ASHEBORO, N. C, OCT. tU 1913 Pare Six THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. NOTES ABOUT OUR CANDIDATES times, to lend his influence and per- CROWN PRINCE TELLS "PAPA" sonal assistance to anything promising HOW THE SITUATION STANDS Mr. J. A. York, better known as betterment of conditions as improve- "Dolph" York, of Aiheboro, is run- ment along any substantial lines. Clay The Crown Prince, whose army has ning for sheriff of Randolph county is a real self-made man, one who has distinguished itself by a glorious re on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Yoik risen from the ranks, such as Ran- treat and whose running powers have served in the regular army in Cuba in dolph county is proud to produce and placed it in the sprinter class, is alleg thA Snsnish-Amencan War and is a will be proud to honor by electing him ed to have sent the following missive broad caused, patriotic, public :-pint- the next county treasurer. Mr. John- to the Kaiser, his father, explaining ed man, full of leal for :...' better- son is a man above reproach. His the situation on the battle front: ment and uplift oi his fellowmen and friends love him; he has no enemies, On the Run, Somewhere in France i . . .u;.. .. .k T i ..... . VDrinKli"in wKitA nrl To Poro- L'.nJ jr.. virtuiMK tn h ui'L- a rpni-f him. ine niefllc- nm u-ritinv nn t p n:n as T.hp nravc ' 1 1 " "- --". Rom Lowe Dead The whole county was made sad on October 14, when the unexpected news o: the death of Private Ross Lowe reaeed his native state He had been a member of the sub depot quarter master detachment, Camp Hancock, Ga., less than three months and much of that time was spent in the base hos pital, where he was being treated for diabetes, the disease which caused his death. end in view. Mi. and Mrs. Levi respect -11 ...L, ;.. i hi,'h i that will p Wtpfl hV Onp ami cr di'iAiw , itrs; nnilpr mv rnm. an, a man nu u. .... j ... - r , " .,...)),- u tl,mnt men are measured tomes suarelv up of the larjrest majorities any man na manj have not seen tr.e Khine lor so "'"-J v...-fc..-.. to the .standard. Able, resourceful had in many years in Randolph coun- long that they have started that way. a"'1 the adjoining counties and honorable is Dolph York and in ty. of course 1 am going mit dem. Oh, him the Democrats offer a candidate I Papa, dere has been some off el dings that will reflect credit to a public of-1 jfr. l. F. Ross is the nominee foi happened here in France. First, I rice and Republicans all over the county'! the House oi Representatives. Mr. started in my big offensive which was will vote for Dolph because they know ross js a progressive and upright to crush the fool Americans but dey he is competent and will never let young man and has always taken ar. know so little military tactics dat dey politics interfere with his duties as an' active part in all movements which will not be smashed just like I want officer. have for their aim the betterment 'em. I sent my men in der fight in big and advancement of the farmer and waves, and when dey got to de Ameri- The Democratic nominee for Clerk the welfare of the community in which cans dey all said "Boo." as loud as dey of the Superior Court, Mr. J. T. Lam- he lives. He always takes a broad, could holler. Veil, according ot what bert, is from one of the oldest, strong-Unbiased and unprejudiced view of all you haf always told me, dey Americans est and most patriotic families in the public affairs. He gives liberally, should have turned and run like blazes, county. He is a merchant and farm-, both of his time and money for the But what you tink? Dem fool Ameri of Coleridge township, has by integ-1 public good and is recognized through- cans don't know anything about war, rity, honesty, sobriety and generosity out this section of the State as being and instead of running de odder vey, . f V.irroll? tlio Octprtl nf Jill U'hfl1 n in fM'tKi' t K nrt 1 1.11 0 P ItiiT rmr I'irVit tnn-oi-rl .it. Cnwtn 11 L II 1UI llllllCIL LI.- v. d illdll . UK! 1 .IWI.U lilt viiiiumhv tUUIt 1 1 fa I I X, IVC.1V1 US. UKJlllIZ UA B. Lowe and is Kandolpn A little more than eight years has elapsed since he fully surrendered him self to Christ and since that time he has been an active member of Back Creek church. Ross was an ardent supporter of the Y'oung Friends move ment and did much to promote that phase of work in his own church and quarter. Not only was he interested in the activities of the Friends church but wherever he saw a:, opportunity for doing good, regardless of creed or sect, he was always ready to be of service. He was possessed of that rare abili ty which enabled him to make a num ber of steadfast friends wherever he know him. He is a man ot tine busi- 0f an the people, and in whom all, re- dem was singing something about "Ve east his lot. Although his service to ness ability, with a clean moral life gardless of their political faith, place von't come back till it's over over his country was of short duration but hack of him. active in church and implicit confidence. there." or some odder foolish sonov and it was not too short for him to show church affairs. We consider him a manj Although Mr. Ross is vountr com- some of dem laffin like fools. Dev arelthe ones in authority his sterling qual in whom anvone could place confi-'narativelv. he is one of Asheboro's so ignorant. But dev are offel rpcklpss ! ities and to firmly convince us and dence and trust anil one v. no coum noic. most prominent business men; ne is nut dere guns, and ven dey come tow- the confidence of the people at large. a man who in the consideration of ard us it was den dat my men took a He possesses all the g.iod traits of both public and private matters has a notion dey' wanted to go back to de mankind and citizenship. He will mjnd of his own, and a clear and far- dear old Rhine. Ve don't like de little make Randolph county one of the best seeing judgment. He is a clean, clear old, dirty Maine river anyhow. And clerks she has ever had. Go to the cut, upright, honest, conscientious 0h, Papa, dem Americans use such of- polls on next Tuesday and cast your christian gentleman; a man whose fe language. Dev know nothing of vote for him, and elect a man clerk ideals are too lofty, and aims too pure kultur, and sav such offel thing right who does not and will not deceive the to stoop to anything dirty, degrading before us. And dey talk blasphemy. people by making talse statements ami 01- unworthy, lor votes, grau, pei- at you tink dey say right in front of pledges to the people that he does not sonal gain, or anything else. He carry out. Mr. R .L. Elkins, nomine.' for Reg ister of Deeds, is known by every body in Liberty and surrounding coun try as well as having a wide acquaint ance among friends i". Asheboro Franklinville and Ramseur. For four teen vpars he has been in tne seiv a young man oi wuie acquaintance and is capable, and has much influ ence in this section of the State. While a student of the University of North Carolina, Mr. Ross stood high, not only in his class work, but in every phase and condition of Uni versity life. He commanded not only the eood will and high regard of his the faculty oi tne them that he has performed as great service as any who have fallen or will fall on the fair fields of France. The funeral was conducted Octoebr 22 at Back Creek c'.urch by Rev. Rey nolds, assisted by Rev. Mr. Way, after which interment was mae in Back Creek cemetery. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS ; For Fall and Winter X : New and up to date line of shoes. School shoes a specialty. Excellent line of shh tings, ginghams and wash materials. Long coats and ready-made men's and women's clothing. R. C. Johnson Antidote for Hun Poison: War Savings Stamps Dr. J. F. Miller Expresses Thanks to CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT Dr, boro, Asheboro People J. F. Miller, formerly of Ashe now a captain in the medical TO BE STRICTLY ENFORCED my face? One big husky from a place dey call Missouri, he said Oh, Papa, 1 hate to tell you vat offel ding he said, but I can't help it. He said: "To' hell mit der kaiser." I didn't tink any-j body would say such an offel ding. It, made me so mad I vouldn't stand and' hear sush an ott'el thing,, so I turned, round and run mit der odder boys. V.1S 1 riffl-lf And P-inn vnn 1,,' ilnm hvrt nicitoo ,-,'t t!t renton. Lieut. Connell, who is said you send some to put m our back? 1 ou know we are soms de odder vav to he one of the best trained flyers in the service, "called on" his friends now, and breast plates are no good, foriin vn in the airplane several times the cowardly Americans a,P slwino- and vls,tod Fairview cemetery to us took hph inH f l piaying ue star but de fool Americans are Spangled Banner" .- t n, c,,ti,,-r, I!,;!,.' .w ant- nn fp ow-stuilcnts and tne iacur.y o a-ent and telegraph operator at var- University, but attained recognition ious places. The vear 1905 he filled based upon merit that very few stu the position as telegraph operator at dents who enter there ever attain. He Asheboro and at present is agent at! seems to most of us to be a young Liberty where he has held the posi- man, still a great many of his fellow tion for the past six years. He is a1 class mates and friends who were at k.,)- minHpd kind- hpartpd the University with him have been thu ViPnrtv. members of the legislature, . . i iL.'nf rxf thorn i-o nnT QVtd U'l support ot tne gooa people in u e b mit machine guns on dem plates Can't November election. And if he members with him. "J?i t elected Register of Deeds, which we' Mr. Ross is a popular and agreea- - you said nothnKTOuldrtand feel confident he will be. he will make.ble man-a young man who makes a P SfiT nnp nf the hpst in the historv of the good mpression and appearance m "reTa D .a V?erma" soldl.ers- Oh, ZJy. 1 He'has Se uallficatlonl. He the presence of the best people of our ZJJ" is clean, honest, brave, and courageous country and is a man who would gene ns eve, read your speech for and wil do his dutv regardless of cir-1 creditably, satisfactonly and capably 7"."te, "s just like ve vas a lot cumsTances and Sbe S and fair to represent Randolph county in the leg- n, 'some oTvoS sLL? SSl all our people Democrats and Re-Ulature. awav ' DeTLn't S T publicans aUke. Vote for Bob Elkins! He ia eminently qualified, from ed- way Dey dont Jmtf -how terrible for Reirister of Deeds and you will . ucation, business experience, natural we are. Can t you move my army back make no mistake. of a defective flue Lieut. Sam Martin Connell, recent ly drove his airplane from Newport News, Virginia, for a visit to his par ents at their country home near War- Calling attention to the anrnoach- corps of the United States army, sta- in election and the stringent laws tioned with the 46th infantry at Camp governing the election of senators, Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, has representatives or delegates to Con written a member of The Courier force gress, United States Attorney W. C. a letter in which he expresses deep Hammer has issued a statement to appreciation for himself and little son, the press and public, setting forth the Truman, of the "sympathy and lov- position of the attorney general of the ing words" from many friends in Ashe-, United States and the deDartment of boro since the death of Mrs. Miller, justice in regard to violations of this Mr. Hammer announces that thp The State Insurance Department is calling attention to the fact that Illylll,. ,(IIU1.I Ul t, ,t VJJ , WO I..VI1U1 , rt, 1 lost by fire in Moore county because v.-hich occurred in Columbia, . Kj., law. several days ago. Dr. Miller says department is prepared to vicorouslv that circumstances are such that he prosecute any violations of the corrupt cannot write each one separately, but practices act, and asks the public to 1. 1 i il L il 4- 1 - wisnes an 10 Know mat, ineir mes- lukc warning. he cowardly Americans are shooting T1 raii-v.ew cemetery 10 s right in de back. Some of our boys1?! a 'reatv.h on e Rrave of John ook off der breast plates, and put 'em P' HaVn the fi-rSt Warrenton boV AfkmwiiA falra first W OeilTlUm Vere Ve VOn All mil o-Iato ? rank among the strong intellectual and men can vip all the vimmen and mAn r.4 fto mnoml ocopmhlv Children Vat de BelffiaiUI hrinira ii ri E. B. Leonard, A. B. Beasley and of Nortn Carolina. But dese Americans are so rough and C. C. Cranford, Democratic nominees! Mr jgg De elected to repre- ignorant Ve can't make 'em under for county commissioners, have stated gent Randolph county in the legisla- stand dat ve are de greatest soldiers that if elected, "economy and effici- ture on next Tuesday and when he on earth, and ven ve try to sing, ency" will be their watch word and goes to Rajgigh, he will go there as a "Deutchland Ueber Alles," dey laugh that they will use their "influences to ; repreSentative of all the people of "ke a lot of monkeys. But we are see uiai ior every aouar speni ".'".Randolph county. He will go there geiung ae Dest of de Americans. Ve tax payers will receive equivalent in with one and only one pUrp0Se in view, can outrun dem. Papa, if we are not services." Those words are the key- and tnat be to tne very Dest de best fighters on earth ve are sure note to a commendable and success-- possible representation of his people de best lunners. Ni-body can keep up ful policy and characterize Ed Leon-at home He will represent all of the mit us ven ve tink ob dear, dear old ara, aii ceasiey arm wujsiwiih v.a.i .people, irrespective of their creed, .n-nine, ana my army never did tink'plete blockade outfits in the western iora mrougn ui.u uiiuK... . '-1Color or politics. "iucn oi dat dear old river hoW mrt of Stanly rountv last week. A x; Let me know right away what to do , fine team of horses, and a wagon were sages of sympathy are gratefully re ceived. His statement follows: "The attorney general of the United States has issued a department circu lar in which he calls attention to the. or act of October 16, 1918: 'To prevent m the election of to die in the service, On account of the epidemic of Span ish influenza, the Davidson county Liberty Fair, which was to have been held next week, has been indefinitely postponed. General Ludendorff, first quarter master general of the German army, often referred to as the brains of the German army," has resigned and his resignation has been accepted. The executive committee of the North Carolina teachers' assembly will burchase a service flasr and n re seat it to the State of North Caro lina, at the meeting of the assembly The, flag will indicate the number of teachers in the various branches of service army, navy, Red Cross, Young Mens Christian Association Young Women's Christian Association, Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Community Service, American Library Association, and the Salvation Army. Revenue officer John Kennely, of Salisbury, assisted by deputies from Locust and Oakboro, seized four corn- Four Deaths at Randleman Mr. Nathan Saunders, aged 70 more, died at his home in Randleman corrupt practices one day last week, after a long illness senators, representatives or delegates X I - fl'l 1 i. . 1 ;, 1 : . - ,. iioin paralysis, me uouy was uuen ui tuiigiess wmcn act is as Iollows: to Moore county for burial on Satur-1 " 'That whoever shall promise, offer day. His wife and several children or give, or cause to be promised, offer- survive, ea, or given, any monev -,r other thinw Miss King, a daughter of Mr. and: of value, or shall make or tender anv Mrs. Will King, of Randleman, died one day last week, from pneumonia, following, influenza, and was laid to rest in the cemetery at St. Paul s church, Rev. Mr. Dawkins conducting the funeral. Mrs. W. P. Lamb died at her home in Randleman one day last week from influenza and pneumonia and was laid to rest on Saturday. The deceased was SO or 35 years of age. She is sur vived by her husband and several small children. Carl Coffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coffin, of Randleman, died one day last week from pneumonia following influenza. Mr. Coffin was about 24 years of age and was a very worthy young man. men of unquestionable integrity a success in their own business scarr ed by nothing but honest toil Who could not recognize a "pie counter" Hon Hayden Clement Hayden Clement is one of the veryi if slipped to them on golden skids ablest prosecuting attorneys in the who had to be prevailed upon by the' state. His father and his grandfather, by return post office. CROWN PRINCE WILLIE. DEATHS His Life Saved By His Dog Kellev. nn I rich eotfni. o. l u:.. most suosuiiitiai ticiicuo ui uicwum.j,cic anion me omrai io"j..o ... masters me one merit last winter ij . i. i i 4 o l : : . .. f k i ..... " . ii lci Deiore tney wouia agree to iet men state, anu ine pre&em ounuwi ui yie wnen the latter broke through the ice names go on tne ticKei mey cenainiy niteenin judicial aisirnci raims hm and came near droning. njg is jj0W are the men the people need to look the best it happened: after their interests. There has been Mr. Clement began practicing law Mr. Bee Church, a fanner and stock in uie pasi elections a ;iiuein.jf un neany iiiwjen jia 8u nu .k raiser oi Kichneld, Idaho was visitinr the part of the average voter not to a brilliant career, ine omce oi souci- ln Snoshone. One evening he set outibecause of the epidemic of influenza. give equui cuiuiwiuiuu w iu.nuoo Wi m unc ui. uic invnt Ior a menu s nouse along with Kellev I witnin tne gill oi tne people, ana no Dy a short cut acro88 the : u' captured, two thousand gallons of beer destroyed, and five men arrested. Col. Theodore Roosevelt celebrated his sixtieth birthday at his home near Oyster Bay, New York, last Sunday. The quarantine for Spanish influ enza has been lifted at Camp Jackson, Columbia. South Carolina. The Western North Carolina Apple Show, to be held at Asheville, Novem ber 20-22, will not take place this year Lillian Margaret, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McNeill, died at the home of her parents near Steeds, October 8th, aged one year, 10 montlis and three days. contract, undertaking, obligation, gratuity or security for the navment of money or for the delivery or convey ance of anything of value to any per son, either to vote or withhold his vote or to vote for or against any candi date, or whoever solicits, acepts or re ceives any money or other thing of valnt in const .eration of his vote for or against any candidate for senator or representative or delegate in con gress at any primary or anv irenera! or special election, shall be fined not more than $1,000. or imnrisoned nnt more than one year, or both.' "Attention is called to the fact that in view of the near approach cf a gen eral election and the recent enactment oi tnis law it is important to see that the fullest publicity be given to the provisions oi thi.i act in order that the pnblic may be informed of its provi sions and the provisions and the pur pose of the department of justice to vigorously prosecute these violations." Charlie Lewis Lambeth, son of Mrs. Flora L. Lambeth, died at Camp Sevier October 26, 1918, after three weeks ot severe suffering from pneumonia, ln the 24th year of his age. The burial was at Science Hill, October 26th, by the side of the father of the deceased. The mother, three brothers, and five sisters survive. An obituary will ap pear next week. for county commissioners as to the' candidates for sheriff, register of untried, inexperienced boy should be ,a(j proceeded about half way over the deeds, or other offices. That is not elected to so important an office. It stream when the ice gave wav over the right as it should be, for under our is also an office which not only re- his weight and he was plunged into form of government membership on quires superior knowledge, education deep water. the board of county commissioners is and information, but it is a position Ag fagt he attempted to pull him- or.e oi tne mosi lmporcani in me wnicn cans ior an unuauai aiuuuni. u. gef up tne ice broke and the swift county, mis is me ooara inai reany common ben He anu it biiuuiu ire mi uj current threatened everv iran&acta tne uusuicbb ui tne tuunty. a ioci wnv iiw nw. .; carry nim under the GYPSY FORTUNE TELLER SAYS WAR WILL END DECEMBER 5 He Also Predicts Kaiser Will Comit Suicide on November 25 Peace will be declared on December minute to 6 following the suicide of the Kaiser , ; i l'.h... Ion November 25. according to a Gypsy Other officers may collect and keep a to fill it, but a man of discretion and ever faithful was right at hand saw fortune teller who was traveling on a record of public funds, but the com-, sound judgment, and who will rise to the desperate plight bis master was in missioners do uie spending, iney are ine occasion at any anu an um-.utU and did the best he could to render the directors of the county. It is a a man is Hayden Clement, who not help He pui tugged at his known fact that the three candidates; only knows how to fill the office, but magg clothes, but succeeded only for county commissioners cannot be has served most acceptably and with in breaking a bigger hole around him. beaten in the whole county U one is marxea ana signal aoiiuy. ne iw Mlet 80me mimiie9 0 gtruggling looking for men of high character few equals and no superiors. It would and finaIly gettin m hod on lint class business ability and public' be a great mistake not to re-elect him. o ice Mr Cnurch ghouted spirited. Vote for Leonard, Beasley, Kandoipn snouia give mm a gooa ma- Kelley to go for help. The dog lost and Cranford next Tuesday. Mr. Johnson, the candidate for county treasurer, was born Sept. I860, at Burney's Mill. New Hope township. Mr. Johnson was not born1 'with a silver spoon in his mouth, but is s homey handed son of toil. At . ths art of 21 he was thrown on his . own resourcM to maks his way in the : world, h first hired to Mr. N. W. ; Ntwby, of Farmer, as clerk in a coun try store. He worked for Mr. Newbr ' four years, then resigned sad came to Asheboro and accepted a position with ths latt W. J. MUler, after he had worked two years, Mr. Miller - made him a proposition that h ro in bacineas for himself and he would go In partnership with him. Mr. JoTnv son accepted and went back to his old J0"1' -no time in returning to the place 4. , . . 7 T"j v n n n - where Mr. Church had last visited and The ticket is headed by C. C. Ben- b W , and frantic actions at- sv UAfiisvMnsnf Mimtv Trtf this . . . . ... . , . ' "r; ' iractea anention and . quickly con- Senate. If you know Mr. Bennett vinCed several persons that he and his personally, ws (eel Mrs that you ad- majltei. wert fa, dirs need of assistanca. mire the man. Wo know him well, and u. o.,,Mh .ii..ih t..n have an unbounded admiration for him whcn human help arrived and pulled broad- him 0f ths water. as a high-toned gentleman, a I miadod man to cope wi urge ques-, Kelley wai nearly beside ' himself tions, and well (nuliflsd to take car with fry w, mastrs rescue and Ot every uiiMrwmt oi w oi.. eXDresMd US DleaSUrO &d STatitOde Dr. F. I CrsveToTRanueur. is one tt f UO-waggings. of ths county's busiest men, busy all; Hydrophobia Does Not Exist Kw Mt w y.r.M t Tama rw sick. Hs is a man everybody Gkes and Mlr.f mmHafu h will maks an ideal coroner. or uri: Mr. J. D. Welch, of Union township, tearing, mad thing, biting everything! " a a i ,v. ui. t o.-iu " " r.t " - jioine hh iwnwi nu vpvnea op l uvuucuvn w wiv fw v nauiuvipu acrlNe, and, country store under the firm name of Miller A Johnson, in this ho was very wcMaful and later bought out Mr. Miller, but Mr. Johnson decided that Aihfhoro offered mors advantages t n the country and in 1908 ho came ! " k and ine then his business has vn ntdlly from ya to resr, and r nw one of the bet mercsn- 'r' 1 ahmrnts In Asheboro. Not ! - Mr. Johnnon bfn tmrcvutul 1 t ra mde tianr friwds train between Wilson and Rocky Mount recently. This information was imparted to two Wilsonians who were on the train. One of the men had given ths Gypsy a quarter and told the for tune teller that he would give him $25 to tell him when the war would end. "My friend, was the response, "it s impossible for you to carry out your offer as you have only 43 cents on your person and your friend can neln you but a little he has only $2.09, and when ths train arrives tn Wilson, your homo town, will be the last time, we win meet in this world." The crowd Insisted that ths Wilsonians take an Inventory of ths cash in hand, which they did and found that ths Gypsy -had mads no mistake in telling, to a penny, what each one was possessed of. "Now, gentlemen," con tinned ths for tune teller. "Ill imparl xa yon tne ue- sired information, vis.! on November 25, of this year, ths kaiser will com mit suldds, and on December I pesos will bo declared. Private Roscoe Clayton Moffitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moffitt, of Cole ridge, died at Camp Humphrey. Alex andria, Va., October- 9, 1918, from pneumonia following influents. The body was sent home Monday, the 14th and laid to rest in the cemetery at Deep River'BaptiBt church, funeral be ing conducted by Rev. A. K. Scotten. The deceased is survived by his father, mother, one sister, and one brother. William Murphey, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wall, of Trinity Route 1, died October 24, 1918, in a hospital in Pennsylvania, aged 20 years. The young man held a position of fireman on a railroad in Pennsylvania, while on duty at the time of a wreck suffered an injury on his left foot which finally re sulted in blood poisoning and death. Ths body was brought home and burial USE BRAME'S VAPOMENTHA SALVE The Great Prophylactic For Influenza, La Grippe Pneumo nia and colds. Rub well into the chest and throat and insert a small amount up each nostril night and morning. Price 25c., 50c., and $1.00. For sale by all dealers. BRAME MEDICINE COMPANY North Wilkesboro, N. C. Gurley Coble, aged 20 rears, em ployed by the Chero-Cola Bottling Co. was instantly killed at Greensboro last Saturday afternoon, when his hand came in contact with a live wire. approximately 240 volts of the power passing inrougn nis body. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION is worth more to family life today than over before. Today, those who are responsible for ths welfare of the family realise ths Imperative need of Worth-while raadinv and what It mtuit was In the cemetery at Gilead church, I to individual character, ths home life of which the deceased was an atten-nd ths state.. Everywhere ths waste dant Funeral services were conducted :Md chaff, ths worthless and inferior, by Rev. Mr. Jones, of High Point Ths rs going to ths discard. father, mother, nine brothers, and one sister survive. An obituary will ap pear later. eounty. Hs has no Republican oppon-, (j Rabies is contracted by one en ani m awi pwny nepuuiican. ,n dofl, v- - hiUen b another, and this county are anxious to know why . 7i tw .... i..m km m.m ths Republican Machine and Bosses of ttMm nbies as ths authorities bars' tne jtepuMican party oi uie county si a reported, ' sot put Sam Btantorf or Bud Ronth ii -K AM would have snread on ins ticket for, rveyor. ' uuess M -rapidly that there would not be a they mads s tness of it lik,they did aiirt m ths continent of North ia listing the property of Mr. C, F. America. . ... ... .--f - Phillips of Tabernacle township. ) i in Mairh,'l9lOr we had a . rabies ' saw-a bAibsiissbssbi . y few M If) Ottt vHh'UfiA tftrtfr tVltlml Mrs. Thomas W. BickeU, wifeof t)ei fof about nlns i months.. - 8inre Potash Independent ef Germany When the war broke out America was getting from Germany nearly a quarter minion tons ox potasn eacn year, but thanks to ths ingenuity of American science the brine lanks of California. Nebraska and. other States have yielded up immense quantities to supply ths need to farmers. Kelp, the sesweed of ths Pacific coast, and va rious minerals have contributed also to supply the shortage.. Production, sot yet up to the -demand, is growing rsrtdl. ' - . ' The pfftnonoue fumes from the rop- f melUr-dwrtroymjf - vegetation wmiv, nail vwujf wvumuuiiiii muivoi American library AssociaUon, - ana 8 si ration Army. The active co-opera-1 tion of ths people in the rural districts will be soufht . Dr. Clarence Toe has been appointed advisory chairman for rural organisation ln North Carolina. - Two small children were burled at West Bend in one day Ut week. One was n child of Mr. and Mrs. Amick tmb the other, of. Mr, and Mrs. Guroey Thompon. The city of Charlotte hopes to hsve Uncle The Youth's Comnanion stands first last and continually for the best there is for all ages. It has character and creates like character. , That is why ln these sifting times, the family tarn to its (2 issues year full of entertainment and suggestion and In formation, and Is never disappointed. It costs only $2.00 a year to pro vide your family, with the. very best reading matter published. . la Mia v- f r .'m' n, bn Y wonW governor, who h bom studying Uxm the govemmwit J.M bn asked lo ruining profitable fruit growing the honor of naming one of Unci ' ' ' rr sndt Y. M. C. A. work In Franc lnre lU or,)ffr ac tmirilnrL but h rrfu-dl'"',ntry kv b4n turned hy srlrnt-s"! e tww ships the "( hsrlnt?e" be ' " ' i A' r-'nm l, RIr!rh lest , A0 ,0 and V-.-r U Un rrnr-U'1 in'O rr""t . prnft The duot of," '''" 't ' tt t' t th rl'y orrr ' '. f ' , ' r r" yr-ir----. r- - - - I'--i V r ' - f - I " 1 - ' I ! I' ' M rr n 1 t United Wsr Work Ceapaffa i The United War Work Campaign, which is scheduled for the week be ginning November 11. will be conduct ed for the purpose of raising funds to carry on ths war activities of ths Army Y. M. C Y. . W. C A-, quantity and duality as well as in va- isjugnts oi uHumDua, ewisa weuare nety ine zouths Companion excels. Dont miss Grace Richmond's great serial, Anne Exeter, 10 chapters, be-, ginning December 12. . I The followlnr special offer is made to new subscribers: ,, 1. . The Youth's , Companion 62 Is sues of 1919. -r t :y - 2. All the. remaining weekly Issues of 1918. " - 8. The Companion Horns Calendar . for 1919. .. . , All lh kbdv for only 12.00,' or you msy Include . 4. M'all's M?x!ne 12 fashion nnmlm. All tot only 2.r,0. The two rn.i"iinrn r ay " '""t to sp-