.-: ' v r f f . X j - . ISSUED WY, ' L'J lv y1 pnmaPLECKOT ken: $LM A YEAR IN ADVANCE- I.- 1 roujxsxxxzT V v. AMn Nert C-tfrfHhU.'ThBr.day, F.brnary . lm ' RALEIGH LETTL.: 1 1 r ! n.. "'i- ,--V- NUMBER SBS9RMI - ITU Maxwell Gorman.) Raleigh, Feb. 8. With the internal revenue work in North Carolina (and especially the joba atuehed to or aup nosed t go aong with it) aa the basis, there haa developed in tha iaat f ew days a contention between Comnus laioner Roper and the two North Caro ' Una Senators which promise to crow $ r peatbs (LISTING PERSONAL PROPERTY - i ' ,.. . a.,vl - ITVP rrV a I TTATTfiM irP hot --. Diuca, rsna-r sum-tup; -- vtwu iwj i Auvativii ava dw, Dies in Mm Meadewm, Va. 1 - ' :" ;. - - Mr. Lee in Max Meads a-s, va iron, pneume-j nin, fell .vine inflaenu Tuesday. News! had reached Aaheboro fe first of the week that Mr. B riles had ' pneumonia and that all of hit family were Buffer ing from infl:.cnxa. Ilr. Briles Tvas a wi1li,SJuiTaipayer Must Swiar He Hii Not "Converted Propertj For Purposes of EvasiorA-ocine iund of Evasions Made CriminalAuthority of Supervisors to Insti tute Investigations and Require Full Disclosures. into something even more formidable - son of Mr. J. L. Briles, of Craway. A numner oi years ago nr. ernes went v- hi tha near tuuire. . m im j - M The I ailure ox J-X-nerm nayneo, ox Every taxpayer, in giving in his list f deposit from their favorite bank to Florida whare he was successfully of personal property, is rr to endor "Payable Ja U. S. Treasury enured in th fcirnntiM . business, subscribe to an oath, prescribed in the Certificates." That was entirley too . . j . i 1 tlg'&MtftW ! HeuIeV came" to rffl PoinTv revaluation act. wh prov.de, affl ;emn to hat. gotten by on, even inolleliailertofflchere in Kal-' he took an interests the First Na- the taxpayer has not W under .4 per cent rate, and of -7 " ' i .1 ,,i, , ii j m.m verted anr 01 nis nropeny ior purpos. cannot ne wieraiea unaer a hi eys- nV"iJ!"r:r'!ri'r v,w.XArr' es of evasion." - . Jtom that 'gives everybody a fair was chance to be honest The tax spervisor In each county is the controversy which had, at pne end,! years ago he moved to Max Meadows, swiKe at Pa -SSt'ZS a vauitinir desire to take care of Ex-, where he has been engaged in sawmill- k?wn. exi8t' ?,m?Jten!d Sheriff Manly McDowell aa well as ' ing. He was married in 1906 to Miss wm?" "7 present tax jaws ao wiTeB extraordinary - power to require well as Ex-Sheriff Haynea, it Deing.Eertie vaiiace, 01 star, xnree cnua- - T nul disclosure as to ownership ex in- Commissioner Hoper's plan . to give ren were born to tnig onion, ou or T'. McDowell a Bimiiar job, placing him whom, with Mrs. Briles, survive. Mr. certain l Ciller aeUUt V in Vile uisvniv mul iu- i uiuea ia uww Butuvcu uj avmvw . , r uyui,, w . 1 1 vi .j ?f and nonishabli V1S1D1L. ' ' , r -I1UK IMVU16ID NN BWM71B. MID. WVAKW , . ' . ... . While these appointments have not! Crotta, Ixw Angeles, Cat: Mrs. Ocia "22112 such ease to yet been officially made, it is said that! Annie Crotts, Asheboroj Mrs. M. M. l'fjT tLiS Amnion and examine under oath any ' " .1' -m w. tt:v ti-i- ttt o . uts.- ri- nvinc of ncitions notes to bo used as i.. i v v - itoper wgaroa lavoraov , - . 3. from e-dit- etc. ' . C"? Tthe snpervisorships into two parts ra Briles, Caraway; Mr. A. L. Briles, len "mnfe so CoUectoMBailey'a Jff 1 p.?5.' j?!8,?- n!nf teS Suallv" S ttra&ft SUOerVlSOr OI equal omcuu ; ibmib . ay uiu awuuhi muai uwwiuua iu. . viw' thC)Uetort might be met. Camp, Va, The body was brought to 'ii m iank . Tv n ri-r-. MwtaftskvailtTiM.i. TA;tf WswrnAoAv ffti isnriAi Mr. SenaliiE money ior oeposi m dum kiii: nHUir uvbtuibu uuit iiav uaku wuif vi vwmv-mj - , r. n Vigorous objection to that plan and Briles having been one f Handolph's ont or uajmaaj. X, StTI tioni but neverlesa to use in any ease la Tstan l to the old system of.two!citiiens, has many friends in the coun- mortgajes .jta, they have substantial reason to and sending This is extraerdiaary power which the supervisors have seen in structed to use only with ears and cau- ollection districts would be profttableHty who will deplore his death. Of course Bailey does no? agree-wn oOTai-g W. H. C.vnea..Died at 'lSS) 'Srto'bTtn. whole and only tton, Greensboro ffiTSlSfti photKOk- Rut Simmons and Overman over the penoa ior wx uswng, y that My toxnaver has not A reswent wua ww fattandiai disclosure of his 0L .Tnu'r- : The tme vahieVof tangible property cheese. But Simmons and Overman Mr- w. died at Revo-1".;-" ' . v - , v W.belng louno ip are agreed on all points-ne of which iutioni Greensboro, following an ill-' Some have been able to saisfy ;' The Ownership :of intangible prop. is that Koper ' nas snown i nem vw !ness of one week of influensa the first their jcience by taking certificates erty must M WWW. tie consideration and thaV they will Qf Mr8i Cayeness Is ,Wv..tI)eir cwwc'c y - - '. exact mors vni iu uuiy. - i by her husl)and and four children, NINE SUGGESTIONS TO Commissoiner Roper's recent actions Kirb A1 Alton and James, also "l"a v prevLXT INTLUtrZ V are said to be based on reports made . . .f1,. M oiia Mnnre. of I to him by an inspector whon he sent Montgomery county; three brothers, i st Carofullv : into, this state and now he threatens to and Corey Moore, of .at plenty of sena a enracKy mo L """-: . Montgomery county; three sisters, but not trasl: BO ABO OF EDUCATION MEETS olina.to take the place of Supervisor , Mrg Carrie Cranford. of Montgomery ,0j rrfnr,. Watts until definite cone uslon oi t Mrg Rob MilliUanf of EUerbe 2nd-Keep th- miiav 10 w x r.id .'c Watts until definite conclusion springs, ana wrs. wuumgre, i bowels .i;c , son Springs. open, Mr. and Mrs. Caveness lived at Cole- 3r(j Kegulr.tc : ridge before moving to Greensboro a ' mg t0 yic -y,;' number of years ago. f feet w?-.-?. rr.J ' STT bth. Avoid creveb : tr.'S.liK t&"d"not:Two Deaths at Coleridge From -Flu" poorly vmtfflat i . j n Hamv' Vav iyiam f Vin hvn wapIts the Pni- aooiisneu, as wbuuk" plans to do. . . i. 1 liV. 1 Collector Bailey is creaitea witn nuv ing protested against the appointment of any official by whatever title "who vould rank on a par with himself." Senator Simmons, it is known, pre fers that the office of supervisor held The Board of Education met in the y. :- i'.", court house Monday February 2nd k0. fo'Kt, 1920,'' with the following members let ovi present Dr. C. H. Phillips, chairman V. ft Enrfitth and' J. W. Birkhead. ; c: 1 '. C. til Amick'was allowed $30.00 for i J:m compiling dog; tax fpr Randolph co- r.cc:. I- TheominitteeTnen of Holly Svrings s: :- 3 district, Coieridge' township, asked to I have fibeir special, tax removed and it specially in was decided that they should present and orerheat- the petition by the first Monday in For more than two weeks the epi- ed building. . . '1-S,JW Senator Overman would demic of influenza has been in full 5th.-Avow cou?.i.nff. n .W.;y--; "wiwin Aieta and two blast at Coleridge. Practical every- couga cr anee, . All 0neriwcai,wx aistncts m uie coUectors in nreference T to the Roper body in the town has had it, there be- kerchiei over ;-uu, .-jo...u, . county are aisc . requested to present profraT But ufro Senators wuld ing more than 250 cases. Up to date 6th.-Promis5uouJ i.,s,. s.. to theWd of Educaboonbefore S.T'.T.i:'?!.: .Hw'-.X't Htha have, occurred, that of avoided. the flrs Monday in April, a petition n.MMIBB:A.A. Pmiak jnTtonilf. Mro 1. R Davis, find Mrs. A. M. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET FARM DEMONSTRATION NOTES The beard of commissioners of too Soils Adorned to Umai i( Tekaaaa county met Monday, February Id. The . . (By D. 8, Coitraae.) regular routine ef business was trans- la general, the sous adapted to Ute acted, accounts aduited, approved and production of tobacco may be deacrib- oraerea paia as recoraea in uisourse- ed as light and sandy to a depth of f ment Register No. 4, pages Srt to JW, to 10 inches undoriaid with a sandy -and under numbers 23b to 846. day subsoil or a yellowish orange M. U. Kanoy, of Aaheboro town- color. The white aoiia Droduec tha ship, was released from payment of brisrhtest tobacco unless offset bv soma poll tax. . other factor. The clay of the subsoil Allowance of W. C. Phillips and wile u an imDortant factor in sivinr the was increased to $6 per month. leaf richnes and body, and it is also aa J. P. Boroughs was appointed vital aid in retaining fertility. statistician for Coleridge township, From a chemical stannoint. briirht Dr. C. f- Hayworth haying resigned, tobacco soils are rather weak, out G. H. Allman, on account of physi- most of them are verv resDonsiva to cal infirmities, was granted free li- artificial enrichment by means of fer cense to sell I. W. McNess proprietary tilizer, manure and soil improving preparations' in Randolph county. Li- crops. A soil possessing ideal mcchani conse to be good for twelve months cal and chemical qualifications may be iron uave nereox. entirely suited to tobacco unless it naa The list Of jurors for March term of rood naturml drainam. aa it is rain. court was drawn and will he publish- oua to a tobacco plant to stand for any ed next week. lensth of time in water los-red soil. The following poll tax releases for when tobacco is grown en fresh or re 1919 were granted: 1. C Cox, pell cemtlv cleared land w 6md that it and special tax. Liberty township, en grows quickly, mature and ripens account oi pnyaicai innrmittea; ni. early, and cures well heoause on such PresnelL listed and paid in Cedar bud there ia an Accumulation of Grove; W. C. Slack, Franklinville readily available plant food, township, account of physical infirmi- Yarrietiea ef Tobacco ties; W. K. Bean, Richland township, A great array of so called varrieties paid in Chatham county; J. A. Ridga, might be mentioned but many of them Concord township, acouat of physical W9Uld represent bat little, if any real kfirmities; ' CUrkson York, Back variation in type. There is however Creek township, past fifty years of PBe broad differentiation among the , . . - ." ttany ao called varieties based on It v.'ai ordered that the sheriff be shape and size of leaf which can' released of the sum of fifty cents on readily be observed. We have the broad the tax receipt of K. F. Stevens, of leaf types represented by such stan Kack, .Creek township, as .apportioned dard sorts as Warne, Big Oronooo. Ad- to white Hall Special School District coc-, and Hester and the narrow leaf for the year J919 account of excess to g0rts, as Narrow Leaf, Little Oronoco tha valuation of $250 having been list- and Flanagan. Throughout this sec ed in said district. tion the broad leaf types are general- It was ordered that Sheriff J. F. ly perfered, as they are better adapted Hughes be released of the collection of to the production of smokers, cutters $1.56 special school taxes, Franklin- and wrappers. ville district against Fannie Cross as The distance between the leaves on said property is not in said special the stalk is somewhat greater on the district. It was ordered that an ap- broad leaf types than on the narrow propriation of $25 be used as prizes ieaf sorts, the spacing being parti by County Agricultural Agent D. S. cularily wide in tne case of the Adcock. Coltrane as ho sees fit, for the stimu- it should be noticed that any of these lation of production and increased yarieties will have the leaves more yield per acre of tobacco m Randolph .'.closely or wider spacing according to county. the nature of the soil, especially in re- Meetmg adjourned until t ebruary 8Dect to moisture contents, with an 17th. ' abundance of moisture the snace be- twen the leaves will be wider, and un- FIGHT ON MOREHEAD BEGUN dsr droughty conditions the leaves will be crowded much more closely to- a a ). ti- tins not Hans- ko' Poole. Mrs. Davis died the latter part Jar, and the neglect to dor so which of last week. She was 35 years of largely contributing to the existing age, and a daughter of the late Gur rucus, which promises to soon become ney Cox. At the time of Mrs. Davis even more acute. j death her husband was seriously ill Growth of Divorces in North Carolina with influenza. Last Saturday, in one day of Wake '. Mrs. A. M. Poole was a daughter.! . r.niii. thirtv-two DeODie Mr. W. A. rooie, OI vxieriUKtJ. one is were resolved from the bonds of mat-, survived by her husband rimonov in this county and tnere children. 7th. Don't use rab ic drinking -jv s ijjSMr (t9km5;;the tax' to be lowered or that r.a'e nc mxii t-.oert. -.- removetr entiney. ilized, , ! J. S. Pike was allowed $132.00 for 8th. Every rshoo'. cmiu s-:..u ca.. carpenter work on StaWy colored an liuuviuuni cuo i a-.. jw.-i goi house. 0th. Ii you go nl. s. room patient :s co iumxi new school house at White Place, Columbia township was defered until the first and three Are a number of divorce cases on the docket yet to be determined. The en ormous increase in the number of di vorces in this state is attracting much .attention lately not only in this coun ty but in many counties. grip or coius, use a uiaan " vr,i a k.u: ,, mth nH Monday in Apnl. n,i wash vmir hands if vou It was ordered that many schools of i nDfUn wiri.no- the county will be stopped short of nave - y .. c . i f,Tiit,irB in t.h room. six lnonihs on tie account of teachers . drawing more money than the law pre scribes. Where there is a local tax RAMSEUR NEWS Mrs. Mariah Cox Dead Mrs. Mariah Cox, wife of the late Haywood Cox, died at the home of her json in Gieousooi-o ti.e first of the week. Mrs. Cosfs body was brought finvernor Bickett's public statement to Pleasant Grove church for burial. as to what he intends to recommend she formerly lived in Coleridge tovm to the special session of the Legisla- ghjp. ture next July in the matter oi me re valuation act is attracting attention, especially that feature of his recom mendation waiving the right to levy . h, MtA-o-ivin ten oer cent increase Jnl920 ov 1919 and holding the church Sunday morning and night. tobacco o;e"rMnr8uoceou"Yh Twin stote tox levy to the present 1919 rate.- Mr. E. C. Watkins visited his bro- taul their produce to the Win ther, Mr. W. il. watKins, jr., wno is -f - -- m m and tobacco imously in favor of holding a (Jounty ill with influenza at Hamlet. Jet the business men and tobacco fa .- Mr. Davis, of Winston-Salem, has '7"8 fc 2l warehouse It to begin some time in July. This is I accepted a position with Mr. R. B. alj JJ rnnenience to t)'eo- done in order to give the teachers Finnison. ve understand Mr. Davis thAoZ! ?n the seT- who hold a second grade certificate a will move his family here soon. ..fc' Z ' chance to acquire a first grade and Mrs. C. E. Baldwin is spending some "t """ " ."" r those who hold no certificate will be given a chance to hold second grade Tf THIS rORPORATIONS OF RANDOLPH COUNTY tod nrn ur iDcnnTKii FOR ASHEBOKO 't will not be necessary to stop under j six months, 'but manny rural school The sentiment' in growing for a to1 where there is no local tax it will be baco warehouse in Ashcboro. The fact necessary to cut the school to 5 Mi ... u i t rM.cr. months, in some instances to nvo , i - j. mnnlhs and one week. was zio. vn in mis county iom jcoi ", , : : ... L , .l. .u v,.,m k o tk,n! The State will adhere strictly to the warehouse in Aaheboro. A number of law in appropriating money for ... i-j i ii.;- thrpA months school. It Will mve J46 Rev. L. U. Weston, of Graham a iee no reaso why tne to second grade teachers and $65 to J!l.f,.,2!ftUt SbgoTtinjM first grade teachers. f nrndnofl t.n ttifl Win-' i" umci w iutc ' . i u- mn.irato Rirf Rnnrner vear liiu uunru wiw uuou flLon-aiem anu virvctiouuiu Hiwnw, -o . ..... Asheboro, N. C, January 23, 1920. Dear Sirs: , , . . . . 1 1 1 at ..Ml. HnAf HO one every uiwuu Airs. . cj. duiuwui is bpcuuuik dwuj . t . , nA .IH fhv were hunirrv that you tim with her tiarents. Mr. and Mrs. Kandoipn coi nty. did not give them something to j C. H. Craven, at Coleridge. Mrs. Cra- . .,., influenza Whenever the word haa gone out that yen's MonAa are anxious about her. Considerable Mlnmm any family in your community was in M ahe i8 suffering l.-om an attack of ' imm,ii- according to the kind of a certificate , 1 tMIV.W " w Thrnnvhnut or one better Hereatter all tcacners win oe paiu any need and unable to help themselves, ; pneumonia been ready to re- you have always spond. An appeal for food and clothing from people who are in dire distress boro Sunday, where she is attending in Randolph county, there certain y u CR0SS APPOINTS tho bedside of her daughter and son- cause jor precaution. ie INFLUENZA COMMITTEE l.1or M. en1 Mn I: f. Ilnrsett. at VsOienQKe conunues ocuuun, .....w JIVIH VWVIV " . W . ill-AO,., v... " w .. .. i t . . i Si a call that we cannot affoid to tum;Mr J)orsett has pneumonia following up to aave mere nave oniy a mean8 against the spread of own.. Our country has been called influenza. deaths, there are a numbe t o cases lnfluenza the j, Crosg ha8 appointed upon attma urns to save we uvea .Mr. Will west, oi otaiey, wan nere w an influenza committee in Asheboro 260,000 Armenian orphans, left aMo-jSunday. flenxa. Mrs. "a6.. to The following is the committtee: lutely destitute. The feeding, shelter- Messrs. H. B. Moore and W. E. Mar- sicians . have labored diUigently to Mfg Wm c Hammer, acting chair- ang and clothing of these , helpless 'w went to Greensboro on business stomp out the disease and it is children is our obUgation and a real Ust Saturday. througn tneir persistent uu District Chairman . privilege for every American citlxen.1 Mr, j0hn Pace, of Greensboro, was the lives of many people have been h Asneboro Mrs Randolph county has been allotted ln town last week. ?? nit "iSf hS Muth ot Street- -M miwiM I, kta kim . r w m.lr tnivald fnr th antral Fall. Mr. IrVln UOX and IUS nn ni..i i i m quota vi t,w.w u . ur, lh tt.wb., - - -- - ,. . jars, casii cmuun anu nimu Muicr uggestod that each corporation be Leverinj Coffee Company, of Baltl- entire family are suffering from it ana f De gtrwjt K(vett gt given an opportunity to contribute an more, Md, was here Sunday. there are a number of other cases Asheboro Mrs. J. K. Wood, -M..i a4 a fsa than lira oil . m Athnv vhtntra enftc nintMrnnn inn mien iruurw mimv Bitvw on person xor Ik year, wmcn iouw. at tha turprtM Dirmaay ainner oi mr. irumy i C. A. Marlcy went to Greens- ate alarm over the influenza situation V "oi Rich Mrs. Basil Brittain and Miss Esther m: Worth Street and South Main St .. ' . ji. . 7 r -i - i , v4 k.. .nurf Thara ' One minister in the county naa auwijr jonn K. Kigwseu recenny wua " " j rvrT East Salisbury Street. i ii i ili .... . 1.. . tr,.U o..Va l tim naa nf hta ara a teem eaaea renorted DOtll In HUH .... . ...1. r I ri As you are aware contributions for camera. He has several pictures of sour, Randleman, Aaheboro Concoro, . rf M j s pence. North . purposes of this kind are not subject Mr. RichtaeU in his overalls and far-, Richland and Brower townships have Xththon tnm Ashlyn Hotel, to income tax. It la earnestly deaired mer shoes. : . : fomo influcnia. The diea sms to WMt . A,neVor(Mrs. N. M. Cran- that every corporation ia the county; The Glee Club tfa, a ' delightful be ia milder form but, at the am fgfd Mrf y 8 UwiUi 8uMet Ar. respond to this appeal, ana l sincerely program at the auditorium iaat caw wm every . ,aut and Park Street trust that I may have a favorable re-j day night. We nave a young nau- anouia nse every yiwu.. Slake your check payable to Mr. I. that n.Tery substantial crowd-attend- MRS. 8, L. HATWORTH i . C Moaer, Treasurer. , . ed thi entertainment Saturday night v V t -.'- ::..TIKTAiri0v V JUapectfolly, ' ,'lin aplto of the bitter cold weather .'. I toumia here at Ramseor and the fact Ripectfttl1y, ' '- 'i MRS. H. W. WALKER. Chm'n. v MR. C L. AM1CK, , . 5 . - Chm'n Ex. Com. ' : MR. L. F. ROSS. . . MR. L. W. CERRINGE1L MR.T.P. BULLA, , Chairman Puhlirity Cornmittos. i, MR. R. W. rilKVOST, ' . MR. L C. M0SER, Treasurer.' ... . . . Sit T 1 1 . i . vT ana mrm. viarencv nau. I? i ' ' This committee will co-operato with ITS. B. U, ,v. nLil.a laJ aatl liullvlrtttal la Northwest Asheboro Mrs. Virgil Presnell and Mrs. J. H. McPherson, Hoover and West Salisbury Streets. Northwest- Asheboro Mra. Arthur .hows that we are proud of thie effort Quito a number of young of our youn folks. . Jjywl tijo iY..' "j" the physicians and each individual is Ramseur people have great cause to Hayworth on Satuiy ' eveninr, Jan- u ee-operato la keeping the be thankful that so far the infhiensa nary 281 The occasion being the aix- d, down, has not visited us to an great extent, toenth Wrthday of her granddaughter, B," W. hop it may mm b etednd (M1;. "' wItn Febmary N E ReUef Swd.y Mist Vera Steed vu agreeably aur- tiful fems and relax. i ; I Febraary 8th has boas art apart fr mH nna d. last week when a nam- Mrs. W. A. Underwood received the Near East unday," and each tnln- L.Vm kaat frtaniU ealKhratad hr many rift and arranged them attrae ister and Sunday School uperinten- T First raa-enger Ship Frew Gerssany'fonTte-nth birthday. A splendid ar- tlvely on the dlnlny table; 4 dent U asked to talk on thU tubject . . Arrives I ray of prwenta were extended her Many games and a very tatorettinf and take a eollection. The fo-opera- The first paaaenger ship to eat! from ' and rood time had by all. ontet were enjoyed by the ruesU af- tion of every 8unday School wMt ,' r,rman port to the UnltM Ftatesj Mr. W. C. TrogHon and family, of ter which they were uherd Into the and church member Is asked on this jj, on trrirt la kw Voik ' rit. rnt Sunday baie wiLbdlnlng room and served with delicious Snd your mony to Mr. L C Monday (friends. ' ' refreshmentt. ' .aloaer, Treasurer, Asheboro, N. C Started In Charlotte By Jake Newell Kether a ! 1 A. : 1 11.. 1 1 KIlfcA w an-a,. - . . . a a . . a ngnt is on in me rcpuuuuui iii- ijescription oi lour well adapted va ty against John M. Morehead and a rieties for this country ,Big Oronoco, a lively battMHia; expected at me state very -large and neavy variety; tor iii Ropubliian convention, in Greensboro,"lei's "and strips. Makes' a wide long when the selection of the next national leaf of dark color. Cures well and haa committeeman from this state is umisual weight and body. Best adapted made. to rich alluvial and red clay soils. This information developed at a Vv'arne, has no superior for bright meeting of the Mecklenburg county wiappers. the leat is larye and of executive committee last Saturday, good bredth, tough and silky. Among wiien objection was raised by Jake V. t"C most generally grown tobaccos, . . " . i . . j? j i j. i. i .: Newell to a resolution, introduced by una one oi tne most, popuair anu saws- ... . . . ." . U I -, I T nof a mcmuer oi tne executive committee, Ku-wiy, , .n imiuvcu .-.i i, thankint' Mr. Morehead, Chairman A splendid combination of size weight Linney, of the state executive commit- and quality, i he leal is long, broad tee, and Chairman J. D. Albright, of very similar to Warne, but of finer the county executive committee, for texture and ii i.iCiine.i to nave green their sen-ices in the past, and endors- shoulders. It l.os bi!.i ..lorouehly ing them, indirectly, for re-election to trieu out oy uotn growers ana man- their respective offices.' ufacturcr. and has .tood every test Mr. Newell's objection was on the and proved one of tne best of the ground that the county convention, to bright tobaccos. be held tehruary il, mignt not ap- -u--., uu. m u - i-i prove the action of the committee, re- poor land. The leaf though not long, suiting in a probable misunderstand- is broad for its length; they are set ing over tho state. After considerable well apart on che stalk, exposing a argument on the subject, an unwritten greater surfacs to tha sun, resulting resolution giving the endorsement to in a more uniiorm ripening and more tho three Republican officials was tven crop. Lest adapted to light gray passed, but no recommendation was or sandy soils; makes fine cigarette made for their re-election. cutters and smokers; cures bright. Mr. Morehead then arose. He told the 25 or more members of the com- FRANKLINVILLL NtWS mittee present that he knew a fight -,-,. was on in tf!e Republican party to de- A. W. Tippett and Miss Berta Tip feat nim as national committeeman, pett, of Greensboro, came down Satur Hq declured that he would welcome day evening returning Sunday, even the time when he gels out, but added ing, accompanied by . A. Bluster and that he does not piopose to be kicked Miss Mary Tippett. out, indicutinr, it a as taken, that he Bud Moffltt colored, has moved from will be in a position to put up a stiff the M. P. Cox farm to the farm of the fight for re-election as national com- late Harriet Moffltt. mitteeman at the state convention, be- C. M. York, of Greensboro, spent cause certain forces in the Republican Saturday and Sunday with his child party propose to elect some one else ren at W. J. Hobson's. who will bo more to their liking. -Miss Virginia Steed, of rormer, who It is understood that the Hght has been teaching in the graded school ng.inst Mr. Morehead is due to his al- here, left for Seagrove, where she has leged domination of the r-arty and be- secured a position as teacher cause he sticks so steed.astly to the Henry Marlcy, of Greensboro, and old Taft wing. It is understood that Miss Lucile Manning and sister, ol he proposes to deliver this state for Elon College, spent Saturday night Lowden for President at tho Republi- and Sunday at A. V. Marley s. can national convention, and this ac- C. H. Teague, of Sanford, visited tion is opposed by many Repu'jlican his sister, Mrs. E. A. Routh, one day leaders. Many Republicans in the last week. state are Inclined to doubt Mr. More- Mr. L. M. Curtis has purchased the head's ability as a leader, it was itat- S. B. Kersey farm south of town. d Mr. Tom Hobson has moved his There seems to be two factions who family from Craven Heights to the will be in evidence at the state con- residence near R. C. Curtis on Walnut vention, those opposing Morehead Creek. ' the Roosevelt Republicans and the Haywood Craven, who has been Uk Taft crowd. It was reported. The claim ing medical trtroent at Greensboro, waa made that the Morehead crowd came oown r thmj, nnynwi "" forms a small minority of the Repub- Messrs. IL S. Edwards, J. H. Mar Ucen party in this state. ley and W. I Jones went to Greens- . It it well known that Morehead ia bore one day last week. ' for Governor Lowden. Thoee who are Mr. Bod Poole h, moved from Mr. for General Wood say that Morehead Clarence Parks' farm to Murphy Bur is for Lowden because Lowden U rich rtte farm and Mrs. Poole and family, and a son-in-law of George M. Pull- of Uurlnburg, have moved to Clar maa, many times a mfllkmalre. There ence Parkf fans. - - . are some who want Morehead to have Bank Thomas, of Revolution, spent bis war because he never asks for Saturday with his family at, Peter money from any one but furnishes It All red's. ' : y - . i himself. It Is mighty pleasant and, " " agreeable, this class ef lUmbllcana . MRS. JOIiN MeCAULET ay, to have a man like Moreheed . ." ' , , V 2 - . worth Ave or six million doUars and Mrs, John MeCauley. of Mt. GHead for their part thet are wUling to put at her hme U Mt. Cilead Mon p wtth Lowdsn uW More- day. Mrs.' McOauley had IafJls head wants. , after which piwroonla followed, fehe . ' ' . , was the danghter of the late John A. People hope for the beet . good Reynolds who dd it his home Star manv Uim wk theT know they month ago. Mrs. McAulay was the (wont ft it. . aunt of Mrs. Marvin Lovett.