1 A TIE ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIP LESjQT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUMB ZXXXT Ashebore, North Carotfsi Thursday, March 18, 1920 NUMBER 12 r LIST OF PRIZES FOk " YSANTHEMUM SHOW IN ASHEBORO, Nv 'MBER 4, 1920 LOCAL AND PERSONAL GERMANY IN'THROES - OF REVOLUTION Mr. T. C. Russell, of the Denton,' revolution arose in Germany on Largest tingle compact bloom or Bes se pink, 3 blooms, center Marble Company, has been in Ashe- M1" 13 and as a consequence the ' poitea plant, any color five dollar gold piece given by Mrs W. A. Underwood boro this week erecting a monument Euert government at Berlin was ,w. iriven bv bank of Kandolnh. Rout nlant Maknta with fm t at the arave of Dr. Charles Hamlin. ; thrown out ar.d a new administration swnd lax treat comDact bioom on 10 hlnnma. Udaun nair hnu mv hv Mn A n Hnwoll nf RHin rwit was established. President Ebert and Dottsd plant, any color, $3.00 given by Asheboro Knitting Mill a part i I T S T AVIfl 1 T? 11 1 AO A Tl AUTA dVAtir ma nni 4-n nnlnr mice V-v -owto Best plant, Betay Ross, with from 6 over 15 pots of crysanthemums. K. I. Dickens. y. r ? ul- ou6anK n-PP esiao- tu io biooms, 1 pedestal given by All flov.ers to be trimmed before en-; Miss Clara bell Morris, a student of pSr Koymml at, B"lln' Home Buildinj and Material Co. No. 1. tering show. 1 the Greensboro College for women Ekperients have been locked m - Best plant, Betay Ross, with from 3 No flowers sold before prizes are was a week end visitor to homefolks. I SlVrnTw c 'st to 5 blooms, 1 load of wood given by awarded. T 0 , d i u M003 say that KaPP has resigned in HomeTuilding and Material No. I Twenty-five per cent of flowers sold ! fcX'f&VSfc WW Tones " tpnt"1 &t ist piant, Wm. Turner, with from at show to.be given to the club. i ln. rirv"I- .:W'T !itat Ebert is expected back in 6 to 10 blooms, 1 rocking chair given No one to have over ten vases. "ku Aahohnrn Chair Co RAMSEURNEWS DEEP RIVER BROOM COMPANY SOLD TO A CHARLOTTE COM PANY . HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND AS SAULT NEAR BANDLEMAN SEEMS TRIE TVm 1 o.lle A A Qmiotv nf tVip fe- thodist church held a very profitable lu' " rs. A. D. Howell, of Badin, spent w. T , , , an0 nf lo.t xt ;n ich,.wn , nia .cabinet established a seat of gov- Mr. and Mrs. al -'jen mier moving to; ana enjoyable meeting v.un airs. j. U. rorrester last Wednesday alter tne regular business of the Society was conducted the guests were served to delightful cream, cake and fruits by the hostess. The Society always re- The Courier last week gave an ac count of an :'ssalt and highway rob bery which vi- reported to have oc cured near Raudleman last week as now turns out that the repoit was tnie. Two young men bearing ihe names of Gibson and Sisk were arrested in .Madison last week and placed in jail at Wcntworlh. According to the best information it seems that Gibson and Sisk parsuaded Each one to furnish tables and vases IZT.'XZIa " j mg nas oroKen out in several sections Best plant. Wm Turner, with from for flowers, . I jyi r. iuid Mrs. C. P. Thornboro. of !" J tTLlT Miss Kot less than three or more than six t.-.x o.i . uu ivi. .u.u w nave uku miku aim 3 to 5 blooms, S1.0C given by Evelyn Bciver. flowers to vase, colors, white yellow Best plant, Silver King, with from and pink, 6 to iO biooms, 1 peice of aluminum ware given by McCrary Redding Hdw. AMERICAN LEGION aja ic- . .. .;ik u,lih t joices when an invitation is extended - " i"' - many persons injured in a bombard- Co Best plant, Silver King, with from ;; to o biooms, $1.00 given by C. Bow man. liest plant Christy Matherson, with from 6 to 10 blopms, $2.00 given by J. M. Caviness DAY OBSERVED j - - mem at Kiel by a German cruiser, man of Asheboro but now manager of is said to have directed its the meat Defict for the Dillen-Ball , especially against the quarters of Co. of Winston Salem, N. C. workmen who ure onnnsprl the j Mr. M. F. Vuncannon, of Star, was iKapp government. Condition? all over a business visitor here Tuesday. J Germany seem to be very unsettled. I ine nanaoipn cook viuo ineeLs Greensboro, Sunday, March 21. Ran ooipn ivtri-iiYes io n.ve rrpnen Friday with Mrs D B McCrary at 3. Miss Moleta Yow Bride 1ipiUIUBS. p M Mr. W. L. Ward, chairman board of i Mr. W. R. Hamlin celebrated his. d i nv.;. mh,.- .rffk cunty commissioners and Hon. Wm.'60th birthday last Sunday. He gave Best plant l Christy Matheuson, with C- Hammer have been invited to rep. The Couriea call on Saturday and of B. T. Baynes Wednesday, March 10. at the home of Rev. R. C. Stubbins, in Greensboro, by Mrs. Forrester. Miss Elizabeth Smith the Philathea class of the M. E. Sun day school last Wednesday night. The business of the class was attended to after which refreshments were served to the delight of all. Mr. A. H. Thomas returned Satur day from an extended trip in interest of Ramseur Broom Works. Rev. W. M. Smith preached good congregation here Sunday. preached good sermon as usual in his convincing way . Mrs. Fred Warren, of Greensboro, t,o,i 'claimed to have ' rA an option. As entertained . . . . . , r,,, several thousand dollars on his per son, and was persuaded by the two young men to let them carry a part of the money for safe keeping. When they were near Randleman Allen was assaulted by Gibson and Sisk while they were pretending to be fixing their car. Allen ran off rnd escaped to a ! several shots which were fired at him. He ' He then hired a horse and buggy and went to Randleman and got car and returned to his home. His two assail ants also went back to Madison and . o c Vi ! nn K C iioiuiiici iiovc ucm uiviku w ine courier a can uii oamiuay auu v utuumuo, m viictriiouuiu, from 3 to 5 blooms, ?1.00 given by K,. resent Raph c0unty at the observ- brought his first pair of shoes. The -t the officiating minister, Miss Moleta L. Amick. Best plant, Ben Wells, with from Greensboro b to J.V Diooms Asnuooru Grocery Co, spent a day or two with her parents 1 were promptly arrested and placed in wr. ana Mrs. w. n King ot our city. niuucjr na jc- & J 1 1 L 1 , J. I 1 1 I 1 1 ance of American Legion Sunday in leather in the shoes showed to be of i Yow was married to Mr. Bascom Washington s birthday superior duality. The shoes were No. 1 1- Baynes. Mrs. Baynes is a daugh-I drove "a covey" of Maxwell was the date named for the service,! and laced. Mr. Hamlin has twelve iter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Yow, of through- for Ramseur Motor ocery CO. but on accdunt 0f the influenza epi- children and says that every one of 1 Central Falls but has made Greens- best plant, ben wells, with irom demjc jt wag deferred untii next Sun- them have worn the shoes They were borb her home for the past three day. The exercises will be held under purchased at Dr. J. M. Worth's store 'years. Mr. Baynes is a succesful the auspices of the Greensooro post m Asheboro Mesrs. E. J. Steed, R. J. Kearns and others went to Charlotte Monday and cars Com covered but about two hundred dollars. 3 to 5 blooms prize given by Mrs J K. Wood. Best plant, pany. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Leonard went to High Point last week. Mrs. Leonard is i Imainasa man nf HmaiioIiaiui lil,i;.w .l; e .1 n t u :ii ant, V,01i U. Appieton, f.,ni,.JnBl t.hAntrp at. 3 o'clock. I Mooovc M.P Pnforann u-nA C. W a Doftition with thp fldpll TTnrHvi'aro i oiutpi. Mvo T A Mo-ol, w itn iroiu o w xu muuiiio, x ""-s At the gathering the French me- Linebery, of Ramseur No. 2,were 1 Company. After the ceremonv the chair given by Southern uroKerage morial djpiomas to the near relatives business visitors in Asheboro Satur- j young couple left for Tampa and St d i n i rv a l t tn of tnose wn0 died in tfte world war day. On the way up they had the mis- ! Petersburg, Fla., on their honeymoon. Best plant. Col. V. Appieton, wiin win be presentedi Acting in this be- fortune of being in an auto accident i They will make their home in Greens- 0.a.1,.0 oloums B1VC" A- half will be some citizen appointed by in Ramseur where Mr. Thos. Green's ', boro. HI. .Wright.' th French ambassador ttj the United son was driving out and the cars ran Best plant, yellow Turner, with from gtateg , together. No serious damage was m w ii0mS' PnZe PV The Principal address will probably done. M. Worth. be delivered by Governor Bickett, of I Miss Bettie B. Bulla has returned to Best plant. Yellow Turner, with;N . Carolina her home in SDer0 after SDendin(r the from 3 to 5 blooms, $1.UU given by 1 F. Bulla. Best plant, Odessa, with from 6 to X! L Presented n ui c nn m hvi"1" preseniea James Davis Formerly of Asheboro Is Seriously Injured James Davis, son of MrT and Mrs. The following is a list of Randolph cast week with her friends. Misses ! h Llavls' WR0 formerly lived in 10 blooms $5.00 gold piece given by Mrs. W. J. Armfield. Best plant. Odessa, with from 3 to 5 blooms, $1.00 given by D. S. Coltrane Best plant, R. C. Pulling, with from 6 to 10 blooms, $2.00 given by Mrs. C. L. Cranford. Best plant, R. C. Pulling, with from 3 to 5 blooms, $1.00 given by Mrs. W. S. Skeen. Best plant, Daily Mail, with from Salem. L. C. Smith, Trinity, N. C. Ira Woody, Randleman, N. C. O. H. Jones, Franklinville, N. C. William V. Leonard, Staley, N. C. CAPTAIN A. E. BURNS DEAD Herrie H. Finison, Main St., Ram- Mrs. E. B. Johnson, who has been r xt - ' 11-- :n i 1. i. i"3 seur, i. H. L. Smith, Liberty, n. . is improving, Miss Alice Phillips is in Asheville this week attending federal court, Mr. W. N. Bray, of High Point, was a business visitor in Asheboro Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Maness, of Can- dor, were week end guestr. of Mrs. W. As we go to press we learn wi.n k. Dickens, house on which the frame wo lk of a ;ti.ll ill of W hnmo Fovmor ' WOB -worKiug, striKiug nis neaa Mrs. I. F. Craven and son Jessie and Mr. J. C. Watkins visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Capel of Troy Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Marley returned Satur day from an extended stay at Greens boro. Mr. Jas. Clapp, of Greensboro visited- Mr. Charles Williams and family here Sunday. Mrs. Charles H. Craven, of Cole- : j i i -i, i seriously injured in'i'FVVf", wrK V?10 wlln,r Greensboro Monday when he fell from i u "ugnter SERIES OF MEETING TO BEGIN IN BOTH METHODIST CHURCHES SUNDAY against a piece of timber. Hs lay un conscious for three hours before he was discovered. Physicians were unable to express an opinidn regarding Mr. Davis' condit ion yesterday. Mr. M. B. Rumbley, of Stokesdale, ', The Deep River Broom Co. of this place sold out last week to a Broom company of Charlotte and will soon move the entire equipment to that place, Mr. B. E. Smith will hold the same position for the new company at Charlotte we understand. Mr. Fowler, of Burlington, recently purchased the business of Manley On next Sunday protracted sendees will begin in both of the Methodist churches in Asheboro and last for two weeks. The pastors of the two church es had decided to begin their meeting on March 21st without knowing the plans of the other, and they have de cided it would probably bo just as well for both meetings to be in progress at the same time. If the people of Asheboro will attend these services there will be plenty to fill both church es at every service. A cordial invita is extended the people to attend the services at both churches and co operate in having a revival in the town. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS u . 1 AS we go to press we icaiii wi.n O IO J.U uiooma, i tooociuic 8""'- ,ot r.f th snrMen (path ot M- XI T r-o,rDo 1. rr..4.K: A TP Duma Ttiv cnmr time : w.:- iu 1. : v.. Best plan. DailyMail, with fronv . fa m hea)th HowarH 5 blooms, $1.0U given by Mrs. u.,He hag been guffering for the pf,t tv.0 Messrs W- D. stedman and W. A. 3 to C. Richardson. Kicnarason. ..J weeks with influenza, but thought t oest piani, ""'"s. ."""ibe improving and was sitting up in bed ncss trip south Underwood left Monday for a Husi- f rom 6 to 10 blooms, piece of aluminum ware given by Cox Lewis Hdw. Co. Best plant, Golden Wedding, with from 3 to 5 blooms, $1.00 given by Mrs. .1. W. Haddlev. . . i . x' Best plant, menaon, wiui . . w M fl h M c j Confederate Vctcr 10 blooms, prize given by Wood and J . Toynshx ,,,, nf i ' - - - when the end came. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. A full account will be published next week. Best plant, Mendon, with from 3 to' "'" " 5 blooinl prize fancy work given by, JJ-J March 10. Mr. Mrs. L. C. Phillips returned Satur day from Winston-Salem, where she had been with her daughter, Hiss Kate, who was stricken with appendi citis. Miss, Phillips' condition is im proved. Mr. Harris Bivkhe:il snent Satiir- Mr. Hugh McCain, one ot ucndoipn day :n Eagle Springs on business Rev. Mr. Black, of Albermarle preached two able sermons at the Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. John Pugh, who has bsen at work at White Oak for some time has purchased the Graves farm near ' uaKer fna , na? Penefl a nrst class came nome saturaay evening ana nas SSilo oMr. Charles R. Lambetrt. Mr.i""u.c, "lu J"ii iTii '"""" SWey wpects to move his family 1 1 rs. Ruth Kemp, of this place went .ville Roller Mill. J . t "Randolph in the fall i to Trov Sund,y w-here she will spend I Misses Estella Payne and Fannie ouilie lllllt; Willi Itu, . vv , IU, Vjapei vwv w Ji --nouu i j Uiti.vtiuaj'. and family. Mr. R. I. Booth and son Robert and A party of Glee Club folks attend-: Fr.rley McCoricdale left Saturday for ed the great play "The Wanderer" at Ameta, Va., where Mr. P.octh will ,, m- l -, Groensboro last Monday night. Those probably locate, folk Southern Rail- ' y.ho 00lnp0SP(1 the partv ware Mises i Mr. H. P. Baldwin, of Sanford, was l.ois, Blanche and Urar.elle Moore, '"e guest oi r.. a. noutn one nay last died at tii .' I Mrs. J. A. Monroe, of Seagrove Route 1, and son G D. Monroe, of Lil i lington, were visitors in Asheboro Monday. Aif. Monroe has held a posi tion with the Nor road at Lillmgton since hi.-; return from overseas. He has recently ac cepted a position in the Lill'iigtm i liank. j Rev. T. J. Green and family hnve recently moved from AsheLoro to Sarah Steed, Madge Moff'tt, Lizza week. Mrs. E. T. Poole, of Asheboro Rente their farm at Ramseur Route 1. Mr. Mrs. L. M. Fox. a. an !a... .;i-lt arnm .. .ue P . 1 '.u " I Hurt 'McCain. He was married O VJ 1U UlOOIHO, C U'lKUllg 6 I t ,L. . hv Bentwood Chair Co Best plant, Morristown, with from 3 to 5 blooms, $1.00 given by Mrs. W. J. Scarboro. Best plant, Mrs. J. Gibson, with from 0 to 10 blooms, piece of fancy work given by Mrs. E. G Morris. Best plant, Mrs. J. Gibson, with from 3 to 5 blooms, prize givca by Mrs. J. D. Rccs. Tieat nlant. Dr. EuKichard. with T. McCain, 2. who has been ill for several dav McCain was a son ol ;s improving. Rev. Lewis McFarland, of High Point, was a visitor in Asheboro Sun day. Mr. Sam Walker, of Ashebcro Route 2, was a business visitor in town Mon day. Mrs. John Foster continues very ill at her home in North Asheboro. Mr. Ernest E. Bunting ha3 purchas Smith, Jese Whitehead, Fieta Tate, Maud Lee Spoon, Ova Scott, and Mr. Herbert Smith. They represented the vlav wonder ful. Mr. S. P.. Black, of Lynchburg Va., and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. llack, of most three score years ago to Miss Sallie Briles, who died fourteen year: ago. To this union there were eight children, four of whom survive, John H. of High Point; Mrs. J. S. Ridge, Asheboro; D. T. McCain, Asheboro Route 1; and G. C. McCain, Asheboro. Mr. McCain was 86 years ot age and Green wfcs in the city Monday paid The Courier a pleasant call. ; Mr. Ernest Slack, who has had a po- Raih were visitors in town recently sition with an automobile factory in , Akron, Ohio, has returned to his home ROBBERS IN" at Seagrove. Mr .and Mrs. Harris Kearns, of farmer, were in the city i.ionday. The town of Randleman has not i Miss Ethel Lovett, of Guilford Col- escaDed the hands of the robbers, who 'lege, was the guest of her mother, ' scems to have practiced diligently in i Mrs. C. E. Lovett, Saturday and Sun-'. this section of the State for the Dast RANDLEMAN LAST WEEK up to a few years ago naa oeen ieiy crt ot Mr. U. Hardin the Goca-Cola day. few months. On Wednesday niht of active. He took the keenest interest Bottling plant at Randleman and has, Mr. Roy Cox, of Thomasville, spent ast week the garage at Randleman in civic and church anairs. ne was assumed charge. Mr. Hardin has mov- Sunday in Asheboro with relatives. ! was broken into and considerable Mr. Joe Tippett has gone to Greens boro where he has contracted for painting. missionary will speak in the interst died at the home of her fathers last Friday niht and the remains were laid to rest in the family cemetery near Yow's Mill. Rev. W. M. Smith, of Ramseur, conducted the funeraL She was the youngest daughter of Orlendo Brown. Our people extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. OLD TRINITY NEWS fire from fi to 10 blooms 4 T lbTag flour born in Asheboro at the place Mrs. 0. ed his family to Florida 2 l6Ji:.S Mill IR. Cox now lives and lived her until' Mr. M. G. Maner, of Eugnehard, . 0, , rw Mill K. Gox now lives ana uveu nerc unui wr. ai. Maner, oi r ranKiinvme, , ' . . i j :v. o mil 94 veara of aire, when he mov- was a Business visitor in Asheboro 1V1WI,,, - -- " ' . - - --- Dr. George R. Brown, of the M. P. equipment was stolen. The n . 1 A. T 4l mi tf m ven bv ed to Back Creek township Mrs J. M. Caviness. Best plant, Maud Dean, with from 6 to 10 blooma, 1 wheelbarrov given, by Asheboro Wheelbarrow Co. Best plant, Maud Dean, with from 3 to 6 blooms, prize given by Wood Cash Clothing Co Finest specimen plant, Silver King, prixe given by W. D. Steadman and Finest specimen plant, Nakotn, with, largest ntrmber or line Diooms, gold piece given by National Bank, triruot inM-imen nlant Black Hawk, ... . . t . M Win nm a .Ji larjcst numoer ot ui 1 years subscription to the Courier. Finest specimen plant, Nerisa, with lnrgeot lumber of fine- blooms prae given by O. R. Fox. EMnaai anwinvfln nlant Anemone, with whlU largest numbar of blooms $2.00 rlrea by J. A. York Finest spedmea plant pink Ane mone with largest number of blooms, priie given by SL C Johnson, Best table, 6 vases, $5.00 given by Wjmhah'm i?lnK. turn ? vhiwm w , , . Sesond best tabic, t vases prise Hven by Lexington Grocery Co. T amt nm , at whJta. not over blomt 241b. brr flour, glvea by Ahe- Second best vase of white blooms, bottle of toilet water given by Stand- Best vase yell orr, not over blooms, 1 rockins? chair riven by Piedmont . rV I at i"" . 4 t-- i . ' " BmxhuI best rase . yeiiow, worn. Church of High Point, will do the Wagger and Co. was robbed on Tues- ureachimr at the evangelistic services ,iu niht He united Monday. at the M. P. Church becinninir next lnthoa iowolrv nnd ntw vnlnnhle with the Presbyterian church in early Mr. R. G. Gordon, who recently Sunday. articles.The total loss to the Wagner's life and has remained a consistent moved to a farm which he purchased j Mrs. L. W. Gerringer and children, wag estimated to be near five hundred member ever since. He was buried at near Carthage in Moore county, was who have been visiting her mother, dollars. Charlotte, his funeral being conducted at his old home at Randleman Route Mr.s W. R. Oliver, at Kernersville, for; Qn the same night a new gasolene there by Rev. Joel B. Trogdon, pastor, 2 last week. Mr. Gordon was accom-1 the past two weeks, have returned tank whhich had been nut in at the oi the cnurcn. ; pameu oy nis uaugnier, mm. a. w . home. Lambert, of Carthage. He is prepar- j Mr. Wolff has purchased ths Lam Civic Department of Woman's Club ing to sell his property on March 20th. here old home o.i Elm Street in the Meets His sale was advertised some time ago j Eastern part of Asheboro ar.d will The civic department of the wo-in The Courier, but owing to the ill-! probably move his family to Asheboro man's club of which Mrs. John K. ness of Mr. Gordon the sale was post- j jn the near furture. Mr. Wolff is a store across the road from Mr. Dou ! gon James' two miles north of Ashe boro was tampered with and consider able gasolene was stolen or wasted. Wood is chairman, met with Mrs. W'poned C. Hammond Monday. Plans were I Mr. C. B. Smith, of Ramseur, was made for spring cleaning dates of in the city on business Monday morn which to be announced later. A flower ing. committee was appointed to solicit Col. W. P. Wood, State Auditor, was bulbs, plants and shrubs lor a sale a week end visitor to his home town, and to encourage the planting of flow-1 Col. Wood is looking better than he ert. A committee was also nppolnted has for a number of years. He scems to urge the merchants to cooperate in to have round the Tabled fountain ot . I . 1 1 L keeping premises clean. eternal youtn. brother of Mr. J. W. Wolff. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mrs. B. C. Floyd of Trinity Passes Mrs. B. C. Floyd of near Trinity It wu dedded to mace cans or bar rels on school grounds as receptacles for paper, etc.' IRVIN S. COBB TO LECTURE IN GREENSBORO Irvin S. Cobb, who is generally ac knowledged as one of Amarica7s great est iiumorisU as well as one of her most famous lecturers and writers will deliver a lecture at the Municipal Theater in GrensboTO Friday night March Tern Civil Court In Progress M.rrh tarm of civil court began on UnmUv. with Judire J. T. Shaw, of Greensboro, presiding. The following . . t. - k lvM. HAilirt mim hlffi MM1 eillM: Mills I D'M. Holllday, executor of D. W. Best vase' Pink, not oref blooms, Moeer, et at, vs. Rebecca Moser et el 1 tr. bed room slippers given by Coma Judgment ' - gmwnd best Vase fink, prise -given ." .by Ers. CL C. Caraford. , - Best vase yellow, blooms, 1 rock- v ' Hng chair, Randolph Chair Co. . ' Rest tom vbl-e, I blooms, ft oxen fens peaches, gives by Mrsv-W. Moore. - , .. " " directing disposition of I fn.i In hands of executor. Hewara bibck vj wm w Aiwm W. T. Burratt, judgment $400. m - Will Slack et al vs. Emery .Hfll, Henry Lomax et al 1 till in progress. avil court will probably last all of next week. " Criminal court wiU be lt In March 29th.' Mr. G. C. Brown, who purchased the B. F. Miller farm in Tabernacle town ship last year, was in the dty Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown moved to Ran dolph county from Indianapolis, Ind., where they had made their home for a number of years. Mr. Brown form erly traveled for theJt J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, of Winston-Salem. His health gave way and he went West. He has seen service in the re cent wars. In 1915 he accepted a po sition with the , British government and has made eighteen trips across the Atlantic Ocean. When the United 8tate entered the World War Mr. Brown enlisted In an officers' training camp and was sent to Fort Rtijsmln Harrison where he served as Instruc tor. He expects to raise tobacco in Randolph county. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. P. Church met with Mrs, R. R. Ross on Monday afternoon. Mrs. i B. Slack Is very 11! at her home at Sesgrow Route 1. 8he is suffering from cancer. - Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Cochran and lit tle daughter j of Thomasvllls, ' spent Monday in Asheboro. i. f . f . ' ' Frazicr on last Saturday a daughter, died March 12, 1920. huneial services Alice Rachel. were held at Hope Well Sunday by Mrs. Nannie Walker, of Hih Point j Rev. A. S. Raper interment following was in Asheboro Wednesday on busi ness. Miss Allio Vestal was a visitor in Frank Maness lost a barn by Sunday evening. A cow and calf perished, also a lot of provender and etc. We lean there store of was some insurance. Mr. David While and lamny nave moved to the Pane place. Mr. and Mrs. Libball have moved to Mechanicsville, North High Point. Mrs. Mattie White went to High Point Saturday. Mrs. Carpenter was visiting friends in the co timunity Sunday aftcrnoon. The Misses Farlow went home for the week-end. They live at Flint Hill From all appearces there wil bo a l.ood deal of tobacco planted around here. Mrs. J. L. Phillips, who has Leea ill at her home for several days is im proving. David While Jr., who has been very ill with influenza is improving. Mrs. Lula Carr, has returned from High Point tho past week end. Mr. and Mis. Edgar wooden anu in Hope Well cemetery. She has been ! Cuba, in ill health for several months. Prior The Methodist Missionary society to her marrage she was Miss Tinna met with Mrs. M. J. Weeks Tuesday Briles. Besides her husband she is I afternoon. Mrs. Lula Carr gave a survived by sever, children, Ernest, I splendid talk on "The Mary Elizabeth little son John, accompanied bv Rev. I Charlie and Cicero Floyd cf near Inn" in San Francisco. . i m . ; . i i r l r T r i, Arrowwood all of Greensboro, were visitors here the first of the week. Mr. David Holliday, of Greensboro was here Monday. IN YOUR HURRY PAUSE A MOMENT You are BUSY. Busy chasing the elusive dollar some times holding it for a while, then letting it go. You are in a hurry so much so that you have no time to think seri ously of your soul life. You may say: "There's no money In that" Jesus Christ said: "What shall It profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul 1" How about that proposition T Think it over. NOW! Read Matthew 6:33; John 8:16; Hebrews 1:1-8. Easter Is "Join the Church Sunday." You are cordially Invited to attend the revival meeting at the Methodist Trinitv and Mrs. Mary Hayworth, of High Point, Mrs. Daisy English, of Archdale, ami Mrs. Clara Vickery and Miss Myrtle Floyd, of Pleasant Garden. Her death comes as a dis tinct shock to a larje circle of friends. PROGRESS NEWS People around here are anxious to sen spring now as nearly everybody is expecting to raise tobacco. Mr. Addison Blair was stricken with paralysis no't long ago and continues very ill. He is a well respected citi sen and we wish for him a speedy re covery. Miss Beatrice Hunt, who is in the High Point Hospital, is improving we are glad to note. Mrs. Hayes Hedgecock, who has been ill, Is improving. Little Irene, Infsnt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Spencer, is convales cing after an attack of scarlet fever. Allen, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Pmtntut Church, ttfta-innme- Sundav. rious illness. March 21st. Mr. J. W. Poace A. F. Jones, has recovered front 1 se- has purchased a Misg Annie L. Forrest, Returned Mis sionary To Visit Randleman charge Miss Annie L. Forrest a returned MisB Dora Brower, aged $ years of missions of the following times and places on this charge: Bethany at 3 P. M. Sunday March the 28th. Wortbville same day and night Ran dleman, Monday March the 2Dth at at night. A full attendance is much deuird at all of the appointments. E. G. LOWDERMLLK Closing Eiercises of Oak Hill School There will be an Exhibition at Oak Hill, Saturday April 3rd. The public is Invited. J. W. Hall, Principal. new Ford. Our school is progressing nicely un der the management of Prof. W. L York. Mist Virginia Redding and Miss Bes sie Kennedy, of Asheboro, visited Mrs, Peace, recently. ' . .' 4 t