Pzzt Two the asiieeoho counn:::. asiieeo?.o, n. c FROM ODR SOLDIERS JIT.f "!?" "nothing. The Y. M. C A. afford. T7 j " a as Weary-of shows. - , 0 - Your KHL ' CHAS. WAD. CRANFORD. Kama C Joaaaen Ceaner wf Utm Seedier. w St. Blin, France, Feb. 1ft, lM, Mr. Editor: At I am im France 1 decided I would j ena you a eaeten or our travels rrom Jean C. Tesgae " From John CTeagu e to hi . sister, . The following' ii a copy of a letter received by his mother, Mrs. June H. 1 . ' , V 1 . . k. wonnson, oi i nniiy xumte i. uma w r , , , "" yvui wu not heard from for near four!wou!1 probably put this in The Cou-t months, so tfcia news of hi success :ner there are several Randolph ' was glady received by friends of Ran- uniy ooys m ue 316th F. A. I am " yu wnng these cold dolph county: irom Montgomery myself but used Do " QT r7, rs: tae Enow "Mailing- here Rhinebrohl, Germany, "" lnuner,we are naving a December 28, 1918. J7 800,1 WiLh:.,been over Deai Mother: ' here six months. The following is the time we left Camp Jackson up urn- Laura Teaguo, of Staler: til the present time. I though you , 6t Blin, France. Dear Sister: vvnat are We are having a inISt..?li, today. 7a hmvM Kaon nir.,1. 1 Will leU VOU Of mv rf A.... 1 1 here six months. The following is ' . fe 816 F-A. left camp Jackson C it. l a . . Jiilv Os? 1X7"-. a. v a r . . miriStellfedT TbTSrTS Jackson. S. Tof" F?ore&C; day. Tne letter was dated the 28th IJlZ W 2 at VaRallimnrT0 j ount Richmond, of October, hut it wu th sm a . u aiuuimc - - .;y uuy. At mavuu Auuiiuunu, va., 10 . late one. we crossed the' TtnA wasnington, u. C, arrived at moon, . lerry boat and boarded I hardlv know wht tn uy i,,t a " um(f wo, 17. amvea at aoon, "'V y c,ry ooawana ooarded a naraly Know wt'a.t say just as paraded tne gtreeU and rested for tram for Mills: arrivinir there ere are so many things I would like twft a" -Jr.. !r on Sundav. Aftr ?o ?.era wV0 W mC D" about 6 M Tp. "July there about forty of Ts bc of the , that Murphy V, all was 27th. Left Whinn .Knf fi.v ' regiment left camn Mill. A,, J there to say. 1 remember your sometime ago, m . lriun wreca, oui you saia uien or m. through Baltimore, Md. Ior ? harbor to load baggage eo we another letter that he was getting abouta.OO p. m. the same eVeni" on a train that was loaded with along all nght You know how it Passed through Wilmington, Del! our material, for the docks Upo" makes any one feel to hear that a bout 1:00 a. m. and through Phila- there the ship ciew took fnend has died even if they are so far delphia, Pa., at about 2:15 a. m. and chare of baggage and kaded it away. 1 guess the influenza must arrived at Jersey City, N. J., about on th transport The Red Cross ladies have been something awful there 1 5:00 a. m. on Sunday morning -Julv were there with plenty of cakes and guess it is a good thing for us boys 28th. Took the ferry "Boundbrook" coffee. In a few hours the transport that we are over here, for we that from the Jersey City pier at about was t sail with about seven have been lucky enough to cross the 10:30 a. m. ad sailed around lower thousand American soldiers on board. Rhine any way. Manhattan Island, up the East River e sailed out wit!l one submarine I suppose you. will want to know and landed at the Long Island railway fnaser 88 convoy the submarine fol when I will be coming home. Am very station on the Brooklyn side of the lowed us one day and night then left sorry, indeed, for your sake and mine, river at 2:55 p. m. Then- took the US- we were alone until Sunday too, but I don't know any more about Long Island Railway to the Garden when ?ve submarine chasers met us In that than you people over there, and City Press station, and marched to tne Irfsh sea and convoyed ua to Liv psrhaps not as much. We don't get Camp Milk, Long Island, arriving at erPoi England. The sea was very papers very often. You asked me that 4:30 P- m- Encamped at Camp Mills, sm0oth for about two and a half days, question while we were in France, we from 4:30 P- m. until about 9:00 a. m. "en we struck rough sea. We boys got the "New York Herald," quite oft- Monday, August 5th. Went by Long bef:an to get very sea sick, en. and the "Stars nnri RfT-" j Island railwav tn the T.nrnr Toiani ntrvi- On the evening of March 12 w nn. the "Chicago Tribune" once in awhile. and took the ferry back around lower loa(1ed at Liverpool and went to a rest They were all printed in France some- Manhattan Island, up the Hudson -'a111?- Thf streets of Liverpool weio wr ere,. Fans, I think. Since we have Klver w U"ard Lme docks, pier ry crowaea to see us. Tne little been up here, they have been scarce No- 54 where we boarded the great EnSllsh children would ask us for onri k. t a i , , . CiiTindpr "AnnifaniQ" at U,1 1 .am .. American nennies fnr sraivAnir ai uciweeu. i got noiu or One -. .Jt &v owui x.w y- 11 , 1 . . . u. today, dated the 20th but haven't read m' 5tb- The liner left the We ater caught a train for South docks at 5:00 n. m. sham xirith Hampton. Between Livernool and going on in the world Oh 'we can o-pf 9'000 American troops aboard. The s?uth Hampton we saw some very fine Geman papers, but what irood are Poat backed awav from shore and w:Lf&l- e sure, .saw a tot. of English they I can't even snell some of tw head.e4 $own the river P?st the Stat- after reaching South Hampton. printing and vou know snell ino- cnm. "e 01 oerty and then put out to sea. Aney came tne parK ana our camp before reading Battery r was especially honored in ana we Piayea games witn tnem. Don't worrv anv nhonf that some of our men were chosen to After a few days we went ac yoSr0nieers7 iTin SS2 JJ. ff on ISl them all rirht T,nr lthu .." were assignee, to special lm- a little late p.h "".in ;r"!I portant worK of Don't Splartlie' llfe out- of your electric starter these cold mornings, when MOT-O-LENB will make It EASY TO START. Mot-O'lenje Is a godsend to cr-own-era. Cuts down gaaollna bills, cuts out carbon, and keeps it -out - Saves 1U cost the first time you os It. Cannot injure motor. Your . money back U not delighted $1.50 Dottle Enough tor 00 Gallons Gasoline Try It at Oar Risk. SEAGROVE HARDWARE CO. Seagrore, N. C. 1; American Owned, Entirely I vvuu iitwo Will 1IUL 11UI L 1 i- . M J it -nnth mi minn of AnllnUA-n a.wv me anv if I never hear it r,A tv- kj "Vota.. .cttH" Y.1 nre or emergency. ".""rS- xi.n new miffkt .Ti.i me "Aquitania" is 908 feet long, 92 Hie nrst oi uctoDer to wovemDer iu. heir b newrthe hettV tak?S feet and 85 ' top We were then ready to go to the flr- M rZ k . aum- 1 deck to the surface of the water. The 8 line but the armistice was signed not worrying any about the mail, weather was very calm except on November 11, and the war ended. We Of course it did get my goat at firtt Thursday. That day nearly all tried to later moved to St. Blin, France, but a fellow will learn a lot by the keep to their staterooms. We arrived I don't know when we will get home, time they have gone through what at Cunard Line docks, Liverpool, at but soon I hope, some of us boys have and I haven't Monday aoon, August 12th. Disem- JNO. C. TEAGUE, f" ,aLmuch as.lots of soldiers have, barked that evening at 4:00 p. m. and Battery D, 316th F. A., American tnis little campaign has done more for marehed te Camp Knotty Ash, Liver- Expeditionary Forces. me than any thing that has ever hap- peel, a aistaace of four miles and ar-1 pened to me. Do you remember my rived at S:M p. m. Left Liverpool at1 Private Claud C. Brady telling you when I became twenty-ww 9:00 a. m. August 14th and traveled by ' Little Miss Ethel Glass, daughter of years of age, that if I didn't change, the Great Central Railway through Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Glass, of New Hill, Me wasnt what I thought it was? Maaeheater, Sheffield, Leicester, Bir- has received the following letter from) B icuuw leu nice a man at aa uxiora, and arrived at her uncle Private Claud C. Brady, twenty-one, but I didn't Couldn't Seutk Haaipte that same evening a of M. H. Brady, of Ramseur see much difference then, than when I 7:15- Camped at English rest camp December 20 1918 was seventeen or eighteen. I can be- the utskirta of South Hampton Dear Ethel and all- ' ' Km hi ieei a siigni cnange now. Lon t xnuy eraing August lew We boys have Tbeen i TflldBfc know whether its my age, or the war, wke we embarked at 7:00 p. m. on France since the war ended. Wire to be plain. the English troop ship "Queen Alex- now located in Lanes T small n Well, I had a feeling before I came andria." W, . aailed aeross the English lage. We driS ours a dS eat over here that I vas going back, but Channel with three convoys and ar- and sleep the rest of the time Oar he eve me at Hmno T l,o-,,n k.J A4 nverl t Oiorhftlinr INinz-a nt 1 .ftfl o . " u,e "e WUr ferent feeling all together. I believe the next morning. We disembark- front wLn the wmcLm indeed, that the prayers of the Amer- ed at 9:15 a. m. and marched to the i hope to home ne ican people have had a part in this English rest camp out of Cherbourg, spring We are 8 victory. When a man is down on his Early on Monday morning, August gPet back to the oodohf tt S0118 stomach in a ditch, and he knows the IWh e marched back to the French Love to all S d V' S A' enemy is only a few hundred feet from railway station at Cherbourg, and en- PRIVATF CI inn n m. tx,, him, and every time he moves the ene- trained at 7:00 a. . in. The train was1 Headqnarters (fe . WiSi ? ?YS my takes a crack at him with a rifle composed of small box cars labeled A. E F Infantry, or machine gun, then cornea out all "Homines 40 Chevaux 8." We passed " nght, 1 don't see how he can think "? rrer0 en:' Misa Hoover i- dT t MEN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Quick Relief with Safety! For Headache Colds Neuralgia Earache Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism Grippe Influenzal Colds' Neuritis Backache Joint-Pains Adults Take one or two tablets with water. If neces sary, repeat dose three times a day, afte meals. Since the original introduction oi "Bayer. Tablet of Aspirin" millions upon millions of these genuine tab-1 lets have been prescribed.by physi cians and taken by the people each year, with perfect safety. Always insist upon Tht"BaywChM-oriCenuine Tablets AfAria fa i the trade mark of BarerManafae . ,tur of MoaoaccUcaddeiter of Saliylicacid 20-cent package Larger sizes. Buy" only original Bayer - packages. any thing else, but that the prayers verseuies (near rtns), Dijon and m ., " " ft'Kn of some one brought him out. I have B1Le!ncon-mWe a7ITad P"?. Vald: ested Rnnthave been j BONUS FOR SOLDIER'S The War DeDartment nnthnriiea the following statement from the Director of Finance: Section 1406 of the revenue act apr A cf.iH cannot choossits pcrlcxl c! zro C, attends to this vrith'laws weH-ninh-inciter. child of retarded 'crovvih or feebb vi and should have help to promote .healthful uro A needs- T0V,th. 9 It I M mmtm 1 ' I I - abundant in nourishing suEstanceV that promote f-growth, and strength; is invaluable in its help to, a growing child; : Scott s helps a child over the weak places. - Scotfa helps a backward child devils? exfcireny: ' mi it MUtPP accomA KapitUy WU $2!c&iW BOA rrwc VAPOMENTHA Is applied to the throat chart tsdSMtrtk It - bteaka up congestion, a ttimnlating and and j septic, girea inttant reliefc Will not stain the .dothetv Rccogabed by phyddana and draggMts m the mott effective. For sale at Druggist. 30c 60s end SL20 a aent nrmald bws.?-. BWArta; medicink cq mmnstsBmixt. 1 , f 1ST If in need of monuments or tombones, call or write to Raper'sf,larlijB;&V6ran1e Works" 109 Wr Co-nmerce Street near Pooff ice High point; n. c: : 4& Q Latest improved machinery, skilled workmen, and larze Stack of Anna hm.o-hf kofAM'th. f.Aij...r:.'ij 'i: wv.,v tin UH. wironce in i w nriCe. 1 Cfln RAW vnn tnnnav l D. R. RAPER Inter - Conned&hr l eiepnone systems in AsheDoro; J ' (Statement made Telephone by the ' Asneboro Company.) - ve w""-".'5 vmK f . . ueen inter- urovAd Fehnr.a 1010 arrf l . . i . . . . BSIAn ATI WAHRAaftan M ""v.u OUCLUll.liru 1T rhA . ! . m j mm mm 4k.VA.VB sut ST1 SSf "fs ilBt Left VUdSS. ft?J? AssemblyVMrrK un last An trust first tha tt:j btates government tnnlr v th. tool and operation, of every- commer cial telephone plant in thei' Nation. Soon after this -time the Postmaster General' issued an order sj)iHnr oil competmg companies to connect their mies tor tiie convenience of the public. He also- appointed a committee - to wor cm connecting plane r to be en forced, in case the. companies, them selves failed to ama -TV. isli.l.u. Telephone Company r together " with other independent companies and the mitt . w UVUUU VI SJUV Ml TT . . W""'J XUUSS lYIlTiniA 1J! i . 1 1 t . i . 'Jja.i T" Rf Miv,ioi , m i i v nvea at tne viuare or BDenov at 10:30 , : v,.' F"uiar court stinmm,' Ziz "-: r. r ' , ...u, OBVe WhaiTf-by'f Ibox barrels whn 71 woVafto the shells are falbng all around ex- SiL."-1?: ance in the le5SJSI nSHb rtiignation, or otherwise, This bonus consummated ;lbr connecting the toll lines pf the two systems at a anm- 4. it. sb . a . . xtncR m ma lamni.i: i.n rauicuauua ur uwerwiBBi x nia nonDS wcr ui uiocta in inii uvriAti tiib cept in front or that i. the way it deitment Doub, Hoover to 'Bridge "fa the mSS-l1 not P1 repien- Bell Company connects wiUi Md ter was tiere They sometimes close in iin Epenoy Wsaw our flrrt air est of leBlation Effecting hlr fo?, ' deceased soldierv mina messages for the.lndepend on abunch of men to a box barrage. X". 7 ?nder presetUw? eirt?.?. charged hereafter toUJtoes at Salisbury,-Wlnrton- uut we got out mere oerore tney did Beeancon on October 7tk. Haii w. ndermmate salary. She drew the h fve ms Dmus on tte same roa)?4" na ureensDoro; While the in uiaL wiLn un. w m warn (rorrinn. wis . . .... : . - vutavHai. 4-1. n t . . -e- or vimpiuir nrwin mc)i thavm rvi - " v; ' ur rrenoa arbuerr tram rag and j """"f pniviaes a nxed salary 1t , . Tr top" and the Huns nki j 'or services nerfonn!. ..j olZSZ fll W--i-'.:r::-2Fr:-: awhile I thought we dm t t tk. ft tk. f- Palmer introduced it in tho ca.. v;. ;; Those who have been dlehaj-flred and didn't hava anv holaa j u. 1 . . reauest. Miss truait t. ! mceto! -t hoi final wtthnnt to go "over the spied us. For were gone as we but we escaped without losing a man. We left Kpeney for Taldafce at :65 untf Randolph and nuiBbers bet th 60 nu hould write a letter to "V8th Huns back quite a ways. a. nu aad left Valdehea "rare" at fnenda oy the circle of her acquaint-''131 ' Zon ' Finance - Officer, Lemon This all happened on Sunday morning, ia:0f a. ra. m the 19th ef Neresaber nce8' copybooks would gay. , Building, Washington, D. d, stating the morning of November 1st, I was going by way ef Poeeassa, Vessel aa Her bil1 to th Judiciary Commit- their service since April 6, 1917,- the crouching in my hole, waiting fer the Cbaument, aad arrived at KisaasMowt 411(1 "he no trouble in date of last discharge, and their pres xero hour to come, then we were going at 6:00 a. as. Satarder Mrsine' He- fi1 a favorable report Raleiirh.' ft address to which they desire their HAnr til bin " Tk. 1 111.. I I I . ... w. .. ' . .. Maw ant Mumn.. r - 4 .. . .tw,im . Iu ml ami bilislii ' Am feeling line and dandy, t re main jrour trae son, . - . - iytVh'ypx c- JOHNSON, " : Hachlne Gun Battalion, A. E. i Ger many, A. P. 0. 710. - ; T T joyful e.th:g Unl your lood la dld wilh oot the aitxrmaih of pxn.ful acidity lie lyie tkea out of both etmi and livina. , " a- - -mn,!. M I I f 'l i , t ! t 1. 1 1 I. iit DM 1 ve -ri in ovrr lour y.ir. l ure in tiir to alf-cp in a houne aint LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF; ' --:'. Doesn't hurtl Lift ah com or " tallils off with fingers C : ' T , v ) .-: - '-..-jr 1 over tne ton." The flrat thin i kn mi iatk w. 4V. the sides Of the hole war (imnul i - mh au n gether. Of course I was covered np, ing at f :15 a. so. Here fer the a rat' Systematic saving develops a Imowl fa.nen ,1 trot out I saw that a big time since arriving in France ear en-.f" oi VrAceal, economy. . . Thrift eheU had hit about four feet from my tire regiment ia gathered together M .Stamps and War Savings Stamps point dugout Didn't hurt me much, brais- the same camp.- We passed in brigade I TT1. - ' ' ' u my leg s licue and sprained my review . at Cam Valdahoa aviaton wrist . I had my head level with tha neld on November tta aad la reel- (round, but I honestly believe that if mental review at Saint, BUn en Satur- a uaa naa my need above the ground T' lovesaDer zsra. . saint Blia u I would have been in another world to- located In the department of Haute night This is a great life ifyoa don't Marne and U peculiarly - situated in wewen. i wiu say again that tie " M atmoei at ue very neao- prayers of yon people over there had wtT1 three famous - rtvers: the their effect I for myself, eertalnlv DM tn Varne, and the Saone. The have appreciated them. Perhaps ro 11 U directly south of Verdun and wjU think I am a minister lmtl about 100 kilometers and Is about the m Aivm lb A man WOUld hare a haml ujv"cu buuukwo i i-v.,, , peeping hisTugto? 1?S Marine J ; BFTa! ' Corps I didn't want m ti,ui I. Battery r, flloui F. A. E. F - too good because yea might be fooladl ' ; I'lU. ' " "JZ ". 'i ';' r '-' when I get home. ur 09 IOOia ! . .Lieut Cfcea. WadsCranrord.... From Lieut-. Chas.' Wade Cranford to' his mother, Mrs. Fannie Cranford " 'i-. ." .Air Les Boina, France. -; . ,. January 81, 1919 TVell I am back in France - after having spent a day and night in Italy. The military police made us leave be cause we were not supposed to be there. We are located in a pretty little town at the foot of the Alps. Every thing la white with snow ,but It fon't cold, This town is a thousand yoars old. Today m frimd of mine-end 1 were up on the AJp mountain. 1 have only -rn one Randolph connfy y ainre l.ping in JLuropo, In fart t!;n Don't - atifTorl A tiny bottle of Trroton ponU a f" pnta at j llrU)( aUro. ; y a fi w dropa on t with this 'letter .their discharge cer tificate or military order for discharge or both, If both were issued. -. , - ,TJnon the reeeiot by the'Zonei Fl- nance Officer, Washington, D. C of this information and the aoldler's dis charge certificate, this . officer, will cause checks to be drawn and mailed to the claimants in the order in which their claims-were received by him. the nischarge . certificate will be re tamed to the soldier with the check, . J LevUg-Mesery;-:,: - Mrs. Lola Trotter Allred was born Nov. 23, 1831, aad died in Asheboro of pnuemouia following ' iaflatoaa, Jan. 4,1H. ' - V- -v-' Eh was the daughter Of ' fioewell and Una Trotter, ef near the county home. Lola, as she was familiarly called, was a woman of many fine traits Of character. .Trots clildheod she was of a chrerful, loving di po sition.' Che vraa dutiful and obedient to her parents, kind and affectionate to hfr brother and sisters, respectful and obliging to her neigh Hors and frif-nda. She never gave offence te any one, bnt always tried to do and any tho.ie tilings that would ,make others harpy. . , The always looked on the ' bright Ma of X't, and even ia her lat ill nra aha H"T omT!ained,. tut Wan '- d to tl.e wi'd ef IUm who A lb s i t ' 'b j-a J. -r 'y i:.e was '--rt btit rr ' ' -i ss etirr.,4 Ufm, v.'t K ; t r- I r ry 1 fcy dependent companies connect with, and terminates messages,for, the Bell toll lines -at Asheboro, Kandleman, High PomVTmaevme.a . .;po&hVBetf;an'd'1h to retain their franchises and to-con-tinne operation at everv pake, and the pian.doea not contemplate that either company will retire from the field at uu waicnever company op- i0",10?8 ati place will naturally reduce their number of telephone stations. For instance, at Asheboro the Bell loll line will be accessible to all imWrihm - Asheboro 1 Telephone - Company v and therefore the need of Bell stations to the dty will no longer exist How- jro one public ay station of the Bell Comnanv mav hA - rotalnai '" at AshOxOisrA '&&iii'KSy '" - The connection will he moAa Vfawh the first,, and after this is done all patrons of the Athebore ' Telephone Company may- reach - from their own telephones the same identical connect ions aa Bell subscribers. . Our rural subscribers may get this service by signing the contract furnished by the Bell Company. ; . , C- ".-u,--' h -f " -':j:'i-..':- tf-TSS imU fot vigoratingi nour- '''Ji'v "amn no Deauuiying tne skin. f-A ones xnstanuy. V - THE .IDEAL ABSORBING BALil v . - fAR 8LTERI08 TO STICKY , . .. PASTE AND COLD CREAM X WW not from hair, absolutely ham. . . iiless and can be applied to the akin -ri.'s'-',-:-''-of an infant - . ' ,;ilt wfll -restore natural smoothness- to""4. .i'.'I'i lJ i . - wrcu wr ciKug BlUB IU a mOSX .' ;r surprising manner ri. :'?X i A loundaUon for powder as .Well "al being a ikln and tissue builder, i -i .;-r'.-;V' Umulating . the " pores . to ' .-f- r;.-t healthy action and produc " ' '..': -v Jag a complexion nature , .i ijr'.r 5 J tended you to-have 'r r If your hands are rough after the roo ""'v, lne household duties one applica ' .; . "S tlon will restore them to their . '-.v j x .- m natural softness and beauty ;. . -.i -.. Prompt relief for sunburn and the ' V r.! smart and sting experienced after ' - - - shaving-For all skin irritations ' - . . v" - , r it has no equal . , ' . . Zr, -: . : ;. '! ' ' 73 and 11.23 f.izra ' 'T . . ' V THE CHICfJT'S nYSTIC - - : - i;r!'..ii,! T . - -. . - HTANDAM) 1 .a t; COVrANT . ' PERSIAN CAVUlCXtT . . , - -" '-. 'v Jr . i m a hf f"r the fnt tme In Ovrr a '-r. V.'e rt otir honrl jn, tr.n:, h- 'I' t I! loin c,f .-t I'.' i 1 V hen f rwriift j. or ( ',Ut f i t fl!i I si j ! a: 1 1 r f , ( L firm r!T. . if.v. 4 a,,, t tTf, f -1. ' ., ,f t I f - It r cr I : t -oft i of ? te - t i room ,y the rovprr.-r.i i.t hut w Ohildrrr. Dry i : la.n t V'JV fell I ; i A r.l 1 r r-' 1 U J " - 1 r - - 1 r '. , r - ' , !, n f 1 ;. ; ; it 1 or, $,,1

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