s - THE ISSUED WEEKLY, PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN r m A YEAH IN ADVANC3 j. - , i . j..k. nw r.MiiiiL nnaT. Mit 1L 111) - "; usiur-t-z VOUJmJS jllaai? - i, . I - I ENGDtF LIEUT. GUY HAYES A .... , . CM . ::rV, m ; 1 MEETING OF COUNTY , COMMISSIONERS FOR M.Y The regular meeting of the board of commissioners met on the first Mon day in May. The following business was transacted. Bills against the county audited approved and ordered paid are shown on disbursement reg- inter u. o, pages 11 hi 11D inclusive, order number 494 to 586 inclusive. It was ordered that the nrot'osi tion of the State Board of Health for typhoid vaccine as per their contract submitted, be and the same is hereby accepted at a cost of 12 cents iter person for complete treatment, copy of said contract is filed with this month's papers. The sheriff was authorised to ell reai estate oi delinquent tax payers nrsi monaay m June, laia. Victoria Smitherman was released of tax of $220 account listed and paid by Dan Coving-tcn. lhe county was ordered to nav 5 interest on Liberty school bond sink ing fund from date. Such fund was first collected July 1, 1919, and annu ally thereafter as lona? as such fund From Lieutenant G. C Hayes, Evacua- shall remain in hands of county treas- WU1 . rr .Mnv inlnroi Soma f K ak.J - U?n SJZ v. P Haves. Ran- tees of Liberty school board. . ""V IT The following noil taxes wer order- meman, . ioA -iqoj r ii :, Trier Germany, r r" 1 j10 --m H"ysicai iner, uerii.auj, j-fl- itip n f? C--.J- w -.- March 2J, Ven, H. M. Newby, Coleridge: Ely.ivan Mv darling mother: Wall, New Market; G. M. Holder, Lib- -r i4.i. ot-Ari ivinrrn iiui icaur v. j.v. luaiiBv, rruviuencp. ji:-f; lour ie.wi -v4via .lava W. M ThiiFnhiiW viin 10' ea me toaay. xi. j :aa mq t. Uqv n i Pope 0 RandplpHfDorHph'y. or to Soldiers of 1 hree Wars BIGGEST CELEBRATION IN HISTORY 6f COUNTY HELD W ASHE- BORO SATURDAY PABAUK 1 nun wmi r ''l'i,3L' " NUE TO SCHOOL GROUNDS SENATOR OVERMAN MAKES AD DRESSCONFEDERATE MEMORIALSERVICES tti lTt week. Left here Friday Selven Brown released poll tax account . rWMij!. soent the afternoon but 19 years of age. The following l O 1 .1 tnfafdct I tffHT1 1 1 C-f Q"1 aiy nnJJ . 1 T Viad a VerV WOnaenui wiu X, , " muuuenuui; g trip last v ion f on Coble id night the caught university tovn of E. S. Hughes, Tabemacle: S. J? waTv through the campus USummey. Tabernacle; Dorsey Lewis, noon fon Coblenz, spent "T-iJh ttare'and the next ' day were released from poll tax account iLfnaled v.P the Rhine of being in the army. L. Redding. Back Bo?n .VA; nldest university Cedar Grove; P. G.' andDuiiuiuBo ... nn;Versity Creek; A. C. Williamson. ColerMo-o: ? . e,ii imoerial families of Ger R. F. Russell, New Hope; Virgil Lof that all ne Sl cx-kaisev lin, New Hope: T. J. Foster, Asheboro; this institut on. """" '"'i the most A.. C. Coble, 1 place ana """ " j mposers of this Xeams, Concord: W. S. . Richard.-on, famous vmters u with Richland; J. A. McKmzie. Randleman; .ntinent and is aDosmii-iy p, t a ti - ma?y arlm tirince are graduate of Lacy Lewis, Asheboro: Floyd Cave and ex-crown V birth. neSs, Asheboro; B. H. Rush, Asheboro; Via institution. DOOII IB, w - C.VI- n :j ' .. -r ' Providence: Cov L hours car Orlendo King, Grant; . A. historic interest.. . t troll y George Callicutt. Union rsliere ana."lc," citv on the Brown. Grant; C. C. Ki to uoiognc, . it m Hazel V. Bonkemeyer. Franklinville; ne. Cologne is a modw" y rf Ne, FrankTinvine: C. T every respect wiui - r r wn M Harris Tabernacle. Henry T 600 000 inhabitants ana Lllen CeHar Grove. E L- Stout Co. the Pans of ie ... ht v,eartl lumbia; James M. Rich. Level Cross. PPnial feature of their liff and special 75c; Jonah Johnson. New ;,al carnival, here celebrated Hope;: Oardner cutely thak anywise.; CharheLFostr. rhi recourse,' was the Asheboro; Reic ' i71?!8 mJL end of the Walter Stowe. ? !LSfSnbe : expected mond, Concord find aav under ex- Richardson, Richland: DpRtiit lowering clouds which threatened to mar the exercises of the day people came from every section of the county to1 Asheboro Saturday to do honor to soldiers oi tnree wars. Beginning early they came in every cnncoivnhlA m&ke of automobile and in buggies and wagons too -until the hour of the parade, one of the largest crowds in the history of the county was assembled in Asheboro. bmart khaki, the Confederate gray, and Naw blue minified with the season s fashions on the streets of the twn. The people of the county are proud nf then1 soldiers ana ineir glorious rec ords and manifested it to their utmost on the occasion. The soldiers oi tne firpat War. some veterans of long days and nights of hard fighting against the Huns, boys who smasnea tne ae-, fences of the Hindenburg lirie, made Bellicourt and Nauroy household words in every home in the country elll muucaii w uuuiuivj. ' ious too who answered the call to ser Confederate veterans with smiles ' . . , --1-1 on their bronzed countenances, neu Cross workers with smiling nces: Spanish-American war veterans, and yeomen these were nonor guescs oi the people, of the county. Tlireatenine rain turned into sun shine and the program of the day was carried out in detail arranged. Noth- intr was left undone in making tne nay one of joy and pleasure for the sol dier veterans and they seemingly had the time of their lives. The parade, the best arranged and most attractive ever held in Randolph frmoj at tne wpst end of Sunset ave nue at 11 o'clock in the morning lrdl Following came the band and behind it rode the veterans of the Confeder nrv. fortv three in number, and J. A; York and W. J. Lows, veterans of our war with Spain. Then came che cais of the heroic dean, driven by Mr. Ben McDowell, brother of Se-o-eant Tom McDowell, who wa: killftfl Spntmhpr 29th. The caisson wa8 gloriously died now led by Lieuten ants Hal Walker, Clarence Lovett and W. T. Landis. .They marched witn steady step, modest to timidity, these boys who made, Company K famous in greatly to write the achievements of the 120th Infantry and the Old Hick ory -Division m letters oi goi.-u jne Camp' Fire Girls next bore the flag and; behind them were the Boy Scouts. Tha other soldiers of the county, seme a i 1 1 i . irom overseas ana otners wno nraoi- tunktelv did not embark On the Great Venture, were next in line followed by he St. Cecilia Club and the schooi children of the town. Many of the parents of the soldiers rode in tne pa- At the school building Mr. I. C. Mo ser, master of ceremonies, introduced all the speakers of the occasion In a fitting manner. The vsoldiers were wolrnmpd in behalf of the town By Mavor D. B. McCrary. Following hita Major James O. Walker, opera- tion officer oi tne xann spoke a few minutes. He talked briefly, of the achievements o the Old Hickory Division at a whole. He noi inaitnr in the citv and was filaa of an opportunity to tell of the valor. jrthe Randolph soiaieK. fioMtnr S. Overman's address a tno r.ATifederates. Spamsh War uknn, and t.Vip returned solders was ct ainmipnt and patriotic. He spoke ;of the days following the civil war, that tried men's souls, wneu ULB blllivu miw . Our young men suffered and necame .j 5 i, Voni apliool of adversity. sbruiiK in " - , .i He spoke of the present war, and-the turning soldiers, of the need of .proper legislation, and doaedt i a appeal in Denaii oi uic -"r He received marked attention through out his address ana was appiau.i intervals. Senator Overman n pop ular in Randolph as well as every where else. Following the exerises on the rchool grounds a dinner was sprean on w t -. . , -i v lonm it. was the for any RAfflGHIJETltR (67 Maxwell Gorman.) RaleiiA. N. CL. May 12. Alleging that the state of North Carolina is cheated out of (100,000 annually by people who evade the legal paymeni of license tag money, cnainnnn Frank Page, of the state highway com mission, is starting a campaign to rigidly enforce the law tne money is nopled on road construction, he says. New inspectors are to be placed on the highways charged with the col lection of the tax on automobiles, and other motor vehicles subject flrthe tax. In addition the city and town police authorities and the county officers are beinar written to by chairman Page, and they are urged to be more alert and get the coin from the "siacKs, Hope for Better Freight Rates . There is much interest and some hope attached to the visit here, May 22. of interstate commerce commis sioner Eastman and Examiner Barn aide, who come officially to make In quiry and take testimony in regard to the long-standing complaint of North Carolina shippers, merchants and in dividuals, that the railroads unfairly discriminate in rates against North Carolina cities and towns, it is now believed that the repeated efforts of the chambers of commerce and INorth Carolina Corporation Commission to secure redress at the hands 01 the na tional commission will bring fruit in the not distant future. JbTD DAVIS OF THE alSHIP GEO RGB - WASHINGTON ty, a special feature of taring m TVt astrfully dped and gold .tars 1 PSbyterian church lawn. It annual carnival, here celebruteo Hope; Gardner Loflin, New mHooe; i y the ccUnty's .so Ireatest feast ever prepared ffim1&& Sfefi CvffiVuSTS 'A in the county. H Hm ' 1 cross on which was hung a i ,.R-oHa7- black was held in place phce by Mto war 1 inev vvu . - A. 1 p:.itn.jnA- t:ti ,i . t t-v itt ik vpu. a oibi-ci. to be light neanu i stine headquarters l? IcZtps as their ciy is Randleman. 60 sneciah N. IT. TTir-w clrcumstanceB .sh Rmv o peasant Grove; Jay Willies, Vnw artera 01 tne ,n Roy Luther G T Q Kii-r. ,,,nt occupation; inejuu her st Lexie Cox. Brower; Clinton S. Laugl size and beauty to omy , e Franklinville. ctural monu- It was ordered :A I : r ,rnnn I - ments oi tne w'1"' tnan an the expense of an aTl-tirop nne I cent thing w e t t wi al. n(ier auspices of Rana0ipi, oouritj' I. D. Wmr. .w .IT: r-mH OrlKiv -r.n -t r K. Following the n a. MnH.riAjl TArTV-l.W 11 uu yoi v diors whom Captain Ben Dixon led in Flanders fields and in leading them .1 MEETING OF RANDOLPH CAMP CONFEDERATE VETERANS IN ASHEBORO SATURDAY Engineer Davis enlisted for " four year in April, 1917, at Raleigh, and . has been on the George .Washington most of the time during hi service He has been engineer on the ship on every trip the President has made across the Atlantic, and is now in a French port awaiting the return of the President. Like all the members ' of the Navy he is a great adinirer of ' Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daa iels. iy--Cii:' SUMMER SCHOOL FOR ' 'y. RANDOLPH COUNTY The occasion will be long remem bered as the greatest ever held in the county and both Asheboro and the county at large did themselves proud in V manner in which they we com--j ,;, vornes. It was a red letter day. b .frPP nf cost with which to help do tne TniTNTY ROAD MEETING grading and that alter swu ; COUN 1IKUAU completed, that he will mainta;n w MINUTES OF RAMUUi.rri j Eak, roart ,g Road trastces of Randolph rounty met fmiher un(ierstDr,d and agreed'that Mr. t.p court jiwv. " .., ,,.,.,,, nii . . . 1 1 hrnifnw win 11H.V iui nui n this the btn payi" j ame It is It was ordered that pn aTinroi;, a very magnifi- tion of $50.00 be msde toward pnvlng to bp ceui. , xr, -10.h it and win ai- "nner auspices 01 Kanaoipn county Ked v.miw in rOing uiruujt" 1 rM wayJ regret fcat we d not nav i their office in the court ha time, to aevove - -- - and May 20. Asheboro. N. on u r'road. y,U knwkirs and it is here that the I of May. 1919, "fit Monday; In compliance with the Public Law, fS47U teSd I of soap (quite pop- Aron-Wiseman 0 blocto.'cr d being Tuesday after the first lonc-y jt to p . fam0SiTT A Vis manufactured, generally known bd man in beine in the month, , nrebent: boards on aUleadinir roads. terfore V'aL'" , i off the market as soap tnea this wPeK at stieiby fo- the ror.r-'and tne ''" K Bird and it is ordered that W. L. Ward, J. K ii, -----H-i- in Germany, aer 01 ur. riennessee, 01 BurKe county. ,c.a;. nees. y- -- , . , B. due of course, the shrtegeof f atef - A,U i:Jt flUor' ftllib for lanCH. Onlu nno tirVnt nmn in flio AaM nH ffish are always good liven , so nominated tween the HourslXlZe. wp had a good lunch and inciaenuu of 10 and 12 oclock on Saturday night,'4" ' " C. Cheek. U h. nu, 1 d d j B H-Jmble be anpointcd B. Humble present and the 1 y qt sl SSl SSTed paWlare boards for aH leading roads not now under order numue. , On petition of J. F. Rout.h ichti'"' , .1 r i" i nm. ' othprs it is ordered tnat tne roa'i Trom Mr.rt mlK k.l it.- -ny. i' i, Pnmm ttpfl COmDOSea O. J ' " ,....., ... T-il .1 V. T rnpt some very iuwira'"o j- v wiore me eiecuon on luesr.Hj ici-i j , q r iiorils wonnvine vm dcuiwij m"".". Britishers. They are 'JL to board for road Routh's and G W. Pugh's to no v ireis cMulu"-" rew neoDie ainenaea xne oiimaiv. mrt i nnnei ne num 10 Bueciiictnini iui uuc I . ' ' ... . . r - .'.i, milM in lensrtr. ironi . r-v , ... Ci-t. them. . ta . nob- . " was with difficulty that some of ! V";" to fofla of road noar nianea I oy counw r ; From Cologne w " d those nominated could be -induced te V,"" hridtre It is therefore or- "e exnenae w ue ooi.ir u - t - - . .,i . jnn ner along tne roaa auu one-nu'i uy mc ,o. countv. Provided, that no steps t re i. to "be taken in the matter until the- From oiok"" jj V-.rtv and 10086 noraln" couia oe mcurea te , hridee It is theretore or- w - - lens by train and attended a par ana I follows: Mayor: J.i?roVtlat rotv wiU pay $400 per along the road and I 01 dTnce at one of the evacuation hos- Spencef Town Commisioner: R. Cled that county wfl payf , Provided that The Randolph Camp of Confeder ate Veterans met at the couit house on last Saturday at 11 o'clock. There were forty-two members present and much interest was mamfested. lhe following officers were elected: F. E. Asbury, Captain Commander. B. H. Lassiter, First Lieutenant Commander. J. W. Allred, Second Lieutenant Commander. T. B. Tysor, Third Lieutenant Commander. A. J. Rush, Fourth Lieutenant Commander. A. C. Rush, Adjutant. L. O. Sugg,, Quartermaster. T. W. Andrews, Commissary. H. A. Albright, Chaplain. P. H. Morris, Secretary and Treas' urer. E. D. Tucker, Color Sergeant. W. T. Crowson, Vidette. T. F. Millikan, First Color Guard. J. T. Shaw, Second Color Guard. The memorial and resolution com mittees for the past two years sub mitted the following memoirs and resolutions which were adopted. Randolph Camp, No. 1646, U. C. V Your committee finds that death has invaded our ranks, 'from May 10, 1917 to May 10, 1918, and has claimed es teemed comrades as follows: N. T Andrews, A. B. Covington, A. M. Mc Cullom, M. H. Moffitt and Nathar-iel Thomas. They have answered their last roll-call this side of the gicat judgment day. They have lelt us and their seats are vacant today. They have passed over the river of death their life's work is finished they were faithful to the call of their country. Let us revere and cherish their memory, and emulate the good deeds which they have left us as a rich legacy. One by one our ranks are be ing thinned, and we are called away The Master says "be ye also ready, May 10, 1919. H. A. ALBRIGHT. W. R. ASHWORTH, Committee. ... ... u..n,ir . iiiiii nui. - i i st . - pitals There. A mde Jonnson, u. raniora, j. m. Ntciy, caught the 8Kn'" u u "h'take"". J- oss. the trip up the Rhine. It was a beau . cmBt&hle. tiful sunny aay -m" -ig a very Treasurer: F. E. Byrd; It" itfbankB are literally dotted wito Troy Elect, Town Official. towns and small cities j rou M- Xroy eleoted Ming onn are coverea wiiu w - . . iMt week: casties. There .was a Tfiy gooa i M,yo, w L. Cochran. turer aboard wno VT, "d bad Town commissioners: J. B. Ewmg, all the legends ofthe 1Q U. C. Dunn, 1. S. Fife, Frank Huiley, a pretty littl legend to connect M Nicholson. every rain. . f -mions to , . 7. ' The oermans iitd"v"--;. I nave teas uian bou patients now, the iii.uc . f. ti m. to De taKen in me matter unui ml fbridge, petitioners to pay lor mi ma. hio-hwav under consideration ni for hriiiure. ana pay an i . . : t:i.-.. " 1 . . i . . Y. n irnm JVBIieuurv vim wucit- w - 111 of cost of road, 8aia roaa mance county is determined. feet in width and standard road in aH J o respects as per specifications others, it is ordered that a road be tinned in oono. , niif .f.m r.pdnr PaIIr to intersect Committee com ng : oeiore wo - ;: rv -f- m ,Vorth. improving and beauttfng ' river lmjlIle4St nc cm arrival and It mint be a great tomlltatloi iw m q' W, ara hoping that them to ee the boats PV there will be still more improvement down this wonderful T Vu' In health conditions and that rhe poiv- the flags of the aUied nations, fcn er that be will decide to relieie one renbrestteto. lhe mot wonderroi hospitals in operation here, on we nvm, f. ;. I ana we, or course nope that we will at the Junction e mow I the on6 roiiered. thus far we are fortress Coblen and Rhine and old glory la flrtnjr trora aDJlbIa to tte aljrrttest hint as to iU ataff, and I want to aay P"- time we will be ordered home, but inar that it U a wonderful sign Rinc we are now the oldest evacua- We returned f rom our river trip aoouv 1, m tn6 anny o) oocop,- , est at Coblena Cobleni U WT We are awaitin the outcome of the . Amarlcan army 01 occu 1 iv ..f Mn,. pation. It it T(tHnJ . It tf0M Md 1 ra,fn y anticipations, city of about 60m Inhabitant, k that will hurry the old travel is at the Junction of the Mosei ana Qrten j milke t ht y, Rhine. .The largest ir'"" personnel of evacuation hospital No. ne in the world is situated at tni ' 12. We were anxious to get over and . I iui Im 'Ilia mxm hM nAW ha-tha i au - tiv vv Miot vi v we are more anxious way home. TTniia iMinU eovi I mailed vou "IraVw.n,. Bttndar night on ?everal view, of .the Interesting thing. n " , .nj Krr ved I saw on my trip wrougn uie itnine tha nine o'clock Pf JTthmn Lmntry. They should reach you as home r The eolonel soon a. this letter,. There U nothiiiiM XrS-SM .Ordered the rar Interesting I can tell yem about my u ".'v. .ution 00 we were except tha I am enjoying goon nui, Sedloni 'w'eathci -w- t,.Tlftd falrir decent weather I am, - , . , . , nt rvral dsyi and theiew ..Ml A.n off in ilcknesa. We 1...1mi lit! TWO ! nernU Uatr Wllhelm. It mu - VfTnl SST feel Very much out 01 P' 7 to be on our tha bu Idlnga arouna u biu !- -Kkoif nf nitrh Pme road. It f8 therefore ordered that for the sum of $2280.00 the county win finish i-ald road a distance of aTwutK miles on condition that road force be al lowed free access to gravel nlong road side, with understanding that payment for work on said road shall be made with the one eranted from Worth ville to Gray's Chapel, Provided, that this road is placed under the ame re strictions as the worthviiie-oray-s Chanel road. I. e., that no steps to ward construction be taken until the State Tilghway mentioned above is dc-termined. It is Ordered that the hearing nf the o'clock a. m. May 15, 1919. On motion this meeting stands ad journed to May 15th, 1919 , ot 10 o'clock. W. L. WARD, Chnirman. C. C CHEEK, Secretary. V152TSrt Mr. Brady be Mntkontrovey over the Coleridge-Car- U Vi ,t rood from Doug Picrce't wage roaa oe postponen nnni xu place to Davidson cormty line, ann mm the sum 01 ww.w o u.puv to place road in passable cordlf on. Tf u nrAmA that as appropriation be made to trade up road twenty feet wide 1 rom atwut. Tsnw" Greensboro gravel road, to renvoi road to High Point, near Daniel Fsr- l0Tt"'ls ordered that, gravel road be granted from graded road at D. V. Davis' via Marlboro churcn to High Polnt-Randleman gravel road, about east of church at most suitable point, aa decided by Mr. Brady. It ordered that road ?-wn Kobt L. Moffltt's to Q. H. Davis' store on road be. and the same is hereby declared a public highway. CHAI MUffTA BEGINS AT ASHEBORO NEXT WEEK Will Be Held .On School Ground Arrangements are being made by the local Chautauqua committee for the opening of Chautauqua on Frl.lay, May 23rd. The programs now In the hands of the Asheboro peopln are the most Interesting that Ashboro has ever had. Many prominent speaker throughout the country will be here On petition of W. G. BroVaw and and the entertainment will be of a ethers, it i ordered that the roaa mgn cia, veryDoay in tnu county leading from Falrview aWIng via the shoftld avafl ttiemaalvM of tho oppor iwl tit W G. Brokaw and otheT. to tnnity of taking in the Chrttaurnia. Caraway echS hT Z Intersect with Km j? ha. been aaM before, t. Red the Aaheboro-Trlnity road be graded path Chautauqua will be in Aiheooro and top soiled, the elUien. to pay mv thl. year Instead of the 8warthmort, half the axnenM. the countv one-half, which ha. been ilng annoMly for Provided, that it W rnoorwo-i nn ww p- 1 r agr that Mr. W. G. Brokaw wilt qua will be held on the tchtni ground. furnUh free of all eort all terial a. nwaU , v for the constroctlon of all eulrerM - - ind bridf. needed on aaW road. Pnd ' Errv Uttle make, a nkle-Buy that be will furnish a traction ergrne w. 8. B. . ' At a meetingof the Board of Edu . cation May the 3rd, it was definitely decided to bold a County summer v School at Asheboro during the sum mer. This school will take care of the institute which was to have been held last fall but was postponed on account . of the influenza. 'All classes of teach ers will be required to attend. , Mrs. T. is. Johnson, a member or the State Board of Examiners, met the county superintendent and planned to begin it the 28th of July and con tinue it for four weeks or1 until, tne v 23rd of August. There will be - many as four instructors and more wia be added if the attendance justifies it. This will be a great opportunity lor t teachers who now hold second grade certificates to- - stand, an examination and make first grades so ' they can rt qualify for the increased salaries which wilbe paid this year. A'so those teachers who hold nrst grau'J certificates will be given an oppprm-.... nity to renew them for'two years. T. FUfflUttJSK bulla, County Superintendent Official Denial is Made Thai Farmer . ' High School is to be Discon tinued Tt lias been rumored that Farmer high school will be discontinued and that some other place will get it. I wish to say that there has never beea any such decision made by the county ., or State board of education. It has . not so much as been discussed, by either board. Any students who aiV making plans to go to Farmer next -fall can rest assured that the higli , school will not be abandoned. T. FLETCHER BULLA, County Superintendent. ; RABID DOG CAUSED MUCH ANXIETY IN ASHEBORO Randolph Camp, No. 1646, U. C. V, Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our Camp during the year ending May 10, 1019 the following veterans: Z. A. Cran ford, R. L. Coltrane, J. N. Caudle, D G. McMasters, W. F. McCrary and V M. Stevenson, Resolved, that we, in annual moot ing assembled, deplore the departure of our brothers, out bow in humble submission to the will of our God who is too wise to err and too good to afflict his children unnecessarily. That we cherish the memories of our departed comrades as me 3 of eour age. loyalty and love lor our South land, and we extend to their families our sympathy In their bereavement May lOth, 1919. W. R. ASHWORTH, H. A. ALBRIGHT, Committee. After the meeting was adjorrned the veterans were taken in cars to the west end of Sunset avenue where they joined the parade. .They seemed to enjoy the aay as much as any one they ever spent in Asheboro. After the dinner was served as is their cus tom they together with the Daughter of the Confederacy went to the ceme-terl- where a short memorial senrlce was held. Dr. C. L. Whitaker led In prayer after which a song followed. Mrs. B. F. Dixon then made a splendid talk te the veteran, in which .he briefly' recounted some incidents con cerning the Civil War and palJ encL of the veteran, an affectionate fare well aaylng that she with each one of them was going down the hill of life. The Randolph Chapter of the Daugh ter, of Confederacy then decorated the grave, of the Confederate vteran who have answered tha last ca!L Congressman Burnett died Sudden ly at hi. home at Gadden, Alabama, Tuesday night , Fourteen Persons in Raleigh Taking Treatment There has been much excitement In Asheboro for the past few days oyer a rabid three-month's old puppy which, belonged to Mr. J. H. McCain. The puppy had seemed very vicious for the past two weeks but had suddenly got-.. ten more so but Mr. McCain and the : family thought that it was becbOM the children in the neighborhood teas ed the puppy. So about the middle ot last week the puppy became so fierce that Mr. and Mrs. Fess Newsora took him to their home to try te rontrol him. Mr. Newsom also brought tha puppy to the Central Motor Car Co where he seemed to have bitten a num ber of people. Mr. McCain and two of his children, and tinea of Mr. Humble's children and two of Mr. E. E. Lewallen'. children. Mr. and Mrs. Fess Newsom and Mr. Babe Burney have all gone to Raleigh where they are undergoing Pasteur treat ment as a consequence of having been bitten by this puppy. The only signs of hydrophobia were -the flcrccneo. of the dog and tha fact that on Friday morning he waa found dead. Hi. head was sent to Raleigh and analysis showed that he Wat rabid. Judge H. T. Phillip, of Duvldsoa County Dead Judge H. T. Phillip, who for ir.ny year, was clerk of tha court of Da vidson county, died. In a hospital la Asheville last week. m. remain, wera brought to Lexington where thev awaited the arrival of Malar Wad Phillips, who reached Hoboken, N. J about the time of hi. father's death. The funeral was conducted in Lex ington on last Thursday, after hlrh interment followed In the old family cemetery at Yadkin College. Mr. Phillip Is survived by two son, Pto feesor Bobard Phillip., of Boston, ami Major Wade Phillip, and one ditih tr, Mr. Carl Owen, of Lexington. Peware of .mull frpnr; -leak will .Ink a tig ship l:uy V,'. :;. . .