LLSsr; .IS : " . : e c n jar -.. : !".cu.s! T - :.: v tl.c i. : : .. fcil einiik.:.? cone. (By DIdy Lye.) .!.M very tirr.e. - 1 i Mil : ; MOTHERS! Clean the cloed-up places. : Do away with the bile sour fermentations and constipation poison which Is- keeping your little one cross; feverich and sick. Children love Cascarets because to" them it is like eating candy. Cascarets act better than castor cil,: calomel bi pills on the tender stomach, liver and towels. X Cascarets never gripe, 1 never, injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother- Gve harmless; cascarets to cniiaren one year ou and upwards.' contains full directions. - - . "1 ' emment w Judas Lt:..-ia "Come; Ut va p&Uh up our 'Ter ences, v. Uy l o on wun th. man.. ;, when a Ltt.e i.ict ta.k may settle r. ' Sby, we v..l f .ve up Le.h'iunj, 1W thern France, even Aisate and Lor raine. We won t talk about inderr.M- ties. And v, l.j ie devil cares for l.js sia T - Come on; let us get together uiJ talk it over." - Americans, watch your step.' Fath ers, mothers, Bisters, wives, mind your eyes. Here comes the, deadliest men ace of all. For there will be thousand oi weii-meanmr men ana women Prune Custard Soak one-l.a'.f pounJ t: prunes lor an hour in. hot water, l t a remove the ji.ts. Hub the prune . lOug-h a sieve and add to the toft I -ip two eggs, well beaten, three t i f-poonfuls of light corn syrup, one -.1 cme-half cupfuls of sweet milk, . : c drops, of vanilla. Cook as for I ' In eustard in a double boiler. Chill i id serve v in sherbet glasses with hipped cream or ereamed marshmai low on top. ' , - . ... , Molasses Gingerbread Melt 2 ta blespoonfuls pi butter and stir it nzo 1 cupful of molasses. -Mix well two cupfuls of fine, otetrneal with one cupfu! ct wneat flour, three lablespoonfuls of " When It -Pours, It I p HEALTH IS WEALTH ' I'M r M : N,' STATE BOARD OF HWTC unriow on mialth. mnm and awta'tow or oinmal intkiit tq oua imotM will m aiwwi in thus aumiw o Wi mail w ugnm to tmi offim or to tut tat maId o HIALTH VIT HALIIH MB uxutruuil m mtotnm. wnim kv.lo m duuhdw m nunwi or wwvioua muhi h ATTiiVTnv THTic!:cJ.Ttit8 ! Parageusia as It Is popularly call d Is a bad taste la the mouth. ' It Is generally' attributed to some disturb ance of. the digestion, but in reality is is rarely due to digestive diaturbance M "stoinac?!- trouble" is due i to the ' "food f-dlsarreeing." -; Doctors L knpw tbaffstomac'i trouble; cine Ume out I of ten, to. Boma -organic op functional -eooJiaon not depndenT up ? 'tin the diet; ml thftt.iaa tas la the ' mouth Is a ttl ' , "' of many, con ; jjtitions a; tf i C -"0'-'la;'tc;, !.. ;tf,ror lnsuce, I r. T. r l.c"!y cbsenr j dt;tha mary f.: 'j with hlga blood , pressure couvlalacl of & peculiar and '-persistent ba3 taste, ft was about the r only sympt coir-VUcd pf a: all in ' kever&l rsf i ' 1 ' 11 j .-. In the e&klr stages of..( chronta Brlght's &: -which generally "b ,. fins lnsl" ' "y .and Is therefore, ne i fleeted or. misinterpreted by the pa. tlenV the patient often notices a bad taste In the mouth upon rising la the ; morning, due, perhaps, to a conapensa- tory effort to eliminate toxic material . b the saliva. '.(Jt is a familiar obser. .' ration tl ' t headache In the back of J the. ben 1 rrp-t is felt, early, in the ; mornirs j i certain .eases of , Brlght's slsease, with or. without the - bad taste, and this, too, Is probable, tolc. ''Chronic, 'fnv' !j In' tie gall-sac..!(in. " ' ) Is ft r"-e'f " 1 ' r -te i l!.:h I v : Cat of usty II ici"" the pecu- ; ' j t'.e paUiint ; pie exr' .annoys, taste is'cfc, sggs. In Uar tast -'InC ' ory si ;! I and c ;lhrf ant i . lc!o'." r i :.t. r..In i ''fcb; . ' A : t . trance ef Jaunj '" ' "': ; 1 r 14' ' I'M 1 T.acces , v i rs ' i f( j-c.tter A lundly well-meaning people who will fc&King powder, one taniespoonful 01 irver learn anything, who were born ground ginger,.! teaspoonful. mlAed wobble-kneed and weak in the tear- spices, one teaspoonful of 6alt,-and add duct who will throw up their hands trie molasses mixture to the dry mgre and wail: . "Oh, my friends, let us be dients. Stir In one-half cupful of hon nvercifull Let us stop this horrid war ey or corn syrup. Mix to batter con before all youth-is wiped outLet us fcistency with mixed milk and water, forgive! In, Christ's name, let Us for- Pou n greased pan and bake elowlf, give!". V. . v v ' Clixxilftte Cookies Cream together Americans, in the name of Christ, one-fourth cupful of butter and three stand firm. For if this isn't a war for" fourths cupful of light corn syrup and Christianity, there ; never was one. ! stir in three tablespoonfuls of. melted Germany's ."cod is not ours. Germany t utter, chco&iate or coroa. Add one ecrtr has vaunted the fact" ' ... . weUbeutfn. Siit together thre-fourtbs No mercy ' untiL the Hun-U of cupful of barley or rice flour and three- them, from the Kaisor down is beat- fourths cupful of wheat flour. Sift-in en, oeaien, oeaten to ms Knees, maue one teaspoonful of bakm powder and to understand the white. man?s horror mix v the liauid and dnr inB-redients. of what his war-lust has spewed forth Add 3 tablespoonfuls of milk. Mix into upon an innocent world, v 5 v r ' batter 1-2 cupful of raisins and 1-2 Remember the Lusitania! . . V. " cupful- of nuts or shredded cocoanut. Remember the priests and, the nuns! . Drop the batter by spoonfuls on greas Remember the wives and daughters, ed tins and bake in quick oven until the little children t'. 1, ., brown, . ' t - , Remember our Vspitals! j Hon cu;tard-Scald 1 pin of milk" Remember-ihe poisoned wells t; ?- ., in double boiler and fa into the Remember .the crucifixiopsof pur hot l4 o Bttsined hone, .soldiers. : . ' , " -. v , . Q . j , -""(i , , ... 1.1 . .i... i: vcaauuuiuui vi boil ouu tea- Each ten cent ho I ' Renlerabe,r M.Mffi'ooiiM vanilla. Beat eggs thorough- irom irencn sou. . t ... or ir:and pour the .hot custard slowly - , y I VengeanceUAs an AmOTatim,.ovet Return the mixture to the -.-I . U 1 $.9$Hm15?k& boiler and cook until slightly thicken- , wnV: aa;; "&ei "i Ser with fresh sponge caker If stlKwvlt WhSS- a thicker custard is desired dissolve 1 oi L m? broefrcm? tablespoonful of corn starch in a little v-jrzr.i hr fioia man aa - aaa wnen. custard is ing uub luuuieuvr yt; wuoy,Yiuvt " cooking - ' jr i 1 -w " - die tomorrow! ;: ? - - , , ?-'.' ' " A. , We. shall telk of mercy and forgive- -'", 11)Hta.,, tVauMp ness onlV when we;have finished the' , r-, Brtnchial Trouble - . - job we have started out to do! , . Mrs, A.' E.' Sidenberder,' RockBeld, So take care; pacifists! We true Am- Imd., states: "For an attack of bron- ericajwiraM',Jn":novgentte;vmobA.We chlal trouble which.usually assails me , have. no desire for the incursion of in the epring I findi Chamberlain's ...1 . 1 T .V.11 1 1 l. T . 1 XT 1 xii . i V. . ' . . ill lOta ILHAJ WW no v ivv". aitw iWiCii. AiWl UOIUJC J U 1U1 v . ' v " uevBiuBAueni My chosen for oursdves. We did choose a, few days aU-signs of-bronchial trou diabetes, cancer of stomach,- severe it And py the same token we shamble disappears." , ' v. vu..i.,i,. ,i,0 ui uio uuvuuum.jt. .;tilll611 It. ijermany flunieu wtti-.- one, . . i . y The relief of parageusia Is there- is coinfir to sret it a brimming cup of , The 1914 food reserveMs thaionlv iore a matter or, determining what is iC When we nave iorceatne araugnx; . saie insurance lor itfxa tood supplies -i-. . i t. ..ui. 1 . .. . Vo VIaaJw niMfa'a Vivof - nroll :r fv . l . . ' . n . - - wi iinv wiiii iiih niwirn - i navinff nnon. iiiiwii Jitai. uiinm v anaaw b v t -. v. . n..i f-i .. ... ',, coal losenges; may tempdrarfly; over-' alk' peace juid mercy and forgive- Cattle tick. Work Again, Breaks Ret coma.in utw .'.Mill otitt MotiA-",'' -c.' - - - " month. iiWi'..J:.B an Pacifists are warned T.- , , .v "T , elear of our road untu tneni r f tlon (a teasgoonlal of the nowdflT In a - " hair pint or boiled water) may tmv&t;MWAVMM Woman arily diminish foul taite.? but J.t&ti&Zii symptom should be looked upon as danger s'aal whlch warrants at least azianii3 and Corn 10::; WHEN you see your mammy, Honey, bringirf in the coUee and the pone, yoa can tell before you taste it that the cc-fTee'a Luzianne ure-nuf by the wbifa a-streamins, Bteamir.g in the air. -.- . It the c flee Luzianne you remember ' and you banker after it until you get another ..cup. ; -.': . '.' , : Luzianne Coffee (your grocer has it) comes ' put up in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for , y breakfast If it isn't all you expect, you can get your .money back, , ; .. . . . ' 'LAizianneJ for aroma, fragrance and snap. . .............. . ...... -. fry u matlsni. But nil nnplfisrfjj rtt warned to keen . ,.4 me wme xever ucK. is enuuea iu think rthat the' world's energies have : not been concentrated on the western ...-.' ' i ' battle fronts The-tick1 is having a Do r you kflow that a beautiful worn- rather bu tim , f Jul Uke jn lww her; JaaSLH 8et a new record ln the eradication your mgesuon u lauuy, eat uguwy vj wovk the Bureau 0f . Animal Indus. arhess ON Saturday Oct. 26 ;ii.:p;cik;A;M;;.;;f;;. ATIMIGHFIELD r will sell to the T highest bid der 10 head of mare mules, 4 to 7jyear: old; 4 2horse wagphs7 and 4 sets : of dou ble wagoii; hjarness. ; j JOHN ;IA. PRESNELL A 1 4 a though phexanun - i,:-' --"-:-: - V -'.-. . Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthenY tiX. ua a ?an owJZL ; is: -'ijy-r yow,dio vf"-g5c... " " ,yjthan were ever dipped in any ringlet";::- MJrKf IplH f M C ' " ' ' :4yrge ..".'VtAi;uf . Cpv." My. eves are intent, and I ant quite A '.-'r;. -vv-.'Ji-'. ' v: LIU- ' Fa " r . A S'jOASTES.,; , i3U ' SI V j - -i -'-r- '-"" ?--. :v:.;'i"'Ti'il, hn'P, "ArianppnlTifmaTit?, laugh. ' ' " 7 I 1, c - 'h 'X '' &J'-ti,ii&&mi VmVI h"'iJl.-'-fe'' ?'?, Borrow, bitterness, giadMss,'beaui. .T'.- . i " 1 - " V- " """" 1 v ,i. - 4 rf 'O 4 .9"!SH0M.an? Anfere--. .ty; -ngliness-all., and, everything, s V ' 1 Y f ?' ' '- . " ' $ . .. .i!!!::'.'1; -cm X -' passe in rapid change, as though a se- A'-'-.vi 'v ' - n.xl v t yfitl :'""-it'',' A; "Medicated Cetten Npt Medicated. " ries of flashlights , thumb-nailing, in' X'.V '"'.--S-''.'' ',:"..'-; " . ,i k j 1 '!"' bS';''' ' :;''"A' A. D. L; TVHat is the difference be.' picture i form, the passing of a great ' Y.'n v v VI" 1 i .. '4.:r t5'.r X - tweei'-cotfoibilMf-W;edIcatdW ""S-S" X cotton usedytio.ters-aiid hursesf i; ?u owjn .H" S Sfe ' X An.wer: cJ KM, mor. or leM- theemorympressipnsf. a set -' v.-,-rf- ' ''-e- F3'3 ' ' ( X on. Th thnm cat t(oo, popularly oaii-'.r'es ,of. .; years that. ,aye.r fled to , . :v iv,.'; .i'la gSs v- . i. V d "mellced iiwa la purified of oil, "WhcrC I know not. , ' ' ' - ' . ' . ,Ti ': f---(": .W'-VH.!5 't-i. S-" "-; ;' : ' " i w vsi .ay--' ,r ' ) , .'A '" "" .,, r,-,riT.C?nntij5ation.T1 r,i V-!-' our. past and ', quickly fleeing SpUe .-. v .' . A.S "k' I oJ ' , Kj' 9 ''!'. .4lrs, V,'.,, x,.,p.rwi.a.tI. is.)the,be,t'hold In prieeles.'lntenretatioa to v8,.X 4 ... 1. x 1 ' A I , -rT , remedyjor fcabituai eonsUpaUont . 4 rWhut has geae Is a repientation X K A ? . ' 4t hiiiut-il on recuivt wi lupa. i- t advii i wlll.ba ant I is fis ,it is what we arel j .. .vj "Rnl'l'ila f nd il cflwardlv And .Vllf. . I A. B. VJil y i l.'ndly inform me .The time ef life; armlag aiyself wita w'hT t"--9 !i asy( possibility; Of a patiwee. , ',',- - t S ' - . '."- ! h ' ,,;' tfi.ih'-z' tuhercuIoHis To Stay. tl. providence ef.seme-l.iga T ft v.r iti'i tuberci l. . 1 . . ...lowers , Tjiat coTr lieiOT IV, luC staji.o "i fc I newer world ( yet, b''t f " i lathed witi t; "1-rt on t' ' With a 1 n ront ef us, 1rt i r "rHf..ur of "'. t v. ... h we " r. 't I 1 ,) and it is "i t . h but - is l; n,r 1 and doinp, -y t cl f; ' ' ,x ':;' v ;i' A eliert time ago e IbjiUIW a re ,i rnarkable lanachin ia ur Accounting1 Lopirtmcnta machine, which add , and subtrerts, t"H the dnta. kip OUC I i.k and (.-:. out montlily gtate l int. - It dtK'n fi'l this work much fas y tcr than any bm 11' rper could, and ha . navr hfii - awn To mn.ke a mistake., ;.;o: Ti.e ii.t." arf..ur.!9 y ru:d arri..7 at. I -t and r.'-i X 'ii, 01 ft r -' f. I r't t' 1 rf ' n Jiurroufrhs iflli." ! .'.n that our 1 " 1 j i-t nn rpid jr' 4 t'.fao o' tl.a larg-. ' t-! ' .- j ;. in the' is (!ori( t.) fiTir in .the l.f I a- ! .:' ' S J - t ; A i ' ' ' nre werk im aVaut Va!f tke Viae form ' erly aaadad.' 1"if lives o saare time , for.otbar tkiaga -tiaae te saprove the. service i a every e'epertmeat ef the . , . ' . Come ia ad see eUr waaVTna book 'lecplng synt ana. la eparatiom, Ve shall be fflnd to n.ow you kow the aaarhine makes antnaa is ur books, kow it eu lomai ir. .;y ", ! ia cna c iunn, sur trartj in '.ar aa.l o cn, ftn'l how it naki Tii. f infipo.lla. You will ' be we!. !..- aay tine. . - ! T.'e il n'l ftaBt you to tV.ir.V t tl.!i o c o "" I 1... U Wi. 1 1 to r .. a-. 1 ar c n : '' r j"- a I '!( 1 k I a -.i r- s I .; It : t your s Ta a 'ad . j a 1 ia t r (, M I f . I T ra ' I t. 1 tf I'S. t - la t li