s 7 O ?. '. vv-: ' - ISSUED WEEKIv.N: f r:r .y .' ; V V, ' PRL ; CIl IJ-S, NOT MEN :-; -' 1 r ; . vomits XXXXY--.v."-' V; ; .v.-.iv-w. ' Aiera, Nerti 'v vTbandsy, Mar li if r ? f a . . L . .-i ?L50 A YEAR IN ADVANCS , NUMBER tS i . i . rV'' f ITPHTV KPO ng exfrcises of - s Krarr-schools Mu l t. Bui, who hu bees vis-f "MjConuneneertcnt exercises or cm Here is ml thrift re less costly Mat It is issued mm 9i Jostle. -Use this rc .j, ZTCNIIEAT POTpASTOFltlTT; s Wipe neat, aphakia and dredge meat aad bott barti&g fraqocmtlf wit, bt itinr hr partnta ia Virriala, rtornM Aabebore achoola will begin with tZ . fcoma last Wedneaday. . , baeeaUmt ermoa May. 16 by tha " Prof, K. L. littlt left' for Ua boma B. AjlAtzw, f Greensboro nt efffht af Hkkory last Friday.'- v (O'clock on Wednesday. . j. A. KefltriM and U F.Fentrlss, VrJ . May latsthe-rxwthooM;ttC'n . n unir i T. Bnie and C H Julian bat will be held. The query is Ke- attended the third -quarterly meetinf solved that" the United States should at Bamsenr 1L E. church, last Satur-.dopt a policy of further material ro- day niffht.' - ' ' fstriction of immigration.. ; - v w Jara and'famflT. Miss Lena' The affirmative in this debate' will . Grimes and C C Julian went to;be upheld by Misses Anna- Gregson Greensboro lost Saturday. " ad Kate Spoon,. while, Messrs.. Alex- W. C Slack and famuj spent sac- anuer rrn ana nuuia waaerwoao urday'and Sunday at High Point Iwttl defend the negative. - v i a . C E. Henaon went to AaheborO last' fhe next nightMay 20 the rodta Tuesday ' '' :.-. Itidn and declamation: contests' will be ReVMassey Miller, of Hickory, was held. On this program are five young a visitor here the first of last wees, ladies competing for, first honors ia , W RCoxV another boy, last Tuea-. reciting and five young men compefc- day evening. iing tor like honors in declaiming. Worth Buier of Hamlet, came up On the afternoon of May 21 afSO last Wednesday to see her parents. T . jo'tlock the class day exercises wiU be Alarge crowd attended prayer held. - On the night ol the 21st at 8 meeting and song service at M, B. o'clock the final feature xf .the eon- chtirch last Wednesday evening. , Imeneement will be , the 'literary ad ui.vm. T.rk wont ta Greens- dress bv Dr. Edward K. Knhrht. Dro feasor rural education: University of MWsadeU Payne, music teacher of North Carolina, and the regular grd Franklinville graded school, took herjOniting MnrciieA;:- j-'.l:.;.1:"' music l w jt " . "T Hm mtUt 11' new sanoy ij w aj, and u-e evening was wry nuui "k- ""r riLi- jTn i w inn he 4mhaMd'btwil show their aroredation br lariPslGlbDs; Pot of tt tl 1 r'r'jrT-jTSiii . fMh,. f ttu r After tn avweae t n trahopSwl 5fL ' nS 1 maWifcrtoT main street opposite tha SALVATION AKM UKlVJB IT""" ? . 4 ::!-: CIti a -in .! WW -MAY. 10th TO THE 9lsatoecorai. wsubb. t a tastr. antritious dish Brenared from Division ef Womea's AetivHiea, Deparul MTV qvue va uiuwti oa plate.)' Seaaonins'. aad pepperi place on rack indrfppiag pan,1. i wi tn flour. Bake in hot oven for 2 hours, n CHAUTAUQUA WILL CON- f TiAUK THKOUGH MONDAT The sVtpa'h ' Chaotauqua opened here Monday afternoon with their teat-an the eeaooi grounds. The prarraj haa been delisrhtfuL I wader's prsrrant eonsisted ml then ;-f'-J:'i Separate 2-8 tumbler c' ab to tao tablcepoonfttls f tmge Had.,; Serve around r jr. v.:yT. , 2 cups cooked eorned beef, -1 cup medium white saa. . Cook celerv and anioa i Hdigb. Remove eelert and c with bread crumbs moiate. I hj hot oven. :V;-v k':,; ' N WITH CURKAKT MINT SAUCE siayt annnus aimers ia the after noon aad followed in the eveaiog by nours. ir -i . v . utter substitute. Serve with urraat mat : ; Williams comranr at Mfat I consort Tuesday aftemooa aad wiViVniL-. k j w i i . ,.'aight foUowed Tuesday afternon by J" m places, but do not beat it Add . monnln.-na K v a Ws.tM i r. oppl mint leave, and shaving from a. or-'fJgf Ldl?&lZ. utroiya Jfi. Uelaei lectured on "How to be Young at eeventy or Old at Forty," which was very much enjoyed. Dr. Geisel is a member of the staff oi tne lamous Battle "vreek sanaton. MEMORIAL DAT OBSr wrra afpeopxiiate i ' Memorial day dedleatad . lececate veterans, uvima v -was observed, la AMmbvm K Ererdaes were aeM "pk; ' house Saturday- ayrair- ' TED CORN BEEF ' ; 1 stalk celery, chopped fine. " 2 slices onion, sliced. . ei Put corned beef ia a shallow baUn IZZZJtT-IZZL10 S2r. agmtt am- Sha was aot uakaowa to the pee raeJUd batter or butter tubatttute. Brown p & Axheboro aad needed no Intro- y ""- : duetioav lawma; :-. pakra-'' bata-- ttam THE BODY OF WILBUR WAR- inxiou7to hearW aSn f,;v I. i Con- 'Mid, operate, an up to data smith and was- on snop. 'w.t-v . i " Mr. Lac Treffdoa was is Franklin. ville Saturday night and Sunday. r Bryan Burke, Colon Cox aad family, R. L, Tippett and Charles Cox ana family; of Gteenaaoro, stent Sunday The eoaeari grrati by tha Rameeoftl (Xee club in the aaoitonum aararoay night was -vary wi enjoyed bf.v; . iirv aa BMaaaA -we : coasrratulat Ramseur m 'havttig sqck olu aadi successand thenaoma iMtfiSa erved.at tha okt HWeorr T Every True-hearted --Uaaaqd Wo V u - i- s ean 4 uenriA nh vmnrw -w. v. . .1 , 1 aunurniTeaV cna iami"aT" aaataaa aaa ashivi(u vwuuvji ' wwiw wew atoa v ' Think what this mat orgaaafloa wor bora ask) .a deC did. for you; vhile you were "over lwa aarrled. ou. Cox'an4 thera.'t u 7" weren't "om ttereJ t&iak what it did lor taoae oi us. waa war "over there," ' I We are askinj" for aontribtrCons I for this ttmi eeryiaK orranlaaooal tiaat it may continue to give thnraaaA Kanaka V Wonderful efficient -service,, -which U1a,ai FhiUia Gr:-1 I amva u Wtfing tne war nera ti umMlnrametod aaiOU. ; r i a jfa4 8faaa DajWy. C ,lmttona.aMHa aa Isofie is mad toJMtie for 'sheHt S fi i JULIAN F OACX; uuaa r. uarwv ax . TMaiMWMe SandiT 01 - Freabrtortaa Qbrnrck ' One last j chureJrifebse ; . 1... .TJRJ..1"J10EM BW!e ; much sjs one ,f kit iM. ' ''- .t-i .Vdtai'phone or. see the Aairmaa rW-- -;".laad toll bpn what" your contribytiof JSuaday th ' Fwabytfriatt i. , tcVt(lranco. Say.h cCi G. SOMERS, ' " REDEtL fiAR ENDORSES' '"7c-t VrClh-a t JUDGE SEN' K-lONGilUsar LoejadarAeMsi aairarTaei their homa nea - Asttyjuv wex. an. 'aonaumpm.br raftV FjtfarM anoDortad br 4h facte' ate ' Mr. W. D. Turner, president o ;fthe axtaaded tisi Jto thejr' SJItheT Iredelr; Bar association has sent1 out and taL lKI , ' are aaasv Tba figurea. Mn; the coasumptiqnttf awttoA.i country for tha laal aseai TWMtM moaeamaat t Ua . yew approximato MMMi: .ilH"!Kffl.:raa piunatai -au.- Aositfet,' u4u Biinaa I I II sal 111 T .V" uamer aa aWtthatW CTThe Hair1 rhTMiii ammDar withdrawn 'IfaK sale anosr gwee "' : oa or aiuara. , T tfcfar rmt nuaal U to b1 adW i,M0J00,W purebasW by the goverajsent to aead. to out Waity torlanr,if cpuuty and educated vat bis' dams . He bmMM71tiJ2rw: along' differesltv Jiaa w , - . ss sari naa onwwysrr i ;tnat,ara .aasw roue i"P""Si .Friday Aftern , PYri511!i ZLZZA?ZZnri of tha Friday givea abort are Tary aoatarrativa. .:.' Xtl learaed- to think ta larga Hi naai-iew rears ia - tha "."-jrwvvswauau.servea orange ie, 3wr3. i day One -iell ta alanamg ;td nov Wa faatGairanaa lt-fe.Jnate-4atyadi otMnraV mUra iManTiamrBVi 'ma ibm nui nnDauu in, uaruuiav Baracas an Philaiheas met a?31o intaJot jce . after awbusineaa part of the Oi formation in Mexjea tmar . . arise dal. hour together. . i ' I wa reported Tuesday that plant v Dr. Sial aaa narehaaad a . honaa for aakiag T rseoa"nitlou ere' bat&a aAd lot from iCr. Roy Deato and will pfaaad ay revotutionary, Readers, movw hia-jfamil her in the near f '"l'i"Bf.w " " trr. 8ine ,Dr. Tyson: left, we have DAID 8. JONES KILLED fcstf naidoetor liviaa i tW plao a4 . IK GREENSBORO ,-wwlaaaa,'; .8Mt. : V , Mk: Ross aad SUCea. aTra.' Davtd a. Jeneav travfatast aalea Vend; Varilla, C vMbjC afr ajaav iraO aaiaaiUy IbM ia Qrensboro altveal meatlav , , " ' tens aftaeaeoa at she Soutaeat ,a Me. J. SL Rou vka tu bean' Kssit Wle atafla wha WaJ' hedv was ottooto..; m rItivea hero retorted lM w by team Na, Z He aga riitii 1 It iim f 1 iiniiiM 11 awr va... eouat.-.-. - was Mflnratasi from Saaford - aad iliIN'-ai:kV:- Ct3. MrKckardsoa, otm .MoroV tapte4 i treat af 2fc, The tody wae TaeaT the "Rileypro the sta- ; Ka, joaai was formerly aa agent ttoa aad moved, htf Ifttauy oar lass fcj to Jeflaaaoa Itaadard ua la- 01 ureeaaooro. na flirailteaace of the hiuin dsveoeai and child ta this oouatryl ' Mora also t-vta.-uaeoTato-laaatr?":-1!"? 2 w 77? linn Ann . I muTi riair n I i II I i . . . -. Wj meeavor aooeiy .t- ?. . a Mias Rufik oi was hbstosa to . the members of the Christian Endeavor than 40000)00 every , tweaty-f our. Iwwal y-1 , dailryooasumpuoa 1 .. piaoea na w au,.wvwu . n,knJm lln far 4124 mfles. allowing . Ave cinrettea to the foot, or from Mr York to San Francisco, and then back again to Denver. Sixty-six ti . p "SfTw around the world every twelve ltj l SAD DEATH OF ROBERT I1 vnw? Jrim 8 to If The CROUCH OF SOPHIA' home was beautiful in its decorations . j of spring flowers and potted plants, Robert B. Crouch, the twelve-yearr the color schema of pink, white, and -u ut. 1 rwK. Hm1 noVlrrera baint arttwally .tnnl out. donly at Flint Hill school house about the guests were met at the door by three weeks ago.' .The little , fcUow. the hostess and her mother, Mrs. 0. fi ned eaten his lunch and was playmg.Cok and were ushered into the -east in the yard, apparently enjoying tnelparlor-where fruit punch was served came, pesaedhis teacher. Miss' by Miss Alice Phillips and Mr. James - Ora Lowe, saying, "can you not let us Neely. , , Slay all the afterncon," and was told! The business meeting of the society At as tomorrow was the last day of was conducted by Mlas Mary Fox and '. school it was to be "piay-da." A1 Mr. Robert Jones, followed by a social few momenta later Miss Love - was 'pro gram of games and contests, called and on reaching the little fel-l - Refreshments consisting of " brick I fnniui that ha was, breathhur his cream and cake effectively , carrying lact Death seemed to . nave - been' cm t the -color scheme were served by caused by heart failure. Thougn af flicted in body the little maa possess- ' ed superior mental faculties aad stood yell la his - classes and , with his .., friends. " . InateaJ of next day being pity day - i-fcich he had longed for, it was the , .day on which his Inxlr was placed in grave to await the returrecUoa morn ,' and his eolleagces inateed of playing . 'games lore the body to its last rest- " Inm nlace. ,7 Robfirt Is survived by his mother,! ... Vrs. Victoria Croudi, and two brotn , era, Jsy and Hugh. , UNCLE CANNON CTIE-. . V URATES S4th BIRTHDAY - Rev. A, Im Locas, of Elk, Park, pent schne. time . visiting friends in Troy lt week, ' , 7 - "Uwle Joe" Cannon, wno was born On Thnmlay nleht he spoke In . a. -..(lJ .. ku Yl r mU. Tr1nl ltcrth(vMat fhnrrk. KM. Mr. m . vuiuuim " . h'jmbu. ' v., v " 1 . . - - - - bratH his 84th blrtMay lat Friday in Draa, piutor of the church, introduc- aprnt arlv tO ysara in- Co"irr", r& mooa on exccllrit six-h. , !r. Vn lf-n rpnorninwted hv the 1puH- Lxirnt is an able Mx'ftVrr and fliel 1 I of his district for the iih Vith the sniriw We wish for him t.-.. , Jrjc-r'ul future, ... the hoateas assiatad by Misses Frances and Virginia Barker, uargaret Ham mond and Etnei Cox. VICE PRESIDENT WELCOMES ,. , BAPTISTS TO THE CAPJTAL The ' 75 th ' annual - session of the Southern Baptist convention ' opened in Waahinrtoa Wednesday." , Vice President Marshall oflVdally welcomed the Baptists on behalf of tha govem- I - Ret. A, L. Lacae Speaks la Trey NEB OF JTROY REACH HOME nizht mv v ji . ... ' aKI wcrore was 01 pancuiar mier The bodies of 653 American soldiers .4 01 ..ii.j' .l '.ll i. j.-.jIZ Z. " r. " "f"". ."a" . v' .7Jj ir SGy.,S frrurv attention to the fact that men be 2 lrriT4 New YerkApril 28 ontha tween the ages of 21 aad 45 are need- morciry rrom am- d ia America today as never before. vera ana soutnnamacoak . tt.. .- . i Thabody ofilbuir Warnet. reached .Vie lrtt entire world arTrestog m,,.ja.y . iKVnHDiHN or a urn- oa tha shoulders of middle aced men. irrinM 9oWierv;Tlie4(ox,w whieh ., Tha Mondelasohn trio vesterdav aft- i wia-w r 'emBMw Stsiliagirvgjw verye & -re A.'1 tOK flfltn x Of a .eela V irTpmMimoni!Saye hW eoaeert Dr. Henrr Adrian in an Zl!-,v5Sif addrosaawtk wondera of) Burbank ai ir -'. ijjtht to tha plant ,t uwm wuuiuuim v iw world. slvees. vTh'o is the first body of a - - ' r 4die to reach-Korth qarftUnji arom MEXICO CITT CAPTURED ia,rfax'oaaa -St 3 PLEASANT GARDEN NEWS ; i' Farmers in this aaav-'maatiKg ebra. Mr. imd Mm Ernest oematunfir Bagiey wa ptMao't like rtWrty dart H4 BT THE REVOLUTIONISTS President Carraas has left Mexico Citr aad Geav Obregoa has taken the are Mexfeaa camtaL :; . -. - Vat! Craw aael asaaf other aad' have baaa reaorted eeetored bv the -i.;QWi m art 'i1lis Jba Baglaya rvatotfeassto aad amay mora are ex- ' apareatav Ke. aad. Im JvC, Kjvett, .; psctad Ay aarsaskder : y. - mt Mr. Oecai Cox has rjeatad a koas The aaaeaal railway si Mexico, tae i; aad. let. her ' from Mr. Fred R. Fate ttftsajaat Itai eeaaenWag Jfaxioa City V1 r . 'asat wi mav,bit fnaflp kflr- with wjt tt America bonJeji , '-jras .aaft'.aiaaa flitBjsv.--r .J-.? -t .--OBlW'-laa--' rssjls ; iltatitt: Baseaa ' Urkasaa, waa tha alWaJs' 'h flaeaed ldeked bv- Wse en dav last' Week. With tha averts, j of Cair&, jaiaad w.raa;JiBoteious for a abort while, raitardstho tf ohtiot 4M.eomitt awl -t -laamakWas broke aad hiazaca wa.rjecoBStrnetto naa.auaadr Deeaai . f pjjj badiv braised. " ' r;?J:'?Bm itogN:a .Cmrram f vnanee awwui n. wwwi wpi, smvbu , r- 1 -"itod reUtivea here goaday. Mt, : Later i ttpotU are tost President RAUSEDJJIWS; Misses Niaa aa Fleta-Tato r at aJtaaea Skewer U Aaaemcesat af Weadiag. Ia koaor af Mrs., Noma R. Curtis a , recent bride Miase Nina and - Flet Tate gav a kitchen shower Monday I eveaiag which was moat enjoyable. . The guests war met at the door by Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Graham, and the ushered into tha parlor, where a vary interesting game ef Jumbled words of kitchen utensils was played, Mias Gri selle Moore and Arnold McMath bcinr toe suecessf-il winners presented the prire of pie plates to Mrs. Curtfa, -Several games followed music Mas- ter y Charles. Sidney Tata entered dressed aa a little chef pulling a large basket filled wito. many useful arti eles for the kitchen. Another interestins! feature of tha eveniacs entertainment followed when - tne guests were Invited into the din -ing room where, an ice course was served, the colo;. scheme being whit and green. At each place t bttls white shoe was placed announcing to engagement of Mus Nina Tat aaeT John M. Fouat, Jr., the wedtix 0V take place May 1. auss xata la tne attractive : dangn ter of Dr. and Mrsv . S. v Xata of Ramseur while the croons u a so of the late John G Fouat of lit. txno " . ' , . . j SOPHIA ROUTE 1 ITEMS 1 acme ittma-Trtwi feat Mrs.iTW;Ufrreaskv' jpewffl 1 Wli1.tll.il 11 r - m Farmers are Very busy planting I com m uus seeuoa. Miss Altheur Farlow spent- Sots&w witr Miaaee Mary and Sadie Oabocse. Mrsfl W. M. Brookskire and Mrs. A. EL Edwards were visitors ia Ei Point Thureday. i '. f Mr. aad Mrs. L J. DaVia and ct.l dre speat Satniday and Sunday wil Krs. Eerrky awter, Mias Hottt Ilew list, . ' , , t Mr. T. JErorftohJre and fmfly, of Higk Poiat, aiaaded meeting at Uarjk. bar Susdsy. j " Mia Tmvs Stantar . of Higk Pot". vtslted horn felka tk paat..week-l 4. Mra. Harr-tt. lMefc uana, wwjv af thai lata tfadtoo. Davis, was vora j June 28, 184 and die May e, UJ, aged 77 yeaat and u raeataa. 8h laavea aa daughter, afaa XTU Uant Cot and hose of tatattraa &4 friend ttfmfcifaau! Ioaav-X-" ' Mr. aad uraM. ivo ta z'srm, Cora Edwards . aad ' Aftke J Farias ware -tutors t Groeaaboro ThuraUiy. ilMt and lit StanlcT Soeneer 1 Mtttle- daughteriji) Coatle? speht't -a- dy wttn ktrarju --sSi, aawaros, 1 sw -Suhdavlto- Mrs, ThomaaOat- traiiei v',-..-0.., , : . " VUi aad Jon uoanor. ,os Thombindlla. were Visi Sofa at the been eCTOra. Thonma Connor Suada?: v Mias Mamie CoUrane Waited IWattf at Trinity Seadayv . fW. A. u. J apeua rawr-.v Lswreaeaat9aai-.to iwstBt herlw- ib.1 sl Slack aome tn Nc' vFavettevule. - street I - t-'WM m- .a; w . .v-r--7rT r.'.v yr- :-r- !nrfta returaea as vw .r-avu w , o..-. ... t.ri-ti. m izzzza a . - k. .fi. w.aeeiw nrsisw ey aarei for I treat- ' .T"" r'. '-IvL 7 liTS.. Jiiok; ta'Hlg-Fiat;tl .PWHn 1-tiaHCifftlf M Vtsa I-lMwa SnPvmg rooiiwwas imt xrclsa,wtu be' a box ft garden flowers-' whkhwetje. s used ' to decorate the totes Mughout tha lea course. v'-'- pUoed ad ld mia' Mfl toiOnbmoU, Mra. Percy Cox ----- ..imW . I ev. naoMTm au -j m i'??!??: ieJate-aat a xkil lnWoadaT aighk ,v I Wa now hava ienetervaTganIxa Mrt Frasla Stald Mtea toh tto ber.witii Mr.ILL.Coble as pres-' JSrdanshte.. a.- af Raadleman, .war gnestoof Ident, and 'Mr. a. . awras aa -p--, who has been m Mr. and Mrs. J. H.- Bpow rcaauy. rotary ana rv Ceda Falls for the past few weers . 'MaawaMaiajMM-a- VI aaau aaeaay weu bmi . ,(i , -..,,1 lAfnal WESTERN RANDOLPH NEWS tery. This oxaUoia PMr?W..o! Libty, v vreaw w.w , ... jaAmvtntt--r WaVlflAaUlAV. 1 41 aisiiaj v- was The farmers of this section axe au put it in a nne conamon. M v.rh- Smith and daurhter about through planting vorn. v , Mr. and Mrs. j J. r. wjwo. Mra. Mary Pugh were week end w ir-"Z7' iyisitors at Mr. W. L. Hayes'. several -ox our ymma; .-. 7- : Harri. Cranford. Sunday "1"??n" r, The Enworth leaeue of the M. B. anw.i nrmn nnn:rnAV. i z . - . i . a-nil n-.ii iiiiirj suiu s-aaa waaa wwh . Mrs. J. p.'Reddiol: went to mom- detTor of the preebytorian church auville shopping Thursony. - jher-( have eoniblned and this organi Mr. Ernest Roddick of South Car- -ati0n is known as the Young People's nllna atient f a wiek-end with home ..-, . - Mks. ! This society plana to accomplish, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kirkman and dauffhtor soent Sunday frith ber mother, Mrs. Llneberry, near White's Memorial. Mra. Brower York aad son have re- trrned home after spending a few davs with her rarenU Mr. and Mrs. Miss. Irene.Wllscn visited Mrs. V. much good during tne next . year oy, uinKm Kdmr&m spent oie day C Helpler, of Thomcsville, Hoxoay. worxing togeiner. 'itBt week with her sister, Mrs. Haiel Mrs. J. F. Black was caled to tha.ounoay mgni .ir, V. Bonkemeyer, near Aaheboro. 1 . . T T. L. -. m . r ' . Mrs. desse run, vi iwi Mai den, who has been visiting relatives ccunty. , - , TfiV 5l t r.wmaherc. . at h ft . . 1. . frVI- ! JI4I UOO V eaaaawa ' .nnru& Byra we: attended ch,reh here Sunday. , ""7 ". t" jr-Trr " j u. i. ,hnir nractlM. Everybody oeasioe 01 ner inner, t"i - r"7;;7 ... .twkIii11v 111 .t hi. t,nm. in Davidaon to attend these services, especially T - --- -- , -nu re- a.opplng Veiiecdar- Miss Sarah, Hunt, of Greensboro, rs and friends in this community, turned home last week. Wheat in this section is looking very irio. ru n-inU- nf HTs-h Point. ui.. m. ni... nice. vtcited iher pareato, Mr. rad Mr , H. jj, ifuat, rwral Falla Newa. A. Heloler. last week. 1 m-. t. T. Roas and oon. Arthur, of Ceatral Tails Hews. Sunday, Ma 9, about sixty rela- Nashville, N. C- visited relatives nere Rev. T. A. Plyler filled his appotnt tlves and friends fathered ; at tha Sunday ' meet at the Methodist church Sunday . .. . ,T . n tolV . . I ,j. ' - - . Wl af . . n , 1W noma OI Jr. ana sue. w v uiv siuuiera amj -rT- .i-.u a, . . www-. i and gave hire a ' surprise - birthday the M. E. church here Sunday, ine dinner, It being his 41st birthday, . 'young people rendered' the program. . - ; .This program consisted ta readings, AMERICAN sniP 8ENT T0 'mritAtioKS and sonffs. Spadal music . .' MEXICO BY DANIELS aaa furnished by tha choir.- After ' - .... - - tha young peoplea program Rev. Lof- Mtxico City, Var Crux aad Tanv. tin gave a very Interesting talk." pico are bow la the hands of the rove- Mm. FL L, Coble Is visiting ber son, tutionists,' and American destroyers Mr Wesley Coble, of Winston, this are ea route to Mexican ' waters to Week. - await eventualities and . afford pro-j Miss Fannie McLaod was a welcome tectloa to Americaa Uvea ta tha Hex- rtaitor here Sunday aftemooa. Miss kaa gulf porta,,. - - IMcLeod livedo here for a short while The dreadnaurht Oklahoma was or- and has many friends throughout this tred Monday to proreed from Ne this section. :. ' , i ,..t- K.i.in wilt V.' lvmiln to a Berlin dlroatrh. Gar- marria for profit to be allowed oa the on a full company of marines , at-many's pwidential election wOl prob- salee of augaf at rent pond for rhlladclj.hla, ably be held Icto In Aajuat ' . - wholaaalers uA I cenU for roUUera. Messrs.- George York, W. I Brsy, and Fred Hurley x were visitors in Greensboro lsat Saturday. - Mrs. J. L. Kiser and two sons, Ju lius 1 and Julian, were visitors Greensboro Saturday oa Duslneas. Misses Myrtle and Myriads Clapp, ef Soero. were viaitors hero Sunday. Miss Grace Hulla, of Aahabore, was a vlaltor here 8unday. Mr. Carl Kiser, of Greensboro, spent tha week end here with- bis father and mother Mr. aad Mrs. J. L. Elser. ' , - . . -' Attorney .'General Palmer set - the A. Ml PRETOSTf ANSWERS CAfJU ' Jt''Provost die at a Wn of his aaa, R, W. Provost, i Weak hebora test Thurday; Ha had fop m fm- baaa ffatr- from cor pUoaiioa of trouble aaa aunerea as -1 attoct ef Ifluenaa ta to spring and 1 bad not recQverea. nwa wk-h the Uta Wsa. Prevoet who waa bor ia Ajdwaord aad was wall knew ta Raadotak Coamty. ' Mr. Pravaat.was natdant of D-3- ao County, Ha survived br h jl wife aad f9 V1!" coat nt, u. t rrroti. ackaoa Greek; R..JPraos.17ty- :aad-S. w. revoe. ot f Rev. J. B. -Tregdoa aad J. M. Mu conducted tha funeral service, v . ,--' . BANC ORGANIZED AT ' FRANKUNYI1JLB TUU IfJ-. A fanV baa been oraanized : at Franklinville with a capital stock of $15,000. Mr. Hugh Parks has been ' ported president, Dr. T. L Fox, vtee president, M. H. Birkhead, of this tdac, .cashier, J. T. Buie, assistant, and Hugh. ParkH, W. C Jones, tt. a, jwiwaroB.. . Buie T M. Jennings, U. U jonos. ana G. C Russell, directors. The bank will be opened hi the of fice building near the M. E. church and expects to be ready for businesi by July L . tnrVrtTV Dtt1 VW VTWft V Mrs. Brower Tork and little son, are visiting her parents, Mr. and lra, Alfred York, , . Miss Lena Kivett has returned aftor rial ting -her auat, -Mra. , Willia R-nam. af near LibertV. V V Mr. and Mrs. A. f. Nixon viaiU I the family of Isaac Booth Sunday. . Mr. aad Mrs. John Allred spent h Sunday with Mn aadv Mrs. AL'r York '. 1 ' 'f, ' - Bora to Mr. aad -trs. Percy C y, a oaigntor Announcement has teen ma l t W. M. Curtis, of Greeaaboro, ef t engagement of Wa -aieoe, Mia J Parks to Mr. Rawlina, Wed lir? to cur early la Jvne, Wia Iar. i former Randolph county girl. I t made her. aeme ta Gre-m-boro soma time. Mr. Rawlins is a know maa of CreenaHoro. Fnffrere was rarlv-d V ' ' D-iaware wh-n tv r'-' r d a ri,2cUon Itli 11 to 1 - J

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