. I ISSUED WEEKLY. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE volume xxxxm. Aiheboro, North Carolina, Thursday, August Jitfr 1918 M'MHLTi 3S PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN jALLifS CONTINUE TO GAIN KOYE, important railroad CENTElvCAPTLRED BY BRIT ISH FRENCH LAUNCH NEW OFFENSlVfc AMERICANS CAP TURE VILLAGE OF FRAPELLE OTHER NOTES ON THE WAR During the past week, the western front has been comparatively quiet, ugh the Allies have continued to h tHe Germans back at different ts and captured prisoners and sup- taiericans captured the village of He in Lorraine, tie British have taken Roye, an im ant railroad center. As it now Ids, the Allies have retaken all ter y lost in the past four months, rday morning, and they have since Ised on gaining ground inspite of a jry bombardment by the enemy, lie city of Darmstardt, capital of fgrand duchy of Hesse, in Western fiany was attacked by Allied air last Friday morning, four persons d, many injured, and property tderably damaged. The Allied air jlron lost four machines, fa new offensive launched by the I eh General Mangin over a front out fifteen and a half miles, from y on the Oise to the Aisne near one, the French in bitter fighting carried forward their line to an ige depth of two and a half miles, n the first phase of the battle had ired numerous villages and farms, than 8,000 Germans hrd been ed behind the line as prisoners. last reports, Mangin s men .still fthe Germans on the run. There been little fighting along the le river, where the Americans and ttch are facing the enemy for the 'few days. kmerica now has about three mil hen under arms, and nearly half qje'se, or 1,450,000 have already tin ned for Europe. Jte Chinese government has sent a e force of troops to the Siberian 0er to prevent the threatened in ilon of Chinese territory by GeiTiian a Hungarian prisoners of war who lied with the Red Guard and other fluents of the Holsheviki against the Bcho-Slovuks in the trun.siiu.kul feion. second transport carrying Amer- n troops has arrived at v'uiuivosiok. le transport bearing tiie first con Igent of American soldiers entered harbor last Thursday after a voy- re of seven and a half days from fanlia. A dispatch from tin- Hague of last aturday, says thai a correspondent jescribes conditions in the Cologne leighborhood to be very discouraging the Gei man.-.. 1 He imp, vs.- ion is laid to prevail there lhat tne portion tin the west 1 rout is i catty much i ti 1 1 Ivcakened than is a.kn.Uwi he tne ,.-r- man., iii uvi'ii ,'laimed lis a: but tkw inip.e.-Mon is ibsio ution.- U in.!. i 'aw ei'i on. mis i oik iVX'tS 111 tlllS ,!.- ,'le 1 I.I' in.il'. l' il'. t All leave 1 1 1. in t in 1 l am been cut in half. "Second .Men in hospitals : le out le. to the front before c. res arc coin Third Damaged horses arc .-en; forward. Fourth Letters from the front have entirely discontinued. fifth '1 lie pr. dice oi sending would-be deserters to punishment .camps has been discontinued and they are now sent to the front." RALEIGH LETTER (By Maxwell Gorman.) Raleigh, August l'.l. The Repub licans used to exploit the assertion that ti e national Democratic party could be depended on to do the wronx thing at the light time to insure its defeat. But the boat has certainly shifted to the other lei' this year. John Mot ley 1 'Morehi ad ami Charley Jonas gathered a crowd ef some 000 voters at a point near Moiganlon Si tu rday under the pretext of a "patriotic ial ly," but in reality to further '.licit candidacies for senator and !Hh dis trict congressman to succeed Sim mono and Yates Webb. If they did not drop their political cake when thry denounced the Wilson "Administration and pleaded for an honorable peace us soon is it is of Icd," thin writer '-at ly mistaken tcalibre and (line of Western North arolinn manhood. State Board After Him iBr'er Abrrnothy id having a big Inch of trouble in his efforts to land third district neat in ConKronn. le latest attack on him comes at the itance of the State Hoard of Flee ing and he has been served with mim- n by a New Bern magistrate to tthc x-rty on his account for ex es incurred during the recent pri 7, in which it is alleged he used e money than the law allows. , ,"Mut Tread German Soil" , t will enlighten candidate More id nd all others who incline to Idea advanced at the meeting Sat ay near Morganton, to rend the er of Major Bryan, a Tar Heel of r hi the war, written to Senator itnona and printed Monday in the V and Observer. Major Bryan VU th hellish cruelty of the Gcr- and declare 90 per cent of the Wn troop In France are dead 4 Ut any and all "peace" over mtll the Allied troop tread t toil and win tha full fruiU of rank Cams far Raleigh in practically rertain to ae- LIEUT. COLONEL J. W. LONG p 1 "' I'" lWIiwy ' w,w.umimA Lieut. Col. J. W. Long, Greensboro, one of the best known surgeons of the State, is in command cf Base Hos pital No. 65, which has been in train ing at Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Ga. MOSER-TUTTLE Miss Lou Ola Tuttle, of Washington, N. C, Becomes Bride of Mr. Ira C. Moser, of Asheboro A pretty wedding was solemnized at' the Methodist church in Washington, N. C, Wednesday at high noon, when Miss Lou Ola Tuttle became the brde of Mr. Ira Cleveland .Moser, of Ashe boro. The church was beautifully dec orated in ferns, white candles, whit-' clematic entwined in the alter and masses of golden rod carried out the color note of yellow and white. Ju-' before the ceremony Mrs. D. M. Car ter, accompanied by Mr. David lleli, sang, "In the Garden of Mv llesr!," and "Oh! Sweet, Oh! Fair, Oh! Holy.' Mr. David Dell played as a pro.. -sional the lirdila Chorus from Ruui ettis opera, Lucia de Laneiinx) r. s. Sally Hay Tuttle, Mster of the bride, as bridesmaid, entered the chinch wi.l. Mr. Shelton Moon', of Washington, t'n. onlv groomsman. She wore a d.ess i.l yolfow organdie, with hat to raaLcji ami carried a basket of white astern tie.', with yellow ti'ile. She wi's follow c ny fh.e maid' of honor. TllU.e, wearnin' a die tjamiie v. ,1 n 1 ai ' in: basket of yellow astei m; M. tulle. The bride entei her brotlier-in-ia K!m Citv, wl:o li. I .. L. :sl bulh ;i 1 1 1 1 '. t : i v. . .- i ' a .. of the hr.de to t!.e . " bridal partv and out ( Ur. u . Mis.- lie.-s Walk. ii.-, o; ; . - suled at tin' pom li bo .. , . e banked in golden rod. M -. ' I .-.loop, i.stei' ol the hi i.l.-. oil..' had charge of 1 he In eh s !. dining table was coveted in a io . lace piece, the enter p ... e ee.,.., , glass bow l of golden r id, and o n i. dishes of yello .. and in ' . . si.stmg in tk.e din ng I oo.n . .. ... Stun Et hm idge, and M . s . Tile cutting id' the hi oh V ink miirh mei 1 imetit M i's. K. Ik I ' 1 the llumhle, M.-s !'.'' T'." -. ' ring, and Mis., .'-ally .M:- 'I ."' gold dollar. Mr. and Mi .M" . 1 ' on the three o'i ec ticn to, ' moon trip lo Chimney R,k. ;,ri which I hey w ill De at Ivni., a A boro. The bride is I he a" i . daughter of liv. and Mi-. D. i I . I i tie and i.- '.'. 1 i know n ail ( i State wheie her father h: s been p ' or. The i;ioom i- a giadiia'e "I ' " h the literary and law .lepai'm.-n' . the University of Noith Carolina, am: is a member of the law linn of Ham mer A- Moser, of Af-heboio. Mi. nr.1' Mrs. Moser were the recipients of many handsome gift of cut gin , sil ver ami linen. The bride's going aw in suit was of dark blue doth with ki' accensOi ii-h, her bouquet was caught bv Miss Ann Moser, of Burlington, sislei of the groom Monday night. Mr. Hen ry Moore gave the bridal party a d' li'ghlf'il trip in his naththa launch, and on Tuesday n,ghl Mr. and Mi s. D r Taylor gave a delightful -ml to the bridal i'ty and out of town g'M'-t. Ice ricam wn r'tel on boaid. Out of town guestm Mis: i!es Wat kin, of Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. . I Sloop, of Elm City; Dr. W. D., M .- Ann and Salbe Moner. of J I . 1 1 1 n r t n . cum the leg Tank Camp location a I vireci today from Wahingtnn st.it, and h.OOO men will noon be in tunn ing here with their big mnchmra Ongrrssman Ed. Pou nnd Senrttoi Simtnona uere rspecinDy nrtive in lanchng the namp in North Carolina. It will be of interest to parent and noareut relatives of nohliers to learn that the new plan, adoptel yesterrlay, of announcing caitualty UU, will not change the ptwient aminirement of direct penwnal notice to the families of the aoldient, by th U. S. uthori ua. in cam of death or vounda of th o1dier. , A TO ALL ADULT CITIZENS OF .RANDOLPH COUNTY During North Carolina War Savings Week, June 22nd to Zbth. some citizens oi tins pledge to purchase War Savings Stamps because they were not solicited; many who were solicited, pledged too low in proportion to their means, and a few refused to pledge at all. Consequently, your county failed to sub scribe its quota. Ihe record of each citizen, pledge or his failure or refusal to pledge, soon becomes! 10 , . ., 1 .. . I a permanent record, and lest those who tailed or refused to pledge adequately do themselves an injustice and bring discredit upon their county, I herewith, by and with the authority conferred upon me by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, designate SEPTEMBER 2nd to SEPTEMBER 7th as the period within which a secjond and final house-to-house canvass is to be made to secure enough additional pledges to raise your county's quota. This the 18th day of July, 1918. 1 F. H. FRIES, Jtate Director. SECOND WAR SAVINGS CAMPAIGN Week Beginning September Second As has been previously announced, Randolph county pledged only about half its quota of War Savings Stamps in the first campaign. There are many of our citizens who have failed to ledge anything, and there are many others who have not pledged according to their ability, it is to give these two dasses of individuals an opportunity to redeem them selves, and to get their records clear in this important mat ter that our State Director has arranged for this second campaign. REMEMBER THE TIME THE WEEK OF SEPTEM BER 2ND TO SEPTEMBER 7TH. If you haven't bought or pledged for all the War Sav ings Stamps you are. able to buy, this will be your oppor tunity to "show your colors," to let your neighbors and our Government know "where you stand," and at the.'?' ""V1'"- ::i;- ;; , . -i , , i , i 1 1 !ii' scnools and, evervimng else to ad- saine time to render a patriotic service that your country jv;,nc(, t!i,. ,Ail.r,u '0 ,iie business needs now, and that your record vJl need in the years to,llH'n oi' Uie i,!ace -ud then give them ' "' a handsome n o t i rJf ilW WWUBWS'ftn s s LfJllie. I.w c every loyal citizen do his full duty, ami old Randolpl "!: go "over the to). ' E. L. MOFITiT, County Chairman, War Savings Committee. RAMSI.l R NEWS r i AU"'U II , i h A. Caw ,1 (in , :, . t. l:. ihekett I'. Turner, one of our o ,., friend., id' Greensboro, spent i . : : .' All!) hi 1. I'll rnel'. parents, Mr. and M rs. 'iliie Scott of Greensboro k. 1 or 'neoole ' here ' " ' . 'i''h,.0dore Wrirh't formerly of e lion 'ha- arrived safely it. ' ' ', .arva Clark who has bet n vis I Ramseur for some time re- i her home in Wa.-hinyton, I . riila v. .vhe a- ii'-con: pan led M l-l..t.l.....l I . Her .Ml'. I I. .U. HillH'lli .oi, iie'id some tune m ! !;e c apitol ng ins unugniei , . i -. v ,.w y 'liter. , Ml-.' lai'Ke ' I . . Ch.'ippi II nig th ltd ,l .Mr.-. I i, o, W I l e V -undav. I e. ion ( 1 W:u,,i) ois at W. K.t. 1 I iv. a -hip A chnol (onveiil.oii vv a held at odi.-t church Sin,!.,. after- ae ,-i pint-, f 1 I.., , ii jii.-t , ,e 'card and g.x.d talks oi, o s( hoo'is m Co.umh.'i low n made by some of 1 1 e - : per m n Mi- . -I p mw : . I, ,,i , and nt hei . v I i ' . I . . V v . lie o . ointv m.-i.i.h , v. : pre.. (,,,t and gave some v i , helpful in- , . , 'I'h,. onicei, (or ti.e coming K,., ,1,., ted as folk,.'. : N. I'. ! 'l7-:', pn iident; Prof. C. M. S di y. Stall., N. ('., vice pi' idest; Alton :r,..- .'-i, w-ri'tary and 1 1 a-u i ' r. A'l the - iji.i lntendent i in He tie.vnsP; I on t ;t '!' ' the exec-tit ! e c oinm H t ee. j Ti: unly c ha, I'm n. Mi. Ik L. Mof. pt ' , .,foim '!'- thai a i'"'nd nn.v ...id 1 made bcginn '.'iV f,o the i "tr t in c,f cmr ,p:.i : V.:ir ,-av ,i,gs M.'tnp '. Tin on" ' : bo cm- olcted befoie the Tl'-I.d iaher'v l'a, campaign "'in' - 'i .n "to.i r. :" ! w . mi..! do "in best to p. i it t' i. .-.ii . ,, ; c -, , i v ot e w ho ha i ot lioogl t iill t jto stiimpK he ciin i!o . l ot.i e and thee v l-o have net hought .1 ..11 1 . t- hi 1 il no', delnv now in there iq no time to waute now in furninhing funds ernoon. at " ', hi, k. Ins pa-toi. Rev. to help our boyn (it Hie front. Who W. o. Johnaon, HHKisted by Mis. Gil i h" that if so ael fifth that he is will ham's pa lor, Kev. II. W. JeflVoat. ing for our young men to go rnd diej , . for hi safety and he not willing to Amenra'a glorious privilege i.; to help pay expense even, but will at ay . feecl the world while it fights its way heie in our (rood "land rf the free") to freedom. and grow fat from results of this war. The time to win the war I NOW. I While the Hun It on the run let'a keep tha rfriva mltir. Tha lo do it ill to "pajr.tha fare" for our boy and the county tailed to make a showing the amount of hi IC'l w RIOTING IN JAPAN ing of a seriou. nalirv ; ; o!,l in many pa''!.- o . :. . ; i'.i. 7 m. . I, a ... I , , Ah recently pil nr'M rroceiw and lood d, ot.-. and and ether huild- m-i ing to theaters and ether build- 'he military forces cailed out to maintain oi'der were attacked. lhe street raiiwnvs nave susiiemieit opm'a- Dons at night owing to the contusion 1111,1 governor has forbidden the people to go out upon the stieets after (lark- Several millionaires have contrih- uted 100,000 each to purchase rice I'..,- tli,. i, nor 'I 'l.i. i ,. , -in -.1 ,ii n. I , nee ' . ' , , ,, . . ,,,, f ige bv fai mei s and hi ,!,ei - Prominent Cili.cii of Libert ,m , . waller l. i.i'lr.m. .-'. et 1 - ,t '' trca. irer and genera! m.'.mna r of the el 1 1. an -1 'at lei - on 11 a i dw : i e Com pan ' f at 1 hei'tv, de d at hi - home in that . town on Wednesday , v, iiuir of la-t wi ek. aged about hllv i . M ' . 1 1 1 1 iam w i one oi : ' , ni , : , ,1 1 Man Vol and u-eliil i ;!... . ot l.ihiilv. lie a- ileeply i n I i wd m ike lia terr.al orders of the to,. ii. In . r i ; r a jii'oica nc lit iminli, r o '.lie ,,i on., Ha.-'.ern Star, Knight, of IN t h a -, and Jim', i (Irder. II. lad h, , n a devout im l.i' er oi i lie i,a , i , an 1 1 loi a oa;. t a.e and v a . ,.ae ,: : i a ' " .-ti hi .' ntal nan ,n Inn,.,..;, w, h, ,. : ! hoi:.' cii.rch t l.,hit.. i.'.ag :t paid for, anil ded'eate, I. t'l ,. ,, , . a d a! so took a deep int'ii t ul the l,i, h, inn rhar, ii of his tow n, ol , I , ii at . . . i : - Hum i a member, lb i.vd a- ec- i - :..i an, tieasuiet ,u t ae naaiugta i "ml I ! t e of the I .lit hoi an- n ben ll.eir "I clmi. was ere, led. and a'dindi'l ., t.l i ' . i the hi ! I n.e at He l;. ing r n t ornen-' me A'irii I I. D In "', VI'. t,;li,.on v.. n a,e,, to ,i Ih'Ukdi I'att, i Ml. : ,1 Ml J. II. I f 1 - i ; -1 , 1 . i "f :,. t.i , ... She I M.r. him. al o iv .. Wi . '..i . T. I.. Lambeth, o; .-.a i I ' ;, : and Mi . W. I'i I'.ihial. ..'; ami one ntu .1. I . tl.iliam. of Clencion. I unc : nl Rerv ices wc ie c cuiduc from t'e late i. ,1, ncc 'Imp .,v aft way to do that is to buy "Stamp and Bomla. Coliimhia townhln la about 120.000 behind yet, to let'a cleaa off the board. J rj THERE 'WMAT 0l ,, i.'7kH7(-orrespom)- km hears and think? ITEMS OF INTEREST PICKED LP OVER THE COLNTY Randolph is to pood a county to re main under Republican rule and as sure as water runs and grass grows the county will fall back into the Democratic column on the day of the fall election in November. Tim Randolph county Republican onnvee'. Inn in Hill, o I t .-.,) .,l, ,,'.. convention in l'.ilG resoiuted about this thing ami that and seemed anxious to reform everything, but has failed so far to do anything it resoiuted to do. The Republicans have been in power before and they have never properly managed our county affairs and Un people are not now paying tribute to the progressiveness of the county like they did when the county was under Democratic rule. In nominating Mr. O. B. Deaton, of Troy, to represent Montgomery and Randolph counties in the State Senate, the Montgomery county Democratic convention made a wise choice. His record is as clear as a silver bell. He is known by everybody in Montgom ery county and as well as having a wide acquaintance among friends in Randolph. Mr. Deaton has served for ten years as Register of Deeds of Montgomery county and made a fine record as one of the best registers of deeds in the state. He expects to pay Randolph a visit and make a thorough canvass among the voters before election day hoping to meet as irianv as notcihlo rind ltecrme ncnnrmit- jed with those that already do not know him. Randolph county will give Mr. Deaton a good majority on the day of the fall election in November. With Deaton and Ross in the Legislature Randolph will have a strong team. Hurrah, for Deaton anil Uo.-,s. No paper can he published without home patronage, and ev ry man is in L rested in kieping up a home paper. If a railroad or factory is wanted, the newspapers are expected to work ln it. If any of the ;.oc:i't s !:ave a sup per or reception of any kind the news paper is expected to "'ii the r.e. c.-sa :i:i - Aurl ct tnmr of 1 liem rii tt rf H - ing to lice) up a home paper. .Mr. C. 11. Davis, of Central Falls, ha: subscribed for The Courier, lie is a line uliow. .Mr. J. T. Rci'i.cl, of Millboro Rmitc 1, owns a beautiful home and a line farm, lb' is one of the county's best' and must highly rcpc ied ,, ., w . Mr. '- . I .. Kiillia-. ol ( i i,!r: I I- ail.-, lias our thank- I'o r a i . ,c . a! d' k ' .. sell rip;;, .a The i v !h i : i : o la . .' a ,l.; . W. M. i arn-. of Rand'i man Mi Route lo 'l i" has rei, Ai d I ! -1 sub; ci i pt ion Courier, .die has been recer. - l Tin- Courier, .die has been recer. nK the paper ler a long time. ons moraine compiana is neing.iau ami waicn u.e tell or electr.cdy mane i-gai mug me Killing oi chick- ens oy auiomoinies along me count ry roads. In some ea.-es perhaps the kill- ing of chickens is unavoidable, but ,many drivels make no ell'ort to avoid 'i'ung so, and some even seem to take Ueiigni m seeing now many they can kill. A ill I V e I' W ho Is fill I' III 1 11 I'd V i 1 '. s,.,. .. m i,, ,1 Jr ,., dles.K de tm-. eg other peoples piopeity, and - low 'in- ii ml "iind the hoin Whin iiesi into a lly. I; :.. c. .n r lo turn a fan Dead a fork of chnkeii. or , , 1 1 , i i fx, -. i't than it i- to i; ,. a v mi a .-. !,. n Rememh, !':! v . .11. the ., v a o I i v no of chicken , the k Mine of fowl j .Mi c at when tl oi lion, I. Illl to ti lie a : k.'l . ,i nn.'i: a ; I, aio.-om, -, ,' o p, , tin appeal will ' e!he, v.n th'nk- I : e, ond ha nd ll i v v i . v,mI, and that t, thine !.-.-, ihaken mad, !',,, h, ai'u aim: o 1 and th: i a " no r , ,,t , ,,, Id, t y it h h ph'i n It a. a a'e ,. I t la,'. ie, ,,Miug a'l a ha' f of all i.g ' In. bed none ,.f shady nature v ouid T.(. co"dn t ef tl . pi.. and th. la-t 'h i ami id m n , f na r I" d 'la i ,,' I t ' I ' 1 1 . ' -. f I. V n : t :e ! ! to j iK.e: k d I . f" '!. a ' ' : I 1 m . h Loi :e . , ; ' ..a I 1 1 lo ''" )',,.. i t i; , -r ch . f"i t M.o'lid I,. I f, at. d . ,:t k nmciiint of pat ii nee. (In the ol la i hand, if its clecuaona nrc probablj wrong full and ins. stint pressure should In- brought to hear thnl every m;i shoiildei lao pari of th" load. t is bitter for the pnilicnlar individual, the fighters already (rone forward and the country. We ran all work bravely and cheerfully if we know that every man la hoeing the row that ia right- iuiiv him Meaar. H. C Davis, Ed Webster, Registration Notice On August 21th there will be held in the Office of the Local Hoard, a meeting of the Local Exemption Board Tor the purpose of registering all young men who nave attain ed the age of twenty-one years since June 5th, and on or before August 21th, 1918. This is in accord with a Proclamation made by the President of the I'nited States on August 11th. This Registration has noth ing lo do with the September Registration of men between eighteen and twenty-one, and thirty-one to forty-five. Between the hours of eight o'clock and sunset, the Board will be in session exclusively for the purpose of register ing men, and will not con sider any other business on that day. REMEMBER THE DATE, AUGUST 24th. It is the duty of every citizen in the county to give this the widest publicity possible. REMEMBER, this includes all men who have become twenty-one years of age since June 5th, 1918, and this Registration does NOT have anything to do with the Sep tember Registration. ROBERT LEE CAVENESS, Chairman, Local Exemp tion Board Orastic order limiting automobile manufacturers to 25 per cent of their normal .production of passenger cars f'rimi August 1, 1918, to January 1, filfii, and prohibiting the manufacfuie of all passenger cars except on gov ernment order after January 1, is re ported to have been drawn by the war industries, hoard recently. G. II. Richardson, James Davis. J. W. Web 'or a'-'! M. !'. I'ue;1:, of .Millboro l'"ii' w ace r.iwj I'aiWMW: ami peo ple who pass iluil, way are already taking notice of improved methods they have introduced. A stranger would bo surprised to see how" gb'btf' people live on' route one out from Millboro. The farmers from both patriotic ami dollarolic reasons are planning lor a wi.eat acreage this fall largely in excess of that sowed in 1917. Mr. J. A. Langley, a prominent cit kaoi of Stal ;. , spent one day last week in A.-hel .o ro. Mi :i.-ley. of i'andleman, a le. days ago. W. '.. l.edaum, of N ie ! .ednum. of Lib- i a f. .. hours in u in k. : Franldin- in in n t '. ! 'I'd not ' gone b Icoiihu . , nt ;n I; gone b. . The '.(,;. ml Is now if !nu don't beliee it, huv an electric : .'i looiun. niiiu' usel to lie dian nom ine politic e on tj,,. ,.n.rr and the only cost about it was mu.s- cular. Now the water bill , ernes around everyt hirty das. Talk in j litem old das" was cheap. Now it isjrom . I . . to s :.()() every lir.M day of tile 111 Oil I 1 1 . The I ill -i -v I . , .,,1 ! I... screened window I., ii. I ...7 ...r .. peach tue m pun mg fi ,gkt fulness d. e in,: i eia in ha'h: ;h, the lam: im an ,, lc ', pi. ,: 111' a,', I ' , na in i ' v a I "l :.;..! , o.d. heats ii :i: d a i ug a- a on' : , i' i, , v i . . in,. " t ' ml 1,.' M.,' ,,'i a ..... , a-1 all , " ll, , : , ,, '(, I',' a,: : I aa' i ,v ing I ogle i 1 I an it ll ' with it. ' 1 :l,g to ma',.'' It II. I'h: dp. knowa the ,'.,',, I,,,' - ju 1 mi! u i a ik. 11. ' 1 I I o I oo 'I i:;i. vi: appear ti ai i, v, ho l- i e.kto If tl ,:,'!' know s n he is c.n 'he jv me w Im i eat ( I" t' e -j,, and le ' ' ' r 1 1. an t I,, v . v "nd. r it t 1 , i;, ,,.,, , ;,n , ,.r, i'" i .ii'ii; oi l:a e v. i ,:i. n the lie k1'1"' an ' " .ni., at do m for !'al s " It i r.oi unwa I'lsl,:.' to ..,,,, .,. t!,at '-' 'II point v .th p.-i.-e to n county adnunmt rat ion, ww b.t that thev can't R. pn it i ,.- 'i ! a j a I , , . in t lad f i y c an c arry ' ' ' 1 "''' ' 1 ' ''i' vl" 1 ;' d Lapp, n thet ' ' ' I ' I'd I" a , , cm, term. I ' i"M,t. d on -1 p. I ' ' .'' '' i '" , v. u,, t,, 'i,, tC, V' ' i K,. .d . .1 U ., "'. I I Im 1. (' W V, ,1 .cot T A I' 1 ' ' P- I I !,,?,, :. l I . ',jj K, I a,' m e 1 r. ,n, J, v. I- ia7.ier all have hue , tot,. i ,,f corn on tliuh I " nt I! ml- .', Hut there nto othrr good clop,, ii'i.nij thp csame route a lao. Ilv-i reu'e i ci noted for koikI farmer and line utoik. It is nafe to say that our nary ha never nominated a better ticket from first to last than is presented to tha people in thin campaign. All of th candidates are business men of ability and hitrhly honored tu citiien worthy of public eateem. , . Mr. Mary Brown and daughter, of Randleman, r-nt a part of lt wk with Mr. and Mr. M. M. w -..ft"-'- 1 ' Xi-t day this . srf'fi from the :7"' n., i i

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