COSEIEE SSUDDjfE3KLT. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR EN ADTANCE 'MUM XXZHT Asheboro, North Carolina, Thursday, February 20. 1919 NVMBER 8 TU CAROLINIANS '- lille THI CASUALTY LIST .ed in wtiw. Willam A. Shuler, .. . D. Bryaoar-City. Diad f wouads. Arthur L. Turn ' er. Ji F. D. , L Grange. . 1 led of diseaset Crowell Woodward, f tna; Macoo Tv Alston, 123 Smith oofibtr. - Wounded severely. Robert Sherlin, Robert Street, Aaheville. Aliasing ut actios. Forest Fisher, son. Mounded, degree undetermined. H. t Jackson, 217 iiouth Liraliam Street, nlotte; V llLiam A. Faison, 617 W. foe-. Street, Raleigh; Arthur L. flBt$ 1016 Durch Avenue, Durham. Vounded slightly. Dewey S. iOwn, Alt. Ullah; Will Heath, 1311 Ijjhland Avenue, Winston-Salem; . 11. Blanchard, Newnill; William , I Hayes, 14. F. D. 2, Wallace; Frank .JKoonce, Trenton; William Mitchell, 'ldon; Freddie Bright, :107 James y Street, Goldaboro, iWounded slightly, previously report i missing in action. Walter Mc ight, Salisbury; Robert C. Wright, ekory. Returned to duty, previously report 'missing in action. Russell Collins, . ''f. D. Loaeir; Weley Dedd, Jt. fried ol disease. yuincy Cribbs, I Ir Bluff; Irvin Bryant, 286 North ia Street, Goldaboro; Robert L. ,;heles6, Spring Hope; Henderson Ohjiyton, R. F. Di 1, Timberlake; Gee. I3um, ti. V. D. 2, Wilson, .-.Wounded severely G rover S. Danea- Ivts, R- D.,1, Durham; William ,T,A-kleai-: R. F. D. 6, Maxton; Henry VA Miller; 117 "rVeat Hargett Street, Ealeigii. i ' - lietuined to duty, previously reert eE missing in action Ralph T. Holt, U Jt. V. 1, Koaic wees:; nwye ilTeans. Concord.!" YDied of disease Arthur James, fetnon Spring. Yjied oi accident er other caus SiKms McLean&Mt. Pleasant. founded severely Perry D. V Canto; Robert Stell, Wake Forest; irbert A. Wriglt, W7 Bast Greem it jgh Point; Jantes R. Smiley, Macon. v Mounded, debtee undetermined -m. Griggs,I) Haywajd Street, iRiavUle; Heanfp. Ledferd, Stocks 'ftV. A Burma iFMeore, Fayetasrille; , iohi Holmam, WUkeabara; Jek 8. . Jv n, RF. 5B. 2, WalsUadwe; '.ft'! U i H. GrifftaWimBtoa-Sal; U h . Jhns.a. bT. d. 1. cw; , . Jakn, CnTT; Boa RaUaaa, R. i . J 4, Bcwtie; rfarray WilsM, Stetw viUei Kosker R.Braivell, R. F. D. 1, .Miutaty; DewefcC Qaytom, R. F. D. 8, Epxbora; L. feJiV"- Purweii Aycaue, HendeSfti; Galli B. mb i well: R. F. D. 1, Nashville; Alvia Neal, I R D. 1, Reidatille. Waunded slightly Ollie C. Holmes, " Hendeison; Thomas J. Orrendex, Cao leeiuee; David Barnes, Wilson;-Walter Kee Bethel; Willie Joines, Amelia; William H. Parrish, Aliddleburg; Eli v.TL fUler, Heni; Roy Kinsoy, Tren- tontf Janies H. Mashburn, 6Q2i Soutk ;Tcntli hticet, Vulnnngton; Stringlield iMaye, R. F. D. 1, Oirum; James F. ;: Scott, Vvilson; Zeb W. Wilkinn, R. F. D. j, Cana; Geoie F'rason, licking ' hard, ' Marine Corps casualties, killed in ;. actibn James B. Deans, Middlesex; Walter Hatching, Y.adkinille. Wed of wounds Reid D. Cranford, ' Davidson. f : . Farmer JSotea Tom Birkhead, tae young son of Mr. C. W. Birkhead, cut off the great toe of ; his leit loot while Ciiopping wood one dajr'last week. He was taken prompt ly1 ti Dr. Hubbard, who dLossed ine woimd, and it is now doing well. Mm. 1 .either liix, of 1'ipe, was qai.te i ' ill Sunuuy, but is better now. Mr. t . .i. Hill, ol .lacK.-on Creek, has l -u:Jbt an inUaast in the Faraer EoU Ci' Miii a, in vmII move here -soon. M. Joe Keana, who recently hail in- . fluetlaa at iiadin, is at home Mr. Henry C. Bogue, traveling in the! rttqtM. o! the proposed endowment . 4 ior Guilford College, was at 8i- .a: Hill Sunday, and is ninv canvass r ;r the territory for that cause. Iilf. Hal Laaaitcr has a position wltk Guilford iteul Eotate Co. in Greees borey . Mf. K. N. Howard, who ban been ill for several days, i again abJ to at t -nr to his husinesi. Uncle Gideon Macon, our oldest cit . ie nuite feeble. He is unable to himself in any way, and requires ant attention. . Madison Hammond has recently u. hased of Mr. G. T. Macon.of Ashe ero,, the farm known a the Drew via" farm. '1rn, C. C. Horncy, who has leen vh T In High Point for a week, retum ome Saturdays Western Randolph New 4 health of thi commenity i not od at present, there being several of mump and flu. ,'and Mrs. L. E. Byrd visited in Graonaboro Bataray. Ima Finch wa in High Point lay shopping. E Iiidgo underwent an opera-. I the High Point Hospital Tues She Is getting along'nicely. Dewey Stanley ha purchased Ford car. '..', ' Miller Albrrtnon mnd'. busi ip to High Point Saturday. . e daughter wa born to 4nd W. Frailer reeentlv. . 4 D. Boddick lost a fine mu!T't- Salllo Walah. of Thomasbill,t gueat of MIm Mary Frailer and Saaday . - ' niel McLead, of Caglc Milll, HrWboro oho day thi week, - MUSICIAN C E. K EARNS r- M v. M fe f j r 3 i ,; . ; J I Musician C. E. Kearns, son of Air. and Mrs. Harris Kearns, of Farmer, entered the service September, 1917. He left Randolph county with the first increment of selected men and went to Camp Jackson where he was assigned to Headquarters Company 316, Field Artillery Band 81st Division. He was later transferred to Camp Sevier and from, there gent to France. He is get ting aloag nicely and enjoying his work. Electioa Frauds by Republicans Mr. T. M. Bynum, one of the state's best citizens, living at Goldston, Chat ham county; has -written a reply to Jake Newell's attack on-the Democrats of the state. We quote from Mr. By num's article: "I nave aotiood several letters lately in which the writers stated the Demo crats cheated in -the elections, and that the elections as now held are a farce, etc. I notice a long letter from Jake Newell in issue of February 10, in which ko aooasM Pemocrats of whole sale fraud ana' stealing. Mr. Newell wowM.4 joeta let hu-aemory run nrnCJC, BO IWCh VHI n-s sUi VrtiMtUti frM Samdel J. Tudea ad aoatojl.R. B. Hayes, and it killed HAyoe 44at tar has' scarcely Use nMMtionolstaceC And," too, Tie itfCtt'&inrii 1 iUoekn f i1iv Dudley it Jadiaaa in the Harrison campaign in 1888. Ho MifM think, too, before hi says so muok against Democratic i' ; ativ. of Haana'a eanaDaia-n in 1896, wnen in went to Now-York and told the biff n - Ijumciers, Bryan js elected .right now if i something as not aone, and raised biggest campaign fund evtr i. e. and for what? To buy votes in . Northern statos. Then he t:n;,:-i ously consider what Roo-sec;. i -1012. And it was this, 10. u:., i . he said: The Republicans are a ; . . liars, thieves, and cut-thiau . a. u . Taft and his co-workers stole t .1 , ... ination from him in I'JIJ.. 1 ., .. . ... not a Democrat talking. "And the people wane.. l-unning ior ('resident tlim each other and calling ea, names. "Jilr. Newell knows .i Populist party was .sli, Harrison's administral.. 18U2, and when Weave, and got 22 eicclorol . i '. was occupying t..f l'r Ex'erybody knows vhal i.h cainjiuiii i, simply to buy voto in m.,. to (ariy, and ir. i.ei.i ,i .. writers ubiiiil im.-,,.i,.i..'. siin.ily iii..d i . au. i , .i enough votei to c. raveioouy, i-'eaiociaLs . cans, know that tne l. , lixing to buy tne I nr. in and if it it for s.ue tin y NeweJJ went liack to r 111! 4 days ami the .ocgio, but 1 1 : i . i .-a. nn Hi'- in in fa oi word about the to Everybody ougnt to b honest elci tioiifi. i'i;ert is no doaie there is fraud practiiod im botn sid . , but 1 don't believe even Jake .e-.ei, beJieveii that Diimoci ata w ill sU al a.-. quick as ICepulilicaiu:. "The timp he spoke of, to 1 Vil. when the Demon at lost all control on ti'.is fitate, tin- Republicans eb cted Wus sell governor and we had so much law losness over the state we alinist had a revolution in H'J, and notwithstand ing his party had two to our one to hold eections hin part was buried si deep it has never scratched out This state administration uas so corrupt his own party papers called the peni tentiary management "the manure," pile," and no Republican convention has ever endorsed that administration. "If 1 wore a Republican I gucsa 1 would vote the ticket, but I never would have the gall to say anything about corruiition in elections of the op- osite party. ' , Friday Afternoon Club M(h3 F,nolio Presncll was hostess to the Friday afternoon club last Fridu. A number of contests had been oriang ed by tho hoatew which proved moft entertaining. The airplane content wa won by Mrs. J. F,d Mendcnhnll ami Mis Nannie lllilla as winner In tntJdenvofKl's Sunday. Hoover conWt. A large heart rcprr Hpntine tho bnttleflehl of Kurobe wa pinned to the wall -and, the guests wete lupplied witn uavonrw w nn uip tnkldle nf the heart blinfold1d. Kevcrnl "ftvagic stunts" wore carried out by the - - little. Lucy Iyd-Ro wa a mot attractJv assistant arid dlstribatd the favona which w rlentine. ,f ' A dcllclou dnsrt.cour kn- Jt t 'v. 'wL'V.--. ,s t . .. NEW STAMPS OFFERED .i t ...L..Lj ..i t. :.v:v,!!i ev ..T tnioytd. As evidence oi the tui'ift l'.abit the national banks re-j ported an increase in deposits for 191Sj incieasfcd $1,524,595,26, giving the country the greatest investing of mor than $370,000,000 over the highest figure previously attained. War Savings Stamps mature at full face value in live years. They may be converted into cash, however, at the will of thi holder, aad since they pay 4 interest, compounded quarterly, thev make an investment of rare val- ue, so much so, in fact, that the gov- Lieut. Cranford has been promoted eminent limits the amount which one from sergeant to lieutenant since ar puichuL!!' can hold to $1,000. The riving in France. hi:. !... a:e to neii, pas lor t..e ...,., - : : '!. aiinistit.e etiileii .''osiilitiea but t I. i ;eilli- Uie biiis. 'i be Treasury 1 p ..i.'.. nt iias aj.eaied. and is a;r;. ii.,;, to the pcoiue to show t.ien t- tit-.i iovaltv i.v b.:yinir War ouVi: Si;.u!j.s ami by holding ihein. '! ue Treasui-v Debartsacut. wiifa ita., k ii'C sum, r.iici.i bi.t ice til li'c iiiei:. v lor live veais and na. issued a spe,. niiaesi. to uie peupie us um nto.i iiol t "ivileem their Lm until mat,.,-,.-, ... . - ict, i;i t-iiSf-s 01 liic wosl Ui;, it k-w..., ;.. f..t..J:.. ,.111,1,1 iuciillt CTVl kW. U mClllOUlHl Chin-M, " ,, "., ' ''" ' -rf-r - "XT - .-v. ...... v.. ...v. SiOiUiVy, society which was held at tMe il;;wiuiLst r'ro-;ui.,t Church last SdC- , .. o iv,.vifeu ....... morning was very interestinir and itioni:. (!. ;,lis. J. I-'. McCul- t.l:, eiluo, ,ti p. e.-iuu;ii hi ... u .:...y ... : ,1, o. t..t t, ; lJrancii ot woman'; ioieign liussioun v.'uS jJiesent and made an address Sue -i..:iip..ii-d Ine woik which the women 'are doing to that of the part t.;at n.v ;:oidier played )a tuis g,oat and , im'k'1 thai the : church enow the Same ' i'(-'i!':ii;e t,i::t the i.,e.i o1' tins iiv.,,t , he said that this '. .' v.n -t ,:i t;.; !i:sLo, y u! tl'.i- wo, I I'. 'i'.h' ' oi i i , ! ;i,l a pai I i r,": of natioi.s ha4 a id .. ' ;.'n ' . .:' n:tn i t ii. J.e th Ii it are .s fo. -1 ie t;.e i ll' ' the ., ir-i.M Mi'Cul i ejj'e c !'. f.l nest apii' i.:i i f,' en ir n In -1 1 1 r i ; oi 1 : it h the :t. .1 i. Mechanic 1 ' ems The weather h; h. f.i t : r ' v. i I alei'. , I ;.. ik v'.l i i I in- ' n. i i : in 1 : a;; and lamln r ru 1 ,.-t or, : i ; nei o: I i.i.r ' r'iy a. the . an .,e hean! me. i i l';M i;it,ii' v.a-i h.n led I ' t , ti.o r.i 1'e.l I Ioo e. i , chinch, lie v, .'us ti i on j; lit ll:rh I'd. nl an burial. Mr. ami Mr Virgie Sawyei C. C. Ridge and Mm., visited at the home oi Mr. J. C. Ridgo Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Wood and fanrly spent Saturday night at Mt. W. I.. Snider's. Mr. ahd Mrs. R. L. Wood visited Mr. Onnlow Parrish Sunday. Mr. R K Snider has sold his farm and expects to move in the near fulun We are sorry to lose such men fiom tho community. Mr. Tom Small has sold his farm to Mj. Ira Summy. Mr. Ira Summy has purchased both the farms just men tioned. Itev. J. M Varner filled his annoint- mpnt nl Mt Tiihor Sunrlnv nf ternrvorv - Millhoro Route 1 Hems We are sorry to Pngh has the flu. Iwar Mr. Hemy Mis Ollie Routh, of High Point, i inlting home folks. Rnv. Ashburn tilled bin iirmointment at drays Chapel Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. Mr. Delia Routh nnd diuignter. Mi Gladys, were visitors at Mr. A. M. un- Itarflm and Lineb' rry schixd boys crossed bats Friday, score lieing Hi and 4 in favor of Harden Mis Eula RoutnVavchff sistWi ic, a surprise Mummy pary namr- . nome maun nutier, our. .spring day. li reported a, nice time. , chicken -per pound, ftrtr. Heps tier Mr. 0. R. Vuncannion, tJvliIlhoro IL,. pound, 2&c Hogs pr pound, 22c. F. D. No. 1. I in Ohio at wprk. .Hams, 38c, Cotori, 25c. 8evemN)I th boy from campi and I These orice were secured bv the overtea nave returned noihev Mr, Roa Ward and eil' inHediia. about town f the itatv Md' Tf.B.lvf Sunday aveiilnf. UEUT. CHAS. WADE CRANFORD i 11. ,U,.- ww.. I I f- , . ) J j i.a!- ' L ' ' Jf T-'t 'eral i,i-L::Lii!v.ut(..M 111 II l Krowinjr munt m t::i H Lieut. Charles Wade Cranford, son of Mr. &nd Airs. C. W. Cranford, of Asheboro, is with the Field Hospital 140, 110 Sanitary train, 35 division, A. B. F. He was in Parson, Kansas, where he went about three years ago to take a course in nursing, when he entered the service. After graduating Llu6 two years ago he joined the army and ; has been in 1 ranee ior some time do- ing his bit towards beating the Huns d .surprise I'.uiy at Kamseur Quite a nuinbtr of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gant Thursday evening of last veri; and gave hii.i le'i tf ill ;1U'i',.,.!f,t : m ivam- birthda;. sour. .'. p:rtv : r. C.I-.1.L s i omi" t'.;e xif - t?ie utui tiiiii ii.-.jnii i...c.ij m.u i,..t; mluiiz ...:,u 1 ,.1 jlh mwii yiania. were piav- ed. Music for tha evcini was furnish, V.jL r.,v.L;h WtU V,cUi LUriHSn.- ed by Wise EHuzaUeth Smith, and Mr, V. U. Jttarley. Ke resiimeiits consulting or red kn white block ice cream and cake .0,iv, m,..'., ,!,i. 1,.; " 1 " i 7w.jr luio, vit.ui, ao.-ii3i.vivl tJJ Misses Sarah and Ver -'StheA" Mr Gai$ received many beautiful land use- xui AJicMrLito. ji iiyr,fl. pietftiui, wtfte, iu . ana jurs. ui. it. ninmson. m ana ivns. W jkktmefiMilMd. to. Jj. B.s Yirk, Mi-.and Mm. E. J. Steed; Mesdame's n f. Tlio-hfill M v u..,.,.h t V ir.irt.on. N. P. VlnrriK- Miows PImWIi Smith.. Stili smil V,n-i,l- Uk.k v. H. Ballard, U. 1 Kearns, V. C. Mar- ley and C B. Smith. Birthday Party On Tu,rslay .veiling, February 11th, Mis. Mtklred Idiis de!i;'ht.''i.!lly't'nlf:--tained a' lrt'eiiie - !' I,.. i. lu;,'!.-: at in r hu'ee in liilii):o in ! oiv, of ;mt l;t. birthdav. and by . nn ' !!.. i 1:1. illation. ti eal Y ity laii Ron' K. . Hay ; mai y 't ie enj: ere .i : Crai.. i ', arm i i, l.iician i ' . ; i i . V, . . a "i lie... all ', Mdllioio. ! , ... ,, ., oft) .'. n Km : Mi. ., . i. .. li"', of ltiiia. i .; ; ami 31 . i .. ... 1 ..-:) of I unax. Honey cut t -Cm ven At tho homo of A. J. Raiy, in Prox imity, Miss Cordelia Vena iaen u.,. unilecl in niaiiiage to Mr. John All" it Hum yentf, on l 'iiila, I'l-iiniary 7. at 5:.'!(l. the I'lii'innny being pe foimi il l Rev. A. ('. (iibbs, the groom's pastor, in tli'- presence of a few f i iends, thi bride wearing a lovely suit of gray with accessories to match. Mr. and .Mrs. Honeycutt left for tin bride's parents next day, Mr. and Mrs. Jamf'S II. Craven, Asheboro Route 1, only . pending a short vimI, drove over to AHhehoro w here they took the train for High Point and l xington. They will he at home after the 16th at Prox- JUllt' I- Mis. Honovrutt holds a position book keeping in the lomiiunv ctore at Prox imity, while Mr. Honeycutt is employ ed in the Prox imity mill. Mrv. Honeycutt has taught several schooU in Kami Jph county, and was one of the county's best fitted teachem nnil i .o; loved In' n bnr.t nf orotile who wash for them a long, happy and sue - Tc - nful life. Meekly Pnre Report lU'low is the liners paid bv meichaiiU of Noith Carol inn for farm pmihn ta during the weeR embng l-ehruary J.Y, Corn. $1.74. Wheat S2.-'t.'l. Sweet jHitstn", ll.fiH. Cow eas. f2.20. Kggs totmty Hit by taking- the prlonr paid renurln; tbom. RALEIGH LETTER ! Eegislature Will Make Appropriation for l.nter'.iiiiuiu nt ol 3(Jth Division ; ::un. ) i-xeeutive cora- il- president, ; a prociam-H'i.,.i- t'f next tlie day for gen- every ciHton 1 state, and it i.- ui i al ui,rr. auopUii a plan, !..;a:ula and or- i U'i': have' j i,ecii .-l.ibli.-i . '1 iu iiaii::;;!!, with C 1 ). Ui ;!, i.n.iir,'i:;ii i t!,c i xccutivo com iiiitti i- ol in- a.-:-o'i;;tiviii, in iliargf. An ullii-a! to attioii l.i-n is sucd liy tiie a.-siu'iation, in which the annnoLiiKLiiHiit is made that a quicx campaign id to be launched to secure from couon gioweis u pledge to re duce by one-tniid lor 1U1L1 tne acreage planted iu cotton last year. Every tot ton grower in North Carolina, land owner or tenant, will be resuested to sign this pledge the same course to be pursued in all the other cotton states. Tank Camp No More After aeveral orders, later revoked, the army tank camp at Raleigh is at ! last deserted, the tank and tankers 1 14- VI A,r nA T,nnn. f V" ""jmJ " this week lor Camp Meade, Md., iev-!ery eral hundred negro "soldier workmen" ! odan thi season. from Northern and Western States, Corporal William White, who is vis remain to clean up and about $100,000 iting relatives iu Asheboro, was a vis of tank material is to be sold to all itor in Ramseur Sunday, who want to buy. T'he tank camp dull Tho ministerial association was or not pan out very well because of the.ganized here on Monday with Rev. W. armistice. IB. Rivenbark as president and Rev. The big tanks left Sunday and today Wm. Smith as secretary. This oigan the troops all leave, except the "army ization v. iil meet twice each month. On of ninnurinn" fietniled til rloRl lln af-' ho cuBninff nf 1M M ri' Kt'i nil th fail's of the tamp and sell out. Ral - . , , ,.' . i ,,.. eign nas some uisuppoiuwu rt-cti riuwi and otiier piomoteis who have not re- .. , .1 - 1 : 1. : ,,.;..u 'also thote who hope to see the cost of I . , , i i 1 ., : , . - ,, f jii I'80 -tll06 wh0 l'Pe to se.e the ccst of "TT u W'Cf I " ."'x . r " , i ; VartP cal"8 to being, and whi.e wish - in? tne ooyi wen ana tieanng mem ,. , n , , 4.t,ra 1, well, while here, none of them wi 1 go, . " " ?7 -.. into mourning over the loss oi the Carl Johnson, of Liberty, spent t cawyf , - ,: -, .Spjiday with Ma parents hero. , Legislative Matters Mx. JJ)- JIardin, who has been con- , . JVithia Ae naxt.tjya. weeks he 60- firmed to hi bed .some time with .riien- will expire and- ariast the; law-mak- lilTjmSMta er& realize the'lftces'sity Of getting a several days oil "busihess. move on themselves, for there is a lot! - r. Floyd Brady and family, of of work that ought to be done yet un-! Greensboro, spent the week end wltn performed. ID. C.Holt. One of the big jobs in the House this Mr. Leon Capel, of Troy, spent Sun i we'd; is the whipping ot a proper road day here with friends, hill into shape the Stacey substitute' Miss Lavipa York, a former resident ii..' t!.e Stevens-Scales being doomed to of Ramse'ir co-iiniunitv, dieil at her defeat. . ;.-ii i,:h ; ler i-i tne House is tlie1 'Pile ml . oik no it iii.'lui:".'! l't :nj; of the 1 1 1 ii i - bill, to he included V.. .l ie vaiie: i , ey. , in llii on ti.i l'e e",l Ail bills ,! pa' . ..: I Kill i lai'iiini'l v : ..'::ae t,;trk t tii ml s goe: i iln:,' along i.s tin' I'leasiire. o'.' the .-"'NCI voini.iit li e or y di'ad in t,.( i !' -: t.ili d t 1 ) I ih.-.t i i. t t he e e in jsidfev';. n better luck. ,i judicial 'loewile, reform ai e ap i u i n ;.r ' I Hi 1 1 L., . 'I'm' .eill ini'i'c;, ,'.',1 in . I or - inn! v, "ilessrs. A. M. ;'iiil Julius J. I. ml in 1 1 Residents o! Randolph ( Kcliirn From Visit . . A. M. I.u. k ami Jul I.U. k .:ave ii i-'itly i.eei .. it ill;-; l.iuth. r. r A. J. Lin k, v.uo is plieio, ul tee A I- iidaie ;-tot lv fa High Point limn,- :;. .Mr. A. M. loll Kamloipn county 47 yeais ag has lived in Texas lor ;;u yiar ti en moved to Calilornia whine h le.-nles. .Mr. Jului.; J. Luck left dolph county more than '.', year and went to Sumplel, S. (i.. w he engaged in i out rai ting and Inn The thiee Luck brotheis visited iu. ,i. Una:' , ii.i , m o. La. i, ami - ami 1IUU Ran- ibi:,.. tbel I sister. Mi... soulheni part alLo Jane Cob hi Kaiinolpli , in the in the ,1 latl an ur' "- nel will bo loi warded for discharge to L. . , ,. , , . , . ..... ; demobilization centers neaiest therr S. A. Lewis, l oriuer Kandolph ( iti.en,' S)0t..ive llomc8. lf U)e 30th division Dies at His Home in 1 roy MI1,, ;l (:)KUos,on lt la nol thought S. A. Lewis, of Troy, died Sunday that it will be practicable to isml the night at 8 o'clock after lingering fur ( troops through Raleigh. Secretary Ha several day, following the Hind stroke j ker said last week that it would take of paralysis. Mr. Lewis left Randolph ' fifty trains to convey the rjOth division county years ago and moved to Troy to the different points and that the ex v. hen- he engaged in the lumber busi-1 penso would be so great that it uould ness. Mr. Iewis was 61) years of age at the time of his death. He leaves two brothers and four sisters, H. S. Lewis, of Honeapath, S. C, and E. D. Lewis, Washington, D. C; Mesdames Julius Cranford, of CreenHboro; N. J. Chandler, of Albemarle; John Wins low, of Asheboro; and C. C. Muse, of High Point. The following children survive: Mrs. K. T. Mclnnis, of New Hern; Kom W. anil Flunk Lewis, of Florence, S. C. ; Miss Lillian Ix-wis, of Norfolk, Va.; and Miss Nannie Lewis, of Troy. Mr. Lewis wan twice married. HiH fir, t wife was Miss Amanda Riley, a daughter of the late Ohadinh Kiley, of Randolph county, to which union all 'the children weir? born. His last mar- ringo was to Miss Rebecca Carter, n daughter of Major W. M. Carter, of Montgomery co mty, who survives her husband. - bin. Uiwls wa for a num ber of year worRhipful mastcK of of M-i and was faithful In these datle to a degree thalwcm adrnlratfod ttnd n- flflfmrfi. '' " Mr. Iwlt'wa a brother of the late Ur. C; B. Wria. of Farmer. Hi ri main trero bronffht U Now .ft lotto) an Kew Hone toVnMun. for. burial iTuoa dy. 1 ' .- (..-. ( , , i vm. LIEUTENANT J. E. iiEN DEN HALL CITED OR GALLANT AND JHLR1 l ultKH V u.N DL Ci Airs. hail lit-. K. Mandcniiall k&s ;. i . . r i, ii. . . -d as c.tvid t M.t .ct v. J- iljf id ne .. :ii .i.i.r oj a .-..dp I ,,i !llS huntiuud, Liui'.tt-ui.t J. t. Mt, ajutubl of t: e mo'..u i atia.. lllianti y. bl.-t ii.v,u!a. uu . for gallant and im , .lur.uu. ln ;.(;nin u :.,U' v uuinl i. i'.-.-i etl. ! rciiiaiiitd al In- t, :a I lit 1: ' i am. ... . . . - . ui.m l:.e .t v, oumii d M'.: tip I it 1. tilt' wound, tin- i. I- t. ho;,!i.c, . .Mrs. Mentieiil.all v. ved last week Uiat i been .oundctl. iiiiu iau .li ,ad RAMSKl U NEW S Aliss Clara Whitehead, of Durham, came home Thursday to attend the val entine patty. Luther Allen returned from oversea Friday and will remain at home as he received an honorable ilisjhaige from the army. Lacy Black left last week to accept a position as traveling salesman. Mrs. Robert Cochran has gone to Charlotte to join Lieutenant Cochran, who-has returne from camp. Miss Vida Kivett left Tuesday for Roanoke, Va., where she goes to pur- 1 n 1..- :n: ic,utb" ,mm"wy "- "n. "n" atore. Miss Kivett will be in May- jchurch ollicials will meet and plan the ,. .... . woik ior me year. A very enjoyable party was given at the school house by the Junior Pig enjoyed and refreshments seived. r- ur i ii i i. i 1 . , , , - . , enjoyed and refi-eshments se.ved, "venoa.s. a .11. T ' " ' " . here. 1 a. j . u . t.; Li.. J-i 11 vi ........ j - u. j. steed 4,1 0 J r Asheboro Sunday afternoon., home in Greensboro Saturday night, Fehruarv 15. The remains were brought liere Monday and laid to rest 1 at Moon's Chapel, where she was a nil"; he,' tor veal:-. .Miss Vol k 3 good ijuii't woman and leaves a num- lier ol t i icmls and i natives w ho are grief .' trii ken. was a d..'lg!tler of ltii t : t ; is 'e 1-. Aiiii'!!"; i! o'e re lated to her a ie two lir-'J.i'i., Mr. Clem York anil Mr. Mon,oe York, of ( 1 1 1 ! i-1 1; 1 1 1) ; four sitt'is, Mi'-.. ,!. T, Sl ier, "t' Kaiii -cur: .M s. i and Mrs. Jordan, of I ! , ei-ii'ioi u ; a: -i . . mes, of 1 1 ' r.ii. .:! iniiath ',' i.- ( xtend 'ed to the lie 1 ; Tii 1 1; ri ft; e n a oil oih i)i' STOP IN .!C,!! j ' i ; i i ii 0 y m; '! a 1 1 "i'.;. t i i u, ni i Overman thai if I i e i.iidi l;.".d( d at eitiier .ev. o'k .li ey I. as enalor . .n is or Newport News that they will be routed through Kulcigli for pai ailing purposes. Major ,!ire,. says that it is planed at pres ent the :;'L;i division wili disein buik at ( i hi i leston, nut this de irnds upon availability of a suitable (haft to enter the Charleston harbor arid that in the event of debarkation at Charles ton thai t",o divisiorj will be sent to Camp Jackson for its period oi disin fection and that thereafter the nerson- ill most prevent sending tile division to the different states for parading. Mr. C. S. Brndnhnw Returns to Hi Home in Greensboro Mr. (',. S. Ilrndshnw, who has for the pnst few months been recuperating at Saranec Ijikc, New York, has returned to his home in Greensboro. Mr. Brad shaw suffered an attack of pneumonia while attending court in Asheboro last July and did not recover rapidly and it liccamc necessary for him to have treatment. His many in this county will be glnd to know that he has been restored to health. MiMvKdna Rrndy, Kamseur, Recomoa the Hride of Mr. Clifton lioliva, of Norfolk. Va. A marriage of much interest occur red In KnmsMir Monday night at the . home of Rev. W., R. Rivcnbnrk, when Mis Edna Brady and Mr. Clifton Ro liv werm quietly married. The brido k tha attractive daughter of Mr, an 4 ' Mrs I Ir T m . . groom U a itibstantCal business man l .4 Norfolk, Va, , Tho yopn couple Utt , Kamaenr Tuendajr for .Nrfolk.,berf. the wtlhld, They have thi woj , wlah f-their iiy .frlmda In1 kln-i .

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