Patriotic Celebration in Honor of Randolph's Soldiers Saturday -THEY GAVE THEIR ALL FOREVER. YOU ARE ONLY ASKED TO LEND FOR AWHILE 1 f L50 Lr 2 rAll IN ADVANCE ISSUED WEEKLY. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN VOLUME XXXXIV Asheboro, North Carolina, Thursday, May 8, 1919 NUMBES 19 ueut.-V?. i .la:;i:I3 HON. LEE S. OVERMAN .c THE OTMEE RANDOLPH TO GIVE v BIG VELCOME 10 HER SOLDIERS Citizens of Asheboro and Randolph county have decided to give the re turning soldiers and st-ilors of Ran dolph county a rousing reception, tne day being Saturday oi this week, May 10th. . - . It is a county-wide affair and every community and section of Randolpn county will be given an opportunity to assist and participate in the cele bration. The public school commit teemen, public school teachers, Sun day school superintendents and teacn ' ers throughout the county are urged to act as committees imarou3ing in terest in the occasion. Postm: swrs, rural earners, Mer chants sad millers requested to spread the news iar and near, r.nd all are rwiuested to bring a basket of food fx- themselves and their friends and ion in a picnic dinner. , Com-ni'tteen to handle every detail of the celebration have been appoint ed, an-' every effort will be made to make this the occasion of bringing to gether fte largest crowd ever assem bled ir. Asheboro.- ' Senator Overman, one of the mcst eloquent speakers, a member of the upper house of the American Con- trress win De prtsoeui. emu -patriotic address in conunemoration of the illustrious achievements of our boys "over there." There will te a parade, music, tese baU box- ing maicnea vl - v te?t fembiui to federate soldiers reunion will be on the same Everybody in Asheboro is ready to co-operatc wiin wic vy . . ty for the ' gg ' . Ti Randolnh. come. eyeri "-b-,T rX.;ntv This IS to ivouwr - home day for the men and women ho Ire fit .... i u on1 the naes oi xne -allied nations. .- .T'rv . Every electric nn"" , : j telephone post will be a flag pole; and Teieimuus . . -vprv resi- old glory wiii u dence ana duhquib - Plans are being arranged to mate the occasion a memorable expression of the affection and admiration of our people for the soldiers in this war and Few remaining old veterans who are totterine to their graves, and whose brave dledf. and achievements have never baurpasaed, and whose valor ner . I- -it.rv,iwr1 in son and win ever u ft. .ounty &ralSntlTfoughtinthe Span- ish-Amencan war. BIG fJNSRO 'SATURDAY One Man lses Wf-I""d"! Blaze for Hours-Was li.i riannt-u , . An explosion in the warehouse of the Texas Oil Company's sub-station tne iexd a y i .-lnrk Saturday and a large less 01 , v aWoril hours a tremendous fire ' , f-a bv lare quantities ol oil co wAWkV and Senary tanks cl me cm. ,. Thp trestle over the Lithia street .ubway was burned and all morning passenger trains were de- 'Tultllwtre striking the -hir of rvenT people of the city were Sled of the cxplorioV. Ind the nrttUng of doors and windows. U. thatit an Southern Railway near tho State wor-"iSTatcnnoHgg-..Jf nit vai melted, ana SS7hSrSh ToT gallon- of oil upon s .Vround to burn. Fortunately, how Zlr wmot other tanks exploded. roSSto th Texa. company U n Serkbte Many dwelltoaw .nearby, tat m ot ifSfitJrt ml nlaca the o 1 ran down the treet fT.bTock and fire covered the rtroet fAw.ti weaken in tt. trd. f WmStJn-Saln, which bad Jug TMUMd the plant, and only blocK noon of email Insulated wire 76 lect K letfln from the jplantof Texu Oil Company ecroee the rali rd to a point otne distance down thTitreet, Tn "tronr eetoth - opinion o? Dcwty 6UU "r"fl Coirnnlieloner V. A. Scot V wh Ul work on the ea. that Oie property ; ; wu deUberately deetroyed. . ' Offlcialf of the company are onabU te five rren an eaUmate of the loa niib Point FnterprlM Mi The lllh Point Enterprte lM b old by rrkr R. Andewm te R. B. Terry, J. P. lUwlpy, nd othr tm ' !) mpn of Hlrt Tolnt The new . own'T conVrrploU k eoi!drbie ppn'!:t " In rirrV.i(iln? h-tT fri'P r .., i i r -. i .. Jr. .r-'fT-.,ri L'Vi'4"11 - R -f S1'-! t"j$? J? J?1' 1 if -v'i ws5- Senator Overman will hp tho nrin- cipal speaker here next Saturday. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY It should not be lost sight of that next Saturday is Confederate Memo rial day and that one of the most im portant part3 of the program is Con federate memorial service. The Con federate veterans are expected to re ceive special honors and marked re spect will be shown them bv all. Sen ator Overman was invited to address the veterans of three wars and com mittees have been appointed with a view of commemorating the achieve ments of -the soldiers in all three wars and in addition thereto the women who have served as Red Cross nurses and in other capacities in the world war, and those who at home have made sacrifices in this, and the civil war. The Courier has been for many years an all home print six column eight page newspaper, set-'in eight point solid type. During the war under the conservation rules we could not wei enlarge the paper to meet the grow ing demands of the paper. Instead of increasing the number cf pages, the management has decide! to increase the size of the pages both in length .and width. It is expected that this will be done within the next few weeks. Mr. J .A. York Appeals to His Cor. . . rades of Spanish-American War Mr. J. A. York, who wrvs in Spanish-Ameriean War has been mnro chairman of the Spanish veterans com mittee. He ureres all soldiers wVo fought in the Spanish-Americr.n V.'r.; i.u men nun ul niB piace oi nn.sine i in Ashoboro on Saturday morninar : I 10 o'clock, when arranp-emonts will ! : made to take part in the celebration. Mr. York is anxious for all of his err -rades of the Spanish-American War lo go together in the patade. Jack Foust of the Olranto Disaster May be Living On April 23rd a picture of a voun- man who was a victim of the Otranro will be the largest crowa uie town rutai Entertainment Committee C. C. disaster appeared in the Greensboro ! ever seen. This county has never nau Cranford chairman, W. J. Armfield, News. The statement was made t'utian opportunity to celebrate in honorJri w Wardi Mrs Henry Luther, tho young man was unable to give h' of the veterans of three ware, and tnejM,8S Hayvv.orth, Mrs. Gertrude identity and that it had puzzled the 'citizenship is very much interested m Millcr( MiB9 Grace Wood, Miss Rutn navy Department and all authorities . naving a dir wwumuuu iui wuc had been uneble to find out wVo th,'men of Randolph county who nave. young man was. Jack Fount, formerly an employee of The Courier who en listed in the Navy Department was cn the Otranto when - she went down. His father W. L. Fount received A no tification saying that his son was mist ing, but that no effects had over been i recovered, This has given Mr. Fount nope uiai nis son siui lives, since ire,rwon tvr unwuum wic appearance of the' picture m tho red, White and blue. Arrangements Greensboro paper, which ho thtnkx m have been made with the Camp Fire a likeness of lis son. Mr. Fount bM.girla and Boy Scouts to assist the peo taken the matter op wth the depart-' pie In decorating their cars for the ment and hopes that he has Mircceded parade, and decorations will be fur tn locating his son, whom ho thottghtinished free of charge. The Camp Fire Ai not irirU and Bov Scouts will be located on appear among the number of tho 19! tho lots between the Standard Drug who were lost The many friends of .store and depot, and between Sted JnV Fmit atneorelv trniit that htt la man's i tore and Baptist church. The still living, and will be' restored to nor mal health and strength. Savs and have Buy W. 8. S. Sunday School Notes Two townships will hold their eon- rnntloos on th third Sunday in May. These are Grant township at Bethel fhnreh and Providence township at Gray's Chap! church. All schools in thtm fAwnahlna ara nnrnd to hava delegates present at thejr convention. The wirventlons are held for the ben- "At of the local schools and to make 1 thenTof the larrst nsefulnese all schools should bsrfepreseated. The convention held at Iert Cross lant 8unday was fairly well attended. The congregation at this place are preparing to build a modm chnrch building and one which will gfve large place to the Sunday school - , The cards snt out omime ago to the srciwnnfnlTltS or iria cmmij hart not all h-n rhimHl. "" 1 1 t r ':n I T MR. L F. CRAVEN, CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY VIC TORY LOAN COMMITTEE WRITES LETTER $0 RANDOLPH CITIZENS j s: Citizens of Randolph:. Had you realized that in the 4 per cent, four year, Victory Bonds Vour Country has offered you the best in vestment it has submitted to investors in the past half cen tury? ;; . . When you'ebnsiider that you have no taxes to pay on this money, that no safer investment can be found in the world, your good business judgment should prompt you to buy all you cari;of these Bonds. In some sections of our County large numbers of them are being bought by all classes of our citizens includmg some of our most successful business men. We need the help of every i&an, woman and child that can buy one oi these bonds. Go to youRhearest bank, subscribe and help Randolph report its full allotment. Y I. F.CRAVEN, County Chairman, Victory Loan Committee. : OFFICIAL PROGRAM FOR THE 10TH OF MAY f Fl FRRATION IN HONOR OF RANDOLPH COM? SOLDIERS 1 10 o'clock DecoratingcariIby .Carrip Fire Girls and Boy Scouts, be tweetfiteS J3 StoS JbetHSflh SteWs store and Baptist church. CnUTCn. 2. 11 o'clock Formation oi paraae ai west uu " U o'clock-Camp meeting Confederate veterans at court torn erate veterans will join in the parade immediately after the meeting, 3. tf nr.taiXomta Vttpins Will lolll 4 11:4a tsana concert o scuwi uuuuiu6. 5! 12:16 Address by Senator Lee S. Overman. 6. 1:00 o'clock Memorial service. 7: 1:15 Basket picnic on Presbyterian church grounds 8 2-00 Memorial service for all Confederate dead by Confederate vet erans' and Daughters of Confederacy, in Asheboro cemetery. 9. 2:15 Boxing and wrestling bouts. 10. 3:00 Ball game. LINE OF PARADE Float in memory of Randolph county soldiers who lost their lives in Band followed by soldiers, sailors, Marines, soldiers of European War and Spanish-American War veterans and Confederate veterans. Red Crc-ss float, followed by decorated ears and floats representing the different manufacturing and industrial interests of the county. Camp Fire Girls, Boy Scouts, louowea Dy uie uiucicui amuu.o Idolnh county Note Parade will form at 11 o'clock a. m. avenue, and will march to the sciiooi COMMITTEES MAKING FINAL PLANS FOR BIG CELEBRATION The various committees have been very busyior the past two weeks mak ing plans lor the celebration in honor nf Rjmflrtlnh county soldiers on next Saturday. From all indications there mane recoros ior vnemeive. tcm--tor Lee 8. Overman will mnke the principal address. Mrs. B. F. Dixon, of Gastonia, Lieut W. T. Lnndia and and other prominent people will be nresent. The Hiirh Point brncs band will furnish mucic. The. decorating committee have made extensive prep - Asheboro Drug stor and the Stand- and Drag stor bars offered to serve free of charge cool drinks to all men In nnlfoTm. Dinner will be served the Presbyterian church grounds Md'cnsHsabBatui everybody tu the county is Invited tOGM$or? w. come and bring baskets, and enjoy l, Mnr'J ,V wT f real picnic dinner.. Chairs will be pro-ijo High Point hospital Sunday for vided In convenient place for theijtment or operation for opend - Confederate veterans. The dinner eom-jtis It U hoped that she will hsvs a mittM will be on the grounds at nine o'clock to fecelTt baskets. The rerfs- . . .i it . loik n trance of the PwsbyterlaA h h and they respectfully ?v.t gii aoldiers regUter. OfQcUl Cosssiltteee TWoratlon Commltte Mrs. II. W. WalkT. ehslrmant Miss JessJe Cot, Mrs. L C Mosef. . j , v - . i Tarade Committee Clarence Rush, chairman, S. B. Stedman, L. M. Craa ford. F. Pi. I'yrd, ; ; Fictile Committal Mrs. L. F. Ro. Thrs U fl.ninr.nn, Mrs. R, I. DirVn, Vt. C nf V rn'C. Vr' . '-. J. O. It"' '?, Vrn. J. It. , . i o-.., Avenue at the west end of Sunset grounus. Mrs. Ira Eiwin, Mrs. W. D. Stedman, Mrs. J. D. Ross, Mrs. E. L. Moffitt, Mrs. Everett Luck, Mrs. Virgil Pres nell, Miss McCoy Birkhepd, Miss Fan nie Hannah, Mrs. T. W. Caveness. Finance Committee; E. H. Cran ford. chairman. E. G. Morris, M. G. jLovett, 8. B. Stedman, D. B. McCrary. Hadley, Q. W. berry, Arthur way, . F gmjth mis3 Virtle Caveness, Mrs. Eugenia Newsom, Mrs. Robert T. Llovd. Miss Bcrta Kivctt, Mrs. W. A- Coffin, Miss Ruth Cox, Miss Mildred Birkhead, Mrs. John Swaim, Joe Mc Dowell, C. G. Frazier, T. F. Bulla, Miss Minnlo Hoover, Miss Nell Fox, '..:. Swanna Lcwdcrmilk, C. v.. stcoJ Mjs may jicAliiitcr, ' McAlintcr. Music Committee Miss Nannie Bul la, chairman. Mrs. 8. B. Stedman, Mis LMlo Parrish. Memorial Committee Dr. C. L. Whftaker, chairman, Rev. Ira Erwin, R. W. Prcvost. RAMSEUR NEWS Mmkm. 1. 8. Wvlio. J. E. Cov ns-- ton and G. M. Klrarey, gentlemen of , 'the road, spent Sunday with their families here. I speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Mat-ley went to Greensboro oa business last week. .Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brady went 8un- day to see their son, Tracy, who la m tne nospitai at ureensnoro lor treat- ' Mr. CL T. Hutsoa and family went to Siler City last Friday to attend the funeral of Mt flutson s niece who came t death Wednesday by a runa way horse. !.; . The revival srvW at the Baptist church here eondneted by the Rev. Mr. Duiwsn of Mt Olive is making good PTorress. A number of conversions .' un lay afternoon and good meeting . - ' r r';-vt i ' 'f r-"', of rrii, vuit- T The Patriotic Citizens of Randolph County In another article in this issue of The Courier is set forth in some detail and with some .elaboration the end and purpose of the county-wide celebration in Asheboro on next Saturday. The co-operation of all school teachers, school com mitteemen, postmasters, ru ral carriers, Sunday school superintendents, Sunday school teachers, merchants, business men and all who "de sire to make the occasion a memorable expression of ap fection, appreciation and ad miration, which the returning soldiers and sailors deserve, and the debt of gratitude we owe to the few remaining members of the thin gray line of Confederate veterans, and veterans of the Spanish American War is ur gently requested to aid in not only giving publicity to the occasion but the call ing attention to the import ance and soliciting those who will agree to do so to bring with them to Asheboro on that day a basket or box of plain food to help feed the multitude, for it is well to remember they cannot be fed and entertained with a few loaves and fishes furnished by the few of those most able to do so. If all will chip in and contribute their mite, itj will not only be a memorable occasion, but will be epochal and unprecedented in its im portance. The day will be a succens if the people will it to be so; its success depends on team work we do, and the spirit v in which we go about carry ing out the MPS. Wm. C. HAMMER, Chairman Publicity Commit tee. Double Wedding of Senator Overman's ' Daughters One of the most brillant social affairs which has occurred in Noith Carolina for many years was the double wedding of Senator Lee 8. Overman's daughters In Salisbury last week. Miss Grace McDowell Overman ,wss married to Edgar Norris Snow, of Greensboro and Miss Katherine Biaid ' P" "as married to Mr. GUh,-rt Postcr Hnbley of Salisbury. The ),, wm iolomnised in the First Methodist Church of Salisbury, whore la large number of relatives and friends representing the highest social circle I of this and other countries, assembled. Following the double wedding a brilliant reception was held at the uverman noma, Save and hare Buy W. 8. 8. ' A number of our folks attended the memorial service at Heasant Grova Sundsy. Mr. 8. A. Caveness and fanv lly, Mr. L F. Craven and sons, Ehell; and B. O. Caveness passed through from GrnboT-o stnnping at Eam swr with fr(mds awhile. The many frin! of Mr. R. F. Tt trson, cf Libert r, a-r r 1 'y p --. r, j -' i. $ . V - - " I' ' f'. ' Lu.A. . .M liVut W. T. Landis, of Oxforl. who is v.fiting friends in Asheboro. l.iK"t , Lands was assigned to Company K at : -Camp Sevier and went overseas with the company. He was wounded twice. iha ltst time on SeptemDer? 2'Sh. He i3 very much interested in .Ran dolph county soldiers. J!lf. t Mrs. S. S. Winslow 6f WorthTille Deid Mrs. Flora Bulla Winslow. of Worth-'.' ville, died at her home last Monday, following several years of ill health Mrs. Winslow had only been seriously ill for the past few days, having been taken suddenly. She has had a ma- ' lignant trouble for a number of yeais out naa Deen aDie to taKe a great deal of interest . in her home affairs -and everything concerning the State v; and ; National matters. She has been a most unusual woman. During the re cent war she has never failed to show her patriotism. She is the daughter of the late Dr. A. C. Bulla, who-in his day was one of the most prom inent physicians of Randolph county. She was married to Mr. S. S. Wins- " low in 1865. The ceremony was per-' formed at the home of Dr. Bulla by David W. Porter, a justice of ? the peace, of Asheboro. Mr. Winslow died ' about nine years ago. To this union 11 children were born, eight of whom now survives' Mrs.' .W. J. Jones and Mrs. ' S. B. Hammer, lnchburg, Va.; " Mrs. Ralph Weber, Clover,- S. C; Misses Maggie and Janie - Wih&low, who live with their mother; Hal IL Winslow, Des Moines, Iowa; Tom Wins low, High Point, and Arch Winslow, , who has recently returned from over-'. seas. Mrs. Winslow is i. also survived by three brothers and three, sisters, viz: Dr. J. F. Bulla,. Glenola; Dr. Alf Bulla, Caraway; J. C. Bulla, Asheboro Route 2; Mrs. Mac Dougan, Mrs. R. L. Clark, of Caraway; .Mrs. J. F. Birkhead, Asheboro. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Ledbetter, of Charlotte M. P. church, after which the body was laid to rest Tuesday, .r- Mr. JTT. Hedrick Elected Mayor ol Lexington '' t,v In the city election in Lexington Monday J. T. Hedrick, candidate for mayor on the citizens' ticket was elect ed by a majority of 43 vote3 over George L. Hackney, tho Domoeratio opponent. Mr. Hedrick carried three of the four wards. i. ,. - Miss Myrtle Hudson. Chatham County, Accidentally Killed Miss Myrtle Hudson, of Chatham county was accidentally killed . last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Hudson was tho 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hudson, who live S miles east of Siler City in Chatham county. Mr. Hudson and his daughter were In the field Inte m the afternoon planting cotton. Mr. Hudson told his daughter to go to the house which wo about three-fourths of a mile away for some watermelon seed and to ride one of the horses which they had been working. Miss Hudson went to the house and got the seed and a hoe, an t ' on the way back the horse becsm frightened and ran away. Her father hoard her scream and from all ap pearances she was thrown from the horse about half way back to the field. She was dragged for -about three-fourths mile and when. foun! was terribly bruised, and was dend. The horse and the young woman were both enter.g'.H In a barbed wire feree. The death v. ns a most tragic one. I k r hat and hoe were found at the pine where the horse seemed to have firt become frightened. Her clothes wons entirely torn. from her body.- Mi Hudson Is survived by her parents r 1 seven brothers and sisters. She a sister of Mrs. C M. Nance, of A' boro Route 2. 8he was buried at ML Vernon church. . . Secretary Baker Returns From Trr Secretary Baker returned Mon-i. from France, on the George Wa) ton. . He says that the movcmxnt ' troops is most satisfactory, and t1 the last of the first million troop embark for home next week. tary Baker farther says that ' 300,000 a month moving home wiH I reached In June. SOUttFRS OF RTTTNT WtT? , QUESTED TO MFKT1N M OF TUB B APTIST O'T ' ; SATURDAY MOUMN;; AH recent War ol!r r f t' are TT',tv to mt It f Par'" '! : ' at 11 "") f ! f ' -

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