- - Welcome Company Jr,rY ry Liberty Loan Edf A?on -V. l- ? ISSUED WEEKLY. PRLNCIP IOT MEN $L50 A YEAR IN ADYAN CD KUMBOu' VOLUME XXXXIT Aaaeboro, North Carolina, Tkmr Jy, April 24. 1JI TTrTTTl I1IES US. l 1 I I I i I WELCOME EXTENDED TO 120TH IN CHaRLOTTEJ One of th touching incident in connection with the wonderful cele bration in Charlotte Wednesday waa a message sent by wire from Rev. Dr. Plato Durham in Atlanta to bis bro ther, Mr. 8. J. Durham, President of the new Southern Methodist Univer sity of Bessemer, both half-brothers of Capt B. F. Dixon of the 120th, wno was killed in the fearful charge of September 29th last year. The message was this: MGo to Charlotte tomorrow and stand at sa lute for me as Company K of the 120th passes by." , A message of quite a different type was that on the card presenteiLeach so ldier while I they were havinjj.sup per. This was ''a happy thought af big-hearted citizen of Charlotte; The cards read as follows: . "Back to the land of the Long Leaf Pine, The Summer Land where the sun doth i shine; Where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great, Welcome 'Down Home' the Old North State!" At one time Mr. S. J. Durham was Srincipal of the Asheboro Graded chools and his brother Plato was ona of the teachers. Their half-brother lived in Asheboro for six months be fore going to Camp Sevier and resolv ed to make Asheboro his future .home and aranged if he returned from over seas to return to Asheboro and open a law , office and practice law in this county where most of the soldier boys of his command lived. WAG. W. S. LOWDERMILK THOSE TRIUMPHAL GERMAN HR: ITS m'" mm ''!' . ; &0f if W v TllltffltlKllill16' HI II T-rVV)frf-tfl WfeW li'it- - :,.:i,u...w,ili,. mini mJF UNFOBGOTTEN (By Zoe Kincaid Brockmnn.) (In memory of Capt. Ben F. Dixon, CORPORAL WALTER O. BBOWX KNOCKS MR. BOWMAN DOVfN Tuesday of this wek whfl CorpoU Company K, 120th infantry, killed in W. O. Brown waa talking with fries the battle of Cambral, September 29, on the street in Asheboio who wwt 1918, wbo, although wounded three 'expressing their gratification that he times, stall led his men until klled by nad returned and bad recovered m the fourth wound.) Wagoner W. S. Lowdermilk, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E.. Lowdermilk, of Asheboro, writes an interesting letter to his mother. Wagoner Lowdermilk is a member of the 81st division whicn has seen service at: "East of St. Die and Raon-l'Etape sector, Vosges Mts. September 18 to Oct 19 (brigaded with 20th French division); Somme dieue sector between Haudiemen works :md Benzee-en woevre wov. at; Konne-Meuse -drive, north of Verdun. Dear Mother. Received your letter of February 27. Was glad to hear from you and to know that you all were well. I don't know what to write you as you ask me so many questions. It made me think that yon had not been getting my letters. Wil ltell you a little experleno in the A. E. F. I have hot been sick y et am enjoying the best of health, but ! want to go home. I have plenty to eat such as beef, potatoes,' evaporated apples, prunes, bacon, good bread, ham about once a week, canned goods about every day, but it is not served in Euro pean style. I have not mised a meal since I came over, but have been 24 ana SO hours late with some of them. v i into Km it. hiillv beef and hard tack? That is only afield ration, but used on long nixes ngnv vn .sViul wYiv T wanted to CO Germany. Why didn't you ask me why did I join we army i a Os are issurtille doing train conveying and we go every wnere in we a. xi. r where were are soldiers stationed and Tr ma aM tivrint ttlA beat tilHS Of any of the A. E. F. We have no f orma ttiens at all and can go A. W. O. L. L mm -mrrm liV. IJU1 Tide SAT trains carry a pass that will wa us by an M. 1"B, can ea auy Tio i-jinm auu - " patday extra for whatever we need which Is Qsuaiiy snows ana bmww w tmrnm. I found Germany a much better Muntry than France. The oldle 00 there seem to m very wnuw 1 was In Coblena, Mets, Luxenburg. aeenn via v. V 1" jj towns in Germany and have traveled all ever Franca by rail and motor transport. T ouaaked me If I had seen any real action and had it to act on me also. I wm en the front on the 16th of Sep tember and was under constant flrt both air and artillery September 18. 17,18 and 19 and saw soldiers and kersea knocked off on both -ides, A aadB Companies were , at that tlme detached to the 804th supply train, after th 804th supply train was wrought with us, we went back to the regiment at VereelL France, which ii on the Switserland border, then the infiuensa got In the regiment Other Cor.-ianlea were sending their sick M to hospitals where the Red Cross ureea were. My Capt got two rooms about 16xl feet each and startou putting his slck.ni en in them and made mo head num of his hospital with four big rough men to help ma We had fifteen eases of Flu in the two 'rooms at ona time, B Company didn't loos a man while all the other Com panic In the regiment lost from three to eight men This job , lasted about twenty days then on November 1st t was ordered back on the trucks and on tha 6th e were back oft the front ano in the Argonne-Meuse drive. W went right into the trenches with the aramu . hlUon, our artillery was firing over our heads, small bullets -were singing like bees from the , German Infantry . and machine guns. What we dreaded ' rooet was the shrapnel and large shells, they made us . hunt dugout rljrht oft in. Tlad one to cover my truck with dirt till I could hardly see It Charlie Letnonds, of Star, has we record of jutting on hi ras mask wh"n he hears one eominr. J was standing Ulking re aa M. P. when a . marine polled off of Ms eijrht Inch "baby wakers" i J It knocked me down unxfcte!l- .after that I watch ed many fther S t knocked down and lie j would ft L.:"T as j hunt safer Kighty-nve thousand German helmets, enptu red by ullled troops m'Xbleiw,.Vre- to be awarded as prizes by federal district committees in the Victory Liberty Limn campaign. They, will be given to Victory note salesmen mak ing the best selling records and school children writing the best essays od the loan. In he picture shown above, taken on the Treasury steps In Washington, are shown Frank It. Wilson, director of publicity, (left), and Lewis B. Franklin, director of War Loan Organization (right). Wilson created a piinic In the helmet market by buying; the entire 85,000 allotment from the War Department for $1. It cost the Ueruiuu government more than that amount to manufacture each one of the helmets. . t ' These helmets were a special supply held !n reserve for a triumphal entry! into'JParls. Eventually they arrives e by freight "D ' there places, still, it. wasrreiit fun to see the cqJ!PNY K RETiJUJ men droppmg7rn tneir laces anu getting behinri ' trucks or any thin;; ttiey could ? see when they heard one coming. we naa a very nara umn uie last. loo4. Mo OCI H-satflj nMS, we had the ro MAY'lOTH WI!,L BE CELE- WELCOMES HER HOME BOY "patriotic Celebration in Honor of Con Ji tmAmmat Vnn.a r'nn.n.n. V Pvandolph county since .the middle of L ' Meil and AU RandoiDh W-: seven oays ana. renaerea gooa wora, nf , men f Comnanv K. W9rS .fSji:; 120th Infantry f the famous 80tn dv ; Committees "from the different SffSr7vwT"i..HL- vision. The men .landed at Charles; County Soldiers or- Your company passed by today, u tearless one and brave, Above whose folded, quiet hands Quaint woodland bossoms wave, The blossoms of the Argonne wood inat wnisper to the dead, the gassing received overseas, Mr, Cephas Bowman walked up, . whese- upon Corporal Brown said to Mr. Bow- ' man, Judging from your conduct yoa : .are not glad to see us. Bowman saM : J why ? Brown said, yon have not ape ken to me since I have been here, Sat turned your head when you saw And twine the tiny snow-white cross One word brought on another so those say who were present, Brown saying -to Bowman that while w boys war Kivmg we nuns neii over there ypa were giving us hell over here. Brown,: it is said cursed Bowman, filing hira vile names, a liar, a alackm m. hrmttm i a German sympathiser, a friend of and sympathizer with deserter, and at ' sorts of a damn rascal. I Two of the witnesses H.t man said come to my office it you wast Above your quiet head. And as the stalwart lines swung by To martial music gey, We felt your sturdy presence there ' Along the flag-lined way, We knew the steadfast soul of you, Courageous, true and strong, Looked out from heaven's mystic gate Dpon the cheering throng. n . ..j j to see me.' Brown and Privata 2ah ,0 you who laid your voung Ufa down, Hurley went to the courtusa and v jvu miv uyeu mi lunir into T.rA nme p In time's brief space, when, wounded that Mr. Bowman waa caJkdont H ' v I ' j , on n18 return Brown met BownWta You cheered your men to aono-. th koii TT "r" Your eye. are closed, your hands are'place, and is clainted BowanS .fivT v Taior 01 tn ttembejBs , Sf '.J or uPn Capt Dixon, ana tell Tf fight ooSrSL , n 2HPS"ja Lat ,Bwn three tanas it. orown mocked Bow- ' still, Yet o'er our land so wide Still spreads that patriotic flame You kindled when you died. Mr. Shay, Well Known Hog Specialist vuming 10 nanauipn man down t4 k County agricultural airent D. S. Col-1 dsU Z Slj-JF trane has made arrangements for Mr. I Serireant Frank a PVL Monday April 28th fc will WSIS?' ? L S 'A lt & arouna wny Wot In the will build Smith's. a self-feeder at Mr. H. D.'den.T"-V ,-.-,wnftt l ordered This building will be in tho'he wai fiTir.t f search him Aa4.:Z j -11 ..t.: "e was nxing to shoot Steed miWH Jtornoo rnM, 551 aeputy sheriff , he was fixing t without resist Meetinir at niirht for all j ""ff"1 th a - 1 luuxiu ua mm. way or a demonstration and all who i withn,,? -".I- f?'ea "uomitte are interested in hogs should see this'after W" nr. -"""W work done. was Tuesday h house. The men landed at Charles ' ganisattons ma. tUBetvin. the imrtl"''' , f awnws'a mgnii-i ftttir'f-1thtl.l.ail9(T'tlriafr tn" tiHaii. far mi faifar. I alr- and self-feeder L M.r.' Brown has left town aiw) buildinp- demonstration at C. E. Bird's, I Jlrlma. to see hie mother. Ha ja Holly Springs.. Meeting at Ramseur1h,ir?ndoP couty man of powerfal at night in school building. ldl.anlrd to hit in a jboxSr Wednesday 30th will visit hog farms , ; ir; wman claims k ku' arounu r armers, Duua a sen-feeder lessons and xtvriiiera, piac w oe, aecexmioea later. 1.111 .viia o.icu aiuioa ,(4Fd . v- WOnrawaKe wemv- t saw many wuu . T .ft ' nnli,mhi: Thev niraded tatnintr all Pandnlnb .mintv .nlrl.W aSS Lr-t? l,d we it the 120th Infantry in Charlotte -on May 10th, The Daughters of the ?f t T?aa ff nf and received a most cordial welcome Confederacy entertain the Confederate wen U back to their Tar Heel home State, veterans on May 10th each year. On f' Wuf ZTw Tne company was mustered out on Fri- this occasion the men of Company K This lasted until the 18th of November , ' . . mm nrrrimA , -j .ti p0jii, ij,il ;..v, then we got orders to leave and we fi fa point Fri(la m0lt Xhey were have returned from overseas and from ?0!l Tu;r lTiinmJnV met by a Urge delegation of Asheboro the camps in this country are invited started out hikmg wili full people and were brought to Asheboro to come to Asheboro aid participate which is to. and entertained duStg the night, in the celebration. The Red Cross pounds, we hiked as far as twenty-five Acommitte6 8erved sandwiches and chapter together with the various or miles per day. nffe at ths Standard Druor Comnanv ranlzationa In Asheboro. have lronoint- You asked me about Colon uamun. ... n, v.j kZ ,trh. nn,m;tmmm f i i,t.i. He made his hike all through two nrougn iwo . . v- .im;n tv, hundred and thirty some miles, while ?tv" T.n VT't k a.11 armind " -- - r. . ed committees to work out plans which wui do announced later, the men were falling out him he sure did show his Hamlin pluck and I have never heard him call time Deaths Occur in Butler Family Near Liberty Hrs. Thomas Butler and hv two sons of near Liberty, died last week for these men nor is it necessary for their record speaks for Itself. They ed ldd since, he has sure filled a man s nn and b1 did leader.'cap nlace in this army and there isnta . v, tm m. i. truer cleaner boy in the A. E. F. than county are proucTof their Inlluenia. Mr. fsom Butler was a Cnlon Hamlin. nj 1- fv. Pnmmnv w warned man and lived near bis par- James Hamlin was through here A u Randoloh county soldiers. His brother Willie was nnmar- the other dav, he is stationed about CO S'11 jjgmm inmpaiy K ri!land lired wlth h, P"" The f inemiles above here, he seems to be bovs went to Camn Sevier, mand eons were burled at Beth- liking the army fine and as well as any where nj u recited to r J006 Jnw conducted of ua. war strength, 150. 45 men were killed (b " pastor Rev. Sherrfll. John Woolen, of Kandleman, and and 90 wounded. The men in this see-' . Glenn Mofftt, of Moffitta MUUwho tion who returned after having been 5'?J,,5!"'J?'E?i?wl left the local" board with me are still mustered out at Columbia are: mmt ot M vult Askebora in the ammunition train the other First Lieutenants Hal W. Walker, Kiss Walker of the Home Service three that left with me, Clarke Burney and Clarence J. Lorett 1 Department of the Red Croaa, la la Cooper and Sam Holland were in Top Sergeant Colon Bunting. Randolph county this week. She has Luxenburg, Germany, the' last time I fl.rvMnt WsnViiiirtan L Burrow, visited several of th hrn.VM .nH heard from them. Roy .Cox, ' Harris Birkhead, Dallas auxiliaries of the county and haa done In regard to the hardships I have Langley. Walter a Craven, Frank soma, personal work among the aold had plenty of thsm and everyone in gteed, John Lackey. ,lera and their families. The Home Ser- the A. E. P. haa. I have driven a T b a Brown, Lonnie Llnthleura, vice Department of the Red Cross ex hy. ' .tru'k. ,'xty ,, hr' Ernest linthicmn, Reld M. Hannah, pecta to secure an all-time social and straight through without relief ot Eu?eM chlaholm. George Birkhead, moral worker, whose duty It la to took sleep and eat bully beef and hard F Ctom jkjvaa Betta, William after the social and moral needs of tack. p,u AmIi Wlnslow.) June Brown, the soldiers and their families. This T nnA tn think It was tiresome to w ft Rma 3nn Inlinsmi. Alfred Is a splendid work and Randolnh eonn- drive a touring car two or time hun- Bradshaw. Bulla. Cart . Kivett, George tv I fortunate in having a wide-awake dred miles, but a thousand miles KJvett, Reggie Auman, Llovd Cagl Ked Croaa chapter through which she would be a pleasure trip compared Graham Monroe, Arthur Alien, Rosa can secure the services of such a work with sixth hours behind the wheel of R, Russell, Emmett atKlng, John W.'. -Miss Walker Is very enthusiastic an army truck, at the end of thesixty Tucker. Kirby N. Eirkman, John D. and cay that she has been most en- houra Journey Edward Booko, of Davis. Russell B. Allred, Clem D. eouraged over te prosnects In Kan- Chicago and myself crawled under wo GMiland, Clarence E. Ward, Charles floipncountv. Mrs. H. 1 Hayworth is truck at 9:30 Y. M. and went to sleep. Laughlin, Edison Black, Walter kouw. cnairraan or we nome oervice ieparv It waa in small town ealled Sarcey . Vernon E. Curtis. Axlexander Hutch- rnent of the Red Cross and she has At eleven P. M. the Germane came bison. Alvah B. Garner. ,Nen.ldin a number of soldiers end over with machine guns and high ex- ' wr famnies. un to the oresent time plosive bombs, then we were ordered. Trinity Commencement- Hon. Boot ' n neeos wiu ne wnmxmr. wereiore. to leave there. We started out without) K. Page Delivers Address It Is nrewary to cure the services any llghta In a heavy fog and came rn Trinitv commencement began Batu- of an all time worker. artfh Mia Wanrh srttllm-v snd nrdsv n(o4it and hsa ttm In nrooTMS wuwn. - 1 - - r " . -rr . j n -.- Infantry moving in the same diree- this week. n reciuaon contest oy " "".ra". 'r'T" ' .'7" '"n" Oi tion. The fog waa so heavy we were lomoelled to ro in the ditch and theie 1 got three houra of the soundest sleep I ever had in my lire, i nen 1 drove un til twelve o'clock the next night and went to sleep in a dugout in the Ar gonne Forrest Really it may sound funny to yon but I don't believe a fellow, ever dies until bis tim cornea. No doubt you have heard other stories that would not compare with this one,- but every roan of a different branch of the service Is entitled to a different story,, for I have worked ditiv the Infantry, machine guns -ana we the young ladies of the hlh school, innlaed la Randolph County was held Saturday nls-ht Miss BerU A 4, t ,, Welborn, daughter of Mn. D. M. Wei-1 The home demonstration agent, Mrs. born was the successful contestant. L. W. Coggins, has bn In this eoun On Monday night the primary elasaee ty Just on month, During that time rave an entertainment lion, Robt bom demonstration clubs have v PM AM-n-rcA tha uuiiiil address been organised and other communities on Tuesday morning. , (are considering organisation. Very Class day exercises were bold on wora is oeing aon in uieae Tuesday evening at which time eleven .erabs. vmincr neonl rraduated. Prof. W. F. Wod hss been principal of th school and haa been most successful. Con- Hie purpos of these organisations lnflaens Situation In Liberty tmues ferioos ' y T. J.a IV. fm. .aaali m f rkvfv artillery and , I know that, they don't ,M onderynj,,,. M mdme of havthsam story to 'tolLDon ,influenia. Th altuatlon la Imorov know anythiny about when I ani eonv inghom It may be In th 1st fall. . The yards her will be closed eut in July and w may get to om homej a . F. setMirate from our division, that la th heme. . . . . . . .1 L..L ' ' onivcnanc VI gwvmf; osc uotvrv fll. - - - ' ; ing but there are probably around a hundred eases there now. I think-, but I waat to go Don't wrnnr about m for I am having th best tm of any en la th Your eti, ; 'X" War. W. S. Iowrlrrrnnk,' 1 . Co. B. P.f Amnmnltloa Train, jnarlcaA P. 0. 791, A. t F. 1. To offer systematic plsns and conveniences to ssve time and labor. 1 2. . T01 build better living condi tions. . . S. To toach the nutrltiv and eeon- omJe vain of food. 4. . To . riomtmitrata rood. ' whole mnVlntr. bnttjir kslsneed food. . (a; T develop stronger tnanhood and (b . Te build better home.' ' S. To create a fin sonununitjr spirit - t) Pv eTfajr f idea, (b) Ey developing th social Ufa. Shay, without ouestlon. is one another brother in C. .vZZi of the beat hog men in this State. He a,tMrd brother overseas ia the arnw r haa not only studied hogs but has 01 occupation, all three being tolmi raised them himself and haa been rf"- w a irrandaoii s at thi. Carolina. No hotr man in this aee- wa8 a Confederate scout one of the best breeders B nr-Kn.J . M . "CCIi T ..ii .. WJnwJI T (ISmRlfl. ; . a . .. ivinATYAH n i .... ir in worth opiwu oi this soim k i aee- wa8. a Oonf derate s.u u'L'T tion can afford to miss seeing him at ?t stock from Uto sidns these hog house and self-feeder build- 1118 family. ing demonstrations, or miss the meet- Brown was arrested B.nt : , animation and waa bcaad UkSl Bowman hum w k . . e Educational Community Nuraa Fop. waa was Brf ITT . B"d Randolph County iaot appear thai iBt'.W gSfi Throua-h the efforts of th n.. Serireant fitaml I. .1 m Anmmi.M.. 111 1 1 . aTSelp msAtr -M .1 m,Z "X SJ Randolph county. Application haaon border and OTsmasaiid been made to the nnmlno HnTniMit U manv battles tlA - of Red Cross headquarters and it is I5' H captured t Cermana nnsUL probable that the nurse will be in the'0? Sept Xtb kat BeliT ZnTa ' county by June first She will operate "ef of police 8 Wad and KaT Ssm under the direction of a nursing com-ita An tallow. mittee which will be appointed by the Mr. Steed says be is x . Red Rross. At m. mii mM..'ajitkl. alJTV m gmlty a Messrs. C. C. Oranford. and W. J. going out to do UttiTwiS Armfield were appointed a committee land th agtrret ul! Jz????. to irioua or authorirw Jto right tS'iSiTStoSM rgelylh. would aornZwionrSr proportion th Unror iaH of th!lim uxd flMiwiKri viZ manuictaiiefl or Xhm eoantr. TT isyniaiss wilt 1. ssiuaspw vvua wvift. tajai lfTjiy nvutU BOS ILM tan iru a. . "'.X throue-h th schools atuHn eonmnctloa b inclini mLJlFca wmU " w-s "wuw inniiviiasiaMVW IT7Ua vvaaaam VVtaf Pasn ftr ' waaasiwvr-a muuihvihii viisajiiap stasa. "he may affect after' aha arrive. Shel a- gt- n vfll visit th different eommunltie of untesrs uT- JTS the county and will aid tn teaching noti now to ear for themselves families physically. Th expense e met by appropriation from the Ren Cross and county commissioners wid by private donation. Randolph eounty is to bo-congratulated upon so enrlng th aervk'e of aa educational mrs. Only thro other counties ia the state have mad afnular arrang-manta. were bi vsL fer Baa Hospital rfo. W Asslgnad Early Oosivoy Bas hospital tromber 96 has been assigned for early convoy. This unit was organised by Dr. John W. Ixmg. or Greensboro, and la composed men In this section of the state. Messrs. Arthur PreeneiL Oari Rich ardson and Carl Pare, of Asheboro, belong to hospital unit 6S. fflootint . hia , 4Sirw2 tt slackers and deMrton, SkndiS offlc was headouartera fn -i-JZ and deserters wh ww tmrML In this stotoment others will an 22rt tM tt"i bo tereat to tha nnKiia HoUoway obtained 1x7 tofcT was jar. tJowmaa gar hi aan port la any way to roundm . jL. Memorial Servlc A memorial servlc will be held at rVnfer rhureh Pnndav. April fTth at M:00 oV'oek. Th "ervlc will be m onor of 1st Clas Private James TI. Secretary Daniels Te Tads Amy s ' OccspatsM Secretarr Daniels sjwt 1, ' pending several days with th armv wwucq slopes ox we Alston easU. j in Kmrw vrV tnmiu hills has been placed on the ; TSJ KneTommia; 'if In all snd manv . Jcun' omfnandngi th divWon. , , , A Memorial Building , aai rnrniai dnm a l. . . . w - ss Wall, son of Me. and Mrs. ft. N. WalL . Khin Major ; -ho w. knid In action la Prance Dlckrnaa commanding th September Uu I Aatti.acTS: ix Vessel, CrewjH Wi.h r.J ctn ?! troop h!ns arrived 1 "ndav In time to celebrate p-er vera 14.44 men I "r'M of the rewlce were represented. I Ttrn nf l Mns were liArmsn lln. I ers nd hr1cshln d had on board' As a hospital la practically assureeT eri:ie of Grman ofneem vo had n Asheboro la another way and from muds we trin representing th Ger-. another source, It might be beat to man grr emment erect a memorial building for th sol. . 'dier from this eounty In th form of W. M. MrNalrv. a prominent law- community building with library, er ot We.r1"n died at his t home at rest room, Y. M. C JL, ete, Marion N. C April IS. of menlnvltis . A meeting U to be called at a following mfluer., ;It had only been rly day by the Red Croas, (utm-. week sine th deceased retnmed f Dwfeasa, Woman's Club and othrr horn from oveirss, wher h had been loeal nrajlaation for the prp, ,t Hnc lt aummmev aa member of providing and arrar.iriTiir for t t -th vpedltlonary foree. T dasl ton of a rrmnnfTit m( nr ;.l t j ', waa a aatlv of Guilford County soLiicrs U Ilan,!t H t- ', 1 1 1