;j - . . The Courier Ashcboro, X. C, November 23, 191". "PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY WM. C. HAMMER. EDITOR There is some disposition to discon tinue demonstration work in Randolph county. The Courier during all the years the county has had a farm demonstrator, has encouraged and given aid to the work. In fact, before the county had a farm demonstrator the Courier kept up a crusade in favor of this import ant work. The work has steadily grown until we have seen the dreams and th prophecies of boyhood days come true in the realization of the fact that thi county will produce not only all kind: of fruits and vegetables, but that all kinds of grasses of the temperate zone will grow here. The numerous gras plats and experiments have demon strated this. The county demor.stra tor has done much to cncoursgi crass irrowintr. but ha should do much more. Ho should see it that there are grass plot along every public road and in every tichool district in the county. The poo pie must be taught this by doin Every day of the twelve months of the year should be devoted to Improving the condition of farming. Cattle raising should be made the most important industry in the county. HARTNESS A CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Mr. James A. Hartness, of States vnlle, gave out a statement in Raleigh Saturday that he is in the race for the democratic nomination for Secretary, t:.to. This is the first dt finite an nouncement m.nle through the pres ' : Mi. Hartness, though it has been understrod for some time that he would be a candidate. Mr. Hartness is the clerk of court of Iredell county, and has been active in the political life of the State for many years. In INS" he was licensed to practice law. He established and became the editor of the Statesville Mascot, later the Statesville Sentinel, which he now owns. In 1S!6 he was elected to the legislature, redeeming Iredell from the Fusionists and re- iblicans who had carried the county two years before. He was the author of the "Fellow Servant" bill which became n law in 197. Since 1S98 he Kas been the chairman of the dem cratic executive committee of Iredell county. In 1!0S he was elected pres ident of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League. Mr. Hartness is a native of Iredell, born and reared on the farm, and row lives on his farm in the suburbs of Statesville. being engaged in practical farming. Davidson Dispatch. TO Ol'R READERS, Every !amii, in this country is now a subscriber to various magazines and newspapers. The total amount of money paid for these publications probably amounts to several thosuand dollars annually. It is money well spent, of course, because we must have something for the family to read. Hut if you j'an j-avc about 75 per cent of this money, and still have all the papers and magazines you want, it is worth considering, is it not? We have made arrangements where by we can save this community hun dreds of dollars by merely ordering their reading matter through our office. Our best offer is a club of four magaines and The Courier for only $1.50 a year. You will find this big offer adver tised on another page of this p.".pwr. Look up the advertsement and read all about this remarkable offer. Send us your order right in mail it, tele phene it, or bring it to us, and we will fix it up at once so that you can get your magazines. If there is anything in the adver tisement you do not understand, drop into our office sometime a'ld let us ex plain all about it. It'? the best c!ub oing offer we have ever heard tel! of, and we are anxious to have every reader take advantage of it. QUEER QUIRKS OF NEWS. Representatives of a large whole sale firm in Cape Town, Africa, have placed an order with the Lexington Chair Company, at Lexington, frr $7,500 worth of chairs. These chairs will be shipped to New Y rk ard thence directly to their destination by shipboard. Kirby, Vt. Frank C. Grant. ef San ta Monica, Cal., who taught scho 1 here years ago, went to the eld scho d house, rang the bell, and nineteen of his thirty-six former pupils, gray-haired and bent, responded to the caH. Puyallup, Wash. Unable to use her arms because of paralysis, Miss Mab'.o Igo painted with her feet a picture which won first prize in the amateur contest at a fair. Miss Igo is thirty- fivo years old, is a poet and has won prtsea for painting for five yean HONOR ROLL WORTHY H I VI First Grade: Josephine Wi s, An ap M.-iv .lni ivll. Ruth Ward, Gertrude Groce, Ernett Scarboro, Ressie Wi 'iams, Ru'us Cranford, Howard Moo dy, Essie Foster, Kathe'ee.i Ward, Eva Staley, Josephint Moody, l.onme IT.iJ : on, Beatrice Hurley. Second Grade: Raymond M Don- :dd, Annie Kirkman, Ruby McDonald Aladge Marley, Leslie tranfurd, Ray mond Ward, Winfred Kenneciy. Third tirade: Bethea V incaniioii Cody Aldiidge, Glenn McDonald. Fourth Grade: Ch'oie H:I! Fifth Grade : Dernot ..unow Blanche Marley. Ray Fcnties Sixth Grade: Truiil Frevost. Ray r'entress, Claire Aldridgc. Seventh tirade: Vera Wise P.cr nice Fentress, Caliie Pei.n. Fay (')! Inez Hinshaw. CEDAR FALLS NEWS. The Moonlight school at this place is progressing nicely under me man agement of Prof. H. 13. Parks Mr. T. M. Jarrett has moved hi family to his farm near hi re. Mr. W. P. Hall has com nV ted one of his apple and ale vending machine and has placed it in Creenrboro for demonstration. Mr. Hall has another vetling machine ready to be iilcd in the patent office. Miss Sallic Redding, of Fredonia, Kan., visited her brother. Dr. A. H Redding, of this place, the past week. Mr. P. L. Bostick spent Friday in Greensboro on business. Mis Blanche Wrenn visited friends in Rameur Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. S. MeAlister, of Greensboro. spent Monday and Tuesday intovv.i on business. Prof. H. B. Parks spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks near Parks X Roads. Mr. W. L. Craven spent Saturday and Sunday with his son, Mr. G. L. Craven, of Gibsonville. Mr. Lace Recce, of Franklinville was in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. John B. Trogdon. of Ashcboro R. 1, was in town Saturday morning. Messrs. James Allrcd ''.ml l,cnni' Jones, or r ranklinvilie, wer' in our town Wcdnesdav night. Mr. .mid Mr . W. C. Ferree and httle son, of High Point, visited at Mr. S. H. Ferree's the past week. Miss Maude Ferree, who has been visiting home folks for the past two weeks, returned to her work in Washi ngton. X. C, Saturday. YOUR PHOTO ON A PILLOW TOP. We will enlarge your photo on a pillow top, handkerchief, necktie, or anything else. Write for circular and prices. Also bargains in toilet articles. tc. Write to A. R. SANDERS. Farmer, K. C. MULES WANTED I want to trade a good young horse for a pair of mules or will trade a Ford auto or he Harris Birkkead Perchen Colt for one w more mules. e. g. mor:::s, Asheboro, N. C. The Ford Trader. St. NOTICE. Any farmer on any breeder of dairy attle in this county having registered tock or high grade (lain.- rattle for sale will do well to confer with the County Farm Demonstrator i'.t once. 1 think I can help you as well as the other fellow. I. II. FOUST. OR SALE Two young, weil-train-ed dogs for coon, 'opossum and rab bit hunting. OTTIS OSB0RXE, it. Randleman. N. C. R. F. D. 3 Strayed of stolen Tuesday night blue .speckled hound dog. If found please n.itify D. M. SHARPE, Asheboro. N. C. A PMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having tiuuliticd as administrator of the estate of D. W. Spoon, deceas ed, late of Randolph county, North Carolina, before J. M. Cavrness, Clerk of the Superior Court for Ran- lo! oh county. Ihis is to not'fy all persons havinn: claims against said estate to exh;bit them to the Undersigned at Asheboro on or before the 17th day or Aovem ber, 1916, or this notice will be pleaa bar of their recovery. Alt nersons indebted to said estate are expected to make immediate pay ment. This th? 16th dav of Nov. 1915 JAMES T. WOOD. Public Admr. of the estate of D. W. Spoon, deceased CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank through the coir umns of The Courier the people of North Asheboro for the kindness shown 318 daring the sickness and death of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. M. L. Frye. And we pray that God's richest blessings may rest upon each and every one of yon. VL 1 Frye and children. HO SiSIM. j Counlv Board of Road Trustees Is-' sues Order For Roads To Be Built PrnvidpH Peonle Subscribe Propor-1 tionate Part System Covers Coun-j ty. WHEREAS, The Board of Road Trustees of Randolph County is dc- xirous of providing a systematic method for handlirg the road int- provement work in Randolph Coun - ty, believing that the best interest of , , u the public will be promoted oy nav- ing some definite plan to work to. NOW THEREFORE, It is ordered by the board that for said pur xse the plan hereinafter mentioned and set forth be and the same is hereby adopt- r-d that is to sav: lnal . 1st. Whenever the citizens of Ran - dolph county shall become sufficiently interested to asist in the payment of the costs and expenses of the con-1 st ruction of any one or more of the roads hereinafter specially mentioned as hereinafter provided, the Board of Road Trustees of Randolph county proposes to proceed to the construction r improvement thereof. 2nd. None of said roads shall be improved umler this order unless peo-' pie or corporations from private means ni ' vm.. iuuw $250.00 per mile for the work. When ever contributions amounting to as much as $250.00 per mile, for each of said roads, shall be subscribed from other sources, the said Board of Road Trustees will contribute an equal amunt, and for every dollar in excess of $250.00 which shall be subscribed from private sources, the said Board of Road Trustees will contribute two ...Ultinnnl dollars ud to the full amount that can be expended to ad-j imntncp in the construction of the said vantage in the construction road. :.rd. Before the work of construc tion or improvement .-hall be actually started a survey snail dc m: tie oy cnm rnmnetont nerson or persons whn Khidl be designated by the Board of Road Trustees, end the said survey shall be made so lis to indicate the exact route to be followed, tcgcthei with the gravel, method and details of construction, having in view the nmnimt which is to be expended for the work, and the costs of any such survey outside the part thereoi wnicn ... i...n u ;a t t . uonai governments 01111 1 uC ; the lumts provided as aiun-ouiu. 4th. The roads designated below !.v those wh ch the Board oi itoao Trustees considers as of primary im portance or as leading roaos 01 m t,. thn nuWic and because of that designates thorn as the road which shall or may be improved as herein provided. 5th. 1 hese roans are as J 1 TVio mad beginning at Old aa- lem church between Franklinvillc and r. ,,vid minniiin- thence north ward by White's Chapel, Sandy Creek church, Melancheton church, Randolph church, Red Cross and thence north ward to the Guilford county 'inc. (2) The road beginning at the Simmons place between Asheboro and EVonkiiiivillo. thenc-? northvird by Cedar Falls, White Memorial church. Grays chapel to near Randolph church to Julian. (3 The road from .Melancheton hureh through the town of Liberty and continuing east to the Alamance rountv line following the public roan eading near the Cox pr.nd. (41 The road from the Bill Cross nlace two miles North of Asheboro through Central Falls. Millboro to an intersection with tho road next men tioned. (5) The. road from Grays Chapel n a northwestern nireoiion iouowmg the old Greensboro road until it cross es Little Pole Cat Creek and thence nearly west to an intersection with the j ;,reensboro road just south of Level ; Cross. (61 The road from New Salem crossing Pole Cat Creek at the bridge , tm.t continuing in a roiwasiern !-;, rection along the direction of the old, Hillsboro road tn Red Cross. (7) The road leaving Randleman by St. Paul Street by Brown's Cross road, Sophia, New Market through Gienol:;, Arehdale, and on to the Guil ford county line. (8) The road from the present ; gravel road somewhere in the vicinity of Hint Hill church, and running in ilwh'.vrie River and nassimr ner.r the I John Dorsett p'ace and continuing on ln the direction of Thomusville to the : Davidson county line. (9) The rond from L. C. Parrish mid on Uwharrie river in a direction!" vest of North passin.;- Tabernacle hurch, Fuller's Mill, Thayer's Mill, I an I on t'o the Davidson county line in the general direction of ThoniasVillo (10) The road from Fanner in a! northwestern diiection, passing near Wood's store and Nance's store. Tabor Chrirch, then?o northc.'st warily to the L. C. Parrish mill on Uwharrie ..rwi. lver , . til) ine roafi trom urjy cross Roads, crossing Caraway Creek Uwharrie, thence to Nance Store vUie; , . r, , , , 1 (12) The road from Bombay School 1 house in a southern direction passing .sew Hope, Liberty Church and cn to j huiii.i. iuuh'.j urn.. (13) The road from Mechanic in a divc.tion west of south by Hill's store, : tm.m clrirch, Eleazer and on to the PROVIDES FOR COUNTY i l t 1 .1 11 ir'K the rlvLr and foKinuing in a di (14) The road leaving the old1 .. . , A. . ii a ,- 2 i. - rection east of south to an intersee- ! j u V "i 1 by way of Vest Bend church and fol- lo .ving the general direction "of the .Mac i,ewa';en road, passing near Hoprwcll hurch, the Grey's Mine and 1 on to Strieby. I (la) Ihe roail :rot:i 1. lali parsing near KocKy Kiclge school house, ns- gah, Cox's Mill and en to the Mont-, eo,iy countayJ,Re- ... . (16) The road from Asheboro m a southeastern ' directior 1 passing Ralph, near Piney Ridge and Erect, Mt. 01- ive, Browers Mill vM on to th, Moore couriy h2S. . KUf , m roaa irora v-nnswan wn-j I Report of the Condition of i THE BANK OF LIBERTY At I.iheitv. X. C. In the State of X. C., at the close of business Nov. 10, 1915. , RESOURCES T nn nml discounts 5,872.31 I Overdrafts 40&.91 I All other stocks, bonds and I mortgages Furniture and fixtures Due from National Banks. . d,70l.1'J Due from State Banks and 1 Bar -ers - A" 'c.m' c'hO Vtoia coin u:IvM. inHudinc ail minor cojn cu,Tencv 1,630.75 .National bank "notes and oth I er U. S. notes 2,!)i'H5 Revenue stamps 16-4 j t Total .).),esi.i . i LIABILITIES. , ,-apital j,to,.k p.,jfi jn $10,000.00 ,surpius fund 8,000.00 , uhvjrie,! profits, less current eXp,.nj:,,K alui taxes paid.. 1, 227.41 I)c iu SUDjw.t t0 check 31. 433.60 Savjnf,s deposits 48,797.41 j Total... $99,S24.14 Mace oi .xorin laruiina, wumj J''0'' wit irest of the , wnovenalne,i hank, do solemnly swear that tne above statement i true to j of my knowp(lge M1 neii( r. A. E. LEWIS, President. CORRECT Attest: JAS. F. PICKETT, B. M. RROWER, G. A. FOSTER, M. D.. Directors. Subscribe! and sworn to before mo, this 2Hrd day of November, 1915. A. F. STEVENS, Notary Public. My commission expires April 2, 1017. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF RANDOLPH at Asheboro, N. C, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business November 10, 1915. RESOURCES. Lonns and discounts $201,304 0" Overdrafts 621. Cf Asheboro School bonds 8,000.01 Banking houses and furniture and fixtures 5,000.00 From Xational Banks 39,235. 2C Due from state banks and bank ers 24.347.68 Cash items 2.21 6.6 ! Gold coin 6.642.50 "vl r C0ln including ail mmor jn cumncy 4,814.24 Xational bank notes and other U. S. notes 6.302.00 Revenue stamps 42.0' Total. 1297.526.00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $21,400.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. . .24,521.3(5 Deposits subjet to check. . . .225,626.80 Cashier's checks outstanding 997.81 Total $297,520.00 State of North Carolina, County of Randolph, ss: I, W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. J. ARMFIELD, JR.. Cashiec. CORRECT Attest: I). B. McCRARY, P. H. MORRIS, T. H. REDDING, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before nip, this 22nd dav of Xovember, 1915. J. D. ROSS. Notary Public. According to a story which is ready for the publisher;-, giving a biogr.iphy of Booker T. Washington and a his torv of Tnskoiree Institute. tb ridlepe .. nnt . f . . . - - an',A . . . . ' ' Post vouches for the statement that the ex-colonel sought the negro vote or,,.v to into th legislature, . ...... re t -j. and obtained it by the offer to get an appropriation for p. negro educational institution. The appropriation was secured in return for the support of the negro vote, but it is to be hoped that tu:s biography, of which one of the authors is the m-ancTson of Mrs. Harrict h,,,. Stowe, will not at- tempt to give the impression tt.at the Alabama legislature gave the p.ppro- nviation merelv to get the negto vntt j(1 cbnrvh in a norther.stfrly direction by Albrights store to Cross Roads prhool house on the Soagrovo-R'mseur road. (IN) The road from the gravel road near A. S. Pugh's in aVt easterly di section crossing Deep River at Buf- falo Ford, thence in a northeasterly diiection near Cox's Chapel, York & i raz.er More, rar;?s Cross Koad to Brown's Cross Road- no) The road frjm Ramk-eur i smithor-stpHv A-roMnn fV, Mill place and H. T. Rray's, Concord hurch and on to Cheeks. (20) The road from Concord church passing through Coleridge and continuing in a westerly direction to an interse(tion wnth the present gravel 'road from Ramseur to Erect. (21) The road from Cedar Falls through Franklinville and there cross tion with the gravel road from Ram s0llr t0 ject. It is to be understood that each of the roads enumerated and separately numbered above is to he considared as whole and the appropriation will not be made for less than the whole ie!lfrth thereof This propos'tion be withdravVT, on the first day of June, 1916, in all CMeg where a(fvantage nas no't fcen teken of th ff reviou8 t0 that t- jjnDOLPH ROAD TRUSTEES. ARTHUR ROSS. Chmn. CLARENCE PARKS. Sec STANDING OF CONTESTANTS (Continued from first page.) District No. 1 District No. 1 comprises all the ter- j ritory west of the Norfolk-Southern, and Southern railroads, including all of Asheboro. Asheboro. Mrs. J. Bart Robbins 1010,800 Asheboro Route 2 R. J. Pierce 997,000 Trinity Miss Maud Phillips 514,000 Miss Daisy Jordan 223,000 Caraway Route 2 Mrs. Clarence C. Ridge 43,500 Mechanic Miss Ina Ellington 20,100 Trinity Route 1 Miss Letha Royals 428,000 Salem Church Mrs. Lee Koarns 905,800 Eleazer Mrs. G. E. Carter 133,600 New Hope Academy Mrs. Jesse Luther 8,500 Pipe Miss Jennie Lassiter 10,000 Randleman Route 3 Miss Angie Spencer 16,200 District No. 2 District No. 2 comprises all of Ran dolph county east of the Norfolk- Southern, and Southern railroads with Randleman Miss Hannah Johnson 1000,000 Ramseur Miss Elise Grimes 998,500 Kanoy Miss Rosa Owen 985,600 Seagrore Route 1 Miss Hester Stuart 995,100 Franklinville Mr. II. B. Buie 990,000 Erect Miss Alma Leach 91,200 Climax Route 1 Mr Boyd Barker 113,000 Seagrove Mis.s Bertha M. Luck 225,000 Cedar Falls Miss Eunice Wrenn 18,800 Asheboro Route-1 Miss Essie Cox 36,400 Randleman Route 1 Miss Claudia Frazier 15,200 Coles Store Miss Sue Lambert 33,600 High Point Route 3 Miss Lola Shelly 21,000 Brown Miss Grace Brown 21,300 District No. 3 District No. 3 comprises all the ter- ritory outside of Randolph county. High Point Mrs. W. H. Dowdy 724,000 Miss Carrie Low 71,000 Miss Elsie Sink 10,600 Jerry Thurber, R 3 477,500 Denton Mr. Frank Surratt 25,000 Slier City Miss Hazel McAdams 24,800 Mt. Giltad Ms J. A. Liak 22,800 Thoraasville Mr. Julian Bailey 16,200 Capebie Miss Mabel Chisholm 21,200 Ether Mrs. Eli Freeman 8.500 Spies ; Misa Nora Baldwin 725,800 Biscoe Misa Nannie Asbell 270,000 Miss Emily Dowd 18A00 Candor Mrs. Emma McCaskell 12,000 Miss Myrtle Sea well 4,500 Troy Mr. Coy Bell 15,200 Greensboro Miss Uriah Glasgow 21,600 Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF RAMSEUR At Ramseur, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 10th, 1W5. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $108,377. SS Overdrafts secured, none; un secured, none Banking houses, $2,000; fur niture and fixtures, $2,000. 4.000.00 Demand loans 67,075.00 Due from National Banks.. 15,718.62 Cash Items '. 22.34 Gold coin 4,227.50 Silver coin, including all minor . .coin currency 1,616.96 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 2,728.00 Total $203,766.30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $12,000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. .. . 84.93 Deposits subject to check.. 57,525.12 Demand certificates of depes it 11.073.00 Time certificates of deposit. 109,690.30 Cashier's checks outstandlngl,067.95 Accrued interest due depositors 325.00 Total $203,766.30 State of North Carolina, County of Randolph, ss: I, I. F. Craven, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I. F. CRAVEN, Ca.ib.ier. CORRECT Attest: E. C. WATKINS, A. H. THOMAS, E. B. LEONARD, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of November, 1915. H. B. MOORE, . . . Notary Public BUSINESS BUILDERS McCall's patterns for sale at R. C. Johnson's. "Arrow" Mill Feed, beet on the mar ket, $1.30, at both Lambert Stores. BRAN 751b sack, $1.20, at both Lambert Stores. Fine Spencer variety of Sweet Pen Seed for sale by MRS. Wm. C. HAMMER, Asheboro, N. C. FIXE SAND HILL FARMS FOR SALE Will produce tobacco, cotton, corn, forage crops, melons and fine fruits. For information regarding farms write C. U. HINSHAW, Vass, N. . THE LAM.BERT STORES are sell ing 751b bag Richmond feed at $1.30. I am agent for C. W. Jennings, florist, Greensboro, and am able to supply cut flowers and funeral de signs at any time. Your patronage is solicited. Mrs. W. C. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C. 751b bag bran, $1.20, at both Lam bert Stores. To get your money's worth go to A. D. Hamilton's new cash store on Hoover Street, near the Asheboro Chair Factory, Asheboro, N. C. 4t. WRITE STORIES? For Moving ?k. tures. Producers pay from $25 to $100 each for Photoplays. Interest ing and fascinating. No experience necessary. Work in spare time. Full particulars FREE. A. R. SANDERS, Farmer, N. C. FOR SALE Webster's Intermedi ate Dictionary Reference HisUrg, conveniently arranged; every histori cal event of importance is recorded. Reason for selling, have two copie. Apply to DR. C. L. WHITAKER, Asheboro, N. C. FORD AUTOMOBILES WANTED I will buy a. few good bargains in second hand cars at once. This is your chance to close out before winter. 4t. E. G. MORRIS Asheboro, N. C. The Ford Trader. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE Early Jersey Wakefield, frost Proof, fine plants. All orders filled prompt ly. Postpaid anywhere, 100 16c; 1,000 $1.25. MISS BETTYE B. SHAMBURGER, Hills Store, N. C. CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP contains wild cherry, squill, senega, ipecac and sanguinaria, the five best Ingredients for a cough and cold. Pleasant to take. Sold in Asheboro only by Standard Drug Co. Fine Frostproof Cabbage Plants by parcel post. Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield and Sue ers ion, 1,000 for $1.00 postpaid l'JO for 15c postpaid. R. O. PARKS, Ulah, N. C. Cabbage plants Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, and Allseasoa, $1.00 per 1,000, 2,000 or more express prepaid. Arehdale Truck and Plant Farm A. J. Luck. Route No. 3, High Point, N. C. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Nearly new 1915 Ford Touring Car, with $35.00 Radiator, seat covers, hand horn, cut out, Diamond non-skid tires, on real wheels. This car same as new. Also one 8-year-old mule, 1050 lbs. Can you use tar or mule? Will trade either. b. f. Mcdowell, Asheboro, X. C. CABBAGE PLANTS Positively Frost Proof. Our plants are well hardened, stronar and healthv. sure to please. Will guarantee prompt, safe and quick delivery. Cultural directions no sired. Give us a trial order, will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Earlv Jersev Wakefield. Charles ton Wakefield, Succession and Dutch. Prices $1.00 per single 1,000. 3 to 5,000 90 cents. 5 to 10,000 dp cents. 10 to 30,000 65 cents. W. L. K1VETT, 3t. High Point, N. u It is certainly surprising that anv woman will endure the miseraDie feelings caused by biliousness ana constipation, when relief is so easily had and at so little expense. Chas. Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes. "About a year ago I used two botue of Chamberlain's Tablets and they cured me of biliousness and ""PS: tion and biliousness. For sale by " dealers. FOR RENT My home in West Asheboro. Apply to me, or to Wm. C. Hammer. JOHN M. HAMMER, . . . . ureensDtioi

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