tiii: a. :i: ::o counii . J 9 V- 7 II: I I .1 1 ft 4t I f; f i ' . I" "FAKE" ASPIRIN - WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Ceo juine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" GREAT SACRIFICE OF IT . I RA.NCE FOR AMERICA I France Lu pvt t m&lioa of ker S3 3 million population into tit trenches i and ha poured oat ber life's blood few . for America aid democracy. In addi- IS tioa we owe her a large debt of rnt- jj itude for a perfect remedy for stora , ach, liver and intestiuJ ailments which ber peasants discovered and sac- cessfdUy used. "The ingredients are v now imported and sold by Geo. H. El ' Mavrleadin? Chicago chemist, cnder the name of Mayr's Wonderful Rem ieoy. Marvelous usults are -said to e simple, harmless preparation that , s-? , removes tr.e catarrhal mucus from the R intestinal tract and allays tbe inilam-1 5 maucn which eauee3 practically all Nl stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, k3 inciudini? appendicitis. One dose wiH e3 Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab- convince or money refunded. i lets were sold by a Brooklyn n.anu- Sold by Standard Drug Company sj factnrer which later proved to be com- and leading dupgists everywhere. ; posed mainly of laJcura Powder. m ' nn rr- 1 1 i . .- . .. 1 C 1 I - L f - r- U Si tjayer laoiets 01 Aspirin -u? uue, a wrgr.om mien "a r.vrrv raira. genuine, American made and A'Tic- Now is the time for every farmer to ican ownad Tablets are marked with select a piece of ground for sorghum. the safety "Bayer Cross." A quarter of an-acer well cultivated g A r . on, t tin icijt ,irin ' r V - anil n t-t-1 xj -Tar-HlivoH tAnlH TrAinn er Tablets of Aspirin" and always from SO to 60 gallons of yyrup. S3 buy them in the original Bayer pack- Ginger bread sweetened with sor- 3 age which contains proper directions ghum sirup, brown cake ma le with and dosage. scrgbum sirup, warm biscuits, or corn jSq Aspirin is the trade markn oT Ray- bread with sorghum sirup, are all verylE er Manufacture of Mcnoaceticacidester delectable to the taste. There are also fT2 of Salicylicacid. - -i t- ; Ik , " 1 1 r --4 'li5':' n 1 JM II many other things in v.-hitch the sirup ! (ra Use of Wa3te Corn Cobs A big Middle West hominy plant is to install cn a large scale the process for the manufacture of corncovb adhe sive developed by the U:iitel States Department of Agriculture. This i.d hesive, a dark brown g-jmmy sub stance, is said to be suitable for use in making fibre board and pa;er hove?, bi'.l posting, labeling and wherever a colorless adhesive is not reqniced. The process of mannfacti're is simple and the yield is large, the grade A adhe sive amount to as mrch as 2o per cent by weight of the corncobs, and the grade B to as much as HO per cent additional. If this material should replace all other adhesives, enough could be manufactured from 3. per cent of the corncobs produced in theUnited States to meet the de'tuvnd. Use oe. this substance ia place of star.'.h, dex-i t ine, and flour paste would mcke pos sible an encuiraous saving of t.'.ese foodstuffs. , Corncobs have always been one of j.' -n-. revets of Ar".eieaa agricultu-e, yet the chemi.iy Deuai-tinent of Agriculture f.: ed that practically t-e entire le conveteil inw v:l--.ahle whs may be used, esTecially in the fall and wirter. The seed alone will almost pav the erpeiwe of producing the crop rjid the simp will grc.Uy reduce the sugar bill and add to the pleasure of the horje table. Every form should have a crop of sorghum at last large roough -to nrovide for home needs. If there is a surrlus it enn be so1 1 pth pr ce t!:at will bring a fair profit to the farner. BURDENS LIFTED Ps3 High Point A Great Furniture Market Furniture Sold Here for Less Thatt in Other North' Carolina Cities ' ''W - ' ' ' Vf ' If you are in need of Furniture it will pay you to come to High Point and make your purchase the savinirsin nrices will nw expense and more, toe, then you have a large variety of the most dependable Furniture to select fronT SaVm?Sln pnce3 T1" 7 The Welborn Furniture Company LOCATED AT NO. 108-110 EAST COMMERCE STREET ' ; . . . 6ut of the High Rent DislriA ' from yUr ts- for less than you would pay for the same Fumiture pchased O' uc t !)VO'.- .-.! can sUinces. From Asheboro Backs Relief Proved By Lapse of Timp Backache Ls a heavy burden; Nervousness, dizziness, hedache. Rheumatic pain; urinary ills; All wear one out. Often efferts of kidney weakness. No use to cure the symptoms, P.e';ef is but temporary if the cause remains. If it's the kidneys, cure the csr.se. Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidney ills Hero's r.-.o-if of tr.efr merit from: this vicinity. ! E. L. Nelson, High Point St., Ran-! 3 I 3 - "1 Library Tables Oil Stoves Dining Room Suites , China Closets Phonograph Records Bureaus Sewijig Machines Kitchen Cabinets Pianos and Organs Fiber Porch Furniture Go Carts Druggetts Davenports Ranges Parlor Suites Book Cases Metal Beds Clocks Wardrobes Kitchen Tables Refrigerators ' Mattresses Feather Pillows Easy Chairs Chairs and Rockers Library Suites , Phonograps " Wash Stands v Morris' Chairs7;" Porch Shades ' . Water Coolers Springs ,Eugs low Ladies' Desks ' The above list represents only a ew of the handsome and well selected articles for the home that iH nffrA v' " r prices. Buy ycur Fui-niture in High Point and buy it at the "e-etieJ aracies lor the home that !S offered here at jemarkably CIRIS! VIHTEN SKIN with le:.ion JUICE Make a Beauty Lotion for a Few Cent3 to Kernove Tun, Freckiej, Sal- l3Wije&3 You..- grocer has the lemons an ! any dru-r sUko or toilet counter will suoply Hiwo nnncoii of oihard wh t- VU'J v i.n i-iLi.-v. ecus. jMiueenift! vuc dlernan, N. C soys: "I have used two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and have been entirely relieved of lameness in my back. 1 now f .:e) better in every way. I flu.'.iy ivcormnend Dean's Kidney Pills to other kidney suffer ers." ' Las! ins; Benefit Over three years later Mr. Nelson said: "During the past three years my system has been entirely free from kidney complaint. It gives me great of pleasure to tell of this permanent 7.J Welborn Furniture Company High Point, N. C. ' JAKE WELBORN, Manager We deliver by Automobile in a radius of 30 miles of Hih Point. Vw 1 t,.u ScSre .Price 60c at all dealers. Don't wl.' Th"; makes a. -par.- pint of --ply .f ;a kidney remedy-ge f --r 1 c'.-ni "hi on;-r aau j iwutj '" l im- lur. ieison uau. r uawjr-jiiJiuufu uu., tie v.-ry ie ro'imlcvJan be.mti'ier s-.gft this f;!g:ant, creaiiiy lotion daily inO, the f:.ce, reck pn-.is and hands-and inst s". how fre:I:!e:;; tan, sallowness, i.-dness and roughness disappear and how smooth, yofi i'nd clear the skin becomes. Ye- '. It is hann'ess. and the beautiful results will sui-prie you. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Save and have Buy W. S. S. 1,,.....' . " : : r " 1 '' 1 Childien Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORlA "TrTJ Lane Ecpon Slalry Friday Phnily h'inie . t Atr" ilyrs. Mrs. Ilobson was Chrstian one always any ene in kneed, a mctiicr and v good ne Mrs Hob:;on leo.'-e f-.rr.rv 4 Eon.-;, Mr CharbtV Or,enshe ro. lied at Her light May 0 Here on the Second Day of the Redpath Chautauqua a very devout! willing to help ! go. I and lo mg ijrhhor bos pono, o; ncr ir-imeoia-.t- P. Lowe of ;. C,. ,Iani03 Hopson of N. C. Themes Hopscn of rav, N. C. and V alter the yongest sir. of Ptalcy. The f'irioT.1 s.-rviccs were conducted from Staley Saturday, may 10. by Kev. Tommic Andrews. The large concourse of fnends and the many beautiful flowers bepoke the hish esteem in which M's. Hopson v.as 1 eld by all who know Her. Trinity Route 1 Items The little child of Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Kenedy is very ill wilh n.rn jngitis. "Mr. Boa 'CrowsM retpame-l o c-irap in Virginia, Monday he has spen sev eral weeks with home folwks. Mr. Roland Briles is home on a ten day furlough, a surprise party is to be given him Thursday night of this week Mr. Gilespie Tl.ayer has moved nearer High Point, to run a truck .farm. Mr. Marvin Harris, has purchased the farm of Mr. June Johnson, and rec ently moved there, We welcome thent in to tha community. Miss Virgio Sawyer has returned from a visit to Mr. Woodie Farlow A CHILD GETS CROSS, , . SICK AND FEVERISH ' y WHEN CONSTIPATED Look .Mother! II Tongue t Coated aan Little, LWer tod BoweUv . If your little one's tongue is coated. ', it U a sure sign the stomach, liver ana bowels need .a gentle, thorough cleans . ing at ones, Vhen your child U cross, t peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat di; act naturally; if breath, is bad, stomach 'Soar, system full of cold, .throat vm, or if feverish, grive a toa .spoonfuI of "California SyYup of-Figs,' ' and in a few hours all the clogged-up ; constipated wotc, sour bila and undi rected food will gently move out of the Mwls, and you have a well, play ful etiild again.' ' -1 , - . ' . : . v Sick children needn't be coaxed to . this harmless "fruit liutativo." y'iltioni" of mother keep it bandy be en: e hey know Its ort'on on the stnmach, livr and bfm-rl is prompt yd Rur:- They also VnrW a little - i4 tudny navr.i a sick cldld toKior r v v f ' - o 7P Jti I i V A v ,kJtMMilkm -!frv li 1 v- ,4 --.V I r if . Xpung . HARVESTERS COMPANY. The Harvesters ls a couipuey'of three presenting costumed sketches, ill which tfiere ls a pleasing variety of populor and classical vocal and lnstrtK mental music and readings. This company was orgaulied by Bandar Bad bovtts. theA-uB-known Chlcagi producer. The Harvesters give a prelude after noon and night on tha second day of the coming Redpath ChautauquaA ' :;"v; Coming Here Chautauqua - Week 1 11 yo-ir I'i'urtri-t f-r a bottle of ,'n'y ;';:n), cf Fit"," f.Vrch con ; . f.,r Lr Ki'.jl.'ri-i of - 1 f-ir t. pl.-'nly on '' ( rnunt'-rfifi -,'..f OnCHCSTBAL SEXTETTE. A" . ' The OciiMrH) S'lteUe ll) b (lie sttractlon on tbt first afternoon cl tomtnii IUw!:tJi crmtHnu';ti.t, Wl'lle the ensomble work of .the BertPtte ! 4 Ci lif.b'ful fjrt of Uie pr"ktrtrij; the work of the nr;!ht In sdIoh, durtu, trfrrt j':r'i.t viiilly n..!M. fiUx-ilons ire divldej between thi I ; r n. I c'r W ,d. j I iVetv Line Men's Suits Brown and Flannel. Latest Style Dress Shirts Summer -Underware. Slippers, White Voilt? Wdife, ' Chiaa Silk and Georgette, i .White SkirtSj MusliniUnderivarei Corset Covers, Camisoles;. Under-; skirts, etc' r , ." line of Fancy Dress Gingliaims; Galatea' ; vv.; Romper Gloth; etc.;, 5'S : yst. -.WhUe Goods, Voil Orgdy Mar- Beautiful Line of Ladie's Silk Petticoats, ' :"v' $250 to 4.00V ; : - J :i ; i. c.JoimsON 1 Ashebbra, N.'C. :,. I I f , t . r u u i o o o o .0 ' o ( A v 1

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