V 1 . - JL5EEE0L0, 2J. HATXH. 2?, 1S19 Tixcrsoxa ir ura 5 PE230XAL PARAGaAPHS AiJieboro, N. C, hUrch 17, 1911 0 Y HI trv. r TE ' H. C. Jones aria E. G. Morris, J r- soent Sunday afternoon in Troy. , Mr. J. C Lowdermilk, of Seagrovel Bora to Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Wfflard, Route 1, was in Asheboro Monday. (of Charlotte, a eoa. Mr. and Mrs. Sereral Aaaebor people attended the funeral of Mr. iloyCox at Fleas- ant Ridge Sunday. ) . Mr. Bob Waite, oc Uienoia, was business rial tor in tne city aionoay. Sereral ewro people kkhh tne snow, 70- wrmuM Greenabjw Friday jugM. wifl- c Mr. W. . Yeargan, of nbftm SST& iswer p "ISr Courier ! ' Mr. L. B. Lambert, editor or mer iffi5?uZZ and Pterin Asheboro yeeter- Sff"! BabeBurney and Misses Ora MX sh?STJv7 Marriett went to Raleigh JS Vav ere week, end guests of Monday to see their brother, Private tS-?t ib ! na. jClarke .Burney, who is a member of MMU0hnLa;kev: of High Point'CoL .Cox's Artillery. Pvt Barney p "V" k. wa. the guest of her sister, "d ne saw Company K. at Le Mans, M QydTstyfsunday. ' ,, " j France Just before he left, and they Judge W. F. Harding, returned to were all well, and waiting for trans Anheboro Mondnymorning after hav- portation home, been called to Charlotte thTlatter . Mr. S. S. Cox, of Asheboro Star Rt. tart of last 'week on account of the was in town Monday. Mr. Cox says the death of his slater. - ' (school at Union Grove closed last week ' Mrs, Zimri LewalW left . Tuesday and that it was one of the best govern for Eton College where she- will visit f ed schools ever taught in that district, her daughter Mrs. D; W. Brown. Chief coek W. C. Croatian, son of Mrs. J. W. Steed and daughter,' J. W. Kirkman, of Liberty, arrived Miss Lula,;who have been living in in Raleigh Sunday with Col. Cox's Asheboro for the past months, 'Artillery. Mr. Kirkman was cashier at have returned to Steeds. Miss Steed, Wrights Hotel in Raleigh when he :ii Maimincr.' S"C Where 8he enlisted. TTia father YtnA cn'o-lit - dh Will KV W ... - CT' lUf'na 1 . " v.&mw - WN. will care for. her little j niece, Misathiri the draft but none of the others Ruth COtnran., . v wore Mens overseas. Miss Ludle Scarboro, a student atl Mr R l. Billiard was fa Raleigh the State College for Women in Monday to seethe parade of Col. Cox's Greensboro, was a week end visitor to Artillery. He reports a nice trip and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. scar-,says Raleigh was crowded with people, boro. ,. frm-L Home made cakea atA.0. Free's Mr. J. L. Chernault who w"fj Saturday morning 10 0' clock phone erly with the Atlantic Store Company ordera to Mrs. rr. Ross. V in High Point,has opened the ' Get ready for cleaning week which shoe 6w, "srsr: t,."?18.?"! vuu in TTicrh Point Mr. many acquaintances in county. . , v.. Mr. H. D. Bca, 01 meu, Mr. Mre. B WaIlace purchased Mr. C. W. w " tte f or Glendon' where they will one mile south east of A-Mboto on tne 8pend Bummer Mrs. Wailace.. old Uwharrie road. Mr. Scarboro nas father also purchased twemty fri!J5jf Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Barker, of Ran-Miss- Julia Thorns, . "Pi j dleman Route 8, and Miss Asenith place. He w&lTnwe to Johnson, of Randleman, were visitors the neat future, Mr. and Mrs. Scar- ta tawn Monda boro are visiting their daughter, Mrs., Mr. Levia Kush kag returned from W. A..Comn this ir irJ Star jhere he had been., at. work lor ryiLSa CJUaftaw "f ' . V . from France where she has juana mu, " - . i. with H.BPjtal VmtJ),JJUfrl VtXSyTmss few days the .latter part , of last week to bU auditoriunif Fri-;LhdTS with her aunt jmts. "ZZZJmZ SJSm interesting Hill gave The Conner an m account account 01 her worn wmw. -rr next week. 4-i-...4 1 Mr. D. S. Coltrane was towiship Tuesday arrangements for a Holsteins reaa - ers block at Famer. TrJs community Holsteins Bread- will be one of the iout ."' wU make up the Holstein ureeaera ."'nSrnW.lT.. ... , ; j wiaitnrs to Mr. anai were wocn. ."....i Cf- Mrs. J. n. ciuuci, vi K0"1- t,j w tT,ia week for ' v where he will join nisi n. n t irwr and Mr. J. J.ivisitea in Kandleman Saturday, rLSrJrnSrfl. who will co Mrs. S. F. Phillips visited relatives' 'J'Sr-ir - ZLk Mr. Elder's son, fT. t m r who is with tie fam- ous Rainbow division, which is now en route to America- . . mi inHa V Thorns has returned unteered her service to Governor bick Rev! and Mrs. Jesse Bonkemeyer, of . , ' . AiHn& relatives m preached two excellent sermons. v, i. T) Vaavna. son Of Mr. ta'FrffiS? NeHope wH. 1ra H was sent to ..VSS-?rirS and remain. when he was sent to camp Dod. He was recenUy returned tocamp Wads worth where he received his di v... m KAarns - enloyed army .ncu y, T " - Misses Nettle tard, Hawl. Ferree, mvA in t?lrmrdon went to B111 - Mrs. S. T. Brown and Mm i Mabel Henson were Tisltort to High Point Saturday. - - ' " ,"' , , t. nA -nf Creensboro, U MB;- , Dir. wi . . t in 41 I. In illhMOTO't nfri'SwB.0 furniture at her home in south Ane boro on Saturday at 11 a. m. - Ifj T A YT vt irt .' v. Vi vninviiia were fa Ashoboro ti a latter part of WT. Mr. Hancock wears a service pfa with three stars showing U (has thres 1 sons intheAony. Private Carl G Hancock who was wiUv his father has recently returned from Camp Jackson where ha was a mombr of Uie 81st At the time his division sailed the y tt" had Uie musics and was unable to go . it. lotxr ami sued to SrH f'. flth nattallon. 1E Depot Drt- gK He wa niuiUred out after the slants? of. the armliUca. Mr. Kan- is a rnrn wonn.'.. St It : t r ! f i of of omrfiny Ilvrt ii"ot lU'I'.eeourt. H was , f y v v. He V'R r- , - LooV on toot libel mud im tM date your. subscription expires and if jour) cms has expired please remit roar subscription in advance for The Cou rier cannot wait, until the end of the year for 79a to pay. When job bay clothes or groceries yoa do not wait until roa wear the clothe out or eat up the groceries, bat you expect prompt payment Watch your label and writs or phone ma about any error. We always cheerfully correct errors. Mrs. R. N. Deris, of Randleman Route S, is visiter her sister, Mrs. W. F. McDowell and her son Hoyt Davis ox The Courier force. Miss Ha Coble has returned to her Thorn a at RuHlmu after havinff com- Dieted her school at Uaioa Grove. Aaheboro Star Router - . .Willard forawriy lived in Asheboro. Mis Mary Wade Bulla, who has bee. Iseriously ill. at tie home of her . parents Mr. and Mrs. . Ben Bulla in morta Aaaaboro-is impsoving. Private Hill Leach was a passenger n the train Monday on his way to his at Star. He was returning from camp Wadsworth. , . : r, C. L. Waitalter is visiting . his daughter, Mrs. Lewis White in 'Grwoohnm. - Greensboro. Mr. J. W. flrVman, of Liberty, was offer homa&i cakes foi TsdeBaS urday at Mr. A. 0. Free's. some time. The home economic classes of the day OTenm March 28 1919 at dfc-ht u, . v., p.n . i 0.clock A Kentucky Belle,1 a wuavij m tared acts. tawbrician v. K. muse, of High Point, has been engaged recently in installing a power plant for the Cole- ridge Manufacturing Co., at Coleridge, ter power of Deep river ,will be converted into electricity to be in j mjlli lighting the stores," offices -and residences cf Cole- .v-":"T,'.r . . " Ui "m von- Aeoius was at nome on a iur- lough the latter part of last week. He returned to Norfolk Saturday. Mrs. Geo. H. Ferree and children in Randleman last week. J3ave and succeed. Buy War Sav- ings stamps nd get the thrift habjt Tractor Demonstration Near AsheboroTuesday April 1st. At PritcHard's Farm, Four Miles North of Asheboro, on Gravel Road. See these Tractors in the Dem onstration; Hart Parr, Cleveland Caterpinars.,Fricki International, Titan andEbrdson. There, will be" Flat Bottom and Disc Plows, also; there Will be some Tractor Har-- j rows pulled-by -I5eit wort win oe snown. - . . Biggest' Tractor Demonstration ever held in Piedmont,. North. Carolina. -This, the only Demon stration to be arranged for by me. iv : D. , S. Goltrane County Agriculture Agent, : !i ' ! 7 THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C k THEATRE Thcrsdaj , FIGHT FOR MILUONS NO. : -: 14 V . , . "HER WHIRLWIND f WED DING i L-IO COMEDY Friiay , GAUMONT GRAPHIC TOD'S SWIMMING HOLE" A JUDGE BROWN STQjtY "SMIUNG BILL" PARSON COMEDY Saturday MAT ALLISON IN L SUCCESSFUL ADYEN- TURE DELIGHTFUL COMEDY .. DRAMAS FOR SALE On Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, JUarcn ZVta, household furniture at my residence in South Asheboro. Among articles for sale are 1 book case and books, 1 desk, chairs, beds and mattresses and other furniture. Mrs. Jean Rush. FOR SALE Good mikk cow and calf, Aire about 5 years. In good condi tion. Price $75.00, See cow at home of Mrs. G. F. Garner. Sea- grove Route 1. or write W. C. Gar ner, High Point, N. C, Box 172. M-I7tf MARGUERITE CLARK in "Prune! la." This is a charming story of love" m a Dutch garden. A Para mount picture. Tuesday at Joyland. FOR SALE One million two hundred thousand feet timber, 800,000 feet forest pine, balance old field and oak, three miles from Bonlee, on good road, four years to cut and re move same, cheap at $7,500. Also 47 acre, fan in Siler City, 25 acres inside corporate limits, cleared and fa high state , of cultivation, good dwelling, bam and other outbuild ings, fine young orchard, good prop osition for dairy farm or subdivis ion lot sale. 17.500 for oraick sale. L. P. Dixon. Liberty. N. C. It - Fridav-Afternoon Club The members of the Friday after noon club and several invited guests Ross last Friday afternoon. The guests were asked to bring their sewing but the hostess had a most unique original contest which broke the usual monot ony of sewing. The contest was arranged by the hostess, the answers to the questions being ' the names of the club members. Spring flowers were used for decorating the parlor, which was most attractive. An ice course was served. Everyone Urged ToGive To Armenian . WBH" . V.vervnna in Randnlnh ronntv is nwred to trive generously to the Armenian- Asyrian Relief fund. These helpless people of the east are in des- perate need and are looking to Aroer ca for help. Mis Esther Ross is xchairman for this fund in Randolph county and all contributions should be sent to her. these Tractors. Joyland .: v . ------ plete. FOR SALE THE TUTRALL PLACE' IN RAMSEUR, N. C. APPLY, MRS. J. A. DAILEY, ROXBORO N. C NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Men's and ladies' dress shoes. ' Coti to see our stock before buy ing.' Asheboro Bargain House. Mr. W. J. Lowe, of Kemps Mills, has recently returned from a trip to Hot Springs, Ark., and Chicago. HOW CAN YOU TELL YOUR FAVORITE TOBACCO? As Plain as the Nose on Your Face Just Smell It Smokers do not have to put tobacco in their pipes to find out if they like it. They can just rub the tobacco between the palms of their hands and smell it. The nose is an infallible guide to smok ing enjoyment. All smoking tobaccos employ some 'flavoring "to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves", to quota the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Naturally, there is considerable difler ene in the kind of flavorings used, and the nose quickly detects this difference. TUXEDO Tobacco uses the purest, most wholesome, and delicious of all flavorings chocolate. And the almost universal liking (of chocolate jn a great measure explains the widespread popu larity of TUXEDO Tobacco. Carefully aged, old Burley tobacco, plus a dash of pure chocolate, gives TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance your nose can quickly distinguish from any other tobacco. Try it and see. 'R. G. Johnson SHOES " . - r SHOES For Men, Women and Children, t New Shoes for Spring ang Sum mer wear. Prices reasonable, - r j New Oxfords just received. R, C. Johnson D. A. Cornelison ofSeagroye Dealer in - ' General Merchandise Announce Showing of SPRING GOODS F5R MJ3IC, WOMEN AND CHILDREN MEN'S FURNISHINGS We have a most up-to-date line of Shield Brand of Men's Furnishing, Suits, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Ties. WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS' WASH DRESSES ' We have put in a nice line of Women's and childrens' tub dresses. Our usual line of Piece Goods is well selected and com NOTICE Mortgagee Sale By virtue of the powers contained in I a mortgage deed executed May 24th, offered their livee that democracy A. D, 1917, by K. W Boggs and M. E. .might live. 30 rnilhon other Frelch Boggs, hia wife, to Lucy E. Bonke- men and women sacrificed their all for meyev, registered in the, office of Regor the same purpose. America's dnM ister of Deeds for Randolph county.'of gratitude to & fw tiKverS book 169, page 171, default having great We also are indebted to her been made m the payment of the pnn- for an invaluable remedy for stomache. cipal and interest on said debt, which hver and intestinal ailments discover said mortgage secures, and I shall, on ed by the easants, which it is reported the 21st day of April, 1919, at 12 has 8aved many American lives and o'clock, noon, sell at the court house prevented thousands of surgical orjera door in Asheboro, Randolph county, to,tions. Geo. H. Mayr for many years a the hisrhest bidder at public auction, prominent Oh the following described real estate to satisfy and foreclose said mortgage-, in Cedar Grove township, and ad join- ( ing the lands of Wm. C. Hammer and others: . Beginning at Barker s corner in Wm. Cox's line; thence N. with his ; line 42 chains to a Spanish- oak; thence W. 6V4 chains to a stone pile; thence S. 42 chains to a stone pile in Barker's line; thence East along Bar ker's line oVi chains to the beginning, containing 27 3-10 acres more or less. This 21st day of March, 1919. LUCY E. BONKEMEYER LACKEY, Mortgagee, FOR SALE One six year old mule. Good worker. Condition, good, weighs about 1100 rounds. For further information, call at Express bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a per offlce, C. G. Frazier, Asheboro, N. fect substitute for calomel. C. 11 It is a pleasant, vegetable liauid . HIGHEST CASH VALUES PAID for I.ihprtv Bonds. If in need or cash see or write J. I. Erwin, Ashe Krn N. (1 It ri. K M. Yokelev sDent the week end in Winston-Salem with homefolks. inl Tars Fire X t FRENCH SACRIFICE FOR l inrDfir nri...i nmwm, Six mil I in nf rvoi, ..... the ingredients and sells this remedy under the name of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. It is a simple , hai-mless preparation that removes the cattarhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach. Hwi anA . citis. une aose will convence or money refunded. Sold by Standard Drug Company and druggists everywhere. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Acts Like Dynamite on a Sluggish Liver and You Lose a Day's Work There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calo mel when a few cents buvs a larm which will start your liver just 'surely as calomel, but it doestft m aa make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take ' Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is per-' -fectly harmless. . j , ; Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is :- ' . mercury and attacks your bonea. - Take a dose of nasty calomel today , and" you will feel weajj, sick and nau J 1 seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's " Liver Tone instead and you will wake ' up feeling great No more biliousness ' - -constipation, sluggishness, headache, ' coated tongue or sour stomach. Yflur druggist-aays if you dont find Dod son's Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money la waiting ; for you. V LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply, for year face, neck arms, end handa. . At the cost of small Jar of ordin ary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the moot wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifler, by squeezing the Juice of two freah lemons into ft bottle con- taininff three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the . Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every wjman knows that lemon Juice is used to blotch and remove such - bleriahes as freckles, allowneas and tan and is the' IHmU kin softener, whitoner and beautift er. Jm Just try HI Get three buncca bf orchard white at any dreg store and two lemons from the grocer and make up quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and maimage It daily into the face, neck, arm, and . hand. It is marvelous to smoothes rough, red hand , 4 rn: 1 1 .1 f FOIt SALE TV-. t-ro. Tiler, r -,' ' r -n P - i f - ;;.c. .