A Id i LC2UED 7EESLYv?'Jv -VOLUME IXIIIV (By Maxwell Gorman.) '.' : Raleieh. April 1. Now we're "look- in' iound" for some lawyer willing to '.. accept a "recess appointment" and be- come U. S. District Attorney for the eastern district, in place of Mri Thou. x'D. Warren, whose nomination by the t - President failed to be confirmed, by , - the-last Senate.' .It is reported that Mr, Warren will not bother with a re-f ceas appointment and uxrt particular about the job, any way. . So the Re publicans who delayed hia confirma- tion haven't hurt him near aa much as they hoped. -. Harry Stubbs, of Mar - tin, and a half dosen lesser lights are to be x-rayed for the Job; and rath t ing how readily, because the Jj. S. "- court needs, a prosecuting officer and former officer. J- Q.'Carr don't want any more of it, - So the Department "of Justice "will probably appoint, a Dis trici Attorney ad wteriin.'-v:'4rv - - Four Jobs for Coy CoC; - Iffhen Cot Albert Lyman, Cox, of ' . thai 113th Artillery, - in s welcoining whom and which Raleigh broken all -precedents last weekv returns to his former htfme in West : Raleigh this weekor next, he will be . "sounded" (so we .are told by- political expert newspaper writers ) - wmcn oi " : these four jobsj, he'd i rather- have: y r, Mayor of Raleigh, Goremot of North ' ' Carolina, Congressman for the second Sot f ourth districts. U'-ii Well, iftbeato the Dutch how awry - - ' " ----- - - mmmmTTTTm7m i M - - raome "experts can : go." . ,; If j there's anything .he does want on thia list it slato succeed Ed. Pou; when Pea quits, ifkKorris or not, and he is likely to be -- i given that job by a big majority, ' ..The suestion to- have CoL Cox go .', "down to Edgecombe and :. stand ? for Congress against wClaude KitChenv aome think, is made toflbe interest' of , others who may wish to represent the . ' Jtaleigh" distrjct'in .Congress.: But be , . " ' that as it may, no one here believes . CoL Coxv would enterta&i- any rush proposaL: ' : : Col. Cox'has just returned to Ral - - . eigh. and it is a sure tip that the po- liUcians will: quickly discover that he " & not scheming any political drive for ' " anything. He didn't enter the war ' - for any selfish or political purpose. -,.'. ' . But it is altogether, likely that a suitr " . v"hi 'office mav hunt the man. for he ' is an exceedingly - popular man with v ine peopievwno wian w uiua uuuurjum and themselves. . . . . . . Sleenlna Sickness . Ten cases v have been - recently' re norted to the State Board of Health & of Sleeping jickness" and of course , 'i'iere are more cases ift the tstaj,not 1 fereiKirte.(L'ttt'.the ..boariLnee-, ttieia-fes' jwfanifOJat strange smelodyatm ' a mystery.: " - '' " New Highway C6mmission to Meet ' Chairman Page of the. new ; State mrhwa.v' Commission has .called the . first- meeting- of that body for April 8. The members of the commission will be formally sworn in at that time, aid they are expected to do a great work for- North tJarolina. .They ares Frank Page, chairman; of Aberdeen; 4H. Norfleet, of Winston-Salem,- J. Cameron, of Kinston. and G. Strickland; Ashevillo. ; " Randall Hurley Shot by Nerins Jor dan; Bota of Montgomery County ; - Randall Hurley, son of Andrew Hnf- . Til lf t wry, -oi uiua biw erv county, was snot, on anonanj ngh tho ab4omen fcy Nerius Jor - of tha aama townsbiD.' : - . Differenea of . onlnlon arosa ove a roadway last week-.Tna; two" taet Monday momma end the eonarina is that Hurley li " savaraly woundaa 1 4xA mthanottrftal fat Banulamaa, and frHnn. hum a broken ana and It : laaddph county jail, avbaneb waoant " s-wiag Dcea aarvaa on una - rai DcBMmatratlon Af ors AppctoV TWJ of Amtl T to It D. . CoV- vC4;' hk. 'Mtn) imnt III lurM Wfth frr t Mr. A, C Brntoy of thadafry V" . , office. - lit. Kimrey was hi the r- ' i-( ctmnty threa weeks ago at whlen tons r-'-Vfa and Mr. Coltrana seenrad the te- ' - --CTrnt of font eommnnitlaa in a BoW ? a breeders association. Binaa that -.mm the county agent hat oaea wow an thefts commnnitiea sa tKat as Mi f kbw assured of tha four aouaiwaf Tormina tM -association. nr. ,auev is eomiaa fisck to help petfeet : eTganisatiMv Thate appoontnMnai ITonday might, Fafm' : - ' V Tufmiav nisht Red Crws-liiL' ;'; Wednesdayjjrt)toWr Spriaga,,-- H--''.1 -ia. (jmra wett Comrins. jiOfM . ' - y i"-. " tion agent arlil te with Jar. V -Imj-ry ' 1 Mr, Colttaae at the roeetr ,; fTt .at 1 sfn and Uliy Springs. '- lhe u onv-4i f the conwnuaity should ' , Jtrranfre toxome out and meet with heT (and lot her UAl them about what her inans are for working with thsnx Irs. Corgi as is well trained ia home - . economics and the -women can't f rjQTA to iains getting br help. w ' , J'srw Demonstration A tent's ' ' ""' .-v.-1 i- Appointments ; : " T for this wefk. ' - -. ". ; Bombay, Wednesday afternoon tor t ' raN? dpmonflratioa at Charles Thorn p 't. Meeting of faremra at night ' ThufK-lay nlH Bethel. Mr. Cog v ' Vfls vill also be with Mr.' Cojtrahe. Am t bff women are Incited to, (meet --r with t)cr: '- ' "",'. '. , .' r Fatwrriay -IghV. Dewey, " rarroeri ; Union lw.L ' - ' " , - -Jo Daviff.,'), Uis Ameriean artist Ho r-r . intory iri rulptur, a tw- of Gn. reruWcg l.!3 i.::j r i'Jv,. f ' L i mi m j i t i I i j " -''.'..'."'-7 :'-f4,'l 7',7' .J1 Private Laev- Lewis, a - memW of the 81st division, is the boh of. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lewis, cAsheborcvC RANDOLPH SUPERIOR . COURT Tha two Iweeks civil term of Sank dolph Superior court adjourned on last Saturday moraine. ' , The cases tried and disposed of were as iouows: r . .:,-?-' -t The case of J. WKirkman va. J. M. Parks in which judgment was obtain ed m absence of- defendant' was set aside Monday of this week. - . I J. IL- Cox vs. Enoch -' VuhcannonJohnnt juagmenc ior piajnnir. 7 r Wiley Kush; Jr., et. al. vs. T. l. T'? n nWf M-i the 81st. received orders tp, get 'ready cording.o Supreme Court . .p- :)(r ..-embarkation new recruitswere ysBS&i Placed in this division tomake'it fall noJL judgmentor plaintiff for $100 trenirtl. geveral Randolnh bova and and costs. . H. M.' Garner vs. C. J. Cox and J. H. McDowell, administrators of Asenith n !... n Ann a i... vox, tsu - ior o.uvo; services, juag- uura ouuer vs. wesiem union lei- egraph;:Co, judgment for JjfUr for t .wVn. mt. h;WDfv-i' tOr 'Wm.; Coltrane vs. J. M. Cbltrane. judgment of compromise. ' - llie case of Chrissie G. walker vs. K B. Steed,- hex father tb declare his land to hers respited in a jmstrial, plaintiff while the other ten" were-tot the- defendant -fifet:; V way aasmKIof .jffelWEM taxatak ar-; KhT sBippe," " r ":-. iRandoiph Superior . -Court CriminatJ"0?6? wal,x, L V Tend-" 7 iVetduh' front ft was tontiiis front ' ne spring criminal term of Ran- ?1 vew jiv 1 : r jl 1 lr 4...,mmnn7. we were iacinevne 01 uw ing, of Charlotte, presiding. Judge Harding had just clpsed a two weeks yaA . most-favorable impression upon our nonnla n-arino t hio fTiHllofnr riinrmtTl of public business and, his superior going wet tha Up,, but my real war ability and fairness on the bench. . j experience was on the Verdun front Hon. Hayden-aement is prosecuV astrng only thraa taf Though oui ing the criminal docket this week with division was not in Jfae heart of the his accustonied seal and at all times battles as long and. did not see 'the des a fair, able and impartial solicitor. -jperato fighfinf that the 80th Svision - Tha grand jury ia composed of Hi vnd others did I aawvnough'tolast me following persons:' aalong aa"lllva.Thatirst fepwaeconds Jas. H. CaTeness,'W.'C. HaH, James iweTanocg rbi m. -Kennedy, D. .B. Fogleman, Thos. H. . mim .it Twik-df our bals early JBrown, M, Wrenn.. 0 3?' Jesse a Lamtt, A. Kjngii. eu uar- rett, Levi Henley, J. C Smith, si wnrov . , m mW eaeea kava'ban disposed of 1 ; Oseat Overmaa aad Jim Foxf Overi man to pay ftne of tlOO and costs. Jox pleaded guilty,; not-sentaneai Z; iJla Woz pleaded runy also of eat rytng eoneealed -weapea. J Artaor ran iouna m pwv w . Mart fimltl gnffty ii 'iOriSOtag. fin ed and aosta . - WAS IrTCTtTRl AT JOT- . , r jluim a a TITO HAT . "UNDER fOUBTFLAOS- ; The t offhe series of fa-writf tares will be ahowa at tha theatre SatardaT- April JLt5r jiSSSliouSL . Every foot of this ple- tore was made in -France and Ashe boro fes been very fortunate in bsnr able to see these pletojeai- - v . 120TH INFANTRY, FTRM) STAFF, ;r0iRRIY APRIL 1 fmamde of 0(h DivisioaiU Saif Mr. C. .H. Martin, private jwaretary to 8mator Lee' 8. Overman, telegraph ed The Courier Tuesday that the 120th Infantrv ef the 80th division, raid." compliment., wnat a cairn staff, sanitery detachment, headmisr- MAvnncm annnlv riant anrl rvim.'" ..Ji a n n. n way to Charleston and would rrivsben "nnffed out oa the thresh-hoid the 7th. ' " ... -, -. t The neeplo ef this eennty are most anidous to hear that Co. K has sailed. The supposition 1s that the lemaindir of the 80th will follow ,'. at an . early date. - ,. -! - CoL Albert Cox is on a' weeks leave In Raleigh. He ' expects to return to Camn Jackson Saturday to finish the' demobilisation work. CoL Cox says Ke'eanUin.- iiorr n. n ,,h Is not now In a posiUoa to discuss his Cf.ndi(Jftf-(orGovenor - . PRINCIPLES, JLshebere, North Carolina, Taarsdayv: April 2, UH 81ST DIYISIOH PtAYS iPROinilNTPARIHI W'USTDAYSOFAR Many Raciolpb Men faDivf son ttcrcstc- 13 By Private Bcylcvm cll Veof chaUaa, franca. ' : Fubroarr 19,191 To my trienoa: - x- J i - If the editor will give me space the paper, I will try and give you an i few-facts- -about say:- part in me war. and a few oUfferent potato m Ftance,' Hoping this will interest you, and ar the same time bopinc to meet too ai on the atreeta of Asbeboxo again witkj a smilins: face and a hearty greeting. h know I will bo able togrfairooflL, one. ' :-- -- I left Asheboro on tha 27th of May 1918 with quite a crowd of - RandolpM bovs. x Wo- landed camp Jackson- After about $ threa weeksV sr jfceral and being made immune from; every disease imaginable, we were transrerr ed to camp Sevier or "a part of the Randolnh. crowd was transferred. - I was placed in Co. A, 322nd. Inf.;; of th SlsL division.. v.V -This division had been in training one year. Other divts'.onai nad tlin' R1 h. fa make i-ttrntilAto unit.q to co oversea.- When boys and .n. - Z1M were among the recruits..-We "5S WeeKS in camp Sevier about?, two weeks and the division was - transferr- v. . tM nan 'about two- weeks tettbur. taadto ., j Vt i. s,i. I Auirost Uth. were on the water iajbe offered as one of the great spec- days. Wo were carried axross Englandlucuiar events of the Victory Liberty tand crossed the Eiglish channel jand-l 1uk " ifv-w. mra a xcw uuyo-av. 1? a.wst camp we pegan to worjfJor uncle Sam, We did some very urtn I ' After about five or six weeks train iing-i wa moved wp to the rUnt oft.' aw . dugoHtoxor a, ,?eW Weeks. We moved Back for av rest " a 8 T iv ci f a few days later tiie 81st division would have lost heavily. Goess tt naWaU wad letters .rom the boys ielUniT 01 meiT WT BXPerientreo MU J. WV.iln of November 8thimd told " , Jrtre anununitloa for we 'JaoT wvtB f0. naam : At seven wmlnpl asaaehlng asatn a tew Wantaa ra fata rsachine gun nests. rha MMl vara emnnrnRio. wnui hanr au tMn n aiani w take! fruuos l s ubm wr ww aovet. Ws kJ feeea trained to keepjssS kaomoters (eighkilometars eqnal mtm An m. Df Imada were In good winkiiufTHflee. raiwa minevaa. We lay flat "waraaa ror roiuwi,. la the TBeaatisse aendlnt cut orders that on ptOoesuthe second rms held mv-mhlasaaa aesta, About that t. tMiM were senulaf np rea,-wnlta 1 ree iftrnalaf Wanting tamgal-awppeaatsv in Tlbeetfive misrtteatke Vmfelrtri bagtnscne r-icy -worse-wKWT"le. so severe that It looted Cke every thing -wonjdj be destooyed to Its path.Th barrage started about eight oVWk and lasted tmtfl tharat atoaed, We wesia eoattoealhr under artillery fire tra to the last frrinute. Could bear tha aheQa and bullets eming. but could not tot! where ithey would 1M. KVs had to take oar medidae, though iwghty bitter. The Tzlrt. infantry re lieved Us during Sunday night the 10. Fighting lasted up to the last minute. Just at 11 o'clock the Germans sent over three big shells, of course we re- weCT!,c rci(mi - wrjon ail w " vuv ior many brave, yoenflr fellow whose life had I" giwrjuun Kitvory. vuicr I u over Lieut Taylor, our nlatoon leader. called us all together and with a smile that . swept all over his lace said, "Boys we were bora under a'lacky star," Believe me we were some happy bunch. Z, -4 .:-.',"..sr-'ii Rut there Was a sadness connected with our gladness. Our platoon last Our ington, N. CL, Alex- Morrison, the Co 'clerk, of Wadesboro, and opr signal- NOT MEN MAYOR McCRART ISSUES .--i'V ---j-A PROCLAMATION It is our custom, heretofore inau gurated, to have m "dean-no Week" at least one or mora times dutfng tha year, ana ic is necessary in order to maintain oar high standard , of sani tation. . ' - j - -- .iv::; - The Woman's Clah of our r.itr has kmdly consented to assist in directiflg this work. And it Is to be hoped that each and every ritiaen will co-operate in making a cleanes city, and that all traah and refuse will be removed from front and back yards, vacant lota, and all other niacea as mnch nomihl. Everything should be cleaned op thor- wgniy, an-wnere necessary, use lima freely. .-.w - v; : - Ait of this is so imnortant that it ia not necessary to mora than call the attention of our good people to this matter. Therefore, I, D. B. McCrary, Mayor of tho town of Asheboro, do deaignato and feet apart the period fromTMohday. 'Abrll Ttlw to Saturday. April 12th, 1919, inclusive, as "Clean up Week; Tor Asneboro. Tha removing of the refuse will oa done by tha lity. Thia will begin in sonta Asneboro and will continue dur ing the week until the various sections are reached. ' Please have all trash on sidewalk in. front of premises. - A 'l 1 ft, A JX,'B- McCRART, Mayor. tKv.M . I' " ' I'll ' ' " OLD HICKORY BOYS WILL NOT ? rABADIS IN UKJMSilUKU ln a letter from Mr. Frank A. Hamp ton. Senator Simmons private secre tary, he -sicys the war department finds It impossible for a parade 01 ine uv th. Infantry ri Greensboro or Durham since the course 01 the transport nas been changed and instead of landing at Newport News they will land at Charleston.' : " ',; Aeroblana activities will be resumed within -a few weeks. The celebrated aces of the United States, France and Enirland will -rot into action and en gage in "combat," "raids" and photo graphic work over American cities. The military aeronautic branch of the War Department has planned the flreatest flvinir nrosrram the United States has ever witnessed and 11 -win Loan Campaigns. A squadron made up of American, French and British layers wilt tour eaen or tne tnree sec tions of the" country, eastern, middle- western, - and western, :anc give qem- ntTBtionsoitne nvinn -arr as ae- Veloned OV6E the- battlefields J of Eu- mkn, a'Mir. Carrv-Were all kiUed by the same shell, They were all uuried in little -town fcear Verdun." We all liked our cantain. He lived with us, trained with us and don't think he had any desire for promotion that would separ ate him from his company. 1 worked in the office with Morrison at camp Sevier and at camD Unton. We lost three enrnnr&ls. ona senreant and sev eral privates, our company was caueu out first and was m the thickest ol the battle. The 822nd Infantry lost more men killed and wounded than any other Infantry in the 81st: division. Relieve me if I ever sent on a prayer it was an the battle field. -.The Rlat or wild cat division, we wear the wild cact insignia on our left arm. la composed ef men from North and South CavoQsa, Tenn. and Porto Rico, trader . the ccommand of Major General Bailey. I he xiaim was made thai the 81st was mada op of the crack divisions of the' national army brought ver towage war jdo the wily Has and to help make the -world safe fat tha aarnrna Troneratlona. ' When the hour xixed py roen aot the eeseatkmoi sstiltlea, the Hat waa In batfla .arrae rMnc Jgarwatd I Lew fn througb shea and shell with toacaad the eaiams, ' '' After three days ar feat we started oa a Juxe that lasted 14 days. Distance five mites, tso can de a little touring. Oaa-itcempany stopped at TLalgnes, France with vlaion headquarters at Massy San Manse. IfaSght , anH-annnr does net ' very well "daaeriba Rraaee eieoa we nave keen over hare, ft jeains rabore laaa tt ahineav Have had but very little sua " shine, though they say aoetnera rranoa u aleauurul try. m been wear good porUoa f mraaea, Dot la xl ssumaUon Isn't any Iking bare tha would malm one . infagnrtes argament - la favor of France agaiast the - U. & A. The old historte beadingm, - cathedrals, 2ia teaua astd ee forfk are: beautiful .of1 course, but taUaa averythtoff as al whole, I tbljtk it Is about one of the dirtiest places 1 ever aaw. England is a veiy -uneresung eenntry to on passing througb as we did, it looked very much like a bisr onhanae.' 1 Kbink the American soldiers bed aa attraction for the English kids..' They almoflt crowded as out Where ever we weau v; .v. .,. Our sleeping places while"- we wm training-, were in billets mostly up stairs and under na would he mnxt nv kind of a four legged animal - -, -r; I am not with the 81st division now . wss transferred to AAvnruv, Reriinn of Hdj. company tht first of week In eoruary te do ofrice work. Two other boys front the 8lst were transferred with me. We are now located at Nmif- chatean, 175 kilometers from Laignoa. I hope to be transferred back to.my division before I go home. " . - we made the transfer fa a tw train, traveling about five miles aa hour. Two days trio enow on th (rmind and no heat In the train. fVLM It was awfuL The French trust you la Franklinville Newj The Sunday school at Moore's Chan el gave a missionary entertainment Sunday morning consisting ef songs, recitations, and aa address by the pastor. Rev. W. B. Rivenbark. - The collection amounted to $1000. There were 172 students present -' - Miss Edna Patterson, of Greens boro, was a visitor in town Sunday. - Prof. J. C SerreU left last Monday for his home near Lenoir..,. He has been in poor health for several weeks and waa compelled to give up teaching for the present ; Messrs. "James Bute, darenee Grimes, C. C. Julian, Wiley Williams, Walter Denson, Haywood Parks, and Hisses Thelma Steele and Lottie Ju lian attended a spelling match at Brewers school house last Friday &The collection at the M. K. church Sunday for the orphanage at Winston Salem was $32.15. . Mr. W. lu Surrow is all smiles, it s a-'flne boy:-'.s;. " '' Mrs, Bertha Jieids went to ureens- boro Saturday wherr she expects to make her future home. Private L. C Fraxier. of Taeoma, Wash., is at home on a 'visit for a few days. He is a. son of Mrs,; Amanda Frazier of tins place and has been in the service for about four years. The Lades! Aid Society of the M. E. church gave a missionary social -at the academy Saturday night The program was interesting and full of amusement, " consisting of musk, spelling match, spelling words back wards, potato race, egg race and many other interesting games. Mr. P. D. Luther spent the week end at his old home near the Mont gomery line. Miss Berta Tippett went to Greens boro one day last week. Miss Gertrude Michael, of Kerners ville, has been employed as principal of the graded school here to fill out the present term which expires April 18th. Mr. R. D. Garrison has finished the tower on the Franklinville M. E. church which adds very much to the annearance. Mr. V. IS. Henson who was very sick last week is improving. Those interested in cleanrasr and shaping the lawn at the M. E. church are reauested to "meet at the church Saturday at one o'clock and bring; rakes, mattocks, shovels, and wneei- b arrows and spend a real delightful evening swinging the above tools. Mr. R. D. Garrison is building an additiiMfr 20x40 feet, on north wing of the academy There will be one class worn and" stidmF'ILilor, on second. wilt do music ana uressuig rooms. . Mrs. Emma Phillips and son J. Hugh, of Liberty, and Master Her man Slack visited the family of R. S. Craven last Friday evening. Mr. Evelin Martdndill recently re turned from France, came home last Thursday. Miss Bessie Hendricks, of Silver Hill, is visiting Miss Kate Marley. C. F. Moon made a business trip to Greensboro Saturday. Miss Emily Brittain, of Gveensboro, is visiting at Mrs. Martindill's. Town primary was held at the acad emy March 28. House was called to order by R. D. Garrison present mayor. On motion W. D- Maner was chosen chairman and M. G. "Maner, secretary. The following were nominated! W. D. Maner, for mayor; A. Ellison, H. S. Edwards, W. A. Grimes, and R. D. Garriaon, commissioners. riding live, cottect no tlckeU Not so in toe U. S. A-, If yoa lose your ticket pay gn- - The slow-traina tn France I Imagine would be nice for honeymoon, -tripa, Some day I may oa xcouso em try a trip Uka thai, waai saau dona would yon give a fellow tllMftt The trains hero would make a lonely soldier home aick. Three French can will make about ona Southern The Rtirh Point E Daedal would look mighty rood to me, would almost look like a I waa made to feel sad when 1 learned about JoonTpany. K getting torn no so badly September. SSL It makes a fallows feaQagtootne up in his throat when be heart of friends frotniu own town and county loalng their Uvea to the great struggle , for humanity. But I'm . hoping that earns day we will all meet again 1a a bright and tunny land where there will be no more wars, teartachea and , parunga If J - am lucky . enough to get home I shall miss the familiar faces of. our deaf Asheboro boys who will not re liaa lome, I , tympthise with yon alt who lost loved ones over here especial ly the fathers and mothers. - The first fear minutes . under artillery fire I didn't (Count my life, worth much. Thoagh 700 have a chance. ' Lucky 1 was to come out with out a scratch. By the way I have aa order In for my first war Service Chevron. Hope I'D never be here long enough to get an other one. Don't know when I will get to come . ierae, l want to thank the editor for the", pace allowed , for thu letter, v. - - - . ':. Here's wfaMnff you all good luck. Hope to have a chance of seeing your bright aad smiling faces soon. 1 will have been to Paris ort a few davs fur. lough before you read Uusletter. I get my wave 01 aosence mercn 0. Write a fellow. Here it my address. s . " . . ' ' Oood lock to alL ' . Pvt Lacv fi. Lewis. " :- -' -nd Co. Xdvance Bed A. P. O. 78J, ' - American Expeditionary Forcta. 1150 A YEAR IN ADVANCD LOCALS AND PERSONALS Chief W. H. Foushee, Officers Boy- -les and Skeena ef Greensboro aM mxt. ' " tending Court here. Mr. E. H. Shider, of Flint HilLspent . ' Saturday with Mr. and Mrm j n oRioer, 01 Asneooro Ktar- Boute.- Mrs. L. L. Parks of Millhora. w Asheboro Saturday. Her hnshiuul K L. Parks who has been overseas hae recently returned home. - Airs. j. C. Hammer soent the wwk -. end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sluder fit Asheboro Star Route. " Mr, Carson Vestal, was a welcome "-' visitor at the home of J. M. Burrow's.;' one day last week. Mr. G. H. Elder has returned te hie home at Trinity after teaching at Coleridge during -the past season. The school waa closed on account of a -threatened -epidemic of influensa. ' Mr. W. A. Craven, of Seas-rove. : called at The Courier office while in. the dty Saturday. , Mr. J. C Skeen was a business via-' iter in Asheboro Saturday. - very cituen in the town should ob- . servo "Clean-op Week." A spring 5 cleaning is good for every house and every town. Garbage which will not H burn will be hauled away by the town i without cost to property owners. . , "beverai or the young neonle of the town attended the minstrel at Guil ford College Saturday night . Mrs. Hal M. Worth is visiting Mrs. , Charles M. Hauser in High Point Mrs. Jean Rush returned to her - home in Greensboro Sunday - after spending several days in Asheboro oa ' business last Week. Mrs. J. O. Redding was hostess on ; last Friday to the members of the .' Kandolph club. Mesdames J. V. Hun ter and D. B. McCrary read from the 1 life of Dr. Troudeau, founder of Sara nac tuberculer sanatorium. "'-'A deli cious salad course was served. ' - Mr. Clarence Rush has returned from Washington, D. C, where he has been on business. ' -: Miss Ada Monroe, of Elon College, is visiting her parents at Why Not . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rich were visitors in Greensboro Friday. Miss Cleta Rich, of Elon College, was the week end guest of her par ents; Mr. I. N. Cox, of Worthville is at tending the general annual meeting of the Friends church in Philadelphia, Pa., this week. The Woman's department club did not meet on Wednesday on account of court,- but the president, Mrs. W. A. Ckffik has announced a meetinsr at - rehe court-bouBe'bb Monday at 3 p. m. v Mrs. Coffin urges that all member be--present and assist in plans for spring cleaning which begins Monday. Mrs. Marvin Lovett returned Sun- day from Worthville where she spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. L N. Cox. Mrs. Lewis White and little daugh ter little Miss Margaret Louise, of Greensboro, were toe guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitaker the first of the week. Mrs. White returned home Monday and her little daughter re mained with her grandparents. Miss Gilbert Muse, who for the past two years has been superintendent of the High Point hospital left Monday for Richmond where she goes for a post graduate course in laboratory work. Mr. Martin Cooper, of Carawax who has recently returned from over-, seas was a visitor in Asheboro Hon- : day. He waa a member of the llStfc . field artillery which was mustered on at Charleston last. week, Tha two biggest drives ha was in were as ft,. Mihiel and the Argonne Forest atsa his battery did not lose, a nauv ts either drive. , - - About midnight Monday B. BraV gran, a prominent roercaant of Raleigh was killed la hit store, He had ansae ed himself la his store to watch to tha robbers, who had beta ' robbing, hto store. Jeff Snuggs is said to have ) ed the man. . - - . Mist LoBIa Joaea ia at the beds! of her little brother Wiley Joaea at High Point who underwent aa epatav tion for annendidtia last Thimd mS tha High Point hospital la is ga-v C? UUff WUvum AB - . - - - j .i "-ki Mr.R. B. Revnolda, of Star wa a'fV.V viaitoT la Asbeporo Tuesday , JV ; ; Reynolds la the fatha of Uetik Use - witt Keynoioa wno waa a atembsa 1 1 '- Company K. but who has vohintemi '. : 5 for aervioa u th army of occapaUtA ' , Mr. W. A. Lovett returned to Etatos ville Monday after spending the weal . end with hit mother Mrs. CL B. Low ' . . , .... . . . Klu Grace Wood spent Monday la v GiatatDOfa, ,-. .. is-i', Tuesday having appeared as a witaee mt. . uurrus was in jvsneoore m mo sort: muruer ease.. r - 'Th purpose - of the" 'Cleaiwip Week" is to see that ell ef m L ises are put in a cleanly and healtlu.V?:1 ful condition for tha Miss Liyian Hunsucker, of Hamlet ; k-1 "," oi oer aunt, Mrs, J2. A- - Wiles, -v. ?...;:'.v'.r,';) -Miases Lydla, ' Jane "and -Nancy Dicks who have been A-lslting - their " aunt Mrs. Hal M.- Worth during time Mien unrmui were jn r.urope. have re- "i turned to New York City. . - V4 air. w. M. Kiettel, of Greensboro, ' waa a visitor in Asheboro Tuesday, CteW.Faftety for AsheborV ij Burnt Casknt Comm.. -.u Z7 - president: D. ?L Mr. . : . dent and A. li 1 I'1.' L"'" ', treaturtr, .igl.r.,- .- I- --. - ' .',1.' ,c , . ,--.! .; T. "... ' . . f

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