Thu Thursday, June 14, 1917 THE ASHEBORO COURIER Page Five THE COURIER TELEPHONE NUMBER 5 Asheboro, N. C, June 14, 1917 LOCAL AND PERSONAL I Miss Mary Spencer of Carthage Mr. Grady Milter leaves today for Capt, B. F. Dixon Advise Young Men . visited relatives in town last week. Raleigh where he goes to visit friends. To Voluntee j Mr. Frank Dickens left Monday for Mr. J. W. Luther of Eleazer was in Capt. Dixon recommends the volun- 4 his home at Roanoke, Va., after visit- Asheboro Tuesday on legal business, wwing of the young men of Randolph i ing his mother, Mrs. W K. Dickens, I Dr. L. M. Fox, county health physi- lnit "'joining aunties with Company since Saturday. 'dan reports that in and around Ashe- r, th thai 'lJeAei 4 i . , , . . . . . horn there are 4,i cases of measles 8her as a unit after they have ,1 Misa Gladys Allred, who has been oro there are 45 cases or measles. been mustered into the Federal service. in Randleman visiting friends for a 1 Mr. S. G. Richardson and sister or Those who have already registered are week and attending the commence- Brower'a Mill were in town Tuesday 8tiH at liberty to volunteer and the A ment, returned home Sunday. having dental work done. advantage to Randolph boya being X I m. t va - hi..-.. tI Mr. S. W. Presnell returned vester- held together with officers and men Z seph H. Wall of Sophia have enlisted day fron Rockingham and Hoffman whom they know rather than being in the ambulance company at Greens-, where h ha ben 00 business, scattered all oyer the country in dif- f boro of which Dr. C. S. Lawrence will Mr. and Mrs. Cary Lovett and chil- ent companies where they will be 4 be captain. Mrs. W. H. Moring and Mrs. S. B. Stedman and little daughter came home Friday from Charlotte where they have been . daughter, Mrs. John Mi; what sin is until he sees ence of Christ. Selected. dren of Pittsburgh, Pa., are the guests absolute strangers to both officers and ot Mrs. u ri. luovett in west Asne- is oonoun. boro. ; Mrs. Lillie Burns Elliott returned to . Wilson-Cox with Mra Mori Tl home at Hickory the latter part On May tfte 10th, 1917, at noon m ,hnM PnA.r ot last week after visiting her broth- Paxton hotel, Omaha, Nebraska, Misj hn M. Porter. - Ora M. Cox of Olathe. Kansas, became Clyde Kearns passed tbroughi .j w q i f bride of Mr. William Warren Wil- A ,.UU.. f:.l., 1 1 .' .V"1"" " " . "-'".'""y.. ann C Cm. Mikncko Tk Uk, ,.f i f . .1 nuv.y,, .lcr ay iivuie Millboro Route 1 and daughter, Miss I Farmer from Durham. Miss Kearns WilIi of Greensboro have been visit- ? ceremony was performed by Rev. 'w a member of the faculty .of the in(f reiativea in Alberne, Va., on their Coln of. Syracuse, Nebraska Durham Conservatory of Music return from the Confederalo reunion Th room 18 veterinarian and Mr. Ray Hayworth left Sunday in Washington, D. C. TkV iTtl ul Mr. W. F. Hunsucker, who for the Hnno-ht-or nf th lac. v w f mi assutiawru rnimt-w mH a gam nnmibr u lrnnum nere, mer. Top O' the Morning Stanley tells us that he found men Z.25srZ7S.ZAnV morning for Chapel Hill, where he will! o , , " !,, do research work in medicine at the .past few months has been associi man. oo many a man can never know T ... xru r i: i.u:. - . .. . T . . r.. . , it in the pres- . ' r. iL . l l " ..v" For Spring and t Summer Clothing This store is ready to take care of your wants for spring and summer clothing or shoes. We invite your especial attention to our men's and boys' ready made clothing. See my line of un derwear, wash shirts, houses dresses, light weight skirts, and middy blouses. This store saves you money. R. C. JOHNSON Mr. Shafter Ferree haa a position with A .0. Ferree's grocery store. Mrs. Z. T. Byrd continues critically ill at her home in South Asheboro. The Asheboro chautauqua will be held from June 29 to July 5. Miss Myrtle Asbury is in Mebane this week the guest of friends and rel- with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Robins. atives. turned to Asnenoro to De associated l-, fu. ... ft,- 0.a -v. u., Walter Walker, colored, 18-year-old wit the Courier in the circulation de- been teaching school in Olathe, Kan- son of Robert Walker, died Monday Partment. He is this week on a trip sas wr,ere her efficient work and sun afternoon following a prolonged ill- m the eastern Part of the county. ny disposition has won for her many ness from fever. The funeral services Mr. T. J. Fraley of Lakeland, Flon- friends who are glad to know she will were held Tuesday at 3 o'clock. da, is visiting friends and relatives make her home in the west. . . , in Liberty. Mr. Fraley drov9 over to Immediately s.fter the ceremony the Mrs. Annie Robins, who has been Asheboro yesterday. For nine "VeafVbridal party enjoyed a sumptuous din with her son Rev. Sidney Robins of he and hi3 family lived in Franklin- ner at the hotel. Kingston, Mass., the past eight months ville Mr Fraley moved to Florida a Mrs. N. C. Coggin of Syracuse, Ne .Tnur3(!ay t0 .Pt"'1 some time number 0f years ago and is living on braska, was an invited jruest at this a 47-acre orange grove. He has re- marriage. Mr. R. L. Meaehum. teleeraoh on- cently been elected commissioner in . Mr. Granville Grimes returned Mon- erator for the Southern, was at home the fourth ward of the city over an God Save the State! day night from Washington where he with his familv Sundav. He will opponent who is the editor of Star, has been for the past ten days. move his familv from Graham to a daily paper of Lakeland. Our Fathers God, to Thee, Mr. Duke Robins of Greensboro was Asheboro the latter part of the week. in Asheboro Friday with his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watkins of! Attention F"9 Mutual Policy Mrs. Annie Robins. Greensboro were in Asheboro Tues- holdera Mr. G. T. Cochrane of Thomasville day on their way to Ramseur to visit! Mr. Everett T. Walton has been P,a,f u Tl, was in Asheboro on business Monday their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. elected secretr.rv and treasurer of the r.nt- r.,iH ni.r kinot .i WntVina f . xr.....ii r:- t . urtat uoa, our lung. Mr. Ransom Wiles of the Hutohins Author of Liberty, lo Ihee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's" holy light; Watkins. Mr. I nomas I ucker and family, who sociacion or Kannoinn county in me gess Thou our native land! are located at Denton at present, were place of Mr. L. C. Phillins who re- j.-jrm ma,. gne ever stand in Asheboro Tuesday. Mr. Tucker is signed at a meeting of the executlvj Through storm and night; a former citizen of Asheboro. He is committee held in the courthouse Mon- when the wild tempest rave, engaged in the moving picture busi- day. The executive committee is anx- juier 0f wind and wave ness and travels. ious that all arrerages in the payment y0 Thou our country save James, the 18-months-o!d child of of assessments be made immediately By Thy great mi ht Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Lewallen of Cedar tn Mr- Walton, who will send receipt! Grove township died Saturday from or same- For her prayers shall rise an attack of cholera infantum. The , : " T , 'To God above the skies; funeral services were held Sunday at Rev s- W. Taylor, Pastor of Hender- 0n Him we wa;t; Hopewell church. I 80n -hurch, in Asheboro Thou Who are ever nigh, Mr. R. C. Kelly is at home visit to his daughters at the h tneir aunt, Mrs. uessesio Maci UI,,-io. P,L- Uo ovnta in loo,., mfinna in ks f P .hnrpll Mr Miss Lillie Maness of Biscoe is the thP latter nart of thp wet'k for Green.. Tflvlor ia a forceful sneaker and is Mrs. Macon Efird, aged 29 years, guest of Miss Claudia Dickens the boro to become a member of the firm preaching some excellent sermons. Re led a ner homein Albemarle Mon- j J week end. I of Brooks, Sapp and Kelly. will be here until Monday morning after a few hours illness. She i is W Mr. Roger Ogburn has returned to Mr3. Rosanna Spencer is visiting when he will go to High Point for the lved by her husband and two chiU Mr avde Cox P y - j friends ,n Asheboro after having spent TMS' Owing to the fact that quite a num. M" d Mr. W. A. dJEE 'Z'ZTr Kffii SetelSS Kndrt 8? ? .of the members of the North Car-1 of Randleman Route 1, last weolc, a. township. Miss Lucile Rush drug store, Winston-Jsalem, was in town with his parents Sunday. Misses Nina and Olivia Rhodes of Florence, S. C, are in Asheboro with their sister, Mrs. J. F. Miller. Mr. C. M. Fox and family were in Carthage Sunday with Mrs. Fox's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spencer. Mrs. J. F. Hughes left Saturday for Greensboro for treatment in St. Leo's hospital. Rev. L. W. McFarland of High Point preached at the Friends' church Sun day night from a Rev. S. W. Taylor, pastor of the uar:'ln with watchtui eye, borne of M. P. church of Henderson is assist- lo Inf aloud we cry, .kav, at ing Rev. C. L. Whitaker in a series of t,od ave the state! To Those Born With out a Silver Spoon Mighty few of us are born with silver spoons in our mouth. Most of us must bestir ourselves not only for the spoon, but for something; to go in it. Therefore, make every clothes-dollar bring its full return. This summer economize on a Keep-Kool suit. To wear with it get soft collars, a soft shirt, and silk hose. A new tie would look well, too. We have these newly arrived and in the Latest-' style. Our cash prices guarantee that you will get them at the very lowest price. Our stock of men's furnishings is complete in every detail. THE WOOD CASH CLOTHING COMPANY t t Miss Bertha Cox has been in Randle man the past few days the guest of Miss Johnsie Newnn. Tko muimmUn hoar, wall ottonrirri olina Good Roads Association are also I members of the Press Association, ChaHottreresh'; has be'en taking W ?? TZ", a SDecial course in muiic the oast narvey v. nuey, m. u.i , Rn!lja Aaanrintinn tv Mmniw.1 winter. She was accompanied by t meets at Wrightsville Beach,' ; June 27 to 29th, it has been decided by me uooa noaas Association 10 cnange Thp mnat rlifficnlt nnri most nathetic the dates for the Road Convention to t; v.t. io .mrvon;wt hv Miss nay, who will be her guest lor nart of th nutation of diet is tb Monday. Tuesday, mm! Wdnaday. Miss Ardella Lowe, has returned from ' a 'ew days- appeal from the ill for specific m- July 9, 10, and 11. I visit to relatives in Tennessee. I Miss Annye fclmore, wno nas been struccions as to wnat tney snouia eat.; iaura r ranees nearne, aaugnter oi W. Walker, at Jackson, brings. ' .f k. m is to confine himself to the original of Montgomery, Ala., were married Miss Frances Hannah leaves tomor- , M w j j t elemental and eternal-article of diet Wednesday, June 6, at the home of the row for Staley, where she goes to visit Havworth ' i most Peculiar t man milk, which in brother and sister of the bride, Mrs. Frank Kivet. I m ' n v m;m some form is the fundamental diet of An equestrian statue of General Mi, Hallie Ross is home from Ran- Mr- TJ S- Graves of Kemps Mill the invalid ag well as of the infant,' Robert E. Lee, mounted on his favor- jri, Maron Tolleire Colleire Park. J uua'"' '"-, j say advisedly, "in some form." I ite horse, Tanreler, was unveiled in- f?.ummeVttoT ' Tuesday. Mr. Graves says the wheat wou,d' not be b,d enougn t0 even day mormDg on the Gettysburg bat- "vl j , BC"'"" ' r1 "" that pure, fresh, clean milk of healthy tleneld on the spot where fickctt'a ,T3V expected, the oat crop is poor and corn 8 ig alway9 the form in which 'division formed fifty-seven years ago is looking wen. fniijc can be uged j may say wja, for 3 famous charge in the third Mr. R. 0. Parks, of the Pisgah sec- confidence, that it is generally the day's battle that marked the high tide tion of the county, has been bringing best. However, I have seen very fa- of the Confederacy. Confederate vet- I some tine cabbages to me AsncDoro ( vorable effects follow the use of some erans from all parts of the South were market ior me past two weess. un form or rermentea mine T. Mr Porta onll Mr T? I. 3ar. I tu. l . ;11, l rifln 1KH nnunna or rariDare. anatntmnir rliot- in rsapa nr lonir.ron- r I s " Va.,for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Walton guests Sunday of Mrs. Walton's father, Mr. Poole, near Candor. Miss Margaret Morris is in Randle man with her uncle, Mr. W. H. Pick-ard. Mr. Wilev Rush left Tuesday for Littleton where he goes to accept MEET HER AT The Fountain of Quality Every Day in the Year Quality Fountain Drinks Served the Quality Way STANDARD DRUG COMPANY r The Rexall Store Quality Prescriptionista X Mr. Berry Writes of Trip to Min neapolis Editor Courier: I am writing you a few lines to tell nosition. I Mr. A. L. Brtles or cedar r aus was tinuing ana wearing aiuease mmi-am Mr Clvde Auman of Elon College in Asheboro Tuesday on business. Mr., that this article of diet is the lunda- 'a c u iuv,ro. Tiio,ia n KriU aava that the addition which is mental resort. Milk that becomes nat- passeo "s at'Kin hHb1 tn th mill at Cedar Falls urallv sour through the action of the iu..- i ia tmtntr ainncr rflniHIv. The new nart . lactic acid ferments is a good type aeagrove. will he 53x120 feet. of sour milk for invalids use. The Misses Luna ana Vivian n.eni . . . . . . ;a-.-.ti m.-ii,. hiv nro Farmer who have been the( Mr. Fred Barrett had the mnun:"nv' lffeVtive Particularly the Misses Birkhead in. South Asheboro last week of getting his hand caught 2S madfe in em8ciation and to return to work. Unfortunately, the art of making Mr. I. F. Kearns of Fanner was'kumiss ia not widely distributed, and in Asheboro Tuesday with country lf thi reason it is not to be had in returned home Monday. Mrs. Prim Miflikan and Miss Isley Cox returned Monday from Troy where they have been visiting relatives the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kivett returnea pir Vatnrdav after having spent ln A600 iw?al w u S",uu"','tor this reason it is not to be ha to Florida Saturday alter M?l r' , produce. He had three bushels of i -i, Barta of the country. If we ' the winter m Asheboro ana ourung- - . d gaid he couid havel'J' r. uu -HlPlcke1 as many morf ITOm ynes-'mented milk and its high utility in and Mrs. A. D. Howell n;Mr. Kearns also had several dozen uej of thu kind( wouid be an were fer- eggs and several pounds of butter. increase in the depots of supply. But Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Page and daugh-'jn most cities kumiss, often of a very ter, Miss Alice, and Mrs. J. R. Page, high quality, can be obtained in the ,J5 ?2E i2i 55S Li 5iSStM and my livered a most scholarly, stirring and patriotic address on Tuesday morning of last week at the commencement ex ercises of the Salisbury Normal and industrial institute. Forethought People are learning that a little fore thought often saves them a big ex pense. Here is an instance: E. W, Archer, Caldwell, Ohio, writes: "I do not believe that our family has been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com menced keeping house years ago, When we go on an extended visit we take it with us." Obtainable every' where. ton. childrm were in Asheboro Sunday with Mrs. Howell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Dickens. nr. W. R. Wolfe, our veterinary 1 . ' H throuo-h Asheboro Monday , leadinsr dru stores. surgeon, has been appointed second i en route to Greensboro. They were The soured milk which is due solely lieutenant in the Veterinary Surgeons . onmnanied bv Miss Etta Reid Wood.'to lactic fermentation, and not to al- Beserve Corps. who has been Mrs. Page's guest for coholic, is best illustrated by the prod-i Mr Fred McPherson, formerly of 'some time. ucts made with the artificial culture! Asheboro, enlisted recently in the ar- Mr Alvin HiU 80n of Mr. and Mrs. of the Bulgarian bacillus. These cul-. m at the Charhton, S. C. recruiting T , HiM nf fdar Grove township, is turn can now be obtained m almost. the M. Cj. cnurca u u. , luiuni T -I" , .Tiv tiona. thi infnrv " I were called upon to prescribe or the injury. i om remed which would be most Among those receiving the A. M-, era useful in disea8e x would un. degree from the University at 'hesitatingly say, "some form of sour commencement last week were. r.V- . ... ,7 Th nortiriilar form I erett A. Kendall, formerly of Ashe- who. . , u... fenrtnr Krol. liPO. v.i iii ..ii.-J.j j i .u. --7. , . ; completely uumeu, una ieve me Bradshaw, formerly principal of , ieast disturbing residue of any known f armer nign acnooi anu - "i-": , human food. It contains a well bal intendent of the Asheboro graded anced form which leaves no over-plus school, received tne ni. a. wgiw. The members of the Asheboro camp United Confederate veterans have re turned from Washington where they attended the annual reunion of the veterans of the war between the states. Uhe local "boys" state that thev had a very nice time after the first day but that the first night in Printing aet avenue Tuegday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Walker and Mr. J. O. Walker went to Jackson Springs Friday to spend some time at the Anchorage. Mrs. L. C. Phillips returned Ssunoay Route 1. Master Keith Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison, of High Point, left yesterday for home after a visit to Master Harris Coffin. Mr. C. E. Stuart and Mr. Malcom Davis and family of Seagrove were in Asheboro Monday. Mr. Davis is tak ing treatment at the local hospital. Rev. Rankin of Greensboro was in Asheboro Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Neely. He held services in the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Mrs. A. A. Maness and children left Monday afternoon for their home at Candor after a visit to Mrs. Maness' mother, Mrs. W. K. Dickens. ed milk. The particular form I would not be able to prescribe until the patient had been studied. Milk is easily assimilated, most of any one element, the elements which nourish all the tissues, and it imposes the least burden upon the organs of assimilation and excretion. Milk is therefore, above all other fods, the proper nutriment for the sick. The eighth annual convention of tn B. Y. P. U. adjourned its sessions at the capital oity was the cause of mem- Gastonia' Thursday night. There were nKL, I 1. . .1. A Cn'a ...Unn Onn 1m .anilan. tmn all Mll-ta sleeping out was in order. After that of the state. R-.J. Wilson of Raleigh first day, however, everything was was elected president for the coming lovely and times were high. . year, 2S2SZSZUS2S2SZ5Z5ZS2S25Z52SZS21f V D C C D C D C Are You in Need of $ Tags Ctrdi Blub Folder Dadfen lUcetrtf Envelopes Statements Bill Heidi Invitations Packet Beads Letter Heads Call at this office Good Work Is Our Specialty JZSZ525ZS2SZ5ZS25Z5Z5Z525Z5Z5Z52 first stop was in the "Land of the Sky." After spending a few hours there my next stop was Indianapolis, about 20 hours continuous ride. There I visited the plant of Nordyke and Morman Mfg. Co., which manufactures mill machinery and automobiles, They have a plant which cover about 50 acres, and employs 2,500 workmen, and 100 omce lorce. There 1 spent the night at Hotel Washington. On Saturday morning I arrived in Chicago, spending Saturday evening and night at the Lexington, on Lake Michigan. It was so windy and rainy that 1 had to stay in all day and night. Sunday being a fine day I at tended services in the first Baptist church in Chicago. My next stop was in Milwaukee, a lovely place right on Lake Michigan. On Monday morning, other millers and myself, as well as mill furnishers and mill machinery men caught a special train from Chicago to Minneapolis, where we were most cordially welcom ed at Hotel Radisson, one of the lar gest and beat in the lovely city of Minneapolis, which is the headquar ters of the Twenty-Second Annual and National Convention of the united States and Canada of Fraternity of Operative Millers. The convention will close Friday night with a banquet on the roof gar den of Hotel Radisson, where all will enjoy a feast, after which we will all return to our homes North, East and West, and some to the "Sunny South," but I will return to the "Sunny East" of the old North State. , Yours very truly, G. W. BERRY. News From Old Trinity (By R. L. J.) Mrs. Nannie Craven, who haa been at Davenport College for some time is in Trinity on a visit. Mr. Earle Craven of Lexington was in Trinity last Sunday. Gilbert White is in Trinity. Gilbert has a position in Raleigh. Allen Carpenter of Wadesboro was in town Tuesday. Allen lived here a few years ago. Miss Night of Guilford College is visiting Miss Mary White in South Trinity. The ice cream supper given by the riiilathea class was well -attended Sat- ( urday evening. We had a splendid rain hers Satur day night. Attorney Bruce Craven arivl wife, with their mother, Mrs. Nanrhie Cra ven, motored to Asheboro last Thurs day. Miss Burt White is visiting relative in South Carolina. v The ladies' prayer meeting met- with Mrs. Ballance at her home "Bal.rosa" last Friday evening. ; Bruce Craven has purchased a nice automobile. Marsh Bullard and family of Flori da are expected to make a visit to Trinity soon. They will be the guests of Mrs. Parker, of the "Parker Hou e." The Christian Endeavor Society, picknicked upon the college campus Saturday evening. Miss Lillian White of Gienola waa the guest of Miss Mary White Sin day. 4 Mr. Fred Ingram was in Trinity, Sunday. The Epworth League held their reg ular meeting Sunday night. Miss Night addressed the Philathea class Sunday morning. Rev. Sidney S. Robins, Former Ashe boro Citizen, Married The Courier is in receipt of the fol lowing which will be of interest to many of the Randolph people: "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lord announce the marriage of their daugh ter Frances Shippen and j Reverend Sidney Swaim Robins on Tuesday, June the fifth 4 1 nineteen hundred and seventeen Plymouth, Massachusetts" Mrs. Robins is the daughter of Mr, Arthur Lord, an attorney who prac tices in Boston, Mass. The bride is a most charming woman. Mr. Robins is the son of the late M. S. Robins of Randolph county. He was educated! at Chapel Hill where he completed the A. B. course in 1904. The following year he went to Harvard University; where he took three degrees. In 1910 Mr. Robins was called to Kingston, Mass., where he went to serve the First Parish Unitarian church. H has served the pastorate there eves since. Mr. and Mrs. Robins have the congratulations and good wishes of their many friends in Asheboro and! Randolph county. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASIO R I A

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