THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1920 THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. G PageThrt THE COURIER STOP TIIAT ACHE! 1 Xi'taOAL NLiiHtti ri.U.aAL PAUAGRAPUS AshtLo., N. C, January 1, 1920 Don't worry an i compli.'. . lout a bail back, uct nu ox . un am. lu.eiu-ss. Ure Dear..-, !:.-); Pills, 'any Y' I' uaa t.'.eio ami kr.o'. r. 'i e?ect:ve they te. Iieie's an Aai.cboio c-x?. ha J a tired aching ..i t: ba.k and se.e.v iuys didn't act proveil ago ol r.:y . My kid anu 1 was l.L-ai.ii.r ui Doai) s A large number of yisitors have been in the. town and county during tne holidays. Mr. O. J. Comn, in a 'recent editorial in the Raleigh Times, recalled the fact that Randolph coun ty always witnessed a big home com ing during the Christmas holidays. This has been true during the Christ- : m?t !?csf J? P"8? ana it speaKs Mrg j c , w ;-0..ih F.iveltevillc 'iT1101 the "n8 tTod old Ran- bee:, savs: "About a year ago 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cart Auman yisited ' . Mrs. M. G. Lorett during the holidays.' Ml6s Josephine Smith is visiting Mr. W. C Kin visited friends at relatives in high Point this week. Elnn Crfilem Aarintt the holidavs. I Mr. E. G. Moms returned to his tired and lans-jid. Dr. and Mrs. R W. Crews, of Thorn- nome luesaay aiier naving unoergone Kidney tti!s l got a box ct :-.e btan asville, were the guests of Mr. and an operation for appendicitis in the cUrd Lrug 6toie and laey uiuiiirht me Mrs. M. G. Lovett, Friday of last High Point Hospital. Mr. Morris is wonderful relief. I take a 1. doses week.v ' , improving. occasionally and they keep m feeling Miss Jessie Cox is in Salisbury this Mrs. R. L. Benton and brother, Jas. fiue." week visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Benton, of Daiville, Va., -vere visit-, VPrice 60c, at all dealers. Don't Bean. '" ors in Asheboro Sunday. isiply ask for a kidney remedy get Mr. Rufus Routh, who is a student John J. Phoenix has returned to his Doan's Kidney Pills the same that of the A. & E. College in Raleigh, home in Greensboro after doing Y. Mrs. Ingold had. Foster-Milburn Co., spent the holidays' with his parents, M. C. A. work overseas. Mfgrs., Bucalo, N'. Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Routh, of Millboro. Ida Haithcock, the nine-year old -y : Route 1. ' daughter of John Haithcock, of Bur-' ASHEBORO ROUTE 2 ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. A. Auman, and daugh- lington, was knocked down and injur- ter. Miss Mary Lydia, of Goldsboro, ed by an automobile on December 29. On Christmas morning twenty men visited Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Lovett the Miss Ora Scott, of Ramseur, is vis- and boys of the community gathered latter part of last week. siting in Greensboro this week. at the farm of Mr. R. W. Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Soiriers visited The Courier appears again this took an old time rabbit hunt. Before relatives and friends in Burlington week ac a four page paper instead of returning they became very proud of spent Saturday , at Mr. R. W.I and Winston-Salem during the holi- an 8-Daere naDer. This is due to the their success, days, "shortage of paper. Arrangements Miss Maie Rush M&. and Mrs. I. C. Moser returned have been made to increase the size of night and Sunday Monday after a visit to relatives in the paper to a seven-column 8-page Kearns'. Washington, N. C. paper instead of a six-column 8-page Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer spent ' There will be a three weeks' short paper. This change will be made as Christmas with Mrs. Spencer's par course in Agriculture at the A. & E. soon as the paper shortage will per- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rush. College, West Raleigh, beginning Jan- mit. but for the present it is with the1 MissTfPearl Kearns spent Chrislmas uary 8, to which all farmers are invit- greatest difficulty that any paper can with friends and, relatives on Trinity ed to be present, tuition being free, jbe obtained at any price. I Route No. 1. If- D r If .... ...V ....-J TnM J If TIT T J ill. 7 f ,. -. 1 T,.;l,, . . Ttm Ail Cm- dolph county a little mare than a year spent the Christmas season with their day to take charge of her school at ago, from Surry county and bought parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lowder- Belvidere. the Ingle place at Rinshaw's Fork, milk. They returned to Troy the first Mr. I. W. Kearns recently lost two near Randleman, has opened a real es- 0f the week, where Mr. Lowdermilk good milch cows, tate agency. Mr. Moser was in Ashe- js engaged in erecting. the new court) Mr. R. W. Reams killed four hogs boro Monday and says that he has had house and iail for Monttromerv coun- a few days ago that weighed 1430 a large number of inquiries from ty. pounds. The largest one weighed 490 prospective buyers from the county j Miss ximeda Lowdermilk, a daugh- pounds. from which he came. Mr. Moser is a ter of Mr K F Lowdermilk, of Not-1..,..,' Tx-,.g 0 1 progressive farmer. Prom five acres ig Spending this week with ner0MAN T-SHE rmn' of tobacco he realized $2378. He also .' a T. Uo,m,.n, CAN'T TALK ENOUGH constipation rbd Sccr Stomach Caused Thi Ladj Much Suffering. Black Draught Relieved. Meadorsvir.e, Ky Mrs. Pearl Pat cf lh:s place, writes: "I was very conti;ated. I had sour stomach ai.d was so ucuiufoiiallc. I went to the doctcr. I gave me some pills. They reakened5 me and seemeJ to tfar up my digestion. They would gripe cie and afterwards It seemed I was snore constipated than before. I V.eard cf Black-Draught and d9 ci.Ied to try it. I found It Just what I ctded. It was an easy laxative, and not bad to swallow. My digestion soon Ircrroved. I got well of th sour stom e:h, my bowels soon soemed normal, eo more prinlns. and I would take a do e no and then, and was In good shape. I cannot say too much for Black Draught for it Is the finest laxative one can use." Thedford'g Black-Draught has for many years been found of great value In the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable in its action, leaving no bad after-effects. It has won the praise of thousands of people who have used NC-135 Miss Madge Moffitt, of Ramseur, vis- Mr. J. S. Lucas and daughter Miss ited MiSS llayvvorth fil.'at of 'I had gall stones for 14 years and Ane, of Seagrove, were in Asheboro ne -gejj I suffered severely from gas, colic and on business Monday. M;.s Katherine L'urns is spending' indigestion. Doctors wanted me to go i88 ?,Kle Har1' a aidein.1fdy this week at Mt. -ud wth friends. thf hospital, but I took Mayr's m tiie Millboro section, was stricken .Misses Newby and Novia Wonderful Remedy instead, and am with paralysis and died on December -(5)rrell of Greensboro, have been vis- n?' ebng fine and better than I ever 27th. Miss Hurley was a sister of iti H , Ferree ,did. I can't talk enough about this Tovti 11 " i f u'lii 1 Mr- c- c- Lamm. of Lucama, was a u..p.c, preparation that removes the catarrh al mucus from tho 'intestinal tract and at White's Memorial, east of Millboro.' in las! week hubs nauie miner, 01 t, mston-oa-, M:Q. ua varr ,ill tr, ,lem, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mars Hn, College Wednesday after alla's e mflamation whicl causes C. G. Somen, .last week ! spending the holidays with her par- j practically all stomach liver and in- Mr. G. M. Pugh, of Millboro Route ent Mr and Mrs Ferree testinal ai ments, including appendici 1, was a visitor in the city last Mon-, Mr am, Mrg s A Perkins antl MrJtisv One dose will convince or mony & t Duii .- , 1 John Mclnniss, of Concord, and Mrs.' led. Sold by Standard Drug Co., Mrs. L C. Phillips 1 spending a few w j whjte f SatisburVj sited Mr and druggists everywhere, days, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' j ,,. n V v,n.l . I. J. Fuller, at Pullers. ;Ta I Randolph Counly Cotton Report visited There were 634 baleo of coununsr round as halt bales,innnel in ir t; n;j .1 i ii U, $ ' j , fuo". Miss Carolyn Kime .with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com-1 rt,K.. loJi ,i. pany, with headquarters at Sumter, Miss Julia Cooke, of Mt. Gilead. and "P.h county from tlw cop of S. C, spent tha- holidays with his pa- jyj,. j prank perkins of Concord' vh- 1919 Pl'10r to December IP,, 191!), as 2r" n TS1! t0P- , , , i ited their cousin, Miss Carolvn Kime. compared with 647 bales ginned to De Mr D. MvHohn, who i-ecently sold dur; the hoiiflays. , comber 13, 1918. hia farm in ror IVfavb-at- tAu-nolim l has moved to Guilford county. Mr. No Great Act of Heroism Required j If some great act of heroism v; s necessary to protect a child from croup, no mother would hesitate to; is mm- Hohn'attended the funeral of Dr. C. A. Hamlin in Asheboro last week. Mr. F. R. Auman, who is with the Standard Realty Company, of Bur- prote;t her offspring, but when it .iusuwu, w, ,u A,,euUro uurmg me ony necessary to keep at hand a bo: nolldays.. - u nt tmhrt1nin' Cnn&h R.Sviv Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin, of Win-!and give it as soon the nrSt indi-i children will readily take and . - ' , :. . . , , ' canon 01 croup appears, mere am. week uraO 1 relatives m Asheboro. jmany ho nCglect it. Chambei lain'.-: Mr. Duke Robins was in Asheboro Cough Remedy is within the riach oil "Vs ,UU''"K nnsunas. 'an and is prompt and effectual. Misses Ixma and Elizabeth Whlt-i field retunyed to Lumberton last Mon- Miss Jerona Craven Weds Mi. Mil day aftera week s visit to their sister, iyard Lowdermilk ,of Bennett mm. n. u nsmraonu. M,. Miiiwi 1 jmiii, l;,. Li's cA ioo true hat many children have a dislike for aninial fats, yet the same rslish When l. Croup Threatens Quick iclief of baby's croup often forestalls a serious situation when this dreaded disease comes in the late hours of night. 1 Miss Iva McAulay, of Mt. Gilead, nett, and Miss Jerona Craven, of . .- 4 m ... , , , & " .'"oo ...... .u.,. was ill luwi 1 iHNiiiiv ,t ri r 1 w annaafiav n . 7 : " itamseur, were marnea uecemoer zo, the gnert of Miss Alice Phillips at hane & the bride-8 parents. ,t (. !? M- Hammf.r and children Both are lar Fe le and of Greensboro, are visitinsr re atives in' .-.. j' ...:u J. fWI. iiimiiy iiicmiB wii uicra napyns Mr. L. OL Tadlock, who holds a posi tion with the Snow Lumber Company, in High Point, was the truest of rela tives in Asheboro the first of the week. Mr, EMULSION This choice is instinctive and is linked up with the fact that Scott's is assimilated when other forms of fat are a disturbing element. Give your boy and girl plenty of energizing and warmth imparting Scoff '1 Emulsion, It wQJ build fhwn up! Tke NarwcflaB cadllvcr oil turd in Seat? Fnlli ii apercflncd in ajr mm AnMfkan Ibormtoricm. II parity and quality l nnanrpaaaed. toottAJoiroaJtooiaftaMJiJ, 9-H woi. no; siiilt ttic CUTtiES Mothers should L-tc s )ar of Brurc'c Viponeu tha Suve convraient. When Croup threatens, thia deliehtful salve rubbed well into baby's throw, chest and under the arms, will relieve the choking brok contestion, and promote restful sleep. Takes place ot nauseatin; druzs. used extensively by phy sicians la cstobatlnf croup, calcb, fneu. monia. etc. in 'hiidrfln as well as rtown-ups 30c 60c :ndf 1.20 at all drur stores or sent repaid by Bj-ame Drug Company N.riIkesboro,N.& I To Our Customers and Friends J We are now getting oui meats cheaper than we did a few months ago and are giving our 0 customers the advantage off the high cost of living. o t Our prices are as follows: 1 Nice beef steak, 28c per lb. Nice beef roast, 22c and 25. Nice stew beef, 16c. I We also have a nice line of J Buy where your trade is ap- predated. t Phone 16 We also have groceries. t Wright Brothers T , jastiiB'i irn j i I, The Best Cough Medicine When a diweist .finds that his cus ! tomers all speak well of a certain pre Tadlock -was at Omild'a' paration, he forms a good opinion of hunting' Jodge for nine years after 11 and wnen in need ol such a medicine leaving this part of the county. ' almost certain to use it himself and Mr. Garland Martin, of Richmond, in family. That is why so many Va., Is Tisiting his grandparents, Mr. druggists use and recommend Cham and Mrs. G. H. Kinnev. He in iwAm. berlain'e Cough Remedy. J. B. Jones, panied by Earl Hobson, jtlso of Rich- well-known druggist of Cubrun, Ky.,j mond.r' Bays, "I have used Chamberlain's Miss Estelle Tucker, ot Durham, is Cough Remedy in any, family for the the guest of Miss Gertrude Ferree. Pt ev ye. have found it Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cornelison to be the best cough medicine I have spent Saturday and Sunday with their ever Known. daughter, Mrs. G, H. Cornelison. I Misses Luna and Mary Cox were Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Anbury Entertain the guests of Misnes Delia and Lola in Honor of Guests I Cornelison enristmas. rjr. nn, Mrs. V. E. Asbury gave al Mr. Earl Cornelison and siRter,1 social hour on Monday afternoon in j Use Gentle Remedy t3 End NortyOpent tyie week end with their honor of Mrs. Asbury's nieces, Miss Constioation uncle, Mr. G.H. Cornelison. . I Mildred Curtis and Miss Frances : - Mr. Enoe Sykes and family spent Grejrjr, of Greensboro. TIiosl- pies-1 frnc "nhvuics" fvA.i (ho the Week end With relatives on Sea- nt werp- Ruth Haillev I.ueile Cnv-i 'ih-vrendt: n . n . - . ' i f K;" ow -wuie. eness, Nellie Fox and her ffuent, Miss mt. eornice irogdon, or High Uttie Ncwbv, of Greensboro, Vivian Point, Tisited friends and relatives in Cranford, Golda Haywortli, Alberta aR:wviv a isu.y aim onmiii.y. InfrrBm, Elizabeth Skcen and Virginia IMr. and Mrs. L. D. Birkhcad and I?,lincr FmiU nl rnmlipa- were of Greensboro, were visitors to lr.,ri rtaativee in Asheboro durinir the Hstmai holidays. Tlv also visit-1 t it,. ii....ii. . W . . . " ''J J. F.v eanir. A. I. Wi s lamilv on Star. u'o,,M r.,, nnt n r kt ,u,- DONT ra THE BOILS tncir way t1. :r . itincl n.?..i!jr: oviMrr-ite. 'i'i: cv c lea.i t. v. i : t.'t - but llvv ,lo it i OUl i; Or : I I) w.ll m,siv, r l-i i c I'l'-a l. " - - M.uii7. i. i l-: : 'i l::in.:. lai.i ; Last Word in i Croup 1 Remedies 13 i I 'PAGES " tfCBU-Mb Ha Jl0. "- "N M r . . I a M JUT i&VJL COLDS 'SALVEV'-PNtUMONIA Li FORMULA CAMPHOR Oil WINTEROREEN Oil lUCAirPlUi MENTHOL l ANUM llM'FU; OIL rut PC.4I ,41 To the Motorists of Randolph County We invite you to make our place your head quarters when in High Point. If your car needs attention we have skilled mechanics. A full stock of accessories. Parts for Buick, Liberty and Dodge Brothers Motor Cars. Cord and fabric casings. Red and grey tubes, all sizes at lowest prices for high class goods. Write, Phone or Call, That's All. HIGH POINT MOTOR COMPANY 4. Q THE PITH OF THE PROBLEM Most men from time to time need more money than they have cash. A man who opens a Bank Account here and becomes acquainted with us and with whom and whose habits we become ac- quainted when he is confronted with a Prob- T lem of this character is most cordially invited to t call . upon us. We have accommodated many worthy customers in the past. We hope we may be called upon by the same class of customers many times in the future. " . , Oar resources are over $400,000.00. The solution of the financial problems of a good customer we consider an essential part of our service. Bank of Ramseur, Ramseur, N. C. n slli A 1 r Home building & Material lompauy ASHEBORO, N. C. tnmdrh f t-Aiihlana n m nvar i tin t vniinuro viniieu ai mr. can eat any kind or food, that you Cornelison k Monday. crave? Consider then the fact that ana Mrs. W. L. Cornell win vis- Chamberlain'a Tablets have rutwl nth- Mr. G. H. Cornelison's Toes- ertv why not you. There are mnnv who have ben restored to health by G ' M Hed day. - o M'lin' Mr, D- A Cornelison, of takinf ese tablets and ean now cat ocRTwr, ymM Mr. tjorneiison s any kind of food that they crave. brotherlMr. G. H. Cornelison, Sun-1 df; A t Don't You Foritet It Mr. Jnciier Brvwn, who holds a' Bear In mindi that Chambprlain'R position Mth Mr. J. M. Buffalo, In Tablets not only tnovAh bowels but RaleiKh, U apdlnj a few days with Improve the apnetit and strourthen his father.Mr.saao Brown, on Ashtv the digestion. They contain no pr boro KoUNo.J. tin or other digestive fermmU lnit Miss Eune Fenny, who has for strengthen the stomach and enable It several yrari. Dfi home demon str-. to perform its functions naturally. l.-t ! 1 -.- tl---H n r I "l- I ,. - : Thf -.-'r" r ii Dirit.-'ni!'.- : Co., 18 Fa. I:: . t 13 fit the I f A lisot !:. r nn'i pi t lu r.-l; . ii v rt' Hl.lMI win. I'lucn ")() Ckvts 4- BOX PARTY tin aownt hi rtaU.I.- - I marriod lant eekV) Mr. O. F. Mc Cmry. of WMilntn, s. C Mr. Mccrarv is xne a siyt farm demon-' l (nvitorf fri trstor for the fide ter conntlM. ihnm arhnol PH.Io n,-ht , Ml K" HnmmeiV)M, has been tar Oth. 1920. Strlnir band it nntn.1 ,t RmdRvme h Hlllnery bus!- musicians, handsome boxes with, Jots nr.. ' J VN.wnf1 :w rood eats. , . t ; Mis.- WhWf4 Owwjd I Franks Come, brlns; Vjrlrl and bay tr a fir- QtZ r, ' AH. yoWi old, one and nil, itlnr Ihelr st-m. f Asburtw eome, yt wiU hive a food titn. tro- mr- n. j. s-i-.... ""inusTlter. rooila trill ra tn vtilarira th u-ho ... . .1 . . - 1 ' - Wi vrr, oi i.arvrwre, "A return- library, d in th"'r home after irlsift, fptf tivct In AVboro. I DORA B. TtkYlS, EDITH JULUN, Teachers. - - - .it dige'stivo ids. for ir'loz pTo..! ' . lese hti .ttr.fl relief irora tlic -b:.T -ss cf cel.1 clysj :j!a. - -Mia, et rear; v Costs more; 17 aith more! ' your Drifrist I.asn'l il nsfi him h !iy . Ohiidion Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA '. ' . , . v r ' ' ' M VMIFACTt'I!! n V. IL KING WAV, I O. Wc want to buy your pine and poplar lumber at J our plants at a ASHEBORO BENNETT HEMP SEAGROVE and i ' DENTON If you want building material or shir.jjes v c ran 4 supply you from our plants at AIic!x;o. 0 . II you are an undertaUer it will pay ,rj t ) set' our nice line of Caskets. f You Are Young 1 mr iirot!rrt for miccpkh arc good. A multitude of Ilookkcrpcr" Kt..n,,Ki V rrs anl Typist are wanted by b.Ttik. millH, liiilinndu, un.l othrr l;ii p rc.ri'a tinnii nt attractive BiilnrirB. Prepare f Jr tbp unbrwedrnted pronprrity th.-it "recon.-tnu lion" u ill lrio Allrnd nn ncer'd'tcd kcJiooI and po "over the top1' in thp biifincv wm'd Fverjv body rndonrs ' It A I EIGIf. N. C ivING'S Br.SINKSS COLLKGE CUAHLOTTE, N.C Ohildron Ory V.V'OfCR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA , Mis BeMie-Oiflnirn, . daujtMer. of , - Ed Lhit of ljorke county, Is dead l'.7-?' G,ltburn- arriei n wife Is Injured and thxlr home tly to Mr. Biwcom Whitaker, at the i wircked all on account of liniier. home of the bride s parenU, In Ker- Ed Uil went home, beat his wife 4il nersvllle.pemlsthe sonof I'rof.'a pie of stovewood and then s)h4 ,and Mi, E. WWtaker,ef Oak RWga. kimseltV X ? - $ -t- -?