T, NOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVA Ci: Thursday,' May 22, 1919 XUMBEIi 11 t. ' i ti 'I I i r i l 4 n i i i it' a M . I a fa r n r. n .fa U ti M v Ft i; : New ' :.t V.;.. :i If It ' :.- i.t if y Hi. me ; :n,- which Caring r n -j. lle. enat, ealvatl . .t Fuurtcc to T.eJ cuole ' SVvfl- ! I o cou v e k of Lk.1. - t -;R-rad m cor seaplane ..: IliilaiKfT, to I morning.- 1 rum will make the fir' a i.i r j' 1 t 10 Yoi E. Booth, on Army, nth. street, Hat h Fa , made- the trip from" Trcpassy, New Aniei-.car; rut. unon -t. Aiore o -.i-i-oay j me , I am very -much. Interested to know - that the Salvation Army is about to enter Into a campaign for, a sustaining fund. 1 feel that. the Safva tlon Army needs no comment datlon from, me, -The love and . gratitude it has elicited from the troops Is a sufficient evidence of the work It has done, and I feel that I should not so much commend It as to Congratulate it, Cordially and. sincerely yours, WOODROW WILSON. , ";- ' ,-4'-i3r i-? fcaralt4fqisslci SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES J: Next Sunday Trinity township Sun day schools will hold an institute at 1 unity, Representatives from all . .: schools in the township and the gen eral public is invited to attend this - roeetmg. It is especially necessary for wthlS institute to arcnmnliHli t)m 1iwci. amount of good that aH teachers and umcers auena. mere will bv, an all day picgram. Some of the leading oumidy bcnooi workers -n the State wiil participate in the program. Frankljnville township will hold its I annual ecnvention ; next Sunday at .uethany . P.- churchy .The program vvll own at 10 SO and close L. the aft- v enioon. . Franklinville is at; large - township .and the township Officers nope rnar every scnoo .will pe repte k sented. This convention promises ito bring a helpf d pro-ram, to those who ,. attend, . Concord township "will lio!d its &n y mwl coivent'on rfc roover's- Grove . church next Sunday. . Mr.'N. U Ridge president of tins townthit asFrwi.i- tion and lSyti vei'y efTtucnt officer.'' Ilr. , -Ridge-proRwlcd at the convention' last 'if: year and hftSTtfnea seen service at the front in France and is back Tiome ready to ho'the" .convention. Since , , turning hea v.sitod the Sunday - school and twrauged for the conveti :r;-.-rtion.- Na-otiier -township pwjsjdgnt has , had a similar expota'enfe. c f Tho i;omfnt,o)i'i j IftSf'Siin'bv In : Grant aimn-ovrcencA -wet'er. well' at . tended. Ia Grrnt township TIr. EF Coxwas re-elected' -president In t Providence township Miss Eatelle - Neere was elected president . tor the i coming ycat - ' . c- ii-'The proprram'forHha children's ill x:k ivision cenference .to ba held at Franfc; i : linville June' 7-8M:8:J3.reinirom' .r;-'pletcdjH ranMlv ns po.ls'blo. -vThe-J)eo-f.: it; plo of -FranklmvillA -prei expecting ti - larsre repf-cscntntign' irom the schools oj the entire county, ' - -1 - i - - - J V land, thug compk-tintr to first purrey across the,at!antic..b;r air. .Tlie NC-4 fa'Jjw nd JS minutes. - Thr fijfht ta to Lisbon, from J'onta Deljra'la - should Hi"-.?.ot.tfM,Ki'e- than ten-hours -and ,u.e niggi pn.to'J!y:iioi!th will rwraire even less thne; , - - - - The X&i is' the solely ance oi-te Amencaiv :Ncvy m p.n tttinpt ct this time to erw the Atlantic tlaon-"the &K- J?? et!"PT r1 n. f that be- re-chcj tVport of KoAzoni ei- i j . v-.'Y1"" """ win: 06 nil ft"''?'" -.rvavy. sea' u S'y mow " - -' ""e-' expecting- to reach the emrt of Ireland m'twentv able that, his; plane was firced down i J j i'" ease "tue hope is m uum j.or ms t safety - since the course1 he toolryitf Aiito 1 u Jails ra Pa Ra u:,i n r-" ? r v y - ML; PRESIDENT'S i v TO CONGRESS Bibers of Congress .1 sentences of his message regrets his grounds, of helping to arrange terms of m uiscusa xieveiopmenuj at tnepeace In the" rgmaminr ' paragraphs he dis- n'g Chief Question '' l etween capital and labor to see which w ive place to a genuine co-operation and :ty interest and joint - control.- Positive i realize, this ideal. 'The eight-hour -day .on is an immediate goal. Federal agen Msea for ideas about industrial problems. Be Received Into Industry O . Vc s, 'iild be continued. . Secretary f jnterior's . is worthy...ol legislative support and Se, -DATE -IS FTXFn TOR -T ' KANsrcR or policies Application ' for Tlxcliafcfe. of War r . Risk Policies Now Being Re- . '- .--" ceived - '-'-.-r r '. Washington, DC.;- May 21.TTie JyWar Risk InsairaPce Bureau -has ten tatively fixed June 1 as tho-date f6r "i. tho issuance of the ppw life insurance policies for which soldiers,- sailors and mannea may exchange, te policies is- 'f ued to them under the. War Risk Act, . Applications . for conversion are. now $ being received ' While no-tentative campaign to in -. duce holtforg of-the Wlir Kisk Act pol lcies to tvansfor to new form of insur :. ance has boon launched as yet,' apphca- . tions are tavitfd now in ordor to - ob- viuto a rush whra the timearnrcfl for - transfers to bo made and bT;;o - to en- courage holders of the policies to make - ' U . .1. . .. .1. . !i ? . . . . a. . . i iiic -A:miii!'. wiii-n ii is mosi conven .. ient for them to dn so. -. . , . - Iho Bureau lins made it known that it will not consider ponclcs os having lasped even though, after discharge, , a man may have ceased nnvmcnt pr has notified the Bureau tlint bo wishes to cancel his policy, until ample time 1 .-is b'-i-u f-ranted for remMtatemont. Xlif I.ITfilLlD poilfV VSiil ilO tO UIIOW a fol.i;' Bailor or marino to put his policy l.-ick in foreo by payment . of - Lack inr-tallmentS .withitt a period of fix ninntri-!. -Up to th mi-! Ho of April, 'the Ilu- I'' au 111 aid V :,,(,' ! claim- for in- fuv-'inr.. ti ar.ii f,,r d.-ath. Only 1 .CO t fcio I r : i.s not (. - I,. t:,c-e lowed, finil in a caj-rs the action ary . J. 1., ! - r li rt I.i!)erty l Yoi V, widow of tlie - I : t tl o home ff A. 1 '. Join f, May 13, SXVATf 3:1 ACr.lY HEED. Annual Eudget. Shows Reasons s (or $13,000,000 Drive. Vast 1,000 Activities Conducted by Corps tn United States Future flans. New York. (SpecIal)-The annnal r 1m ( f W : in her 1 of I 1 v budget of the Salvation Army, rontain Ing a detailed and comprehensive state ment of the cost of malntn'nlng its -va ried attrvllles. throughout the tTuiled Btatesj has been Issued f rora .National Beadduarters,''122 "West - fourteenth reet, The statistics show ."why it is pecessary- far the, Salvation: Army to (o before the . American people in the week, of May 19 to 26 apoj, ask them' to contribpte JIS.OOO.OOO t? Its Home Service Fahd. , - jf ' " i - xnere ar(iii,itf corps ana ontpostgjof the salvation rArniy In the" United States. The tttef of maintaining' those is $2,GSy,000.: - The: matimumvjncime whlch-these corps may ' expect from coUectlona-lu . meetings, contributions of. members and other outsldULCODtff. butlons is ITloTOOOmnklnJfthe net'to w tal cost of supporting - the corps' $1, v The .-cost of "maintaining: divisional and-provlndat headquarters, which- su pervise the work of the local corps; win be, according tQ the budget, $530, 000, -v . -. Besides tjie work of eupervlslng" the local headquarters, the- provincial and divisional' headquarters are In cliSrge of several - of the - Salvation 'Army's largest-activities. Including- the opera tlon.. of fresh air camps- for. children, relief and employment bureaus and tbu provincial panas. . . : .j. : Under the heading of "national and 4errir6fial obligations" the Salvation Army Includes the expenses of room- Jainlng tvhat are among lis best known institutions, those which mny be group ed nnder'the general name of "social work.1' 1 For this purpose -the Army wants 11,270.000. ' - Tlie pension fund budget Is $100,000. The Salvation Army has determined no tbe eroctlon of many now buildings for social work lu the future, ; Tho building program will require expendi tures of 11,875.000. ..- .. ', The remainder of the amount sought for tbe Homo Service Fund Is for corps, dlvlHlonal nnd provincial build Ing? ond a small connngeni fund, ." ; Uotniis of the Sulvntlon Army's ac tivities in tho United Stntes for tho. Jast jear show how remnrkaMe Is the eeopo of tlie Army's endeavors and whut vast numbers of people It sorves. For Instance, thn Army mtilutnlns v- niy-flve hotels for nu ft and women. I.nKt yar l.C.f).C2S t-rsfna ' found I'ina ' ncrf.minntlatlons In tliesd. l'.M; wero sup:!!", for lZT.f'D chil dren In the Arn ? s four clilldren's liomn In the snme period, wblle 4- t.;;) r!.!Mren were i,' ejtere 1 In t,e Hum nnreileii. In the l.-uliii-trl.a Iiodhh be.!s were ru ; !! f-r 1,742,51.1. In t': r "I'll luniif j snd ninterrilty ho I ruin j s sirls went tm-l.T the tare t t U,q Ar J 1 '. j, r. COUNT MEETING OF Tha onfltv -meetin!? of the Randc1 a Hibtorical socety will be hold at Hotnt hotiie -on baturaay aii,cr ; -: ': Grec. ... ' President -Va'ion in tl 1 enforced absence but just-t - : world pcce. lia cnn-j-.mci?s ' :it table .upon his rc-tam tn the t . cusses. -Jiabonal problems.. - - Labor is a: ; .The constant and bitter ccntt-.d can get the most advantng-e n i:st pcrtnership baed. on .real conitvir federal legislation can do miu h t is an example. Child labor lt-cisl;- sios suggested to act aa clearing 1 - Returned Soldiers M 1 Federal employment agency si projeclrfor settling soldiers on lam ahzation. v? ."-American business-men now have the chance to abundantly serve stricken parts of the world by helping triem to. regain and elevate their pre-war in dustrial status- rheF.e reaLms ne-.d macnihery, iraw material and camtal The nationls expanding-merchant iiiarine may be made an agent, of great service to iiie entire "vvoricu v t .' j"- ' -v.. - -v Taxation System Needo Revision and1 Readjustment , The nation" obligations can be fnet m one generation by a wise taxation system, - . Excess profits tax may be materially reduced. ; .Many minor rates majr bei safely dmceled; ; Indirect taxes jnost feasible.v- Liquor will soon .cease to besource of revenue, and -this gap- must be - bridged. 4 Productive, re sources should be shielded as-much ps possible. t Stahility and constancy should mark taxation system, incomes, excess pronts and estates suggested as chief sources of internal revenue. v .. , - - " ' "'"'". Tariff Revision .Not Immediately Necessary Europeah' nations- will be busy for years rebuilding their own institutions and Mull not. be competitors with America. Raw matenals should continue to be admitted free - However, hew industries such: as dyes and explosives jiiould -be: fostered by-tariff laws., Also our tariff laws should be framed jo' meet discriminating action on part of . other nations. Maintenance of chemical plants is advisable as a policy" of prudence 1 r 1 Women's Suffrage Amendment Js Urgent -'-Justice and public weal call lox early -adoption of this measure. Let our counly ba in front anka m this world movement r- v t ' Wire Systems to le Returned at Early Date -Railroads -revert to-wnors to first of, the year. Telephones and tele graphs will: be returned as soon as requisite legislation is enacted. It is much to bewtesfred that these lines be centralized and made uniform in rates ' A service, t e - "' - Removal j)f Bn sWin?s and Beerais Now Warranted ' rArmy demobilization baa reached aucha-tage tfiat wai'-time prohibition nay be suspended. Advises legiblat on to Carry out this suggestion, " - , CAIIPAIGIJ FOR- T. - 'UfAUTADQUl BEGINS ; , . SAIYATM AO TOMORROW AFTEP.i'CC.'I The national eamoaiim for.'the-Sal vation army Home Service Fund be gan JHayjtfth and will close the 26th. Randolph's quota is - $l,600.c Lieut Clarence J Lovett Is chairman for the county and is now actively eneaeed in securing subscriptions to-the fund. m.t.-j-v.-iuas is the treasurer.':- . "A Man Mav be Down-But ; He's Never Out This is the sloe-an of the Salvation "Army workers. This organ ization did a wonderful -work for the FARM DEMONSTRATION HELPS (By D. S. Coltrarie; County Agent) , save the Clover Reed Cumon clover seed are now'cotn- ..... No War Tax on Chantanqna Tickets zw ior Adult and lljor Jn- F'V-- .v r Tickets. .-: The bte- Rednath Chauta: open Friday afternoon with an excel lent seven day's- program ' on the graded school r grounds Tvaeie the Chautauqtfa has been held m fonuer years. Word has been received that a delightful cosnedyr 'It Pays to Ad vertise,", has bfeca added to the pro-" boys"over there.":And itsis, dong. gram and .wib. be gi-an on"the"fcxtk a wors iijcewase now.-' wnerever,the Salvation Army- sends iti workers it is on anen-and. of mercy; Ask- tee boys who-have, returned from France about the Salvation Army.4-1 All . of them are its friends,-; No-w. "the-boys are coming home and theSalvationists are tunng their eyes and efforts to tlie Home Service work. -' ,. The people "of this county are asked to - contribute - only fifteen , hundred dollars towards;- this fund a small sum.: but a sum that will be used every cent by the Salvation Army for the benefit - of the human race. JNO better investment of money v.caa be made than a contribution to this wo. Th returtis will hot be in dollars and cents; but .m a- service , to the. fallen and the weak- ? ' rnvTAnxnTTS niRT?ASFS ... REl'OUi tU 1 UK- ArKlt Luther, Cholera infantuw--Jas. E. Pino .'--, Cerebro spinal meningiti9r--Baby of 1 Minnie Leach, 'irinity. - x , Whooping cough Margarei;, Diaiey, -.m,tiron -hmrT,nla Luther. Eleaaer; .t!,f. Luther. Eleazer: Dorothy Luth- Kther uanervr r.iee., John Carter, Eleazer; Victory and Peace"; Special costumes.. night. This is one of the finest plays produced in years, having had a two - years'run in . New . York City., The casfis one of the best . tliat it was humanely possible to secure -and this stands as an evidence of. the Redpath's . bujoau's policy of giving tho best ser- . vice to its Chautauqua patrons., ; Jn the Beacon tickets there is no - war. tax. ? The adult tickets sell for $2.50 and the children's tickets are These tickets are n sale at be drug sores and also among a-corpa of ticket -salesmen,1t will pay to get yourticket. :. before the opening . as there may be none left . -4 - .. . All the local guarantors - of the Chautauqua are urged to attend a masa meeting at the eourt bouse Thurs ; day night at 8:30 oclock. This is an important meeting. , 1 1 ' ' , in other Southern cities the success v of the Chautawquas presented by the Redpath , Bureau have, been phenom--enaL Great enthusiasm has been man ifested by all the audiences and the Consensus of opinion is that this year's program is the most wonderful - they have ever, seen.,. ,4 Among the big features this vear ; is Kryl's Band and this year the great ' cornetist is bringing to Asheboro his -beautiful-new pageant, entitled "War, , il hft -nresentert farmers ail Over the toimt.v tit to the iDHtorieaTsocietv an "honor flag much seed asTpossible.-At least "enough for-its fine-record in Aid Victory Loan seed for home "use should be saved, and arapaign.. r - - . i , - u j" wus j.ui bmo aibu- Victory Loan in "Randolph 'County Mr. -I, 'V. Craven,, of- Ramscu-, elwmnan of the victory loan, lint-. r that tha victory loan qtni- Jn saying, crimson,, clover seed where" a--thresher is not available, the best Vifi na do to strip off tite heeds vit-h a Home-macic stripper. Eleazer; McKajah uurns, awitouw, Child -of John Hill, Asheboro; Hattie niw.' AdliPhnro: Child of Hattie Small pox John Spoon, Asheboro; QarencO Hix," Kanoiemu., Scott, --Asheboro; Raymond ' Crotts, kaf.JhnMS- Hel en v smitn, mu"j Asheboro. Diphtheria May lor , f w - rmeumonia Bertha ' Wll- - i liaUlahTcTford Ber. Steeds Route l;v Clara Moma, Faimfr- . P.voneho-.Tmcurn idge; : ijai-y Eow 6nmson clover -so,', .1 in txc -oanV ks fall did well, and we should pi-it'u mcrcase our aci-cafeo W- vea . '. .... ... . .i.' - T Graziiig Crcpi for Hon;; .rL.ma again. -.urge t nt xraaing crops. -,iiw,rtTiiii-Cn.rnetTi3 a MC- "&les-Lillian West. A.heGoro R.F. D.t Daphne Lcla Cox, As.h?h01'; i I'niA MAiia nnx." Asheboror Jolm R. Cox,- Asheboro; -Mra. John- R. 'Cox, iWn-.Arlie Monroe Cox- Ash,-?- Practically a!l,v.e'e Dovfcette, R-r-dleman; t :i'e mittee-vrtsh to xtena M ! Who as sistcd in -making the: cnpai?n.-a s-.ic-. cesa tiieif appreciation m xa ser, ice rerderod. He states tnalj tho offic?l -0- tliat -823 'perscms- in R.aaflolph bou'":tin;hcre ,-g. giv vuiwry ooiuiB- uiuuunuts m . ou iow-cosc noR--5- t of $13,500 wore than our county aliot-jthig fall.' Such nicnt. The county has received J-c clanned henor: flag, .which-will-be tnrned-Ovei-.thsj hogs as near as al tho t?tf e a-'cos-to the Randolph HutoricaL Soc ety at'slble. Don't i Si . !" the nct meeting of tlie sF,6ciation oouhey can-'t be beaten for making fall Soturday, May 24fli,at o'clock s jnl- pasture to fatten hogs with ' u liUrn- -Mm IL J. Aicfiiei- WAaheboro R. F. P. j!-1' 4, 1 a,.a. A'ihrti,E. Ledwell, Ashe- HUM B I , TI-.)lo- bov; -Two Davfl :ooys,. V f-lLola Hall,. RrthdlemaW W n Baby King, . . 1 . 11 -n v r the iohS bo plj d.d fltamlleman; xnree """tt'" t T 5. no otbeib.vav?o have J McPbiawn. ,As'0Jn Aa- 0 sc'lt high pm.vrte.OnnteivM al7i.h c K -'crops should beTve!l co, 'Asheboro; (il,drOt: V. i... "" i,ov ..Lu.- V.'. Uolirhorn Hatt e" Mills,- Asheboio, an! tine at the. court honzb, . Asliebom not make feed-. Few fnha will rav l.nl- 1 Li.T( ":-r r"J ic mil vue hwjck win-tnank you with wiv- vawu .aum, . . .. - ,,:. ... ; Harrow.Your Corn :- - .,1- , cOAKLANh-JFAR- .1' i-" i - - ? Tho Courier nas recefved a circular of Oakland Farm.-Mr. Elusrlx Parks of Franklinville w "owner, ami " Worth Lowe,. Rt. 1, Rainscur; manager.. . Thi3 farm 13 located two and one half miles from Ramseur on-the cast bimk"orDeep nvcr, and is one of the finest f anns ' ' in this section of the State. It hr stocked with one of the finest herds of Aberdeen-Angus cnttlc to be found jn the country, - and the finest h rd ot l5erks.uio hogs , end. single jcomb white leghorn chickens.; The farm "-comprises 460 scsov..and 1 is the nothcrn to William Cox Hon. -John Earl -Granville; In 1711 William Cox built his home on this . nd. So well was it built that it BtiU stands in a remarkiblo stato Of pi-e- servation. The largo oak-timbers ofjbe used when scarce and at the hip-h wmcn 11 is cunt are so svajir-iuy newniesi pneca, IS economy. The method that their broad sides.. -show scarcely of preservation is cheaD. nlmnliv nwn. ry mark 01 the hroad axe, pnx nave.tical. nnd sncrpiufiil whoti th ., - - , . . .1 - - II1U HIV 1 vne nppearenco ox naving dppb aresseu. The corncware as erect today as ! Clean up the Pasfure ;.-;Wbt is" -your basture for." to rwtw g' io Tnako meat or to "row brtera iiu uuauea maKe umiDie. The verv T5-ki- t. rtonn. ARhenoro; "' -t? a. TTATWORTH, rint.v- Onarantino Officer. vvnuvj '.7V f r Injured nt Saw, Mill Ceorge Felix. HugBes, eawj'er at j. MTDaniels and .Company's aaw mill m j,. . 1 i, rfn wan seriously in 3 Kwtifi saw catching uie heaft , JUivv. r r - - juiti "". jt time.o pond.l XLTIQ and., are- killing evervthinf -thut-vhii arnt-waa also broken, vn sty vn U Ur lnre; times bafnra nlmrmt v t ..u oeeo pianieu and rain comes be fore coming up it will pay- to run the narrow er weeder-over to' Krn(r th arV of tbe lVi en use same implemenrtc ?VliSS5 theholar x In 1754 by the R.ghtlwn "nail. ' . 4 . . iwdal to - Miss Alice Morris, and the declaimerV medal, to Ctradv Hed- - - Uy0 Perv Eggs ;VV, Bv nreiprvfnir t.. r-tt.. and at the lowest price.of the year, to orenrred MaV 16.-- Hughes was tancn to thjs -hospital at Hib Point wnere tho bones of bia'jaw were placed to gether anq connectea Dy wires, v f : ' TVnton. Commencement . ' Denton commencemenf was Tuesday i,i- iBooV Mav 20. Mr. J; Norman ui uui, -"-I - - -. - - ii,. -.1.1 eiuquem pica ior meno Wills, of Greensboro, Jejverel the ad- hve , Ajneriai and France dress. 4The reciter's medal was .tt: forth n . the remarkable, le en W MlSS'liOUlo rraun, uwnciK' they were more than 150 yeafs ago, having been. placed together in such a mnnner that during this long . time nothing has disturbed or moved them' hoi rom their -original position. . The l':tna!eur-Coleri(lH-e road leads through tho farm, and as it is, a connecting part of the system of good roads in tne county, access to UaivLand farm In cany. .... . , . .; . ' 1 ' An is 1-1 t" 7 I r .1 ' 7 I ' I 1 1 1 1 IT!- ers snil rn- Iniit J-nt Hethp , Commence nirtit 1 ."" ' The Fliso hifh srhoel commence ment at Hmp, N. C, Mivre county WBH held Ttiemlny, MaV 20th. l'mf. W. C. MCall is the principal of t!,i,1 srhool Slid rinsed the moat tirrr;(fuV year In the history of the ae.l.ool. - . . ,T1 ern were twelve f-nduates and r - -" !:iU v ers v c-n nt f-,ilows: Rufun f r'eriveil t! n ih Inimer'n med-.'---I Marfnvit I:r',-- n wmi tlie re i ' r'l rnc-hil d',1 t' i" !.(,;,-. r hip niH r l v .,i ik-.' an!-- I t ) ,;, 1 ,.'! Jtc- Droner .... ,,- i'icwtui.iuiis. tire ODScrven. , -- , . i i , . . . mi an illustration of economy of wring i-Ktrs uunng way, vjiu, they sold in North Carolina at $9.00 a aio. Many people preserved eggs and by mini in mem six montna thn tm sold from J18 to $21 a case, A similar relative unrcrence in prices occur each year. ' ' . .: .. ' r -.. . Kind eggs to preserve. Eggs for yivm iwng purposes snouia be clean, frcHh, nt over three days old, and of absolutely sound shell, A glaxed earth en inr in preferable, though garvun i'.el or plans Containers may lyi uei. Thn cor.fjtiner should be provided with a lid, or pnper securely ted. over the top to rj event evsnoratlon of tha II. . - Wstprgtsns Method . Wad -v. may be obtained at any lnijr Koif. nt a cost of atxwt CO cents a tj-i-n t. ',na JJLis amount to nine T'f'N if rlnnricd boiled water, IU ' ' nd allow to rool brnrei !"''!- r the rf-p-n. J)o -BKh t: ' ' 1 ii the ri-ii! :.'ner v i: h ,..,;)' T'hii-n r n l.-iyer t II I r ' i ' ' t I-. ! i i , ' 1- - Prtrf.vWllliams. of Why Not w tho principal of thia school and eiosea a most euccessiui year. , -.- -. . 1 :- '- I TVFnnM ATI05J ' WANTED - . -. v:. AS TCT OLD, -FAMILIES Florence B.' Jones, of Peru, Nebras ka, writes the editor of The Courier the following ..'-v;. -;-: ul have records of my great grand father,' Evan Lawler, born July X7, 1799, marricH to-Sarah Barker Dec 21, 1820, in Randolph county, n,; They moved to Tennessee in 1827 and thence to Missouri 1838.". From then till the present I am clear on dates and names. All I know back or this ancestor i bis father's "name, Eli Lawler, but Judging the time-1 should think he miirht have been in tho Rev olution. Have yon any record of him that you can pvo me7" The Editor of Tlie Courier would be triad to have any Information about Kvan Lawler. Eli Lawler or anv othr - - . - - LAWier. scenery and music have been cleverly-' ' arranged for this remarkable specta-: -j' cle. In this great ppgeant there is blended good fun and delightful en- , tertainment " - ... Bohumir Kryl is one bf the world's '' greatest bandmasters and is often re- . , fcrred to as the world's greatest cor-v- netist. He and his band will appear both the afternoon and night of the , '- - nttn.dayv Mr, ryiwiil personally' direct both Jeoncert : " , Another great feature" la the sing ing of Macame . Augusta Lenaka, . - America's, tovamost conti-tuto SHier. Thisendcrfiil-wiHtaE opptivr.tif'te praise and, admiration of her .audi "" onces whereever she goes, i ' Owing tO'-. the nlav bcinfir-arrancred v fcr the sixth night tJ'e great debate. on- Government Ownership will be riv-.- ; cn on the fourth night. " The debate will he between-two of tlto ah!et men in the cc:ntrv. "- Hon.'-; Leslie -M.-Shaw, fom-r socrotary of the treasury rnd fomer --Ovemor of Iowa, will peek to show why the j?ov: wnment. should not own -and operate the. grent-- t van nortr tion systems while-. Dr.v- ChaiM 7vMln. noted thinker, writer rnd l"ciuer of Boston, will take tie 'stmr'tiyp riiV of the s etiiestion. -rlt is a b.g -oucst'on aid a i big debate. -v r Tte famous Owpfri Lakes emnrtet C. ?a which entertfiined President Wiron ' 1 .l A;1 fV T A,.,r7r,w;nl n.4.-nY, ''.'T8 ' .... I r. ijl I1,1U4 T I 1 COlllV lllf44 Jli-tOV ,'11. Gcors-e ' Wasliinsrton will . -entertain f Asheboro pepnlo with thoTr .beantiful . music, llio -Hnrvr stern company win present a delightful comedy sketches nd. the Dublin. Girls will give deTr Irish character songs and- sketches, One of the really" bf? nv.mbei-s is 4Jton Packard, the world' trreatest enrtoonipt. iner fnd humor-iPt - The f:ha-lnQfT Trof CAirf hi tir-ll Tia trtct. number there in years.' Ho -presents ; 4 a- ioV night sviprem' on the last.-ntght- f the prosrram, - He ift--the great ft!'- sRssin of gloom and the dispenser or joy . ' - . v . . An elomient plea for-friendship be- 13. wt leetnrn of Capt, Paul Terigord, of the Freneh rmv ' and a member of tha VrTin high commission in Washington. His ' not a war. lecture . although - this nfSiderful vow wan-' 'jme.flf the 1.600 survivors of the 6.000 French he roes who made the last stand t Xor. dun. 'He was five times decorated for bravcrv and wounded the same num ber of times. ,,; , :., - These and others go to make nn th mammoth program of the year.- The Rednath Bureau, tha largest in the world has given fifty vears of service in the Chautaumia field. veroa-, ry of lU founding by James Rednrah. It' always brines. miDerlativn nttme- tions to the eommuniy. . C. S, Cleashv. a Verv nuhtr mrm on the Redpath circuit, will be the perintondent A rood time, an-l i nn Ti of especially enlightening nat-.n ii promiseo to everytiony that i- fi.i-tn-nate enough to attend tho C! - ' i- qna. . , ' - FRANK COLE FDAD . . Mexico promlfivl to idte iiomo con eorn. .She is threatening n"t to pay her debts. In tliat care, some deputy nneriir win do seni uown to levy an execution. ' . .. . er tlp-htly to rrerent evsporMtion. Th mnUiner should br krr.t In a co. , ? i. i . . . - . . Frank Cole, "aired died at his home et nint after an lilni Mr. Cole had for nurtd a dtore tt ft 1 .-to ono of t! 1 leaves ft Mrs. Mi 1 ."'!, i'f A-:h, T r T'i n r p''!l t .". Ill l -i n r out Of lli Ho-! i on, v .i ;i t: j. ,:v-l,!;e mu , ' v. .' f!. -, (-,' 1 i- '. r. T!. " r -