I?' i II I - II 111 i I i ml ISSUED WEEKLY - PRINCIPLES, N6T MEN $1.0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME 1XXIY ' :. , , Aahcbaro, North Carib Taarsday, January 29, 120 NUMBER BENJAMINACOrmT, ONE OF' BANDOLtLDEST CITI- i ZEN. C AD I a pioneer Mr. Benjamin . me i chant and manulac tied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . ris in Asheboro ' Thursday, 22, 1920. - ior- "V Bn Moffltt was one of the olde.. citizens of the county, being about -eighty-eight years. His granofather, Chanes Moifitt, a native of London- bery, Ireland, was the. founder of that family in the Province of North Caro- lina. Coming to America a young man he made a pioneer settlement in Ran- dolpii county near Buftalo Ford, where the lamily lived for many years Ben- jamm Moffltt, was tne youngest son of riugh and Margaret Needham Mofott. After his father's death Mr. Moi.ut remained with his mother and assisvoa in me wars; oi ine imm, uui- ing which time he acquired a good i-- ducation in the local schools, tie T xt v ril L """v throuirh on a hundred dollars It maKlnK 8 clalm 01 a s on r aam taujrht school in Randolph County for New York Qty, have been i0" JJfffJlT.'J by reason of sudden and mex- two terms, after which he took up a business career,. beginning as clerk in Dr. Fousfs store at Coleridge and then in 1854 he came to Asheboro as a numDer oi AsneDoro people at clerk in the store of J. M. Worth. He tended the funeral of Mr. J. C. Bulla then set up business for him self as at Charlotte last Friday. Ll - w A 11 haw T Airi T nurA urVY moo wAnAtAil chandise at-that time was hauled by teams over the roads from , Fayette-, ville. In 1876 Mr. . Moffltt was one of the organizers of the Franklinville Manufacturing Company at Franklin- j ville. For twenty-seven years he was secretary and treasurer of this corpor- ation. He resigned in 1903 and has, since enjoyed a well earned retirement jnr. momn was marriea iwice. ma first wife was the dausrhtr of Lucv Jane Baldwin, wno oeiore ner mar- yj. umesa m uuuiy. US- xiage was a Miss Daniel, a sister of Miss Jessie Lassiter was married to jjiss Jewel Faulkehberry Mill z to the late Governor Worth's wife. Mrs. 'Dr. Hill, of Albemarle, January 16th, Troy Friday to be in t:-.2 spelling c.: Baldwin was the Postmistress in' ceremony being performed at the tegt there. . Asheboro. At that time the post office Baptist parsonage in Badin by Rev. miss Nettie Green visitpd relatives was on the corner of the lot on which, J. M. Arnett. 'near Troy one night last-week Mr. E. G. Morris' home now stands. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tippett and Mr. 1 mr. Lester Faulkenberry !' ir.ipvov- Baldwin has two daughters, Mrs. Mol- iitt and her sister Jane Baldwin, who, married the late Charles Creeson. Mrs. Moffitt was the mother of one daughter Florence Moffitt who mar ried Mr. James Hall, of Philadelphia, to this union one daughter Florence Moffitt Hall was born. She resides in Philadelphia. Mr. Moffitt's seconU wife was Miss Grizelle Bagley, a sis ter of Major W. H. Bagley, who was clerk of the Supreme Court for a num ber of years. Mrs. Moffitt died in 1902 and about a year after her death Mr. Moffitt moved to Asheboro .and has made his home with his niece Mrs. E. H. Morris since that time. ..4 V. IfnMH Sdh. 1 XU MlC IIODU1K If Jk . UVUl.1 M " dolph County has lost one of her best .riri.na Ha wm ouiat and rctirinir in i : . 1. u A um.Imw.am .uMiftiiAt inn fla fttntevol aarv. manner, ana one oi wiuhd nv w tiMywiM wuu.vu u heard, one word of criticism. Funeral services were conducted at1 at Franklinville at 12 o'clock Satur- day, after which the body was laid to rest. RAMSEUR NEWS Messrs. G. C. Scott an W. H. Wat- ,,"T.r; .r.. ollna for some time, were in town this W- Mr. Ldu was a business vis.t week 1 0l' ,n Asheboro Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Tate who has been serious-' Mr. D S Coltrane returned Tues 1y m for some days we are glad to re-'df om W.nstonatem and Z in imnrovin. Mt. Airy, where he has been looking Rev. WASmith attended a meeting of the at Greensboro Miss spent a cart her friend Mrs. Graham Kimery. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Coble of Greens boro spent a part of this week here with Dr. Tate and Family. Mrs. J. C. Watkins, of Greensboro, was in town one day last week. Messrs. W. EL Free, Earsy Burgess and Everett Kivett moved their fami lies to Roxboro this week. Mr. J. C. Whitehead attended the j r i . di;u I. of U1 -v -avs B "week. Mr. J. A. Brady returned from In diana a few days ago where he bought a car load of horses. i8 ""'""i"-:":. K1T18 OI mo invermcumw vwo ''-, tnnSi -wV A verv interesting noon the past week, a very inieresunK pastors of Greensboro District i "f "A" iul .ana V8U?A.'"'' Z J n J k im,t romnleted i.hia wmIt t co warenouse ior ajjucuuiv. is ronunaie in securing nis services. "j " r--- wud ww&. i -g. rv.;ii: Tktiroavl .ic : . .l. i : i .) v. t lavina npw raiin. Mane ruiien OI flurgaw . v. ' ,.m:- I Hnmntnn Rich, a former news- Ion walr r AWl wim ' 141 VI VCito wvi w I nils. kDt&lll A. lllill ID iLWTVtuia a v program was renaerea r R j w Long, of Greensboro, "f8hmenU ?nL vJwaVthe zuest of Mr. H. W. Prevost - j j ...v,ii, mis w si m ni i mil. m. suiuciiii ui biic the week end with Mrs. Graham Kim "?. - .... ... . .i Miss Lucy Kcniatn enienaineo. urn Zni S'satidcSS. was K day evening. A salad course was serv Mr. Z. C. Scott who has been visit- . 7 T" m i j JII 111 VTH AW v w turned to his home In 8. C. UBB MM " - ucurjtwnu, Mr. J. O. Freeman, Former Bh Mtr Maa Dead Randolph Ceuatr Maa VtM Mr. J. O. Freeman, of Cedar Grove, Orange County, died at the High Point n. i.' mariat nfimr hmthTm. If Hosnital Monday. Mr. r reeman was a nounceo. oevenu ao mm unwu u nipi roim youwruay wur numDer oi cn : , . . j ,ki.,.. i. r.,i xlo'J . . . . V, . j uij . I v.... w.,i 1 j-j .u. a. .i v.. Ktv. Mr i. i. u. v- a Uwi,,M.,ai town but made some substitutes. In Corporal .son of the late onn rreeman,. ., r " Vl " " " .'""7 j .ll nmhahllitv th. food will reach nartv are in lived in Asheboro many years agoj ne to pay tne penalty. .. s- t jonn rreeman. s m tne country win we prwunu wm -- r - t .i ' was a brother of Mrs. D. 8tedman..i rene Cot race, ,,. . I rl Ai.i.??!' 'a tj.i . prevent the p p wilha diatributed from the Norfolk be found o ila ai ahmit so cim eid and was a one urns supennsenaen. tn r uoiw,a-1 uenton: u. c miner anu v. u. u i , . .7 : ,. . . ai . Prrenrfumblr.ri.U ..i.tmct.on indolDheonty. ha. r ; ..U. If MISS UURA ROYALS DEAD Southern AU persons JJ. post office iimi .- nii. .. ... i v. ..'it" i iturnea M ttoanoae Mnu um unueri J. and H.L,Frernan, of East Or-1 Pelnt Mr. Cothrane had lV9tot ange, N. J. T. D. W. tad N. U Free- d his liver had sdhertd to his maa, f High Pofot one son, Oscar Jstomadi . Mr. Cothrane ia snperlnteB Freeman, of Cedar Grove -aiU tbre dent of the &tr Khools ta Roajwke . sisters, Mrs. W. D. StdmaiWof Aahe- Miss Lydia Stout, aaughter of the Jtoro, and Mies Addl and Blanche .late John Btout was nrUd la UtJL Fweraan, of High Point, - i BuUer, December 2lst Mlt.Th The funeral was conducted tn Uiga ceremony, wm prcivraw """" 'alnt after which interment followedV Mr. Levi Uadley to Llbertr tow Point, after which Interment followed .ia the local cemetery. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mr. R. F. Lynch spent last Saturdar in Asheboro on business. While i town Mr. Lynch had the mis- fortune of losing a purse, either on the streets or in a store. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Talbert and daughter, Miss Virginia, of Philadel- Pbia, ho have been visiting Mrs. S. v. Kivett, spent yesterday in Greens- br- Mr. Troy Redding, of Back Creek township, was a business visitor in the city last Saturday, Mr. J. T. Underwood is confined to his room by illness, Th h ig d y w c . . . Cnarlotte. w " in Asheboro the past week end. Miss jsheboro Thorns has sold her farm south of i x, t. r,...,.- 1 mure raissra naucv ttliu jane isicim, i , . . ... . "lL.lne "ome 01 fflr',"s: nm ortn. ine younger nas naa pneu- moma- com are improving. cntically ill in last week's Courier, is Mr j r. Cole and family expect to still seriously sick. Mr. Lowe has m0Ve away in a short while Twe are pneumonia. (sorry to have them leave. ' ' Miss Florence Hall, of Philadelphia; : jjr andjUrs W C Martia visited Pa., attended the funeral of her grand-1 relatives out of town recently." father, Mr. Benjamin Moffltt, last, Dr c. Daligny is around pttty of- week, ji , ten these day8 to gee t gUf people wr. james uuncn Bpent ounaay in Aberdeen, having gone down in Mr. Wilhelm's place as railway mail clerk. Mr. Wilhelm was kept in on account J. l,- .yies, oi r ranaunvuie, were in Asheboro last Saturday. . iuisp nuuvy nwvet as apcuuiu una week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- ueorge noover, oi Asneooro nouie No. 2. There wUl be a box nartv at Pleas-1 a. TTiii i i i rA j ant niii scnooi nouse oaturuay niKw January 31, 190. Mrs. Mary Andrews died suddenly at her home in Climax last week. Mr. 0. D. Lawrence, of Seagroye itouie i, was a Business visitor in town yesterday and gave lhe Courier a pleasant call, renewing his subscrip - ti0O. Howard Wade, the 3 days old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kirkman, nf thA MiUhnrn section rifwl JnmiarVi v - , J '4th, and was buried the following day at Gray's Chapel, Rev. D. A. Vun- Uvco. t v. Mr. j. w. Jackson, oi AsneDoro rci. . ousmess v.siwr n me cvy Tuesday ing relatives near Millboro. Mr. Ellis has been in Philadelphia, Pa., for some time but has moved to Wash ington, D. C., where he will work for I the American Railway Exp.esa Com. UailiUAir lv i i I .rm- over plans for the formatum or Miss Rachel Hassell is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Alf Shnp- . 80n; at Burlington. MiC Hal Kearns. of Back Creek township, was a business visitor in Asheboro Wednesday. Mrs. John Foster, who. has been ill for some time, is improving Little Miss Anna Belle parents. Mr. ana jars. a. . Jenkins," . and attending school here, has gone to Central Falla to live with her mother, Mrs. Alice Allred, to attend) school there. a visitor here Saturday. w ., m:.J nt Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. S. W. i iviveii. . . IMis Hattie, of Asheboro Route 2, 'an. vlnitom in town one dav last Eugene Lewdlen was called to undav on the account f the illness of her dghter. Miss tseamce liewauen. wno naa uuiuc a I , . rr. U7.1U.. mkA hpa lmnilJ....l.t.. MM VA Monanhall it.ui Avmv for th III t J tO VWnU ... past twenty-five years has been retir - ed. Dr. Walker is expected home with- the next few days. considerable eommot- 'ion in Asheboro last Tuesday morning when the advent of a mad dor was an- ' rolnr a serious operation ia High ship. Mr. W. B. Owea J. P. officiating. DOES IT PAY A MAN v ' TO PROTECT FAMILY . ' The following i. an appeal from Dr. . C. Bulla, of the. eountv health de- A. C. Bulla, of the county health de- partment: Does it pay a man to take the nee- essary precaution to protect hi family j li.. , 5u.!j j ana mmseu irom xypnoia lever ana . . " " . other fiith-bora diseases- It would cost the average man not to exceed etnn j .t;. ? ..i.. m - w. ... sive estimate, to put himself and his family out of the danger lone for at aast te , fiffa v. " v, an tPll p. h nr nmhn nf hi. familv may contract typhoid fever or some filth-born disease from insanitary may live close to an insanitary, closet or with thousands of fiies o drrnk poluted water for twenty years and then develop typhoid fever or some i hith-born disease. Can he and bis fam- ilv. if we include loss of time in Wares. .... , . , .' nnrrjirx n q nnn Tiinirn ttvtias trcr of much intellio-encp trv solv this, .. . ? - CAPELSIE NEWS We hope to have some improvement n the school house in a short while. nere Mr. Will Talbert visited friends here kj. ;n ma w om i waVi, j.iorf havo Mr Tklhert with mg, a sh0rt illnc3s. Mr. John Hannah spen I 1. !1 FF1 ft yfti in I rOV oUn(l?.V ye are sorry to lccrn ci iho Win 0f the small cnild of nd !!;:s. Ed 1 Lemons. tiia hmi Knv nrn rnvlniF rntrh. ' . . . r r . inir birds durimr th" recent pow arl jCe. They sce.n to have hnt pood luck, i Mr. George McCasl i'l v.as here Monday visiting his motnev. Mr t I. HvHin nt T.ihp,. wh : business visitor in Asheboro fcamniav. 'Greensboro yesterday. Mrs. C. R. Seott. or Carv. SDent last weeir with relatives here. A i,i,nr '..J n,fh;nru j .T. 1UI 111 llllllllC(lV ' 1 inuw.'Hivij store will be opened in Asriejor in in near future, .his store-win ifatry at UOs wark, who operates a. doming a success, the proceeds amounted to kinds of farming imomnenis Mhd bo.- store in Charlotte, has been indicted fllO. saving devices anu- warf i&m ..iootf profiteeringby selling a suit of Mr. Will Wheeler has sold his house full store. .clothes at ar; advance of "atereWand lot "tMr. Deaton and ill move The Ground Hog will make his ap- the cost price of 18.50. to Burlington soon: pcarance on next Monday, February A Winston-Salem firm was indicted Mrs. Shelly York, who. recently un 2nd. His annual visit will 'determine, at the recent Greensboro term of derwent an operation, is reported i: - u- ij : ...i i - ronrt for a like offense. The case will much better. v, ro.;-,r c m WaM him Mr. Willinm Mcfiuinn. of Gaffnev. S C who has been motor inspector ot tilijan rrankiin nail, oorn iarcn lorwaru in a lew aays. muiMKiS u auuuo oui Dupoim- for the taaxwell Automobile Factory. 12, 1843, died in Greensboro Decern- The Baptists are planning to give a ; tendents are co-operating every pos has iJwiiht ber 28, 1919. at the home of her mock marriage soon. ible way. It is the wish of the e Una Auto(mpC Mr McGinn has daughter Mrs. S. C. Turner. The de- Mr. Peter Foust, who lives near ecutive committee that the quota, be served S. 1 was at Bush HiU n0W KmiHe, met an accident a few raised the first week of the campaign. S vears expedience in arto me- Archdale, in Randolph county. days ago when a tree which he was Send all subscriptions to Mr. I.-C. ch2cs cSe?B The Carolina and Yadkin Railroad cutting fell on him. Moser who is county treasurer, tit CliaiUCS. ne COIlies (Uglily retuiliu ti:u r.l. k.. C.,.l l,;i,i;. ...ill k I wnulH ho n trnnA Hon tnr uih n. ' , w a severe attack of pneumonia. . . . . . . n i , i. . ' . Trnm r-i nrri rnmL u nivn i.ih & uv l i iv. Mr. Herbert Jackson, oi Kichmona, wue at ni.iS-o..c..., - Vinrinia attended the funeral of Mr for divorce and alimony. An allowance rett reached for his gun and shot sev S Sttllst sTfi has been made of $100 per month to eral times from his window The bur- Mrs G S Bradshaw and daughter, his wife. His printing office is to be glare fled and have not been heard Mrs. Robert Rosemond, of Greensboro, sold. It is said that Rich when last from pased through" Asheboro last week on heard from, was in California. Mr Bruce Staley will put up a mill irJ Z, fSL p-v.tviiu whr Beulah. the 7-year-old daughter of near the Picker Stick factory aoon. r Jenkins.1:" .7 vi.iW Jnhn H. Miss Martha Evelvn Morris spent "e"ey - . the week end with her parents, Mr. Mrs. E. H. Morris. Mr. J. F. Steed was in Asheboro the latter part of last week on busines. home in Columbia, S. C, last Welnea- : j... j: tu ,..iv, Ml atives in Asheboro. . ,i Mrs. Ila Stevens, wife of Robert Stevens, died at her home in Handle- was (husband and two small children. The funeral was conducted at the Holiness ?hnL" RfnJdlSna: b.V8- J" A- J. Farrineton and W. A. Way Mr. W. F. Redding returned week from Atlanta, where he was last call- ed on account of the illne of his Mrs l l..k.ll. .,JI)Un uaa umawhit H1CUUGIUMUI WUV.v. " " - " : improved. Mis Viola Cox. of Seagrove No. 1, .... 1. A .V. nKn.it u.atnrdav Mfal TTi i n (F from High Point where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mra w 11 Ktaatman returned irom MnV IS. J'Lr'L :ZlTZ!r iro ma nunung vnp ia iwviw They had a rid fo which they had caught near Plnehunt - Mr. P. D Allen, Traffic Agent of the WorfnIV flotithern Railroad., with headquarters at Norfolk, Va, was la t W. l . u A 11 . ... V.I TO "!T"'--.5:i"-.rf"a:wr the Norfolk Southern station la Ashe- w. .it Ka Mil. roads return to private ownership. I ... l V,,i i i T.v. . r i the entire lot of food Stuffs for the NEWS ITE3IS Mr w R Vam.r f Ho ;rf J Irinl 'rl UlPtcn, is only expanding his njvs- 4.1." i i . , .i -weeniies n ine country, one oi we latest cox- Dutlex nreses that wi!l turn nut nmo ... ----- thlnff lllr. aA.r.m ninUt U .......... J thing like seven or eight thousand n P". hoar- but h.e is extending his operations in the "movie world'. ms 1.atest the !ease of 1 -vo larSe no ,a Badm- ., , Isabel Dorsett, wife of sam Do.sett "er nome in onara wn: wwn- ship, Davidson county, recently. Mrs. John Hartley died in Lexington recently. e seventeen waiters at the ry Hotel struck recently only iew ,'nul:B a meai was w p served because they did not like the chief waiter. The manager of the nolel. relusea 10 Pay the amount due lor their services, rlmmino- thev upio ' . -o j " v " Pected actl0n of the waiters. Justice of the Peace Collins decided in favor S?"i2?JS! emPl0yed of the fi.lies0 u"e,ideJ ex-Kaiser on the ground that Holland is a neutral that it is not in keeping with the traditions and cus- toms' civic or Dutch honor to betray tne conndence imposed by the ex-Kai- ser in makinS his abode in that coun- try- , The lower house of South Carolina naa rejectea woman sunrage Dy a large majority. Captain J. A. Duncan, a well known citizen of Raleigh, died at the age of JlCCU0 V it UU1 J IMU. The Mountain Park Hotel at Hot Springs, which was erected in 1886, was burned recently, the loss being approximately $100,000. For a year or more Hot Springs was used as a camp for interned German f risoners during the -World War. Captain John H. Curne, a Confed- erate War veteran, died at his home in Cumberland county, eight miles Irom rayettevuie, on January ZZ. De- ceased married Miss L,ucv worth Jackson, of Pittsboro. in 1881. He as- :4. i l..:ij:mm i r tt v t B,oieu 111 uuiiumg uic v. x. v. R. R. from Wilmington to Fayette- ville. He was a delegate to the Na- tional Democratic Convention in Chi- cago in 1896, and a part of the time had a room with editor of The Courier who was also a delegate to the same convention oince men ne na reprc- sented his county a time or two in the Legislature. Captain Currie was a m11 of character and integrity. UumDeriand couniv nas lOSI one OI US best citizens. be called at the adjourned term of Greensboro court next week. Theresa Ann Shepherd Hall, widow , ... T I 11 1 . 1 paper man charged witn desemng nis c . . wi: . clAm 1... Kiun di i .wl . . t Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Falls, of New- T" T ' ,i7 i "i ;,(,. day of last week and seriously injur- ed. ..r. v, , ., FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB the Friday afternoon Club and several . u t.:,. V,m n Sunset Avenue. After a short business .u , u,i r, n Vi,mr during which time current events were given by Mrs. J. A. bpence and Mrs I. c. Moscr. with coffee and cake was served by the hostess asisted by Mrs. C. L Cranford. .lS gU"t Miss Hollingsworth, of Raleigh. The next meeting of the Club will be with Mrs. J. G. Crutchflcld. A musical programe has been arranged. l.n. .. ai.tn. .1 IllllUCIlft. I'l. Coleridge Continues Serious There are about two hundred and An. -. . . Inflllanva af f VllorlH 0l The physicians and Mrs. Mildred Har- grave are working day and night The A ia in rnidpm e form and a ..... . .' TT., miss laura anjmtm, vi iniuv, uim at the Sanltermm ia High Point last week, following . several months 111- neWMias Royals was 86 rears of age .r4 ( nnM bv the followlnc bro- then and sisters: June Royals, of I.. B...t. TV... III.-. ri JrZ and Miss Llllie Royals, Mrs. Emma iir.ii it uiii.. .. uM Luther Frailer, all of Trinity. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS Mr. Benjamin Moan, wno oieu at AsheboroThursday. was buried in the M u,, i,t;,r,i.v cemetery hercla-st Satulday mormn. . preached, at V.ii illiard, of High Point, Baptut tivirch Sun- uav- ;,. tl.1V. Mr. W. M. Free, who fell from a coal car last week and was pretty l:xdly nv,rt- ls improving, V. T. Check, who has been oa the sick list for the past few das, we are fe.ad to learn is improving. Mr. A. W. Tippett, of Greensboro, was in our town two days last week. Mr. Tom Marley, of Siler City, a lew daws last weok with his son J. H. Marley. . H. Tippett was a visitor in Grensboro two days last week. Miss Lama Harden, of Parks Cross ff.l o, ir r- ,. j i.. , oucm uunuov av vj. 11. vua . Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Paiham went to Greensboron Saturday. R. S. Craven and daughter, Miss Julia went to Grppnshnrn Satnrdnv mo-?. -tung Monday evening a rrr was Mrs. Jerme Brower is visiting the family of J..3. Brower at Coleridge. j Walter Johnson, of Archdale, is visiting Mr. W. M. Free. Mr. H. H. Slack and family, of Liberty, Mrs. Grace Grady, of Cedar 1 Falls, Mrs. M. L. Burke, of High Point spent Su.iday at T. A. Slack. Miss Bertha Russell, of Greens- Doro, is visiting her grand parents Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Hackney. Mrs. Hattie Causev. nf Snnford. came up Saturday to see her father. ! Ifll. XT1. TV. Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cot. and Mr W. R. Hughes, attended the funeral of , Mrs. Cox's mother. Mrs. Marv An drews, of Climax who died suddenly Thursday. Mr. W. H. Wrenn left Tuesday for . Grensboro and Salisbury where he goes to visit his sons.' Mr. G. H. Black recently killed four pigs about four months old. The four weighed 118 pounds. Mr. W. K. Hughes recently boueht a farm in South Franklinville of H. V. . uux We are elad to notice in the Dailv News that W. C. Hammer will run for Congress. We are always glad to as-' sist Mr. Hamer and we are sure he will win in the 7th District for there is no one that could represent it better than ne ior ne nas it at Heart. LIBERTY NEWS ine tiddlers convention in the u-hnnl " -- auditorium Saturday night was quite: Mr. N. A. Kimrev has received an order from Wood Seed Company for 600 bushels of seed corn. This will so , r , - on Liberty Hill soon. Mr. John Garrett, night operator for Liberty Telephone Company, heard a - 1 I l J If.. i T1 t w.nuow pane orea m mr. . . ur- r i u uTro a four m ir h t a aim Mr uar. Miss Belle Staley is vis.tmg Dr. Bill Mik Miss Victoria Fogleman gave a par ty January 17th. A large number of her friends were present. Mr. Tom Butler and Miss Lydia Stout were married January 21. Mr. Sam Botrgs was operated on a " - nicely. Mr. Williamson will move into the residence formerly occupied by Mr. Bob Smith to take charge of the Lib- Brtlt Y r L r i I w c.wj n...... The teachers held a parent-teachers,""" ",7,". , . ri-Tl I niaht in the school DUU"J Tere will be a play given at Green toTtl rof Smith church. wood school in the near future for the T.r V . .;uJin tne ounty as announced J1!"? the Mesons of the town hig week,g Couricr They w,u fuJ,y J Saturday night MR. REID HANNAH RETURNS FROM CHARLESTON Mr. Reid Hannah returned from Charleston the first of this week, where he had been to buy government an. -" v bin K. otind Immediatelr nnoa re- ... VI , i " j . ' , u. celpt of the 'and ysr, the tarn-. AU persons are requested to kw their funds in haad upon the re- eeip ox we iooa in iw w evoiu ma, Hrd. th. R-v-r-oU sen of Mr.'ren for the three best Wtays oni ?nd Mrs. Leroy Cattls, was ron W nv a street car in LFurnara on January 23 and killed. TOBACCO GROWERS MEETING AT ! ASHEBORO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 4, AND THURS DAY FEBRUARY 51 H C unty Agricultural Agent, D. S. Coltrane has just completed arrange ments foi a tobacco gitwers meeting to be held at Asheboro, Wednesday February 4th and Thursday February 5th. Mr. E. G. Moss, Chief of the Ox ford Tobacco Experiment Station will be the chief speaker at this meting. Mi. Moss is without question the best tobacco expert in this State and most likely the best in the South. Any man in Kandulph county wheuther and old or new tobacco grower can not afford to miss attending this tobacco meeting Mr. Coltrane has been planing this meeting for seme time but because of the difficulty in getting Mr. Moss possible dates for in advance he is not in position to announce just who the other sp akers will be at this meeting Kiin-m-o n;,, of Pv'..i ,'-,,i, out ne is expecting to have Dr. B. W. N . Carolina of vr.. Mr. W H. Matthowunn Tr,Ki ro.,0iicf r td: j....:n j.i-i.-. . n . , Lw they raise tobacco" Th" v ihe P?1?. for 4 eoney February 4th will be about as follows: J- Randolph as a tobacco county, 2. The prospects of the crop this year as to the price, 3. The varieties to select for the county and different types of soiK . rreparauon oi seed oea. I 5. Preparation of soil and kind of fertilizer to use. 6- When and how to transplant, full uiabuoivil CA-- fcu UISMUICC VJL Liiauiflu lit- the row. Programe for Thursday February 5th 1. Cultivation of the croD. 2. Diseases and Insect Enemies. 3. The handling and curintr of tobac- co' 4. The kind of barn to build and how to do it. 5. How to construct a pack house. 6. The need of a tobacco warehouse in Asheboro. 7. Plans for organization of a To- ' lacco Ware House Company. I Aa mairiAii.l atafAl .... As previously stated the subject will . De discused by experts on tobacco growing. snatl arrange for Dr. Kilgore to be here on Thursday February 5th and ' witl suggest as his subject 'The agri- i cultural outlook in 19iJ0 , These meetings will be held in the i courthouse and will begin promptly : at iu:au each day. ? Remember, the dates and be sure to tell your neighbor to come along . . . . , . J . wth you " he is at all interested in tobacco growing. NEAR EAST RELIEF . . WORK PROGRESSING. . Although the formal opening of the Near East Relief Campaign is Feb- ruary 1st, the work is progressing i rapidly m Randolph. Poor. !e are fall- 'n8 m l'ne and lending a hi.nd where ever they are acked. Most of the I Minioniad I U 1 CU 1 t munity to have a treasurer who wiD torward the money to Mr, Moser. We want to make t ebruary tftn Wear jsast Sunday. Ask your preacher to preacl on this then, or some Sunday when 11 is convenient. Also take a collection You can be supplied with literature b) by writing Mrs. Hal W. Walker, coua ty chairman, Asheboro, N. C. ' lA Capelsie Honor Roll, Third Monti 1 - "t First grade Vanda Faulkenberrj Willie Cole, Bonnie Richardson, In Yarborough. v ' Second grade Joshua Faulkenbet ry. ' ' Third grade; Everett Leach, Joh Cole, Clyde Clodfelter, Lucy Hone) cutt, Lola Yarborough. j Fourth grade John Faulkenben; Lizzie Lemonds. : '.; Fifth grade Gladys Green. ?; Sixth grade Jewel Faulkenberry ,,.. ,.r U.,.l.,.t(. I rropeny 10 yihu y.riou. ri in County Mr. J. M. Cavencss, county Super) sor of Revaluation, or one of his f nmoitntativoii 1VI plain the revaluation of persot property and everything connect with this line of work. Announcemot of appointments will appear elsewM in this paper, from timo to time; , Recruiting Officer for the Vd State Army in Asheboro tblen Week ;r1l Marshall and reeruln i Asheboro and will until Saturday., They 4 n the streets or around during the week. They rive ex-soldiers any inj mation about the American irv. u.-v p.tf( tt.l n North Carolina 'tal J 'n reensbcro and these rrfj tives will "turnGreensboro sj , -prnuji., 1 I , The recruiting offlcera.,' ahnon , j that prises will be given school c Al?S5nt cl cniisimeni in vne ww , v Army,

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