Pays DEVIL IS NOT IN IT BT KAISBK THB WEIED SPELL OF GOD Satan and &is Inpe Take Back Seat In Matter ef DeTfliib Deeds Louie Sykerkrep, af Cravk«&, leiva* has acquii^ «uch faaae in recent weeks an ffotiier of a satire on Xaiser ^Wilhelm. Seperte kaTe eente to kiat from Tumulty, Daniels, Boeserelt and people in erery state of tka Union and in l forced by the struggle in Europe, bil if we may judge by the-country’s ew perience after the civil war of 1861-6| this may be postponed for some timi In the meantime Philadelphia is gi’O'B ing as never before. The need's of til present are so urgent that it would I futile' to worry over the future.- Philadelphia Record. The 1917 potato crop is estimated i consist of 453,000,000,000 bushels, c half again as much as last year. R| ports from the commission on car se| vice indicate that more than 750,0(J cars "will be needed to handle it. I have strolled over the battleflelda of Belgium 'and France. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it’s all your work, superfiend that I made you. • rhave seen the fields of Poland, now a wilderness fit for prowling beasts only; no merry children in Poland now,, they all succumbed to frost and starv ation—I drifted down into Galicia where formerly Jews and Gentiles liv ed happily together; I found but ruins . and ahes; I felt a curious prMe in ray pupil, for it was all above my expecta- tiems. I was in Belgium when you drove the pDacefu! popuhiUon like cattle into slavery; you SL-parated and wife aiul fovcod th-cm to hard oba-r iii the I bave .'.i.i-a ilir' mo. t fiendish ilLt-L-a open yo..!ng I •; '•m.- )iU>tcr- I '-- fin ^ Oi their owners away to starvation. You have strayed away from legal ized war methods and introduced v code of your own. You have killa and robbed the people of friendly nj tions and destroyed their propert| You are a liar, a hypocrite and a blu; fer of Hie highest magnitude. You ai a part of min© and yet you’pose as tl personal frierwi of God. Ah, Wilhelm,-you are a wonder! Ya wantonly destroy all things in yoj path and leave nothing for comii| generations. Content to Take a Back Seat I was amazed when I saw you fori _ partnership with the impossibj Turk, tha chronic killer of Chrietin and you a devout worshipper in 1 Lutheran church. I confess, WilheU you are a puzzle at times. I A Mahommedan army, commandJ by German officers, assisted one el other in massacreing Christians inP new line of warfare. I When a Prussian officer can witnel a nude w'oman being disemboweled 11 a swarthy Turk, committing a doubl murder by one cut of his saber, ail calmly stand by and see a house fil of innocent Armenians locked up, til house saturated with oil and fired, thil my teachings did not stop with yol but have been extended to the whoi German nation. . f I confess'my satanic soul grew sul and then and there I knew the pujl had'become'the master. I am a ba'.I number, aii(b v,y dear Wilhelm, I nba| cate in your favor. ^ The great kc-y of hell will be lu 'OV .ri'yni.i. The gavel thal lias e d