f If. THE ODRIEK ISSUED WEEKLY. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXXIV Asheboro, North Carolina, Thursday, April 10, 1919 NUMBER 15 fP 1 LOCALS AND PERSONALS ! -. d o. Nance, of Ulah, was in town the later pan of last week and had with him a curiosity in the shape of an egg. The egg seemed to be per fect in shape except at one end there was a flattened surface and a string attached on the order of a fuse. The egg was heavier than an ordinary egg and apparently the shell was thicker. Mr. Nance found the egg in one of his hens nests. Some of the neighbors have wondered if this pe culiar egg could be a German bomb. Mr, W. L. LyncJ-,, ton of Mr. K. V, Lynch, Asheboro Rt. 1, has returned from overseas. Mr. Lynch was a student in the Comegia Technical School of electrical engineer;-., pi Pitts burg, Pa., before entering the army. He made applications for an officers training school, but was turned down later came in the selective draft and went overseas as a casual on October, 13th, and was assigned to the 27th division. Mr. Lynch will, within the next few weeks, resume his work in college. Miss Lucy May Spins, of Randle man, R. F. D. 1, was in this city shopping Monday. Messrs. C. H. Julian and J.R. Lutterloh, of Franklinville, were visit ors in Asheboro Tuesday. Rev. Hugh McAder will preach at Neighbors Grove Sunday at 2:30 P. M. The Sunday School is progressing nicely, having 74 members on roll last Sunday. Miss Lollie Smith, of Star, was a visitor in Asheboro for a few houis Mondav evening. Mr. John Spoon has recovered from smallpox. Mr. Grady Garner visited his mothc, at hy Not Sunday. Miss Margaret Rush, of Greensboro sninl the week end in Asheboro with friends. Mr Hnvtpr Wnkc and family wire visitors in Randle.-.u'.n Sunday. Jlcsiiiv. Alex. Usase!!, till VWvKor, and Clyde Ruhr.rdsor.. or Star, wox b.i.-n-9 v:: uw. n Asaehioio Monday night. . Mr. Will Cox and s.n Fail ol aor.1 Seajrove were visitors un our street.-Tuesday. .1. F. Sr.i.th, ci Mar, featuruiy son Ad Mr. I). S. Coltrane Makes Announce ment On Monday I will run terraces for the following: C. E. Kearns. S. A. Pickett and Carl Nance. Tuesday for Madison Hammond. Tuesday night meeting of fanners at Bombay. Wednesday morning terrace demonstration at Charles Thompson's near Bombay. . Friday afternoon boys' and girls' club meeting at Holly Springs. Meet ing at Shiloh Friday night. Mrs. Coggins. the home demonstration agent will be with me at this meet ing and will talk to the women. Thev should all be present and meet Wjlh her." D. S. COLTRANrE County Agent. 120TH. INFANTRY, 30TB. DIVISION TO PARADE IN CHARLOTTE-COMPANY K WILL BE IN THE PARADE Headquarters for Randolph County People First Presby terian Church, Charlotte-Program for Day of Parade PRESIDENT WILSON TO RETURN TO AMERICA President Wilson has ordered the Navy Department to start the George Washington to France at the earliest possible moment. The reason for the President Wilson's ordering t!;e George Washington to Eri .t for hi; return voyage is unknown. Miss Ethel Burkhead, who is teach ing at McFarland spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Birkhead. She was accompanied by Miss Aileen Lowry and Mr. Britt of Mc Farland. Dr. J. D. Gregg of Liberty will ad dress the people at Bethel the third Sunday in April at 2 p. m. Miss Male Andrews and Ben Hum ble were visitors in High Point Sun-dav. Mr. W. A. Coffin was a visitor in Greensboro one day last week. Messrs. A. F. 1 arrish, E. G. Morris, Jr. and Colon Spoon attended the Dog Show at Pinehurst last week. Miss Essie Allen was a visitor in Franklinville Saturday. Mr. W' F. Cross and family spent Sunday in Worthviile with relatives. The S. 0. D. H. Club met in their club room Saturdav night. They de cided to resume drilling in west Ashe boro. Lieut. A. I. Fence of Camp Taylor, Ky., was a visitor in Asheboro the fiist oi the week. .Messrs Milloway, Wiley iuish an.l Clifton Wliitakcr were visitors in town Sunday. Messrs-. Km-st and Ransom Wiles left Tuesday for an extended trip throu;'i South Carolina and Georgia. yiiss li:i. Shcron. of near Climax, -.vho has been visiting Miss Lollie Santa at Sia.- for soma time, returned Le her home- Tii'est'.ay.. Mr. Aid" K.s ...',..,f St it war a bus. Charlotte is making extensive prep arations for the 120th Infantry which will parade in the city in the near future date of which will be announc ed later. The mayor of Charlotte has asked the mayor3 throughout the dif- j station. ferent towns and cities of North Caro lina to appoint delegates to go to Charleston and welcome the North Carolina men. The round railroad fare from Charlotte to Charleston is $14.26. The date of the arrival of the Martha Washington is not definitely known, but in all probability she will arrive sometime during the day Sunday. Mayor McNinch, of Charlotte, has sent a radiogram to Col. Sidney Minor commanding the 120th Infantry on the steamship Martha Washington to as certain the time of arrival in Charles ton. Charlotte is indeed fortunate through the efforts of Hon. Cameron Morrison, the Charlotte delegation and the private secretaries of North Caro- festival in honor of the 120th Infantry. Date, yet to be determined. 7-8 a. m. Troop trains arrive. 7:30-8-30 a. m. Breakfast for sol diers at Red Cross canteen, Southern 8:30-10 a. m. General activities, greetings, etc., and preparations for parade. 10 a. m. Parade starts. Route vet undetermined. 11:30 a. m.-l p. m. Dinner. lj-6 p. m. Amusement and enter tainment features. 6 p. m. Supper. Evening Social functions. Midnight Trains depart for Camp Jackson. the Randolph Chapter Red Cross has designated the First Presbyterian church in Charlotte for headquarters fot Randolph people to meet their soldier boys. Notice will be given sol diers to meet relatives and friends at lina's Senators to have succeeded in First Presbyterian church on Trade maKing arrangements wim ine vvargtrect next to Sqlwvn hotel, Department for the 120th Infantry to j . 1 parade in Charlotte. ! Company K on Board Martha Wash Randolph county will have a large mgton Due in Charleston r-oinauy Mr. McCoy C. Tucker Ends Life Following several years of ill health Mr. McCoy Tucker, of Seagrove, com mitted suicide by climbing in a large tree to a height of 40 feet and jump ing to the ground. He hail been de mented occasionaly from ill health and had atempted to commit suicide on two previous occasions. His health for the past month had been very bad and his family had been anxious about him. At the time of his death he was at the home of his brother William Tucker; they were fixing the latters car when Mr. Tucker walked quietly behind the barn. His brother, who had kept a constant watch over him followed and saw him standing by the tree which he climbed. Willie Tuck er tried to persuade his brother to come down but to no avail he at tempted to climb in reach of him but could not reach him before he took the fatal leap. Deceased was about forty-five years of age. He married a Miss Boling, daughter of William Boling who with ten children survive. He was a son of E. D. Tucker, a prom inent citizen of Seagrove R. F. D. No. 2. Funeral was conducted at New Hope after which burial followed. THREE PATRIOTIC SONS OF MR. D. A. HAN COCK, FRANKLINVILLE PRIVATE J. F. HANCOCK Private J. F. Hancock is a mem ber of the Quartermasters Corps sta tioned at Baltimore, Md. delegation in Charlotte when the 120th Infantry parades. We regret bcin? unable to give the dates either of the arrival in Charleston or the parade in Charlotte. Below we print a tenta tive program for Charlotte's great The transport Powhatan with 2,500 soldiers of the 30th division will dock at Charleston today. The Martha Washington on which Co. K is sailing according to latest telegrams, will ar rive in Charleston Sunday. TUB FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION v".i family y to see Mrs. jorm Burgtss eioraa. time writ Mr... .Mrs and thih' Miss llieih llli-' v " . i s the week I n-i i'an i.-'i. Mr. V.. H. I'l-k: u.- .v. Fie lor .ii Dr. I SU received a telegram Irom hi liison, stating thai ho had landed in NV-v York. dr. A. F. Fv.- t 'laiiiseur Sivni l s sister, Mrs. ;. very ill wit'.i pn: 1 ... . '.'ess died ah-oul th I . .it ;'ot to Kau. si ur Mr. J. George Smith ter Guy and Mi..' I.i...'.e, f Si:. Ci; v Route two, v. ere visitor.! in As!. 1 e,o yesterday. Mr. Smith mine. 1 u-n Columbia township to Chathr.v. county last fall. He has purchased , farm near Liberty. .ir. K. w. i oi k ami iiaujiiKi--, .i.-. Blanche, of Ra-Tisour Route 2, wer"j .: :!-. in Asheboro yfsteday. Mis.-I York has taught the school at Kililoe and has hail a most successful school. Tne Randolph book c'.'ib v. Ml meet with Mrs. Annie Robins Friday after noon : t 3:30. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Spoon, r.f Rain scur, were business isitors in town Tuesday. Messrs. C. W. Wilson, T. S. Bouldin and 1,. K. Byrd, of Trinity township, were !. :sineMs visitors in Asheboro Tuesday. Evan Dhu I-ewis, of Arlington, Va., has been transferred by the Quarter master General of tho Army to Dan ville, Va., to take charge of the U. S. national cemetery of that city. Mrs. S. M. Wriko, of Randleman, visited his son, Baxter Wrike Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Fox spent Sun day afternoon in Randleman with rel ative. Miss Minnie Hoover lla returned f rom Hendersonvillo where she has been some time with hor sister, Mrs. E. A. Vestal. Mrs. Carr Parrish arid Miss Mona Kearns were in Asheboro shopping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graves, of Richland township, were in Aiheboro the first of tho week, fruests of their niece, Mrs. Carl Cox. Mr. M. E. Frazler h"as moved his family from Millboro to Henderson. Mr. Fraier is a railway mail clerk, and will rnako his homo in Henderson. Mrs. O. H. Simpson will return to Burlington today aftfir Bpendinjr sev eral days with hor parcnta, Mr. and Mr. B. F. Hasnoll. Mrs. Bessie Rice and children, of ZephyTB Hills, Florida, have moyoil to Asheboro and will reside with Mrs. Rice's mother, Mrs. Johnson. Private C. C. Hancock, of Frank linville, was fn Asheboro the latter part of Inst week returning to his home nt Franklinville from Union township whore ho visited relatives. Mrs. C. L. Cranford and Miss May McAlistor nre attending Orange Pren bytery which Is In nesslon In Burling ton this week. Mrsdnmes B. P. and T. B. Bulla were in High Point Sunday to sen Miss M;irv Wndn Bulla who is n pa tient in the High Point hospital. The town is undergoing a thorough cleaning and It Is Improving in np pearnnce. The city tnuih wnirons are hauling away the rubbish without ex pence. Everyone phmild take dd vantage of getting rid of trash. Mr. IT. C. Grejrson of Climax t. 15 jrave The Courier a plewuuit rail T-uelay. Mim Beulah Crunforrl who had com pleted her school at Millboro ha re turned to hr horn t CItnmx, Mr. and Mrs. WD1 Redding of AW ' foro Rt. 2 were rial ton in th city v I . 1 1 r in ne t ' ! .0 el s' IS. All' S;ms! '"i of Burlington, i. sii- mln:,' tiiis w-':k with her parent Mi. an! 15. F. Hassell. Miss S'vs'V W!:il'-. of l-astonia spen! liie v. '; tn.I in Aslieie-o v. i'wi .'ii;- Alhei i'arisl:. I Me. t . !oa. G.-c'-n.d'or.i. !' .i - I.ii.i- .suing a policy of receding from the TAYATION ' nrnnevtv tax. 'an 1 looks now definitely In a lomtileto abandonment of the Expert to Assess Difficult Properties -property tax for its revenue, except The Standard of Value is to be! tor tho public school tax, which will 100 Per Cent of Conservative Judg-jbe distributed back to the counties, nu nt Revaluation in for Benefit of , So that the chief purpose ol the re Local Governments A Square Deal valuation act is to furnish a. more ac tor Cities and Towns . .rate, efficient and equitable means ot revenue to moor rno incai neeos 01 in- Mrs. Zeno Cox Dead Mrs. Hannah Cox, wife of Zeno Cox, of Asheboro Route 1, died at her home Monday night from tumor. She had also had rheumatism for a num ber of years and had been a great suf ferer. Deceased was about 60 years of age. She was ti e mother of the following sons and daughters: Allen Cox, Indiana; Robert Cox, Asheboro Route 1; Mrs. Roxy Miller, Asheboro; Mrs. Hattie Luther, of Ulah, who witn their father survive. Funeral service was conducted at Bi the-1 Taesdav by (Ry A. J. Maxwell) i.oro e. ..- I: a.-l.oie ill. A. . atn, .!-.--... '!'-; . V ,!(.,. -e Sc.".:bie .1 ; a- i 111. S. inlll U C'..;;ui!ei's i'i m a trip Monday. .lessis Geo. W. 11:. IN' rest v'i!es Msi'eii ::; ( i dav. M. ., ..- L. L. :.i- : J. U. i "''-' iU .. ;.' to l'( tei'stuiiir 1' n. : 11 .' ir b. thtr E. A. Molfitt. Mi..se.i l.lanciie an.'. Ca. : ,e Eiwia. o: Liie G. C. V. spent tl.e t'k e:i I lie.-- Miss Helen Meado.vs, Janu s Kernes and Thad Lewall! a of Wii. t -Sahir.. siii-nt Sunday in Asi-eburo. Th" h'.st article c-)V?red the organi sation for the revaluation of real es stale under the new act, except special examiner.'.. The act authorized 'In Tax Commission to employ lor tin i Slate special examim .th to assist ir ..'appraisal of .;o;'er'. ies the value ol wlseli i. (!:t:i,"i!t to a: certain. Th:. ! ivrovision antn'ii.ates that in so Jar a- . i1. may ' t'oun.'l pv.c::ial i-,'i:. :t, -.: :: or ;;-ii 1 :i".iiar cia.s .e.- ei ; i.;. ', ,:-;y v. ill be i.nipl.jy..-! v.jlh vi v.' t ll'a. all prepei-ty of each of u.'h rlas--:'es will be aeciiately and eqnally an-!pr;.i.-ed in all parts of the State. ( 'ap-i-ahr.-ilion of enterpr:.-e,- has been liar.il'"ii in smli wtde variety of ways 't'w.t it furnishes in many p;i-is a ! r ta''1;; iiiaccurate index of the value :.i the property represented. The sued : . ol' t'.c revaluation plan will de nd : .':. a t!a.. thiei)ai;lir.e:;i, aecuiacy and . l.irTif-..--. v.ith which it is done, and ;t will not do to as.,ess at full value lae classes of property tho value of whieh will be w ithin the knowledge of the as- countios and cities of the State. 1 ney will be the chief beneficiaries of its success. A Square Deal for the Cities The tax burden l."a"s especially heavy in in-'iiicipalities '..here so many i:v de'-n impi ovi aient. have been ino.i.led at nublic expense. It is in ::-' tle cUi- : (; . .ally th:.t w.- hr-:r t!'e :i coaipU'int that hJgh tax rates are con n,li3catin.'; Income fu.m nrnpi'Tly, and. ? '- v.-iy ir-'-..! '(.Juclion in ci'y ta-; rates i; ess- r.liai lo tl.e. s . .'-- - -. u i laiiaiu; -tr.'tion v" the i'nU value nvoperty tax s;, . iein. T;ie revaluation should leave liie t t;il conibinid tax rate in th" ,' in the State right pO Cent. pi in isiyil , that will Rev. T. F. followed. Am In burial Mr. J. B. Hammond, i f Seagrove lit. Losi-s House by Fire On Monday afterroon Mr. J. i' Hammond of Seagioie Rl. 2 lost hi home by file. .Vi s, Hammond start, i a lire in the kitchen stove to prepaii supper, she noticed a raaiina' noisi as a I: haviarj and round the l.ou- e v ca.ught from a defect gave the- alarm an I neighbors came but ii;h-M y.'as WiV".!!. fii:e. Sh- il'Te of th. , little of tin Irishes, ttvx'.-'.l c (Ii..-."1 : round o;io There are th:e. become i ifeetiM- under th. revaluation that v.-'ll he intere.-tin-,- pari iculaiiy to the municieaiities. and that will tend to loTe.- their rates. Shari-s of stock in thf'i hank: have l:eretofo:e been distributed to the resi dence of the shareholder, wh.eri-vi-r lie lived. Now all the shares of stock in every bank will lie taxfil where the is located, against the bank, and htt.e therefore all the stock will be liable for municipal tax, :ind in the munini- Up Ashebe.ro Annual Drive to ( ban Started ' (": an up V. i ek ' hi gan Monday ao th.e ci' va ns . f A he'iuio are i x; ecte to rr.ik'j prvyaratic-r.s for f.gh!--i'hk le.osiiuiteis, flics aivl oUlPf in fit-, and get rid of the 'he yards and alb-v-wavs : bag i.' it Mc. i-u C' lTn -, R on sessor am 10 UMO. a poor guess a; uie anil C. S. Ridge attended tho A. K. C; value of other properties as to the h;ink Dog Show at Pinehuist last wi-.-k. vala.i of which he wall have Mi- on, I Mr. A M I .von of SUicton. kno.vled"e. Illinois, who have been s:nding te 'i he Standard of value pal ity where the hank is located, winter with friends at Mechanic, have The standard of value is 100 tier Real estate and fixtures of telephone located on the Pritchard Farm four cent, or as expressed in the act, what companies have been distributed on miles north of Asheboro. jtho property would sell for at ordinary wire mileage. All such property now Messrs. Chaa. L. ShambuT'.rer and sale for cash. Foreexl nales, auction, located within a municipality will be Lcroy Low of Mechanic spent the woeK sales, and tho sales cm the extortion subject to the municipal tax end in Raleiirh on business. Born to IHr. and Mrs. M. F. -Vun-cannon of Star, a son Apnl 7th. Misses Ruby Wright fcnd Swanha Ixwderniilk wero vLsitors in Higa Point Saturday. Mr. Carl C. Auman is vtsltinjf hiB sister Mra. Marvin Ixivett. Ho re turned from overseas on the Huron. Ho mas a member of tho 117th KicJd hospital corpse The annual Virginia-Carolina b&ll gnme will be playel in Greensboro On Satunlay. April 12th. Miss Mildred Ethel WoondoU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ch&rle WJoddoll, of High Point, was mar ried March 15th to Mr. Stem! Man than, of New York. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Asbury will leave Monday for Jatkson Springs where they will spend a fow days. They will also attend the mndicnl mooting in Pinehurst next week. Miss Ruth Cox, Gives Dinner Party Miss Ruth Cox delightfully enter tained a number of her friends at a dinner party Friday evening at her home on Academy street from 0 until 12. The home was beautifully decorat ed, the color scheme bring yellow and white. Marriage of Prominent Climax Citizen Friends in Asheboro have received the announcement of the mnrringn of Mr. HulHTt H. Cranford, of Winston Salem nnd Miss Margaret Lucile Ut fker of Concord Wednesday. It will be remembered that Mr. C ran ford is n Randolph county boy being tho son of Mr. and Mrs. C. I Cranford, of Climax, end Is a young man of star ling character and is widely known throughout thn Carolines; ho waa ed ucated at Guilford College and no holds a position with tho Intern tVnal Harvester Company located a V? ton-Salem, Tb brida la tha attrnrthra fiatlta plan," or tl.e allurements of time Railroad depots, yards and terminal price? arc to bo eliminated afl a matter facilities have heretofore been asses.i of coursn. Thn act tloea not anticipate el as a part of the total property dis that unnaturally Inflated values shall , tributed on main line track mileage, be used, even when supportrid by some so that with a few slight exceptions conditions of salo. fho rule is plain they have paid town anil city taxes enough; the difficulty is in the appli- only upon basis of the length of main cation. That elnment oi value is in , line mileage within the corporate lim ovory case a matter of sourxl judjr- its. I'nder the revaluation next year ment and discretion, based uion ;ircu-the value of nil railroad properties rate knowleilgn of thn property. A within the corporate limits of city or very small percentage of property has town will be subject to municipal tax actually changed hamla by recent salo, e.. and even as to this small percentage there is in every caso room for investi gation of tho character and conditions of the sale to ascertain if the price Shall Wc Sing Tile Ikixology on Re turn of Soldiers? When Viclorv C-n m e For Jehnvrih represents actual fair vnluo. The, our God, he it is that brought us judgment of well-informl men will rn(l;p nn, that did those great signs almost every case differ. The one jn our jrht, and preserved us (v. 17). thing that will be Insisted upon is that ( Jlar,ly hail the posters appeared an the assessing officer in every ra., as muncing the signing of the armistice to each piece of property, Inrge or jn tno rnrlv morning, when the vast small, get all the available facts -not rroWlB 0f rw York joined in a paean take for granted, put take the trouble af r.j0jrjntf. Before the celebrations to investipte and after acquiring nil na, lntl more thnn a few minutes n the knowledge that can reasonably be frf.Fh-cherked Knglish girl, with gninel in a proper way, exercipe an in- tnr Devonnhirr bloom still on her telligent, conservative judgment as to rhoek. rlimlK-d to the platform of actual stable value, and then npplyi Liberty Hall, at the meeting lint of 100 per rent of that Judgment as the basis of value. To use any other basis Ofi or 0!( per rent would be like knocking a chock from behind the wheel of a car standing on a step in cline it would settle right bark te the obi levels, with a different rule apply ing in each county, anil with inequali ty the general rule. Kcvalunllon for Ileneflt of ("unties nd Cltlm The State tax rate has boon rehired this year to 11 2-3 cents. The avrrnge tax rate in tho ronntie. including special taxes for various local purpos was 1.08 per rot in 19K In most of thn larger cltfoa In thn State tho total rate Is around 8 par entii, Bo that about 10 per Cent of th taxes collect ed In thn countioa rrXmoropcrty wfB ba for tha tua of tfm SUt. and lesa uan S per cent of total Urea coutet- tr of Mr. nd Mra. W. C Litakpr, ofiM from property ta thm rltlna ta for . i ,t.t. the Ba of tha Etata. rhabUUUirar- R. H. White, .Ir., of High I'o'Ti Mr. II. 1!. White, Jr.. of H.gl .lii-.l Monday following an illnes: several months, lb- s a bro'.iier oar former townsman, Mr. I. White, who has recently moved Creensboro. Dead ol'U. I -s Ol I.I i W.i i to HONORS FOR Owned by 'APPLEJACK' L idey. Mr. W. W. Asheboro The Pinehurst kennel club show held April 2nd and :!rd under A. K. C. ruling was the largest r-ver hole, in tho south niid said to liave :e..n second only to Nev York. Champion dogs from all over tho country competed among them tho five thousand dollar greyhound ch. Lnnsdown Sunflower shown by Pen Ixwis who is without doubt the great est liench bhow handler in the world with over forty years experience. here and in Kngland. " The sensational American bre wire hainnl fox terrier ch. Prides Hill Twcak'om thut has de fitted the IxTst that Kngland could produce. The internationally famous Airedale ch. Normanton Tipit a win ner from coast to coast. Ch. Pointers and ch. Setters, ch. West Highland Terriers as well as the international ch. bulldog Mike O'Fanighan. both the bench and police work cham pionship last year, gave an exhibition of his marvelous work. Crnnd cham pion Ixittie and champion liodo were also there. Pointers and setters had the largest entry with Applejack, owned and shown by Mr. W. W. Llndley. the winner in pointers, taking the blue in- PRIVATE C. C. HANCOCK s , J" j 4 j : A . r . 7 ' l'r:'.a;e ('. ('. I,.;m-o-k w:-!ft wita , vision, lc.it had measles v. In n the com- ' paay .iat mi and !: vva.s -ent , to Camp S- s. ,lai.'.iai .", 1 . "i ' i nt , wa.-s s. at t.i ''.ta.p .Jai l;, ri w! ito he j was nil.:, ten d oi.t. ! PH! ATL I. C. II A.N COCK i - - :' I I S" 1 Private L. C. Hancock enlisted hi Company K June f, 1017, and went overseas with the company. He wna slightly wounded September 2y, 1918, and went to a hospital, but soon re turned to the company and will re turn to the United States with them. Mrs. U. K. Pnttvrson Dies at Her Home at Liberty Mrs. R. K. Patterson, one of the most highly rcsix-cUil and beloved women in Liberty died on TueedaT );u-L She had U-on an invalid for mini' than a year. Mrs. Patterson - survived by her misoaml one ilniiifhtor. Mrs. liroadwav and Seventh avenue. The crowd became hushed na rhe raiel h"r band. Then :n n Hear, pilvej-y voire the girl sang the Doxnlogv. A rhiirrb- Iv stillnei! cprenl nvrr Time? Squrf. lleails wrro Ivov.rd nnd hnti came ' off as the song of praine to the A! I mighty winged ita way upward.--Fmm the Toronto Clobc. Shall we nt.t mirtake the Kngli'h girl and prot otir returning pohlirra with the Dox'.logy irptea of tlie flnneo ? After the noble "arrlftce they oaro mnile, shall the "I,ur of the Pedro" gret them, Insteail of something that will help to Incite them to pure ami holy living." A iron friend of thn okiier. voice, limit, open and winners classes ! ' .nrs. 1 A. aiOI- for dogs; also winning its trophy for,;"1' "f t;o sons C. Z. Pat- liost pointer in the show. i "r",n' " 1 " 7 , - nd R. H Pat- The fact that North Carol i-.n dogs U',""', ''r-' " " "minrt""- than any di g. from I , "" service, were ronilurted irom i .'iir.ini n m terv venten av at WOnr Jones returned ynsurday from tha High Point boapltai whera fa tmdnrrwit an operation for pp- didtla. . . , , , 4 , ., , ' won more pri7.es than any dog any other state is fuite flattering. Next year promises to b" even greater with larger rash prizes also rii' li prizes in Specials instead of Tin plies. All taing" being gnat or Fmnll by comparison verifies that pnra are of much iK'nefit then to whin really good sportsmen get together the at inimphere in K-rm'-atei v.ith eod fel owsbip and all are liberal nough t j'J o'rlock by Rev. Paul S. Xennett. v Mary Wade p.ulla Victim of Sleeping Sickness j Di". Purnia urid McCain at tha High Point hospital have diagnosed Mips Mary Wade Ilulla's Illness aa ft. case of sleepy sicknr-:. She has been I ill for a'i-it thr. e works and WM tk. en to lirh I' lint hospital 1at Week. i o . " ' , .. . ,-' i . i t hrx ivnai i i ,iu.. f ""'fwl"" innicoM! mat she has a wall ownership. All of which is n : ;:''v'l"l'"' a;- nf sleepy sicJrneaa, but easily cultivaUvl in case we don't hap- f"' assurej that aha WiU pen to possess it Hon. Robert N. rse To IMIrer Ad dress at Trinity Hon. Robert N. Page will deliver tbe literary address before tha grad uating clasa of Trinity high achoot, Tneadajr. April 22, 1019 tha d&U of Trinity commencement. recover. There will be an InstUaU for iht Sanday school leaden of, Coleridge April 13. There wtU ba Busxlay achoni arm the afternoon program will be riven etntlrely to Sunday achcx.L Interests, j

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