-THURSDAY, OCTOBEB fl, M18 HIE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. Page Sercn r 3UTITD1S f rom Fr.anklinville' wul Be Sold m Small ' i X x x U (. X VAX. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19TH They front on the new county road from Franklinville to Climax, containing about six acres each, you can buy six, twelve or eighteen acres. Eighteen would give 600 feet road frontage. Terms, 1-4 down, balance in four, eight and twelve months, or bal ance can be paid $10 per month on each tract. Five per cent discount for cash. Buyers paying 1-2 cash will not be charged interest. Hot Weinies and Rolfs will be served by the ladies. This land is being sold by the owner, Prof. Brockman, and is a fine chance for a family or young man to get a home site, and farm land cheap and on easy terms. In case of severe rain storm the sale will be held Saturday, October 26th. 1 X X i X X I , mx nnriTr tinrPTT fTCn . TT?T rTTjrvTT HTCI AI WO 17 A T - 17tYn-4 vf XTnvtli fapnlinn I A PTKR TH K WAR 1 tfntA Rrew Vausrhn in her ad miraole household hints in the Raleigh News and Observer says: I am giving below sauces for fish. We are close enough to the best fish markets on the coast to nave an auun dance of fish if we all want it enough to ask the dealers to bring it on and assure them of our co-operation. Tomato Sauce 1 tablespoon of fat. 1 slice of onion. 1 tablespoon of com starch. 1 teaspoon of salt. 1-16 teaspoon pepper. 1 cup canned tomatoes. Uvmvn the onion in fat, stir in flour, salt and pepper and add tomatoes slowly. Cook three minutes. Strain. Bake Fish Use the whole fish or a piece from the middle of a large one. If desired stuff with mashed potatoes, cooked rice, or victory bread well Seasoned. Cut gashes down the back and insert salt pork or dot with -fat. . Dredge with fine corn meal, place in a baking pan and cook until tender, allowing 10 or 12 minutes a pound. o nmaa fich ia haked in tomato sauce or in milk -enough to eove the bottom of the pan. Fried fish uses lat wnicn we asked to conserve. Try the other ways of cooking fish. j Sauce to Serve With Fish-White Sauce 2 tablespoons fat. 1 1-2 tablespoons corn starch. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups milk. Melt fat, add corn starch, blend thoroughly, add cold milk, stir over the fire until the mixture begins to thicken, cook about 10 minutes over hot water. Use thia sauce as the basis for creamed or scalloped hsh disnes. Lemon Sauce To make lemon sauce add 2 table spoons of lemon juice to white sauce just before taking from the fire. Egg Sauce Add a chopped '.ard-boiled egg to white sauce before serving. x Sweet Potato . Muffins 1 cup flour. . 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 teaspoon .salt. 1 cup sweet potatoes (mashed). 1 egg. x 1 cup milk and water. 1 tnhleanonn WeBOH oil. sif ur4ipr flour, baking power and salt. Add cold sweet potatoes which have been lightly mashed or put through a ricer. Add beated egg and i:;j ;.ii moll RnVn in trreased muffuv'tina in moderate oven 25 to 30 minutes. "v. . . . . .' v flrUm -Mnffina ' 1 cup boiled grits, or other cereal. , 1 teaspoon salt. n ' 1 1-2 tablespoons shortening. 1 egg. I 8-4 cup milk. , 2 cups corn or meat flour. 4 teaspoons -baking powder.. . SAUCE TO SERVE WITH FISHi TEN THOUGHTS ON WHEAT Why Every Farm Should Bread Itself in 1919 1. Wheat is the most important of all foods the staff of life for all hu manity. 2. The world's available wheat re serve was practically exhausted when the 1918, crop came on the market. 3. The allied ana neutral nations must be fed and the reserve stock of wheat must be built up again to avoid a calamity that would surely ionow a crop failure. 4. We should release every possi ble bushel of the commercial wheat supply for our soldiers and Allies. 5. We should relieve transporta tion for hastening essential war work. 6. It s "safe farming ' to produce all food and feed at home. 7. Wheat by-products, such as straw, bran, and shorts, produced on the farm are greatly needed to feed the increased livestock that the gov ernment is asking tor. 8. Wheat (and other small grain) acreages enables you to practice better crop rotations, 9. Part of your acreage in wheat helps to solve the distressing labor problem by distributing the available labor throughout the year. 10,- Finally, we have no assurance any flour or other wheat Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASO R I A Extra Efforts of North Carolina Farmers Bearing Fruit "The crops in many sections of North Carolina have been subjected to damaging conditions" reports tht State Field Agent, Bureau of Crop Estimates of the Federal Department of Agriculture. "The drought, con tinued intense heat, hail, floods, de structive pests or windstorms to a more or less extensive degree have evistoH Ypt our crons are showine in the final run that the production is cninc to he mute pood. ' "Farm work has been subjected lo shortage of labor, nitrate of soda and certain neede'd implements. These have marlp it necessary for him to lav aside his custom of overseeing, and use himself to replace much of his lost, lahorers. It has not been uncom mon for entire farm families to be seen in their fields doinfi" Various tasks which were formerly performed by hired labor. Outside labor has become almost an impossible factor, due to sparritv. their indeDendence or to hieh cost. It is a credit to farmers to have shown so little romnlaint. and instead of the eight hour day basis to work from before sunrise until dark with out overtime consideration. "The temperature for the past month has been the lowest on record but no serious damage done. The rainall was low but not crreatlv needed. Opportunities for harvesting hava heen umisiia Iv croon, rail niow- nan, Dist-jng ha8 heen sloW) due to tne neCe6 Extension m onractinfr cmna neeHincr im I, " -' ' ' rt i e of labor. Conditions in the western Dart of the state have been favorable "The condition of corn shows 86 per cent of normal, which is the same as last month and above the average Uorn promises tu,o3M,uuu Dusneis pro auction lor tne state, tnis Deing sngni ... j -- -- , . iieeuuii. i products unless we produce the wheat. haye been unusuany gooci rict Agent, Agricultural Service. t m: . 1 IT.. INO lime IU lt:i jV rSi. . i ly above that of last year. The pro- "While the nrosDects of an early, jii n, iTn;.j a.,taa io on. ;nr.wiAcac flore will he no res-; i i , .i i . ti. Hcoi-c iui.icoo.-o ..... --- sioeraDiy less man last year. xnc sation on the part oi tne governmiu ,jreateit tiamage in this state was and there cannot, therefore, be any ces-1 alon the coagt due to a heav ale sation on tne pan oi uie pcuyiu. '"iiinrt in the southern counties government must prepare ior every emergency, and the people must fur nish the money necessary. ie ay proach of peace, instead of being an for failure to subscribe, should he the reason for heavier subscrip tions. any more oil it. needs. The moral U UDV 11 T u - , force of the loan will be increased in proportion as a large number partic ipate. Each loan has called out more subscriptions than the loan before, and the money for this one should be fur nished by a L'Ml larger numoer. r,v ery citizen should have his part in supporting this loan." William Jennings urymi. BACKACHE IS .AWARNWCM where subjected to drv conditions "Tobacco is being sold remarkably fast and the yield is good, although the Uds have shown damasre by va- I rious- weather conditions. The acreage Teason rur ijs considerably more than last year The government will not ujand together with the yield will make re money than it needs, but, , Droduction mucn heavier. Some (News & Observer.) The National C.itv Rank of NeW York issues a most reassuring circular regarding the financial and industrial nonrlitions that will follow neace. It IS of the opinion that our new system of credit will not be assailed as our oia system was certain to be at irregular intervals, and that- industry will be such that business will go forward on a satisfactory scale for a long time. it assumes that Decause tne equip ment of the world is worn out a busv era of recreating a bigger and better equipment will tollow, ana as tne pres ent expansion of credit rests on the se curity of the government ana its anil ity to pay there is not to be expected any financial contraction oi a type inai will be felt in unfavorable results. The loo-if is sound. It is safe to say, furthermore, that out from the war nave come many thin its that enable the United States to carry on operations in every line on a different basis of economic production. The labor situation has Deen readjust ed on a basis of efficiency as compared with a basis of the fewest hours for the most monev. Quantity of produc tion by the most efficient methods has i-arried to an extreme through 121ltthe necessities of the war. and we have leurneu in me jjoou wuvi, wi j - many thing that under our ordinary expenences we would not nave learaeu at nil For one thine we have learned how to co-operate and co-ordinate. We have learned how to bring into play the unlimited power of the country, a power that war has shown to be so much greater than we had suspected that we have i new revelation of our abilities. Some of our egotism has giv en way to real knowledge, to our own isr.rni'ee. and tb;u knowledge hdo been put to practical use. As a nation we nave, teamen, now w An fhinirs We will no lonzer operate on the basis of the individual with all that basis compels in its restrictions. We have before us a day ot inuu.su lai nrnsneritv until we catch up with the present and the future needs of the world, and we need have no fear of the future- for many years. 1 warehouses have had to reduce their number of sales due to heavy market ing by farmers." GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Asheboro People Should Not Neglect -V .- ineir a.iaoeya .. s frequent signal of weakened kidney". To cure the pains and aches; to re mnv tha iimimMi when, it arises from weakened kidneys. - jrou ' most reach the cue the kidneys .11 yon have pain through the small of your hV. nrlnir diBordnrm. headaches. diiijr spells, or -are nervous na o pressed start treating . the kidneys with a tested kidney remedy. v v - Doan's Kidney V rilla have : been proved rood and ft re especially for weak kidneys. Doan's have bera sed ; fn kidney trouble for-orer 60 years. Ked Asheboro testimony. V , , ' Mrs. J.- C. lagold, N. FayetUrille fit, says: "About a year ag-ff I bad UraA mrUntr In the small Of PIT back and severe headacheii. My kidnrys didn't act properly and I was tired and lmjru(L IIeftrnr of Doan's KJd , ney Tills I got a box at the Standard ' Drug -Co. and they brought me won derful rollof. I taV few doeea of Doen's eraiiionally and theVkecp tne feplinar r.nn." ' O - ' ' - 1'riro 7f!r 9 ftij doalsr. Don't :' I . ' .'7 1 1!. i.iim that ? : 11 r-r..:'. Co., HE WHO DELIVERS THE 1 rnnna ia kimtiti.kii 'ill THE GREATEST HONOR A nrenaration that gives results, lnltitaM tha moda. restores VOUr health, deserves your consideration, " .... - a. - T - - and la what you want., ly-iwicumv - J.,n.Kn and COTlt that S CVRV m m , v.r.fl. wViA aiiffta from rneuma- wiur fcvw - , . . tism want L-Rheumo, You should et a bottle when you feel that nr rain. L-Eheumo la a rejuvenating, eliml- l.v.flva. Its naa insures BUC- easa. ' ont listen to drnggit who offer you sometning eie, yuu w Uw in,lQaar-nted. Pric 1.0a STANDARD DRCO ' COMPANY .,'; BAMSEUR PDA Soldiers Enjoy Chewing Gum In liir.t two weeks. 80.000 Dackaees of American chewing gum were dis pensed by one Y. M. C. A. canteen in France. A F. Shepard, of Seattle, Wash., who iB in charge of the canteen says that if the waarfirinir laws of the mim- chewers of the. American army- in France could be turned into propelling power for projectiles the allies could equip any number of guns of long range to drop shells into Berlin. When the 80,000 packages of gum were received by Mr. Shepard he eon- Manul ft an mrarahlnmnnt anil nrn- tested that be could not get rid of such an immense quantity, out rt was an . . ... 1 1 , gone m two weers ana uie soiaiers re now pleading xor mora. Bamseur. ARMACY n. a liix together" hominy, salt, melted shortening, beaten egg and milk, add ... VUk taa Km afited with bkk- inar powder.. Beat wall and bake in greased tnumn tins or snauow paa u hot Oven xa or w iwntie. Raisin Cakea '1-2 cup Shortening. ' ' 1 cup brown wgar. At-.; 1 1 egg, ' ."," it i-'.jtt - 8-4 cup rye flour. 9 A Mn kiV'ta Until' ' ' ' .8 teaspoonl Royal Baking: Fowdex. 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1-4 teaepooa nutmeg. " 1 cup raisins. . . . N J r,m hortnr. sdd sugar anfl well beaten egg. Add dry tnrrertJ- mmfm which have ban SlfUd toerthPf Mix wll and add milk- Add rftilng which hve bn cut in ple"- end drydgcl With Some of til nvn-irr.1 fmir mnA rn't. V.uV in rfrfi V,m Sp;ccfs' High-Craife Seed WKeat . For Best and tott . Prodactrre Crops. Ont Virjriab-Grown Seed Wheats are superior tot the South make larger yields and better quality of grain. Wrtte fo "WOOD'S CROP SPt OlAk" llng prtoee and Informallen bout SIEO WMIAT, SCCD OATS, sub MVS, BARlIY and aU other , Seeds for Fall Sowlni. f,W.WooaS:Sons Seedsmen. ? Richmond, Va. Make a Beauty Lotion for a Few 'Cents to Remove Tan, Freckles, Sallownesg "Your grocer has he lemons and any di-usr store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents, bqueeze tne juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, thnn nut in tho orchard wnne anu si.ako well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitcner und complexion beautiher known. MiRiora thin frairrant. creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and Just see how irecKie, tan, anllnwnoaa. rednpHB and rouirhness dis- aoncar and how smootn, sou ana ciear th oVIn hwnmps. Ycsl It is harm less, and the results will surprise you. Qire and Preventative foi Spanish . InOuenza In imiuiim to hundreds of tcle- (yroma mm modiial TTlPTl Dr. CtOClTW P. Baer. of the Homeopathic hospital staff, Pittsburgh, Pa., has made public the formula of his cure and preventa Hva tnr Rnaninh influenza. The treat ment, he said is a hyperdermjc injec tion of a sterile solution representing 1.54 rramms of iodine In chemical combination with creosote and gual acot The injection, he said, is not a se rum but a solution. It is put into the veins of the arm. The patients feel little ill effect. SW WOOD'S tVCRORCCff LAWN 0 ft A S S tee VuUf ul, -velvety free lewne. . fall le the best - ' time foe SoHna. Speclst ' Lwrt Of ClraulM milled 1 . f r upon nquMV j M null iilir 1G 1 1IS IP U We will win this war Nothing else really matters until we do! The Flavor Lasts EARN BIG MONEY KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE CAN EQUIP YOU TO DO 80 TM knalnaaa innrwham ia rrafltiner an abnormal demand for BookkeeO rrs, Stenographers and Typists at alluring salariea. Positions paving 7&60 to $160.00 per month go a-begging. We have more calls for help than wa can rupply many more. Write for catalogue and come to ainun ouainasBtuuiUii. Raleigh, N. C and Charlotte, N. a To Redace Livestock Lessee from Rail- j - wsy Accidents A ifoflnlt mflrvamant to eliminate losses of livestock from railway righta- .f.aia li luax atartt. Tha nlan (a tnr an aaatatant in the "Office of the SUtV Council of Defense who shall direct tola work. with a representa tive tn each county. In addition to thia tha activa lntrMt of all rsilwST employ ene will be enlisted. Tha rail wav representatives present agreea to iurM tia MMiiua Ar uia nnramu. Hnn tin tlia tier month. An nd- IviaoTy committee of railway represen . . I . hi L . . ' . . J , 1 liUTM win om ppoinveu. . , iTia Hi wim that vara mnmaanian Mtwkrtt (ha Will in of In thta ktata of approximately 1K00 animals, by trains lain year win aiiown claims amounv ing to rrly y,0,WQ. Tho"" Init are no greatrf than similar lrnv$ in I (okkeeplng, Touch Typawrttlnff, Penmanship and Commercial Branc tea thoroughly taught. FaU Term begins September 8. Wnt fcr ca alogus and full information. GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Grtensbara, N. C Va other Southern States and in fact much leas than tn s number of states. but Food Administrauon and umncu of Defense officials say these- losses ran be reduced SO to 75 Per cent. With tha resultant Saving of meat ' and leather that i desperately needed by the All! and neutrals of Europe. AttAnr1!na tha CAnfaraBM i were chairman D. 1L HiU and seeretary W. H. Wiwon oi tne estate uouncti or ie- fTuiH Ftate rood Admlnlntrstor Hn A I'sgft, and Food Adminlat ration avaratJvai . aap4ar liAn tWnl X nrmm. director B. W. sUlgOre. of tha Arri- cuicurai xjoenaion . oime HeMratr Dan Gray and A. J. Raid, Uvestork rx- tAv4a Af itiaft RfatA PvnarimMk K t a f inn . and renresentativea of the following raiiroMsi Auanue voasi i.in, board Air Lin, Southern, l'icdmont anrl . Mftrtharn. Wlnafiin-almn Koiilh- hound, Dover and EoutUiminr,, V. .1- mington, IiurtiBwifk end F-ou'h, V. 1 lingUnt and Fowriu, and Yt : ' , Carolina f " 1 li" -n. 2', to : J l'

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