- - - r ---- - r. - ISSUED WEEKLY.!-,: .'-Xi- ,-:v ;- v ..-v? UlV-; :' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN ;.: J v -i i: ;r . V- ;. $L50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ' ' ' . . ' ' - . ' ' - ' '" -' .' I. 'V ' ' ' . 1 i ' VOLVME XXXXIV - ," : : - ::'Ahe North Carolina, Tanrsdsy. Match Mil ; . : ".- -.' - ' " MJMBEg 11 1 i i s iv v 1 nnl C Wn DrDCnW H I C BIG TRACTOR DEMONSTBA ; i mU 1 JIWVAVUJ N.v;.- - TION AT ASHEBORO iW rm Moffitt. Mri1 Jason and! - Couoty Aericultural aa-ent D. S ; Mis LeoU Moffitt went to. ureensDoro vuitrane, nas - rast compieteo: - ar- demenstra- ? r- vf-roin Mf TiiiA-'oiat. was hiltion ever held in Piedmont ' North 'i.v.l TnooHov evpninir on uTOf es- Carolina. This - demonstration will- hJ ASUCUVl H A HWWJ W ' O M Ijm . . 1 Bional business. Mrs. Ernest Bunting'.Tiyesday AppO 1st The i demons tra- MisHes Nellie Jflnse vrooios ana.vun-i y rnvcaan larm niirham accompanied him. Vv. lmiles north; nl; Asheboro, justio - Mrs. W. B. 3rfWS0n spent njesaay - we cuvereo Dnage. ine Hth her 'daughter Mrs. Amos Win- rouowing tractors will be on the idneham in West Asheboro. 7 aemonstrataon The Fordson,f the I JMUW WW , .1UKIUOUVUM f .LIU TvQICX apanies Titan 10-20 and their new plinder engine the International 8- 1 -9. Van recently -nnrcnasea sne asi yiui- i erty in North Asheboro of Mr. IsaianrCor, -niin.. Mr. Hamlin will move hu 4 C) f amily to Asheboro ..withk the .i- ipAAlrd r. - ' .;'-:-!- 'ir-- -,-',.;l vi.Mr. and Mrs. G, Bradahawof Greensboro and sister Mnfc, Bertie Partridge 1 Jonesboro were visitors f in Asheboro Tuesday., , Mr., Brdshaw ' has been in poor health since .had pneumoma last August- m vucuvi. His health is steadily improving. " ...HTr S. Tr TTavworth and Miss Esth- -attendiniMiie Home Ser- 1 : vice .Conference in Greensboro this Dt. J. J. Hamlin ana iamuy ,oioiu Point "spent the past week with Mr. W". R Hamlin's family at Randleman, ht. -ot ir ni.Vf.ti.ndMiS3 Claud- is and Koler Dickens have returned home jfiftet 'spending some time, fl Candor and Badinwith relatives;;'' Mr. O.T. Johnson, of Ran-Uemai, Dt t o io5te in Asheboro Mon day. Mr. Johnson had an eld key which was used t the first court house in Randolph ounty. at rtwns Cross Roads. ieey is a lar.je brass- key 5j t 1ib front door of the tUIU TV Vt- - ' court house which was a wooden struc. j Tvtiinn found tiie sey on the old court house f.J work there about the time the building was torn , down a few years ago and SfSE. S,OTl Brrw vho owned the place gave " (a : y t t vfr anl son' Wade, W Randleman, yej visitors 7 Asne- " Mrr LIss Ridge !ftturnM Monday ; from France where he has een for ral months, v He i the ; son of l?!?? n.Tiiaffe: of Carawayr He was 16 The Frick will also be.here. There is some probability of the Moline Co, having their engine in the demonstra tion, but that, can't be "promised. ordson tractors will null both flat bottom and disc t)lows also harrow. yinere. are maay , people . to ,the county who are interested in tractors afid for that reason Mr. Coltrane has aranged for this demonstration. Man farmers have asked him what kind of tractors to buy, and what kind , he thinks is the best - He never says be cause he feels that the farmer should look them over and then decide for himself what' tractor - best suits - his need. For -thia reaspn he has arrang- euior this demonstration. . it win be an all day demonstrations Remember the date Tuesday ' April - v 1st at - the Fritchard Farm.-.four mites nortn oi Asheboro. ' This will be theTajt -dem onstration which Mr. Coltrane will arrange or. ' - -i SaWto Wt lettosLgPWS his home peopie. - L111. . . . ; , . v ,Mr.Wr aid erwon, v. 'm. wm Cox of near Seagrove, was township's propeww y"? J L bu8mess visitor in Asheboro Mon- was a visitor m day. ; HUM n i noiT wm in iiuluuk i .z- f.iyil- Aiuv vwvm r - in ft large crop of grain this.year and in addition five acres www. a- - 1 - Ilia farV- mr- -cA-r nniriflson has .returned from High Potat where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. - Private. John Brittain returned to Camp Jacksrfn Monday alter spenomK a few'days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brittain.. 7 ?. - . : ' H Mr. E.' W. Callicutt; of Visjfah, was 4 .um , Saturday. Mr. Callicutt is carrying his arm in a swing as a re sult of hurting his hand whenc ght in a saw some time ago when working in a saw mill.v.. ... V . n1 Mr. Joe Hoover,1 of AsheboM Route 2. was a visitor in town oatumay. - - , wimi Csix RDent Wolnes day with.Miss Beulah Sluder, of Ah korA Star Routet "' "' H ". " m niwion Tfearns and daughter, Miss Pearl, of Asheboro Route 2, were visitors in the eity one any vm? ' the weew.-'-;"''-;';';' v' 'I , V-.i M.n'Af KaA Creek foWB :; ship ,wss a business vWto' : A6" ; boro Baturday.; . " -;v Mr. H. w.,unneuey, wnw an mer- UVmWH.V o . A'nn fnBvnA of tohfoh ItA has Men a ' f - tha Virgmia niachinery and well cofn-J member for the pastjiix months. Mr. ?-. ?' pany, of Richmond,. Va., has recently Burrow hag accepted a position In driled two weus ior um ..... Hlgn fomt. " ' T7nHrlnM milT. . CVJUUCU1JT . . m. r. p RarVot. Cllmati was a i'vJuit.nr in Asheboro Monday, v . M ao Mrl. Itf 1. LlCKCO wv nhnrA Monday. . - rr m wrt.h mwait - a few days ; at home last week returning to his in V11AI IWV-W - ... ' , 1 - Worth holds a responsible position as i .: - . t k mroncv sunervisors ol tne r. . 5-. Ana nf V'jefferson SUndard Dfe Iiran co, tu wMttrn nail ox nurw ww . V A (VMV " " ' ' Mr. Worth until recently held a posit ion with the War Department , as In spector of textile goods. . -Ir. J. T. Wood returned from tho . northern rnarkeU, one day last tweelc where he has been for several days ' purchaning the prin(f stock ' of rner- ; chandifle for the Wood Cash Clothing cTt't'-! nri)l t,t Trinity Town ship, was in Antoiboro the latter part ' of Inst vetk on b'minena, The fchool at 1'rovidcnoe wiU close Saturday, March 23. An entertainment wil N r've n f;nturdny by the cWMren r. t.,..'i. rw.Ur nrwwnt a l-ilm to thi school n! will raise a J. . flao-.. Dr. C. H. V i:kron and 1 : k i ,M,.r ,,t I'mdlomAn. will ao- r it. Mm-H wcr in lliii H i " ' '. - ' m- - - Cr (!." r- i ( cnMtorl - tr, Lucil", ' f r :r. ( i ' v to see their llarthn EvlyB (irtnBiXJro at f T i ""S . J. T. I -f r. I ' ' -til . i). !... ; .n 1 tv the f oilowine lettei accompanied the report ot the" au- ditors showing the (xmoltion of the books arid the record of Randolph fcouilt? public officials. Next' week The-Coii-rierwfll beginto publish tne report of .the auditors hide- n?t "rnMir.Vi?i e viiiri OQnVi titoaIt oo cm Ms tir? 11 Imvmif HT til 0mplete;;ii-v--- vi : Dear Give Tour Old Clothes To European , Sufferers . ' The children of the Junibif Red Cross ' are this week canvassin'g' the town and collecting old clothes of vari ous kinds of the refugees of Europe. If vour house is missed be sure to see some member of the Junior Red Cross and give all the. old clothes you can possible spare for clothes are badly needed. Mr. Wiley Ii-Warct Chairman, Board of bounty pomnussioners, Randolph Countv. SbordT;:..,.. ? i As reouest6A-we-nave audited the books of RAN- DOLPH vC0UNTY fdr the period of eighteen monthsJ ending November 30, 1918, and present.the same support ed by the various exhibits.and schedules as per index at- cached hereto , ' r n-rm v- sThirieomTilete eoriditiori of the Treasurer's books, nec- pssitafprl nnsiderablG more time beiner spent upon this ex- amihation than wouldlhave laeen thecase, had the detail xtnvrXr PPTiTcpnt lift. - . i ' -''. " " When we commenced tne Auoit none'oi tne pages ux uj ilisriiirRftmerifcRecbrd' 1154 oaees had been added in ad dition to this, none of the receipts for the period had been entered as receivedbut were entered while the audit was 4 The Cox Lumber Company has mov ed its Office over the Standard Drug Comnany. Mr. Ad jerrei oi uanaieman, spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Mrs. W ' U- roust ; and cnuoren Yeoman Frank Hughes of the U. Naw :was in Asheboro Saturday, mr i j j 1.T II xeoman tiuirnes lomea uib aiwmc Corps In 1917. He was later transferr- to the Navy while in Brest France. He will leave in a lewdays ior aoutn Carolina thence to Cuba... Mr. J. A- Thompson has recently re turned irom uamp , yvaaswonn Spartenburg, S. C. where, he spent five months with the Army. He was a member of the Medical Corps. Mr. Thompson is a son of the late John Thomnson of Concord township, A bier Automobile Show is on m Greensboro this week. A number of Asheboro people have been visitors there. Mrs. J. C. Bean, of Salisbury, was in the city . Saturday on her way to Plssrah where sne went to visit ner father. Mr. S. A. Cox. Mrs. J. D. Boss. Mrs. i. u, aioser, and Miss . Lizzie Phillips and Julia Ross were- visitor in - Greensboro Ratal rdav. . A". Mr. Clarence Burrow, of Asheboro Route 1. : has recently received honorable discharge ' from the teem of "Efficiency' t BOLSHEVTKI HAVE CHARGE OF " HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT There has been a revolution in Hun gary, by the Bolsheviki, and they have taken-charge of the government, and declared war on the entente. Russian influence is said to be behind the rev-olutioniste;-' ' ''.-' s "The proclamation of the Hungarian revolutienlsta declares that the action of the peace conference is one of the chief causes of the unrest Thus, far the 'conference has taken no specific action regarding Hungary, but the rec ommendations of tiie' 'commission clearly-- foreshadow the dismember ment' of old Hungary rAvith s circle of small new states surrounding what re mains of the old territory. -, This, while not yet approved by in rr(VdCJ ' .. . . t ; Tho rpPirta f rnm tne snenn naa Deen emereu ui iui, out naa not ueen aistnuuwju iu piuu vaui w w? uv wM, eOL; COX'S REGIMENT : GMN HEARTT ffECOlI CoL Albert Cox's .118 Artillery which arrived at Newport News, Vs-, last week was in Raleigh Sunday and paraded the streets of that city Mon day. The boys twere entertained in the homes of the people of Raleigh. Ar large number of people through out the state were there to see their relatives. This unit was sent - to camp Stuart, Va immediately after arriv ing in Newport News, but only. re-, mained there until Sunday. The unit will go to camp Jackson, S. C for de mobilization, where the 'entire 30th division will be demobilised. " -r Clarke Burney, son of Mrs. Lucy the, conference doubtless reached theTn 0f Asheboro and Martin Coop- fundsi' - kT s . ... c .. . ' .r -,- It was necessary to torrect the distribution 01 tne vis knt&rnrifa in trinv instances, wealso had to enter the ciiecks drawn by the treasurer for his commission (55 in . ;The following items inaai Deen omiiteu to euwicu v the Receipt Register: -S; ; . v.at nv-onorifT .T wRirthead. final settlement IQIRsphnnl taxes.. W& From ex-sJierit J, 1916 General fund .... . ; . : . . .. ; v.. W. J. Armfield, Sr., , note discounted BanK oi Randolph, (12 months note) ,10-3-1917 . . . ... First National Bank, discounted Jaffy. 14, 19l, (12 months note) 5,000.00 10,000.00 First National Bank discounted November 7th, 1917, (12 months note) . . w. , v. ..... . io,ow,w .v, Hungarian leaders and gave impetus to the overthrow of the Karolyi gov eminent , L Situation Explained One of the officials who is taking a chief part in the readjustment of ten ntory in that quarter of Europe has explained the situation . as follows: Bohemia has been detached from the northwest of old Hungary. The ad joining country of the Slovaks has also been detached. . The Bohemians are , Czechs and with the "Slovaks form the new tfeecho-Slovak nation, both parts being detached from Hungary. The Ruthemans form the wedge next to the Slovaks and this territory has also been taken from Hungary. . Next to the Ruthenians comes Transylvania, which likewise has been detached from old Hungary and given to Rumania. Next to Transylvania comes the Banat region, which has been detached from Austria and given to Rumania nearly to the Temes river, the remainder of Banat going to Ser- Dia. Further west the new Jugo-Slav state receives that cart of old Hun gary up to the River Drave. These changes form an almost complete cir cle, leaving new Hungary only a com pact center occupying the rich Danu- bian plain. - . All the foregoing recommendations. it is pointed out were Justified by ,the principle of nationality' and self-de termination as enunciated bv Presi deionI BohaiaiaWovalie, nutnemans- and MTansyivaniana as well as the inhabitants of Banat are radically Slavic or Rumanian and have no ethnological connection with Hun garians who have held the circle of surrounding territory only through the powerful political influence of the Hungarian magyars. er, son of Alaon Cooper, of Asheboro, Rt 2, and W. Clyde Kirkman, son of Mr. J. W, Kirkman, of Liberty, are v members of Col. Cox's regimentv AMENDMENT PROTECTING ' ' INFLUX OF FOREIGN LABOR Paris, March 25 Virtually all the commissions and sub-commissions of the peace conference are waiting- for instructions irom tne supreme council in order to close and submit their re-. . ports. ' Y- ' it is said that except ior instruc tions on certain broad principles which must come from the Premiers, the to- ,? ports are ready to be submitted with in a few hours after the instructions are received. : ! t vl v" An American amendment to protect r . nations against the influx of foreign labor was adopted today by the league of nations commission. It affirms the right of any country in the league to control matters solely within domestic jurisdiction. Another important amendment to the league covenant affects article VIII, which empowers the executive council to formulate a plan for, the re-: duction of armaments. The language of the article is altered so as to limit the powers of the councilja a simple recommendation to tne government" affected. Miss Lollie Smith left Tuesday for her home in - Star. 1 Miss Smith has hpen in Asheboro for some' tune,: but will spend this summer at home, Mises Luna and Ethel Kearns, of Greensboro passed through Asheboro Saturday , , en route to Farmer to spend the" week end with home folks. Mr. Eugene Homey, of High Point was in towrf Monday. :. '"-- Miss Allie Spoon has returned, from Ore Hill where she, has been visiting her" sister,' Mrs. Jim Brooks, for some tim.-.-v " Mrs.'. Herman Johnson, of . Ashe boro Route 1, spent Monday with her mother, Mrs, Mary- Jane Lowe. , Mr. Joe Kearns, of Farmer, was a business visitor in Asheboro Monday. Mr. J. B. Black, of Bcujrova, was in Asheboro . Monday. Mr. Slack has two sons in tbe service,. His son, Ernest L. Slack is with the 61st divi sion and is stationed at Saignes on the Rhine. Mr. N. F. Slack is with the aviation eorp, Crat , Lakes,- thirty mlln from 5iicano. ' ' ' - Mr. Lee M. Kearns who has been tearhlnff at Fairmont Concord town- ahln. has completed his schooL He nays the health has been remarkably ifood In tliat community and that his dfhool was ons of the few In the coun ty that has not .had to suspend on ac count of sicknws. - ,','. Mper. f:raly Garnor and Mack r.idge and MiRif I!oie Kcnnely, Mc Coy and rihel IMrVhond were vlniUiri In filer City and Mt.Venwn Spring" !',Ui. !ny, ' ' " - -' V..p FlfU Kfm Jrpont t-8 WK r-n In rarmrr w'.Lh hom f,,'lc. y V.. C, C. U ar. l I).,Crn ' , ) i I ('. 'rn K.T5"Tor'l wont t" i V ' t-..!.y t f- CL A'-lri $33,649.94 County Road Fund Warrants We found the (hstribution of these Warrants, in many cases, were not recorded in such a way as to make a prop er analysislof the Disbursements.. A number of items were vouchered, which included labor, repairs, supplies, etc., with no means of apportioning the totals. ORnnd Interest . We bring forward in the current cash charged to the Treasurer, (See Exhibit "B'an item of $902.25.1118 Prtrmrarrltirl t.A t.ViA Seaboard National Bank, New York, on August 29th,' 1917, in error, and, remained there until the Treasurer was advised by the Bank ui De- cember, lyio, ana asiong ior.- uibomuuii . ww This amount was placed on deposit in the First National Bank; Asheboro, N. C, on January 2,1919., . " tflfoc.f nn the Rnad Bonds of January 1st, m, ($50,000.00 5 : per cent) apparently Jiasbeen aid six months in advance; since its . issue. .TheRoad undAc count (Exhibit. F) will show that.the interest . has; ; been paid to January lsV 1919. A further payment ls been made, taking care of the interest to July 1st, 19W. -This, seems to be proved by the last statement oi Itte Hanover National Bank oi JNew xorit, aaieu .www f which showed a credit balance of $1250.00,;after the inter est due on October 1st,-1918, had been paid. . , i v .-.ir.X , V SherUTs Office l917Taxes. . , v ; We have charged the Sheriff, with theabstracte of 1917 and 1918, giving him credit for the total cash paid to the Treasurer, and his statement is prepared subject to all credits due for errors,..re.bates and overcharges, .to be ad justed in final settlement . ' .-. " i -" v In conclusion, we would suggest-ttie semi-annual Audit of tho County Books, in order to obviate the conditions which we have referred to in this report. , ; , Respectfully submitted, ':. . rSiffnedV -v - G.G.SCOTT, C; P. A- fry, - ot SCOTT, CHARNLEY &. COMPANY, v- .; " : . ; . Certiiled Public Accountants. RAMSEJUR NEWS Mrs. M. E. Johnson spent last week with her sister Mrs. J. A. Marsh at High Point. . Miss Pauline Allred spent Sunday night in Greensboro. Messrs. J. W. Stout and Fulton Horner, of Sanford, ' were welcome visitors in town Sunday and Monday. A number of our folks attended the automobile show at Greensboro this week. ' Mr. C. C Dorsett aner family, of Greensboro, spent Sunday here. Mr. Roy Pell of the Navy Yard, New ..York, spent several days here the past week. Mrs. Ina Bowden Johnson, of 1 Jonesboro, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Whitehead, this week. ' Mrs. J J5. Covington and Mlas Kathlene Black were visitors to Greensboro one day last week. Messrs. L F. Craven, Hugh Parks, Rev.; W. M. Smith,-Dr. F. C. Craven, and others attended the Centenary Conference at Greensboro last week, v Mr. M. C. Free and family visited friends at Cedar, Falls Sunday after noon. "' ' v Mr. W. E. Free has accented a no- Bittnn at Virliu )iam Iia vAW Ka In. -TmSJcated after 1st of ApriL V misses uzzie Kmitn. Madge moi- fitt, Camilla sRoddy, Nina Tate, and Sarah Cole spent Saturday in Greens boro. , . Miss FJet Tate entertained the N. 0. M, club at her home Monday even ing.- fi. telegram was received' an nouncing the marriage of Miss Kath leen Black to Mr. Chaa. H. Redding, March 28th. -. , .. . - : Mrs. Dr. C. 8. Tate is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. M. C Coble at ureensboro. . ; - ; Mrs. W. H. King and "daughters. Misses Irma and Nellie spent the week end in Greensboro ; returning home uonaay. , , ; llJTn INFANTRY OF 80TTI ( ' i DIVISION TO tANII IN . r CUARLKSTON, Al'RIL 4TD - The ll?th Infantry of tKe 30th Dl vidon has unilwl on th Huron, and will lnnl at Cli&rWtrin April 4th, Th U,"?'h mftrMna (n"i battalion Is alao on hfrl I"h li ,.''h wnltarv train. ''1, ari'l smlnilanr 117 t i 1"' h'-!ut,l7, ' ! 1 1 r ' n ar, ! rr Randoplh's Hosas Demonstration ; -. , -- Agent Arrives , - '.. Mrs. Laura Wetcott Coggins, of Hon College, but formerly f Chicago, has arrived In Aahcboro to assume V.. duties of Home Demonstration -'"Tit In Ranlolph eonnty, Mrs. Crk'ins matron of Elon Collrire ! ' ,r acrrtlng this position. Eho - ii An) f!oro liii-hly rmmmid ' ! t - 1 it. U hnid t! the pooi-le of ' "i f.unty ..! cofj-rat with rill, r T : ' ' '-n i i k. Epworth League Sodsble at Frank . IlnvUU : - The Epworth League of the Frank linville M. E. church gave a sociable Saturday evening March 22nd, at the church. A very interesting program was renoerea, as zoilows: - , Song. . . - . . f . Scripture reading and prayer, Ly imjt. naiier ormui. . Instrumental music, Mlas Oilier Fen trias. f . y .. Original eesar. Miss Katherlna UJuia. - s. 'm and him tiay- Uudaon. ContM-t. -Horal W Tale," to which Iif Anna Mnnfs and Clarrn GnmM won tbs prii, a bo Of cnnily, fr sc-ntu Wfro iwrr! Yv J Tit, "1 : r t I ? i V One. Hundreth Anniversary Celebra-- The Deep River charge M.E. church south will celebrate the one,hundreth anniversary of 4he church X mission- ary activities on Sunday April 6th. the celebration will be held at Worth ville, one of the eight churches of tl.is charge, ,t ' The Deep River charge is the larg- est circuit of the Greensboro district, and we are expecting m "aspiring' celebration. There will be as speakers that day, Rev.T. H. Barnhardt, presid- ' ing Elder of the Greensboro district, and Mr. C. H. Ireland, one of the fore most and mort progressive laymen of the Methodist church in North Carol ina. ' , This celebration will take the orm of a centenary rally. We are hoping ; and expecting a large delegation from 1 each church of this large circuit, Dinner on the ground. ,i. won't sou come and help us maka the day a memorable one for 'he Methodists of this county? Remember the date, April 6th. . i , - F. w. cook, Pastor.1: . - Mr. S. A. Cox, of Pisgah, Has Auto mobile Wreck t-. . . On Sunday morniur. Mr. S. Ai Cot. of Pisgah, had an : automobile wreck. He and his daughters, Mrs. J. 1 Bean.- of Salisbury - and Miss Jessie Cox, of Pisgah were going toward Star. They were going down a grade a mile below Steeds when the car turned suddenly to one side and in cutting the wheel Mr.i: Cox turned the car over. The cause seemed to have been a bent front axle. The occupants were shaken ud toretty badly, but not seriously hurt. The car, iared worse, having a rear wheel entirely smashed .the top greatly damaged and the wind shield broken. The wreck did not stop the motor and Miss Jessie Cox who was on the rear seat crawled over front eat,- stonned the engine and assisted her father and sister in getting out; they all had a narrow escape. - f Y Parks Cross Roads ' U Our school at Parks Cross Roads is Drosressing nicely under the manage ment of Mrs. R F. Lynclp.-. t , Wo havo a nice new seven room house building and each scholar , is proud or it. We hate purchased $10 worth of nice pictures for our school room. - Mr. D. 8. Coltrane has visited tho school and organised a pig club con sisting of twelve members, also a corn club with two members. Mr. Warden of Raleigh has also visited the school and organized a poultry club. Mr. Fletcher Bulla, county superin tendent visited the school a few rlny ag&He was accompanied by l',r Cunningham of Ralnisrh who organiz ed a safety league. The members sr? Yancey Cox, president; Enoa1 Cray n, vice pmildentf Lena Hur?fei, pr-r-tary; Nannie Tor, Trmsun r, ar i Mr. R. F. Lynch honornry rrr; ' f - We are lookitiir forwr, to a r Saturday nip-lit, March ir.ih, l'.'V), i I come to Parks Cr' n Ia'i. Twenly-TPnti,, J J 'i 'A I J

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