res 'i catcnat TERRIFIC REPLY TOTHE CRITICS SENATOR JNO. SHARP W1LUAMS has orrsm fire Lit art GnukiM is "Mufcrataig Us AeaiaktratMB," Declares the Mi Senior . John. Sharp Willjams, of Mississippi, ti&s Mois trnfi UkW to Senator Hitchcock, of Nebranita, and other critics of Secretary Baker, when he said that the German game now "is muckraking the administra-j tion. " That answer may not le com-1 plete, but it is strong. I Mr. H. E. C. l!rya:U w iv. s The Charlotte Observer: 1 Onlookers in ,;ii!i knv Jiat a Koiut!icun mowm. iu i.i d'MTed.t ami undermine ttie Wn.on :n'niiinir;i tion is on here. The i ;i t ; .- of in-.-moviment, afraid to t- ::i altai': t e President, are ready to .-e ze any uji jiortuiiity to go after a numm i of ine , 'i iv Chaintu 1 :;i;;i .--peei-h m ev York ami the war cabinet and dir.ctur of lr.iinifior.s were jrrab- iiid u by Cuien. 1 KousiVelt and vther , amb:t!oL. K; pal). leans as a nieanj of truiiiile-makini;. S. netor (.'huinberialn is not a willing party to a:i saeh a jram '. ilc has been ;; ..tron supporter of the Kiimini.-trattonV v. ::r jNnicy, but; went astray on these measures, lis New York ult ranees v r-' most unfor-, tu.'Uite. Senator ilit. heoek is the leml-; me; )e.-;.-:M :. t in the i nul". 11 is : sp eei es un- ..oleful warnings or wails, lie has not supported lie- leiminisUa-! lion with :. v. hoie hca:t on many of itsj war measures. lie sji eih of Senator Williams in; Kjly to le.e latest hitchcock calamity i hov. i is full of interesting things. I have culled some of tne more striking features: j " havi! listened with a great deal of attention and respect to the speech just made by the Senator from Ne-j 1. ... i . 1.. , ......nn-i h Mn, hi 1 .amenta-1 t ions are not in it with the Senator j trom .Nebraska, lie begins away back. yonoer ami w is us uiac we ,e s'niis. J10 lens us inau we nave no i-.e ions u, uia, we '"pacifism as a passion, with the apos mis nor uiat no, uie i.u,,8 i uiat no, uie lm.k l we need ami uiui every on oi knov.s we need. He has drawn an In dictment against the executive depart ment of tiie lederal government that is very strong. "The human memory is a treacher ous and a foolish thing. Mine leads nw right now back to a day in this Scnalo . 1. - . . i i V...-., "'Ul Ml' ll l. ""S ... UK to sloii the shipment of munitions i and food to l.i allies. T . , j most a.' i in. li reat Hi- r:ta:n and to tho rojios! !i as . (f i:i:ti"! d rav'asures Ri- , his a'.iiic council curse, if we had no sue : SloliDi .1 t si' and food from going to lireat Britain, Groat Britain would ns. r. 'y have said: "Very v. ell; lind vour mo! ships. Vou h ive nor.r. We will tak.' oers out of the North At lantic trad-'-, if vou can rut send un niuiiitiom; an.! can net solid us food, th'-re is nothing el.-:e that we want from vcl; ; ,;. K,.; : a ;: r.i nv:i I.-!-.' : Vy !" ;!a.t ;!ay. -; the '! "i "ri1 then. .1. o up (;. i teC , if tl 'lit of as i'l t nj, ono .gh h"s great h. if ham lent h by this 'stavi' ug up ".My im" lory gm ly lo the lime wh' ing uvm this lloi r bark ti e;u Iierous- ! iiifn wf-re stand- waatmg an (mhar-j,,,,,.,! oxistcnpe? (inilKhtL,r Dn ran commerce with'. !, u fv v,..f... t-,.. go on all Amc rican commerce with Europe, , . , . i. i u but 1 neod not dwell unon it: i. i i e , , . . " ""i. rvnuY ,,: ntivi: viil iu w in. ami the balance of you know about it Nowithat thc Qnl jn (;o(,,g A f SfT, N'lraska has made, win ifi to 8U port the mrn who h his argument; he has drawn an Indict- pen to be in authority? I do not care ment, and a powerful indictment, too, against some inefficiency that all of us know and that all of us recognize. I will tell you the trouble with the Sen ator from Nebraska and the trouble with the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Chamberlain), both of whom I lore PAPE'S PIAPEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH la Five Mlnntesl .No Dyspepsia, Heartburn or Any Stomach Misery n . . ' i , . .. ovur, gassy, upset stomacjQ, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food yoaveat ferments into gases and upsets you; your head aches and you cc sick ana miseraoie, mat s wnen you realize the wonderful acid neu tralizing power in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes all such stomach misery, due to acidity, vanish in fivs minutes. If your stomach is Sn a continuous ' revolt if you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia pepsin. It's so needless to have an acid stomachmaker your next meal a favorite food meal, then; take a little DiapcpRin. .There wflTnot be any dis tress at without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" sweet en out-of-order stomachs that give it its millions of sales annually. f Get a Jarre fifty-cent cans of Pape's jKprr. In from any drag store. It Is t' :-.:.! e f, purest antacid and atom-! i ' ' ' .. n. It nrti almost l.V" A CHILD GETS CROSS SICK AND FEVERISH WHEN CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If Tongue is Coated Clean Little Liver and Bowtis If your little one's tongue is coated, it is a sure sign the stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. Whet joar child is cn5s, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't eat, or act naturally; if breath is bad,1 stomach sour, system full of cold, throat sore, or if feverish, give a tea spoonful of "California Syioip of. Figs" and in a few hours all the cloersred-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and vou have a well, playful child again. Sick children neidn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." M.ilions of mmlu'is keep it huniJy bo-cau.-e t :. Know its action on the sl"ma. ". I'ver and bowels is prompt and saie. They also know a little g.v en to iay saves a sick child tomorrow. A.-k your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs" which contains directions for babies, children of al lages and for grown ups plainly on the bottle. Iieware of eO'.mtc i feits fold hen'. 1 h ! the- gen uine n.ade by "Cu!ifoi'-.:a Fig Syrup Company." very will t have mem! tee U 11' ss tO h) cailoc ..('! especially one of tleni. 1 11 you the trouble with you: Yo'j Ih.n el. gaged as ('urrnian ;:: 'Crs of an inve. t igatmg ( or. unit r four or live v."ook.-, and the Las! if an investigat :g committee i. k at specks. iv.e.' t'"iig that i: to its attention is a t-pi k. It becomes a speck obsessed. After you got through with the investigation you came out, and you drew a circle with chalk on the blackboard, and you filled it plumb full of specks, and you w'roto on it. 'This is the sun.' It is no more the sun than than my soul is my foot. (Laughter.) "The American people have faced this situation with mngnificant effi ciency and I am tired of hearing them lime world ' ; aroun(J ,.om M( complete peace establishment (I: voted to neaee and Uo of d(;mofn,cv at the h,,aJ Uo of d(;mofn,cv at the h,,aJ of tl)e procession, Thomas Jelferson himself. and w it.'iin nine months converted themselves so nearly completely into a war machine. Mv bovs are there I.. and your boys are there, my son:'-in-la'.v nre there and yours are there. I deny the right of any man to draw this indictment against the American rt-.,.0 ..o-M n.-l l, A .Mr, pie execitive control. hy si ouid we have had p.ll this '.' Wliy .-hoi'1,) u )i;lVe come Was pot ( yoryhody try ing to hi- fo !iis '1 host .' l ' senator from J Orcc-en tM us th e'lu' i- day in his ; speed: that the efforts of the ; ec ro tary of war had i;.-en 'commendable;' the tena'.or f'om Nebraska pays a high tribute to him today; and tliey both ay a high tribute to the Presi dent of the United States. Has not each one of us, hero as a senator. th'-o a t!-e s "!': t'-.ry of war, over there ns rhe rr":'!dn(. ever end!r '.he :-ecr- 'rv of Jb- j-'iW, out lliere as n, trv:": ?v.tPr C'f the tr, 1- vel Heat nry; be;nil t: n:-'.i'h!.. tlvni. Hie Un- i n t'v M- )l ! V 0( 0 I t-M c d I, t v uvn. y ' '' m in' ret a'.i t is lb-re en. rvin-.' a H- "A iv wo '"I .' l?nt? tlv'oth. r i to rlo c". : ! ut'l'o;"i oni ide of till nlier v.b.i rot behind tho American pinpV in tiiis war, i-xcept a few foil parilirts that, have nrettv neorlv m . mil ,f J,v'" 'iv" fc.n. m mil' lis : lli . i, i. ..... , . i who put them there. "Do you know what I would do if I were President of the United States and you dared pass that war cabinet bill on me? I would veto it first; and then if you passed it by a two-thirds majority, I would utterly refuse to obey it, upon the ground that the con stitution invested -certain duties and liabilities in me, and that I could not forsake them. "I heard a senator here the other day on the floor of the ' senate com plaining because they did not have anyplan of campaign for the war here in Washington when the war is being fought in Belgium and in France. Did you ever hear anything as stupid as that since the day when you were born quarreling with an administra tion in America, o.OQO miles from the field of battle, about not having a war plan? That is worse than the old ulie council of Austria that could not make itself heard even from Vienna to Campo-Formio. How do rod expect a lot of men here, gathered together, accidentally, coflonels. lieu tenant colonels and majors, to. draw a war plan to fight a war In Europe? Either Pershing will fight the war or Pershing ought to be put out of com mission; and, in my opinion, Pershing can fight tho war: and, in ray opinion, if Pershing and Bliss : put . together can not fight it we havf plenty, of other men who can; htit of all things in 0 world I know thnt the Crmtrrrn all due respect to the intelligence of this august body, of which I am one, I Having qualified as administrator I do not think a single one of them I "For two years I suffered agonix- on e6l,te ,? ' Jr". T AT'Il. could giv Utrshiag an -idea tht,ing pains in my stomach, beldung v ceaed,ore F-jWnsht , v Parahing! wouW care to entertain sour and bitta fluid and gas. Tongaei the SapenerAxitart Randolph coun thre seconds, er could give fli&s one. 'always coated. Doctors were unable? ' 'All peh$na;fiavrtg cfaims against Yet the enator said. "We have baent help me. , The first dose of MayrV 8ai? estatd re notified to present niBe months at war, and w have no WoaderfuJ Remedy made me feal lQO-thera to the nndersiirnad, duly verified, plan of war, no plaa of campaign. Ipar cent setter, and. I am now feeling1 on or befoethe ftthjclay of January, Why, Robert E. Lee arriedhis plan:beHr than at an time in "my life.J191 or thlanotice jmH be pleaded in in his head, so did Stonewall Jackson, I deem it my doty to advise other -bar-of their' TecaTeTyr1 and all per- so did Napoleon Bonaparte, bo did the Duke of Wellinirton, so tkd the Duke of Marlboro, so did Priftee Eu- mucus from the intestinal tract and al gene, so did Julius Ca?sar, so did Han- lays the inflammation which cauaea nibal. Do you suppose that Persbing practically ail stomach, liver and in- or Bliss would regard any hints from me or trom you about it 7 What do you know about it? You know kis than 1 do and 1 know nothing." "Then senators complain and say they have bivn down to the depart ments', and 'their constituents did not know where to go;' that one man would send their constituents to an other man, and the other-man would send tlu-m to a third man, and the! third man might send them to a: fourth man. Who are your constita-j ents and what rial tiny want army1 contracts? If so, it is a prettv luckv! Deng that it w: .lh .rr hard to find t:e- j i roper that s 'vera Low to fe'lows deal with, had to pass it lielere eon! a!!. 1 1 e rof r.a ;e se-iator 1 any trouble, from Missouri, about as mi as the aver: never found : am lik tl .-.!lip(. e I have got senatorial'nc.-s o.ate.r, 'out I have '"' t''' troub'e, because I a: vays addres: man in i barge, ami he sends the mimical ion to the proper officia rer do not go down with constituents, ami I will not eo it. I do not go to the departments with con. tit.uents Jury ing one olici.-il and then hunting other, and when n;ea cme to me w'th useful ideas I comuinicato their id. as to the .proper official. "1 remember four or five days aft er war was declared in Enrobe I in- troduei a hill to enable the Un't- F oiaies 10 ouj nnu nuiin snips, Decai . 1 i :i j i I knew we wo "Id have to have them. I did not got any votes for it;' I could not even get the foreign relations committee to call a meeting to con sider it. Later it took the adminis tration four or five or six weeks to discover the necessity of it, and y-t here is tho senator frorn- Nebraska this morning, to quote his own lan guage, saying, 'We have no ships.' Why? Is it the fault of the Presi dent, the fault of the shipping board, or the fault of any one executive de partment ? It is your fault, and the r."Ht of every one of you. I intro .'h'C"d that bill within four or fiiro rln -- n'ior was declared in Europe.! ifter e'giufi was hivr.ded, and evervj man, it --oemed to rae, with a particle ef common sense ought to have ' newn that was the first thing we had, ,o do to ret sbipn to carry our prod "ots to Europe and whether we wen to remain neutral or whether ive wore to enter thc war made no difference; but here stands n member of Con gress of the United States today cem-pln;-i. fbnt wo have no-ships. WVfae noit iH.t!at ! It is yours; it is not i'.e n'lit (r the erecutive. "Wii -id tl Why e: n y. -". ahead 1 un- I'U'S of t' 'e l- rpsaicnt m th 'V' P.'Csident wavts then m ; te 1,1 0 I 1- t - e Pert. i'!dg: Who j-!dg: Who : i.: le h :l? Who 'euhts 1" ilty? eibts the t do 1 ; "') hv ' ' agi- ' '(' !' n bill r cpect Y- '. p.-. ; ' nt is 'e. ' .-V . 1 ' ' ' " ' : T ' ;erat, ' ' want ' -! ', , r 'e-o in a ' ' ' a Ro " '" "ight : ' ' ' ent in 1 i why '. it : Detno , ! ,'. ;ng a " ' , v," r g0- "V . a law, e'lr :. " fer nd '.' . Then Just you ' 5 '' e ' ' : -n to the " ''''' et.. 1 1 . vi v. a'lted to, . . ri-' : '11 ar; ,,iy outfliefe. ' ' ' ; ' 1 ; : et f.f di v what is i le-tV Wfji! is tl!.-- of the ' " t l -t i:i;.!; -i tho mouth speak? 'i'i you i ,. ' vol cart iret ' leioi!;:,- fc.; ii.ient In-hind the thitlg a-id the I'i .,id' r.t veto it, SO as to iiiaio- temporarily unpopular? I dare say you would not confess that u an your motive; and yet, if that' be not your motive, what is your motive? What do you expect to attain by it not a law upon the statute books,' for tne rresic.ent has aireadv to d vou, as I would have told you in his place, that he does not propose to have Con gress usurp executive functions, and that so long as he is the President of the United States and vested by the m...i:ui!.. . a ... . n, , ... i-viibuluuuii oi toe uniiea otates witn certain duties and responsibilities,' he is going to exercise the one and per- iorm me oiner. tei "Suppose we Just quit all this now, CALOMEL SALIVATES . AND MAKES YOU BICK Acts Like Dynamite on a Sluggish iiver ana lea Lose a Dsy's Worlr inerss no reason wnv a wrmi should take sickening, salivating calo mel wnen a iew cents wiys a large bottle of Dodaon's Liver-Tone per fect substitute for calomel. ' It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start vour liver just as suselr as calomel, but it doesn't make yoa sick and caa not salivate.. -;''. Children and grown folks can take UodsonFa Liver Tone, beeans It la nr. fectly harmless, u - . u Calomel is a dangerous drag. . It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a aose or nasty calomel todav and von will feel -weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. . Don't loss- dav's .l wnrk. Take a spoonful t of, Dodson's Liver tun msieaa ana (jrou will wake up feeling great. 'No mors hnimin constipation slugginhness,' . jieadarhe, coated tongue or our stomach. Your ASHEBORO MAN DO- ! sufferers." It is a simple, harmless i preii&ratioA that removes the catarrhal testinal ailments, including appendici tis. One dose will convince or money refunded. For sale by Standard Drug Company Dr. Gudger Writes a Popular Book On Household Biology Dr. E. W. Gudger, Ph. D., of Johns Hopkins, is the author of the Bulletin, ami as he says in the preface, "It is the outcome of twelve years' teaching Household Biology to freshman stu dents at the State Normal College of North Carolina. Beginning as a course .-trietlv in TirenArat.ion for Domestic i Science, it has. while never cettini' I , - r o 11 1 away from that purpose, widened its " i .-cope to include some of the funda ;', mentals of hygiene and sanitation and 'jof the maintenance of soil fertility." ' ! Dr. Gudger, in a way of his ow n, has A j w ritten a book, giving laboratory cx ;' reises, suggestions on the gathering j f necessary material, other helpful la'ds, and at the same t;me uses " I :"; : i ""O tVlMt rt hii-'n sebnol Ktndent r i ll ., i,.'v'o...-!r ..-f v,..,i .... I I., !iuu.n vi, ic ll liv Ill'L llil.i L 11C III' . in- o - school 'i ; (uluiiuy lor such studies in her Vlays, but who has an ambition lor or-1 "i in ,ency to be the mo o of her home can understand. There are certain. entilie terms, however, ono would iave to learn as he enters the new lieid, but in the rrimer he finds them Jcbned in an understandable way. rjeivwimiion Boards to Be Paid on Basis of Men Classified New regulations from the office cf the Provost Marshal General in regard io compensation of registration boards reads in part as follows: "The rate of compensation for mem- hers of local boards up to and includ ing the completion of the iinal exami- r.ation of the registrants within thejmpnt nf inHehtednesa secured bv respective jurisdiction of said boards ; that cortain deed of trust executed by shall be on the basis of 30 cents, aS:John M Hammer and wife to George aggregate compensation 10 uie mem bership of a local board, for each reg istrant to whom a questionnaire shall I have been mailed and v. ho shall have ; been finally classified in accordanccc je iih thc provisions of these regula- tions. I "Money due for said work shall be, paid in proportionate amounts to each' member of a local board claiming com pensation for his sirvice, unless it shall be requested by the unanimous vote of the local board that the moneys , due should be paid in some other pro portions. In such case no one member ..l n : ii -i r j. e l!Vy ,"rlf IVr ",l " l fication and no two members shall re .,.,;.. v.. n, or: ( . i. ..i V M inn Yn T, - i ,,i i -Vt, I oiacaljon to be utnliutcd between ' , Cord Wood Tor I.'cxt Vi'inter :-.o l'iio knows how t:: coal there .vill be f:v p'en:ra! fuel j.urposes next a r. w:;h ti enor.iieu d: mar b -r made upon both coal and frans porlai Ion. the rlioriyg lr.rty he more .'. id'.- pi eit d, and sevu'e , ;o ( v. ry )tv- .'.ol trot sliouio be put torta wood fee next v. intrr. cor'.I Prer; Thur; ,;; h States, .-nt W : of t mb-i. ir Co v.! last fei';ner r-,': d at ot- !eath of th r to the Wood' For 101G Thc patriotic duty of farmers and gardeners e verywhere i s to increase crop and food production. Inten sive farming and gardening, and thc liberal ut e of fertilizers, together with proper rotation of crops, so as to increasoand improve tlioier tility aad productiveness jof the land, are. all vital and necessary couidcratloas,at the present time. Wood's Descriptive CaUlog For 1918 gives the fullest and most up-to-date information la, regard to all Farm and Garden Seeds And tells about the best crops to grow, boihiorprofitand home use. Writs for Catalog and prloes of Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, or any Farm Seed j Required. Catalog SCansa ftw oa Batnast, T, W; WOOD & B0NS, SEEDSMEN, BlchmomL 'jM."l: or (Juit it after-today's sessions, and just unite, with one idea, and that is, to wage war. in order that 'we may put an end to war as a constaathr con templated National purpose, whether in Prossia or anywhere else: that we shall resort te a .universal '- compul sory military service temporarily in America, in order that we may put an end to the hellish system all over the world for all time to come; that we shall wage war in order to have a Just, enduring and lasting peace; and that we shall ' wage it as Americans, not as ueraocrau or Kepubllcans, not as northerners or as southerners, bnt let my boy go with the boy of the man front Massachusetts, side by Side, and fight for liberty and a chance for lib erty to have a place under the sun against Prussian militarism. ' autoc racy, tyranny, cruelty, rape, murder, and rapine." " . - CASTOR IA ";: tot Infanti aad ChUdrea . V h Uso FcrOicrCO Yc'iri Notice ' sons owing saia esiat win coukj iw i ward and make immediate settle- ment. This 15th day of Janl 1918. J. C. WALKER, Admr. Certillcate of Wisohfrten' " State of NortJICaroliaa", of State: Certificate of issolutioh. To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: " , t Wheareas, it appears to my eatiar faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office, that the Randolph Chair Company, a corporation of this state whose principal office is situated at No . . Street, in the- town of Asheboro, county of Randolph, State of North Carolina. (C. C. Cran fo'd being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may he served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1005, entitled "Corporations," prelim inary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of x . i. 1 -1 ? j i i l : . .1 I .orin Vjaroiina, io nereny ceruiy mai 7 the said corporation did, on the 2nd dnv of Janimnr 1Q1R filo in mv Affip si . dulv executed and attested consent in writini? to the dissolution of said cor ; poration, executed by all the sfockhold- ers thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my office as pro vided bv law. Tn witness wheronf. T have hereto srt mv hand and affixed my official seal iat Raleigh, this 2nd day of January, j A. D. 1918. j J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Notice of Trustee's Sale of Land Default bnviniy heen marlp in nflV- A. Orimsley, Trustee, on the 30th day of December. 1910, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph county, n Book 133, Page 347; and by that certain deed of trust executed by John M. Hammer and I wife, to George A. Grimsley, Trustee. on tho 7th day of February, 1911, and recorded in said office in Book 133, Page 353; and by that certain deed of trust executed by John M. Hammer ?nd wife, to George A. Grimsley, Trustee, on the 12th day of October, 1914, and recorded m said office in Book 151, Page 296, and request hav- fcoen dc by the owner and hold- ei- of the notes secured by said deeds of frost that sal of the lands therein - ranged be made by the undersigned ,nTlt to the tn(.Tein Kcon."d. and in order to satisf" the in- deledness therebv secured. I hereby irh-.i lotico that I will seil at rmhlic pnetion, for rash, t the court house d-mr 'n Asheboro. North CamlinR (in Patnrdnv, The 9th Dav f March, 1918, At 12 O'Clock M. following Ifnds, situate it Pnn-d-'nh county. North Cirolina, bound p ir-l described ns follows: tp apt 0. l-Pinning at n -tnne e;i On Av"ni-e (fonnerii- McCrary etref S F. Tnv.'dermilk's corner, I'iipn- nhout West. 350 feet to a thnc" N. 100 feet to a stone; IV. about Fnst abn"t 300 feet to i r poio -ronr a PnaTiish onk on Oak A "iin; thence with tho various course e? nil; Avenue 100 fret to p stone, t'c h"f;innin)?, taking in the big oak troo. T" cr KO. 2 Bcinnin? at a stone r-'.efiioV oomor on Wt side nf Mc Stmpf; ft,PT1.p about south-east (on 'oof ivith McCrary (now Oak Av rn" trpot to a ptone, comer of J. o TDiiffin'is Int: theipo nhnut West ?ar fot TCit, t. c. MrD"ffle's Hue to ntnlr" in Wislow's lifip; thoUCP "ho"t Korth with wslow's line 200 f -rt tn ptouP. Cpudlo's corner- thp-nce rUp.-t Fist with Caudle's line 226 feet tn fio horrinnincr, cout.!!rdng one and in'i-nniT ficrpq, pi Ore r PRa. ! TRACT NO 3 (Caudio Lot) Be- , o- niMpp' nt a stonp TugoWs comer on , ATcf rnrv Strepf ( New Oak Avenue) ,rminiur with McCrary Street 80 feet ro a stou. Johu m HBTumer's eornpr: ther-re with .Toh'i M. Hiimner's line nhout Wst to .Tohsnn'!j lipa . to a iptono; theuee with Johnson's line 100 Tppt to a Rtor-e: f heuc about Kast 270 ippi ro tne Dponnning, containing o-n-n m'Tc or less. I HAUL Mi. 4 Heirinn n a a I stone on McCrary Street,, now Oak j Avenue. J. A. Spenpe corner, now i win. m nar"Tr8 noue tract, run ,nlnir with McCrary . Street, , about Foprn-east Z44 leet to a stne, Chai. mers: thence hAut "W. with', Cba. Smith's line and C. T. Loflin's line 420 feet to a etone.. William Winslows line; thence about N.. 20d feet to a stone mmr, J. A Pnence'a lot, now onn jn.. Hammer: tuenee with, said Spenee's line about B. 258 feet to the hegranlnjr, containing 2 acres more or ipsb. .., (Kecordet in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bandolnb. county .. t.n, boos mi m a aeea Irom L. TT. Hstlv and wifa.l . TBACT NO. 5 Beginning at a post AftV TaAAoMm MAM.... ft AM chains to a stake; thence E. on-Wins-low's line 1, chains to a mountain oakt thence on Worth's Hn. whlK ( the rear of the lota contained la tracta Not. one and two- hereinbefore men tioned, to the beginning, containing U acres more or less, known th f mmmm Jarrell land, except, those lots sold off Si, "MM,n Jf"7 ZOO feet S. of the Salisbury road, N. leaving a balance ,' - ,'' 'J''-'M-'iiJ-i sTrustee.;-, Brooks,, ffapp and Kelly, Altya. fl,; , s Last Round for Taxes The taxes for the year 1917 are aojr long past due. The State is new cav ing on me to settir the Saaaa taxsa, and he couay mast have mamtm jfs run the schools and Pher knmm, fa please meet me cross ptly "aad astHe m iL.'. slk.J Jl 111: aj , .' i a i this is my Oird "4d '1 srfaadllrV tit 1918, Silers Store, Ai MTrtewsalaa ' ia tha Aftarasaay- Csawttsre eteeew i .,, -v Tabernacle township, Feb, 26th. 1818, A. W. Fullers, all day? FDv''27th, 1918, M- L. Wood's, all daj. Coleridge'' township Ifareh ' ;4aw' 1918, Hinshaws store, iri the toorning, Coleridge in the afternoon. Pleasant Grove township, March - 6th. 1918. Ward'n atnr i fha ing, J. B. Powers in the afternoon.' i neasani urove lownsnip, March 5, 1918, Ward's store in the morning, J. B. Powers' in the afternoon. Brower TowtikHti Mnrnh a 1010 - - r-, w, awau, a. Erect all day. . Lnion Township, March 11, 1918. at Parks' Store all day. - .-' Columbia Townshin MnwIi'lO foiQ Watkins-Leonard Hardware Company, all day. At my office every day. J. F. HUGHES, Sheriff.- ASHEBORO HOSPITAL Open to Receive Patients, Either Med ical or Surgical The Asheboro Hospital is open to the people and physicians of the coun ty and vicinity. Both medical and sur gical cases received. New X-Ray and Laboratory Wm. C. HAMMER I. C. MOSER HAMMER & MOSER - Attorneys at Law Offices in Law Building, Asheboro. DR. K. M. YOKLEY Dentist , Dr. Crutchfield'e1 Office Bank of Randolph Building Asheboro, N. C. Phone 28 DR. JOHN SWAIM DENTIST Office over First National Bank Phone 192 Asheboro, N. C G.H. KING Attorney-at-Law Office Miller Building Practice in all court, miiopt on,i a Just claims, wind up estates. All busi ness entrusted in my care shall have prompt and painstaking attention. E. C. SHAW Jeweler ' Next door to Hoover ft McCain's ' Furniture Store THE BANK OF RANDOLPH, ' ' Asheboro, , jjr.'L, 'v " Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total Assets Over $250,000.00 GENERAL BANKING We Solicit thp hugineaa nt Hmi corporations and individuals. V. a. McCrary, W. J. Armfield, President V-President W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier . J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier C. S. TATE. MD. , Physician and Surgeon Ramseur North Carolina NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SHORT LINE BETWEEN Western North Carolina and Eastern North Carolina, Norfolk, and Points East (As information, not guaranteed.) Leave Asheboro daily except Sunday 6:40 a. m., connecting at Star with through train for Chnrlntt. nt 1 1 ok a m., with through train for Raleigh at .0D a-m., arriving Kaieign 1:20 p, m., conneofing at Raleigh with through sleeDer leaVin Ralplfh niw of q-qp p.'m. for Wilson, Greenville, Waghing- wu anu ixonoiK. 1 - Leave AshehnM i-m -n rri Jo;i cept Sunday for Star, Jackson Sprmgs,v rinenursi ana ADeraeen and points south. Trains arrive Ashe$oro'.l0:50 a. m. and 6:50 p. m, daily, except Sunday. " For information call on or write: L. P, BURKHEAD, (, , Agent, Ashebpro, N. C, : W. J. WILLIAMS , , Commercial Agent, Raleigh, JW. 0. ''- - G.B. UNDERWOOD,., ; , .' '. Commercial Acent, Charlotte, N. C , io v J. F, D ALTON,! rvm ,.. General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va, aep6-tf. .f"W ri Fi v, Executor's INotiWW-t'ii ,u ;l Having' 'qualified as the executor ol . i t the ,last will 'and 'testament of Rox- if anna - M. Carr, deceased, late Of Ran dolph county. North Carolina, this ta . to notify all persons- having . dalma against the. estate of aaid deceased to. i '. exhibit them to the undersigned,; a High Point, North Carolina, on or be- . I fore the fifteenth day ef ?; January; u.-i 1919, or this noUce will be pleaded to ' bar of their recovery.' i n s.. w.m !j,H "j - All persona indebted to said estat. will "please make immediate payment. "This 15th day of January, 1918. v, i ; e. ' DRED PEACOCK, . Executor of Koxanna M. Carr, Dec'd. ' . , , ' NOnCBi-'V-.WvuUe.: North Carolina, JRandolph county: " ' Notice Is hereby given that ft pardon -" will be asked for in the case of Stat ';' against Claude Siler. who waa convict ." . '; ed at the December term of the 8upe- 4 ripr Court of Randolph County, and '' waa sentenced to the county foada for.. ou aays xor lorcioie trespass; r . v " .-.i nia Jimtn lum - ... ji, Attorney fox the Defendant',;; nnif"; If yon don't find pod- "on' T.Iver Ton nctn hrtT t'mi ,,,., '. i Crowr of ..r "TJJInts'am) cut Ohilclron'OrT'