5 ISSUED WEEKLY 1 BWKIEl PRINCIPLES, NOT BIEN $L50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXXT A " - - . v , - - ' - , NUMBER II . - " ;' - i Aabetr. North Carotins. Thursday. Mreh 4, 1920 "'" THOSAS 1 REDDEG DEAD, ..1 RALXOADS BETURX TO f . . ' PRIVATE UJiKt ONE 0F INTjOIPH'S . vvl UrJiRta ierain oea to EN "5SWC Ais transportation sys- 13 ur Ata? .7f" "liliTw. orirated as one 1 VCU1 UAVU UM a-ww - - AT. OU) UNION CEMETERY (great public utility since December OUR RALEIG8 liTTER wilt RAxnni.pH county REPUBLICAN CONVENTION DtUGHTON WANTS ACTION t-j-iv - Don..)lliiin TT7unm 1HC PARTY SlAftua Rttrlrinsrham WOMAN SUFFRAGE Will CME I convention was held at the court house F0R GOOD ROADS WIULKiu of to comitut BEFORE EXTRA -btstwa R,h,i. Fhnmrr 21st. with about REPUBLICANS r"1""'" hicwv ,rnhherv was bound to the LEGISLATURE . OTHK tweWe RepubUcans in attendance. A EXCEPT PLAY POLITICS of fftderal court at Laur- FROM STATE CAPITAL I .nmh.r of resolutions were , nnr a bond of (1A0O M i adopted. A renewal 01 anance w jjeienumB h'llion dol- charge 01 wane slavery. w KENT GREER HELD ON. " . CHARGE OF WHITE SLAVERY Kent Greer, who was bound over dial 'of Towr S.ldatrol the road, were divided .MKJl' id'ot taVPresident, turned over to the t :f . w,n eouinment valued at approxi ".ne"" .. " .TI. ritor McAdoo as war time gentlemaa. ae was Dor . . rr a .mall part still re- (BY MAXWELL OUKlj..j ; theprmciple. of the Republican party propriation of nearly onsou - that Greer and W. R. Clinard, who was 5 L rTw-itrt- i,tw pledged, the present Republican jar9 for good roaos jriUed February 14th by a Kicnmona p.lnicrh Xfareh 2.-r.Whenthe North : n. th United States witnm ;v.m inot th - v i j , onEresn wo ivuuuo" - unvu(uu v otHv county uuaacc air amw...v.., Carolina Legislature is asifcibled in f the - ual Suffragre amend- the next four years, ReP"""! iirh of February 12th in a Cheraw etra session next summer, primarily ment aad the county official were Robert L. Doughton, of the eigni . twQ women froal Qreens- to amx trie nnai wucne- " comm;nded for the efficient discharge North Carolina uicm - boro. wnhiAtinn lenslataon. another . "t : v.,a Pridav attacking ""- . n.niP Va.. ! effort will be earnestly made by ; tne, orables John M. Morehead and Ret,ublicans because of their inac- , answer to a charge of uitrve township at the Hinesv will : - . . . .i t r tMoma nivruir isniisiiu Balfour "cJ I nu. im his present capacity until eleven years he moved to Back Creek nu - t "t of gettle- l-Tv vi. uf- ..ri HiH on' February .ment of claims, contracts etc. UCl V ww 9sth t the asre of S3 years, v For tne woman suffragists to ecu) runca-, Frank A. Linney were commended tivit regarding good roads appropn- gtealin a , from g9;h Taylor, He bon, ana enons s-a , m6st neartiiy for their efficient service atioB3 was put under a $1,W0 bona -or nis ready along that -J to the Republican party, the former R e9entatiTe Doughton at first en- apearance at the June term of court, states are needed, at this opting, ana j-,. . national committee- . b; r. .u rmn-ratic re- . , needed, at this -Jptmg, ana ... as Bati0nal committee-' t . ".I. . Democratic re- it is possible the man and the latter for chairman of the "ta thVtftird Missouri district. He Carolina Gener al J executive committee, and the Ran- lnnlmU, the good roads sub- dolDh county delegates were instruct- nrnvide what he con- CAPELSIB NEWS With the lines again under private needed to put thew d , h count delegateS were instruct, what control there wiU be a resumption of amendment over . WtefteJ the , e ght ed their votea , thelr re-elec- LJ? federal ei i , i T?H!nir hail some conlroi were wm ire a iraiuup.. , amciiuwici.v - --r; : . to cast tneir voies ior men ic-- - , t past Uo T-MK?.! the various roads attemp- yote8 lacking in the Senatht the last v rondemned the revaluation sidered adequate tmiittin witn nis nun. ne cuukc.u - .. : .u . i : )incrui i ii . i ii lyiMit. inr me wui . h vrl weeks airo from , ting to diviae ine Dusiness whiuu regular saw ."n"r-. Vl T act and Democracy m genera tOTivU.b handled jointly during. Federal debatable, question just tog .but that Th esent encourage- - T.AnlnWa mnet. nrnstwi-OUS farm- i control. Ul iVHVW J X , v eis. He represented the county in the Legislature four times. First -in 1880, then in 1896 and in 1906 and 1910. A rather singular incident is record th trm of 1906 when Mr. Reddin? from Randolph, and Mr. -C r. WnHfl from Montgomery and Mr. FOUR .MEMBERS OF DAVIDSON COUNTY FAMILY DIE FROM INFLUENZA . -7: v s...l,..m. usual uuuiuci. r , ... m, ...j i nvpmi7it.. !ue" r" . raSioT" ; y s denounced, as was aiM jne inc goou undoubtedly er, we hope mem uicic .n .. Qtitp authorities, wnom uicy uuuguiy" wo- , . j. i:.,;nT annn . , ' ' Bailey Against.Bickett from building the connected with the high cost giving wm JohnBon . to Governor Bickett'S -prpfttse argu- needed county home. in that the products of the farm may We welcome mr. v ments (by tallmenteV Tte following delegate, were elect- not be cheaply brought to the table of Cape.s.e m? d the press and many mdivMuals, have . , ute convention m the comsumer unless there is a mgn . E1ierbe goon. A pathetic story has been related failed to '.change the ;SSLJZ Greensboro: transportation making this poaaioie. Teedim Hick3 leave fol! th State dailv.DaDers oi tne siah William caupy, 3vf i- . ! t.i.4.., . wQ nn'Hrispfi the Republican siae or iiu.j, j, , f,w dm ' Barco M CamdeS 1 See of them death of the wife and sons" of Mr.'nue collector lawyer fj d" (egg, J. M. Reece, W. R. the house for reducing many of the Mr d Mrs. w: c;Martin vited BarCO irom uuuucu, i , tji,0 rtf Fmmnna towflshlD Senator, and Mr. paileS llnis wteK, . , .. , u iitv,u . i; : ti,. nn-ricultiiral aD- . ni.l: m Sat. light and Sunday. - Annie Boroucrhs returned Sun- spending some time with her Mr. Mr. D. A. Leach and family visited relatives out of town Sunday. . We are sorry to state that Mr. B. L. Sanders and Mr. Jason Parson are suffering from relapse on flu. Howev- i j- Viw nnf nAin lOBxtgtuB Of Emmons township Senator," 68yean? Mr RoiS wXg hout Davidson county. One of the sons presents room at Mr. Rogers poaroing "ou"? ?" " , . - .r .j Mrs Mvers ' against 1 uX. wn X wal snh-innuernor room at r. s. "--": io rorV:no. for M- Raleigh. wr Keaomg was TI"T lr with influenza. ! irovemor. Mr SJf thtatHe STli'lS; ! Her went to nurse him and was ; ject of the revaluation circle of friends and acquaintences and; Strieker i and died, uunng i "Xrie the sVurccof tion and to Chas. Hinshaw, J. T. w: wS, known as a man of wide experi- three of her children at home tooK in- .fwmtrte power Humble, J. S. Lewis, J. rtniufht in fluensa ana nave since -i,ni? ovmimpr.t Neece, Jb. r. -iroguou, o. " appropibtuvuo .1 Mr. TmpnPfclie bv the B. Collrane, J. F. Hughes, Harvey propriations m the agricmtura. r urday n gument -.inane oy int. ,.,'. uQrYimnml W. li. Z.n v,;il .m the attitude of al- fll iS 'not tO Williams, J. I. ' u"clr', legeu etuuumj J uay a.i Htion. but to J. A. Brady, J. O. Smith, C. t. Brown, , one m that can possibly be parents. msiow, ti. ij. ences and splendid forethought in , nue u - -rr: gtaU COuntie9 and owns, mavriiui 1 11 vi h. mci- iiianca i w m - - - v i . . . m r-, f , inu. i .-v T I . . . . i l -j , lays, lueaicai am was ui leems that the family sufferec ,unt of having no one - xo mw- , ; rfin. Those suf- Farlow. ister in the home. The oauy papers ol . ""rrrr them 4or i Alternates. . . 1 eany me ne wao --- -.-----7. ..;,, QiH wna , AHuma a f auirhter 01 the laws'in wii ujj. -"V rr " ' j tv. ant v""" " t..i.in ii,,, it aTns that the family suiierea ernor ami "w..fv..y f . ... p John Adams 01 ew jmt -""?":r w,,, nn nni to min-'loneed to be handled. wipnin tne u.. -. u: ".in -jnd 'hnsp sin- r ariow. .1 ,..:n feovo o-i-patpr influence in Mrs. H. JjOnK, jr., i.ueui iu; Burrow, " , . . ,.f j f , i;f0 ban- with hpr hnshand here. - m it z '. ri ir r.nuiiLi v iiic tiii'i j..... r . . ux, J-c-- QJntBnW as well as Drofitable, The fishing season is on in uapeisie. 7 1 lAWflrlllff ThP M To this union were four cniioren, viz: Will H., Troy A. and Miss Dora Redding, all of Caraway. One son, Sidney, died thirty nine years ago while a student at Trinity College. Mrs. Redding preceded her husband to the beyond four years ago. ttoiMi'nir in also survived by one brother, Mr. Stanly Bedding, of Back Creek township: ' The remains were interred at urn Union cemetery on the 26th following the funeral services conducted by Kev. j. A. J. Farrington. JURORS FOR MARCH COURT v The following is a list of the jurors a Mowh term of court. The fivst two weeks are for civil cases and last for criminal cases. First Week th State have recorded this instanc as having occured in Randolph county. This is a mistake. It appears from the accounts that ttie neighborc were afraid nf influenza, and were also 'afraid to attend the burial. The story is a sad one, but similar circumstanceo have occured in other parts of the .mint.rv. We need to sco DacK ana in- quire accoramg io diuikw "" ions, "who is thy neighbor"? The members of the family were buried at Liberty church near Hannersville on the road leading from Thomasville to Denton. Tlfn 63rd nss which V.'as Demo- CiklU . and. Grady Hrfw 1-yt . et"r"vf'.' ,,"w t p rn,. tive steps ever lateen wwoiu yv. .6 "7 1 m jn, wm qiuuv, . - . -,!,. f o-ivincr federal aid in so many peupic uiv.i ""J . Ma riTIP. H . ft. llLUIliao, V. 7 .. - The dear public is Deginning w wuu 1 ieruu p Rrnw. building a better system 01 puuv. gentlemen who last:year were noted L. ahiick, jonn "-""- 0scar' roads. That Congress constituted tne L liaWp to become candidates for the er, Wilson Hill, L , K Koew, u committee on public roads I have state offices, as again "life termers", and "Ha, ha." REPUBLICAN STATE c CONVK- TION CONVKJNKU uivr-r-iio- BORO YESTERDAY Republican State Convention con vened in Greensboro yesterday morn ing and named th following delagates to the National Republican Conyen--wii will meet 3n , ' Chicago June 28th.next. .The delegates" aT large from the state were eiectpos ioiiWiN John M. Morehead, -frDnnea Ksrion Futler end Frank A. Linney. Fo mer Lictenant Governor under the r. A. Reynolds of wms- ton-Sa!-?m was elected permanent nn of tho convention, lie maue RanHolnh County Commissioners to Meet Marcn sin Th board of county commas-oners a:a t knlii a meetinir Monday on ac- i.Liknni tnwnahit E. 3. Hamilton, J rf iiiui f-Messrs. A. B.-Col- wtrhr. E.'J. MiUer, and A E. k,,., Md Leander Elliott 'Tuesday, u,!.k I nTowVi Rth. has been set foi' d;;te oi llUKUVOt . I w . . 1 ? IT L I'MVMi 1 Coleridge townsmp a- . next meeting. J. M. Brower. ' rAar ilrnvn township U. Hi Cor- nelisori, L. B. Barnes, A. J. Cooper. New Market township D. F. Ricn w F. Rrookshire. L. L. Col- rt. O. Coltrane, D. Frank Daris, T XT Ti'orlnW. ' Liberty township C. C. Miller, A. M VrtirlamilTl. Back Creek township G. M, Nance, Randleman township C. A. Pugh, A. P. Gaster. . Providence township T. R. Ivey. p.vwonri tawnshiD E. F. Hayes, New Hope township C. A. Garner, jfeennd Week townshiD W. H. Prevo. RANDOLPH MAN A SUICIDE - n w-r s 'T- 1 TV T i 1 MR. MONROE COX Miuu i SELF AT HIS HUME u r.' ; BORO ROUTE 1 ILL hiULin CAUSED RASH ACT Mr. Monroe Cox. of Grant to-.vpahiji. f Rannnlnh's substantial citizens iiiv " i l . shot himself at his home on An.. Route 1 last week. At the time of the accident Mr. Cox was alone in t.ie house, his wife about live minutes uc fore having gone to tne Darn w Mr. uox naa oeun m . .. . JT XV ...Mnttniia Intt I VI IV I H.IIII1. Hi. k7. , .... - l n. der what has Become .1'" tV "v fnvTn Rurrow. 0. P. Brow- building a newer ..T;ri ARCHDALE NEWS ble to become canaioates iw , " " F. Redding, first .committee on puonc rau- school opened Monday offices, as against. tn f;,""":;; n ,v Kinney. N. S. had the honor oi oemg a - .rr uT,,,- closed three weeks on ac- termers", and ecno Mci,u.p ".""T".;".. 'm.: w T. this committee since it was nrei- ----- -vt", . ... , Lstiitts John Wright, K Vuncan: ed. In the 64 Congress we passed a bi, g awford, who haabee tbtutts, jonn vjB' . n.vnrn(.. aDDroDriating five million dollars tor . non, George Miller, Henry Osborne, "PP. -j Hon for fc.to.JT'SSSS T pwis Williams, u. ti. diiu, . ---- .... ' ;iu iQio irom an bhwh ux muuc, . . t riaviq tne year iio, iiikceu iiniM ' j-. 5a4,lrdav Hathcock, ADav wf ig2() d twenty. Satairday on ,g n . J t 1 1 r A. U v. .,n 1 U'y 1 H nrAll T" " - - , j vi.. t nnrl.v nf staiev. ueaa nve mmion ior me . f,,.tnri shoulder none, ir. miu - - , , , faAorai ;h the states " "rzz 7." ' xitzi M!c week both Mr. and mrs. n;e v.. -v mo , Mr. and Mrs. uscar uu ni . i. ..t-::.- t-!.wii. the same old p:r-d is in complete control. A plat form nndemins evey thing in sight wys zdopted. SEVENTH DISTRICT REPUBLI CANS MEET IN LEXINGTON nAiZ Mr. a?e increasing their revenues for road w who have been ill wit) ? . Z r ip-l on last Thursday and building, and the counties order to co- or some time, are improv. ----- - M Tnnirlev died operate witn tne state ana leuuw u- . was buned rnday. Mrs. uuigiey uju f v,nnns ,nd o-ettine m?' on Saturday and. was buried n. ' carry forward . . . in. a ryii tf h S New fiotownship-H. C. Smith, - " not S. Lambeth. J. A. Hopmns, i' " 7Tw oirV. hut havincr very lit Allred, J. W. Cranford Concord townsmp ivuuci u i . RMSEUH NSWS NO NEW CASES OF FLUINRAM- FROM STATE COUICTl . s RANDOLPH CLUB ORGANIZED-" RANDOLPH BOYS IN TRYW FOR VARSITY SQUAD OTHE1 ITEMS OF INTEREST ' . ; Mica Mina Freeman returnea w . . . ..... a moriir in nwv wav to cam forward t, ... o i toU nn Vier srhoa Tl.ow are survived Dy WO suxia u..: Domee iiuuu., """" ihte.S. .HuaLand and wife at tun succesu. ra work again. Pit. w.t in tbe Siaav Grove programes. wnat naa hub iVvins were laid to rost in tl.e bfiaay u 6 fatereBt fa the fam. cem3te.y. - pvs of the country or to assist or en courage roadbuilding ?i If the commit tee on roads is functioning at all, I have never heard of it. i "Plavina nolitics may seem tempo- V tr SCHOOLS AND CHURCH- rarily expedient, but you will need btlK-uuwu': . xi .,,,, to o-n lipfors the country Eis l)rbf6J i"'' ... vi omnnitrn save and 1 ; nf th UnnHnln . except expedency, false economy and rountv cjub was held in room 80 the act destructive criticism. You arc now 1Q11 Jnmitorv one rirht last weel PERSONAL v. n Pierce. Carl S. Bescher. Back Creek township F. H. Hoov er, S. ArdinoS.Hugnes. Cedar Grove township U u. red. G. H. Hussey. Grant township O. P. Brower. AU- tie to say. ine suppoainun id u. killed himself. Mr. Cox was one of the bv.st and most conscientious citucns of the county. He was a son 01 tne i William Cox. He married Miss Hattie trinan rlamrhtAr of the late maniy Hinson'. of Pleasant Grove township. ta thia union two sons were born, Union townshipCausey tkb. - both of whom Trinity township Fred Hendricks, uari " fillrvive. Mr. Cox is rroviaence aowuoi""- BiHtera Mrs. J. H. Craven, oi rranit erwood, S. C. Wood. W. V. Routh. g"' ad Mrs! M. E.A1- FranklinviUe township - W. A. HXboro Route 1. The de- Grimes. .'. . . , . a K2 vears of aire. Mr. Cox First WeeK Apru in v-m.. 1: ,.,. interests In both Ashe- COUrt ' n. . . tAMtlMF With CWumbla-thip-E. C wafons, c "cT-' J M. E. A1- J.'O. Forrester, U. 0. uvarman, I j" ht brother-ta-law, at the time of Holt, A. L. Ungley., JMth wm VZSSZ brick store . Cedar Grove town.u.i" . b,ww, 0n Main Street in Asheboro. Foch Vuiicannon, Roa ; VuncannoB. ee, were conducted -NUMT town.hIpri;5. by T.fcWn Union' toshipC. W. Shaw, J. P. Lambeth, Jesse ttose. ; WV,!,. - New Hope tnrvnship-A. W. HarrU, I. F. Farlow. - Liberty wwnsnp--. H. Frailer, GXPa'ttTr. X J-Greg. .Cta W. SUley, O. M. Glasgow, nV'. W L-Trimttownsliip-T. H. H111, W. Colertdire township L. AJ ' " L !V TJT.n Iw. X' Jordan, '. hSIw. a. r. Yow, : W. M. Burrow, A. M. Feme. .Tabernacle towwhlp I t GrotM. i Allred, V. rv twn.hlo-J. E. Canoy. : RTndl.man . towwhlp - Cornelius W. J. Hall. , G. B. l Froeman, K. P. Johnson. , FrmnklinviUe township Reuben P. Concord towrmhtp A IL CroweU. " An ertimate damsre of over C000. 000 M done to the frblt and W' bl flelds of south florid, near Mia eht ty the heavy iron. ' nu .rtnr lowest ever onri.d'y recorded for Msrch. after which burial f oUowed. HOLLY SPRINGS NEWS Tikhool'wopeiied at this viace t i 4tk larva attendance. monu., ------ . , MISS Uadge tJrown rcwiuw last- Saturday from Sea grove. Mtst Brown suffered an attack of Influensa while there, - - : ' - L:V- Missea Katie Cox ana i loy uiro re turned to GreensDoro Th R.nnhlican Convention of the Seventh Congressional District met in Lexington Tuesday. W H. Cox, of Anson, was nominat ed to,- Unerress: .:'.J. Parker, of Un ion was indorsed for governor; Judge Prichavd for President; and Glaudms tn-.i M,tcrnTnpi-v cojnty. wa3 uncKui v ui invii-r," j iriven 148 votes to the national con vention and Presley Brown of Wilkes 159 votes; both are delegates. H. . Seawell of Moore, end W. F. Redding of Randolph, were elected aitornatcs. S C. Williams of Yadkin, a nom inated for elector, and Frank naynes of Davie county was indorsed as r em- br of t;:e sute executive comimuw. ' . . .a 1 . Church Women of State to men ... Uiarioue North Carolina will hold a meeting in Charlotte March 8, 9 and 10th in connection wun . "" ference of the ministers of the btate. Mr. Oliver, of High Point Transfcred to tireensooro m. r & nilver. who has for some time been manager of the High Point Specialty. Sample store, opw' na rvimnanv. was transier- UiiliW w 1 m , . ed March 2, to -Ureensooro, wn . is to be manager oi me owner - there. ; ... fr that ftere are no new cases of influ- sowing to the wind and are bound to Practically all of the Randolph Count that there are no n Ramseur. reap to the whirlwind, and when . present. After the meetin enpato repoil ; th. k " di. placed in the balance of justice and s wcre spread on the tables wd b recnon ui i ivi- .0i inir vou its work Monday alter - . f A W Lvnch resumed weighed upon the record you are malt- . f the jolly crowd ceased of Prof. A-W. Lynch, resumcu fQund wftntmg by the . ManyJ subjects of interest for wei r alter Demg . - . n , d t recompense 7.' ':,, An. th.w that miirht be three weeks, nurcn auu , of yMr wiU be pohtical interegt to the people 0f the Count scnoois ol.CuCU death." was "that in 1916 there were oniy ioi v.Mo Kivett left last week for " , ,7 . xjnrth . rami it Mayodan, where she is in the millin- MEM0RIAL HOSPITAL TO BE toB Technical Institution." . 1 ery business. OPENED ABOUT THE MIDDLE . four years the number of ; bo; m Nellie SDoon Cochran, of Char- OF MARCH v., ;nprpased 500 per cent. The Ra lotte, is spending a few days with her A X h bo are very enthusiastic ov. narnts Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Spoon, of The Memorial Hospital which was tuer Organization of the club as It- displace. m , to have been opened March 1st 0 doubt one of the best ways th Rev J. H. Black, of Albemarle, probably be opened the middle of . can t toother and assot . . . , h. Ran- l ii ki. Kaon rinlavml on .. , 1.1 . r v. nreached two nne Ber.nuui "-r lne moi.ni. "- i - ate wltn eacn oiner iuu.c rlc . . . ... r.. J.. t ,i !nAiinn7ii onillpmif. but aCCUUILb Ul ' . , tist church here Sunday. Mr. C. B. smitn V. C. Marley.have timore where they roods. Mr. Mcjouum, acce' and Mr. and Mrs. unle88 something unforseen prevents p, t State College. Ei returned fr9m Bal- tUe hogpital will be formally opened Uu w trod 5y bought spring the middle of the month. The of them P"PJ f io Mr. E. R. Yow Sells Dry Goods Store Messrs. W. F. Lambert, of Cole ij a mr,A J. V. Cranford, of Winston-Salem, have purchased the stock of goods of Mf. E. R; Jow on vr au mA mill run the store. The bulldinj which was owned by Messrs. M. E. Alien ana U,"V"T MnnlMl by Messrs. E. B. Yow, twenty boys In t e. iig nrodu u building is being put in excellent con- more vS, to redu m nf Randleman, has Hitinn and modern improvements "uc"-, . r i iv.vi.- , -- - . - ---- - TTavwrth are nutting tne cost oi ciotmng , - " . ptea a pomwu.. ... " .. :v, . toonn RandolpTi rapid running- ww ber shop here. . .in win aoon iw . T irk. h..V Others will aid in the turning out; The Modern Woodmen of America XRay machine has arrived. The heat-. Otter. ,m saa ra $ have secured names to organize ing plant is nearly cmlpeted and edn famous among camp here soon ' much other modern qu.pment is bemg fring town. j M!"' whKkthtsweX t.lled. At our crab meetings we have, m3 SudldwU Jiving for FRANK LINVILLE NEWS keep as mucWace as ssibe .tt. Rom to Mr. W. P. Mara- HvlSVJ ii- P I tick left Sunday for blc a nne boy. hand of a young way wno reue., nSfrioS I H.P. BaWwin and J. L. Phillips, of Edenton Street. ' -i T ' i I ant i & nr .r tha rVmriA u recel Miss Nellie i;raven, oi v.er.uBy, saniora, wem - " - - , . cent f visited her sister, Mrs. C. E. week. J , J. I the past week and was very much ; cenuy vuuwu . kh rmul leadinor north i.tA : ; BaldwllL ! through W. A. Grimes' grove has Uen, Base ball practice has begun v Epl-! graded to near W. L. Jones' and is three Randolph boys in tne iry out Cedar F.slls Undergoes Infiuenxs Q(DW now ready for use. . 'a place on the varsity squad. Geo t . i t ti in, at inn nni'KL u ir.v.r rnrrur KAnnoinn uuv v. n.at three weeu a large vj. n. -r" ., . , . " . v - . ri' of Cedar In the community, will be divided into Sidimv B. Wood are letter men FrkUy after J. W. Wolff wanenar., mbtf &291toWZri M auctioa by S F. Routh Is showing up well ; FaUs have had ""Jelve Penny Brothers, of Greensboro, next ry eerne of the letter men of ewes resulted to V1 g,u,rdav, March 6th. year's Infield have -discovered loyl cinched-th, inflold p turned to ureensooro r" v,' '".T Measrs. J.'W. Wolff, of spending some time with horn. .folk. pwoiff, Bural Hall; MU. Bird auffend aa attack rfinflu- A-J- MrSeUer, Hickory. - rW!..- t0.. v V.JZion being 9,0Ou.0O. . The Mis. Edith Gunter. of Asheboro, Tni fVS? rfflrB erT . k oYgd.nd they will also Mr. and Mrs. JX. Gunter. , t.tA . , , . ; ' u. riwHa i mnniw n - luenuinK . W " ' . mlth Virtmn folV&. 4V w ua;e . . . . V' f!ttr,TAV wKrt hftJ DMA spending Some time with home olks, returned to Liberty Sunday, where he : r iv buiihtn RMoen. Station With the return March I the ..11 . J. nrlvatA OWBeTShlP tfl .t o..i..M. Pail,'v onenea its is In srhkol. . - ' ..4,i. I. Aahahora with Mr. L. D. Mr. Newman Brown, wno is m kuw. . M. nirVh-I dur- ai ElWbe. 1. spendiria- ? .T "h.p - - .... vr Greeniiboro. ,Ile wia moro O. H. Fox's ridence. Mr. G. r. Blrk- of th. Houtnern- with hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drown. . ,, Miss Maggie Bray, a iter omn time with home folks, murnra '.VV to Trinity Sunday, whtre " wUi 'remain the iame for the present Roosevelt Allreo, wn. oi r,, u... eTuu .f St. Joaeph, x 'VI c. Allred. . A. : l-ul hAma laat week to tee her MOTHERS DRAPER jnenpmonia. , - uuton'i fe day, but wa are (lad to report The Mother. Draper Study f ..??? .urVtved arXpWing. . . Bt at the home of Mr. BasUj:. Aureo, ""-JThnn I . OUle Brown, of Greensboro, wa. m on South rayetteviiio street i hi. by jdf. two chikhn. . -th.'t.nn. day W week looking after afternoon. The work was, rnr .Mr. Penn Halt, and a tlx montn. lowone Frankbavllle. the home of Mrs. , W. a llm- old child. - ... . - j ..Ji I T n nova, of Richmond., Va- earn for the next meeting which will i leJdauhuTof'rnV Sunday. J . . the home .of Mr W. O. ,1, Wash Lane. i . u. v..i.miii v. Marunoaia. won ai innnaiT marcn iiui w inni- . A . 11.- nt. v- t.'tm i.niM Marti mlala. wa. buried o'clock. The program U a run 1 The maiiairementoi mi r-.rTaf- ic emeterv at thl. place ertlntf one and aft who are im .tood ntl.n,"iir RVtardayT Age 68 year and 23 day, in the course are Invited to alt--n their distress, renderinf aid m every wry. of rnW!tIl1r(, wlll M nnur , way posiiiDi. " , '.j hora who svmDathiM with for study only, no refreshmT,' it pwi".. - i.. ,A -A., Kara whn (VrnDkUliM Mr. Hanrrave. xteo urow - t . v -t . t nurse, .pent a week there, n.;, ; , jthe bereavea one, ,. ; ; . , '5 1 3 1 t V ! n f ; 1 I

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