Page Four THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. FROM OUR SOLDIERS KHAK SOLD ERS MISS EDNA HILL. RANDOLPH 1 COl" NT V KED CKOSS NURSE RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS Lieut. Guy C. Haves I From Lieut, (luv C Hai, Evucua tion No. 12. Tn.-r. Herman),' February 7th. l'.'l'.'. to hi.- (arn'-. Mi. ar.d Mrs. K. 1'. Ilae.-, Kandlcman. Dear Folks: j It e 'ins that there will never be kt up to our v.ork here. I have been 1 compelled to call on the nur.-e corp.-,, and 1 now have three stenographer.-, I sehfte.l from cur nui-e staff, and wej find it necessary to work every night to keep the w ork g.ung. We have appi oxunately fourteen' hundred patients now and we find it very iiaid to reduce the numV.T. We return about fifty t, duty daily, but our aveiuv admissions are just about the same number, so mi can imagine! the work 1 am doing, as 1 am com n andirn; officer of all pa-.ients, handle' all paper w uk and record.- pertaining' to admission, treatment and disposi-i tion, 1 am cjiiito a 1 iisy some body. I I find very little time for outdoor exercise and I feel the lack of fresh J air. I am expecting six additional clerks from Franco in the near future,' aim i am Hoping wmi ims new Help, 10 1 ;irt f it wji get our work so systematized that J can give my boys some time off. 1 hope at lea.-t to reduce their working hours. 010 NO! LEI UP And the Nation Will Show That It Stands Behind Them in the Victory Liberty Loan Drive. l r.ail hoped to visit l oblcnz and hae a sail on the Uhir.e this week, but I find it impossible to get way. Evacuation Hospital no. ;! has re ceived orders to return home within the next thirty day. No. :! is in this I More than a million of I'neVu Yarn's boys are "over thert" locking after the common r.xx of the world. And they will hare to ftay up. in the Job until it is donx; until tilings are right ed again ; until order is brought out of chaos While they are overseas they must bp taken car" of adequately ; they must be clothed and fed and lodged comfortably. Uncle Sam estimates that it costs $423.27 a year to equip and maintain a soldier in Europe. Part of the proceeds from the coin ing Victory Liberty Loan will be de voted to carini? for the "doushbovs. go into the rehabillta- I t.on fund for putting the injured so! j diers hack upon their feet. Tart of I it will no for insurance claim. The j rest of it will go to meet the hundred and one ether demands for this great pet of world emergencies since the dawn of civilization. Kvery mother's son of them did hia city, union. iinately .Mi. IS. has not , helped iusure liberty and justice neani a worn annul me lime we win De relieved, so we expect tc be here for! the remainder of the winter at least. I am getting real anxious to get' back to the gt.od old lT. S. A., and they j cn't relieve us too soon t; suit me. I have not had a letter from the' UT. S. A. for more than a week, but I ! attribute it to the fact that our mail : not as rapid as tired service from France we would nke to so it. This leaves me well, hut very and weary. much love to all ( Signed) Guy. ' ', , for the world at Urge and rostnro TTnrle Sam to his rightful position !n th-' stiniati:m of the nations of parth. Thy did thetr duty fully, the.w boyn who won. They fought to the end. through tiro and (icxid. They talked about letting up. ! Mi.-s Edna Hill was in Asheboro lajt week to visit her aunt, Mrs. Salhe Ru.-h. Mi.-s Hill enlisted in the Red Cro-s about one and one-half eais ago and was assigned to hospital unit "O", which is In. Benizer'- unit at Charlotte. She .-pent a little moie than a year in a ho-pital at Bordeax, France. Tin- i- a laige hospital hav ing moie than t:e thousand beis. Hill lias been in charge of the eye ward in tins hospital. A great many of her case.- were caused from ga.- and she considers that the gas which the Germans used was far moie harmful than .-hot- and shells. She sa:.l that '.lie acra;-e number of men -he treated eac!. day ran from 230 to L'T.'i. but with this work, Miss Hill saiil : he deemed it a special privilege to be able to give sc moo to humanity. Sue did not meet to her knjwbdge. a single Randolph boy. but she said she met a large number of North Carolin ians. She frankly admitted that while she was soi-ving humanity it gave her greater pleasure to serve the south erners. Miss Hill did not fail to pay the highest tribute to the services the American soldiers did on the battle fields of Franco and said that when the news of t"'o signing of the armis tice came to her hospital there was no cheering. The men were very quiet, and did not want to stop fighting. Miss Hill states that the Red Cross nurses were worked continuously from the time they arrived in France until they weio relieved after the armistice was signed. During the heavy lighting the day force went on .early in the morning and worked until night without a minute off. Then the night force came on and . was worked in the same manner. jThey did not realize how hard they weie working until the armistice was signed and then they realized how tir- BUYING LIVES, ONE PURPOSE OF LOAN Your Victory Liberty Bond Subscriptions Will Help Pay for Saving of Hundreds of Thousands of "Doughboys" One of the features of the coming , Victory Liberty Loan is that it will, in part, pay the cost of saving the j lives of more than 500,000 Yanks and : thousands of our allies, according tc1 Lewis B. Ftanklin, Director of the U. 1 S. War Loan Organization. "The speed and bravery of the American doughboy affected the Ger : mans on the front line more than it 1 I ,i i u never 1 eu iney were. in iiiusLiauui uie ! amount of work done by the Red Cross r.i,v.-,w Mi T-Iill -nul thnt nt one time This Is no time for Americans to 1 .1' Arif ; t,n,n;-oi I III. !.- .1 . T.M'"U 111, 11 in HIV uugjiitiH ... i s - ... . r, i. n.i il. ' 4 Flete M. Johnson The following letter is from Fletc M. Johnson, fiist sergt., company C. 328 Battalion, Tank corps, A E. F., to his friend, MU's Bessie Brantley, of Ramseur: "The ,Trcate:t time in the day and the happiest for us is when the mail comes bringing news to us from the dear ones at home. You spoke - f the service Hag at the home church hav ing two stars for June and me. I think of Irtttng up. The nation must stand by Its guns, by Its Twords; by T'ncle Sam and most mate th next loan another big success. Constipation and Indigestion. These are twin evil. Persons suffering from indigestion are oftei troubled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111., writes that when she first moved to Mattora she was a great mfferer fi om indi gestion and constipation. Food dis tressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest Well fit ntO-ht IT.,! fttlt TT-.-n ...,, assure you that it is a great pleasuie .,.., f tho t:mo . tt, . . . I " v. vniic. Villi IIUI 11CT Jl Vliaill- to bo so honordl and to know that those who can hrlain' TnMta tk; not come ever are a tZ. . "r" ."JVl:'" ., ii- " viic.1, ,iuc kino .jiuK.xs ieit likc uiiierenr. sending their money and doing every- person Iuil thing for o.:r comfort. It is a geat inspiration to us. I would so liked to have lieen at ho.iie for the arrr.i.-;tice celebration, as I am sure there were many happy people. We too. are glad: (ifth schoIastil. but wo want to bo Miro that :t is over jj.j 21 iqio supreme thr.'u ghout the whole world. ' F'rst "r:l(''' Klizabeth Ross. Mari-V.- Iiope it will never be necessary for ?" h'"ln. ngima Henry, Dorothy us to journey this far again tc rartict ASHEBORO CITY SCHOOLS HONOR ROLL, MARCH month, ending fiate in a struggle of this kind. Truly the w riter of "Horn Sv.-eet Home" vvris a man aflei my own heart. The French people are very rice lO U i. and -ome of them realize that not iinlv tl Tinted th-m. r nre o impo J1. t :: e . ..'.do rs. b t State.- have It is impossil . 1.. Iiff. h'e ppy rent for i ainin;'. ."Imo-t n T'lll out. little home (lor't when i' ie oeopl. lone m for th !: e for tS.-ir f mill ours, that II - to fee! at .-. ,V here. in the ch for em .o v.-t-.m.; t 0 home, and it lleng. :ll tl. t hmk I get I - ver. l-'i n n i ." h'lt 1 o caust '. it t m that there. . OITY m ha i it one lock onlv luiiki re will never stop gets stuck they and tackle to takes the e two one aporwiate nd h. Ileve me, I . ill ever h avo nd' ed to l. :.r;i that !ii t his life over gave it in a most wond and his veople are th the many others, who in o-der decent Fred here. 1 erful ruimbi have given their dear cres that the world might be place to live in. I will write his moth er soon. In tin meantime ; lease as sure her of my heartfelt sympathy am! tell her while th 1 i.t is great, is some compensation serely the cause lor the sacrifice. You spoke of mother's joy at the newH that it was all over. Bless her dear heart, I only wish that I might have been there tr participate in ail the good time, but my time in com ing, and I sincerely hope that ere lor.g, 1 may be bv The obi fireside with you all again. I had a letter from Juno the other day. He ia now out of the hospital and bark with hi.", com i )ftny. He tol.I me he had had onfy! one letter from home in about sevm months I'oor fellow must indeed bo anxious for news. I wrote him and enclosed yours and Joe' letter to him. I don't know whether ho will jjo Up with the nrmy of occupation or back homo, but I hope that it will bo po niblo for us to get homo nlx-ut the Mmo time. Them is Tory little news, hut I will hnvo much to toll you v.hrn I yet bark. I'loaso extend my wann rst love to all members of the family. V. Iiilaker, .Margaret Hammond. Fe- genia Creen, Edith Brown, K. L. Mof titt. Jr., l'aul Cox, Walter Presnoll, Otis Moton. Vance Kivetr. Betsey Armlield. Bmce Wright. Gray Van Dy ke. Spencer Andrew s, James Brooks Joe Bulla. Finest Baldwin, Civile Clark. Odell Cianfoid. Ferree Hil- ilianl, Duwavd Hamilton, Norman Hop kins. C I.. Cranford. Jr.. Rom Wilson, Lola Moliitt, Carrie Way, Wilm,. , Bulla. Second grade Joseph Bel ry, I.vno Andrews, Alma Ha.-.-ell, Kaymond rotts, lloria Beck, hey Kdmrnd Hall, Thelma Hin.-haw, Edith Vippermai:. Fern Way, (ieorge Wood, Yyrle Jen kins, Jo.-eph Boss, Howard Shaw. W Bean. Davis Cranford, Ver non De Marcus, Flora Page Daws, Fine Jean Ferree, Mordica Hopkins. Beid llix, Evelyn Moore. Wood Uoil.ling, Henry Redding. Edgar Thomas, Thomas Re Miner. I aul Vow. George Austin, Sarah Plun.mer line Bulla. Ihml grade Hazel Holing, B'ooks, I'.irie Hughes, Virginia dricks, Grace Wright. Fourth grade - lola Clai ko. Clarke, (Jiare Redding, Ch.irlc I ox. Fifth grade-Ruth Poole, Henrietta Underwood. Sixth grade Nannie Adkins, Kim ber Andrews, Virginia Barker, Frank McCrarw, John R.lding, Thyra Wright. Seventh grade-Fi anres Barker. Finnic Birkhead. John Hadley, James Gii-en. Ida Smith, Annie Lie Spoon, Katie Smith. Eighth grade Malxl Cox, Alberta Ingram, Etta Reid Wood. Ninth grade Not any. 'r . . 1 I r. . . .. . . I icnin gnuie nertha Tro-nell, Ad elaide Armfield, Sarah Gregson, Kate Bulla, Ruth Hadley, Julia Ross. Eleventh grade Flossie Phillips, Zclma Miller, Clarabt-1 Mor is. Mo- Jaxie i a sanna i I with only o;i nurses, cue says mat uic people of the United States never re-1 alized the real meaning ot war re lating how she arrived back in New York and found the people celebrating the daw n of peace in such a noisy I manner she and the other nurses were shocked. They felt as if they had been at some funeral for a year and now that it was over wanted to re main quiet. The noise seemed irrev erent. What Miss Hill emphasies more than anything else is the spirit of American soldiers. "They were splen did," she said, "under no circum stance were they downhearted or pessimistic. At the highest tide of the German advance the American spirit and humor was always pres ent. They were always funny, jok ing at their hardships and their losses. And as one of the 1-rencr, newspapeis expressed it, 'they were to the French I people what a glass of champagne is( to an exhausted man.' " Miss Hill arrived at Hohoken, New York, on March 1st. On the 11th she came to High Point. She has accept-1 ed a position in Charlotte in the branch ol public service as a com munitv nurse. Some Good Advice "Don't think too mfch of your own methods. Watch other people's v.avs and le.irn from them." This is good advice, e.-iecially when liilio'is or enn-t iiriteil. You will find many peo- u i.h 1 I'.e- Chamhei Iain's Tablets for ilill'lent ; with will do well to t1 ( foil; be w results heir exam LEWIS a FRANKLIN War Loan Director. did the men at German general head quarters," Btabes Mr. Franklin, "but the fact that America was preparing for a drive on Berlin struck terror tc the general tf. "And those millions and billions oi dollars spent were far from being wasted in an unnecessary preparation. I feel that tha fact that monejr was spent and that an normous output oj munitions wu ready wag the control ling factor in the weakening of the German gonsral staff, and that it caus ed their maw ago to the kaiser that they wore bMtan and that he must sue for peace. And the way I gee it is that this monejr, inatead of being wasted, can be written down nn hav ing saved the livow of hundred o thousands of American men whe would have boon sacrificed had th war continued another year. "Tliat is the money wo are goinfl to ask the American people for in the Liberty Lotm. Wo are goin to ask them for the money to bring our boyi home safe and sonnd. Instead of leav ing them buried In Franco. And when the people of America reulize what this money did, wo are not go ing to find that they are l:icking in patriotism to 'oome across." " P.ERSIAN BAW. THE ORIENT MYSTIC SKIN LOTION. A skin tonic for invigorating, nourishing and beautifying the skin. Heals and dries instantly. The Ideal Absorbing Balm, far superior to sticky, paste and cold cream. Will not grow hair, absolutely harmless and can be applied to the skin of an infant. It will restore natural smoothness to chapp ed or cracked skin in a most surprising manner. A foundation for powder as well as being a skin and tissue builder, stimulating the pores to healthy action and producing a complexion nature intended you to have. If your hands are rough after the routine household duties one application will restore them to their natural softness and beauty. For all skin irritations it has no equal. SOLD AT Standard Drug Company PERSIAN BAW.TOflFr 07.,1!!1- NEW YORK CITY- I If' ''tffesm I III 50c AND 85c Pleamou GUARANTEE If, after using en tire conlcnts of the can according to di rections, you are not satisfied In every rtspect. your grocer will refund the money yon paid for it. EVERY POUND SOLD IN AN AIR TIGHT TIN CAN - whatever price .you rav. you cannot get a Get ter corree value than Lu2ianne. Q If i t doesn't u rartner ana taste better triart anv - -"7 tee you ever had, go to lllCIdlclllt WL1U SOld it to you andget your Jantee isyour protection VICTORY CROPS GOOD h ive a chance to lay In government bonds 113 a for Fifty-Ninth Brigade of Thirtirth Re t urns The fifty ninth hricadc "f the fa mous thirtieth ill-. 1 h 1 n has returned from ever;;r:M, and paraded the utrwtn of (Vdurr.liia. S. ('., Menday. The Ik'jf were ivcn a h'arly we!, come hy rverynnc. Honor Roll for I'lah School Fourth Month First (frale Tilpha Cranford. Ihird jrrade William ( ox. I Fifth KTade Pearl Spoon, Kate Whatlev, .lesne Smith, Viola I.amheit. Anna H. Cranford. I Sixth Krade Nettie Cranford. I Keventh prade. Alma Lurk, Nina iWhatley, Marv Lamhert. I Addie Frye, Teacher. Mr. C. H Ilidv.rll. who hnn trivrn his pwrlrM to the American KedCronn a MRixUnt mnnaifrr nf tho Southern Hirinlon wince its ortrnnixation in BeX'trmhrr 1917 ,1ms tenterel his resignation. CASTOR IA ' For lafuta tad CblMrea In Ufa For0ver30 Year th t'gnmmrt oi OVER-ACIDITY r! I'm utompch lins cpct many nigiit'n r - -,L II j iir s omach i tdd dittuibcd, c'kjoIvo two or three on the tonpue before retiring and en joy rrhing alep. The purity and fffxxlnaa oi Khmoid fuarantaed by SCOTT BO WW! MAKERS OF SCOTTS CKULSION Hlp brinr Oi boyi hom from Franc, War Sarlnn SUmpi wUI do When yen a few more pood investment for your family, by no means neglect the opportunity. There cannot be a belli"- invest ment than a Victory Liberty Bond, with first call on all the resourced oi tin- 1'nitwl States. The crops of "Vic tory Year." as reported hy th" novern ment, added about $17,000,000,000 to our wealth Here are Just 1 few of the principal items: Corn 2..V-2.81 4.000 bush-Is. Jl.otS 313.000. Wheat -017,100,000 bushels, $1,8T4, 623.000. Oa!s-l.f3S.359.000 bushels, $1,09,-423.000. Barley 2:,r,, 375.000 2fi9.000 Hye- S'j.lO3.0()0 bushelH. 000. Tolatoes 307.C7G.O0O busliels, 1475 731.0O0 Hay " 4.'.!l.000 tons Jlr,2 Tobacco 1.340, u 1 j, 000 J374.31 S.OOO Apples- l3.r,32.O00 barnd firio nno. Honor Koll Walnut drove Schcnil 1th Month Annie Lois Routh, Tearl Reuth, Fan nie Wicker, Alene York, John Jordan, Charlie Routh, Howard Routh, Ander son Wicker, Armstead York, Ray York. Gertrude Reynolds, Teacher. ' " ' .. J "sy I f t coffee The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans Buy genuine Oliver Plows and Repairs, Superior Corn Drills, Harrows and all kinds of farm impliments from: McCrary Redding Hardware Co. Honor Roll for 1th Month of Moun tain View School First frrade Altfone Robbins, Ve na Robbins. Third grade Carr Hughes Fourth grade Jessie Fariow, Beat rice Miller, George Rich, Charles Kearns. Sixth grade Virginia Miller, Caro lene Jarrell, Ilertha Hughes, Jose pHne Hughea. Honor roll for the year. Fourth grade Beatrice Miller. Sixth grade Carolene Jarrell, Ber tha Hughes, Virginia Miller. Mary Hanner, Teacher. bushels, $2 fl34.47, !. 473.000 pounda, x X wkkeeping, Touch Typewriting, Penmtnehip and Commercial Brart ics thoroughly Uught Fall Term begins September 8. Write fcr ci aloguo and full information. GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Greenaboro, N. C "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR S22. OFFICIAL TRADE MARK OF THE 19t9 WAP 8AVING3 STAMPS (Tk rtnr of DnJmln rrmoktte rpro4uc4 bot ppara on tb Wu tortngt Bumps pf th ) Stop dandrufi' and double beauty of your hair for few cents. SAVE the Leather Dandruff cauaea a fcreriah Irrita tion of the acalp, the hair rooU ihrink, loooen and thn the hair cornea out faat To (top falling hair at once and rid the acalp of erery particle of d an il run, get a umall botUe of "Dander ine" at any drur itor for a tern cmiU, pour a little in your hand and rub it into Uie acaip. Altar aTrai appu catlona the hair itopa eombiV oat and ro cant find any dandruff. Your hair appe aoft, fWy, and twk U DM Keep your Shoes Neat LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR BLACK , whitO, TAN. AND OX-blood (dark DRown)Shooi : 1 LA I A c I J You Are Young your proapecU for uceea are good. A multitude of Bookkeeper, Stenograph n and Typlata are wanted by banka, milla, railrrmda, and other large corpora tiona at attractiTe aalariea. n IrPr tor " unprecedented jpronperity that "rfconatructlon" will bring. AtUnd aa aemdiUd achool and go "orer the top" ia the bualneu world Erery bodv andnnaa KING'S CU8INES3 COLLEGE body wdoraoa wet ana abundant. 117 it I , BALElGn, N, C CILARLOTTE, N.C