Thursday, June 27, 1918 THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. a ti r ."y ' . . , . - - - . i THE COURIER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY W1L a HAMMER, Editor. Entered as exnd-class mail matter , the postoffice at Asheboro, N. C . , Asheboro, N. C, June 1918 r 2 .The Imperial German Chancellor, lDr. Von Hertling, has again admitted Sin the Reichstag, that Germany de- Eire to open negotiations for peace. Thi$ is somewhat encouraging to I America and her Allies, because it has become a recognized fact that when Germany talks peace, she is discour aged by the outcome of operations on the battlefield or elsewhere. AS TO VAGRANCY STATE AND GENERAL XKWS Go. that ' At present, there are two kinds of "orants in this country. One is the . o - 'iobo who has nothing and will not work to support himself; the other is 'the rich young man who refused to t engage in some son 01 productive em ployment, but still evades the state law because he has means, i he latter kind should be branded as a moral "vagrant even though he cannot be pun- ished legally. This procedure is urged by VBickett, whose appeal follows: V"T am m-ofoundlv convinced ; the people who do no work, or work mly half time do not understand that . their idleness means death to our sol fdiers in the trenches, but that is .ex actly what is does mean. "T anneal to all (rood citizens to fetop talking idleness and to go I straight to the man you know is an 'Idler and explain to him in a kindly i'fcpirit that his failure to work meaus the prolongation of the war, and this toeans death to cli-' men who nghc L To fail to supply our soldiers with -food and clothing, munitions and im plements of war is both treason and murder. Please go to the idle rich " as: well as to the idle poor. Go to the j man who drives an eight cylinder as well ns tn the man who Dushes a tkwheelbarrow. Neither wealth nor so position aeords any excuse for slaughter, and m this hour 01 tne Nation's peril idleness is manslaugh ter. l i "If the idler will not agree to take a jou ana stay on it, men report tnat idler by name to the County Council f National Defense. The County Council is urged to summons all par ties complained of before it and ex plain to them just what idleness I means to the Nation at this time. Let the Council further explain that un Two new department will be add ed to the course of Churchland high school, Davidson county. These in clude a business department and do mestic science. The Guilford county Democratic executive committee and the party candidates have decided that no po litical speeches should be made in the county this fall. Unless the opposi tion party takes the offensive and its speakers make political or partisan speeches there will be an election in Guilford without a campaign of par tisanship and political oratory pre ceding it. Ten per cent increase in express rates has been approved by the In terstate Commerce Commission, and will add about $22,000,000 to the gross annual revenues of the American Rail way Express company, the consolidat ed concern which takes over the inter state express transportation business of the country July 1. King George and Queen Mary, of England, will celebrate the 25th an niversary of their marriage on July 6. The annual young' people's confer ence of the Southern Presbyterian The Great American Farmer There was a time and perhaps the time is yet in the more remote South ern and Western backwoods when farmers extended their cultivated acreage by removing only the under brush, leaving the larger forest tree after circling around their trunks with an axe so that they would die and cast no shade. Then very satisfactory crops would be harvested on this rich, rough "new ground," which for some years would look as much like a blasted woodland as a held of grain. But on seeing it a theoretical farmer from a long reclaimed aned thickly populated neighborhood would protest and in a superior manner demand to know why all those dead trees and stumps were not cleared away. In response the local farmer would irrin contentedly, knowing that he had achieved satisfactory returns together with an enormous saving pf labor ur gently needed elsewhere. In like manner farming in this country in general has long been crit icized by the theoretical agriculturist BEARD ON THE STREETS (Continued from page one.) to have any tent shews this year. A dry Jane for a good crop year we have always heard. Miss Virginia Winningham, of Cen tral Falls, is visi tins' her sister. Mrs. W. L Myrkk at Troy. A larmer can visit his grocer and purchase 50 pounds of flour at one time while the city man is only allow- ea to. xne larmer can blow himself for 60 cents worth of sue-ar. but the city chap must content himself with half that amount. . From all appearances Irish potatoes will be a high price this year and next. So far as this section is concerned the potato crop will be almost a failure. This is War Stamp Week. Buy as many stamps as you are able. They are a mighty good investment. Mr. F. M. Trogdon, of Millboro Route 1, has three sons in the service. They all volunteered. The United States Is said to produce over one-third of the meat consumed in the civilised world, exclusive of N unnally's Candy J , . - "- . v ' By express and kept in a refrig erator candy case, : always" coolj.' and fresh. Cigars in a humidor case-it gives them a better flavor. ; loas ij-llot. nmc r r wnrlr if will it 1DDQ C&1& lUlti Aft-J MJ K " ' il. i.-j.- c .. : 1 - ort the Ground that the Eurooean farm fr produced verv much more to the China. acre. From the noint of view of such The ground has dried out -and croos theoretical agriculturists this everlast- seem to be needing rain more than we : t.. .4 u Awnwinn. fa-mac I pVpr nntftoff in e atitv-t o 4-i'a church convenes at Montreal, today, hearing of damnation the There are a few men in Asheboro lor a session oi ten ciays. shrewd American farmer merelv erin- now beyond the reach of conscription. Ibe .shipyards oi America wui ceie- kr,wW whnt. h wsi about' who will face a new experience whPn and what he aimed at the largest the new war order goes into effect. nnssihle returns from industrious an- They are fellows .who have an inhpr- plication. "That poor devil in crowded ited antipathy toward physical exei! Europe has only a little piece of land," , tion, and in spite of conditions refuse he would say to himself, "and he's to do their bit in relieving the" labor, got to make every men oi it yieia 10 snonage Dy . exchanging exertion for. the utmost. But I don't have to. I've , meal tickets. Ask one. of them to' got land to spare, and can afford to work for a short while, they balk be-1 try for the biggest possible show for cause they can't get $6.00 or $8.00 a; my available labor. If I can get big- day. Under, the new order of things ger returns from a larger acreage, they will have to work, or they will! some of it merely scratched on tne receive attention from federal officials surface, than from a small acreage in- who will soon go on the lookout for tensivelv cultivated on the labor-eat- - war loafers. ing-up European plan, then the less Mr. W. L,-Bray, of Randleman Standard Drug Company brate. Independence Day by launching at least 89 merchant vessels with a capacity of 439,886 dervdweight tons. North Carolina will be called upon to furnish five thousand more soldiers during July. Three thousand white men will entrain for Camp Hancock, Ga., beginning July 22. The 2,000 negro troops are due to go to Camp Greene, Charlotte, July 2. Major General Brancker, of the British air ministry, who is in . Wash ington to co-operate with the American aircraft officials, believes that big American seaplanes should be flying next summer. He believes thrt a refuy cultivated big a creag e is the Route. 2, has renewed his subscription pioneer trans-Atlantic flight should thmS fF m!" ' W?rtan for resutta to The Courier. He is a fine fellow fee attempted without delay. "rS if TeJTT, '"ST and believes in the PJ Reliabl& Fire of unknown origin swept " iielda ir mm of i5- The wheat,, crop in Randolph this through the big Hinshaw building, in L arden snots Tn ciowded year ?ertain,y b short perhaps' Winston-Salem, last Friday morning, I $"rf?L spots in ciowded . ome sections not ove one.half! l Special Values on Suits We have a number of suits on sale at practi cally old prices. ome and get them while they last N We are selling a fine lot of neckwear. $1.50 values at $1.00, 75c. values going at 50c Anything in men's and boys' furnishings, over aUs, work pants. " " ; A nice line of summer suits going at cost. damage being estimated at from 000 to $80,000. Dr. Raymond. Binford, now profes scr of biology at Earlham College, Richmond, Indianaj has been elected president of Guilford College for the coming year. The Quaker institution was operated the past school year without a president, affairs being THE WOOD CASB CLOTHING COMPANY Miller Building, Depot kreet, Asheboro, N.'C. Secretary Houston of the Departmnt rercy Caudle, who live in. High Point. rAAAAAAA--AA4AAAA444A-444AAAAAA4 died last aaturnav and its remains . r -w .w w " t- comes lorwara 'asi oa.uraay ana us remains with the highly interesting announce- were interred in a cemetery near Ran ment that the American farmer dleman. "produce two and a half times as' A man who cannot make money much per man" as any other agri- farming in Randolph county cannot culturist in the world. After paying succeed anywhere, a high tribute to our agencies for in-; rr,lv n hlinrf man will t . that ;auc-L, uiiaii ut iuk , . j , , t- . - ------ ----- uv, vv guided by an executive committee of ,"u""'s mi V tne race 01 John barleycorn is about the faculty, of which Prof. H. H.',the excellence of our agricultural col- . . u: . i ill wit; vvuiiu. -1.C uvea not grow as much upon one acre as some other farmers do. The answer is he does not have to. But he pro duces two and a half times as much American soldiers are now holding 1? cue liiiLing Hue iui a uiDuauct; ui. oo miles on the western front, according to information given out last week. The county and city food adminis trators met in Raleigh last week for of Concord township, were Monday. Government to Buy Wheat The Food Administration has au- b wucn. iui ii ;n r -I : .. . Z .. . TV b"4a two days session with State Food ' Ef1 f "f u u" "er" thorizect the attnouncement U:at the De i ...... . J . . ... That is what makes the point." The VnnA ,tKn r.n. . - vuu auuuuuu.uuu uiwii vu.uvin- yids name and address to the Governor ! f the State who in turn will forward . all such names to the War Department at Washington. The name of every . -idler will then be on file with the War !; Department, and this list will be used as the basis of an amendment to the ' Draft Law empowering the local ex- f emption boards to put in Class One all able bodied men between tne ages oi f-ighteen and fifty who refuse to do .regular work, lhere is no desire to conscript any man to work for ny private individual or corporation, but .the people of the country have made tip their minds that if a man won't he must be made to fight. . ,'11 have instructed all police offi- -cials. to rigidly enforce the vagrant laws. AH men, rich or poor, black or .white, who refuse to v.ork for five days in the week after having been given notice by the County Council National Defense should be prose cuted for vagrancy. , .""In some cases such parties will be able to show that technically under existing laws they are not leal va ' grants -When the court finds this to i bo true, then I urge the courts to en ter a judgment, and have it duly re corded that the court finds the ac cused guilty of moral vagrancy, but owing to the limitations of the statute It is unable to impose punishment. This will reach the rich and poor alike. "The defendants so convicted will then have their names listed in Was h- rton as slackers and traitors to our .Idlers and on the records in the com lunity' where they live as moral va- rants. now beats the iU- tion has been exnandsd hv an exwntive ropean far and away in the fruits of order signed by President Wilson, labor per man, and just as soon as its capital stock is increased from crowding population and consequent' $50,000,000 to $150,000,000, and . ar- cutting down ot acreage make it nec- rangements have been made Jor the essary he will beat him also in yield government to buy and store wheat per acre. The American farmer is all and some other grains and supplies right. Winston-Salem Journal. j and to hold, transport, sell, or dispose swhi anu uiatunacu but; liuuicill dull activities of the Food Administration in detail. William J. Bryan, supported by the Anti-Saloon League, and prohibition ists of Congress, is conducting a cam paign for nation-wide prohibition. Absolute prohibition of the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquors is demanded. Turkish forces at Tabriz, last week, occupied the British and American consulates and pillaged the American hospital. Two hundred thousand American troops have been sent to France dur ing the past two weeks. Senator Henry Berenger, in an ar ticle in the Paris Matin, says that the Allies are now fighting with approx imately seven millions of men against seven millions. No horse races will be held at the Fair of the Carolinas, Charlotte, this fall, but the $2,400 expended for this feature last year, will be devoted to prizes for agricultural exhibits. The following invitation has been Dr. E. L. Branscome, a prominent received by friends in Asheboro physician of Galax, Va., committed Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Byerly suicide by taking poison one day last invite you to be present week, leaving a note that said trouble at the marriage of their daughter was the cause of the rash act. Ida Lea Emma President Wilson has given his an- to proval to plans of congressional lead- Mr. Jesse Glenn Holt crs for a brief recess of . Congress ' on Saturday afternoon, June the 29 while the new revenue bill is being I nineteen hundred and eighteen prepared by the House ways and at three thirty o'clock means committee. at their home, Lexington, N. C. Nearly 157,000 negro soldiers are At home after July the first, Greensr now in the national army. Of these, ,boro, in. C, of Khe same to any citizen of the Unit ed States or to any of our Allies, or to any departmept or agency of the United States. BUSINESS BUILDERS Eugene Debs Again Eugene V. Debs, three times candi date for the Presidency of the United States, addressed the closing session of a three-days' Socialistic convention in Canton, Ohio, recently. After, pay ing tribute to the Socialists who have gone to jail for the sake of their prin ciples, DAs praised I. W. W. mem bers, referred to the Bolsheviki as comrades, and is said to have-charged that the purposes o fthe allies in the war are the same as those of the Cen-! WILLOW. BABY CARRIAGE FOR WANTED To buy a five passenger Ford body or-trade two passenger body.. Would trade or sell car. Write or phone Walter. Parkft Pis gah, N. C. It tral Powers plunder. Holt-Byerly SALE Good as new. at J. M. Betts. See carriage J20-tX. i FOR SALE 15 h. d. nortable Sar gent Saw Mill or would trade for first class 1917 Ford. J. L. Brant ley, Seagrove.Kf. C. - 6-27-3t i,uuu arc line oiucers, holding com missions of captain, first and second lieutenants. There are about 250 col- "A Indulge in wnoleVale' chkrgi"e" ln the mcdicl and dental out idleness and vagrancy, but let j :v w'ilt m go to or point out the individual ler or vagrant to the end that such r or vagrant may bo persuaded to to work if possible, and if persua n faila that bo may bo sent tp the mt lino trenches or to the county t gang.". . : ; Shame "It makes tne tired to hear people king about, not being able to get j or that, a little sugar that they in the habit of having, or beef or t bread," said a well known citi i j trday, "when they know that ! rrirtco must be the soldiers' - r our gain their sacrifice. We i without thst they may have. ' f what they have given Oft for "7 are offering the saeriflc of v s. What are we offering T A " sugar, a little lce bctf, a whrat Writing along this i out-of-state,: paper syi: who complain WK-auM ' they ' .!e to srt some little luxuries member that our forefathers '.out sugar till the thlrtnth . v i'l.nut coal till the fotif- it buUcr till the ,f)f ;hmt tobarro sad potatoes rtfrnth, without tea, cof-r-np till the event"nth, ! r "na nd lamps till the , and without trains, Ip1p " !(( nnd ga till lb1 ' " I ixrhsinge. ... L. L. Matthews, for many years su perintendent of public schools for Sampson county, was found dead in the bath tub, in his home at Clinton, at an early hour last Sundav moralnsr. The doors were locked inside and had to be forced, while a raxor with which he had severed the jugular' vein was round uni a sneu by tne side oi tne bath tub." Melancholy' resulting from ill health is supposed to have been the cause of the suicide. From 500 to 600 carpenters struck for a dollar more on the dsy at Azalea, near. Asheville, last Friday. The men were union carpenters working on the government's tuberculosis sanatorium at Asalea. - - - ; . The Rv. Walton S. Danker, of Wor cester, Mass.. chaplain of. the 104th infantry, died in France last Week, as the result of a shell wound. . Ken Mr, Danker was the -first American chap lain to give his life in service on the we tern front. - ' v '- - Mrs. Josrphu Daniels, wife of the SecrcUry of the Navy, has been Mies Byerly was for two or three- years a teacher in tne Asneooro graded school. v r , A. and E. College - , r ' We have received a copy of the cat alogue of North Carolina State Col lege of Agriculture' and Engineering at West Raleigh. That great techni cal college is doing a flne work.- Sci entific education IBs .in aamirsniy with the demands of -such time as these when production in all lines re quires efficiently trained men. The college offers full font-year courses in agriculture, chemistry, civil engineer ing, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and textile industry. STOLEN One bird dog, nine months old, white, long oair brown ears, and a tew brown spots on nla body. Reward offered for return to J. S. j Lewis, Asheboro, N. C. - r , f BLACKSMITH- COALCar of good - blacksmith coal. Just received Bet - ten nut In vmir Annnli nnv -' . -. Aihebdro !Wheolljarroyr Co. J20-4t FDR SALE-rOr will change for heavy ' DTules, two 1 younff -. one thousand- pound marefcwita mule colts. Come right away and get a bargain. Bob .Fuller,; Farmer, N. C It pd "Learn Home -or School, Shorthand. .- Typewriting, Bookkeeping, on cred- It. Positions ' Guaranteed. . Edwards Business College, High Point, C . and Winston-Salem, R C , .-.. ' Henry C Trott, of Salisbury- has been appointed deputy United States marshal to succeed J. H. McKenzie, deceased. ' ' ' " " - '.' '' r- ' '-. The University of North ' Carolina Summer School, Chapel Hill, has al ready registered more thnn 600 stu dent and Director N. W. Wajkr thinks the total enrollmnnt vHll reach 7&0 or possibly go beyond this number. Mr. John H. King, noted for wore than 25 years as a leading Southern editorial paregrapher, and one of the Ierted.&mong a group ef distinguished, publishers of thi? Moming Horalil, Washington people to serve on me, Durham, has mterrct-in ue central committee to arrange Jor the;taper and will retire from artive ott big International pnant lo be stngfd'Ke in the newppnpar world. ' July 4. KpirsenU- rrivst Davi! S.'Grahsm, or the Marine Corns. rl''et (m of Prof, end Mrs. Alexandra Graham, rf"tte, in wachinfrion, j y ev icfpirsenta tivrs of eightem foreign nations met in Waahlntton l9t mmith to lay nre- f.r'1y, V.C-Cih fp;n n 1 nt I" ' n finvn - liminary plans for the event, which 'has been killpd in ftrtion ia Frnnc, will le a wonderful alTalr tindor Ihejl'rivftt Grnham had rnrn in lh Mv claatification of "Drmocinry Triumph- rine t'orps fr nineyais, hrvira Bnt," J ixrvcil fla fiaitrrnai.t' r f ry rut. K in One hunilr.J lin. t'-xly f v wn frt-m Fantrt 1tiii'.(-i. Wh'rt ti o v r.r tii V I ' nut-,: i v ! i' 'n:'.'! on July out fnl it a !-; r. 1 t!,;d .. fc't'i 3i- 1 - t 1 - t: . 1 r- I i Prof. Whitener, of Morganton," will conduct a school of vocal music at the Baptist church in Asheboro, beginning Monday night, June 24, and closing after the scries of meetings. It is hop ed that Prof. Whitener can be secured for an 18-nighU mugie school This school will be for the entire town, and community, and everybody who de sires can go and enroll as a member of the school lor 18 nights for 12.00. or ten cents a night for the term : the tchooL ' v '. ' '' WANTED To buy a sawmill, 1 fully errmppfMV inrnMinu noucr and en :ine..; All must q In good condl tion," For;-th Mfg. Co., Winston ' falem, N. U . ... . 4t GOOD OLiJortunity for fcnvone wish .ing to rrliKate his children and make a living t hn am time ICl' MHiriilan, .wHtiM Coplan .r.rr. &. Co., (jui'.'.Tf OAlrgt, U. C J-13 -VI. rucoN' wami:d V.'e sro :i'"in, 1 ' ' 5 ' i i ; . ' r : t t to ti lvr; : r, ', fo E LLS The Packer's Bill for Live Stock For the first si months of our operations under the Food Administration, ending . April 30,' 1918, Swift & Company paid for DRESSED WEIGHT LBS. - - live stock 1,558,609,000 $323300.000 For the same ; - period in 1917 1,338300,000 $210,400.000 TMMv.AA I- - - - . '-C Weight 16H96 220300XXX) in cost 5496 $113,400,006 Consumer's BttfoiMeat ' V,; must necessarily have increased gcoiTesnf Live ; Stock 'prices and meat prices fluctuate together. a ; :. When the; prtucW gets high. prices for his live'stock, tha con X Burner's meat bill , must'tieces ;&arily bei Ig6r,';y.:irT:.&:: .Year Bock of Interesting and . Instructive facta tent oq requeat, ; Address Bwlft A Company, , Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Xllinolf - Swift Company,U.S.A. AiTO'.tor.n.r. WA?rrrn-i want to a v 1 1 i t a 1 M- - ) t i t I r V i r t r mo o or r.'l rtoTfi'icvr : I v i r : f r f ' -n:i, (t . 1 rial . 1 I ' ' -1 1 i 1