ffiOTR IEE ILJiilld - - . - ., i M. i , JL50 A YEAR IN AD VAN CD VOLUME XXXXIV - . Ash-bore, Nedh Carolina. Thursday, Nevessber 17. 19l V NUMBER .48 . -: . , : : ' . ' ' " "'------';. i - : " Anebore. KaciH Carolina. ThnrattaT. KimW i7. 1919 V . - JUDGE WEBB CONVENES - COURT IN ASHEVILIE ; PRESBYTERIAN MEETING - v Held in Church Built la 1MB. , iThe Presbyterian rhorch at Ashe- ; boro has been richly blessed daring a A3IENDMENX TO THE FOOD CONTROL ACT 1'Eri cted October 22, 1919 Title I FKd Control Act Amendments I camp fireEpper I e m Several offtir young- people enjoyed a camp fire supper near Fraaklinville Saturday night. Sandwiches were made SERIOUS ACdDUtf AT ' SOUTHERN CROWN OIL Judge E. Yates Webb who -was r-'Kriet 0f services conducted byDr. T. eentiy appointed Federal Judge of the M.,McConnoll.. These services mark Wottim District oi 'North. Carolina Annk v l;.. , .v... i via fni iorm of ronrt in Ashe- n , rniZn n i- - x . national security and defenut hv cwflunrmff th nmriuetion. eonservinir the Vt V,t-". -r,- r.-- lofwrawu oeepiy spiniua , . t-.- v r-I'T" IS-a "r1! TV1 Allrl Rl.. Wri.. a.cW;inT.hlchhe ,mr " "'1 - Brilea, Eul.Hayes.and Lester Briles. - fight hand torn off. ThoreeuM .r ' - - J a. tea - i . -r" - " - - '(-Thai k - tv. . :t : .t:i tv Jnmna snrl Hfcn t'lw lrpin rsirU wiciucuk was uu uie VyllV iectn - cians were working on the power wir for the support and maintenance of the Army and Navy, to assure an ade-. system, or tne city, ana DywustaAe quate supply-and equitable distribution, and to facilitate movement of foods Ramsenr News J f111?0 th,e motor feeds, wearing apparel, containers primarily designed or intended for contain- Mrs Clara McLean of near Asheville ?f I n mlM0lmfte1 J" ing foods, feeds, or fertUizors; fuel, including fuel oil and natural gas, and fer- is spending some time-with her parents "? t0 ? .runnn? backwardiy, .tilirtT BnTT frtilii- inimlint tnnU ntnaila imnltmpntjl miirhinorv Anil M onH Mm n fl Wkil.ko 1116 n"er noticing that the mill Was .ever the camp fire, apples, oranges and; . . , , - other fruits were enioved. senss were . 9 " tridy ery serious - iSThat Section iNof thet Act entitled. -An Act to provide further for the JT, re"to fflLrTSSJII n-JJ xwac wuu enivTni it wu juicbcb . 7, . . m j . . Hvk M flV W 1 1 If 11 f A' 1. 1 Clara muier, air. r. ss. anyoer go lngiy JenounceJ the Jrohteer. and UersinteeW ScriS. I . by .reason of th. existence of a state of war, it is essential to the James and Bn Free, L Int. Cagte. ZtJl: rebuked in nojincertain terms the man yaDDeaHnir to the reason as well as. i jnauonai security and defense, lor the successful prosecution oi the war, and 'y"e vraven una uariana rerree. wno wouia ws uuvj i - cfr1'"I u", the hearts of men. He preaches the fair prices from their neighbors and Gospel in aU its purity and under its urged that the grand jury -.nvestigate influence the enurch was greatly every phase of tie matter, Judg V ebb efrengthened. Communis service was saw: :xrl:-''-'iy"lu-: "l is an age- of money- era of wealth ' gathering a - nera wouay-no cnere TO .q TMmirpA f-Wirf.l nmAuim. f A-wta. t-A. W trt. hWin. Umm Tm iwt sMc w ot grinding as it ought, stuck rws . ,. . ., - .j - 1 , . , - imuauiHfiiziiuon nuaruinir. uniuiiouB luiecuuiuoii. inujuouiiiLiuu. ana unvai Asmpv 1 jptit. ot kaw t nr i.itv nnpnr - p . o - n t.h -worsninn 01 tne troiaen caii. cnurcn was increased more tnan ii.i . . .- v.r. .. - . . . , : .. t r : Xaws cannot care this national malady On Sunday afternoon at a congrega they can only help the real cure can tiohal meeting a committee' -ot ' nve come only from the adoption of three "was appointed to take the initial steps noble precepts, from that greatest of toward the building of a new; church, all books the Bible: -Bear ye one an- The church as it now stands was built others, burdens,' 'I am my brothers' in 1848 and owns beautiful and valua keeper,' and 'Do unto others, as yotf blft property in the center of town, would have others do unto you.' , which it. proposes to develop While "Whert the vrorld accepts and prac- .the church has never had a very large turhAi 'v m'&MAiia - tium aelfish- membership, it has sent valuable act- ness wiU end, Btrikers and lockouts will ditions to-the cliurch in other places. ;iav va. ivia. vikr OLciit m i . . ... ' - controls affecting such supply, distribution and movement; and to establish last week with Mr. E. C. Watkins and jsnund and pulled it up in the mm, and maintain governmental control of such necessaries during the war. For family. The week was spent largely 10 . wnst and wou.d have pulled Ms , . such purpose the instrufiehtalities, means, methods, powers, authorities, du- bird hunting. entire arm, up into the mill, had not ties, obligations and prohibitions v hereinafter set forth are created, estab- Mr. Isaac Mann and infant and sister been for ,hls arm r11?.1? 1,18 lished, conferred and prescribed. The President is authorized to make such Maisy of Bynum spent a few days nere ede of the casem?. and h.eld mm back. , regulations and to issue such orders as are essential effectively to carry out with Mr. D. A. Kivett and family. Mr- Snyder remained with his hand the provisions of this Act?! : Mrs. Hattie Dixon Hinshaw of Kan- hls Place. for "ftefn mi:lres'JlI ' Section 2. Section 4 01 such Act or August iu, 1917, is hereby amended Sas is spending some time with frienas m lne "f ""J."'0. . ' ad as follows- her with the other hand and badly mjurecl - unlawful for any person wilfully to destroy any' to read as follows: necessaries for the mimosa of enhancine- the ririce or restricting the suDnlv OropnRhnro last wppW have been an utter impossipuiiy ior 'ii t. i l.. .-u. ,ne,.ii.. ..,v.tnki .iAtari- ! l. itTi-.-i. m i.u. i nnv onp to have even stucK tneir nanu biiI von H71II ho nn mnrp fhir ut. MclyOTmeil has consenteil to sup-',.i: -'.Ji.i.oij.i' i nnnnat;nn ,itv, v,n,v .rfinn mmnifoK. o 1.... 1 . ...j!. . un into the rollers of the mm, 11 run- country is full of choipfe, generous and Pi? "e .?hu.rh undr ir'lture, or distribution; to hoard, as defined in Section 6 of this Act, any neces- w. C. Trcdon and family of Siler " the right direction, as they run . -exalted soulsl hut we Jiave among us ship with the enlarged membership aries. to monopQlize. or attempt to monopolize, either locally or generally, City spent aturday and Sunday here, outwardly. yet many who posess the pirate spirit; n c.uMfcnul"! y iu." anv necessaries: to emrac in any discriminatory and unfais, or any decep- Mr. R. . Ward and familv of mr- &nyoer was at once iu. yet many wuw jwocos wic (imre biii, ---- ., x-- ,, . , any necessaries; 10 engage in any ui( and when such men get together and ture ahead. Dr. McCoimell will preachUive or p;astefai practice or device, or fixe the prices of articles, of necessity, n he mS?C aT .'mg t on .rate or charge in handling tr dealing i v nn cf nTinnrH hut. their nrhitrarv nrst and third Sundays hi each month. with no standard but their arbitrary will and no limit but their reed and ' tlaring, arid tell ths public they must buy or starve, then tne condition. De Sundays FRANKLINYILLE NEWS or to make any unjust or unreasonable Greensboro visited friends here last the Hospital at High Fom., and we arc in or with any necessaries; to conspire, s?lindav sorry to note, mat ne iwu vu "-' combine, agree, or arrange jwith any other person, (a) to limit the facilities Misses L cy and Bessie Biantley and right and amputated at t,w wrist, for transporting, producing, harvesting, manufacturing, supplying, storing, Mr. D. A. Kivett attended the funeral Mr. Snyder and his wile nave re or dealing in any necessaries; (b) to restrict the supply of any necessaries; 0; rjr, Ambrose Mann at Bynum lasi cently moved to this town irom va. (c) to restrict the distribution oi any necessaries; (d) to prevent, limit or weejfi ana were wen uwueu. - wnom iney came m ou ' last reports are that Mr. Snyder js , . , Mni.4tnn lAn all r trhf visitca inenas Bcvvve cv0 comes unbearable, and it is high time ft Mr. U C. Julian re -jaturday for legson manufacture or production of any necessaries in order to.enhance, Born to Mr.tand Mrs. J. E. Coving- whom they came in contact with me that the heavy nand i tne law snau fjj.r" v" fte price thereof;. .ojm exact excessive pnees ior any necessaries, or to to;i it a fme girl tie invoiced ok stop sucn , mtoieraoie r-:v-"-' . aid or abet the doing oTany act made uniawiui by this section. Any peson vio- Walteu C. Cravi snnwi' - i, mro. iuuic uru nnu uaujiiici, lating any oi me provisrons oi mis secnun upun cuiivituuu mcicm piian uc nere Sunday. i v "Men who are willing to rob and Miss Lizzie, and Misses Lela Mitchell,' fined hot exceeding $5,000, br be imprisoned for not more than two years, or Mr and Mrs Colon Brady, of Liberty TWO RANDOLPH CHILDREN Koutfe ihW 'neitfhbOW for ""money's Estelle py Bearto Tippett and Fan- both; Provided, that this section shall not apply to any farmer, gardener, hor- w?r? town sttnday. j BITTEN BY RABID DOG sake are worse than misers, and BPent Saturday at Greens- ticaltUrlst, vineyadl8tplanter, ranchman, dairyman, stockman or Other ag' Mrs, Bennett Kidd and other mem-' BMsersis poor, miserable human being boro- ricultiirist, with respect to he farm products produced or raised upon land Ders of the family have our deepest Little Miss Frances Lewis, daughter , 'vtWhout Boul, friends or happiness he Mrs. W. S. Buie went to Cedar Falls owned,' leased o? eultffawd by him; And provided, further, that nothing in this sympathy in the death of their father, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis of Hill -4s the 'cocoon of the human race death Monday evening. Act shall be construed tcjiorbjd or make unlawful collective bargaining by any Mr james Phillips. "Uncle Jimmie" Store and Barnum Caliicutt, a son of ends his toils and others reel off the Mr Clarence Reaves has moved into cooperatives-association or other fiBSoClation of farmers, dairymen, gardeners, ' na(j many fjm friends in tte com- Mrs. Crissie Caliicutt of Union Town glassy product of his labors. With him one of W. A. Grimes residence in tne I or other Producers 0 fartn products with respect to the farm products pro-' unity an(j deplore his passing away, ship were both bitten, recently by a ra oharity is '.accounted no grace and Western part of town. , duced r nised by ifrmanbemtapon land owned, leased of cultivated by them. Miss Fleta Tate is visiting her aunt, bid dog. It seems -thftt 0 dog cafti - gratitude do Tirtufe he worships no"" Mf and Mrs. J. H. Fentress and' Section 3, .That, Sections 8 and 9 of the Act entitled, ;An Act to provide M Wi F- cue at Greensboro this from the vicinity of High Foiift and God but gold." daughter Miss Ollie, Mrs: L. F. Fen-! nothef for the national-McOtlty and defense by encouraging the production, Week j circulated largely through Union and" i The Judge was Very emphatic in hi tress and your correspondent spent Iconservtog the.siipply, and wntrolling the distribuition of-food protlucts and Earnest Turner 13 driving a new Concord townships, bittinfc many aogs, statement that all liquor laws must ba Sunday evening with their aunt Mrs.,fuel." approved August 10, 1917, , be and the same are hereby repealed; Pro- Ford chlldreB mentioned strove. . obeyed, despite the fact, & he stated, Mary Fentress near Soimia. ' I1. ny offense cdmralttedra violation of swd Sectors 8 and 9, prior Mr. E. B Moore went to Charlotte Little Miss Lewis was bitten on the iL . ArcherXs. NeU K!!!, ifZf H ; J.i T,?m Caliicutt was al- inuuiiuuiiB, xeei i mey mus munit ey and Koy Steele were recently vis- " " - j -, A nne n arrived at the home oi so bitten on the iace. to a law they do not believe in. and he itors in the citv. Mijred th grand jttry to see to it that Mr. B. I. Parham went to Sanford -every phase of the lipuor business be one day last week. SLlhSvS It a 7 ' Mr.jjF. L. Ellison has moved to his cTjtV'Um wart Walnut leaitanng-the-world warV "wMiShreek near W. H. Tippetts and J. M. overturned nation, and upsef king- Murray has moved to the residence uuuw, w nun uwy uaye, vacated by Mr. Ellison, the best, Judge Webb said, that has - ver yet been devised by man. had not been passed. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. York last week. The Juniar.Weslyn and Junior Phil- athea Classes had a joint picnic or Friday Afternoon Club mrM A Mil DCDCAUII I Mrs. T. V. Rochelle, of High Point , aFlea masses had a joint picnic oi LVlAL. Apt) lUWUlXftL has been visiting her mother, Mrs. O. !Yory nut hunt last Friday afternoon. v- ""V rRt Cox. The outing resulted m a plesant time Mr. B. Frank Page, formerly of Mr. Henry Bunch, of Oak Kidge, is . . amAvri,h nroeram was rendered by Mrs. J Asheboro. now president of the W. H. visiting his brothers in Asheboro. ... i j v.. r.nhGoU nt tho ni.inn And Miss Mt- "si j. -n i . : i i s-i . i . .1 i bci veu uy uie Kins aiiu ixuita uy uie - - i ' Annlli. wsfAvft Q TlOTlfai-flH lTl ffT 111- T'lllS Will Ko i-ftfl VPTllPTlt. t.ilTlP fni tllP ' The Friday Afternoon Club had a' time niost enjoyable meeting With Miss Be- for all. Many hickory nuts were gather-ra Scarboro last week, a musical va. garet Morris soloist. After an hour 1 1 1 1 A.1-- " i A.- 1 t ?-h ..a fSSS J' fh.nza,roup, bronchitis and all cold citizens, of the county to call and suo- Fourtnth noen i. 1 Ke iSSTlSd by "ifflS Mr S. A. Cox. of Pisgah, was in tne ZSSS t!Z wTTamTe sTspTcialeylrrm,: 3Z$SJF " ft" a city Tuesday.. all over the state have registered. mendeA for mfluenza and croup. Henry Graves, a colored man who salad course. NINETYrFOURTH ANNUAL SESSION OF ' lM,dithn.?riLi2: FlndSKn AIRPLANE VISITS ASHEBORO nrvr M. P. CONFERENCE MET IN CONCORD man and Asheboro Branch of the Cedar Falls Tuesday. He with four AND AROUSES MUCIi iiN ItiKIlibl - , Southern Railway attended a meeting other men was crossing the river ear- a Mr. E.G. Morris is in Columbia, S.C. timed over and Graves was The arrival of an auplane in Ashe- place in Sout C. .o' n.n . peo on business this week. Mr. Morris ac- drowned. The other men were una- boro on last Monday caused consul- here lorhKaso.,c'i V'L'' Vftw companied his neighbor Mr. Clondis ble to rescue him. He was a son of crable excitement, many of our cit- r?bpejr first nieh': Amon them Coter to Columbia. John Graves of Randleman No. 2. jzens having thought that this town ' Hf E- Hea. ' JHr. X. W. nammonii ana laiimy, ui ur. j. d. onamourKer, oi otar, was ... ... . . . , . . . n n ri.. t;,, ,y MShM erZZL7J dy; , o ed trough clierent sections the ladiesof the town were about to take rr . - - . IV ... J. il. vagie, Vl ocagiove Jiu. Mn Thia m ana na .Imvon from n fl trht n-hon the m.ic lilli Went Un- Dr. C. L. Whitaker, Fonner Asheboro Pastor,' Goes to Mebane Rev. L. W. Gerringer, Formerly of Reids ville, Comes to Asheboro. One of the' moBt important events of the Methodist Protestant Confer ence which met in Concord last week occured Monday morning when the ap pointments for the coming year were read J. F. McCulloch; loaned Yadkin i.sti- working in that City. Miss Mattie pave The Courier a nlcasant call ture, w. i. rotten; proieasor in west- holding a position ran ieyi vcy- while in the city yesterday. eminary, C. E. Forlines, D.'ment Store and Miss Annie with the Kje has recenty opened up a with Michlielil as shipping J minister seminary. lhe committee made tne xonowing d., secretary of board of young peo-. Berneau. business appointments: pie's work, A. G. Dixon; supernumer- Miss Bcra Scarboro lert Wednesday Boint Mr. Ca- lumber Danville and was o. its way to some der repairs. Alamance, G.W. Holmes; Albemarle, aryvon Richland charge, W. F. Mc- afternoon to visit friends n Camden, Maxine trammer the j j. a. lieuueuer, Aiunuii vjrvve, w. . Lioweii; loaned to Doara oi nome mis- . u. ij j,,.i,t. nf m. n i . a i - n t , A n ... . ... . i . ... i r i, :., l n Old oaugnier oi ivir. icxnuuer, AiiueiBuiii v. j. jjiuuibjt-, sions, o. Williams; in seminary, j.i miss L.ouise diuuhb ib oihui j ti,.,. nf T.mn f; Asheboro, L. W. Gerringer; Asheville; C. Auman. . ' WATSON LASS1TER SUS TAINS SERIOUS INJURY ear and a half and Mrs. M. F. YOUNG PEOi LES MEEliNG AT PROVIDENCE ill. t j-f0n i o..;t f I oqo tor'u inere win De a meeuniroi me iuuiii lis Hipd-Mnndnv m;ii ofninwi nainfui otiH nmhnhlv PeoDles Sunday School Classes or Thanksfi-ivine with her parents in . , , ' ; . . , . pr0viilenre TownshiD. at the Provi- :.M,ii " .vS i w SS-S'.ij. Port 'rom everv Phase of the Greensbol"- , J . .. Burial took place at Pleasant Grove while cutting a tree. The tree fell on dence nends Church, next Saturday er; Burlington, I. E. Pnchard, Bess work throughout ' the oast - vear has Miss Lula Pncliard is spending T,1AS()av wh.d .nHmt. rash about five afternoon, beginning at 3:00 o'clock. DBiiuiH oHiinBo. i Mr. W. J. Lowe, representative of inches long and also broke his shoulder supper win ue ouircu u g. . King and D. S. Colt- St yehteninir Rod Company, blade. Mr. Lassiter was alone in the and an evening program given. IntavoDtinir niKUrrl u-no Hint vnnA olrnnilnH tho VB. Anil Carolina .- A 1 1 1.. I I I 1, U: knrnn The VOIinC DeOD e Of the CntirO flethcOT Davin, J.. Hulto, Den- of the for Methodist Pro- Game at Chapel Hill. 8ented The Courier with some use nil in order to receive aid. A physician Township are cordially invited to at- as summond and found him in a very tend trus meeting, ami neip mane iv weak condition. Mr. Lassiter is 68 success. -r Ti l 1 1 1, ...111 rA v . . --, . i;k.,mii! iv" ..v6. airs, yv . w . ounuuiu. nis cuimubm y nan racimi woigireu years o: aK. iv o nuu nc " i VVr-rrm b 9 T,The mattIt was left In the hands of) Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bulla and children practically all of the state to his 0ves. W . r,' . " .1." we uoara-oi liuucaiion it is unaer- re visiting in Baieign tnis weeK. mrs. aeency.. ,f r 1 j r ,r ol A Deen tne most xavorame n tnexnistory inannsgiving ai j L. Curry; Cleveland, J. H. Stowe; Con- of the denomination. Probably, one of 1 Messrs Carson com. At u. aueiton; -. uresweuh u, tuA ni rt at , nf. rK M" ""-"""" are visning m iwuenjn uu agency., , 22? hSSi 'fHh.SSwI5- that H1h Polnt ' offered 40 Cull and children ar visiting rel , q f M Lisi Sv j M tract of land adjoining the M. P.jative. while Mr. Bulla is attending the "rj StiAiSSE ?L2?ft&i5 Ch"drep'- Hm '0'-'"-' . tear. Mmbly. . : . - m l&rfo? American Dies at Hand of Mexican Tha 'loath of FumnA T.nrlr whlrh Birkhead, v io has been Randolph Boys' Hog Judging Team ncpunA jn ki Centro. Cal UDon m- the Southern Railway ' at v;n. . Pinehurst i'vpntiimtion wu found thai it was (fue Heb'M Xppiwl BdSSrS tir. denomination. the baby ha. been undergoing treat- Mr Wrike has other rahway .connected witK the fair. County - S W Tavlor Hliri Pamt. First church nnd agents brought interesting regiment . - positions offered him but is undecided Agricultural Agent D. S. Coltrane assailant G 'r. Brown- Welchemoria! J R P01 of the work, undertaken, rrom Mr. and Mrs, Charles. E. Prgh and n fc will coached five bys at Farmer for this 046 ioton- K'noa Ed SdU-tUetci 'ort "wh . progreu has been'sister Mrs. C. H. Hancock of Greens- M RufuJ B nt Monday ln conte8t and enU5red them in the con-'0 u Now WoTtn 105 n M r, l-r W I M.rtJn. made along every Une of work. The, boro attended the funeral of Mn. j,j h polnt on .,02; test which was i-eid Thursday of the""1;' l"r " "r 2g&oTlftBtt5 Birkhead , at .Oak Grov , A. Ledbetter who has. been fair.. The boys, flrst Judged ftve claJ JlJZ uiM.ifi nr vtAiva b innivinnaii. m uiui ni - (JUTVI IVI Wll M BMawv WUV an ' ' . . dniia, m m i .tmu swrM t n . vna, numuv. . i .... -r . k. ij i w . u TV n ilk "r i miuianu, u. i jvey . V, ,v uLaju mi T 11 11 PaHah. a-no in student t. ... . . ,.. ah.- an i i tk. coin. .'xnlrla- Mnr illn f! J EdwaniS! vninry i-l no va mw jubuivuui ci'1 .. " , , 7 ,: . - f rotestant Cnurcn will move VI AIDB- u uugB. au wua K-' v vt ro wuc. - (i M ouAt 11,; JB Ilotm Mount "pal church. - v , - at North Carolina ; Colleger . foi ; women m E G Lowdermilk who has Montgomery boy won the first pmut JTV. rln.rlT wRh 11 ri .M wntHeman, J.B. ffmu, UmaOt v-,.. mn, w- a w.' spent sunday in the city with her par-lh'tX;f jv. u . church at urn which was a choice pig from the " Pm."N,t.wth !"? ' a loMlllf 4. A. ..villi I - - - - - - . -w 4. X - r- A il. rv-T- A rk f lH J ' lalafrla tj. annual MnfiMnM .'ley, Orangeburg, 11. F. Sunatt; rage- elected delegates to gneral conference Dr. and Mr. C. L. WWUkcr having s land, J. W. Ouick; . Pinnacle, W. C. which meeU In Greensboro next May. (attended the MrthodUt froto-tant con- L4UisiW! Randlernan, E. J. lewder- VT. u. i wnitaKer, wno nas peen " 7""' , 1" ' .irt.. U.-.1..1..1. . tir 1A a .uv.,. cuk.u.n. of Ka Aahahom hnrrh lir th kr visited relatives in Lexington. William,; Reld.ville. B. F. foglomau; the pa-tor CI tna cnurcn wncn am ""'"l IZ. iZZZ at 3 oclock p. m, . - IZZt IV1WO "tWlll il . ....!. I' 11. 1. 1 .U1.V .... Concord will move to Randleman. JJJJ- g ;7oin U VaiueT SUr for loSi Mrs, John Ingold and daughter Miss A'to.B. '.w," ". livery wu quoted nt $U2H an ounce. Minnie are visiting relatives In Greens- LwU Kra,J PJ..V.?""! ' test M a team two Cls-cm Ul junior DOrU- ... . anil -knnlnv VMrllnirl m.: n j.i-v n 1. m..L ill - ine 1 nanayipn 000 viub -i a a total of eight sows, were Dead James Ktarv PhiUinK. on of our best contest the Randolph dUtetis, died Saturday morning at his ' Torollinr, Saxvibeen maa. "07 Home and Foreign 5SS LL" Z-?' ? Krrta. fL C Smp flpV.' U Im iSi kSSSSa-M S refresh: FreTandTom 8tee4. won Krrt pre WMondu7ted SundiV cvenbVby hF. SS'rS J B O'lirysntf Ktanliy, Asheboro, not onlyto those Wnglng reVum. he school after Chrlstma.. . 1','Tork on Demblr mh"n' wh,5h WM,,l6 Kev. W. M. ffffilth. at th. M. 1 . RpmT' r.VacI-7a. F WUIowav to the Methodist ProtesUnt Church; Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Cranford trerc men U and fancy work , on December d premium and Montgomery fe. Church amid a large concourse or Uwt.am; W. II. New; Thomssville; but to the entire cititenshlp and M week end visitors at Raeford. r J..'.-- .'V - julll te,wri- t.r?J3I!!.,,t,lw. ",d H. AUrnnhy; Van, H. L. Powell; they go to their new home they carry .The Courier seems to have made an' Mr. W. A. Pr-wnell cf 'JV Chicago announced that the Randolph which the remains were tndny V. Forlyth, j! l Rl.Uhrj WWW th. good wishes of many friends. error last week in publishing the Route y" ,'; f.." wtetaidiriy thebeet to UW to rjrt In the Baptist church cm aV.n,, J. d. Auman; Why Not, W. M. Rev. L. W. Gerrinr-r, who hM been prises given at the County Fair , m .'p1' A!?.,!! M H,cjr f1f1Mchi ta .'l"1 Ctery. The deeeased wm 72 years, 1 Pik.; VVinrton" J. 6. wIlljYar- pastor Of the Rel.UvUI. Church for the! LmseuV by saying that Mr. C. H..J ptejairt calUH. J" both clas-ec Just M hi placed them. , month and ten day. old. He wm msr boro.ieh, N. M.' Harrison, Jr. , part three years hM accepted the pV Parks Yecelved first and second prlwa with hlrn, Vw. o-Tlf.ii 1 Kt' Coltrare aUtee that these five ried to Elisa Momtt and to this union f:.ijrintnU.tiU: L 1. York, G-orge orate of the Methodist Protetant for the farm and garden collecUon.aeh " 67 TW , " P1 becomv-g good. were bom four ehl!dr-u thr tirl na K. 11 ..nt. w C. Kenneth. W. P. Mertin'ehurch In Asheboro. He is a young man Mr. J. O. Forrester also of Ramseur abouVautty busheM of potatoes this ijvt,tck hid gee and be bellev-e that one boy, of th-!, two survive Mrs. . .. - 1... . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 h . 1 . 1 1 . 1 .. 11.' Vaa 9 , . . . t . a ii 1 il 1. .111 u ' vu . r .1 knri i 1 I : : . ifn 1 ar hmm ii inn lonwi wiui i id D-i kauu z rpr.Tfi aaw-oiui Dnu on u la . ucn irun nr n uw mn u mil win piutiv viiia. va iain:iu . miv i ii- ; In 1' 1 nn ! of fTTBiilnt! T. E. Mar- did imputation, both as a mlnlrt-r and farm and r , tin, l!u!.-rt I.. I .ioj-, R. E. Andrews,' a pastor. He 1 president cf the, Mr. G. F.C i: . 1) ;: V. L. Orson, Fa, AJyoung poopl-'s organliatlou In the Laura, of En .- A. i, , J. l'.A. irtln collection. Gatlin and daurhter. Mis Erect, and Miss Ida Ingold, J. 1). Ilsrrlr. D'sUte. Mr. frrinr has a Wile and. of F.-le prinrs, were visitors in H, H. 11. . Thomp-1 two small children.. ... . Asheborc Tuesday. . ! ,. I AM omar Tor more man eieea tnou- mean better livestock in the county in man turnips, ana is survived r t i ir sand pound of government food wm a few yeara m that they will know brothers and a host of friends. Horn, made this week. Those who have made how to select their breeding stork. TTe tire community keenly feel the 1- t r fonner erdert My the food ie ntra intends to tralsi theee boys hi the ce this good rose and extend thrlr f, -nice, . ' . lecttoa of cattle M well M be , Jpethy to the breaved ones, - t