1 j W w ' THERE HE STANDS! GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in thia country's Kail of Fame. Can you think of a more familiar figure ? For over half a century Bull ha,s been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. You can roll f.fty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. GENUINE .99 II Wk 9IU VUKH&ImI TOBACCO 1 tmmmmWJ 4&'JhiMieamie t l lhe Alamance Insurance &- Real Estate Co Patronize a Company That is Doing Something For Your Town We give 6 per cent, for your savings. You can borrow money from us to buy or build your self a home and have good long terms on paying it back. We will insure your property mill, factory, home, barn, automobile, truck, horses, mules, and cows. We have a complete line of Health and Accident Poli cies. We write life insurance for a company that believes in placing the money back into the section from which it came, and consequently we are loaning money to our poli cy holders every day in the week. We are building several homes in Asheboro just at this time, and you will do well to see these homes if you haven't one of your own.i Ask your neighbor about us. He knows us and our business. ALAMANCE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE COMPANY t Branch Office in Lawyers' Row, Asheboro, N. C. .W. C. King and John T. Moffitt, Assistants. C. G. Somers, Manager. A C1ITI AIT XTTT"A7C? oniLun i xii t o i ij, VI liaaf i a 1 rlr i n cr Ana in tVtia a(U. tion. ? Mrs. Tom Oconnor, of Greensboro, f?3 -was the guest of Mrs. T. A. Cox last ffo Misses Daisy and Bessie Moffitt, of High Point, accompanied by Miss Pearl Stone, of near Trinity, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. S. Mof fitt, Saturday and Sunday. Several of the people around here attended the play at Coleridge Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Be mice Phillips and family, of Greensboro, vtaited Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C Cox, recently. Mr. Dewey Lambert, who has had a position with the Ford Company in Detroit, Michifaa, has returned homo.! Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moffitt, of Ashe boro, visited theif parents, Mr and Mrs. B. 8. Moffitt, Sunday. Misses Ersley and Edith Stoat, of Greensboro, visited homo folks recent ly, i-. : , , 1. .i ' i . i .4 Some Real Bargains Motor Trucks t i One and Two-ton rebuilt Superi ors that ar6. in a N6. 1 firstrfclass condition, practically good as pew. Anyone wishing to ?biiyl a truck; and don'twant to put wtheprice in a new one can. find whatfo ris .'looking for at my salesroom; and service siatioi. ." 1 ' fewK w?tiSMn& I .terve Superior, ovrw KWttJijft U ' 'X. ,R.fe ZIMMER1V ttirorshe-1 t fifth fsderal rsservt I J : -.A-V ' -- durti-K t . 'I U rtiy Is to he observed hi ' CrvtcUeU BaSdiar : - rhesM lit . ta ti e vK o' riarinr thapfl exrdes ?f' . , vt at i r Jeirnated periods m that, lit 1 ' fr .-" , ' . I Oar ththrfjrM: . V. . ' To drive the plowshare ' atratf ht . and drj bnth ,TY nrfare to tJiO root f things To know . 1 Ttrt on'r from ear labor springs t-'-t ' b , T 1 l from our toil alone V.M ' " ! ' h f"iM, and, to it st at the : "Tn.ii, r and fcvir;. ' 1 P' s9 fe. . k , w4 - ! ! 1 Get Your Tractor Now . 1)1'', 'O THOUSANDS OF FARMERS now own Titan 10-20 Tractors. Ask any of them whenever you get a chance and you will; hear that they found owning a tractor operating successfully on low-priced, low-grade fuels-kerosene, distillate, etc is a paying investment from the very outset At hundreds of International tractor schools in the past few months farmers have been shown that kerosene '.engmes m Titan 10-20 Tractors are specially designed and built to operate on kerosene,; or any other crude oil distillate testing 39 degrees Baume or higher. v i TIIVIN-T ,: . .- I , :., t s ; , ', V J. " .,' . v , , ., . ; , i ' ' : ' ' i ';i , , ' . v i ' ' ' ' ' '.They are easier to handle than a farm team and. easier to care for. You can get your work done on time, plow deeper, prepare abetter seed beds, do more work with less help, and get more' profit from your farm." They do belt work that cannot be done by horses and pull more fa proportion to weight than horse? Horses must have rest whether the work is crowding you or not If necessary, you can keep your Titan working continuously, witnout rest untu tne woric is We. r; t r-'H :;'': !. Here you have economy, efficiency, dependability three prime essentials ot farm power carrying an assurance of bigger crops, better yields, and fatter profit Order a Titan early. Be sure of having it for thalabors ahead. - v.V.i ; See Us forYour "1l w "'Tf - 7f M: Franhlinvillc, N. C.