i ; . .it - ' nu'jJm 'Shiny mlV. Imnaih-Xi jjrjiiMu . - -, .,.i.v;;.. J- 1 l I : ) a III) ISSUED WEEKLY . j , ... PRPTCff jLES, NOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE YOLUlOtXIXXT y I ' - " . , Aehebere, North CarlL. Thursday, April 12. 1928 . ; , . . NUMBER IT ' Mr. E.J. Steed and othen visited AND BASS' MEETING friend at Asheboro Sundayefternoon. buSeJSr. c1e?K ST rmocrat, of Randolph county , .. are hereby called to meet in the Court .jsr.'J. T. tainbert and Mr. and Mrs. House twelve Vdoek April twenty C E. Baldwin spent Sunday afternoon fourth. with frienda at Coleridge. At 2o P. M. the meeting will be Mr. Tom Stout, of Florence S. C. addressed by Hon. Carter Glass, f orra- waa a visitor here Sunday. . , .. Anumber of Ramseur folks attend- " the. Treasury, now the funeral service of Mr. J. M. Foust United States Senator from Virginia. at MtVernon last Wednesday. . The public is cordially invited, and V. C. fpesjr to Grcen8boro Minrf m ' Rnrirp. and Mr. Earnest Phillips were visitors . .t i 1 . ""W" lici c una w cck, v Mr. J. C Watkins, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with his . parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wadkina; Ii f I Mrs. L F. Craven has been very ill the past week but we are glad to say is improving. . , . The many friends of Mrs. N. D. Martin are saddened over her death last Monday noon. She had been in poor health for some months and the end was not a surprise but verv sad eunK oi me cnnstain Xindeavor ""rr , . - ' ''U ' r nem m roe uranty. nr. urasom, wue gi u nnujr w .,. mdeed Mrs? Martta leaves a" husband Society et M- J S. Lewis , Thousands of peach trees ia Gebr- Amick asks that guarantors call for state executive committee, was Intro-- Vvest Cohmbia-John A. Ward reg mothf; and ftvt cWlcW thre? rirls evening April 16, 1920. In a outright by the-4 their tickets immediately. duced. Speeches were also made by trar; C. E. Baldwin, judge; J M. 3 o tevs 7nd aatbe? of fom meeting the society decided weather of March lst that fallowed ! J. M. BurJwT of Asheboro, and Dr. J. Hollady, judge. Natives and friends. to "pport an Armenian orphan for : wet Seathr . ? TORNADO SWEEPS , D. Gregg, of Liberty, both of whom' . East Columbia-W. L. Scotten, reg- Mrl Martin beme a christain and h year and at this meeting the first .vThe former Empress of Germany, SOUTHERN STATES were complimentary to the women, "trar; C. M. Staley, judge; Everett lotoette SSrchParo collection was takenmounting to'Auguste Victoris, is reported. be (That some of the women were willing Thompson, judge. sh lild a cSet and mmsuS v14-60. . - critically ill, and an annoucemeat PtAA tornado sweeping over Missippi, to enter politics was clearly demon- Concord-S. at. Lewis, registrar; C. l?f W,Z wilT leavTi Three neV members were taken in- her death is expected any time, .m Alabama and Tennesee last Tuesday strated. FoUowing the convention Rdge, judge; Thomas G. Bingham, SS..vZ iriXfkdJho ui ociety. Dr. James Markoe, a well known night did great damage to prop-1 Miss Circe Coble, of Liberty; filed her Judge. . KelSr than Mrs' SSrtto leaved Following the business meeting we surgeon of New York, while taklagjap erty, and more than 160 live were notice of candidacy to the board of East FranklinviUe-C. H. Julian, "lifS&taS SdSpSS enjoyable evening of stW-coUection at Si George , Protesttot lost The storm a J , hU parts of-North elections. Thiswas the fir st announce- "Sff nea, judge; John B. ii- Funeral services were held at White Chapel where enterment followed rrZZA a.. viv Tuesdayat one o clock. Rev. J. r . tfiacic raster Kamseur Baptist thurch conducted the service. The great throng of people who at- tended the service and the many mag- nincent floral designs was indicative oi the love ana nign esteem in wmcn neighbors and friends. w,,o jv "T" NEWS FROM TRINITY Mr. David White, Sr., who has been quite ill with the flu, is recovering. Mrs Sam English has returned from Columbia, where she has been spend ing the winter with her son, Mr. Car son English. Miss Eleanor English, of Hillsboro, is visiting her aunt, Miss Effie White, Rev. Mr. Elliott is back from Bes- .semer-City. where he has bee doing evangelistic work. ' ' Mi- Hivm nnnnt Snndav in town. Rev. Mr. Elliott held services in the school buildin Sunday night. High school will continue three weeks longer. The graded school which closed last week has been one t th W in the hiatorv of the school. We understand our new Methodist church will soon be under way. I sup- and Mrs. G. H. Moore, of High Point, pose all will have a chance to put in visited at B. F. Snyder's Sqndoy. a memorial window to some loved one, A large crowd attended preaching We have had so much rain little at Old Union Sunday, gardening has been done yet. Misses Flora Berry and Stella and Mrs. Crissie Clark we learn has the Allene Nance visited Miss Ila Snyder flu. Mrs. Clark is pending some time Sunday afternoon, at Wheatmore with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer and T. J. Finch, little daughter, of Asheboro, spent Miss Sue Palmer, of Washington, Saturday night and Sunday wKh Mr. spent Sunday with Mis Jewel Parkin, and Mrs. June Hill. : Under the auspices of athletic assc-; Mrs. Clark Small is suffering with dation a minstrel was given last Sa pleurisy. urdar night, also a play, Good Morn- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cole, of Grens , Yw Tha ncainta were S12&. bore visited at D. W. Bulla's Sunday. lliss Effie White was hostess to the, book club last week. Miss Maud Phillips assisted i' serving. Meeting ef Wosua's CI ah ef Archdele The eeUnt of the womaa'e ehA last Wednesday afternoon wita Mrs, Lee Andrews was well attwideaaaa mneh entered. ' Th room ia which tn members gathered was abloom wJU brouht me s bucket of nice cool fresh lovely sprint flower. ' v tattermilk and stood and talked to me President Tomlinaon opened tn while drank it and told me about meeting., by reading th 1st Pam gn had, been reading In the Roll was called and minutes read by ftm U( Fireside about sew reap Secretary Andrews. Treasurer re- er ti)Mi ten wanting ana you'd port was given by Mrs. Herbert Tom- thought she was an agent the way tinson. Different committee report'., tallced. I declare, I enyea It 'so ed interesting work aone. many piaqa for the coming month were made, t The -club members were delighted to have with them Miss Clara L Cox, of High Point,' who mad aa extremefy Interesting tolk . on the "Rights or Qtixenshlpi'' She spoke at some lengtn on the two unds ox ngnts, avu ana wnat mad her do It and . sne , saui: poltical Miss Cox else gave a brief -xn the- Philatheas must do some explanation of tre constitution. ... thing to brighten home sad help others At th close Of this splendid talk, 4 Nance and I thought we d start the hostess assisted by Mrs. Jonathan on you and father." Hurrah for the iirvia. - a aaira eawtv jmv White, served tee cream, cake and cof fee.' ULAH NEWS- Mrs. Jonas Vuncannon, who rpea DEMOCRATTC CONVENTION the winter with her parents has re- . AND MASS MEETING turned to Opelika. .Alabama. ,' r- ' Mrs. L A. rVyeis spending the week BaBa Y D. SmHk,'of South Car. ' ta Asheboro with relatives. liaa. te Speak : Miss Veil May Vuncannon left ;-. J - . : few day ago for Opelika, Alabama! V On next Saturday, April ttth, the ' Mrs 8. T. Hearne visited her father Democrats of the county will meet ta W. S. "Gatlin, recently. . 'Asheboro at the court house. Hon. Mr. Robert Angel went to Axhevoro Ellifca D. Smith, United States Sena .Saturday.' r, 'r ' t tor from South Carolina, will address , Miss Addle Frye, who has ' been the people on th hnportant topics of teaching the past winter at the Moon- the day, and every good Democrat Is tain, has returned homeV ' arnettiy requested to be present. The ' The fourth Saturday ia May is th speaking will begin at 2:80 o'clock. It day set apart to clean up the cemetery la hoped that as many people as poo- at Flag Spring. All who have rela- aivle will attend. A permanent chair- Uves er friends buried there are re- man will be elected, and very, protoe- quested to come and help. - bly candidates for the various county Qusrterly conference will be held at oOWs will be discussed, therefore It , Flag Springs the fourth Saturday in Is of paramount important that as May. 1 many people aa possible Attend, ' DEMOCRATIC. CONVENTION 'V" 01 county avaU v of I unsual opportunity to hear the issues . .. y"""""-' r or ina lav niarnsaArl hv this oHIa 1 ... . .. . . by this speaker. 1 ; Respectfully, L. F. ROSS, Chairman, Randolph County, Dem. Ex. Com... CHRISTAIN ENDEAVOR SOCIAL, y DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR The monthly business and social 1 rirs a noa tea party was announcefl aups of paper were given out. YYnen e wora nut was called au the: SmZTZ boys arose and when goose was called Tn" 1y Am gave his name . J7 J!,. 1 J tl. f. IThnraan Rhellv. and latter as Thomas b"'" buji-d Punch served. Partners for JT que test, were next bylntatog - 7 J5 rtsTwh ie" th. bbf W Tred ere were others who wtre 7Lrr under .way for j tti ui. . . A ft&T- thin tmm an imnvvkrinnTSra Mm. cert of stunts by several of the bers of the socieiv. Followhur this Mrs. Lewis served delicious candy. , , reporter. SOPHIA ROUTE 1 NEWS Miss Charity Connor has returned hime after spending several days with relatives near Asheboro. Miss Althea Farlow spent Tuesday with Mrs. Mary rariow. Mrs. Jilito-Edwes darrttHigh-Pontsf ' V.t i Mr- John Brookshire has purchased a new Ford, Mr. Robert Bulla spent Thursday at Montrose with his brother, Arthur, who is at the Sanatorium, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brookshire and family, of High Point, visited at Mr. D. W. Bulla's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Burgess and Mr. Mrs. Elite Edwards spnt Saturday to Randleman. . i aa.a ' M mouses Aitnea snow ana cianca Davis were the guests- of Miss Cor Edwards Saturday, SOMETHING TO DO wfl SuMa wnat in nti?' Nance .... , to the field this morning and j fotgo j WM tired. Then wnen z Mml, a while aso she had my chair porch in a cool place. Oh it u the philathea class they have at Sunday School Jane got up so Kon morning and made the ore aad BUrted breakfast and I asked ner .r - Philathea Class 1 Let's us go to Sun day School next - 8undai Susan and see If there's anything good for tts. Contributed. Z'k( , -ji PAY YOUR POLL TAX" ON OR BEFORE MAtf FIRST if you expect to exercise - your privilege of voting in 'pri mary or general election is year. A number of boys were in the 'service and away from home at listing time lasjr jyear. You have the privilege of listing to C. L. Amick, cletk to the board, during this month. Do not put off thy Important matter. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS - Judge W. P. Stacy is candidate for and his friends are proud of his record. He is a brother of the late M. t H. ,U . .1 J i wre University of 'North ,. . Carolina. . j On last Monday night the bank at iion college was roooec. ana io,- 000.00 in Liberty bonds and Other securities taken. The work appeared advertising". W. J. Armfield was made 1 to be that of professionals, and. .no chairman of the grounds committee, due to the robbery has been fouad.1- The Advertising agent has also beeni The Old Hickory Association of the in Asheboro this week making ar- 30th division will hold the 2nd annualranarements for extensive nilvartisW i reunion in Ashe villa September 28 and . w "v vim( m auu.wuiw lunatio wno escapea inni- iVi V!in. r ' t ' M SHi of North Carolina may (Je S&S W be needed to guarantee the frag, amendment. Delaware should -aM th. othr h Plana an nnrtar .wav mem-M00 building at Pleasant Garden 'the near future. . Th trouble now brewing In Mexico is due to ac -if fort of Carranza inrtrfj ing to control the vote. Another elect ion is scheduled for this FalL- The people of Mexico generally waa4 ZrrX if ..j . nwo. - nftrrSS J2?t5i Js ."ffll. T juovaavu au iwoui aw luwtuvivu -: un Apru itn, at a roao camp near rJlon college, Kichard uubert was sno championship and killed by guardr ifrML. h .SatP rn.'.iiffnt..of tempted t niak'histfredom. Gflbbeinr represented i-y girls. The query was a young man who was serving a . "Resolved. That the TTnitH states sentence of two and onehalf years, Should Adopt a Policy of Further Ma half of which had expired. - terial Restriction of Immisrration." Evangelist Burke Culpepper is con ducting a ' revival in Winston Salem. The meeting began Sunday night, and is being held in a ware house. AllWn in Winston-Salem last Winston-Salem last j ,. u ji lj iv. .1 1 1 i of Luther Harris, an 18 years. Young - . T. . ' .r Harri had his throat cut. and as yet no evidence as to the muder is known. County Piano Contest Held m Aahehore Last Saturday A musical contest was held In Ashe-. boro last Saturday when representa tives from the various musi classes of the county were present. Miss Clyde KearM, ef Farmer MlM EWa Barker, of Rsndlemsa and His cuaaoeta snutn ex nsmncur wma ma pufu to enter ,tne eonww a.10.1 uu. grows in old Virginia, do Carolines T i em was repreeeattag the state are- son who is a member ef Miss Nsani aad der places, and it is de vorst of 5L?t!tSk!J22 UM't -sociatloa. He was very much BulUclaw.ws h as the repre- eomfertafor aU do mens I knows." V to aJoy exe. Interested la Asaeboro, which he sentativ fxoni Raojlph County to This old captain voiced the opinion .61. . . hirT1 , claims as hU birth pUte, He is a son compatswla, the oatast whleh of thousands of the humaa rae-ead ' JSfV. mtL, w Ut Gor McNeill, a Preabr will b held ia Creyhow May TejJrtobaeoe has Kany .esemtes, U JJyJ evangelist aad mmistor who ee- ReadolpB is th 17th epoaty to eatery, beet of frleadTaai.' weTiot t1"!? Tfd, .UhUshad the first rnabyteriaa eaarca the State ( Tae lUadelp Beak Ok u. . lieetiaga . AJll. ku. ! ii fA "SjniSSr-rr-rA SIdmn7wX; Mrs. J. D. Rosa. A aumber of vUit- ?TP.U1 rXVwrs irntvwas0 W. a Hammer read articles concern- tog the war from the Bayview Maga- sine. After the currant events, 1. . v mr;.... t.,k. pii 17h M.rMr,; mv ,V.m v Mi Lovett HoiteM Miss Mittie Lovett was hostess to the Friday afternoon Tlnb at her home on Park Street The members took their needlework. ) After sewing for aa hour Miss Lovett served ban- ana split 'The next meeting will be if you have barns to cure, se char with Mrs. J. A. Speoce Friday after- coalt Use charcoal!" soon at -. . The result was quite a number of , , , ,. , . bams of bright tobacco were cured, Mrs. Hancock Hostess wra. n. swkv w m t - . . ,T l V - J - - Law bad M.k nA ntm Dr. at Ura J. W. Paa of BurUnltdni Mrv P. &. Page, " w.. T ' " , " of Lakevlew, a C, and. Mrs. J. W. world. , , Steed, of Steeds. All the brothers ana Flu curing came as gradual oe the only sister ef Mrs. Hancock were veiopmcat, first beginning with Steves present aad several relatlvee were er beaters, which finally became the Invited to th reunion dinner Sunday, modern flu. The writer has seen many . n ope and dowa ia the tobacco trade aad Mine WilllaaLsea Ha ores has sold tobacco all th way from one Miss Williamson, ef Haw . River, dollar to three hundred. Present high wss nonoree at a beautifully appoint- prices are ae novelty to aim, for along ed luncheon given by Mrs. L P. in the eighties the manufacturer Scales at the Guilford Hotel, Greens- thought nothing of paying from 171 boro, Monday ' Miss Williamson's ea- to SIM for wrappers, and good fillers gagement to Mr. R. C. Kelly, formerly Mid from $11 W to 2V I era glad W aa attorney ef this place, was a-; see North Carolina taking the lead, nounced son time age aad th wed- not only ia tobacco, but la all lines of ding ia to' tax plac th X8ta Industry. ' . -,: -'' : : ;., ' -1 . ' r .' V CHAUTAUQUA GUARAN- , TORS MEET . which8 ara saarffi: 10 to 17 met in the Court house Tues- day night. The following officers were elected: L C. Moser. resident. C N Cox, vice president, C. G. Somers, see- retary, J. S. Lewis, treasurer, C. L. Amick. selim? tickets, (i. C. Kamem and the Boy Scouts in charms of local The Chautauqua promises to be the vuii m luiuug naouoipn wuntj, out no appreciaDie damage North Carolina Vota M r. vJi W leSl of the Ohio omeent, the amendment, a fignt is and North Carolina may yet have to ratify Miles T. Poole, of Norman. She has, New Hope I M. Lassiter, regls to make suffrage a sure thing. j been la Asheboro for some time where trar; P. O. Shaw, judge; J. R. John- 1 she held a responsible position with son, judge. High School Debaters Meet at Chapel Mr. A. O. Ferree. New Market Walter Coltrane, reg- Hill l Mr. Brown is a very progressive istrar; John M. Furr, judge; N. E. Da- . , . , , , . farmer of Asheboro Route 1, and the vis, judge. v l v s"" which won both sides o fthe debate in ' . v ueunie iu Btate-Tide campaiim of school debatmg union are sending their TTfjf Q KJtlS teams to Chapel Hill today for the annual rounds contending for the state and Ayock Memorial tha winnincr. fuhnAla ibm Aged Citizen of Level Cross Passes Mr. G. V. Lamb, aged 83 years, died at his home at Level Cross last week. amb is survived by the following Mr. Lamb is survived by the following Bonn nnH rfono-hto.a- Twn onnc v..i T.omk T ,...kW. IF. . I K. XT Lamb, of Lynchburg, Va.; and v r Lamb, of Jamestown; also three HnncrhtArn Mrs t t Aam t T dolph county; Mrs. R C Murrow and Mrs. Z. A. Hodgin. THE GENESIS OF BRIGHT TOBACCO (By William Laurie Hill) Aa eld Dutch sea-captain was are ting a km aad thus ha aolihiaaiaali a fery pretty weed- iooacoo is tio.) is ally a comfort to many T. -V1 J v there lived along about th forties of th last eentarr three brother. Bill v I J,h-- i'l'.P - L - r-TX.. - 8 eaineto his father and said, "th-, I am about to fir a barn of r,?" XT ",,"' " " 1JJ?2L- .. 'zIrVrL, rl son, you are curing that tobacco. Go the blacksmith's shop and get . some bTryit.' That was the first barn of. bright to bacco cured in North Carolina that we ever heard of. Ablsha Slade was s very enthusiastlo man and was County Court Clerk. He mounted his horse, filled his big overcoat pockets with bundles of bright tobacco and rode through the country, saying, "Boys, Caswell wss thus the pioneer and to- .1... . k . m h k . . I, , . ... . - - stanle eron ef this country, and North " v " a- . . - - . Carolina tobacco is sold all over th REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Met Last Saturday Twe Lady Speck-1 era Present. The Randolph county Republican Mr. S. W. Presnell, Democrats, an, convention met last Saturday. Dr. J. Mr. J. S. Lewis, Kepu'jlicaa, organised D. Gregg, of Liberty, presided ovei last Saturday with Mr. L C. Moser as the convention. Considerable excite- chairman and Mr. S. W. PresneU as ment arose over the election of a per- secretary. The board appointed reg manent chairman, there being two fac- istrars and judges of election for toe tions each pushing the candidacy of primay June 5, and general election in their choice strenuously. Attorney C. November. N. Cox led the fight for Cephas Bow-i The following is the list. The first man, Charles It Kedding the fight for named is the registrar, the second is A. B. Coltrane, who was elected by a a Democratic judge, and the third is majority of 70 over 54. Trinity, Ran- a Republican judge, dleman, Tabernacle and Level Cross' The registration books will be open townships voted solidly for Mr. Col- from the 3rd day of April to the 22d trane, Liberty for Mr. Bowman. The day of May. other townships were divided. R. E.' East Asheboro J. S. Ridge, regis Johnson was elected secretary. The trar; F. E. Byrd, judge; S. F. Phil feature of the meeting was the ad- lips, judge. dress by Mrs. Mary Settle Sharpe,' candidate on the Republican ticket for state superintendent of public instruc- tion. I Following Miss Nellie Schoolfield, a student at Guilford College, and vice president of the Republican club of' 'that institution, spoke. . Mrs. Gilliam uiu uuu nr. a. oiujr u ms notice lor snenn oi tne county. 'Miss Elizabeth Poole Weds Brown Mr. Zell Thursday morning at the Methodist Protestant parsonage Miss Elizabeth Poole wa united in marrige to Mr- Zeli Brown, by Rev. L. W7 Gerringer. Mrs. Brown is th attractive and ac- eomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8u or mi. ana airs. 1 nomas crown. - Thev will make their home on Ashe-'trar: i xnev will maxe meir nome on Asne- boro Route 1. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a host of friend who wish mrs. them much iov and a life of ereat success. judge. ' .1 Randleman B. F. Henley, registrar; CAPAtSIE' NEWS J. H., JJrtaier, judse; WUey F. Tally . ' I judge. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cole, of Richland A C. Lowdermilk, regis Thoma? '.lie, it risking at George Mc- trar; W. A. Craven, judge; Arthur E. Aslrill's. Davis, judge. Miss Gladys Routh, of Troy, spent! Tabernacle L. E. Hoover, regis Saturday afternoon with her cousin trar; L. C. Smith, judge; B. E Swan- wel Faulkenbery. Mr. R. O. Green went to Troy on ousmess oaturuay. business Saturday. We are clad to report Master James Martin who was ill several dava last Mortlfl vhn WIB ill OAVAFAl HflVfl Inst week much improved. l Mr. Mach Lemonds. of Laurel Hul. ,s visiting her children here she has Back Creek Talmage Bulla, regis-, two sons and four daughters who re- trar; H. L. Andrews, judge; W. B. 'side in CapelsieL ;MiiJikm,, l0- Sheriff Stewart captured whiskey1 Coleridge C. H. Oaveness, regis- wu BoT faff from here oa day last r. T. A. Cox, Judge; L. B. Gardner, wee a, M& flnBfrf.C KarOa ale Mr.l W. A. Martta atteaded ehurcb at Tror . , .( l lam viaw in school closed tJSSAUSSSL i - Mn, Qf d :JBtrughs, .ef, AUreds "ZrL. 'VI vlshuac hi graadmether Mrs. Nettie 7TVTr... amm lliUW Mi EatheriL Un-Urwood Ha. Narrow Escape Little Mlsa Katherine Underwood had a narrow escape last Saturday of bread lodged ia her windpipe, almost causing death by,""1 r.J f. . ow, I? .t.nn.H. Ph..i;i. . ...m. president of the state association, aa moned and the little girl was rushed to the Memorial Hospital where the Drs. Hayworth opened the wind pipe and Inserted a bibT Lif e had almost beme extinct when the operation r a 1 .... n. . specialist, was called from Greensboro ,r..it n a second oteratlon. Pneu- monla developed and for several hours practically no hope was given for her ft. . hnt tw natlmt ia now convalene- i vVhile the hospital has already been ve" at Fayettevllle. a great benefit te a number of people) n n... . . . , In the county, .there Is not s doubt Mr w' FMt0B Entertains 1 that the life of this little girl was s.T. Mrs. W. B. Pattoa entertained Moa ed oa account ef the- fact that she day nteht at tha rwnti . . . . ... . pmi id aava immaaiaM aaa emeiant at. ."rik 1 .u-v . MUUWB aTLMItli aSB AMKIfUlu, Asre wisessaa s Beaieace eetsiate Aaron Wiseman, who was con -icted of th murder of Dr. Henneaaee at Glen Alpine last fall, and Who was sentenced to be electrocuted last week. had his sentence eommutd to turry years la the penitentiary. Sine th eommutatioa to lmnrisoa-l meat Governor Bickett has tad a let-1 ter from a traveling aaleamaa who! heard a sixteen year eld boy tell Dr. Honaasoso oa tn traia that -Tn Plttses ar watining roe you." Th let- ter iadicate that the writer thought Wlseoaa was Inaoeent. - RANDOLPH COUNTr ELECTION OFFICERS ARE NAMED The board of elections of Randolph county composed of Mr. L C Moaer. west Asheboro D. F. Ridge, regis- trar; Arthur Ross, judge; E. T wal- ton, judge. Brower R. E. Baldwin, registrar; T. H. Tysor, judge; T. W. Maness, judge. Cedar Grove W. S. Gatlin. regis- trar; C T. Luck, judge; G. C. Boling, 1 West Franklinville F. L York, ! register; Albert Williams, iudsre: J. 'r' j, M- Hendricks, judge. I Grant James A. Craven, registrar; IH. C Car. htAvm' fVklvin Rvrri. fiiHon Level Cross R. J. Pierce, regutrar: T. t. Adams, judge; Marion Osborne, judge. . Liberty W. L. Smith, registrar; J. A Martin, hid ire: Oasia P. Bmwr. iudtre. fleasant Urove J. M. Brown, regis- M. E. JJpawpII. hiH.. J T Pn.. ers, juage. CI. W P.,irh u,Ar- W b h, ey, judge, Trinity W. C. Massey, registrar; a ." Duu.u8l I W. Redding, judge; J. P. Collett, Judge. UUOI1 H. Lucas, registrar: EL Parks, judge; W. M. Coble, Jr, juage. Jee. MeNciQ TUU.Asfcebare ,rr' - : :rrn: ,:r CaP WetiooT ;: m.. lrnrmtllMt rf ka--. th impertaace of having the fir department properly repreeeatad at the annual eonveattoa and toraaa- J.that In FVvMttavitla thA mmlna hiimi. Captain McNeill ia addition te hav- fl? JFi7 l?l J- ha Just retired from -his 6th " nt city ojgixation that is composed of all 01 the departments to the; state WP Asheboro, and It was t oput 'lU,1S.n1,touch,rh.!11 of oth.r t?rmen- 7 li receive the benefits accruing to them from the Privilege state tax upon fir Insurance premiums paid upon proper- AT0TS,:mt ! cue of h' Ti,it to us at this time, H FM "ured by Chief Rush that Asneooro wouia am on nana at tne COO- . 1 . i . 1 . . . . . . . u. r vr t, . . . 1" vt r. 7, i nww sorx. Al- I ta Aa MtitwaKIa Of daactna ana caras aeiiaous mreshmenBj rtstlng of coffee Cake aad Dickie war J- J?J? PTVBtT,I Y11"" ?. Mot. Lul Pritchard, Mrs. Copenhaver, Messrs. Ramsey, Fatten, 9?, Copeahaver, Dempster aad BlAi'7' Aeaeber Wke Free Trialty la aa exettrBa seven in nine contest oa the local diamond yesterday Ashe boro woo from Trinity by a mot ef 1 ta ft. x spectacular catch by W. Cox in th, Inning wa th reature of 1 am. t A1 r a 1 4 , 1 i

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