THE ASHEBORO COURIER. ASHEBORO. N C. ASHEBORO, N, C, APRIL 17, 1919 4 Election Expense vs. Tire Expenses This story of the election expenses of a Georgia man who waa defeated for county commissioner in the recent primary, reaches us by way of the Newark Ledger in a dispatch from Atlanta. His sworn statement runs: Lost 149 hours sleep thinking about elec tion. Lost two front teeth and a whole lot of hair in a personal encounter with an opponent. Donated one beef, four shoats, and five sheep to a county barbecue. Gave away two pairs of suspenders, four calico dresses, $5 cash, and thirteen baby rattles. Kissed 126 babies. Kind led fourteen kitchen fires. Put up four stoves. Walked 4,076 miles. Shook hands with 9,508 persons. Told 10,101 lies, and talked enough to make, in print, 1,000 volumes. Attended six teen revival meetings, and was baptized four different times by immersion, and twice some other way. Contributed $50 to foreign mis sions, and made love to nine grass widows. Hugged forty-nine did maids. Got dog-bit thirty-nine times, and was defeated. RESULTS: Disappointment and Defeat Turn defeat into Victory with your tire trou bles use Gillettes. Play safety first. If you are tired of experimenting want to get right, then ask your dealer to put on Gillettes the tire that's "A Bear for Wear." That will put an end to your tire expenses and trouble, for Gillettes are made by the chilled rubber pro cess and are strong and durable. There is 100 per cent of service and satisfac tion in every Gillette Jire and tube. Gillette tires and tubes are now coming with regularity from the factory in Eau Claire, Wis., and we are ready to supply the big demand this year. Gillettes are being used by careful drivers everywhere and the demand is growing very week. RESULTS: Service and Satisfaction "ONE GALLETTE SELLS A SET" E. B. PARKS & CO. FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS Cor. 5th and Liberty Sts. Randolph Motor Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. Asheboro, N. C. FA1ER5 ASKED 10 TAKE BONDS LEI UNCLE BE LIFT OFF C:?.NS! BANKER We are Disiributors for Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, Dodge Truck and the Liberty Cars. See us before you buy High Point Motor Co. PERSIAN BAtfl. THE ORIENT MYSTIC SKIN LOTION. A skin tonic for invigorating, nourishing al beautifying the skin. Heals and dries instantly. The Ideal Absorbing Balm, far superior to sticky, paste and cold cream. Will not grow hair, absolutely harmless and can be applied to the skin of an infant. It will restore natural smoothness to chapp ed or cracked skin in a most surprising manner. A foundation for powder as well as being a skin and tissue builder, stimulating the pores to healthy action and producing a complexion nature intended you to have. If your hands are rough after the routine household duties one application will restore them to their natural softness and beauty. For all skin irritations it has no equal. SOLD AT Standard Drug Company PERSIAN BAW.TOILET UJJL NEW YORK CITY. 50c AND 85c OUABAMTKI If, attar ung wrtir oooOoti of thm aa ftooordlas to dlrtcttoM, jam art Dot aattsfUd la vmiy raspac. four feroovr wlU rfun4 lha sno jom paldlor U. i it m u will like Luzianna It is real coffee. Real bedause it is darefuly eeledted,propery roast ed. ana oecause its goodness is sealed tn. xveiy pound oF Luzi anne is sold in an indi vidual air-tight tin Can IPZIANlNEe Tht IUity -Taylor Company Proved safe by millions Pain Back of Head Frontal Headaches Neuralgia; face-necK Torment In Teeth Toothache, Earache Colds and Grippe Out of Pain to Comfort "Bayer Cross" on genuine Tablets. ASPIRiN Buy only "Bayer" packages. 'Aspirin is the trrle mark of Bayf r Msnufae ture of Monoaceticacidcster of SalteyHcacid Adults Take one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose throe times a day, after meals. for and Insist Upon r 'Ask Bayer Tableti of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. 20-cent package Larger sixes! also. oo Special Appeal on Behalf of Liberty Loan Issue is Sent Out by Washington Repre sentative of National Grange. Eyery farmer In America is ex pected to support the Victory Liberty Loan, says Thomas C. Atkeson, the Washington representative of the Na tional Grange Patrons of Husbandry, who has sent the following letter to the officers of every farm grange in the United States: " "Victory Liberty' is the slogan for the new loan. The drive is to begin April 21, for the sale of six billion dollars in Victory Liberty Bonds. These two words visualize all that is best in American spirit, American fanners must respond to this appeal. What the farmers of America did In sacrifice and in accomplishment, in food production and in bond buying during the war is a part of the record It is a war record of which any class may be proud. It must be made good now by meeting the obligations wlrlch result from the outpouring of Ameri can strength which conquered the enemies of Liberty and civilization. Time to Get Ready. "It is time to get into this Victory Liberty Bond campaign. No appeal of the war has gone unanswered to the full limit when brought to the atten tion of the farmers. Men, money, wheat, other food no matter what the obstacles or the difficulties the answer has been full and certain. The answer must be the same in this com ing drive. "Millions of soldiers must be brought home; thousands of sick must be cared for; thousands of wounded and muti lated must be made ready for future usefulness. We armed a nation and mobilized its resources into a war ma chine of such tremendous potential power that our enemies surrendered rather than face it, and thereby months or years of fighting and thous ands of lives, were saved. Now we must pay the obligations created by this effort. Who can neglect to pay his Just part for that which prevented bo great a sacrifice of life and blood. World Wants Products. "There lies Just outside the doors of the American farmer a hungry world, a world which needs all our products. American farming rests on the safe basis of need and service. The invest merit bf the hard earned dollars of American farmers in Victory Liberty Bonds is a safe investment with a certainty of fair return, and the money will come back into circulation making more business, increasing the market and the demand for farm pro ducts, and increasing prosperity. Buy ing Victory Liberty Bonds will make farmers Victory-Liberty-Prosper-ity-men. Do your part to put the Vic tory Liberty Loan over the top. "Make your investment in Victory Liberty Bonds the measure of your confidence in American institution! and that democracy for which your sons offered the supreme sacrifice; a symbol of your determination that the war shall not have been fought in vain; an offering of thanksgiving for peace." Offers Far Better Opportuni ties Than Those Enjoyed by Thrifty People in France Who Claim Leadership. Apply few drops then lift tort. jorns off with f.r.jers France has been called the thriftlesi cation in the claims to be. II we do not watch out she will prov It conclusively. America Is the rich est country on earth. Our per capita savings increased approximately 4 per cent in the last four years the period of the war. Last year, for in stance, the per capita savings in the South alone was $26.73. That sounds like we have the money, and we cer tainly have the will to make more. Uncle Sam is out to show you how. He wants to be your savings banker. He offers you not only 4 per cent, in terest, compounded quarterly, but the government as security. There could not be a better incentive for thrift than that. The French people have fur less, yet they save more. They have no way to put their savings into small government securities, the popu lar denomination being that of five hundred francs, or $100. It would not be very convenient to Tocsr.'t hurt a hit! Drop a little Freezuiie on an aching corn instantly thr.t corn stops hurting, then you lift -t r:;;!it out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Feezoue costs but a lev cents at any drug store, but is suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or com between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freeone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It u wonderful. Rheumatism Pains Relieved "I have used Chamberlain's Lini ment for pains in the chest and lame- save if we had to put our pennies into mess Of the shoulders due to rheuma an old stocking until we had accumu- tism, and am pleased to say that it lated $100 as the French do .would it? has never failed to give me prompt And the stocking doesn't pay any in- relief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Ba terert. So let Uncle Sam take care tavia, N. Y. of your pennies twenty-five of them buy a Thrift Stamp and sixteen Thrift Stamps converted into a War Savings Stamp begin earning compound Inter est for you Immediately. Are we going to let the French beat us in thrift? DAHcD GERMAN 5 SHOW HEADS Sergeant of Marines Hurled Pointed Query at Bodies When Fire Was Most rfflc in Belleau Wood. Ter- i It fcmt nice to swear in EYESTRAIN ' cause headaches, nervousness an! poor sight. We specialize in oorrectinjf eye strain. Drs. Staley Eye Sight Specialists High Point, N. C. STANTON-WTim BUILDING UPSTAIRS Office hours, 8 to 12, 1 io 6, 1 to v p. m. oy ppoinunent, 'phone ru Make your money malrr. mora mon ey. Put It la War Bartnft Stamps wner it u Barer idle. pe. Wertthr I er is war nice. This to ef&ar store. It wae toid. by Brigadier General Cat Bn in hte book, "With the Help of God and a Pew Marines. BaOaan Wood is the setting. The General had given Ms troops the order to advance. His last words were, as they started across the wheat fields under a withering Are, "Give "em hell, boys." "Same one has reported." the Gen eral continues, "that they advanced on those woods crying. "Remember the Lusttanta.' II they did I failed to hear it. "Somehow that doesn't sound like the sort of things the Marines say under the conditions." Then General Catlln tells what they did say. When the lines were waver ing under the terrific German fire, a sergeant cried rait: "Come on you , do i you wunt tn live forever?" Tell the marines that you nro not going tn t.ilte your share of the? com ing Victory Lllx-rty Loan. Resolutions Of Respect Adopted by the Flat Creek Lodge No. 285, A. F. & A. M. in memoir of James Wiley Purvis. James Wiley Purvis died Thursday, March 20th, 1919, in the 66th year of his age, and was buried the 21st at Ceulah Baptist church with masonic honors. He is survived by his widow, two brothers and three sisters. He had been a mason for about forty years and a member of the Baptist church for nearly forty years, and was in good standing in the church and lodge at the time of his death. Whereas the Great architect of the universe in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call our beloved brother from labor to refreshment, and Whereas he was a worthy and exem plory brother among us, readily re sponding to every call of duty, not only masonically, but as husband, neighbor christian and friend, and whereas, we keenly feel his loss and shall miss his friendly face, his assist ance and his counsel in our future labor. Therefore be it resolved. First, that we deeply deplore the irreporable loss which we suffer in the passing of our esteemed and worthy brother. Second that we hold up his exem plory life to all masons and others everywhere as a model of excellence and worthy of their emulation. Third, that we hereby extend our most sin cere sympathy to his stricken compan ion and to all the bereaved relatives and sorrowing friends. Fourth, that a copy of these res lutions be put on our minutes, a copy given to the bereaved family and cop ies mailed to the Asheboro Courier, Moore County News and Silcr City Grit, for publication. G. C. Phillins. ' H. J. Myrick, Committee. GH NESE 1 WAR BONDS GO UP IN VALUE History of All Loans for a Cen tury Shows That Advance Has Always Come with Peace. T WINS WAR MEDAL General Pershing Pin3 Award on Breast of Sing Kee, Who Braved German Fire. 666 cures headaches, bilious ness, loss of appetite, foul breath, or that tired aching ' eeling due to malaria or colds. It removes the cause. 1 Horace Fourquarean, aged eight 'years, died in Richmond, Va., recently i of sleeping sickness. He had ben in a state of coma since March 6, being aroused only at intervals for nourish ment. The boy suffered from influenza last Octoler. Will history repeat Itself? That (mention Is In the minds of many bond huyeni them days. Records show thai the prices ofbonds were way down during war times of the past but soon After peace was declared advanced rapidly. During Napoleonic warn prices ol EngUah .1 per cent, consols ranged from e7Vi, the high and 64 H, the low in 1814 to MTt the high and 84 th .low, In 1134 During the same period JTraach 6 per cent rentes roue from Here Is a text book on American Ism writtfm tn Chinese chnraotor nd translated for uho when a Victory Lib r.rty Loan Bailsman tackles you to do your duty. It Is an official American communique: "Pvt. 91ng Ke Infantry. Chung Kee, father. 804 North Fourth street, flan Jose Calif. Tor extraordinary heratam In artum at Mont Notre Dame, west of Flames. Prance, An gus! 14, IS. 1918. Pvt. Kee, although senoualy gaased dnrtng shelling by hlgs axplnarve rod gM sheila, refused to be evacuated, end continued, prac bcally slngle-tiAoded, by his own tn Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes The Fee There is an old saying that "Na ture cures, the doctor takes the fee, but as everyone knows you can help Nature very much and thereby ena ble it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required, lhia is particularly true of colds. Cham berlain's Coujrh Remedy relieves tho lunfrs, liquifies the tough mucus and aids in its expectoration, allays tho cough and aids Nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. i riMna zn nn um imuumui , the high. In 1814 to 104 8 In 1824 ' amtat niAJ t Mon, They also went as lrjw ss 45 In 1814 Dame Throe gnout the critical r?ench 5 per cent, rentes during th parted Pvt. Kee shoved extraordl-rranco-Prussian war ranged In p -lr ! nary heroism, hlgn ooorag. and aar- from 75.1 to 87.3 and 50 8 to 81 1. United States bonds during the Con federate war soVd for 954, the high, and 83, the low, In 1861, but from then on thsy had pra-tlcally a stoady rln until 1873, at which time lh high wai 113S4 and the low lllVi The ton forty-year bonds, put out In 1RM sd ranced from 103H to llfiH In tn yaara. Four aorU of Liberty Ilond hav ben Issued und th fifth to b known as the Victory Liberty In wlll soon fce offered. Tbi securttlei bar behtnd lhm the mightiest pro ted ton swer deTlsed tho rosourrot and the pledge and the faith of one of Um great nations of the world Tie rnventment valus of the bondi caa sjerar decreaaa. for thn Interest wtn always be paid and to (modi wta be rdtemd at fall face Talus ai tnetwltys latent devotion to duty and totally disregarded all personal danger. By bis determination ha materially aided his regimental commander In com nmieatloa with the fsont Una." Img Km wears (be DtatlDgulshed Mrrlca Medal ef the TJrrtted States of .marine. ting Kee hi for America for hsr aoogh to lay (lows his 1H. Are yxxi for America? Are you as gsod a man as Sing KeeT Thee buy of the Tlrtory Loan to the Umtt DO YOUH BIT WILLINGLY. By tpasrflng lavishly Us T7Jta4 gtatasj ended the war, saved buttons el intUM and hnsdreds of thowaaadt eg ttresv PsT rr share ef Um hDU fhiakfvTly. wtirvgur 1 WV AT AT AT AT ATI Mi The important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and the body develop ing. A growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health. To a developing child SCOUTS comes vtith particular help.' Thousands of the strong men and women of today were in efithmttmm tvurrisluwl ant Sk a strengthened to withstand Ys tha Inroads of dis by th (t consistent um of ScotVa. J&tL JOOsl ewwV9Q B)QQlgsjlk)s!4sJ(i teT'n