THE COURIER Asheboro, N. C, July 15, 1915 WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST Issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau Washington, D. C, for the week be ginning Wednesday, July 14, 1915. For South Atlantic and East Gulf States: This week will be one of generally fair and warm- weather ex cept that scattered thunder showers are probable. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. G. II. Cornelison, of Seagrove, was in town Mondcy. Mr. A. H. York, of Ramseur, was a visitor in Asheboro last Thursday. Mr. E. F. Cox, of Ramseur, spent Thursday in town. Mr. June Johnson, of Trinity Route 1, was in town last Thursday. Rev. E. J. Poe will preach in the Siethodist Episcopal Church, South, at Cedar Falls tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr. M. E. Allen, of Asheboro .Route 1. was a caller at the Courier office Thursday of last week. Mr. S. L. Varner, of Denton, was among the visitors in Asheboro last Thursday. Mr. Enos Sykes, of Seagrove, was .a business visitor in Asheboro Tues. day. . Dr. J. F. Miller will move into Mr. W. J. Scarboro's residence on South Fayetteville street this week. Mr. J. P. Boroughs, of Kemps Mill, was a visitor in Asheboro the first of the week. Miss Hazel Cox, of Pisgah, came up to Asheboro Monday and spent the .day with Mrs. Chas. L. PresnelL Mrs. D. B. McCrary has been confin ed to her room by illness for several days, but is reported as improving jnow. Margaret Erwin, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Robins, who has been quite ill for a week or more is much better now. Misses Mittie Lovett and Harriet Hammer left last Thursday morning for Burlington to spend some time at the home of Dr. j. w. rage. Mrs. Peace, of Fraziera Siding, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. H Kennedy, on Sunset Avenue, last un day. Mr. J. C. Hannah and daughter.Miss Fannie, are snendine the week with relatives and friends in New Hope township. Mr. Shube W. Lausrlin has purchas ed the stock of goods of Mr. E. H Bean, which was sold by Mr. J. H JMcCain, as receiver last week. Misses Kate and Lizzie Phillips left IWonday for Chapel Hill, where they go to attend the University of North Carolina summer scnoou Mr. and Mrs. Fowle Birkhead, of Spencer, are spending some time at the home of Mr. Birkhead's father, Mr. Frank Birkhead. Mr. and Mrs. W. ' C. York, formerly of Asheboro, now of Star, were in town Tuesday shopping and attending to some business matters. Mrs. J. H. Anderson has returned to her home at Greensboro after vis iting relatives here and taking in Chautauqua. Miss Beatrice Bulla returned to her home at Trinity last Thursday after a visit to her uncle, Mr. D. B. Mc -Crary. Mrs. Hope Neely and son, Master Hope, of Norfolk, are expected to ar rive in Asheboro the last of the week for a visit to Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Hun r. Mr. J. S. Lewis and family and Mr. Frank Redding left the first of the week for San Francisco, where they go to attend the Panama-Pacific Expo sition. Mr. R. C. Johnson is moving his stock of goods from the building on Depot street where he has been mer chandising, into the W. J. Miller build ing on Worth street. Mr. Hugh McCain, a citizen of Back Creek township, was in Asheboro Tuesday of this week. His friends here were glad to see him in town, as he does not get out here very often. Mr. Leon Steed, whose home is at Steeds, but who has had a position as stenographer in Greenville, S. C, has ' been a guest at the home of Dr. F. E Asbury for several days this week. Mrs. C. C. Howell left the latter part -of last week for Greensboro, after spending some time visiting relatives in Ahiboro. She will spend sometime in Greensboro with her sister, Mrs J. R. Parks, and then return to her home at Downing, Fla, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kennett, two of the oldest citizens of Randleman, were taken ill last week and arc not expected to recover, Mr. John Ken nett, a son was summoned from Mooresville; Mrs. N. H. Slack, from Greensboro, and Rev. W. F. Kennett, and M. P. minster, and one or twe other children. Work is progressing nicely on thf several new buildings which are going .up in different jarts of Asheboro. Brick has been unloaded at the Acme Hosiery Mill for an addition of a wing 50x100 feet which -will be built at once. Mr. John Preenell is erecting a large residence in North Asheboro, near Mr. Randall PresneH'i, which will be completed before loig. The garagt being built by Mr. SuUn Stedman is nearing completion and will be ready to occupy soon. The residences of Messrs. Basil Brittain and J A. York, in South Asheboro, will Ve ready for ocupancy in the near futute. Mr. G. M. Puffh. of Hillboro. scent Monday of this week in Asheboro. t m u j ' . . Bora To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clme. of Thomasville, a daughter, July 3. Mr. Colan Davis, of Coleridge, visit- ed in Greensboro last week. t Mrs. M. A. Moffitt has been the guest of relatives in Greensboro severais days recently. Mr. M. H. Free, of Cedar Falls, was a caller at the Courier office yester- dav' I Miaa Annie Davis, of Hip Point, was the guest of relatives in Asheboro Saturday and Sunday. ' Mr. Wm. Cooper is reported as se- rioualy ill at his home m West Ashe- boro. I i Mr. ad Mrs. R. W. Frazier. of Trov. visited relatives in Asheboro for a few' days last week. I m t m , Mr. T. B. Tvsor. of Erect. snenfc ' several days with friends in Asheboro last week. vr nr jj. . . . Mr. C. W. Redding, of Tnnitv Route 1. was in Asheboro on business lust i Thursday. vt-a I,.1 !.. . . ., , ' anl nrifk ih. I i v , " Star. Mr. Mint Rush, of Ellerbee. was among the business visitors in Ashe boro last Saturday. Mr. J. T. Council, of Thomasville, was a visitor at the home of his uncle, Col. A. C. McAlister last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McAlister and Mr. A. W. McAlister, of Greensboro, spent Sunday at the home of Col. and Mrs. A. C. McAlister. Mr. Jordan H. Spencer, living be low Why Not, drove up to Asheboro early Monday morning and spent a part of the day. Mr. W. J. Lowe, of Kemp's Mills, has just finished putting a set of light ning rods on tne home oi air. . kj. Cranford. Miss Mary Tysor returned to her home at Erect last Saturday aftei spending some time visiting friends in Asheboro. Mr. J. H. Mason, representing the Charlotte Observer, was in Asheboro Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in the interest or tne uoserver. Mr. H. A. Zvbell. of Raleigh, was a business visitor in Asheboro Tuesday. He represents the Oliver Typewriter Company. Mr. Charles Ireland, a prominent business man of Greensboro, has been attending M. E. conference here this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, of Row land, are. spending a few days in Asheboro, the-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Mrs. Martha Presnell went to Rae ford one day last week, for a visit of several days with the family of her son, Mr. Cleveland rresneu. Mr. A. O. Ferree returned Wednes day morning from Kannapolis, where he spent several days with friends and relatives. Mn. V. C. Harlev and C. B Smith, of SU-mseur, were jn Asheboro Tuesday afternoon attending si. Conference. Mr. Grady Miller, who ha3 been in New York for several months, is finendinsr the week with his father, Mr. J. G. Miller. Dr. R. L. Caveness and family, of Coleridge, have been the guests of Mr. an4 Mrs. J. M. Caveness for a few days this week. Messrs. C. C. Cranford, 0. W. Rich, Viroil Presnell and families leit wea- nesday morning for Wilmington in cars. They will spend a week or ten days camping on tne Deacn. Rev. J. S. Black, of Tennessee, pros pective pastor of the rresDytenan church of Asheboro, will preach at that church next Sunday morning and evening. ft anit Mrs. Sidnev Yow. of Char lote, have been spending several days mis ween wim oir. f""! and Mrs. A. F. Yow, in West Ashe boro. Dr. C. E. Wilkerson, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Leo's Hospital recently, is recovering rapidly and will be able to take up his work again soon. Denntv Marshal J. L. Boger, of Greensboro, came to Asheboro Friday and went on down in Union township to arrest Loge jonson wantea in Greensboro on the charge of blockad ing. Miss Urslie Clark srave Miss Mabel Ferree a surprise party at her home a mile or two east of Asheboro last Saturday night. A number of young people were present and a most en joyable evening was spent by am The County Board of Equalization was in session last Monday for the purpose of .hearing complaints as to the valuation and to review the tax lists from the various townships. We loom that vrv townshin in the coun ty will show a substantial increase in taxable 'values, and " the new assessors has been accom plished with very little friction and shows the county to be in a most pros perous condition both in tne towns aau tne rural custneut. Reports come from some sections of the county or a very goou. u Tuesday afternoon, while in other places there was none at all or lust enouirh to lay the dust In Richland hiMii omna WW suffering? badly n account of the dry weather, but the rain came there in time to save them. The southern part oi tne couiv v seamen1 to tret more rain than ar other part. At Asheboro and Ramseut thora wu a hard shower which lasted for nearly an hour. Farmer, Trinity and Bombay did not get hard Attention ia rnlWl tn tV Hat nf jurors drawn for the July term of court in this issue of The Courier, h ;ii.. v i. u-.J jurors need not attend, as there will be no ar cases for trial at this term- FnH RnlHwin t knownbh a.m?n? ite and co1: 2, "'VeI. Asneooro, nas returned High Point, where he underwent hospital there. He is entirely recov- ered Rnd able to be at work again. Mr m n ni.A. n j township, drove to Asheboro Monday morning to make some purchases and attend to some business matters. At "'a inrxk uiruiuny, wnicn is in January, Mr. Bingham will be 75 years old. He does not look it. .... Among the ministers here this week for conference are: Dr. C. W. RvrH of West Market Street Church, Greens boro; Rev. G. T. Rowe, High Point; Kev. G. H. Chnstenberry, Randleman; Rv. C. V. Stwm iTo,. j D ' H. M. Blair, Greensboro. ' Mr-Ivey Birkhead was here Sunday and snent the nio-ht uritfc hi,. w. Frank RiVkhoai r fh. tors of the Dixie Store, who has been ill for several days at Mr. Rich's iiuuae. xoung mr. oiricnean has gone to Candor, where he will spend a few days recuperating. The marriage of Mr. S. R. Winters, of the Country Gentleman, and Miss Lelia Wyatt, of Durham, has been an nounced, the marriage having taken piace last Christmas at Norfolk, Va. and Kept secret until recently. Mr. Winters was at one time connected with The Courier. Mr. Wm. Bunch, a brother of the late Rev. W. A. Bunch, of Asheboro, dud at his home at Oak Ridge Tues day of this week. Messrs. J. C. and Walter A. Bunch and sisters, Misses Lizzie and Lillian left Wednesda morning for Oak Ridge to attend the funeral. Mr. G. P. Bunch and son, Roy, of McColl. S. C soent Tuesday night in Asheboro on their way there aiso. On last Thursday. Julv 8. Rev. Isaac P. Frazier, of Asheboro, and Miss Cora Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Campbell, of Kansas pity Kansas, were married at Westminister church in Kansas City. After spending a week or more at Louisville. Kentucky, where Mr. Frazier has been attending the The ological Seminary, Mr. and Mrs. Fra zier will come to Asheboro to spend some time. Mr. W. M. Parks, of Parks Cross Roads, came up to Asheboro early Monday morning with Mr. Clarence Parks in his car, and brought his wife who went to Biscoe for a visit of eight or ten days. Mr. Parks says the wheat crop in bis community is good, but not as good as usual. He does not bring the news that corn in that section is un usually good as it is in most other sections of the county. On Wednesday night of last week just before the last feature of the night's entertainment at Chautauqua the local Chautaucraa association for the next year was organized and thet contract between the guarantors and the Swarthmore Association handed over to Dr. Huelster. the superintend. ent. The following are the officers of the local association: president, Dr. E. L. Moffitt; vice president, Mr. Hugh Parks; secretary, Mr. T. t. nulla treasurer, Dr. D. K. Lockhart. The Randolph County Board of Ed ucation met last Monday with the three members. T. W. Ingram, J. T. Wood and C. H. Phillips present. Dr. Phillips acting as chairman. An unu sual amount of business was transact' ed. Money was amwrtioned for teach' ing, also money for three new school houses, one at Center district, Cole ridge township, one at Kudee, Colum bia township and one at Hardin's, Columbia township. School commit teemen for the various districts were appointed. FARMER'S INSTITUTES IN RANDOLPH Randolph is to have two Farmers' Institutes this year, one at Pleasant Ridge, July 22; the other at Farmer, July 26. Women's Institutes will be held in connection with these. Farm ers and others who have a desire to hear some interesting and helpful dis cussions should attend. This year the department of agriculture is laying emphasis on diversification of crops soil improvement; more live stock more corn, wheat, oats, hay, etc., so as to make our farms self-supporting and enable the farmers to keep the money at home that has hereto fore been going to other States to purchase the things that we should grow at home. THE MISSES MORRIS ENTERTAIN Misses Martha Evelyn and Lucile Morris entertained the "Jolly Dozen" Club Wednesday afternoon at their home on Worth Street. Rook was played, which furnished the amuse ment for the afternoon. Mies Marga ret Morris won the prize for making the highest score, and was presented with a dainty box of correspondence cards. The hostesses were assisted in serv ing a delicious course of cream and cake by Misses Adelaide Armfield, Julia Ross and Clarabel Morris. BIG CROPS IN RANDOLPH From every part of the county come grand reports of the crops. The corn crop is the biggest ever. There are more clovers and grasses than ever before and more oats, rye and barley. . lhe wheat crop now being threshed is turning out well not quite as good as last year, but the price is more than twice as much as it was any time during McKinley's administration. CONFERENCE IN SESSION HERE Greensboro District Conference Con vened Here Tuesday Large At tendance Encouraging Reports. The Greensboro District conference convened in the M. E. church, in Ashe boro, Tuesday morning with Dr. J. H. Weaver, presiding. At the organi zation at the morning session, Mr. Frank Gurley, of High Point, was elected secretary, and Mr. I. F. Cra ven, of Ramseur, assistant secretary. Keports were then heard from the va rious churches over the district. These reports were highly encouraging to the conference, showing that gooo work has been done during the past year. The main ieature of the afternoon session was an address by Mrs. A. E. Fordham. or Creensboro. Secretary of the Woman's Missionary Society of North Carolina. Dr. F. N. Parker, of Trinity College, and Rev. Hunter, of Richmond, also made short talks dur ing the afternoon. Tuesday night Dr: Parker preached an excellent sermon i "The Keaiity of. Sin." At the Wednesday morninsr session Rev. H. M. Blair, of the Christian Ad vocate spoke in behalf of his paper. Then Rev. W. A. Plyler. of Lexing ton, a former pastor of the Asheboro M. E. church, preached on the sub ject of "David Carrying Up the Ark into Jerusalem." At the afternoon session Rev. G. T. Rowe, of High Point, read the report of the committee on General State of the Church.'' The afternoon session was taken up in discussing this report. At 7:30 in the evening Rev. W. L. Dawson, evangelist, of Greensboro preached a sermon to a good sized congregation. There are about seventy-hve eighty delegates and ministers here for the conference, which will close today. MISS MOFFITT ENTERTAINS Miss Mattie Moffitt delightfully en tertained a number of her friends at her home- on last Friday evening in honor of her friend. Miss Jennie Hin shaw, of High Point The guests en joyed many games on the lawn after which ice cream was served. At late hour the guests returned to their homes. The occasion was very much enjoyed by all present. A guest SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHRIS TIAN ENDEAVOR CON VENTION The Sunday School and Christian Endeavor convention of the Western North Carolina Conference will meet with Pleasant Ridge church, Randolph County, July 23-25. Delegates from 34 schools are expected to be present, and a great convention is looked' for ward to by the workers of the North Carolina Christian conference. We hops to have a number of visitors from a number of other denomina tions. A splendid program is being prepared, and with a good, large dele gation, we will enjoy a good conven tion. J. F. MORGAN, Pres., Graham, N. C. BASE BALL NEWS The Braves Agajlnst Cedar Falls Ramseur's second team, known as "The Braves," crossed bats with Ce dar Falls on the Franklinville diamond Saturday, July 10, the score being 15 to 7 in favor of the "Braves." The features of the game were the pitch ing of Kivett and the heavy hitting of Luther for the "Braves." The "Braves" would like to hear from the various second teams in the county for games. Ramseur Defeats Farmer Farmer's nine met the Ramseur team on the latter's diamond last Sat urday, and after a spirited game, the score stood 8 to 2 in favor of the Ram seur boys. This makes three straight games for the Ramseur team from vis iting teams. The playing of Sewell at short and the pitching of Craven for the locals featured the contest Coward hit a home run in, the fifth, with two on, this blow driving Thorn burg from the mound. Craven held the visitors to six scattered hits, fan ning nine. Score R. H. E. Ramseur 8 8 3 Farmer 2 6 7 Batteries: Craven and Allred; Thornburg, Keams and Kearns. NOTICE TO JURORS Notice is hereby given that there will not be any jury cases tried at h Tultr 14 til 31 term nf pourt. All jurors for the first and second week need not come. J. M. CAVENESS, C. S. C. NOTICE Having qualified as admr. on the es tate of E. J. Cox, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County, all per sons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or bfore the 14th day of July, 1916, or this not ice will be pleaded in bar of their of their recovery; and all persons owip said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement This 14th day of July, 1915. JAS. T. WOOD, Admr. ' NOTICE Having qualified as admr. on the es tate of C. R. Kearns, deceased, before J. M. Caveness, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County, All per sons having claims against said es tate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 14th day of July, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement This 14th day of July, 1915. JAS. T. WOOD, Admr. Covington's - Real Going out of Business Sale is now going on and will con tinue until everything is closed out My entire stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hats, Notions, De livery Wagon, Horse and Buggy will be sold at and below cost. I have a clean, new and up-to-date line of goods, nice store room, good location. Will sell entire stock in a lump with lease for three years and privilege of ten on store-room. I am going into other business and am closing out at actual cost. Tine and space are too limited to quote prices on every article in my stock. Come along and be convinced of real values that we are handing out daily. Do not forget this opportunity to clothe and feed your family at actual- cost. Terms strictly cash. J. E. COVINGTON Ramseur, N. C. MR. SMOKER: We Want to call your attention to the best 5c. cigar oa the market. Black and White is the name. Call for it and Smoke it and you will be satisfied and so will we. Black and White Cigars are sold all over the world and are recognized as the best 5c. Cigar to be had. The best line of Smokers Goods in town. Standard Drug Co. WANTED R. C. JOHNSON (at new stand) Asheboro, N. C. Wants 1000 men and boys to buy THE FAMOUS VICTOR BRAND CLOTHING Quality good enough for any- body; price cheap enough for everybody. WANTED to buy telephone exchange or interest in small telephone compa ny in good town in Western or Central N. C. H. A. BIARDSALL, Kinston, N. C. 2t. FOR SALE OR RENT My seven room house and lot on South Fayette ville stree. Recently occupied by Sheriff Birkhead. R. R. Ross 3t. WANTED To sell 100 bushels of black seed oats and one Greensboro saw mill outfit. Apply to J. L. BRANTLEY, Seagrove, N. C. WANTED To rent a good two- or three-horse farm; must be one that can be worked with machinery. Can furnish work stock and machinery. Address P. O. Box 325, Asheboro. $2,000 STOCK OF GENERAL MER CHANDISE FOR SALE Good loca tion in thriving manufacturing town, 1500 population, with good farming back country. Three years' lease with privilege of ten on store room. Reason for selling, going into other business. Address J. E. COVINGTON, Ramseur, N. C. FOR RENT A five room cottago on Cox Street, conveniently locateu. Apply to Mrs. JENNIE HANCOCK. FOR SALE Extra fine Poland China pigs now ready for delivery. Wm. C. HAMMER. Black and White Cigars are the best 5c cigars on the market Standard Drug Co. Have you smoked a Black and White at the Standard Drug Co.? TOOTH PASTE Rexall Tooth Paste at the Standard Drug Co. only 10c. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets at the Standard Drug Store. FOUND On the street near Cou rier Business office, email key on Mon day of last week byClaude Underwood. Owner can have by applying at Cou rier office and paying for this ad. PLAY AT RAMSEUR A comedy drama in four acts will be given in the auditorium at Ram seur Friday night, July 16 by the "Bachelor Maids" of Ramseur. The public is invited and a treat is in store for all who attend. MRS. RUSSELL DEAD Mrs. Martitia Russell, wife of J. P. Russell, died at her home in New Hope township July 10, and was buried at Eleazer on July 12. She had been an invalid for some time. AUTO'S FOR SALE One Studebaker, 5 passenger, gooa as new, with all the latest improve ments, including electric self-starter, lights, etc., will sell or trade at a bar gain. 1 also have an extra good 5 passen ger Ford Touring car equipped with seat covers, shock absorbers, etc, and will be glad to show you what it will do and sell or trade for cash or credit. I have sold the Ford Runabout i advertised last week to Mr. J. is. Ward and these others are waiting for a buyer. E. G. MORRIS. Ashe boro, N. C. Insect powder that will kill flies at the Standard Drug Co. All the popular odors in Talcum Powder at the Standard Drug Co. Does your back ache? Go to the Standard Drug Store and get a bottle of Rexall Kidney Remedy. SALE NOTICE ! On Friday, the 23rd DAY OF JULY, 1915 I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, my entire stock at Michfield, consisting of dry goods, groceries, men's hats, ladies' hats, shoes, slippers and drugs. I am determined to close out my entire stock und will sell at and below cost Until sale, 25c hose for 15c Come and get bargains. Everything must go. M. J. PRESNELL Michfield. N. C FOR SALES One pair iron gray mules. Ages and prices right R. W. STALEY, Julian, N. C. 7-15 4t Rexall Kidney Remedy, $1.00, ab solutely guaranteed to satisfy. The great kidney remedy at the Standard Drug Co. s ly any rain at au. .

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