y a: 2 tit W: 1 MM i L4. ISSUED WEEKLY. $1.50 A YEAR Ui ADVANCE PRINCIPLES, Iv ,T MEN .NUMBER !'. YOLUME SXXX1TL 'M -. Aaheboro, North Carolina, "-'.Tim Jay, May. 2. 191& s mm - p- .. ... j ... j LLJ . ' ALLIED LINES HOLD FIRMLY IN I HE FACE OF TEE GREATEST TTACK OF THE WAR - vv r - . - : ''-,- -. A careful review of the events in Europe for the past week shows that the Allies' position is possibly strong er than it waa a week ego. They have held firm at most places in the: face . of a most terific attack. Both - the English and the French lines have, at certain points, given ground, but they have not been forced, to do so. They have withdrawn for strategical ? pur ' poses and not because they, were in ' ferior in . strength.' s Military experts say that the Allied front about Vpres, where the most severe fighting f has taken place, is still in excellent condi tion. Although tney nave jost-jusm- tnel HillT6till their linela intact, their losses have been -mall and they are nearer the base of their supplies.; The enemy, on tne otner nana, nave paia dearly fori: all the advancement that they have made.; They have advanced their line at a tremendous sacrifice of human life. .It is "reported that, their casualties at Kemmel Jlill was four times as great as thosa of the Allies. The battle, is-still "raging and is the fiercest and' bitterest in all the; war. Whatever ground the enemy tiay now hold is by no means, secure. It is reported that American soldiers are reinforcipgithe English '-; in the Kemmel settor, and are everywhere giving a good account of-themselves; Th Americans, in the r Toul" sector, . which is held entirely by them, have successfully repulsed the- enemy s at ...i j,m;n tUm Viaplr ijt their for- ' taer-positlonsjlnflieting heavy Ipsa and capturing a large numoer oi pnauuc. . T niHsnners caDtui-ed. by tlie Affieri- " cahs are-freely cursing their higher up command lOJt expecting men w yo than flesh and blood can standi , ' ; - Tha Allies have not yet started any reneral counter offensive,- and ere not likely to tor- several aays..'aej w Yinfr.varft tn waste" anv of their energy, or to exert any extra force until the - German 'Offensive is spent.: The fact that the Allies have given ground at .i-tnin nnintA. fa not considered as se rious or regarded with any degree of apprehension by those who-are au thorities in -auch matters. From a re eivr t all tha wek's events in the war pne we find no place for fear or ,ffn. wiuwti'fmiii tha front ' 111! 1WXI V4T " - - v indicate that there is avpause m n terrific battle that has been raging in Flanders since Saturday the enemy . . va na; n butii1 nvicft in human MOr the land in front of the English and French positions is lrally covered with .German wounaea ana u. j.ino oft-oi- Hivi.iion of German m- nTitnr'luu been hurled against the Al lied positions,'only to be Cut to pieces by the Allied rifle -and machine gun t ? 4o r-emrtpA that Kemmel Hill, ;r strategic sition fgaihed, s by ithe - "Germans last wk, has not been or - rjrifrl-fl L tfaZ Var the Allied artillery haaetft ie crest of the biU : Sered :tK ;8heU. fire -that ?t ' occupy it;ln-any forcev-; j: v c: Trinity Red Cross Gets Service Flag tr Trinirv r vas on Sunday presented witt -t - a ThoM r iz autre iu STATE AND GENERAL NEWS Ex-Eresident .W, H. Jaft will speak at the municipal theatre, in Greens boro next Friday night, May 8rd. AU iniantry orgamsations. : ol the 30th division at Camp - Sevier last Monday stood a field inspection,- th6 significance of which cannot be an nounced for . military . reasomr with proper respect to ...voluntary ' censor ship regulations. i ' ' Manv nosters , nave : been - "Posted about Camp Sevier calling the sol dier's attention to. the fact .tha the government 'would protect from lapse during foreign service, life, insurance nnliciea entering the service; Th Southwestern railway -associa Uons, and both passenger and freight organizations were t aboUshed last Tuesday by C. H. Markham, regmai director of railroads for the, southeast Their places will .be taken ? by 5 rate committees. ' ; ;"" liTho heaviest. losses .; the uermans utninfl "ur5nff" the "war have beetf i those inflicted by the Allies in T-Aoefit. nnerattons on tne western linen. . n anft. rfftletratea from alK parts vo ctota trove a iRockv ? Mount UI- Wiy .T- Ill - - I last Saturday lor vne eigmn mu convention of the wortn varouna. o- ' OkllofVtod nninn '' TJr. EmeSt ', B., Broughtbn of -Kalelgnrwas re-eiecwcM, president of the State Baraca s8oij tion, and : Miss vW'-,?5: Goldsboro, was eiecieu siwvfhj.,. the PMlathea State jaociaUon; . One hundrea ana tnree "" returned to Camp Sevier from .the third officers': training tampwnicn has been in progress onAsgt ,iiuif thrpB hundred men in all: were sent irom-tnexinitwcui. vision to:the Texas camp, but a large number have been sent to ouier uuv, nrocAded: the division to . -- -- - - . at in '. service na " frtr Aaeh man irora i rin- ItJtfriZ-ZZtrZ'-JZ?. InWvtoa, vThe pre- eWtion speed! -wasmaby. to . : , Kruce, craven, -jpouowiub. w r i : vf th flaor patriotic ; speecnes ... . . 1.2 1UA nnmhaiD ' AT LlDem svavocauns; ure r, , -h n,. WAJTIa made by J. Allen -.V.- m. - f . JUo11 . Af : Austin and: uxxis x ftmeu-'r -V-V' Hiirh Pointi;-i-..-;.!'-' ;..;iv'j The voung men ixvm re no wlnservice Are Will EUis, Fred pVyne, Gilbert - White, ' purgeon White Ally Paul, Vance Hams, Allen r,i-t.In TWifVioll KoddlcK. unare - "Srs-r wtatoS: Jeffey ; Elder nd Homer Reynolds. : vVj - . "three German long range k' v' ' . -have been bombarding Pans has been ', destroyed.. These guns are well cam- . a th itioment M nnng ten V heavy guna are fired by a special P- , . naratus to camouuago ZZ Ik- V,! mnm nn iU location cannot v P r, "I" .: j th name ' time thick clouds 01 rounding heignts prowci, ww . - . aim ana ODservBwuii. . . ' TJnr Rinks at PleT J", '.The American Une steamship t. - Paul, a famous passenger liner, over ' turned and sank at her pier at an.At - . lanUc port April 25 while be.ng warp : . .ed into a pier preparatory to be load " -' ed for a trip to Kurope. Three men -.SoSblJ lost their lives whUe several '- saved themselves by leaping before Jhe vessel sunic ' .'v i.A,atln Tluva 103.000 BontI . . -"e,r C,rJv " r.Hn. Mutual and 1 rovKw ' v,o irro mo iiuu '- . v, &T.F"itte of Durham ' ( 00 worth of bonds. TheScompnny .::.tT.S 1 135.000 jot the to other lirc'rrVaking in total holdings flOO, IncrVsHS In Wage, for R.mseur ork- . 1. rt 10 ner cent In v , t oil employees of the Colum . 'nHuring Company, of Kam ,i mlnnf. nrobahly-wouli ' . ' r-m ualk-ouU Lfibor ( ; it prartifftlly, unknown . r A Jit 4 'J ! r c in , ) 1 r l more t- f rti ' -1 t" arktl. Th ( : ' a Mann Jcii .j UNPRETENTIOUS IDEAS C: I IDA INGOLD MASTEN IdUewaUtSUdlUdSUaUcJUrflJdUdUdUcSUdJUrJUrUr;1. inpnlpnpnipntnpnpnipnpnpnpppnPfiPnp - - :: .N pnpnpiipnpnPiLpnp:'-"'::':-rj' 1 snfenfanfenfenianEnbiiEiflai vi;f Amerieana,; Answer ! Readers may become weary of the "hammer,", and long to be amuseJ or entertained a bit. I have thought that my .message should sometimes be on something different irom the war, but it is hard to say anfthinir these days and not begin with, the warndwith itt or allude to-it somewhere along the line.c It is our anxiety,, our -prayer, oyr very life, ; And it-sHould'be. if we are Americans.J''' -VitJ"; I have as much faith in the people of RandolDh comntv and North Car' Una as I have - in any people o"n the face of - the. iearthi BuV I believe J know the state of mind which is prev alent all over this land of. ours today. None "of 8are OUehtTVLrJ'Js AiA-l'rjSJP--.! '' When vthmk .01 the' Daroe une -on we do- we- are lost ' Let us be men and .'women not -children, having to be pacified wheir uxfood. is- taken irontus.-' ; ... m - . m. vis 1 . A -. . i , 1 00 at ji 9 vignt l. t This ' Kaiser has' :said we" are "too fat to fight, and too stingy to give." Maybe the' Kaiser wasnght to a de- raee.ih But he- did not seem to know who-was fat m AmeVicaT"" We db "not send our "fats" tq fight him. . We send 0U? .bone, and T)lood," and sinewy f to trainmsr camD. and they uecome- ath lete beforrthey tackle a world's job. But? what about the "fats" we keep at home? . Axenot they; "going'to fighti too ? Shall they, allow the Kai ser's: nronhecv- to be true" concerning thenlj : It is nottrue of the dearoys who are marching- to 4;he front every diiyi f yte, the ;'fat," the .weak,; ;the LLEWXAM'S LETTER FROM A? MN.UMBK: ' . : .THE STATE CAPITAL j . ys Ar f:vlT 1 Raleigh' April 30.ie Station' tP1 eUoke of sephuaJDan- now being indulged id on the subject. TCkIJT f w i J" of coavenW the Legislature to ti-l session to enact more rigid and strict-. nu'rZJTJi- : i." er vagrancy laws so as to reach and . ir,(;,fatest howr - handed, . compel all idle people to work, tiJ. not likely to result in the assembling , mM "JI "" jJtT i- " of the General Assembly before thej TSiif Ateetm .mia- .ua!Iin i,f ,i,o the war finance corporation Wi: Mr. McLean will serve for four years ana receive a salary ox .$12,000 a year. regular session, .eight months hence. Governor Bickett is not . here today, but a" well posted friend of his told me today he had no' idea the; Governor would call an"; extra session. That His selection for tnis important duty has received the approval of the entire seems to be. the general opinion and as 5 JS?SSf lZi the Legislature cannot be convened in any other legal way, u is obvious that the solons will stay away from Raleigh as a body during the year 1918. - , ' GttmgAt the Idle f ' .y: Rateigh is preparing to close all the house and senate, and he is regarded i a . i J . . ciuuicuuy uitea m every way to , perform the 'duties that will be im- ' posed upon hjm... . ' Mr. McLean is one of the ablest young men in North Carolina. His success In business affairs has been-v. pnenomenai. At the age of 26 he or- " - f.vu.wvMV, M WUUVU renew licenses next month, . on grounds' that they harbor loafers and encourage idleness, t Other methods will be adopted to reach: otiiet species yi iho wie, is oeueyea, ana tne nope is that a considerable proportion of them will be rounded up, - v- the western front," and- tlie conditions "stingy," who stay; at home, must ""'," " 'II it- r ranee wnere tney wu . 1 Dr. H. B. Hiatt and Dr. H. W." Mc Cain, of High Pointy i attended; the clinics at jonns nopmns uu versity of Maryland hospitals at Bal- timorc -' YWP: Tha mia.4wnni!ii session of the gen- e,t tha Southern Meth- Aiic hrnvh will Deem, at Atianitt, na tmAsLv. : The eeneral conference! will be in session about two weeks.. Tha Fx Administration last Sun Announced that all licenses are J. .. .. . 1 1 1 ... , JnalAvd ,fl1 prohibitea rom oeauiiK, fU"f; importers of green coffee who have fjw a ohhim their license- as-re quired by the Isi4enys.P0icmatb)n . The Council ol JNauonai uei Jj sent out a telegram calling for 5,000 moriicnl officers for vthe army and "2,000 for the avy. -North Carolina- is asked to, furnish 100 of these medtical offleers withm tne next few weoks,.. - ' ' . Mr." Robert JVeDpana ms svu, erf . Webb,: Jr.," were killed last Sat afternoon at & exzoa crossing at Selma by a northbound Atlantic ! Coast. Line train . suit. weou auu son were in a wagon drawn by a mule. Tha animal was also killed ana. the. -.Johns BVSiSE the university, oi, annual debate between the twoUm-. verities at Chapel Hill last Saturday nieht. '-This f orensic contest being one of the triangle of debatea -between North Carouna, . v lrginia 4. anu Hopkin Universities..1: ; ' vf ' ' " 1 v The Guatemala mimster has trans mitted a message to tte Secretary of State announcing war declaredtagainst Germany. i y' 'K'f5f .'-i The War Department s. has ; asked venee.manuf acturers to save. Valnut where the. destroyers of neace - haye been. I jnstmclawly pic-tfb the . f hamr-1 merfe I d-ndt-wjsriovno ta drive-" hom some facts if possible. In- .''mouF I say;,. Whatwill.makei the' people seev things in: their proper light What, will : bring :.them to '4 sense of our own real jd&nger which is actually leeringjafc; us;from,:s overi there.r;;?siiv-7H: I have a f riend-who is a . w. v. a. BorrAtarv inn;har6 bf one of the "Y'', huts at the front. ! know him so well that I see the things ne sees as whm Hi lettersr'Whiler al ways hopeful, Are not varnished in the Teast ' He has his gloves oir ana ne doesn't stop to put them on when, ne writes home to his 'wife, , who is also a personal iriena oi-mine. for gun ' stocks : and airplane , propel- Another Sensation Sprung in concora ' , A sensation was aprung ut Concord t..r OotHoTr u.Vipn it developed that a state warrant had-been issued for the arrest ot C. u. Amoroso, wu , prominently identified with- the devel- -t !,, .OBtt acainst Gaston a. Means last faU. who was charged with the killing of Mrs. mauae a. jvum. Af Mr. Shelly Lucas : Near ' -v . Pisgah' Sunday . - The funeral of Shelly Lucas was held at thefaroilyJurlal ground, near Pisgah Sunday, service being conduct ed by Rev. W. P. WUliard; pastor of the Primitive Baptist church, of High Point Mr.-Lucas', relativca In Union township received a message, last Fri day announcing his death. Histiroth-er-in-law, Mr. W. B. Hogan, of Queen, and Mr. J. B. Gallimore, , of Cagtes Mills left immediately for Indianap hoHv. Mr. Lucaa was the tv. int Hansom , Lucas - who died early last fall. He left Randolph and went to Indian apolis where he has bcort . shlppine clerk id an arwy goods factory. ,Mr. Luons was a most excellent, young man mid his death is greatly deplored, lie co'ntractod smijl pox some . time ago but had recovcrrd' and then took nwumonia. Ho died in the city bos- piUl in Indianapolis, Amendment To BUI For Registration of Men 21 .Since June S Adopted by . ,Tho House late lat Thursday adopt ed th Sonato n-solution for the r'g igtration for military snr'io of young men ho have r'h"l the ace or i veara alnce Jun 6. Ilia meaHure haa gone to confcron-! Women WantfJ 1 r In spite t t' .Ja Cror has r-flvr t a plications bi'-'-ly :'! wlnh to tro to 1 1 kind of c-rvi" (' ' T of I ' ' ' 1 ' r a r " ! !' I"orrin f'rrvicC .t ti.M tin I'l ? 1 V" If We Were Ready .' America conli nut down the Hun in speedy fashion if we were thereand reaay. uui;,-w.e -are hu . st will teke severarmonths -to put us things .to a close, this year possible They see -tney musj;win xiu yvaii noiitalKrTbey taow5ri;is':Jl all ady. yet and cannot oe Deiore the end of 1918. ,' Therefore, , they know thje line is weaker now than it will be next yeaf So they-are playing their big-game, now, and are gather ing all their forces as a nation to hu their greatest offensive NOW.:' ; . Mtf friend across the waters writes, "Don't. Jet anybody in America lose Sight ol toat one woru, opceui .. America dan speed, there is . sjthmg to fear, but " ; He also states ?' but none of our bovs over here .seem to have the blues; none-seem down-heart ed or discouraged: l hey are m to whu V American " troops ; ai-e 'doing splendid work'nw, and when they get little more training and experience they will give Fritz,-some warthat will make him diz?y. bee ii k am not ;v 'M '.-;. v,;;-:' s Yes; if we could gefat him With our' giant strength, and . -our American "nen"? we could wine ufl the earth with him. ' But, our true strength--our whole' strength ts .a . nation--., is "not readv vet. Ti-ulv. "America has ac omnllshed.r.- marvelous things-7 in a short time. Part of her is awake, and speeding, nut not an. ' .-e I. cannot quote ex-President Taft ex actly, but; the substance of a -recent remark of his runs something like this -i'The f act .that the war, and condi tions of the war are -out of our sight and hearing is- a great menace to.ua So lohe as it-does Hot actually; touch us we are going ta pursue the even Vnwimng b Give Up v.' the warning given out last summer, when we were having our first, infor mation about the war.: "savings,- and thrift, and the likei to the effect that it was, not necessary for the people to do without things-that we should live as nearly as possible as wo had uvea, and keep American life in its natural Htnt. etc. etc.: thoueh having serv ed itaTpurpose and gone out of date, ia stiH working to the detriment of our cause, for the reason that some -peo- pie are unwilling to cnange wwr view point. Of course the purpoW of this warning was'torkeep popular. senti ment from going wild when wewere told that we must save ana gctjeauy for war. . -r- -j '-'-Ti ,' No matter' how intelligent the! In dividuals may be who make up a pop ulace, there Is always common, wild notion a sort of ol'octive personal ity which ha about' us much rearxm luir nowef as'S threa-vear-old child And it must o approached in a, very crjeful and conciliatory manner ' But; now, when " the '-government would have nig turn our monoy into bonds and thrift stamps instead of lux uries, we are inclined to ndhrre to the oil advice to live e we had been lnr Inp; to dTiy ours'lveS cone of the comforts of life. Some peoplo aoetn to 1 confu.' oil M to what thn term, "liixuricg" iiians. It means that 'we uni t for'--o nil tKins v. hirhj do nA futiher the wr i:.t of our toim try, w),ii h is simplo cnourh when we L ive a mind to understand. " - that we are Innm h' d ,ofl tlie f 1 k i df w.ir. and U" f.i t f !;o. k t t n w! rm; ' V :'t. ti,e pi rn" 1 fit'htf as our boys at the front must 'fin-VitvTViia -Ttf not. .a bhUim's WAYU. it fe.Jiot a military "war, it is humani ty's,. Var, and every human, to protect nftsCn, must tight. . y , ifi' Too Stingy to Give? Tbis week" four hundred soldiers marched down -our street and back. whilq their trartaited at the station! Aheyj were strangers, trom the south wcBt jon their way to the front. They had come out for a little exercise and drilled in front of our (floor; Straight' brown, strong, , clean, , fine-looking theywere the embodiment , of ; God's bestygift to, itaothers and fathers n,: t thought," as I watched theml "what a sactihce to the cause of human prog- ies?H-for the peaoe. and honor of our homes!" And then, 1 thought, -"Are we, here .at home, making ourselvs worthy of such a sacrifice, ' as this? Am" I. as I stand here, with mycom ;monnlace" notions about : pursuing' my -North. Carolina Troops to France' he now holds. The bank is one of tho strongest institutions of the kind in the state. Later, Mr. McLean organ- ' ized a local railroad company to give his town and community competitive rates to the outside'world. He is pres ident of the road,which hVs succeed- ' ed beyond all exnectations. Thw ; rom advices reaching Rale'ijrh neo- cotton mill concerns were organ- pie Dyi indirection it ia loaiw 'th reu D'. mr- cjuean and he is rtl tyii, i a .are saving soon for Af wua'.w naye leit "an ttliZirr ' "1U passing through 75 i8" re carrying thousands of solawrsfrom the camps south of here h m est wbere they will v third District Congressman Congressman Hood having with drawn from the ra i T j: '3 account of serious ill health, Col; W. T, Dprteh'how becomes the active candidate' against Charles L, Abernathy of Kew.Ri n tt. Ii: i ,; ue5n' anown Ha. month ago that Mr. Hood coujd not stnd for elec tioit again there would have been two or tnree other candidates. CoL Dortch niea ws entry at: the last moment, .uucu uii lur. nooa s withdrawal dailV')tasks -that'i of-trying to fill mylnnd few really knew- of Jthe serious hiohjur: the world's. lifeAm I-snd rstate 'of health of Congressman Hood tcul'oTiS of others like me-iam J meas- urttetneto thaiStandda foswhich these, "boys fare, delivering" " up their lives I" V:'" - ; ' Where Is Our. Joy? ' We ialk about the joy of the soldier in serving his country as if that were his payti'. Perhaps it is, but that is his businessi,rWhs,t about our side of the question? Are we going to let tilt soldi'errget his 4nly satisfaction out of Jthe fact -that he is doing his duty? Are we not going to give him the as surance: that wfe are 100 per cent, Americans that we are willing to make a sacrifice befitting 4iis courage? Cannot we sliow him that we are not afraid. to 'drink of the cup which is bitter,' and that'we are, therefore, worth the'stand he is taking? Therei8Jce-those so poor they have neither-sons, nor money to give. Such as they, may feel that therais nothing they can do to help their couhtry iioits rtime f;'need, but there is. A loyal nearc, .ana -a mina open to tne Dest interests' of . one's, country jconltitute the best "possible asset that the gov eminent can have at such a time as this. -In fact. . the real weakness of A ntatAa' at, At... MtTTVif4 f i ni matter .lies' in the indSffei-ettce of her people, and not in her battle-lines, as we are .accustomed to thinking, ? - i-We'Owe If Ail V', On the brie hand, persons who brag flagrantly that they will do aa" they please about what-they shall raise, and what they-shall eat,, and what they Bhall sayi--and eri the other hand, the persons who are ridiculously; indiffer ent to the whole matter of the trials and distress of their country these two extremes of humanity s are ; un mindful vof theliact. that they ow-.'all that thev have or can ver hone to have t all that they enjoy, and all that they arer-everf their physical bodies and the, very breath that they- breathe to theJionest, xaithful Uvea ol the patriots who have gOne before them. Nothing belongs to Jum who ia - not worthy of it Therefore,' "Americans, answer- with all .that. Goof haa , given you!" - i .v- '- - Shall we", the "fat.. the weak, and the "stingy" stand on ur : wobbly legs, and, raiiung our trembling hands to our f orehcada, ' salute out- beloved , general over the seaa, and say. ?WeU, I'crahing, . we are here!"' as he ana wered at the grave, of , Lafayette on his- arrival in France?- Shall we. or shall; we rather . aalute the destroyer of our civilization, and hand .over this war to 'our children, and our child ren's children to finish? 'For it must be .done sometime in the . development of the human race. ;, -v. " . RANDOt I'll SELECTMEN TO ' LEAVE FOR CAMP JACKSON - . :- Tha following Is a list of white men ordered to report to tie Local . cmpUon i: ifii May Srd. ' They will go to Cun p Jackson, Columbia, S. C: Sam L. l'hinipa, Aahboro.. ' - Coy Leo learns, Salem Church. until-very recently..1 o i 'irfi'XviKt. SiVMarshai' Col. Dortch will necessarily with draw from the Federal office of U. g. Marshal of the eastern district, which he now holds, and his resignation is, expectea m a short time. The plr.ee is regarded as one Of the fnost desirable gifts in the service of the Government in N. C. Travis for Marshal , The man most tirominentlv men tioned here today for tlie place to suc ceed Dortch, is E. L. Travis, of Hali fax, at present chairman North Caro una Corporation Commission, and one of the brainiest men and best of party ... Au1 Al OAA TTlZ J, T yvuiivcih in me oLin-a. nis irienas ex pect to see it offered to him, in which event there will be a vacancy in the corporation commission. Maxwell Would Move tip In such case it is tho generally ac cepted belief here that A. J. Maxwell, chief clerk to the commission, will be called upon to succeed Mr. Travis on the commission. financial managor. The manufaciur- mg plants buut and set in motion have k succeeded. A bettor man for the war s finance corporation board could not nave been found in the south. Mr. McLean was nominated fpr one of the four year terms. He? has been active' ' and influential in .Democratic party councils for, a number of years. He succeeaea aecretary Josephus Daniels ' as the member of the Democratic na- wonai. committee, ana now holds that ( position. ; ; ,. " , , - The business career of Mr. Mel ,esm . . has been One of unbroken success. His cotton miUs will pay the United States government an income and ex- . cess prohis tax, this year more than $350,000. . Mr. McLean is one 'bf the largest and most prosperous farmers in North 1 Carolina. His crop this year covers several tnousana acres. All of trav business undertakings of the North Carolina appointee to the directorship of the war finance corporation board , have met; with , unusual success. He i competency to fill the place given him by ttie President cannot be jjuestloned. ;. Mr. . McLean easily is one of the strongest men in North Carolina. , t. to I,.' . t (!-.'? Ilenry C'. Robert (' :.njt! 2. (.' n rev T,. IIolt'Ramseur. i Hamlin, Kandleman ,tl, f - .,i,T'-V. RAMSEUR NEWS U, S. 114 MILE GUN TO HAVE FINAL TEST - America's bisrorest mm. desiened to throw shells a distance. of- 114 miles, haa just been completed -and sent to a point on the Atlantic seaboard where Ii will be given its final tests. 'It was made' at the Midvale Steel Works, in fhitaaeiphia, mounted-at the "Eddy stone plant of the Baldwin locomo tive Works,4 'andweighs- 500,000 pounds; or more than 200 tons. jo Ten shots . are to,- be" fired in the tests to ascertain the extreme range of the. weapon', but its designers are confident it will shoot 114 miles. "':., Nina. others 'aire" being built, ' 'The cannon is so constructed' that - it is called, a mobile gun, dsapite ii huge size and weiirht. it was mounted on a; specially constructed caiTige AnA car, but ft rolled along, the railroad tracks as' noiselessly as the best oiled and geared train in the country. It can, be used ' for . coast r defense, or aboard ship," once it is riveted tight, but it is primarily fntenriod.for land defense, f,i-:s Y Randolph Colored Selectmen Left for " , ; Camp . Jackson, a, u V" Following are i colored: 'selectmen who left for Camp Jackaon Tueaday, April so:.; . . Fred Douglas Newberry, Liberty. , I John, Lesley Strickland JJlah. Gojieral Moflltt, Trinity Y), ;Y'y: Lacy, Matthews, Aahcboro, . ' .- ' Andrew Thompson, Ramsour. ,'; ': John McKlnley SUer, liberty -Robert C. SpInkS, AshoborovVy'v" Will Frazler, Trinity. .: . . v. ' Ben Henry Lynn, Caraway Route 1. , Samuel S. Strickland, Ashoboro, , '.John Wesley Alford, Trinity. Will Lyghtfi, Trinity Route 1. " " Iaithr I.indo l'nxnn, Archdale, Hurley Leo Green,' Aahcboro. Charlie JTmory Core, Trinity. Gurney i'-miUiermnn, Aahcboro Von (,.!""n, Trinity, ' ('lc;-h'.j ! ' ii'-' r, ; ,";;nvf. Ramseur, April 30. The patriotic. rally held here last Wednesday night was attended beyond the. capacity ol the auditorium to seat the crowd. The speakers of the evening, Mayor W. P. Kagan and Rev. J. A. Clark, of High Point, made such enthusiastic ad dresses on world conditions and our re lation to them that our community is inspired to greater eftort in- this great struggle. Our people have, aubscrib-. ed our part of the Third Liberty Loan. Messrs. E. C. Watkins, E. B. Leon ard, W. H. Watkins, Sr., C. B. Smith, B. E. Smith, A. L. Jones, and V. C Marley went to Greensboro last week on business.' Miss Sarah Cole, of Greensboro Col lege for Women, spent .Sunday at home. .,.' Mr. Roy Moffitt, who has been away teaching, is at home again. v Mr. Herbert Smith, of Chester, Pa., is spending a' few days with, his par ents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith. " We have just " rscejved-news 1 that Theodore O. Wright, formerly of Kil dee, has been promoted from first ser geant . to -second lieutenant in tne Quartermaster Corps, National Army, at Camp Wheeler, Macom Ga., and has been transferred. to Camp Jackaon, Co lumbia, S. C- arriving there April IS, ana is now stationea witn eaicery o, -;, 329. He la a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ems- , . ley Wright, of Pleasant Garden, for- ,", merly ot, Kanomnn county ana was a ,;; member 6f the graduating class of the , University of North Carolina of 1917. v He enlisted in the army last July go-,! ', ing to Fort Thomas Ky., then to Fort McPhorson, Ga., then to Camp Wheel- v.;. er and is now at Camp Jackson. v Ho . , is it member of the Mv E. church and therefore took an active part in Sun- , day school and church world ' So let. . us remeber him- and out, other boyS"; who havo laidrthemsetves on the altar . , of their couftry.i: : ,. " . -' .- r '-r " Mb. W. E; Ferree, of Vanna, spent .' Sunday hero Wth his family.. " : , ' . Mr. Geo. Auml and ' family or , , Greensboro, spent Saturday and Sun- - day here with relative. ' ,-'-. , ' ; Mr.- Clarence rhillips, of Sanford, v visited friends here tie- past week. .1 Dr. C. S. Tate and Dr. F. C. Craven recently attended tlio convention- at Southern Pines. . - , . All Hope About Gone of Finding the s-- I'Yk'I Cyclop ..."...:; ' As the final phase in the seatvh for the missing naval collier Cyclop, the navy department announced last Tues day numerouH boat crews are beinjf lamled by warships to oueation fisher men along the coast of the Wst In dian Islanda near the route taken by, the collier when -she sailed from Bar badoe pearly two months ejro. Not one of the many .vi'.Mflta en r"fr"d in tho nearch has r' ported thi finding of w re. l:r-n or of fiy t,.n' r clew Hint would rr.yr.tcry, t! t i ' In ' 1 f r v ! it r V,

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