a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a remedy that every family should be provided with, and especial ly during the summer months. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured when medicine must be sent for or before relief can be obtained. This remedy Is thoroughly reliable. Ask any one who has used it. For sale by all dealers. I blame you fool mothers for much of the baldness that exists. Girls, let your fathers see your fel low. They'll know the earmarks. The trouble with the average girl is that she holds herself too cheap. Some mothers take better care of their cats and dogs than of their chil dren. Somebody has said "God could not be everywhere, so He gave us moth ers". Girls will sometimes marry men to reform them, but no man would marry a girl to reform her. Jt is harder to fool a sharp-eyed suitor than it is to put a pair of paja mas on a billy goat. Girls, don't simper and look silly when you speak about love. There is nothing silly about it. The girl who warts to be chosen thinks it is better to take what she can get than to lose any chances. I tell you, girls, the fellows always have a lot of you on a string; then they flip a coin to decide which one. If men had half as much grit as the women, there would be different stories written about a good many homes. One reason why we have so many whip-poor-will widows around the country they married a drinking man. The average little sissy who hasn't sprouted her long skirts yet knows more about sin and wickedness than her grandmother. Thank God there are still a few old-fashioned mothers left, but, like the veterans of the Civil War, they are becoming a vanishing remnant. I believe if the motherhood of this country was no better than the man hood, God would dump the whole thing into hell and quickly stop it. Too many girls are marrying for other causes than love. I think am bition, indulgence and laziness lead more girls to the altar than love. Many a woman is an old maid be cause she wanted to do her share of the courting. Don't get excited, and lon't try to hurry things along. Girls, don't flirt. Don't forget that men take you at your own estimate; they size you up according to your dress and according to your actions.- If oir girls would take a higher stand and say, "No, I will not keep company with you unless you live the way I want you to," there would be better men. I never saw one boy reach the pin nacle of righteousness who had an eninty-hendnl, low-down, gum-chew- inc, so-;rty-r;iiihb!'nr, theatergoing woman for a mother. Young girl, don't go with that god less, sneeviiiT younnr man that walks the streots smoking cigarettes. He would not walk in the strct with you f you smoked cigarettes. The mother who is unfaithful to her trust 1 1 : one of n.o greatest sins in the sight of (hul. A mother's touch has power ti cove multitudes Falvatien or damnation. If mothers were as careful about the hooki their children read or the companv thev keep, there wouldn't ho as many girls in the redlight dis trict or as many boys in the peniten tiary. There is power in a mothor'3 love. A mother's love must he like God's love. If the devils in hell ever turned pale, it was the d.y when mother's love flamed up for the first time in a woman's heart. Fathers often get the blues, hit the booze and commit suicide, but the mother will stand by the home and keep the little band together if she has to manicure her finger ntils over a washboard to do it. Hear me, girl. When a young man asks you to marry him, inform him that you are not running a whisky cure establishment. If ho doesn't think enough, of you to quit boozing before he marries, you can bet your life he won't quit afterward. Girls, when some young fellow comes up to you and asks the greatest question that you will ever be asked or called upon to answer, next to the salvation of your own soul, what will you say? "Oh, this is so sudden." That is all a bluff. You have been waiting for it all the time. GIVE PEACE AGAIN O God of Love, O King of Peace, Jlake wars throughout the world :to cease. The wrath of sinful men restrain. Give peace, O God, give peace again. " H. W .Barker, in Methodist Protest ant Herald. Constipation Cured Overnight A small dose of Po-Do-Lax tonight and vou enjoy a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morning. No Erip ing, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophyllin (May Apple) with the gripe. Pc-Do-Lax corrects the cause of Constipa tion by arousing the liver, increasing the flow of bile. Bile is Nature's , an tiseptic fn the bowels.' With proper amount of bile, digestion in bowels is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation. Don't be sick, nervous, iritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do-Lax from your druggist now and cure your rVineti nation nvprnftylif. Drink sheboro's Own Drin We are not simply bottlers of PARFAY in Asheboro. We are wholesalers and distributors. Making Asheboro the center of all the enormous PARFAY business that is being built up in this sec tion of the state. So when you order PARFAY you can do so with the feeling that it is very much Asheboro's own drink. . And once you have tried PARFAY, once you have found for yourself how delicious, how delightful, how refreshing and invigor ating PARFAY is, then you will continue to drink PARFAY for the sake of the drink itself. So try PARFAY. Try it, if you will, because it is new, because it is a local industry, try it for this, that or the other reason, but in any case TRY IT TODAY. Do this and you will drink PARFAY, you will drink it tomorrow, the next day and each day thereafter simply because it reprss-nts the very utmost in soft drink goodness. Crown Bottling Works ASHEBORO, N. C. Here ere. Everywhere. At RxintsQ? or Bottled f Mm Mill V NEW 2&FQl Ir OK? COCXStOYES. ii L i 'Now Serving 2.000.000 Hemes' LOOK FOR THIS NEW PERFECTION GIRL You'll sec her in the windows and on the counters of hardware, furniture and department stores everywhere. She stands for the NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE the simplest, most efficient Oil Cookstove made. Already it has made cooking easier and kitchens cleaner for over 2,000,000 housewives. Made in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes; also NEW PERFECTION stoves with fireless cooking even attached. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oit to obtain the best results in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. PUBLIC HEALTH WORK ENLARGED It is evident that the recent session of the Southern Sociological Congress which met in Houston, Texas, a week or two ago, became much occupied with public health matters. Not in tentionally so perhaps, but it develop ed from the fact that nearly every so cial problem that arose was seen to be more or less a problem of health. The questions that presented them selves for correction or for action were found to have, in nine cases out of ten, some health problems at the base. Solution in the main were health solutions public health meas ures. Child welfare, it was found, h per cent, a public health matter. x hygiene is 99 per cent., while in'st.i .; ty, feeble mindedness and crime hi problems depending on public hea :'i for correction and control. Prison reform and the narcotic evil are also largely public health problems. Pov erty, the companion of disease, surTer ing and crime, is more often the re sult of ill health than all other causes put together. Numerous were other relations that manifested themselves. LONGEST NAME EVER GIVEN A CHILD - A E3.& v roN ES STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wthingto, D. C (New Jnj) Charlotte, N. C Norfolk. Vs. (BALTIMORE) CWlertou,W.Va. Richmond, Va. 1 CharlnUn, S. C THE BtACK BOLE OF CALCUTTA If the prisoners ia the famous Black Hole had been as well informed as modern scientists, there, would have been no such death rate m ac The longest name ever inflicted on an English child must surely be that of an unfortunate born at Derby in 1882, upon whom her parents bestow ed a name for every letter of the al phabet Anna Bertha Cecilia Diana Emily Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jane Kate Louise Maude Nora; I will cease the infliction till it comes to Zeus! The Rev. Ralph Lyonel Tol lemache Tollcmache was another with a craze for long names, ami bap tized his eldest son Lyulph Ydcrallo Odin Nestor Egbert Lyonel Tocmag Hugh Erehenwyse Saxon Esa Orme Cornwell Nevil Dysart Llantaganet. Are any of these burdened infants still alive and kicking ? London Chronicle. A Doctor's Prescription for Coufih An Effective Cough Treatment rir,.-fM,th t.t nno to.isrnnnfnl of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken as need ed, will soothe and check Corphs, Colds, and the more dangerous Bron chial and Lung Auments. xou . alTord to take the cisk of serious ill ness, when so cheap and simple a rem edy as Dr. King's New Discovery is obtainable. Go to your druggist to- knflo rtf Fir Kinir'a NeW Discovery, start the treatment at once. You will be gratinea ior w. lief and cure oDtainea. tually occurred. The men died oi suffocation and panic. Modern dis covery has shown that air can support life if it be kept in motion, even though it has but a small amount oxygen in it. If the prisoners in tne wv . v-j A.fAM -fnrmpd in ft oungeon sua uiwciwc . mass and revolved round and rouno at a pace that would have been easy to keep up, not only would the con tained air have been stirred up, " each man on the outside or " ' volving mass would have had his isc presented periodically to the small window. ... In fact, In the light of recent re covery, the same incarceration eouu now take place without the loss or single life; that Is, provided the men were reasonably strong and heaitny.