THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918 rase Six s , . i f -.; ' ; i . 'f Kf ' 5! r'E A IIESSAGE OF COMFORT MARVELOUS GAINS The Manufacturers' Record carries this comforting and encouraging fnes sagB to the Allies of America in a re cent issue which is intended as a Fourth of July message: We ere coming one hundred million strong to take up your burden and to stand by your side, as for nearly four years you carried the burden which we should have shared with you. , f On the battlefields and at sea, you v suffered and died for us as much as for yourselves. When Germany declared war upon Belgium and France, it declared war upon America, because it declared war upon all civilization. And, therefore, - every drop of blood you shed was shed " for our salvation from German dam- - nation as much as for your own. Upon the cross which stretches over a thousand miles of battleline, mil- - lions of your loved ones with supera heroism have laid down their lives to " save mankind, as nineteen hundred ' years ago the Son of God gave His life upon the Cross of Calvary to save men from the power of evil here and of death eternal. Today we celebrate the 142nd birth day of American independence and ' we shall as a nation rededicate our ' ' selves and reconsecrate all that we have in physical and spiritual pow r: all our resources in men and money to the one supreme task of rid ding the earth of that accursed beast which, clutching at your tnroat mm ai ours, has sunk deep its fangs into the heart of civilization itself. Not until your armies and ours, millions strong, have marched down the streets of Berlin and Vienna and Constantinope and not until they have made the responsible leaders of those countries who have brought this aw ful suffering Dav with their own lives upon the gallows, or Deiore tne nrmg squad for their fearful crimes, should there be one word of peace talked with these countries. Even then there should be no peace terms given one moment's consideration which do not include the full restoration by Ger many and its allies of every foot of conquered territory, including Alsace and Lorraine, the payment of r.n in demnity large enough, so far as money on nnccihlv do. to restore every ruin ed property, and to repay every dollar expended by all the Allies in saving civilization from barbarism, and to re- MAMMA! DON'T YOU I NOT A PARTISAN - f SEE YOUR CHILD IS ADMINISTRATION - 1 ! SICK. CONSTIPATED, -- The various grain crops produced in Republicans, Progressive and. lade- North Carolina last year reached a to- Look at Tongue! Move Poisons frost pendents Called Into War Service By tal of 84 million bushels, according to Lier and Bowels at Once Wilson tne learai grain crop report ol lecem- The charge made by certain Republi- ber, 1917. Mother! lour child isnt naturally can politicians that the Wilson admin-' It is an increase of 37 million bush cross and peevish. See if tongue is istration is offensively partisan is re- els since 1909. coated; this is a sure sign its little futed by the facts. The statement has ' Which is to say, we have nearly stomach, liver and bowels need a been fnade that onlv Democrat have i doubled our production of small trains cleansing at once. been caled by the President to Wash- i in eight years. W hen listless, pale, feverish, full of ington to aid him in the great task of ' Our last years grain crop averaged cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't ; winning the war. This statement has 35 bushels per inhabitant, counting eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom-:Deen repeated so often in so many men, women and children, ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gen-Jparts 0f the country that it is fair to It was a near approach to sufficieu tle liver and bow el cleansing should assume that the authors of it seek to cy- always be the first treatment given. , create the impression that the Presi-1 Look at the increases in detail dur- Nothing equals "California isyrup of dent takes the narrow view that only mg these eight years Corn from 34,000,000 bu. to 60,000,- 000 bushels. Wheat from 3,800,000 bu. to 9,700,- rigs' for children s ills; give a tea- Democrats are worthy of his conn- spoonful, and in a few hours all the dence. foul waste, sour bile and fermenting j a nerusal of the list of Drominent food which is clogged in the bowels ReDUhlicans. Progressives and Inde- 000 bushels. passes out of the system, and you pendents now engaged in war work! Oats from 2,700,000 bu. to 5,700,000 have a well and playful child again. ;n the national caDital furnishes con-, bushels. vincing proof that the President has ye irom zbu.UUU ou. to bZV.WV disregarded politics in selecting men : bushels. of ability needed for war work. While 1 Buckwheat from 144,000 bu. to 240, it is true that many .Democrats of 000 bushels. capacity are doing their full share to- Peanuts from 5,980,000 bu. to 7, wards winning the war. and have made 600,000 bushels. great sacrifices in order to serve the During this period we nearly doub- country at this critical period, it is iea our crop oi wnite potatoes, dui we All children love this harmless, deli cious "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleans ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morrow vour druggist fornia Syrup of Figs," then look and ; of tne President but get the genuine. Ask;eqUany true that men 0f other politi-made almost no gains in the produc crgist for a bottle of "Cali- cai affiliations have answered the call : tion of sweet potatoes. Indeed we JUraystirtJ. Ko aaSul'M. tractile. A iaQ leadacbe. A ejckly appearance. CkiHs ui fevers. Aches ani Mia. Isms UkatetW ye-rfc-ar sal bat at era. Ami-m HERBATONE Will lltllwi You . This handy, borne rem edy will save you doctor bills and serious illness, If used in time It drives I - m3 I out the poison Rermi and tT7r nukes tb bow) kidney mm nd Liver active. 4aW Art cab- Satisfaction Guarantee d Um not over a half botu and if tbcrautt i mot tata factory, return the balancs and we refund you the money. ITiceluw. Mtamjocturtd i tht A CM MEDICHI CO. atackUU, (KmHHtriWt) CenaiiM HERBATONE can fre ka4 STANDARD DRUG CO. Asheboro, N. C. see that it is made by the Fig Syrup Co." 'California REMINISCENCES OF RANDOLPH (By W. S. Lineberry.) If I were called upon to write clown the names of the bravest men I knew from Randolph in the war between the States (and there were many) 1 would put the name of Capt. Frank Siler among the first. Capt Siler was the son of Jrxkson Siler and he was born and reared on a little farm some three miles north of Franklinville, sometime in the early forties. His father was a tanner by trade and also owned a small farm. The Captain had one sister, who mar ried Franklin McMasters; and one brother, who belonged to Co. M. 22nd Regiment, and was killed in some of the battles around Richmond. I personally knew Capt. Siler ail his life. He was a true christian man. He had one of the best christian moth ers and was brought up under the in fluence of the Bible; in fact, he was a christian all his life. I well remem ber hearing him lead in prayer at a revival meeting when he was only 14 .raaT-a nlrl T would not be afraid to vouch for the fact that Frank Siler Executor's Notice Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James M. Whitehead, deceased, late of Randolph lost our primacy in the Union as a county, N. C, this is to notify all per- There are literalv thousands of men 1 sweet potato state. Last year Geor- and women holding positions in Wash-! gia beat us by 3 million bushels and ington today under the Wilson Admin- j Alabama by nearly 8 million bushels, istration who have constantly sup- We needed 27 million bushels of pota ported Republican candidates. The call toes a year; we produced only 13 mil for help has been general and the re-i lion bushels. sponse has been general. Neither the We also dropped from the 2nd to President nor any of his cabinet has the 4th place in our peanut crop, given any thought to politics in choos-1 Georgia beat us by 2 million bushels, ing men for responsible positions. and Alabama and Texas by nearly 8 The list of Republicans working side million bushels each. However, we by side with Democrats in Washington took the leadership of the Union in is headed by no less a personage than soy bean production. William H. Taft, former President! Our saddest lack is in home-prcduc- oi tne unitea states, ivir. lait is tne eu aim uouj iiwuum ucc. chairman of the War Labor Board and pork, mutton, poultry, eggs, milk, and! sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of June, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 8th day of June, 1918. ' C. G. WHITEHEAD. Executor of the estate of James M. Whitehead, deceased. E.GSHAW s - Jeweler - " Next door t Hoover A alcCaia'i Furniture Start, GS.TATE.MD.V Pfcyskiaa and Sarfeea Raanear North Carollaa DR. JOHN SWAIM , DENTIST ' : : Office ever first National Bank Phone 192 Asheboro, N. C Win. C. HAMMER L G MOSES HAMMER & MOSER Attorneys at Law Offices in Law Building, Asheboro. THE BANK OF RANDOLPH ' Asheboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $60,000.00 Total Assets Over $250,000.00 GENERAL BANKING We solicit the business of firms, corporations and individuals. D. B. McCrary, W. J. Armfield, President V-President W. J. Armfield, Jr., Cashier J. D. Ross, Assistant Cashier X place every one oi snipping ; .. Qath or was To this should be added tne comp e, , - r o whiskey m his driving out of Europe lorever oi iuik.- i - ish power. Even thougn tnese muem- , giler volunteered nities should tax an tne p ,uc , p Co M 22nd Refr, Btrength of Germany and its allie, for nr P was s00n ap. half a century to come, we snouia con- eda sergeant, then rose to the Bider nothing less. -..juv I ?ank of lieutenant, and when Capt. These countries were the gW promoted to major he was ones. They inaugurated this cam-.uaeu as v position he paign of world murder for world loot- made Captain ot o. i . P No he. The mmtary power md the peo-, held tu 1 tne close pie alike were banded togetier m tms -Vsn He was WOunded, I think scheme to murder millions m order to Vff Seven Pines, in his enrich themselves by looting the at t heJtetUe ot be , fur world. They should, therefore, to the f t arm ana c m ommand as last farthing which can be recom- Tuor nas been also is the chairman of the Central butter. And this lack largely accounts Committee of the American Red Cross for the fact that this year we shall and a member of the Red Cross War be sending out of the state some 200 million dollars for bread and meat that we failed to produce at home. x .V. i a i mm pensed by money, repay every donar - different writ t noTiflir.iire. that has been made m gieat ueai ij;i i. f oirnenrliture. that has been maintaining this great stniggle This, we believe, voices tko irmwinc sentiment of aw America, which we believe and trust will never sheathe its sword until Ger many, beaten to its knees, finding- all its power gone, and its army routed, and its people starving, seek peace on ''j the Allies' terms. There must be no , sickly sentimentalism which would for '' , bid the enforcement of the terms which v we have indicated. :'t Vain wnn 11 he victorv bv the Allies if Germany should be left uncrus: There has been a as a scldier ms w irv knew is nei ve better than 1, DUt it woum akened much space for me to repeat it. At the close oi uie v.... entered school at Old Trinity College, and remained there until he graduated. After that ho taught school at many places in Randolph and Chatham coun ties Many young men and women re ceived their education under him and are now engaged in the business of the world. , About the year 1908, Capt. Siler s 'hpd health failed, and as he had been so honest ana nnerai an m. nd its leaders unshot or unhung l' ra ,,, to enter the Soldier's 1. Vnin would have been the (leatn oi .r . ,.. u tnr- ,innnrt. This was a great millions of Allied soldiers who uae " , rrafism,.; to vim. This together died for civilization . rau.auu baJ hcaUh caused hmj0 ,oSe ana tne looteis aKauL y ,. . , . h was sent t0 u,x nm the crimes wluch they have commit- - rometerv at Raleigh, among Committee with the rank of Major General in the Army. Charles E. Hughes, late Republican nominee for President is as much the titular head of the Republican party, has recently been called into service by President Wilson to investigate the aeroplane situation. Charles M. Schwab, of Pennsylvania,! president of the Bethlehem Steel Com-' pany, who recently was made director general of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, is a Republican. Five other officials of the shipping board are eith- j er Republicans or Progressives. In the Treasury Department a num- ber of Republicans and Progressives are holding responsible positions. In the War Department four of Sec retary Baker's principal advisors are Republicans. While regular army officers as a rule do not participate in politics it(is a well known fact that many officers at the head of the Army are classed as Republicans. These include Gen eral John J. Pershing, who is the son-in-law of Senator Warren of Wyo ming, the Senate Committe on Military Affiairs; Major General George W. Goethals, Assistant Chief of Staff and acting Quartermaster General; Major General Enoch H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General; Major General Wil liam Crozier, chief of ordnance; Maj or General Leonard Wood, Division Commander; and Major Charles B. Warren, Republican National Commit teeman from Michisan who is in charge of appeal cases under the Pro- vost Marshal General. H. & H. CAFE Lord O'Brien, of New York, who was We 11111 a Clean, Up-tO-date the United States District Attorney cafe aRJ endeaVOT tO Serve of the western district of New York , ... i . under the Taft Administration, in an the pUDllC COIlSCientlOUSly. assistant to the Attorney General. QyQ ug a trial. Another uepuDiican in tne ueparuucui of Justice is A. Bruce Bielaski, of HI" GUILFORD COLLEGE. N. C. "El A Coeducational College of the highest type. High standardSj in scholarship and morals. Christian environment. Confers B. A., and B. S. degrees. Excellent musical train ing. Domestic Science. Stiong Pre paratory Department. Able Faculty. Fine Athletic Record. Ten Modern and Completely Equipped Buildings. Large Campus. Healthful Climate. Pure Water. Rates Reasonable. For Catalogue or further information, write THE PRESIDENT Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. G. Brooks, decena. led, late of Randolph county , North vareuun, hub is to nouiy au persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day vi June, or tms notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. 1 MRS. LENA BROOKS. Admx. of W. G. Brooks. Authorized Ford Agency Standard ized Ford service and repairs. Firestone and United States Tires and Tubes. ASHEBORO MOTOR CAR CO. "Service That Satisfies." NOTICE fought do not pay through years of ?'a in 1909. His ,a full financial penalty of all hospital, anu u c ted or permitted, and tueir .eaue.s vy comradeR "on the scaffold or before the I am sorry to that his dust lies there with no muad with tlieir lives for their parts say ' ' . k his laat ; in thU devlish work which has flooded srone . j how fi0on our 1 ;the world with blood and covered all resnng ' V , are forgotten! : the earth with a cloud of darkness and "rave Of sorrow. Chamberlain's Tablets v , Our hearts should be steeled against . trbuble(1 with indi. !n?.?UIt rfJrZZ than Kertion or constipation, take Cham Washington, who is chief of the Secret Service of the Department of Justice. William R. Wilcox until recently the chairman of the Republican National Committee, is a member of the Feder al Railway Wage Commission. Five of the eight members of the War Trade Board are Republicans. In the Council of National Delense J. W. BREWER, Next to Bank of Randolph. G.H.KING Attorney-at-Law Office Miller building Practice in all courts, collect and ad just claims, wind up estates. All busi- iwu MitrnatMl in mtt rra ahall tiv there are many Republicans including prompt and painstaking attention. Walter S. Giflford, of Massachusetts, chairman and Grosvenor B. Clarkson, of New York, secretary. The Red Cross War Council is large- Executor's Notice r- . r , n. " e-estion or constipation. taKu v,nm- ueace based on any otner lernu r . . , ,, . rrL.,, offornrtkm rnc roaerai ruei auiiiiuwubwi, ucwuf ui uuuvi(iu vji Ihowe have indicated, in order that f1-A and" cnabfe t to p"rS!i8 well known, is a sbn of former . North Carolina, this is to notify all ' thaGerman propaganda now in evt- eV-n-S? ZfcM I President Garfield. Dr. Garfield always p. rsons having daims against the Having qualified as executor of the lv made up of Republicans. last will and testament of Milton Cole, I The Federal Fuel Administrator, as deceased, late of Randolph county. the German propag Indigestion ' - i n x u Its luncuuiis llttluiaLiy dence all over tne worm snaii m , apftmwmuA bv constipation m creating a sentimental, , . ' nfaA u rrpmher- nnt nnnish- "u - .. successful in creating a Sicl neutrotic peace without ment s inis.we oeiieve, " ' gtipated condition, 'aire from every true-hearted Amen- " can roan and womi.n to our Allies across the water and to our own sol diers at home and abroad that they may know that, as we ore asking tuera Iain's Tablets cause a srentle move ment of the bowels, relieving the con- Why Boys Leave the Farm ''Why did you leave the farm, my lad 1 Why did you bolt and emit vour dad? ."", ' "- 'TOLL J! J 1 i. u J . to offer their lives as a sacrifice,, we ; you ok w town ahall not leave their death unavenged. Ana turn your poorj old daddy down? ThinW. 0f platform, pulpit, press, - - Are wallowing in deep distress: I . i ''n I They seek to know the hidden cause I was a Republican until he supported estate of said deceased to present Wilson for election. them to the undersigned on or be- wiiiiA nevpr in active noiitics tier- lore tne sa day oi July, win. or tms bert Hoover, the Federal rood Ad- notice wui e pleaded in bar or their min mtrator. ftlwnva voted tne nepup- recovery. Ail persons inaeotea to saia lirn ticket durtnir nis resiaence ia estate wui piease mass unmeoiata California. !P8Z.en. . , . this sa day or juiy. rw. C. W. ArmstronB-. of Troy, Is - U. G. COLE. Executor of to sail fbr France in charge of a med-.the estate of Milton Cole, deceased. Take Baths alMJMflSM Coot, Eczema, I lives, etc. Right la your own home and at trifling corf, you can r-jy the benefit mt healing IIllR COMPOUIID :nr 1 '.ft tmHMiv l tkln IxMHnS . :,i M HS,-fWiurl la wt ... c "" jmmki. I H In flia - tt t-n flyiaa b sfiKtaS 11 itiutiu ty. ' - ' t : on I SI tht bota 4 ! Why farmer boys desert their paws. ; Some say yon long to get a taste Of faster fife and social waste; '. Some say you silly little chumps Mistake your suite cards for your r trumps. , i ' In wagering fresh and germ less air A earns t the smoky thoroughfare. , We're all agreed, the farm's the place, x8o free your mind and state your case. ical unit in the near future. GIRL8I HAVE WAVT, THICK, GUJSST HAIR , Administrator' Notice ' Having Qualified as t administrator FREE FROM DANDRUFF the estate of Fxabeth J. Dobson, Save Your Halrl lmblelt. Benty of the 6uperkorjCot M J$ la a Few Moments Try This! county, all persons - having daims U you care iur bohyjt umtt - - , - - - - , r-- irllstens with beauty and la radiant nt them to the undersigned on or be w$hlf"hL incomparable aoff fo July 1, 1919, or thla notice will ness and is Huffy and lustrous, , try , J lSSTOi Danderinev" " ' ; yvum v-mjj iu w - JnnlilAB - the. please come forward and make imme- beauty of your hair, besides IV imme-, aKWemeni - , ( datelv dissolves every naracie oi oan-i -. i ..... . - . , i , . 1 - - ' it i. iifiuuriu m rfmtnlMirarnl. druns you cannot nave nice, Bevy . " n. TX. . , healthy hair if, -you have, dandruff, fEUt-beth . Dobmn, deceased. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Jlandleman, N. C ) ' ' Us lustre, Its strong and it very . 1 . . . T life, and if not overcome K product; a fcWkhnflss and itching of the scalp' o Having allfi-d as adm nistraler, ha v,.;p wtnta' f ami.h. Win and diet de bonis non cum testamento annexe North Carolina, Randolph County. Under and by virtue of power of sale given in a certain mortgage, ex ecuted by W. T. Brooks and his wife Hattie Brooks to R. C. Brower on the 6th day of November, 1916, and re corded in morteaere and deed book No. 167 at page 264 in the office of the Register of Deeds for the aforesaid county, to secure the payment of a certain note or bond of even date with said mortgage, and .default having been made in the payment of said note or bond, said note or bond having been given uy tne said w. T. Brooks to said R. C. Brower, I the undersigned mortgagee, will on the 2nd day of August, 1918, at 12 o'dock. noon, at the courthouse door at Ashe boro, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel or parcels of land ly ing and being in Grant township, in the aforesaid county and state, and more particularly described as fol lows: Tract No. 1 Beginning at a stone pile in a clay root; thence south 103 poles to a stone pile; then 32 poles to a stone pile; thence north 103 poles to a stone Bile: thence east 32 noles to the beginning, containing fifteen (15) acres more or less. Tract No. 2--Beginning at a stone in Spoon's line, running south 21 chains 85 links to a stone in' Fox's line; thence 6 chains 86 links to stone; thence north 21 chains 85 links to a stone; thence east 6 chains 86 links to the beginning, containing fif teen (15) acres more or less. Tract No. 3 Beginning at a ctone in Spoon's line northwest corner of W. T. Brook's land, running south 22.08 chains in Fox's line; thence went 13.25 chains to a stone in A. Cox's line; thence north with his line 22.08 chains to a stone; Alfred Cox's corner; thence east 14.03 chains to the beginninir. containing thirty (30) acres more or less. Tract No. 4 Beginning at a stone in W. T. Brook's line; running south west" 102 steps to e stone; thwee west 150 steps to a stone In Minor Golston's line;' thence east 175 steps the vari ous courses of Minor Golston's and W. T. Brook's line to a stone, the begin ning, containing toree-zourtni () acre more or less, The above described land will be sold for cash and subject to a ten per cent aavancea Did. This the 2nd day of July. 1918. , ; K. t UROFR. Mortirairea. , Hammer & Moser, ; . Attorneys for Mortgagee. , . NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SHORT LINE BETWEEN Western North Carolina' and Eastern North Carolina, Norfolk, and Points East (As information, not guaranteed.) Leave Asheboro daily except Sunday 40 a. m connecting at Star with through train for Charlotte at 11:25 a. ., with through train for Raleigh at 35 a. m., arriving Raleigh 1:20 v. m.. connecting at Raleigh with through sleeper leaving Raleigh daily at 9:20 p. m. for Wilson, Greenville, Washing ton and Norfolk. ' Leave Asheboro 4:10 p. m. dailv ex- cept Sunday for Star, Jackson Springs, rinenurst and Aberdeen and points south. Trains arrive Asheboro 10:50 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. daily, except Sunday. ror lniormation call on or write: L. D. BURKHEAD, w;j.wiaAMSN-a Commercial Agent, Raleigh, N. C. G. B. UNDERWOOD Commercial Agent, Charlotte, N. C J. F. DALTON. General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. DR. K. M. TOKLEY Dentist Dr. Crutchfield's Office Bank of Randolph Building Asheboro, N. C. Phone 28 Administrator's Notice Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of Jefferson Brookshire, deceased, late of Kandolph county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment J. T. WOOD. Administrator of Jefferson Brookshire. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND q. the tat f Ranm Lucas, de vV "l Notice -;fvvr ,r- Having' qualified as administrator on the estate of Nancf E. Wall, de ceased, before F. M. Wright, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph coun ty. AU persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 4th day of July. 1919, or this notice will be nleaded in. bar of their recovery; and all person! owing' said estate will come forward : and make Immediate settlement ' This 8rd day of July, 1918. " -J. T. WALT. - Admr. of Nancy E. WaljTooeaaed. - Kandieman Route L . C , . North Carolina, Kandolph County. Under and by virtue of nower of sale given in the last will and testa ment of E. J. Strider. late deceased. of Randolph county, North Carolina, we, the undersigned, will on the 22ND DAY OF JULY. 1918 at twelve o'dock noon, at the court house door, in Asheboro, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Union township, Randolph county, North Carolina, be ing a part oi tne estate oi tne said E. J. Strider and more - particularly described and denned as follows, to -wit: -V. :: ,-';; Beginning at a stone in Silas Luth er's Une and running S. 22 chains to a stone in Willis Luther's line: then west 15 chains to a sassafras Craw ford corner, then south on his line 40 chains to a pile of rocks In his Une: then east 20 chains B. J. then south 2J chains to a pine in Montgomery coun- -ty line; then east SO degrees west 12 chains to a B. J. then east with Shaw's - line, 12 chains to a white oak. T. Hall's line: then N. Hall'l line 36 chains to ' hickory fck Luther's line then IW chains to the 8. Lather comer; sour wood j (then .with. JLuther and, Sarah Hall's una to a stone; then, W. 42 Vs coaina : to tne beginning, fontaininrt ' two hundred acres, more or less. FifT ty acres of the above desd-ibed W k. -a, s . .1.- it. J ' Executor's Notice Having oual (fled as executor of the "Wofl, stranger, since' you've been so 1 ' frank .''. Ill roll aside the hazy bank, 'The mintv cloud tit theories. And show you where the trouble lies. I left my dad, his farm, bis plow. Because my calf became his cow. I left my dad, 'twas wrong, of course unn the hair fails out fast because my colt became his norse. I left my d-wl to sow and reap . liecAiiR mv lamb beestne his shorn, I dropptnl ray hoe and struck my fork I'.of-auaa mv tiiir buuni bis XMrk. . 4 H - ..l, iu t trrnm' 1 . . t .j . i , . variiSnA nn at defora Ika l2Lh 1a nf tha tinilrTntimf'fl. dulv m-AfiiJL. rm rrr Twan his to snll but mini to ho. . jm .ay hn wpa-U.e bast investment July, 1919, or this notice will be plftd- before the l&th day of July, 1919, or It's notth nmoke in thi stmonphpre, ym) pvr rntdfi. - - ; - M l bar f thnlr recovftryj and aU this notice will ba pleaded in bar of Nor thfl tflflts for 15e that brought w. w n'ncr-ly WW, ni'nuW of )TPom owing said etU will corns thfir iwovery, and aU persons owing h-ro. . . , .... . .. '-'tvfBfrthio rUt odvrH.ior.1. that if von forward sod Jnska jmtnediaU settle- aM estate will come forward and If your hn.'r has been, ftegkded and fcd, before F. ,W. Wright Oerk of esta of N. C. Johnson, deceased, be in thin, faded dry. sewtrgv ; or tno the .Bupwlor Court- of Randolph for F. M. Wright, Clerk of the Sope ' Ti .i -ii clii iro,ioa rouniv. thk is let notify all ' rMirhoni rior Court of Randolnh emmtv. thi jDanderine at any. Amx store or toil baring claims rttnat said eUte to is to notify all persons having daims 1 counter for a f?w cpnt npply a little pre-ent tbnnt to- the Ondersincit duly against said estate to present them to N corner to James Hurler, i &aid land is covered wltl very aoie pme, oax and popiarumoet i nas been estimated hy timmr m there are million feet It tin" Said land -Ul : U lolr?. ' ' cbrdance with the i p?n. ' the last wlU. and V'" - said E. 3. Strider, W.jl'T Ill ; ' 'IA '' 'deferred . ' OTJmJ?-b:8rl!,.Iun m date ' tril t!. vhiitnrm; pulpjt, prfM, ,hy.Vn p,,'i. .r-.I r-f. Wv.t.M h nd 'It,', tn5il !!' 't-t. of n.ile tli1 Will 8 H y):,-ttot,nrr t . t i, n ' " ' Bale" - - TJ;Ia, the t'H H ? rf Jf.)'-,', i j. jo 1 i i