O&UKIER THE ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXZV Asheboro, North Carolina, Tbunday, April 8, 1920. NUMBER li MMORU:SERVIC NEXT SUNDAY BEN DIXON POST AMERICAN LE GION TO HONOR FALLEN COM RADES. r. - . Ben Dixon Post American Legion will mu "1C House to present the French war Di- plomas to the nearest relative of the fallen soldier. ii;Ci xf ' xX'-iv 'i? Maj05 ThnmoiinlU ar,A ntVinra ovTuwt in Ko ! t ?y7 7771 !f5rl " iami, ""J"' iicr.ujr, x y i a . ; """.J"" quested to be present in uniform if v -ii u. j .v icivcu xi are to receive memorial diplomas. The gallery wUl be reserved for the color- ed peoplee. PROGRAM America, Audience. Invocation. Reading of the 46th Psalm. The Star Spangled Banner, Audi- ence. Statement of the purpose of the meeting. Special music, Ramseur quartet. Address, Col. S. W. Minor, of Dur ham Solo, Just Before the Battle, Moth er. Tribute to the Soldiers, Major W H. Phillips. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, Male quartet. Presentation of French memorial Dinlomas hv Lieut. C. E. Lovett. Five minute addresses. Maryland, My Maryland, Audience, Benediction. , The following is a list ot the est kin, to whom diplomas will be' presented C. H. Bean, relationship not known, Franklinville. Pearl Maude Evans, wife, Randle man Route 1. W. F. McDowell, father, Asheboro. Garret F. Gatlin, father, Erect. Yancey Rachel, father, Spokane. C. G. Frazier, father, Asheboro. Mrs. Florence M. Green, mother Oak Place, Star. B. F. Craven, father, Ramseur. Mr. H. Allred, not known, Franl.lin- ville. tu wrol,. W,.v Tv "T m'w ?, V IT p:;v u C tum.uoi,c ui , v Siinnn HT Wall Tint known. Ran- fho nnnnlo ann la tmicta! Vr Viai-n ae Mr. Simon M. Wall, not known, Ran dleman. Mr. David Saunders, father, Biscoe. K. D. Harmon, father, Seagrove. James M. King, father, Asheboro. Alice Wood, not known, Kandleman. Wm. L. Stafford, father, Ophir. Neal Dunlap, father, Steeds Rt. 1. Mrs. Nannie Kivett, mother, Ashe boro. .Mr. Joseph E. Pool, father, Ashe boro, . Mi's. Sledge, mother, address not knovn. Mary Erad Stale, mother, Sea- grove Route 1. W. L. Foust, father, Asheboro. Bethel Lucas, father, Seagrove. David Smitherman, father, Ashe boro. Lonnie C. Richardson, father, Star. Willie C. Dovd, father, Biscoe Rt. 1. Mrs. Lee Lambert, mother, Ashe boro Rovte 3. Victoria Covington, mother, AsKe boro. Willie Hussey, brother, Ulah. Matthew Cagle, father, Pisgah. Eli W. Moffitt, father, Ramseur Rt. 1. Emma Phillips, wife, Asheboro. W. L. Cranford, brother, Asheboro. LIBERTY BASE BALL TEAM Jand Frank Yates, of Denton, are in. the DEFEATS ASHEBORO BOYS.HiKn Point hospital in a serious con- 'dition as the result of injuries recelv- The Liberty High School boys meted from an PAitomobile wreck. ITiey the Asheboro High School boys in te.were in Ford car and were crossing second game of the season on the. the railroad track at Thomasville Liberty Diamond Monday. The result yesterday morning when 137 hit their being that Liberty defeated Asheboro by a score of 10 to 1 One report says. "The first srame went to Asheboro, but Liberty came back today in great kaM MnJini tV.n Mlmvf-infKI M tTnn - "K". ruuuu' : . ter, wno witn ms currea, arops axiu.sverai ieet awy uu uuiy mjixicu spit ball, had . them at hi. mercy in ttV flmit cram to th tme of 10 to 1. Fogleman as pitcher for the Liberty high, who should be styled the left- hauled smiling wiczard, held the visi - tor. to one lone scratch hit However, had Hunter. had the support that he deserved the score would have been different Social feature, were the fielding of J. W. Frailer and Macon. Parker for liberty, and the pegging of base, by Johnson for Asheboro. ' Pattrlea: Asheboro, Hunter and . Frailer 12. By Hunter . Umpire, Mc Pheraoa, Attendance 800. Major Steadaaa : .gala Aaaoence. Himself a Candidate tme Election RepreaenUtiva Charles M. 8tead- man f the Eth ConrreailoDal District haa aaaouaeed that he haa-.aafa. de- .i j.j a " j aiil ktaVtt BUU 7Jr much 4- Boara. , ROBBERY IN HIGH POINT Another of Mriea of robberies which hare been , eoinnitted ia High Point during the past .ereral weeks waa auceeesfully carried out whom the The aafa was taken about a mile from the .tore where it was blown Open and : aereral hundred dollar la cash . waa toten - -''! ' v DEMUeATS IN SESSION COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONVEN TION MET AT COURT HOUSE SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. HAM MER ENDORSED FOR CONG RESS. Tho fmintiT nAm i. 1 1 met at z p. m. at the court house on: Saturday, April 3. The convention was ' called to order by L. F. Ross, secre-I te Mr H T Cavenes8 was ap- pointed temporary chairman for the convening convention, and W. C. King and Zeb H. Rush acting secretaries. I , """" " uniiwiom. I qualified voters be appointed as dele- 1 It was ruled that all Democrat gates to the convention to be held in r, on Thursday, April 8. Motion ; ,was made and carried to make L. F. koss county chairman of the precinct ' committee until Anril u win . , other convention wFll meet in I , . ""ui.ci iiiauB a lcy loiueiui and appropriate remarks regarding revaluation act, suggesting tnat any possible mistakes officials had made be submitted and remedied. Harmony Mr. Hammer said could accomDlish great things, and should be the motto of the party. The following resolution was sub mitted by W. C. Hammond, and adopt ed by the convention: "We note with pride the unexcelled record as a state official of that patri otic and distinguished soldier Col. W. r. Wood, who has declined to present name for renomination for the ?ce State Auditor We welcome l... M. 1- , 1, " " E7 Ts"!a?SglnS ?5u;l.1919. P011 tax on account of crippled Ple wh? love . nlm ,s wel and V7n0 VV11V 1UVC 111111 WClIi mill 11U nave f always Deen delighted to honor Also tne toiiowing resolution H. T'SSSeyrS i ed unanimously hvl ca unanimously Dy near-'submitted by Mr, Liberty, and adopted the convention: "Recognizing the splendid career of uociuuicoa uj. inmiil K-. nailllllI , Esq,, both as a citizen and public offi- Hammer cial, we commend to the people of the Providence t0wnsh d be releaaed of Seventh Congressional District as a'jTT, r'P'iVftd!! Seventh Congressional District candidate for Coneress. His distin-! ... , . , : . guisned services, always actuated Dy devotion to duty, are a source ot pride .1. 1 and gratincation to the people ot Kan-; uo.p.. county, ,..o iu.ow nun u pe a capable lawyer of unusual ability, . . . . j! oorn anu reareu on a iarm, connecieu with QiiH inrawtotarl i n fqiwinfr ha h 'i l- 1 with and mterested in fannine. he has ... J cj t the people, and is trusted by them as few men are. . "His education, training and equip ment fit him for the position, and if ! j 1 1 .1 i l i. : ; i a no.iunateu ana elected, nis muusu , integrity and intellectual attainments vill make him a commanding figure :n the American Congress, an unfalu r- ing Democrat, who has no alliance I with labor or capital or any sprcial interests, out wno win reprehc.u i ;i' .-. iiy an tne mieresus oi un wie peM'-- "i ii :x. a - ii i . c 1 the Seventh Congressional District. and present their claims in Con;;: ess ivigorously and with ability, which h: so singularly characterized his life work "We further commend Mr. Ham mer's course of campaigning with view of promoting peace within the ranks of the party, instead of pursu ing a course tending to produce dis cord and fomenting party strife, and in looking beyond the primary for ul timate victory at the eeneral election." A good crowd was in attendance an the convention and considerable en thusiasm was manifested. Serious Automobile Accident in Thomasville. Randolph and David son County Men Injured MpHiirff. Jjxmpn Parrinh. of FSillers car and complctly demolished it. tne engine swuck tne center oi tne car and threw the car a distance of about 30 feet from the crossing. As the wrecked automobile fell the o--cu cants ' f Ik. n-A.a thrnvm tn tVlA fltrpAt " . : and rendered unconcious. Unless com- ! nlimtinnii arise it is thought that both i n I. LruiL uuuii will recover Mr. Parrish seems to be in more serious condition of the two, j having sustained fractured hip and a number of bruise. The aide cur tain, of the car were up and the oc cupant, of the car did not Me the ap proaching train. The real cause of the accident Mem. to be unknown. Ratification at Suffrage Depend, on North Carolina and Loulalaaa Missippl last Wednesday declined to become the 80th State to ratify the federal woman stiff rage amendment. Now that Delaware has tamed her back on Woman Suffrage It will be up to North Carolina and Louisiana to make taa final decision The Legisla ture In Louisiana meet. May. 10th and it U said that bitter fight wttlb mad there Th Legislature of North Caro lina meet next Ma pend. oa it action. Old Tli CaTntton and Rally April 14th Arrangement hav been mad for a rlf Democratic convention and mass meeting April 24. Mr. L. F. Ros. ehairmaa of th Democratic exeertir committee, 1 preparing for a biff c- 'cation. The convention will bo ad- Id rested by one or mora prominent men who will tUaeuat the Important Issues jaf th day. ' . ; PAY YOUR POLL TAX ON OR BEFORE MAY FIRST if you expect to exercise your privilege of voting in pri-' mary or general election this year. A number of boys were in home at listing time last year. ; 4- n T A ,7 r , , . . , month. Do not put OH UUS important matter. COMMISSIONERS MEET Will Make Extensive Road Improve- menU i nt3 OOiXru Ol COUIlty rODimiBSlOnerS 0f Randolph countv met in their office in the court house April 5, with all members prWent The following business was trans acted: . i Ashe-L..Sn ouuiixu, fi"cU uuu uiucicu jioiu oo shown in disbursement register No. 4 1 on pages 3a to 6i and under order No. 440 to 542, both inclusive. I it was ordered that Carlisle Lewis 'be exempt from payment of poll tax1 for year 1919 ,ed for year 1919. ihe chairman and the clerk;to the""'3 ... , . , , . board were authorized to negotiate a .A good many of tlie high s:hool from the Commercial National Bank Slrls.a"dl. boys spent Easter at home of High Point for $50,000 loan at 6! l book clubs b.ook overs a11 interest to be used for roads and . Jert ne were grieved to. learn bridges, notes for same to be executed 2 , 01 Uinstian Bird at as funds become necessary. It was , a!'SDUry- , , . , , ordered that Charley Kearns, colored,! Very little gardening around here of New Hope township, be released as yet- f has rained so much no plow- from 1919 poll tax. . ,ln?ru C0UJd be don t . , . It was ordered that T. W. Craven, of j rnlPrWro tnum K oioooj , """"Jl IW.CCIOCU " honH I hand, -. i. e r n t,, ,i v, 1 wuKerson:lcarned whether jt wiU be built o ftmf man rdeaSed f P0U taX n ' j 1 t .1 T It wa3 ordered that Mary Jane l woo uiucicu mai, Yvniaiu nugnes, xi. was oruereu mat mary jane TJ11,. LnH V nv 'n M t.1 be admitted to the county home. 1 1 c fii'nai'iin Tnir 11 iirrn rr 1 uihicl. hi w t n i -j r :j xix iu. 11 t w x u.c ii j. -i iv iuiilui ty released of $L2g school tax p' dence district( account not fa AisUct It ordered that the follow? be ij 11 4. Nnm.i 1 cicttocu vl uuii uu iui vcai ui j . Henry Craven, Asheboro; W. D. All . ... . . i t i,i;..:n. r:n a tt:h t '""""'"vuic, x.u a. xxiu, xvan- dlcman. Grady j0hnson, Trinity. I ' , ' ' It was ordered that the allowance to Rotlen Clark be increased to-.$P''per month. pj-jQCIt VTIC CONVENTION RLEIGH T()DY j The stato Domocratic convention is ..,..: : T?-,i.,;,rV. t. i?r,,-Q S(.nt;ltiv(, nlcn and women from all ,...,. .,, st.,t i..lvn ,pn ,.,.!..;,, hv ,.Vei v 1,-iin sinco vestrrdnv Cnnm-n- , .,,,, Hnv i,A twnmnn. i man Hoey will be temporary ; .,. ' ,. ,ii:,.-,. ' j man and will deliver one of the prin cipal speches. Senator Overman will ! also lie present and it is claimed in his litres-; will recommend the 'V-nn.e :;( ! ratification of the suffrage movement. a ti. :...,..,.; ,ui ... .. rage will be one of the principal . lea- f:X Point- MrV J P Stanton of Sipled, 'VvVlnn-Saiem, andMess. S. M. and anticipated overthe question. G gtanton 'of Level Cross and Dr. , 777,7777777 In' a" Stnntnn' nf Hio-h Point. Her bus- UKr.C.nmjnU rAIHlUl fnivrv it vnc' tnAULO n.liXfO . , . ,, , . mr. y. n. ivieoane nas soiu nis m- terest in tne ureensnoro Patriot to Mr. J. D. May and associates. The' next issue of The Patriot will appear under the new mannagement when they will outline the paper's policy. Unless Your Poll Tax is Paid You Can Not Vote and community Tuesday night March settied and that nothing North Caro-, 8 The constitution of North Carolina 16, for the , purpose "rg, 1m. can now do will unsettle it It fc ,1 Aaheboro.Llberty jU Game Inter requires that every male person who county fair for this year, ine leading true that the suffrage amendment rantl Puninhment Inflicted has arrived at the age of 21 and notlcitnzens of the community were pres- needg the vote 0f one more state for ",nnent mniciea. over 50 must list and pay their poll and voted unamimously in favor final ratification, but when the legis- Courier regrets to learn of some taxes each year. No one can be ex- ' holding the fair again At this lature8 of M the gtates ghall have , ungenUemanly conduct committed by empted from paying poll Ux unless he! meeting u was decided t0 forni 8 P" ed. I feel sure after thorough investi- certain Asheboro boys at a baseball is exempted by the board of county manent fair organization, the stock gation it wilI Mveral more votes same played between the high school commissioners for poverty and infirm- to consist of 125 shares at $10 a share. than ia necessary. The practical ques- j f Liberty and Asheboro. The Aahe Ity. In order to vote at the coming: This gives the association $1250 work- tion wnich now confronts us is, there-1 high school wishes to say that election every person who was 21 to capital to begin with. Ten days fore not whether women shall be ac-, the boys raising the disturbance were i ., m n , . ; y , 7. i I J r - P j j w iima ii t in the primary and general election. March 26 and elected the following not until tomorrow; shall it be this The people of Asheboro are sorry that Every person who wa. 21 years or age officers: H. B. Moore, president, E. B. ytfLt or not unUl next year; shall it be a thing should happen, and w on May 1st, 1919 i. not only required Leonard, first vice pres., Mrs. E. C. m the impending elections or not un-,wish the people of Liberty, and else to list and pay their poll tax in order Watkins, second vice pres; L H. til o,, next succeeding elections ? Jfhere as for that matter, to know to vote, but vider the .Utute are in- Foust, sec.; H. T. Smith, treasurer. Manifestly, this situation presents a , that the sentiment of the town U dictable for not llstina You may not These officers will met and select pure question of policy and should be against .uch a thing, and it is not Ilka. ... i .... . - aiu1.ltAt4AM Ian man n H , i . . ... i . . I lv T n hflnMn irfkin tV an intxmiat In nnlltHpa now. hut later on when you become more inter- women, who with these officers will ence to individual view, as to the wis estd H is well enough to be prepared constitute the Board of Directors. The dom or unwisdom of woman suffrage to take part in the coming contest Bo"1 ot Director, will then .elect the as an original proposition. While it Pay your poll tax and then ee your Superintendents and assistants of not be in the power of North Carolina neighbor and urg him to do likewise. department of the fair. to determine at its option whether wo- Tha coming election will probably bej The official premium list Is being men shall or shall not vote, circum the most Interesting election in half a prepared by L H. Foust H. T. Smith, stance, seem to hare placed In the century. ij. o. Forrester, D. S. Coltrane, Mr. L state, power of determining whether , 7 H. Foust Mrs. W. P. White and Mr, that privilege .hall be accorded them Ftreleaa Cooker Plant for Denton 'j. O. Forrester. This premium list In this Tear1, or postponed until next The Roral Metal War Manufactur- I t..d ' ..l.l ptoa withi. capital stock of $60W. The tompany wlil manufacture nreiea. eookers. Later a store house will be opned la Lexington. Th general ale. office of th company wflf be to- eated la New York City. Prominent business men of New York will bar success last year, w incena to nun n thkrw of the offices there. Mr. J. O.'a much rreater fair this year. Garner ia president of th ootnpany ia Denton. lie has mad a study of fl re less cooker, for a number of years. Messrs. J. W, Bolder, J. O. Garner and John W. Snider, of Denton, are th dl- rector., whll Mr. I. Allen Austin, of High Point ,J th attorney for th company. ' , the service and away from You have the privilege of x 1 l j j. : U ; OLD TRINITY NEWS Mr. Charles Ernheart died last Fri day and was buried here Saturday af- ICIWI1. Mr. William Reddick died last Fri day. death, Paralysis was the cause of his Mrs. C. S. Crouch, representing the Gold Medal Perfumery Company of -,;; 7777. !i..77tr:Z.. " r--j - Kev- Mf. Bamhardt was here and m"""j urauuii a'"u'ua auu preached Sunday. "lenty 01 coiorea eggs Sunday. M'- Percy Bul4rd' i Raleigh, visit- ms mother, Mrs. Parker, a few ,eQ nis mother, Mrs. ranter, a lew i,lc f.1"1? " a a 7 t pi epaiations to plant a good deal 01 ,,TOf, fV, - U1IUC1 ObailU W1U ll.V is to be on North Main. u. nave not MrHrH. Hayes entertain 'friends at her home Monday ;f h- M, -;.fu,iQ,, j h : i . tained a few evening it v M xjavp! birthday UC'"S "J" .j.n.i.uaj.. . .Mlss Cam.e btarnes wa?.a wce end ---' - wiLVl . . . . Mrs" Lula C,arr an, . Ruth XT' sa:" are spending a few days in New York. tt i ii. , , , , Miss Hazel Coltrane, a student of nuoo iioivi "i"""' t ... j 1 - I . . X. X x. , - oamen nign scnooi w- aay ana ounuay w .u ... r pa.en.s, m,. I tending tnt uv miofl xjuiu x nan f-iiu o, . 7777 wmo Mr. Robert Hammond. Mrs. Ham i Stanton, Aged Woman, mond .g dau hter f Mr WaUer Mrs. G. L. Mrs. G. L. Stanton died at the home ,f her son 9' E- tantJ1' .in Lefl Cross yesterday. Mrs. btanton was yi years' of age" and was a remarkably well preserved woman. Up until two months ago she was able to help around the home and was a most prac tical anil usenii woman, vi, uiai iii.i . she collapsed both mentally and I'iiys ically and did not recove.'. During the influenza epidemic Mrs. Stanton nur-cl ail of luv ,-ea's laniiiy, she bfin'i the en'v oiu1 out of lv d I'd:' several nav.s. Shcs w as si woman ol the old tviio and will In t;ie:illv m1: s- the old typo cd. Mrs. Stanton was ll;( grandm Hi. or of Messrs. D. A. v'o ran" of AsheU'i'O, an'' - Coitran;?, t.i Jameson. She is survived bv Mesdanies J. K. Coltrane, of Trinity; and Millie Lowe, ir'"-r."r" band died in 1902. The remains were ... i i , -ir i carried to v -enier cnurcn in viuuiuiu 'county and interred there. Funeral conducted bv Rev. Reynolds. . RANDOLPH COUNTY FAIR RE-ORGANIZED County Agent, D.S. Coltrane called a meeting of the citizens of Ramseur th0iwas oeciueu u ouxm-icuv "" was decided as SUIIlCient lime to e- ymra -fnrV no th n meetinf ad ourn- Z? "7 frU night March 26. ThA RtofUlOiaers met rnaay njlfiil . . . , , . -j .... . . -j l l iren uiw will apuear in Th Courier la about earn waolra and we aXDeet to hav tl booklet out to the course of th next nuroui. All of th people around Ramseur are enthusiastic over th fair and ex- pact to make it a real county fair this year. While we think th fair waa a Trinity and Randleaua Croee Bats Aa interesting faro of ball was played at Trinity April 6th when th Trinity High School and th Randle- maa High School team, played their first gam of th season. Th aoor Jrsnlted tn 8 to 1 la favor 6f Trinity, FARMER ITEMS Miss Luna Kearny of Greensbfi and Miss Etnel Kiarns, of .Nortn Ca ?una U)'!fge- Dt taster holiday Lois Coiims, of waxhaw. ituuy ruiier, ol Ureensboi, Vvomen, spent tne v.eui grandmotner, Mri. .oi. ose from a distance at funeral of Mrs. A. L Mr. and Mrs. Geore-i Kearns, MisLouise Kearns, Messrs. Fred, Edgar and Joe Kearns ,of Hi-I. Point; Miss Lacile Kearns, of Ossipee, Mrs -Tlllia Phim-nor M -.. .m.l V1 w. Clifford Plummer and Mj.'k. P. P!um- T Macon. Mrs Min ' --ifjr 'J m " T w n , f T ? Mrs - J- w- Birkhead, of Asneboro. i-OHetre ior end wTth-Jier Kearns. ) Among th 0,? to, "f" and Mrs' Fred Cranford, uii aiarcn 61, a son. We are very sorry to note that tne concUtion of Mre. Marv Kearns does not improve. Mrs Martha B d t th holidays with her brotner, Mr Robert rovj nf Vnint Boydi of High Point Mr. Hal Lassitcr, of Greensboro, and Miss Henrietta Lassiter, of Guil- ford College, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lassiter of Mp. chanic, during the holidays. Miss Mabel Morgan and Miss Kate Nance have returned to their homes after havj finished thejr h Migs Cammie Nance and Messrg Elbert Kearns and Clarence Russell of Denton, visited home folks Sunday Mr. Lewis Dorsett, of Mt. Gilead, vas , here a short while Sunday. i.i.o jiimSl,vii, a owul-ui III Guilford College, was a visitor at Mr. If . Tnn Tli:. 1 J E. N. Howard's during her vacation. On Friday afternoon the primary grades of Farmer high school enjoyed ? . -68 K"cii uy the r teachpr. Miss T.innio Tinraott On very much an egg hunt given by Saturday afternoon Miss Clvde Clyde Kearn.s Save an eShunt for the pu- pils of her music class This was al so enjoyed. Mr. smd Mrs. W od Russell and lit tie son, of Winston-Salem, are guests thp i A . Mr T r A,? The people of the community were surprised to hear of the marriage on Parrish and is a popular young lady mond is a son of Mr- Madison Ham- mn,a. He. is a nrnsmrnm vnniw far. mer wh0 returned from France last October, havinir swnt more tnnn a year theie in Ins country'.; e :c . Enjoyal)Ie socials were given cur ing the Ea?ter hoiidavs by Mi.;s K.hel Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Free. Senator Simmons Makes Statement on Ratification of Suffrage Senator Simmons has made a state ment which has been altogether pleas ing to the suffragists of N'orth Caro lina and to the men who have been in sympathy with the movement. His statement is as follows: "I have been per.-istei'y urged to mane some statement wiui reierenc1 to the present aspect of the w oman suffrage, question, and in yielding to this insistence, I do not mean to do mre than make an individual pres- ontotinn f tha mttr T c it entation of the matter as I see it.' F!mnhntirnlK' T hnvo Tint fli;no.nil mv t - - . .- -"j mind with reference to the question or woman suttrage, especially suffrage through federal s instead of state ac-i tion. I am still .opposed to woman P" and still believe it will not be helped, but distinctly detrimental tn flu Vi i rVin e ! intor-Act nf urnmon themselves, but I recongnize the fact that Question has been practically corded tne privilege oi run ana equal tha nrivileir nf full unri emml . v ,i, u 11 m k An - - ZhX7 t.;Tnto -17' - . ... - -. . i,0 nlas 7 SKnl it Ko luav nr aeait witn witn emunrriusHinir rc.ei- year1, election.. t An nv4 wak Hlirnu tia nolttl. cal aspects of thi. matter further than to .ay max wnu ixepuoucan- ana Democratic leader, her generally eonoed th inevitable tatlfloatioa of the amendment there Is a persistent belief that Republican leader, fear th effect of women's participation in this year's elections, while Democratic leaders ballrve their narljf Initlna will be to th advantage of th democratic party. However that may be, it Is certain that two ffreat questions, each of vital, national Importance both of which in their higher, humaa aspect. concern women mora deeply than men, will be involved la this jrear'. electioo, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS At the Craven cpunty convention the newspapers state that the Abemethy forces controlled the convention, se curing the delegation to the state con vention and also the county chairman ship. I). P. Dellinger, of Cleveland coun ty, is candidate for commissioner of Labor. W. A. Cochran was nominated chair man of the convention in Montgomery county. Mr. Page was endorsed for governor unanimously while Mrs. J. K. Blair and other women were appoint ed as delegates. In Alamance county the convention declared equal suffrage voting rights to women. In the Davidson county convention Captain F. C. Robins delivered a stir ring speech on the league of nations. The convention endorsed Senators Simmons and Overman amidst cheer ing and applause. Strongly eulogistic relations endors ing Sen. Overman for another term were adopted by the Rowan county convention on last Saturday. John A. Shumate, of Boling, S. C, is in Mecklenburg jail awaiting trial at the federal term of court at Char lotte next week on charge of violating the Mann White Slave Act. Shumate, who is married, was unable to give a $10,000 bond required by United States Commissioner Cobb after hear ing the charges against him. The de fendant and the woman in the case, who is the defendant's step-daughter, were arrested in Cleveland, Ohio, and brought back to Charlotte. The woman testified that the two had lived as man and wife in Cleveland for about ten days prior to their arrest. Sheriff Charles G. Rosemond, Repub lican, has resigned the office of sheriff of Orange county, effective May 1. Former Governor Locke Craig has been appointed referee in bankruptcy by Judge E. Yates Webb. Attorney General Palmer is making an effort to reduce the price of coal and investigations are being made throughout the country with a view to prosecution for conspiracy. The de partment of justice in the Western District of North Carolina is investi gating the ice situation with a view to prosecution either by the federal government or turning the evidence over to the state authorities with a view to prosecution. A n3wspaper report from Brest that the United States transport Mercury ., m.i leave tnas point ur rioay -.lorjtne- United States with the bodies of 315 American soldiers who died in France Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory, a daughter of Senator and Mrs. Lee S. Ovenfcan of Salisbury underwent r serious op eration at the Whitehead-Stokes Sani torii'm Monday. Both Senator and Mrs. Overman wive present during the operation. Mis. Gregory's condition is improving. John Wesley liraxton died at Snow Camp March "lC:h. Deceased was 69 yea's of age. At a meeting of the Guilford county commisioners at Greensboro Monday, it was decided to construct a hard sur faced road leading from High Point toward Archdale to the Randolph county line work to begin a, soon as pracitable after receiving satisfactory bids. Earnest H. Coble, yard conductor f u o.. l x..;l,.,.. r-.. iui uic uuuukiu iwmw.y i. vnctruo- boro, and Miss Jonnie M. Nelson were married last Sunday. n A Mrf.Ttnnal1 nf fa ft It a va V. thnt u ' in h a rn()iHftt for sute Auditor. Daniel McSween Kelly, one of the best known farmers of Moore County fu. died Friday at his home Dear Car- , " no- mB" ucnwi uoyn, uiiu 'arad to know that these boys were tried before Mayor J. A. Spence and t 1 C I J . 11 1 k. L ' 1 ; .1 j 1 1 ecn ii.ieu ven uui.urs unu iiib cow. , -J rr -B- Randolph County Haa Chicken Lav A number of our people have bee complaining about the destruction of their garden, by chicken, of th towa and we have been aaked to call atta . tion to thi. fact and for th inform tion of those whose garden, are being destroyed by nis neighbors chicken, we call attention to the fact that dur ing th Legislature of 11S Mr. R. R. Roa Introduced a bill which provide that upon giving notice to parties hav inff chickens that after th expiraUoa of three days If th chickens are a , confined th owners are .ubtect t hv ' dlctmeat th punishment being fir day. ia jail or th payment of a fia - and upon thoa questions it ia believed women would naturally sympathise with th attitude of th Democratic party. "Moreover, If women ar allowed t vote thi. year, their affiliatioa ia th approaching election, will largely de termine their future alignment la pol We." ,

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