; . . : ...-. v.. .. - ar -m fy m -ai. 1 , - ip ' f i i n i - T - - - , J;iJlii' , ' ; I V 4 " , " ISSUED V PRINCIT AfEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME ?.XXXV AsheUre Nertkf Car' v TJuusday,. January 15. 132. I I I i , I I I '-.fT ..t if -f-'-A---. ft 'W i t NUMBER i J ARU ULAa JMUUhi LJ - $ r.V.'.' 1 ''-. 1 j 4". Something' ' like fifteen'. : hundred n h j.nk- . V Zm "birthday : anniversary in VVash, -. t in . Tmnarv; .Mth ann letters : i t , were icou .uji - ir. 7 , z j ...u... o - '- & i JaCAdoo na aaaresse were aeavereu wajsmngxon,. . uko we 5 Aamjrai "at V tTi. - Ti L j : Ti Ji'lw m ; -'by MriUiain'JenninKS Jkjryan,,Mf. Washington Navy Vard , whom wee.-ShewM.an .cceitent 1W,tvm deserrmg; no jagrants, loungeralp, i . j i - ir i i i - i , . iiif in im- r ni ni;nrjinv tv diii v aijf iui. l w utr - nmiH nH '.wu vhiikiuui ui - aiia. c . .7i JoB-sphaa. Daniels, V Attorney General manyyeare ago, bequeathed tha .rest-f -uuuiijr r wi. u. .u f f -it A. r.i: f aimer, ioraier jspeur unuiiimcnce av uie rntvy yoru t, w ui aecen Vujm. ana own. -.rf": dreads Jtfe DubBshed-tm. ;week.-(Th td5Sf.Jar Bryaa U too long for tvlll b (riven from It in t)Ur next issue II t?cre IS noi.BUineienfc rvum juww wwviiu wn ouu. mo vi.uu bjjici.u.u ut,. ... wuun .1, rujfii, gi publish it in full. If ifcs.nluimf roW pi4' pea$;it om9'ji Jtevr.dayt - - ' t iindprwood for -Treaty ' Issue, ' '"These last seveh rears of'accdm- , H. P. 'Baldwin has' . ed today oat he was, not a vamuoaienon. wh uve vas tnc - goioen era oi t,v g Connelly twenty , v for rres ident; said it yas wise to revAmericai power, AmerKan . wm Tuesday evening.- inai me r-ueinovittus i.iy,.in.jciwui ,yuiuu ..r-i'wACirAj-AiW.ts-av martav'K ikmiiirh ttaIflnff JUStOryi .vhad nevf ..t.J o Wamnniartt f.ir t.hfi mere DUli 1 ' cose of victory or for winning the c ;fp0ldsp4f tfal,u lived j l01" Iunaamenuu ' an. . WUVIVU'. m y i - I J M Ma, J ...JIM . .' ..i. k 1 J J j 1 1T11 a u. k' V1CI1A UllU i.BUIUVA Ul Jill II If I IV IMS' nilllCUUlUi . 11U V IUK UWIVW N.. . : - r v i wuhu , ' ... . ..... . iL.i iLa TiATnA. I Bvttiiu uiuuuiv,. on 'Utif BDiunuiu sua i . .. t. w -T. " ' . r 7 rzz . r .. ... . wuicii nn rtart oi . nnt cinv o vjbv nut to tn cnhmit if .t lnere. u one. uh " .rT nnlmWhuhWl in revolution, ureensBorOv were m town to Greensboroxjn the summer witn ner-,UBOI1 t.- VJ--. or. count Tr -j' . ' " ' cratie .Party will carryro'wie wuuuj j vr. r-taHtaVjW--w.i4)!4' , -' naients Mr and,Mrs.'ii. Newby.-" " - wt1 pm snotua witn- w-wmummvu wn-w." -.i,, tSfirl declared. OPP' SclynSho SanniiJg attractiva h ? Progressive f tinn of the President caiinot be ques- a"" en--htened nations by -whtea Bex lection the form of a great and K No nS cln i question ere'flpha omegftAlt Is-Wise, progress- tS-iuf FrS M one of the firm of was defeated, and all solemn teferendim, a referendum .as i ffdemocrof theqSenate LStands., ve and Pfii5 SiSLST of ln W tne-worJd be so to the part foe United States is to ' mm. j i- j... Tk. ii-ooiripni wuuvii, w... m v-mhotuw Jigi vi . . i v... ' i . , . . i . "'""fw uj contsin nnvi Diav m commctinir tne settlements oi f b ine issue w v. -v " "nrlnrv nhmail . iH tn imiiiwmU has defined ft beyond cavil. The Demo- J-nto r?-- rrats stand for reservations that do not .fPff-ijL ' - crats8tan4fo,re?ervati estrov tne covenant yn. - . . . .1 . . . a . ,.ni course to .taKfi tne issue v- j try for another wngr rv for inotner wnnesa w tame rl '1' r,.' '. rtonioiu l.miila Wilson and Bryan Secretary Daniels in is speech mieis in jis gave ttnrati mutlT. TOT . MeiDlUlf : W K; . Ti. V 7 Uririott Dring annul tis jlv"'v" fhrouirh arbitration treaties- he ne-1 bring aDout tne wi,nv- otiatetf when Seretary of State. ' itiatetfwhen Seretary pi atate. "ThTDeclaration of Independance l the covenant of the League o and the covenant pi tne league Nation," the cretarysaia, two living light fountains of liberty and peace. It ia the glory of the Demo- Party-that trough - J ana wu8on k";--":" harts for an time for sate. .naviga:,whipkgoroe )ttl(- had g tion upon the seas. v. ; fo4quartef btmeentury ; c V "Just as suriy as eneru.. " ' ' r"rT-Zfctitriii Mh parties iwas finally achieved by mJJ&& :Le??.T awia ui 1 1 ni im Hiniiur - noiiviw . Mian inl this ideal was reached "". (. - - . .' ward tMB ideal was reacneu m wre ,-' V ebration and beneficent 'Bryan treat r nltions rTfud and f orecaVt its i mahtt a inn a at Kiiniiw i- 1Q1A m rrwinitatinfr the war. The principles ana spirit oi me my an treaties expanded and enlarged are emboided in the treaty of peace." The1 Secretary attacked what he call ed the "hyphenated polities'' of Re publican ,leaders.vHe- said: '' "When the rresiaent retumeu wim the trTaVof peace and debate began'flcot; the firit wc hava haJ since 1803. tne treaty w ueu.c nu Y"-. . ' o it required only a lew., uays xor . - vuei dullest u "' "r'("rT . ',: m' foreign descent whove votes in this - ., .M.h 'nrtjiifc nniitmanir must VUUI1VI J ".' f- vv. 1 1. "...4.i. i- Vnitinlw. . IKIWIU BI iu,v...m-, f. t i He discussed at, lengtn, tno enons T,hich he said RepubUcans haa maae w , "--'"--:. , t. President. Of. the Irish he. remMKeavomy.promisea T1 Irishpeo ,fr T Sy'KSrJ how deep their .ympathies may be for.1 kin back in Ireland, or how deep! their u. vi- -wr u:- vniif. n anv nthpr neotile of I nnvarnmnnt. thav are full - - r. " ji llll-neagea, reu - blooded, 100 per cent, Americans, anu u give no countenance to the hyphenat ed politics certain Republicans politi- hua madn their stock in trade ' for the coming campagin -r'-i ' ,rt . . c.nll,iuni Conorress i1 he. . .,' v mw i-Mfcii...-.; ; - r , , apparently have hadw time to 'con - siucr.wnavtney-wou.u u, in nn. nlnrn lot alone what better ways of doing tfe very things .that they oo joct to they would inaugurate If given full power to administer the. Govern ment. They have the courage of a lion jn criticism and the courage of a Jack ralibit In performance. , . . r ' . 'iet us all remember that the great thing for the Democrttlc Party today Is to forget that we are DemocraU. Never will our Republican friends for get that thry are Republicans first and patriots a.terwarus, l ui ronnuu. ! that eur first duty Is - as American, and not b DemocraU, The man alwsyr ' serv, his party best who serves his, . country first rJ.'. , .- "It in certain that no man who has the smntlrgt appreciation of the chang- ' Inar conditionii in our ouniry oeuevei 5 JSy w a"y wn.li.Uto, if 1 have SLf Wrge to the qoPKtions of -twenT these dntes exceeding $100 Va - "preperty weVe sod before May 1st, where P J1 in ,Maw ,pnt Saturday night and l?nsrd thl smallest extent the trend the nt day which ha. opened up. we t will be deducted. " they would have either the mny ' j1 ,fhe SuwUy with her brothw, Mr. Albert fr drtt ; of pubile srntinvnl It - that!mut reeernle that the war will not Why the change-May 1st to Jans- some equalnt taxle property, tere and hot 'u;. J Davis, at Cedar Falls. ..-. - moN Voters sre uncommitted nmeX over In fart, evrn If In name, until erylrtl , '.' V , This difficulty wss met by permit, one had Partaken.oT totnerr Mr j, b rt Burton and sister, Ml. Months before the e U-ction . to party the is-ues "which It ha. raised are Two good reasonm ' ' ' ting indebtnes. to be set Mj ReU Allred, and MIm Gertie Burke rS then at any timP In half a e n- Pa.d upon by tha grrat em.rt of sp v FirW.To fire plenty of time for the value of -cotton, tobacco, and and carried on with enusis-m. . . werf Biun M Mr, Ml Mrs. A,rl.t ,h ..rt than at any time in ja. - f.. anj the Judrment of the Job. Ilmty of lime to have the other farm prochicts,- on sterege la The Party ended with laughter an, ; , . , On-; one thing I. mira el-mt the Nov- fh "ople I. enterad en the rtvord work. June rsrefully and euratTly warehouse, in thr hands of eommlsj'god jrroM prewncW It 7 CrsnulateJ (tagsr'HH Cents er Ir rW ion; ti t f-d -tar is the TherV has b-n to, n,,rh . evl.l,nce ami pknty ot time ? mVs inquiry skms merehanU "XJ'TlfS l successions of .the Aderph- - . ,eW,a of thai-; . I v t srti- ,uhm,tted on the q-i-.tion of our pr-p. and lnv.-.t!.l! f !" Utpayerw the sUte, or la .the hands of Original ., , , , . , .s :'fK " Mi -sv:i;.st; t'r1"1 r;::"; rr v s rr&r r-'rsr'i snd for nr. n, c.ri,m; 0 !.fr ' ' ., ' "T ' " ' ; -r -!;T I"' 4.! f .n'a,-,!-.,''! rlro. They Fithrapertte these products the last year exeaedd all other 8tau. trhole-ale an. nrnnufarturing tm - tKlWl UXi:Alit--''-;.?'.;?Jy eTening .Mrs. Dorm La'ejnasv died on January in l ;, v--'.' - ' -' Jbootet) and spurred toride on Owf back f ms i. . t.j. in the Whit. House; : Thoee RepubUt ran a rha thinlr th tnhvmtjul th rio-ht w. exclusive ana perpetual ruie- ai ; V"'.?-VJ.avinMfli of the antire communitvi ' Trytthing lse,-.hoi they.-'wiU forgive him his supremacy of ind his his Bpiiemacy lf success in waffinffhertoMtoUy-. E-Kautj:;-Sj rv.x -i.i, H.i'ii fLiw-IiOp'sTj&i . .' - ',vbV.! - c':i,fKer wmp , SSSSSSSSKsSSST, T. - In the impendiiTgv and yetthat is the ef- . . . : iiiir ueneiHt uruni. ul iiiicuitu in iDou - .qt Mid . -;, ; . - v. r.v, r ?. V . gw vuiiKung sum. r--v.- 'General Grant's fame rests not Iilone .on, things .written and things said but also:Won the arduous greatness of thin e-s done,' 1 - ..Ti. . . i ,i tl ij I 4n sentence his tne tiemocrats. like a dove. v." . ' . n ' t- - .. like a clove. SS H,.rlh72. .nnls ,ative branche8 pViiioi conWmct - ive iegislationi"on- the statute books than was put -upon the statute books - SS statute books the income tar law for ..w.iw ... . - ... wj: admitted -Arizona and New i - , - . . i Mexico--a "performance long promised by Republicans and at last accomplish- rd by. the Democrats great boon to "lose, nascent commonweiin!,. "We passed bills for the prevention of corrupt use of money in electjons. V. wv"r"ir. . .'"". v . r . . it- t i -.in 1. We established the WaK kisk lnsur-. 1 'Trade Commwion. ance Bereau- splendid benefaction, We Dassd tha . tlni) Piirchase Lull -,i.i-h ho. o..-, . ..' o mp.h .. - e yomn-u u w - r.. di, ,, . . (Reserve Bank law. ;i - - , ror two aecaaes ununiure ucuuu- . . . .. , ,' 1 .. . ' ., I licana ' had heen tinkerinir With , the : . -- . . , currency ifiem aiwayo piunusuig w; wrom it, put nern 'wnerinf any, n.ai a 1ClUW.llHil V IIWV . w . a t i! .l of shreds and patehea, and enacted a law, established a system which works "t - i ko vU that Danics are no longer rear- . .i ..- i.j.x rj .i-- . eq ana we nave an anunuant auu eiaa- opinion, renders panics impossible, v, "A' Democratic admlnl-tration bar- r . . . . . . . ... , rthat war to a jracessful 'and gloriou.: w : ; - J ..:: purely tne wings wnicn we accoiu- P1 "hed; 5.i.r-tef? lease of power. The outstanding fea- lure or our six years- wont is tnat we accompusnea so mucn in so time." . ' -. Palmer Speaks ef JW ProblrWS Attorney General aimer. in ilia n-iwh ' rlaVlanul that trraat ITrohlems , .-.--..-. -.. ,--- iTjear dnrln the six vears in whith we con4yene ln Aspevuie June sa-juiy i.ine 1 .-J5 SKM teXStote,n Association will hol its Kd. h. tip enrrenev a treat national desia- owner . oi personal, propei.jr nu uc- . . eratum. The .old- Kpublican System tnands a full and complete disclosure legislative committee. 1 .a - nonU honpr? tha. now Tipmo. In return. . t". sidered that there were . t . a '. ' .'' . . w " l.n In uhir-h tha rhanfrp cratic lystem. accorainir ,w tne oest The same cuan ed, and, that, the Democratic -party , .,v n.t,i , - i , " . .rPJrepirwm be listed as fcttemptinf to solve them. ' attpungto soive wa- fart." 'he said TTie hope of the world f fceac. has W laated by the "alousies of men who hold their po- fiS fortunriabov.h thV wo'rlK nl f ,r- -LVsplte our effert to put the war .- ...a a. 1 1 . ) - - w aa -vuv uv wtu -a w she died Wednesday buried at the SL K. ceaietery Thursday 'Tf ftndftJfT Thursday evening. Funetal Kev. W m. bir.an ana Kev. joei-u. .xrowon. 'oe v as yand a days olVnd a dau.fe -o. w . . r , : ' r ; . . ,, ' : , ' . , mends. : me oereavea ;onea nave we nswr-WPW ot.;e, commniutK,;:. Mr., and Mr. & ft league imifc. rT r Greensboro a last weeiC' ' suiu him. ifiim uft Richmlna. 7- business layV g - "im's'tM 1 ntn''.fatt '.ThrmutairYM - ' iMi.J:ll n.iI:- ' ir. a. v. riugne&reii last wees tor Akron, .Ohio, whera he has a position with: the Gbodvear Kubbea- ComtjanVi .rrMrs. susan rentnss. 01 AiDemarie. iT . ... - . . r .... ..... .45 visiting relatives in town this week. --Mi ruu r-,ba-i.w,- fir1' m.yJ'. iianc revieyw o . j:fi ii. !. w L i irws- . the whole world. wn. tn to OPa1o ' rtf tLvV,,t,TLa 1 . tU.tVic nenuinam hv1 yj. nut great War 8JP hv nn ';-- y "'r-v. onImt C.J,. Sr. r.r, tAntfls ' 'fa ., ; ,. f u,, o T' Ilici Uomhr wna '.. -.muuou are Still niloau campaign "-ivVli JTtXZk Unable u.U dependent n,-". young friendslShe was the recipient in Union, township last week, from ZZ fT l tte T pfo th 5wh, hrowhi iir! . nuiti a numbpr of nice nresents s nneumonia. vL Miss Kmir was' the " 13 n?v ready for a resumption of weeks of the war which brought yjo lta of fluite a number oi nice presents. P'1? SnfaSs. kT tne old offensive and defensive alii- tory and made it possible to dictate '-a ",t 11 11 1 -... : ; daughter ot tne;ate uiinnunga.ivMit,. OQtti what th ivrtlomMite " "J'i "v .mw :- - " ith $tote: BriAioclation,wiltlfeon,:.She ?ene -to AsheviUe June 2Wuiy lilTe f?", "Y'" I - v .i - . ;tir y.'l . eS Will 'V, . ?iin0VeOrL0W,KateS V UI i,v --rT..' m. i -. Aiiit; 'iwniii a flTSl aUQ ' . Yl . - . . . J : The Revaluation Act conorehends as complete listing -and valuing of porsonalvproperty as of real property, . . I i i l. . l v.. '' mis ouia not De aicompiisnea uy removing the discrimination against ersonai property Jjrougnt aDout Dy tne uiuiervaiuaiion oi reai property. 'Phis discrimination has reached the extreme point that ft trustee list- i Vnrth rami na r tr nprsonal r 17 . 1 jjiuulm;v a wiiiuica im.'". v n-hertv unripr such unriifhteous tax P9Jy unrighteous tax inu. This discrimination has been rcmov- . , ,1.. - .-; . . w. I airis . hY.- TvWn their books on nnaAinat-.irA Mou 1t. rash market vfll- vviwvi T " - -.a , . - J 1 1 b3 "bVXall fraction jofthe 1919 ba but, small fraction ratesi ' - f''" .. '...a vj 41.:. . ine revaluation met 'uniiK . t t.,tw....l mii I. tn tha i"dm - "rates 41t applied' .ffiei T to persW .?"!!. iv-?;!! ately reduced tax tn real nronertv . ' . - - . r ... . coUected In. 1019. ;?.; raraon tne reiteration, ior not yet te be fully nnderstooai van .rh iI Thi. was met bv rolnir this "pledge, .Involving f.Jftffffir? &mi jj-nor of the state of the state applies w tne to be levied by the counties, tox r.te4 .. -Jk-,.. M-nlnn. It' mhriCM - u,,,'", ,,""'u k---- jt.Zi . JU Mrm.. uo rnuil oe rsuj-aw : .. . . . . . . .. . 1 .i ..u.. Mrlll ha llatArt as ' l""" r-r-"y ' - of January 1st ;. J - R-al property ;that, has 'changed bands since May 1st U1 be listed sgainst the new owner January IsW , -.'f you built a house between these dates exceeding $100 In value It will be added to the list. . - a a. iLAua aaw rrrn- ' t :va i ar. Hie cities, towns and special i tax ais- r;-,, hu'ndred doUaM m 'ed the Adclphian Literary Society ...v, , , , , , vt u . value. J-xempoon . xormeny, auuweunre . - . P.vanr tfe rate levied in, North lar-. !,-..,,- J.ii.. Thora ran ha arv.1 V TmrruwlUlolv aft-ip tha arrival of tmitts tast wpi l 1.1 1 h auiiJi eaawa x - m-m m i ii i e hink aniiAAi rosnnnra AGETf COLORED UAH DEAQ , Oliver fiiler, ; a ' respected ' colored hia bitb a servantJ jvwit tva -tsbs JU-uw fVUMi m of Philin Sier. who lived on. Bruab Craelc Whea hia freedom was pro- claimed, he. went oa the, farm, a ten.- ant. .He and. hus wife bj strict eoon- orev and. industry re area aie cniiaren .. v iu - -as his strict obsdiance to law. and or- .. . i.--i"1" . inei-e sianas upon r once-jus ians i tw colored . churches of difterent I w ..worea cnurcnea. ox - oauerent , faiths and one pubbc' school buudmg., 'He is the last of th old timers of rm Kcon.,i:epk. one, .uin ey 10 answer ae. suraniums. near the chapel that bear "hia name. 1 . MISS NETTIE. NEWBY MARRIED w - i , Jlonday eveningi January 5th Miss ; Nettie Newby' wSv marrkd to Mr. Aireenspor m man, v Mr. and at ait west Le atreet. ureensooro. t . t- . . . - ' iigc gait t"P Ktvr TlFAn t WS8.WPG DEAD t ; i --v m is buiviim uy vlik uxvwivk. Lea. -.i 1 XT' i. -ci n.Aono).ni. WUMUK UUiQL in I np intomotmnol Or ana is a successful uum- i.--- - j - t . .. . . ' Iamlfi- Kintr and one sister Miss '"oiltulc- now open again to ev- snoua De vur naenty w uux sD- -leanuer lung anu one sibmji, miss . . Jnt;rt,,Q ; in nm.aHm mu t.h ': ianuer lung u oiptci, Lucretia King. The deceased was te suddenly iU on . Tuesday and d ed MlV-H on Thursday. BR REVALUATION ACT Bwl P.nn,t,r UD P... p. ;t trersonai property rias iseen Ke- Apply and Full Listing At Apply ana J? UU USling Al a rk JLs.w ana -a k. juwdu. r ainiiiiiiM ri nY96W-'JBiXemDUOn AUOlYU rami . . .. , The State doesn't tote square with those who do tote' square unless It gives some attention to tne lonsome .: !i V- i. .1-.! ,,,1,1.1. mmoruy wu ny w uuu6c cvc. the State, does tote -square, and their neignDors are toung squaie. me siaie mkuus w hi'c the way through, and some time ana thought will be given in eaon country to locatin? the tax dosrers. and to see ;iV 7.;.. k t ime for the tax rht ralen- - ' - . dar vear is the ogical year. January year tn g to take an annual reckoning and strike a bal- - .- - --- , , anCO tSUS'neSS CnteiT riSVS HOW COll- . 1 1 .. VC&i . . , ... fho m am r vonr hflKiR wnn reierence I" WMrtto th federal irovern- ment tte unreasonable and Illogical for the state to require an counting on a different date. xt i.,t; ;a .Inn. h Ih o . linnn-p (n - - .lata " This was carefully considered by the t was con- two particu- might result u increased tax. upon the farmers and both of these provided against. Tha farmer needs no special attor- The farmer needs no special attor- "L. ffieirown provisions . on v.-j tanuarwlst constitution on certain kinds -.. ,. which includes .,i i ... .1.1. 1 P,,ea against raemjinuu yiv iinn hmiaahnM and kitchen lurnl- ..v.., v- . . rappearl, nr - arms,agri - ements. tools of mechan l , T fi . , , , , j , ks. ana uoranes ami khhhus mavru- nrst r "i m i ..""J"'' meMs. . . . ' Imsn. The persons who heldthe given ' most Important difflcnlty was and surnames which eomsponded the fact that farmers . wouljThave on were partner, Next came a fruit con - band January 1st fam pro. lucts rale- tet for which the priie was won by ,d ftff9-" JSX marketed by May 1st L? .hi debt tile, while the booby was captured by Air pmcw . wi wi y' . : T aainai t .1 na w rVM itib in sen nr rmmm ssji. frr'i-i.-ir tat Bayer ims oniy ni- nt .. ' -.! i . n, rn Ea an'i in. a pn;wr i l. ntrt su'iare deaL . TEXI 05 EfiESIDESTS IflJElP ol iiic ;i.i k jut a, req soa Das' (L; ;i.r a..)i AO-- at? tn lows: '. t' V'v f'- r1 't V I ' Hf' ;1!HottiVWsh;aj J.L ia.MitiL tie. kaiXh " iiniitiirr otaer loyatii assemaiA nio-hf ti, vcuiau: ' "a heur tidelit to the great DrinduTe. thft wie kiuili. nnnrin pi ai" ahii. I ttVlllfiniAA . 1. . . ' luiftii Uie'iiouea not omv nt m, People but oi iie w -'-. ,v, ..I'he United States ..Joyed theVspir- ltuai leadieiiiin mt' fho j ZnKT J states faiiea w ratiiy the treatv bv whih ki sftfpif effect the feaieraentsior iwhicii tney had foueht hl . wa- " is .mconceiva- l, lw.s Pn crisis . and . - - - ncMUCU or tne conseauenns nf anv orfomni , v nwivmuv a o.4... - ",w u'"wu states has taken with regard to the AicaS-Y versaute$. , Germany is beaten, but w. , n neatj 01 versauies. , at war with her, and tne old stare is 'eset for a repetition of the old blot, iviutu iimue settiea Deace im- .......u!,, t . . .PL. u . me oiu spies are iree to resume wnoie tuture' oi manKinu, u wm iv their former abominable activities, heartening to the world to know the, T.iey are again at liberty, to make it attitude and purpose of the people of impossible tor governments to be sure the United States; what mischief is being worked among I spoke( just now of the spiritual , their own people, what internal dis- leadership of the United States, think orders are beincr fomented inor of international affairs. But Without the covenant of the League of Nations there may be as many se- cret treaties as ever, to destroy the i .i . . confluence oi governments m eacft othpr. and their valine rmnt hp questioned.- , questionea. "None of una oojucta vve piroisseu iit'V. nn nVJihW 'riAAit'.J v : "'i7Jrt.1-....vu - -- t- - i i- y--i can De maae ceitam oi,witnout tn n.,KnnD vKi;Mf;. ' hsiifr '.nl lis entry into the covenant. This na- tion entered t..e war to vindicate its own rights and to protect and pre- serve tree. government. " went into ure war w n "t,i' an1 tno arA ha nnt vpt Mimp it - -- went into tne war to make an end or ,U,"1K"''W . - - - -- lasting poace. it entereo 'i wu.i u- "o m. live oi tlie leading belligerents have accctted the tieaty and formal ratifications will soon be exchanged, The. question is whether this country will enter anil enter wnoie neancuiy. If it does not do so. the United btates ... . .i , ana uermany .m piay a iuhc i..m the world. . The maintenance of the peace of t:ic . ... .... . OriU ttllU WiC cuw.c t.Anv.. v 11. a .1 n fWo ti'hnla. hearted participation of the United I am not stating it as a mat- atawis. ter of power. The point is that the Unified States is the only nation which has Relent moral force , with the nas auiutiuiiL muiai ivivu rest of the world to guarantee the anhstitnt on ot t iscussion lor war II , -. , :, we keep out of this aurreement, if we do not give or.r -uarantees, then an- oiner attempt win ue muui. vu cm-u the new nations of Europe. I do not believe that mis is wnat tne people of this country wish or will be satisfied with. Personally, I do not, accept the action of tne Senate of the accept the action of tne benate of the SOCIAL AFFAIR AT LIBERTY 1 The Liberty school buildinir was the sceno of much fun and frolic on the evening of January 9th. when the Athenian Literary Society entertain- and 1 .1. . - .11 rf--Ut J .. m. - mm irueaia wiu laaiuuuuu at....c- atarijwl. thpn when these haa Deen en- : " 1 . .. .. . :ioyed tor a.Whiie, sups or paper were brouirht In. Each one bore either the .!... - 1 . .. 1:, . " ,JTL r7U". .Li-- i u si warn a ntn lnviuni s-u cites saajica . poi-wim-.taDamir mat n'l'iuu; h-i -I, C...- 1 .L- . ... 1 ail ovb.p. m His amunv vi , jmrmv- tion. ' ' ' iu.rrt, Mupte yof 1 L iti i ills, cow ucry-sire C Ihc tieajtta.t wy.'fanp !cieurate Mv vw wvvjcvwvu,, VQws 'Ot ca2Hb no. rtaonablc objection to t ourterretations -accompanying the ; iaii snail nave no -on lection. Tberav.i . - i , . in act rf TT 1T1 - 1 f DC I f" - Piif ; it rx-r the treat is acted uuon I must know whetaejr weihave ratified it or rejtxfr-- . . t V ' ' ' Yve cannot. ivwritf thin trtatv. W . : . iiwnou cnange. waica alter its meamne. or leave it. and then ter 4116 f ( world has signed ' u we must face the unthinkable task r" ."6 - " ""- wnnaiiy..H . J r J the wish and opinion of tlie country are credited. If there is any doubt as 3 what -the people of the country , S think on this vital matter, the clear ' - '4 a w jt j - - Lhf war and m the Drevention in the "r : , mure choue as uermany We have ho more moral right to re- - -- tuse now to taKe part in tne execution iuse now xo taKe parx in iae execution, -ri and-administration of y these settle-. ments than we had to refuse to take .rt in ithe fighting.; of. the. last fe to uermany wuau ... mc kwcuicuu . . . . , , . . . 1 j Ti Ml .I. ..1.. there ii. another spiritual leadership, y. which is open to us and which we can assume. " f i .. . . ...i i... ; The woria nas. Deen maae saxe wc hut dpmocracv has not been fully ! vindicated, :AU sorts of .crimes &arer ,ntaiip.viwvwni.,.itt,w 1. . Jill. -4- . t nNnnnrfarMtfl ttOPJ n . i. m . .AW version;ox ts aocirmes;ana t lattices i.. .u.nJ This, in my judgment, is to ibe .the . great privilege of the democracy of . - the United States, to show that it can v. lead the way m the solution of the great social aim uiuusuuu iiuic.o ,. nn, fiino onH lpl tho wnv t.n ." r "", ' .. , ,.J ' fT happy, settled order of life as well as . . ... . r- lormuiate, ami i car.vin.- it out we shall do more than can ba done in any ; othnr v.-av to sweep out oi- existence . the tyrannous and arbitrary forms of , power which are now masquarading under the naine of popular goverp-.i ment.. t' "V whenever we look back to Andrew . 1,11 ... . .- u :MM.r jacKson v.e s;ioj.u uiua neon inopi- . ,-aUon from Ks charater and exam. Pie. His mind giasped with sucit ... , 1 .:i.u .v ..r.KIIU Hi i:i:i.t.j: Hilton wv v 1 r AUne-L Mtt ' 1 -ational action. He was so indomftV. ble in his purpose to give reality to the principles of the government that this i3 s Very fortunate time to call his career and tor can caicct auu w ichcw, vui twkd , "fi of faithfulness to the principles, apdj ''J th tiure nrncticea of Uemocracv. eioice to join you in this renew-' -, - r, 7.'. . , . . . al of faith ana purpose I hope that'. ; me wnoie evening may oe oi me iap-v; ,., 1 piegt results as regards the fortunes ';., , 0f our party anq the nation. , X t with cordial reeards. . . ' Sincerely vours. )'$'''' -''4 WOODR0W WILSON , MILLBORO ROUTE I NEWS Mr. Clyde Patterson and familv vla- ited their mother, Mrs. Adaline Line- berry, Sunday, Mr. CharW Hn.W -ml .A i daughter, of , Chatham county, and Misses Beatrice and Annie Griffin, al all so of Chatham county, spent Christ .4 w A. it ti..j...i mu k oir. v. a. nuney r u. T.1.V 1 j ....no. . ? .n:v kiiiuwiii lvhii Gallimorc, of of ' tabernacle, spent rhriatmaa at Hnnrw rtavia . , . - . ' - . Mr. tlcero Klndley and faml y, of Tsbernsole, spent aristnvas with his' .iMer Mrs. d7 H. Richardson. . ,. Miss Mollis Hurley Hied December ' mh. The unerml was conducted st - " MUughU. on Tuesday at 10 a, m. Deceased was, uney ... m..,.. - Kurt.. Ik-Ill I V, n ft. f rr tin f ... i about in cents. I . i

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