Page Eight ' THURSDAY. SrPTPXrpro to .... . , '- 4fc A all X FROM OUR SOLDIERS A Letter From Camp Wmdswortlf To Friends in Randolph: I have been thinking I would write again for some time but we boys in the army don't have much time for writing as we spend most of our time preparing ourselves to be ready to do our part toward licking the Huns when we get across. I am liking camp and army life fine and I think it should be quite a pleas ure to any one to be here where there are so many who are ready to go and take the Hun or give their lives if nec essary that we may have freedom and that our country may again enjoy the good freedom that we are going to have. I feel that every true American should be proud to be in this United States army and all that have boys or ' friends in the army should be proud of them, for they are going to be the greatest and are the greatest men of today. They are sacrificing many things and are going through much hardship, but we don't mind that for when we go out at morning so many in number that we can't all see the end of the line and the band begins to play the Star Spangled Banner it just makes us want to go right on and get into the real fight because there are so many that it just makes the other fel low feel like he should be in the march too. We are all in good health and Uncle Sam is feeding us well and taking good care of us in every way. Guess this will be my last opportun ity to write while in South Carolina as we are going out Tuesday morning the 3rd, quite a number of us. Don't know where we are going but know we will be on our way to get the Hun and we don't believe it will be long when all of us can come back home and enjoy the good things at home again. 1 of ten think of the many friends in Ran dolph and wonder just how they are getting along. We were very glad to have with us here in camp Saturday night, August 31, father and brother, J. C. and Clar ence C. Ridge, of Randolph. It did Uh good to have them with us. Don't know when 1 will have another opportunity to write but as we go we go doing our duty and we are going trusting our personal saviour who we know is able to deliver us out of this great strife and if we see this war ended or if we don't we feel at liberty that we have done what we should do. I wish to ask the good people of Ran dolph, and not only of Randolph, but everywhere, that we all may soon see this great strife ended and that all may again be at home and as we go back through the good old state of North Carolina we shall think of the many friends and the good people mere anu ii worn, De long wnen we win be back sounding the cheers of the Red White and Blue. With much love, I tell you good bye. we are going to lick the Huns. Will write again some time, but can't say where it will be from. LISS RIDGE, B Company 55th Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. GRAND JURY REPORT (Continued from first page.- Samuel Bryan Kindley,, Fuller. Re ported to sheriff to be in orange. Thomas Wilson, Pinson. George Felix Hughes, Salem Church. William Cebert Pearce, Farmer. Thomas Hughes, Farmer. Ray Vaughn Anthony, Glenola. Thomas Leroy Hill, Spero. John Thomas Kidd, Seagrove, Camp Jackson. Leach Julian Wood, Randleman, Camp Jackson. Herman G. Underwood, Asheboro, Camp Jackson. Charlie Gilespie Black, Trinity, Rt 1, Camp Jackson. Troy Arthur Cranford, Pinson, Camp Jackson. Jesse Franklin Pugh, Millboro, Camp Wadsworth. John Wesley Pugh, Ramseur, Camp Wadsworth. Eddie Kyle Richardson, Ramseur, Camp Wadsworth. Lola Jacob Barnes, Fullers, Camp Wadsworth. Carl Lee Hicks, Fullers, Camp Wadsworth. Dallis Hill, Randleman, Camp Wadsworth. Wade Lee Hicks, Staley, returned to camp. Otis L. Stout, Coleridge. Jeremiah M. Cox, Trinity Rt. 1. Grover Cleveland Wall, Trinity R. 1. William Crowley Cranford, Pinson, gone to camp. Cecil Wade York, Liberty. James Lee Gallimore, Jackson Creek. Brantley Graham Davis, Pinson. John Hamond, Caraway, Route 2. Vander C. Saunders, Seagrove, Camp Jackson. Floyd Cox, Ramseur Rt. 1. Bascum Cox, Seagrove. Ormie Stout, Coleridge. Troy Lee Dorsett, Sophia. John Ivey Hudson, Asheboro, Rt. 3. Willie Roscoe Miller, Sol. Frank York, Liberty. Deserted from camp. Below is a list of registrants who have either voluntarily reported or have been apprehended by an officer. Charlie Gilespie Black, Trinity, Rt. 1. Arrested by chief of police, Thorn-j asville, and sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte. Troy Arthur Cranford, Pinson. Vol untarily reported to the Board, after deserting for several months. He is now a t FraakUaTiUe News '' Some of the official members of tike M. E. church attended quarterly con ference of Franklinvwe, Ramseur charge at Kamseur Monday moraine and while the reports were food yet the finances are not all paid up and it is hoped that everyone will pay. his assessment in full so that settlement can be made in the near future. The graded school will open at this place Monday Sept. 16th. Prof. J. Caswell Sherrel, of Taylorsville, prin cipal; Miss Laura Sumner will hsye charge of the 5th, 6th and seventh grades; Miss Anna Maness the 2nd, 3rd and 4th; Miss Mary Moon, 1st or primary, and Miss Margaret Morris, of Gastenia, music teacher. ' ,; Miss Dewey Coble, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with the family of G. U Tnnna I XX. V Will J. I. Mr. W. A. Grimes, road commission- er for town of Franklinville, has com-1 menced on our streets and has already worKea AJirea ana ureensDoro streets. Mr. W. B. Webster, of Greensboro, was in the city one day last week. Mr. Theodore Kinney has moved his famiy from the Grimes building to the residence recently vacated by Alex Nance. I Mr. Will Pool, of Camp Sevier, spent Sunday with relatives here, returning Sunday evening. Mr. Abe Hudson made a business trip to Asheboro one day last week Sir. James Cooper and family and Mrs. Lizzie Chandler, of Hickory mountain, Chatham county, spent Sat urday and Sunday with the family of Mr. A. C. Chandler. Mrs. E. S. Thomas went to St. Leo's hospital last week where she under went an operation for cancer and last reports she was getting along fine and expected to be at home in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and son Russell went to Newberry Forrest, Va. one day last week. We are sorry to leam or Clarence , Kimmerman's death at Ore Hill last Thursday. He attended school here and learned telegraphy under Mr. R. L. Elkin and had many friends in this place. A A A A A AAA A A A A. A A A A A A J What Shall I7e Say A bout the 2 ! MEW V XTatxt -Hricii-c Qnio 4 . AVTY JVUlJt Will UUltO ! and Sweaters t The whole secret of the beauty of X these new garments lies in ttifeir sim- X phcity of make-up and superior quality I X We have exerted unusual efforts to X have each coat represent a special style X Trinity High School Trinity high school will open Mon day, September 16. It is desired that those who expect to attend will be present the first day. Those who re side in Trinity high school district and desire to enter the high school depart- Was ment must have and present the ele- sent to Camp Jackson. deseter from camp. William Crowley Cranford, Pinson. Voluntarily reported to the board, and was sent to Camp Jackson. Frank York, Liberty voluntarily reported to the board and was sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte. Is said to be making whiskey. Disqualified at camp. James Wade York, (known as Mann York), Liberty. mentary certificate in order to obtain free tuition. The school solicits pat ronage from outside its district. Tui tion is -1 to $2.50 per month and elev en grades are maintained. D. C. JOHNSON, Principal. Delia J. Freeman, guardian for Ver na Allred et al. Harris Hoover, cuardian for Flossie Was brought before Hoover Allred. A. A the board by his bondsmen, accompa nied by the deputy sheriff, W. M. Wright. Dennis Fields, Liberty Route 1. Vol untarily reported to local board. Willie Roscoe Miller, Sol. Volunta rily reported to board after conferring D. N. Welborn, guardian for Allen B. Welborn. , J. F. Brower, guardian for Vertie Irene Brower. S. W. White, guardian for Bascom Fields et al. J. A. Dicks, guardian for Myrtle Our fancy and lingerie The new silk and Heath waists are up - to - date erbloom petticoats for the models. women demonstrate that Sweaters for everybody we have a splendid line. beautiful in color and Men's furnishings of all style kinds at reasonable prices. From Ernest B. Ellis, of .Millboro Editor Courier: I write to let vou knew thnt I am getting all right, and am enjoying ; camp life line so far. I We were first put in the 22nd com-1 pany and then transferred to the 16th, company, and some of the boys were sent to the 17th company. They are ail well satisfied. i Two of the boys were discharged on ' account of their hpalth TVi are H. T. Jarrell and Walter Saunders, who have returned to their homes. S. W. Swaim, guardian for Joseph Kirkman et al. W. H. Allred, guardian for Ida E. Allred et al. D. H. Allred, guardian for Thomas with the sheriff. He came to Asheboro Frazier. to report, and was arrested by deputy sheriff Jenkins, on another charge. Samuel Lee Summey, Fullers. Vol untarily reported to Sheriff Hughes. Lee Johnson. Arrested by Deputy Sheriffs Myers and Jenkins. FLETCHER BULLA, Clerk to Board. 5. With regard to tne numoer oi Morgan et ai. ( deserters in this county who have beenl H. M. Crutchfield, guardian for Ma arrested by the sheriff of Randolph son H. Crutchlield et al. or his deputies and delivered to the lo- A. E. Lassiter, guardian for Cordia cal board as required by law, we find Farlow. that the number of such deserters sol Win. F. Redding, guardian for Carl arrested and delivered is 1, and his Webster et al. From Mr. Dye! Cranford Dear Mr. Editor: I write to let you know that I am getting along all right and like camp life fine. I was first placed in the 32nd com pany, and was in that company one wees ana wen irsnsierred to the lotn company, the one I am still in. Hub is a machine gun company. I am sorry that some of our Ran dolph boys hare aot the courage to go op against the hardships and heed the call to the colors of our country. But I am sure that they who do not answer the call to the colors will be remember ed after we come back and we are coming, at least most of as. I am glad to say to my friends and acquaintances that I am in the ma chine gun company, for our motto is, "Country First and Self Last" I And numbers of boys who hare left the farms, factories and work shops to enlist in the1 cause of their country. Some of then made great 'sacrifices) to come, but I have found Bona of then from any county where . candidates or public officials are trying to make capital oat of the war, like some of them are doing la my own . county, which is the best county with the exception of this class of people, . of any county that I know. ' Mr. and Mrs. C A. PatHon a. 1.1. boro, had letters from their two sons - m the army and nary. Rankin Calli cutt has been in the army for more thaa year. George Callkutt la at Camp. Wadsworth, having gone with woe vi naoaoipn s selected men, . . Frees Sefgeeat Cay H. FeVw Avla ; - Horn Orpe, te Die Parents , ( i August 8, mi rr MotW and t)ad: Your soldier boy is still in the land ' -f ihm living end rrooperts ere thst he i 1 z life ahead of biro, Ho do ' :ry )mt tn. I t! :- thst I ' rin'-i aa i,'n?ir wJi ymi. 1 1 yn i ' , rn I i frr hfr f 1 name and address is Lee Johnson. 6. With regard to the number of persons convicted of crime in this county, including blockaders and re tailers, who have escaped after arrest, we report the number and names follows: Two, Glenn Butler and Worth All red, both escaped from the chain-gang and one was re-arrested, the other still at large. 7. With regard to the number of deserters arrested by the sheriff or his deputies in this county and who after such arrest hare escaped from the of fleers within the last twelve months, we report their number and names as follows: Not any. ' EXHIBIT C Report of stills captnred in Randolph county by the sheriff and deputies with in the last year: Copper stills, 22. Wooden still 1. Tin still, 1. Total, U. 3. F. HUGHES, Sheriff. EXHIBIT D In compliance with your request. wish to say that since selling off some of the stock belonging to the county, we only have 20 head, which are all well cared for, ant are la good con dition and flesh, and are la good hands,' and an stationed orer the county as follows: . ),,'-; Four head, 2 teams of mules, at Asheboro, in cart of Mr. Miller. Four head, 2 teams of mules, at Ramseur, ia car of Mr. Brady. ' Two head, 1 team of mules, at Lib erty in care of Mr." Johnson. ' Two bead, 1 team of mules, at Ran dleman, la care of Mr. Daniels. , Eight bead. 4 'teams of mules and horses, on High Pine and CJlah road, aotr near High Pint chorch, Ftfgah. As to convict force, this has been discontinued oa account of there not being sufficient amount of them U Jus tify the expense of keeping p a camp. The foregoing statement is true, to the pest of my knowledge end belief, v - JOHN B. HUMBLE, ' puna Board of Road Trustees ". , exhibit E . List of guarsdiiihs not having made an annnj report witiun the iut ysr t Mrs. S. C. Vuncannon, guardian for Christina Brown et al. Jennie Brower, guardian for Verta Brower? J. E. Comer, guardian for Polly Co- as mer. I bam Bunrpass, guardian for Benja min Cheek et aL . i E. 01 Lemons, guardian for Flossie . McNeill et al. j Blanche B. Moffltt, guardian for E. Baird Moffitt et al. 'i C. M. Brown, guardian for Cloia Brown et al. -J E. P. Hayes, guardian for Beatrice Sinclair et al. S. G. Newlin, guardian for Johnsk,. Newlin et al. J. R. Sugg, guardian for Paul Sugg. , J. H. McLeod, guardian for Avis Mo- 4 Leod. . i.. E. L. Cox, guardian for Luther Cox.U Fli C AUmi ffnat-riian trrr fj.nU AL. ' len. ' pnny, guardian for Lloyd Sheets et al. W. . Cox. guardta for Shelly Stout' W. E. Hardister, guardian for Liie. baunaers. , Rufus J. Barker, guardian for is. Barker et aL E. H. Morris, guardian for Columbus 4 , K. L. Caveness. guardian for H. Lvnn 1 Caveness et aL . . . ' . U( on the coming In of the report of - tne grana jury at tola term. It is or dered by the Court' that the entire re-" port of the Grand Jury and the exhib its attached tnereto be spread la their. euurcvr uiron ins minuios: . Second, that the Clerk of the'CourU mesa a cony of this report and funiUl the same to the Board of County Com' fflissloners to ta and that they mav take Immediate steps with regard to the County Home as recommeded ' b? the Grand Jury: . ' Third, that the Clerk of th Couri furnish the Sheriff of this county a copy of this report containing the names of all the deserters ia this corn, ty, and all the blockaders and reUili ers to this county ta the end Sheriff msy Immediately proceed Daience vo tne rerurm State and National i and t within the piat year irdian for Wilpy Kusl Jean Kuan ru aL B. Y7. tlu-Vn, guardian for Cilep! T) yr et I. WOOD & MORING t Asheboro, N. C. 4444 WTffi HUH 11, ; OF RAMSEUR Announces their opening of Millinery, Autumn Winter Gpats, Suits and Dresses ; New and Artistic Mddels Miss, Caudle,' Designer arid jfrimmer. :, .i J C-i Sweaters for all the fdlks ' 3A geperal;lhe ;of ;m BARTER MERCANJILEIGO; - Kamseur in, u I hiircnav Jsifrt I'nnv &m 1 nh nrt i. .r , fif 'r law t frrrpi t sni every one of th-" -rtfrs esrh and every one pf t 'orks! nd readers, end 1 1 bf lie proper trilm- ' : . r j-er t c! "';: m'h r - I ..unS, it m i it t o c. rf t' 0 (.: o -. t , - -- h , - V ' ' ' .r and retaili A ; UtXZ'rl, . S rid that thn. A..'t "f.-'V tri 'p tceed In o- f .- ,if.. : . ,:.. , I t.s of t? .f f I J f t U , ' , (rr'f Mi 'i V- ,,'',.. . . ,.; , a t i A - 1 T I f jnn ( I'" '? I r""-sn, fiard'an for IVr

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