'-' . - ' . ' -- ri 4 '..'' .. j i . . .?. - - i ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, KOTMEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIXIT " s Ashebore, North-Carolina, Thursday, March 11. 1920 NUMBER 11 . TV If?'- A. C BONKEMEYER, " FORMER ' RANDOLPH MAN KILLED IN ., ACCIDENT Mr. A. C. Bonkemeyerr sales man- ux ui viwy urir voiopwiv rli l -A t oi . ui. "i"cf which occurred some days ago. Mr i County resident was failed fa an uto-.pre8neU's injuries are painful, and mobile axdent Saturday night he is nMf improving as rapidly as was Tne death of Mr. Bonkemeyer occur- expected, j whn the fiS'SnSi Sixty'new cases of influenza arere-!a f i!TJi JXL JTL5j P014 Star. The epidemic seems to m lr" be worse at Star now than it has been n!ZttFZffiJl3b& at previous, I wL TpPanurielt Pl Auto Co. have taken the 1 when his body was found a fw;.iWH gW.. tnicta are made . mj menu latter me was almost extinct. ation revealed that his lefV hip and left colarbone was broken, while he also suffered a fracture at the base of hiskulL ! . . " , The exact eauseof the accident is a matter of conjecture as there were no witnesses to the accident, Shortly before the fatal accident oc-is cured, Mr. Bonkemeyer was 'seen driving out North Elm- street at an excessive rate of speed. -r -.: - ' It is. also stated that the 'accident might have 5 .been caused s, by two of the wheels of tte car being on tta' fa-f side of the street railway tracVsnd that fa trying to get them away from. get from under - his conw a M m " a U. U U UahImmak. M rSr' IOrmerly - Cental Falls were fa Asheboro tvSSgldm are his Widow andfS Jd Kte' thlMr.j3eorge Hasty was a visitor fa . n -uu t t.ji .Considerable excitement was ax roused in Asheboro Tuesday morning when .reports came in that a Rocking ham citizen' had - been robbed near rJlZ lJZSd with whom m had gone out to buy nowman wnere J' hopTe wtth"f 1759' andashieri 3!? was m ,:SAB ThSdfpa,tm ?lture, for '" Ni ' 11188 Jtea axu ruubtU wiaia t"0 young othur lirTirhir .- r J was a hufritmsA vlsitav In fawn VriAn-vl uenuay , - aanrcn , noiiy epnngs , ?tSSlS?S ffiJ?. Kstat"nightP-" RamfleV .. ' beinar left bv his . comrades, then to'J?8!0' Salem on Wednesday to W. oW- Monday fot j . Wednesday. March 17, Shlioh, at t ikrT. . . "r:!"' nw oauNier. jbws &au il miuiuewjx wnere ne win soena a lew ZTTli h7 nSJr BnH- ' didti8- WtJfrSL.Tho . Civic. Department of the Reidsville accordmg to reports. . --.----M, r"r Investigations fa Randleman indi cated tho whole thing was a fixed up job to get some of Mrs; Aliens money. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS Government Food Committee to Order ' More Food The woman's department dub met yesterday at the club rooms fa the " w wxuu.... interesting reports. Th committee fa charge of ordering goVernment food reported $58.84 had been saved for the, 5L V orderinc through the mu- nldpality. . The mayor having had a late list from government store at aarleston extends privilege of plae - far another order through the munici- pality.i.Tbe foUowmg committee wlU receive orders until Monday Boon.CeUen anent the nasi WMk A itli ybento order WIU be cloeed: Mrs. Jehn K, wood, Mrs. Gorge Ferree, " V "TTl?r" nelL Mrs. H, W. Walker, Mrs. WA. !,' vl' .it i .uuowmi mnKtB.wym vw.ureensboro were ivisitors at : Mr. R. tamed; , , Oata, toned, 22 eonce ta MM. 12.1 11 K . Peaa, green,' No. 1, 14 to case, ti.lt. Beana, baked, No. 8, ti to ease, ' ' Beaaa, baked, No. 1 48 to ease, tiM.' I - Vi-.'. Beef, eoraed, No. 1. 48 to ' ease, :'11A4.'- ,:: Com, sweet, No. t,U to ease, 81.1& -Tomatoes, Ne t, U to. ease, 12, -Beans, dry, 100 pounds to bag, 88J0. ' Bacon, 12 pound cans, 6 cans to case, 1160. - , - .Orders will have to be placed for .eases. The parcel poet department of the government has elosed and orders iMfllli has been fa New York for some have to be made by, freight and atim for treatment ' . -. , 1 once fa order to get articles on list. Miss Jaaette Hendricks spent Tues- Date of Chrysanthemum Show was'jy ptndl"n. ,,. . , fixed for November 4th. . ; x , r , Mrs. Laaria Omford, -chairman of ' . ' ' , Ithe Influenza committee ef the Red Mr N. PriUhard, Aged CUIsea Cro. has been eoaflned to her home . Gene - (with influenza . , ,. -.- Another of Randolph's dtizens an- wered the call when Mr. J. N. Mh- aroV sired 80 years, paaMd last Fri- day. Mr. Prltchard Urd with bis son,!,.. modIo of the town have seen a Mr. Clark Prltchard. Be had been feeble health for some time and eoa- tracM Influenza and died. He was rart fa Axhtbore township. He mar ried Nancy rhillipa, who with the fol lnrir j aona and daujhtra survive: ar and D"hh rritchard. itn. C W. I nd .'. hs Ula PrilcViard, Ahe bAro; 1 rs. V"-r C W. IUa- !' til Clara mt or Grp.; , 1 i.a t nerl s.- r?w wS , tmA :: l ry 1: rTd Ce'Is at the r.--;,: nr. t r ) iv.e body tttfa to C. srloUe for budsl. - ... ...t ' ' i '.. was f.iefr t. t 1 ! I v t' e r- l- LOCAL ANDPERSDNAL Mr, Virgil Presnell is at Dr. Reeve's Hospital in Greensboio taking treat- ment tor Injuries sustained in" a fall " .wBii. Mlft WCOV- r? n . ' MnC G i was the guest of his father and Mr, T. 1 J- Hoover,, last week. Mr. Hoover is witt ttegvernnient stationed at Fort j McPhe mn. . ., v Mr. & H Hill, of Farmer was a visitor fa-Asheboro Tuesday Mr. Hill 1 interested in the Hill Hardware 1 Company at Denton and was making arrangements for a demonstration of f the . Allis-Chalmers Tractor in Asbe boro jiext Tuesday, and at Farmer on Saturday. ' ' t Mr. D. C. Pool of Asheboro No. 2, was visitor fa the city Tuesday and gwre the Courier a pleasant call. d bv the fowrf. of theti frinHa ' " mgn rolnt Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Edwards hkve returned to Greensboro, after recun- crating from influenza in Asheboro Dor0; "e recently arriTed ' ; tw Sergt . waUam F. Murphy, of HientrE. fm Germany, where he has! First Engineers .of the. first division. "L8! stationed at camn Tavlor. ImisTlll. Ky; will be fa Asheboro a few days e-ettinir nwimita tnr Bnv fioin. t recruits for any division tt q w frix, n v U.S. army. Sersrt; Murnhy will be dad- is undergoing an attack of annln - .woman's Club will meet next Man- day at 3 P.M. with Mrs Tom Lassiter.'! Mr- W. H. Parks, of Hatnseur, and Every member is expected to be pres- J- R Parks, of Siler City, were viai ent. . " . itois in the city Monday. Master J. Bryan Delk, five months As a result of an experience of 34 old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R DpIIt . years in the business and advertising Ti. n i. j.. j A.' Twn reoruary M, 1920. i Now thatsDrine is aDDr0-1,hinr u i " ,";x u -o on us, the problem of our neighbors chickens looms np. It is a fact that an oiq nen preiers to scratch in our neighbors garden rather than our own, and we .hauld remember the Golden ; Rule m regard to our fowls. Miss Eleanor Cleveland, a teacher in the Asheboro High School has been tailed to her home at Highlands, N C. a the account of the 'serious illness of W tister. ' -Miss Cleto Rich, a student of Hon bar parenta,.' . . . v ,Mr. Hanston Elliott who- moved to' I n w months ago. has retura- ed to his home at HiUr Store LUn WU1 Bughas and ehfldren, of 1 Mr. B. B. Moffltt, ef Troy, vm ia Asheboro the latter part of fast week. Mr. R. A. Gaddil- spent ; Sunday ta High Point' with relatives, He .was accompanied home by bis mother Old Comfort' famous boteL tie Chamberlain, ' valued at two mUllmi dollars, was destroyed last Sunday by fire that started before day fa one of the rooms. It was famous resort erected by 'Congressional permission on the government property at Fort - Miss Adelaide Armfleld Is fa New York City. She went with her aunt, M- Albion Millis. of Hirh Point Mr. , a blifta mM tron Roanoke. Va- ar- rived fa Asheboro Tuesday and was o i .treats askta aid. It la seldom (mM begging. - ' Mrs. Barak B. Curtis, widow of thi late John D. Curtis, has moved from Ore Hill to Siler City and will make bar home with her son, Otis Curtis. Mr. Gumey IXinsoa, of North Ashe- boro, Is moving his fsmlly to ea of: Tom Finch's farms aar TWri:ia Mr. Tra noghee, or J-tn I'oist, u Levit I''. C.nny 1- "'e rsU i. . ,r-, A , Ur. ' l.r l.'iirhes is a soii-ln 'a if of l:r. I. nvx ;no-tt hare bfy r"i4 9 tt V ff rrirsl ef a d -.V i ,!.-;:rd. St ti'.e h , ft t-i I rt C. II. 1; J, ii ' -"i vi t t t ', J 'PI MR. DANIEL PRESNEtL YOUND DEAD IN BED Mr. Daniel Presnell, one of Ashe boro's older citizens, died Suddenly Tuesday morning He was in. Ashe- VUlVfl UlUCt Ul' boro Monday evening at the home of his daughter. Urn i5b. Lambert Mr. Presnell was in his usual health .when he retired Monday night complaining little, with a pin fahis shoulde On Tuesday morning when he failed to set up a member of the family went to see about him and found him! dead. J" was still warm and it Is sup- n Nathan Presnell, and was a brother of Presnell, who died from lock- iaw caused bv steDnW on a - nail about aTars ao I - Be was also brXrfmelU X A fa Asheboro about 8 years ago. He was by trade ft buggy and wagon maker and through his business had a large acquaintanceship ' n '. Mr. Presnell was 62 years old Deceased is survived by his wifA and two daughters, Mesdames L. B. Lam bert and Amick Lamb, of Asheboro; two brothers, Messrs. J. S an Evan Presnell, both of Asheboro; ' jk Mr, Pmrniell has for bmptoI war. been a member of the M. E. Church, and has led a true Christian life. ' . " . ' . j KaUffllS of M. Mary C. M RAitH WmAnaAnv t a ww.v ff'dale and moved from Harnett countv which interment followed fa the West fa 1894: The deceased is survived by Bei cemetery. I0". m ".her husband, Mr. R I. Booth, three - ' i A - - U,,n t pniuiif n ,j .t. n fw' First Regiment of Engineers, one oi "hthers, Neal A., Farlie and one sister, the units of the famous First DivisiMiss Spicey McCorquadale and many ion. Prshin nm " i tMmHinp a friends; who sympathize with the be- 30-day furlough with his parentvMr.ireaved ones in the loss of the good :.fm M - L. Sapp, Sr., of Greens- .7' wupuon since tne signingi"V v'"'wv . " ?f we armistice.; Sergeant SapPiwas born fa Asheboro and kved bere until .h? w" oat el?h oW. hen' . days on buEfaes. Mr. J. M. Wright, of Asheboro Rt L was fa town a short while Saturday on ousmess. . , T.. r.. 14 xth, d " - ""5 .tllT . tw and nis son have sold flues for tobac - 1 co barns in six counties. . rp,, . AiM. the funeral cf Mr. Dan Presnell at West Bend Wednesday were: Mr. Phil Presnell, of East Bend, Yadkin county; Mr. Shube Presnell, of White Plains; Mr.. Walter Presnell and daughter, Miss Bonnie, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Fields Upton, of High Point; Mr. Sam Upton, of Randle man, and ' Mr. Harrison Nelson of High Point- - Mr. William Tant of Asheboro No, 8, was fa Asheboro recently and gave .I'he Oonrier a ttleasant ealL kr. Tant was reared fa Emmons township, Da- vidson eouaty and remembers that there were only three buggies fa his Mighborhood 48 years ago, these he lonrinr . to Jackie ' Finch. Stimaea Boggs, and Daniel Haaaer, for when Hannersvllle was named. Mr Teat ta recalling history, ete, said that heie tnembered a friend of his; Albert Par rish was geing to phage . into matrt moay, se . borrowed one ef the tkree aefahberheed buggies - and -came to Randolph eevntr for his ; bride, and adds that one oi the spoke ia a wbeel was broken ea this memerlable eeea sioa. - Mr Tant told of many interest ing things which occurred fa his boy hood days.- V- .-- " ' The Womans Mlssstoaary Bodetr of the ML E. Church met with Mrs. Gidea Macon-Tuesday -:V . Civil eourt begins next Monday March 15th and will last for two weeks.- Crimnal coort wfll begin March 29. l -. . ' Mr. L. C Robins has recently mov ed from Pinehurst to Asheboro. . Mrs. Hal Keens, ef . Asheboro t, who underwent an operation for ap peadidtis fa the High Point Hospital, Courier for the benefit of tfe people several days ago has greatly lmprov-jof the county.. Call and get them. ; ' ed and returned home. . I Mr. V. C Mariey. ef Ramseur. wu The Thomasvill '' eorrenoBdeat tells of Mrs. Stringer who has a hen 'that is laying peculiarly shaped eggs. The shspe fthe etrgs are somewhat like a duck, the bili aad feet being abeent Mr. Virgil BurrewMittent Stmday with Mr. Clamace Cox, of Ashebore Bt 1. Mr. Gus - Hayworth baa returned from Detroit K'Mfr, where be iiwt a monia witn w.e era Auumio t.le Cor-y la t? WN-hanieal d-rrt-"-t. In' r"fv to s'.l i-oH ," at-r-'i!y aloj the I'tjs ef el"- "rl elpmeet, i vr-t w- t' i r " tt 1 s 1 1 l'- J. I ' i vlnltlnr r-T FBANKLINVILLE NEWS ' PROCEEDINGS OF RANDOLPH PEACE PIPE SMOKED BY G. O.P. '-- HIGHWAY COMMISSION CHIEFS AT GREENSBORO Messrs. J. M. Burray, W. D Borke : and T. A. Wrenn made a business trip Themembers of the county High- Republican Convention Turns Out te to Asheboro last Tuesday. way Commision met Tuesday March Be a Lore-Feast .Instead of an Ex- Mr. Richard Burrow has completed 2nd. pec ted Battle Between Morehead painting the M. E. Church roof which On petition from a number of citi- and Newell adds much to its appearance. I zens of Tabernacle Township an im- (T. W. Bost in Greensboro News.) Messrs. B. A. Allred and Cicero ' proved road beginning at Mrs. Julian North Carolina r republicans, bifur Lamhjtnade a business trip to Greens-' Fullers thence by the Zeb Hix place to cated and belligerent over 25 year, boro one day last week. I the Davidson county line was granted, fell into the arms of brotherly and , Miss Lula" Mitchell spent last week On petition of G. Elwood Stanton sisterly love yesterday in their state at heriome in Wilkesboro. and others order of August 6, 1919 convention and for the 1920 camp&ig Messrs B. F. Craven, R. L. Tippett, was revoked and Board, granted im- set out into a peace that passeth all Bryan Parks and Colon Cox, of Rev- proved road beginning near Kelly understandings and misunderstand ohition,' spent Sunday in town. Coltrane's on Greensboro-Asheboro" ings. MrrvC. B. Thomas, of Revolution, highway; thence to near Coltranes Ex-National Committeeman E. Carl who has been spending some time with mill. Duncan shook hands with ex-Senator her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter All- On petetion of T. A. Wren and Marion Butler; National Comittee red, returned home Saturday accom-' others an improved road was granted man John M. Morehead ran into the Danied bv her mother and mater. Miss from Franklinville to Cedar Falls, arms of Jake Newell; Ike Meekfas env Lucile, r I Petition of J. S. Burk and others braced Clarence Pugh and everybody Mr.)W. R. Hughes made a business from FranklinvUle to near J. M. All- forgave everybody else in the workL trip to Greensboro Wednesday. v I red's place for an improved road was Men who had come to Greensboro Mr.vG. H. Cox and family spent taken under advisement The highway with hatchets, mud batteries, vitriol Sunday with Mr. Cox's parents, Mr. commisioninstructed the road supervi- and sulphuric acid threw away their and .Mrs B. F. Hardin, near Parks sor to establish cartway beginning weapons and walked up to the mourn Cros Roads. jnear West Routh's thence ' to Carl er"s banch where their sons of scar- Mr; Janie M. Booth died of pneu- monia Friday morning, aged 41 years. After funeral services conducted at Ith residence Saturday morning by Revi:W ML Smith the remains were laidi te rest fa the M. E. cemetery. oi 'f j M- j m sx one yroieesea laiui la vnnsi wnen about 18 years old and ever after liv- ed true to her profession. She was a Anna E Booth: her mother, two bro- , . f fZ?itn cpVt 1vr rnMTvr fcfEED SPEaAUST COHNG ments Agricultural Mt. Oilvet at 4 p. m Sea grove school house at nio-ht. Thursday, March 18, Red Cross at night. Mr. Garren is one of the bst seed specialists in the country and the farmers should avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing him. I ." Koou eeuu corn, ci 1 have some good seed corn, cotton : 8eed and Boy bean 8ei which I will 1 f xi,-' ,t; t i,h i Mfc LlT.i.LA als0 utun me uiiua oi leruiizers to use on certain crops, the amount to use. . D. S. COLTRANE, County Agent. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and help, during the sickness and death of our dear father and husband. MRS. W. C CANNON, AND FAMILY Robiah Bailey and James Brown, two whit men who are charged with having atnrdered 8heriff Zachary, of Yadkin county, at a blockade still fa that eounty recently,, have beea placed in the Guilford county JaiL The Jail at TadkfaTiUe was eoasidered an safe. i. - i Km Benita Wolff, who is teaching fa the Atlantie Christian CeDeg, at WOsea, and Miss Ava Wolff, who is a stodeat fa the- same cejlege, spent the week end with theif pareata, M& and Mrs. X W. Wolff. - T '. r , MtoaXato Joansea, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Archibald Johnson, efTheta asville, to singing fa a series ef era relistie meetings fa St . Petersburg, Florida. Dr. C F. Myers, pastor of the . Presbyterian , ehureh fa Greens boro, la doing the preachisg. According to the old adage, If March comes fa like a lamb it will go- out like a Hon." Its advent was certainly anything bat lamb-like. Remember this and watch the departure of the w,indy month. - ,- . Senators F. Vt. Simmons. . Jm 8. Overmaa and Congressman L. D. Rob- insoa have sent rarden seeds to The a busineas visitor fa the eitr Satur- 'day. Mr. Mariey has recently return ee xrom tne Moitnera ma nets waere he purchaeed goods for the firm ef Haney lAvenes. . a - Robia Bedbreast ha mad his ap Artmt D. S. pearance and remind as that spring Is near. - - Mrs. I W, Gerringer and chfldrea are visiting relative at Keraertville. The Mie Onmer, who have peti tions ta IHrh Petst, were wk end ret ef Ur. aad Mrs, Adam Comer, of Ut. ... . . I, a B. Ingram, of Mt Gfleewu a ptMnger ea the aerUibouad train J Cr IVtrhard, wbo kas a po ' n In trvflre, wa tt"s4 homo ! t " m f" -''nt of Uie illness end ,,)-' - r. Routh's if he can do so in satisfactory manner to all concerned. Mr. John T. Sexton Dies in Denton Mr. John T. Sexton, a- citizen of Denton and at one time a candidate for the office of sheriff of Davidson cou"tyf hi home March 8 as jJ M Sexton waB juried at BjlTan M E. Uaurch ?emee' f?l?S c0'7 near the Dawdw-R?"d1PhD bM- 'was conducted by Rev. John A. Hulm is Biuvivcu uj a wiio wiu au. kuu- dron, also two brothers, Cicero Sex- ton, of High Point, and J. W. Sexton, of Lexington. He was 65 years of . age, a member of toe Methodist Prot-i esiant cnurcn, ana a gooa man. B1MWItn wvwet KAMSMUt INbWS . ;SI .-,, m0 uo7'wvi om, . C. who is tachjngt Dunn N. C. is spending a few day a with Miss Sarah Cole and other friends here. Mr. J. O. Forrester purchased a new Dort last week Miss Sue Siler and "Mrs. W. E. Mariey Tlsited friends at Greensboro Saturday-and"Sunday. The Ladies Aid Sodetgr Of the Bap- tlst church held a very interesting and .-i m iw xt n Moo lartwek: stmment of significant silences It fVw , ., .did not denounce the income tax Mr. A. H. Thomas and family made amendment and even the revaluation a business trip to Greensboro recently. jg assailed for ministration xaaer Rev. J. O. Adkins of Elon College, thm content The republicans just preached an able sermon here Sun-have on their fighting clothes fer the y . democracy and are at peace with All the plants and business places themselves. in our town are running now with a The collosal bugging match waa full force. not threatricalism. The men went into Schools churches and all organiza- each other's arms as though they bad tions are again open and doing good fallen into their embraces as unda work. Lets do all we can to make up signedly as they had fallen out before, for lost time at the same time lets Senator Butler asked to explain the look to the great Physician to spare' phenomena of such loving said the us from this or a nother great pleague folks had forced it from the floor. or epidemic. His explanation must go. Wheather It Mrs. Richard Siler and children, of fm heaven alpv OT. earth ba Greensboro visited Mr. Jas. T. Siler neath' rt was M fod a Pce of wv here Saturday in& ever was one m 0T Cara- The"Men and Millions Forward lma X?1 .Calin? Demo- Movement" of the Christain church will hold a county rally at Ramseur, Friday March 17th. Every church fa the county is asked to be represented. Dinner will be served at 12:00 o'dock. We have heard that one of our good women died Saturday night at 8:80 o'dock. Mrs. J. B. Dixon, who has resided here for many years succumb- ed to heart failure after aa iltass of some time. In her death we have lost a good woman from our community. She ha a large family aad many xneaas, aa ociraaxy wiu oe published latter. v i . i Bet. W. B. Smlta, Aged MlaleUr, Die Bev. , W. B. Smith dtod narT. March a . a a s v . T m rWWPaa ''cem hu. ni i. V.1J 1.4 il ot'lSAZ 1 fffrZL. m-L Flag Springs ehureh o . . irTv.T .v tZTZ'' M ' SvLSf anTtwo'SnZS-llS SiSwAS.TSft Why Not ,-y x . Mle Eeale Cox, ef Aabebero ;N CMarridfa High Pofat A wedding of much interest to the people of Aahebore and nrrosndlng Tuesday March Snd, when Mlas Essie Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Cox, of Ashebor Star Rot became WV vmnnara. . , ' the bride of Jam Walter Phillips, ' Bupreme Court Jostle T. T. Hick Sea of the late Dr. J. C. Phillip of Henderson; J. . Alexander, Wlastoa. Bear Creek, N. C -v Balem, ;-t s .... Tb ceremony was preformed at '. the bom of Mra. H. H. OuUewT ea- KIWS FROM OLD TMSTTT Rankla 8t at. Wrh aooa and was' . lAi, , witnessed only by Immediate relative M Ul" Wred Payne; of Kr ' and friends ef the eonplei They left UJ Street gar a party to r tmmedlately for the Eastern part ef Tonng frWids on her birthday ! the state to spend their aoaeymeea. .was lat Thorsday. Th Kd f Mlas Cex ia weU kaewa ta Aahe fai kinds and eU aad aU i bere, she was fer maar years toe See time. IJUdred is a s-; .1 i , ta tSe puWIe Schools ef taodorph, bet Is la the tWrd rrad at atLoU t l aae for the east tw yars been ,rr fin "d has it mnpUr tnt the Taaeahau Bre.' l:iI"vl moving t C-!1 17 la . ..isUm-Hal".. Whre he ..l farm, T.y wij trke tMr bom la ITTth v ri a!r.w t j t-'.-r' r Point w!-.r IT. iX:::ir aolde a re- let were made white with snow. I remaps no political convention nt all North Carolina's history made any such record as this . Certainly n LV 200 men in the life of the republican nartv pvir irnttiprAH in atnb eATU-lmni wiii better intention of destroying edtfi other. The Republicans will not mind saying it now they were on the brrak rf universal war until b TW day night There were ambitions to grtify and enemies to crucify. But fhen a few of the best haters inthe business decided to mitt th wlinle. posse comiiatiis came togetner, grasp- ed hands and bucked on weapons to ' go forth against the common enemy, ft Collossal Hugging Match And these RennhlicaM smceidv .thing the Democracy is a mighty eonv Tmon enemy. In all the six or so hours of oratory yesterday not the slighest concession was made to the dorni- It8 mlen were txcorated and it8 government reprobated from President down to tastice of the neace. The leairue of nations was danvned,. .tha evaluation act pnlored. and everything democratic fa sight was repealed or annfailiated. I But for all zhat, it was net merery-, . f Ito-1la0I? ! 5S2raSS? ZvLJ iZ compression without making it aa fa- "Ky nni on lta nanuB- The State Ticket The convention made history terday in bringing to presect the women voters of North Scattered women delegate voting ea minor proposals sent a thrjll into the convention which fa it nlatfona had extended the privilege of gotsisie l to an qualified people. Bat when Mrs. Mary Settle Sharp was placed ea the state ticket as state aaneriateadent ox puoue instruction, tit big itioa could cat eoatafa itaelf. It aad howled. - The following ticks LtS Watteruie. . ..; ,' . aVrrfgtato-BiwwlwJaofc.V Treettrr-J. J. Jenkiaa, Bfler Qty. Treeaurer-J. J. Jenkins, Hilar Qty. ..SuPtendant of Publia EST Sha, Green. I Commiaioner of Arkdbxrl, U i . (SjrfSS?'.' t-iJ-'-s ' o.?0?1?ll!1.?,,?"r Xaanrance-a W. Btlnto' w,uoa- eai- ' to-&nl-tlTUri T. Sea- :" " " f t '!. t 1 :5 i V' w-4 t 0 s i I' tj'xjnsi.uie fr 1. V

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