' f . . - 1' :, . . . . , ..- -.."' l . 1 . .. I ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN $L50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE YQLUMX XXIXT AtUharo. North CaroUaa. Tnersdsy. Jens t, It2f NUMBER XX LOCAL AliD PERSONAL R.Cox, ea of Mr. nisi Mrs. A -G-- V "f Grant Township, bora and f r i . . . . i . Miss Jennie T. Clark, of Greensboro aft , ng the furniture and up College for women, arrived in town boiau. V. tsiness in .High Point, Inst-Tuesday for a visit to Mix Jen- tnovedV .Wpa, Florida where He nit Hencock and Mrs. Wm C. Hammer, tow .live 's mort successf al and ft TV twmiM. of Seiffrove. IT'. .. .-i-TV?" . iw.iwwu-. nf health aiui return to her Mr. W. E. home. ' . - - -i n w.mu i AsueDoro. Mr. ana mi. a. v bwvi sau j . u.. tl. dncnter Betsy. nd Mr. Bettie C. Ballard, ol Jerro uorao, returnee - - - - ... . BirV .J am. i the Imperial Up- in Tampa, Fia. .and family, has ;. Hills Store to ' iargin ana -ions wiud ine home vestordar. after a visit of two weeks to Mr. Moffltt's mother, Mrs. Cora Moffitt, at the Central Hotel. Mr. Elmer Sykea has gone to Greensboro to take a position with tne Bell Tebphone Company. .horn recenOy to Mr. and Mrs. John ff.ner sister, Mrs. VBrown, of East ASheooro VOTE FOR THE MAN FOR CONGRESS WHOSE HANDS ARE NOT TIED BY ANY. SPECIAL IN- TERESTS BUT BELIEVES IN A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL. ;., fOPPORTtTNITT IN ALASKA TO BELIEVE SHORTAGE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craven, of Greensboro weie visitors in Asheboro Friday. Miss Virginia Wimngham spent a few days this week witn ner sister, ill's. Myrick, at Troy Lattle Miss Ida Surah Jones is J. .S. LiUey, of Raleigh. a Cr-Ar Atir r.f York. Ml9s Qetus Keams. of Asheboro who is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. G. Route 2, wts m Asneboro baturuay Miller, on, North Fuyetteville Street visiting friends. is makm-' quite a success in the Mr. .and Mi-s. A- R- vVirungham theatricrj"and musical world. During spent Sunday with relatives at Troy, the past year, Mr. Miller has been Mrs. J. S. Lilley has returned to her with the "California Four," a matea home in Raleigh after a two weeks quartette, in Raymond Bubble's visit to her father, Mr. W. W. Jones, popular play, "Miss Millions." Later Miss Bessie r oust spent the week he has played In "Little Miss end in Randleman the gaest of Charity," having an : engagement at Misses Bertha and Pearl Gray. ti,p Arielolia hotel, in Philadelphia. . Mrs. Cnarles Jenkins has returned More recently he has bee 1 with vthe to her home at Asheboi-o , Route 2, Rivoli Company playing in New alter visiting Mr. aad mis, A. CJen- Burnswick, where he completed an kins for several days, engagement just before coming home. Mi. and Mrs. D. N. Trogdon, of Movt aoaann. Mr. Miller will play Asheboro. Route 1. visited Jlr. and vith "The baddies," taking the part Mrs. Will Wienn, at Cedar Falls, last of "Johnny, the Southerner." During Sunday. the past winter, this talented young . jjiss Daisy WisloW has returned to n sanr remilarlv in the chinch of her 'iome in Asheville, after a visit st .Tnhn. the Evaneelist in New York to Miss Crissie Winslow. Througn ir addition to his other engagements. some mistake in our local department, The Holiness ccagregatiin are The Courier announced last week a: tearing dom their chui-ch building on jjiss Winslow was tho guest' of Miss sat Avenue and moving it tc their Haael Ferree. We are klad to correct mirehased in the Fisher place near the Asheboro Memorial jj. J. Lowe has gone to Wo.sh- Hosp'tal. The lot on Sunset Arcnue jngton, D. C, to visit her daughter, has been sold to Messrs. Arthur Ross, niaa Louella Lowe, for awhile. , Wilev Ward, J. S. Lewis and W. F. Rev. and Mrs. Joel B. Trogdon went vimr th cosideration Deing to Fia SDrmsrs. Ia3t Saunday ..or tne ec nno fimral of Bev. Wm. Smith, who died ,yyu. . -------- -- - , yaV Hr. Will Jones nas guuc last jnarcn. ivev. an. -"--" Falls, where he has a position for the ed the funeral sermon, and was given svmmer. . a handsome offering by the family of Misses Mary McCain and Carrie tne deceased in appreciation of the Brittain are home for the summer va- glowing tribrte paid their father, cftion from Nortk Carolina College Mrs. Thomas English, of Prog.-ess, for women, whew they have been gpent last Sunday night with her sis students the past year.' '.'-ter, Mrs. Maude Sleight, on Sahsr Miss Lndle Rush, who has been bury street. ' , teaching ttnsk sA KenansVilk the Mtas Edna Hill, of Charleston, past year, haa rrlTd ia- Aaheboro jo Sooi CwUw, was the guest of her spend the suraxm vnwith her auaV W STi RooV Stf' SLi. Mr mH Mrs, Harris RusK .t ii' Monday Miss Bill is at Misses KaU Brittain and ' Faye mesest engaged in nursing Marines Ferree left one day recently lor Eden- ft, . goTenunent hospital at Charles ton where they ,wUl be the pieate of ;ton- ' . -J-J$ . e IL -JLmi Avm ' : , .1 .. ' .mil Wrk E. H. Cole, of Ser u. nm nilllsnl Vaa returned vm. tr irests f Mr. and Mrs. . Raleigh where -t.Wf JMafcttUea - 'MW"1 Miss. Ltefle exwro. - aietoB,"wouMi r),'T; v JzSL t mk ad Greens-: meata ef the family of Mr. J. A. York 1&n5B&' m-.ntoxim Bsther Cole, of Mmi y home from Winsew-Salera, whsre sne ited her sirter. Mrs. Oyde Hendricks, tausrht in tne ty wwow u um sunoaj twiuhi. .... viuKnk u . i a. Rneiic attended the com - " Rnth Cok mwwimnt exereisei of ' the North ardAUee PhillrM were" visitors in Carolina College for Women, Greens ?T:tI mm a v.nfttvl CoUem last hm. tha flrat of this week. ' wu..v ; , itmm mmA Mm A. C Gibbs enter- Miss VeO Fwt k TWtla firiende t tained the trustees and board , of, stitermetUe re " stewards rf the M.E. church at tiieir Misses Mary XeadeabaB, of Green- home, one evening last week, r ouow- j uLk. DapU, of YSwv. .ra I., a ahirt ltnaineaa session, a social guests of frien kn Asheboro for a hour was enjoyed and ice cream and few days.;." y.'i --eaice aervea. . ,. ., . "..vm '' w- trr.n... 4k. nnt Innrnn from Bern Scarboro, sad Messn. George eollege for the summer vacation are t:.i...j .-A bmw WcPhwaon return- Miam Martha Evehm. Lucile and a kniM Mt wk from Detroit, where Qarabel Morris, from G. C. W., Mr Walker bad feme to buy some Greeasboroj Mary Moffltt, St. Marys, can for the flm of the Carolina Auto Raleigh; CUta Rich, Elon CoUege; Service Company. The party, left Messrs. Rhodes Moffltt Elon CoUege; mm oVloct. Bat JAh Hnntcr and Frank Beddinr. D- Vrnr mmA reached Greene Tidaon OoUent and Stanton . Skeen, vT' v fk. inUavlif FrJ- A . aarf It. lUlalrh. V w'itimnt WrrtU had mishap of . MisseeJessie Cox and Edna Cave, any kind. ' .V , V ?im and Mr. John, L . Erwm ' were. ifM w t Armlald ban returned eueeta of relatives and friends y in, r.iw. adMolia mt for TtaaTla last StmdaV.'" -). ' "' . medieal consultatfo Johns Hopkins . Mm Amaie M. Bobhu haa returned haanitaL Her saaay friends will be koiae frost an extended nsit w reia- il s' i-.-j I 'J ' '" I K v . 1 U I' i - - 1 . 5 II Jl I NEWS ITEBIS Tv4. tt. i: i e i a Robah Baity, conrictedllf the mnrder J" ' BS?.Umf 'w? 1 of Sheriff J. E. Zachary, near Yadkin- 5a7ble situation lor estabhsh- lii. t. V-rf-ir zr, ment of naoer mills in Aluka to wJ July 2. Appeal to the Supreme Court teP-"dhM was taken. .lered to co-operate in making avail- . ,. ... 'ble national forest pulpwood on terms According to the report of the na-; which wiU provide a satisfactory oper uonal automobile chamber of com- atinir basis. merce, for the past year, Norta Caro- .The Alaskan national forest contain hna lead all the s&tes m the per- xoo.OOOO cords of timber suitable biles. , Vl CO. K. BOY DIES IN WEST Hon. A Wayland Cooke, postmaster ax ureensDoro, since January, 1916, has resigned the position, and wili re-' Mr. June Lambert, a son of Mr. and turn to the practice of law in the firm Mrs. W. F. Lambert, of this town, 0.'' Cooke and Smith. .died last Sundav. in Present! Arirnnn The will of ex-Governor R. B. Glenn where he had gone in a vain search has been filed for probate at Winston- or health. The news came last week Salern. The estate is valued at S150.- tnat the young man was desperately 000, end the con, Chalmers L. Glenn, ad the father went to his bedside, of Wrinston-Salem; and son-in-law, D. Hfi is expected to arrive home with rJ. Hoffman, of Mt Airv, are named lne Doay airaay or Sunday. as executors. I xoung Mr. Lambert was a member Department of Justice aeents seized of V-" b.ut falled to P.1138 e ex' 600 banels of granulated sufear and ammaV0I 1,or overseas duty. He con- i . , - , I r!l PTOl Til raTf1i I nC 1 Q in inmn nnrt wi.bn.vu vuuvivuivoie lit vwli'V ouu dis- i ease. -i.J . w os lira. Armneld found UmI at Durham and GreensDoro. . ft ft.. -i.. v.. M mm afimcata. . I ; M 1 P. Ooek. founder and stiper- llissefl Lissle ad AUee , Phillipe fnteadeni of Jackson Training ool. west to Gre-nstn la Friday Xer CoaeoTd. and uitorjaine Ajpuxr the Shrtoer'e br r r was in Asheboro last Monday in the Wurru k UUla interest t We - eaadidacy - lor -the . fVfanda at tiaVoA i v. t Dieneaafls swrnination,. for state ear Mr. G. Tolbere mi mm. Jcokta, C ditwh fV w- ia& X . Sadler. Uet aaanW ef thaw raalof 'claa of ..TrinJ- 8"day. - '-J' ty,XUef, Durhnm.1 Mt Trre- ass EtU Betd Weed spent kit msssbsreit The Courier with an invi- Moday in QrmaC , tsttie te the eonuneneemeat exerosea h-e retomed, aetf,bo t Ad- Jlj. .H. .Grady mierew. York wnee,-afteT sJ efad tWt .thetCt tyi rrire4 .la town-ilet ganday mmL Miaa SniM En&m ; eJvht for n visit to his mother. Mrs. . .l'l fi.llla Wa TsisaTI trf Stan, i n VUbacif . f " mT(. tewTananl nar W Tsonr ? Amms" h ' retent f ttnduates H of aZZ . I "Ore-m.boro Collert fof 'women WM if, rvarla 'aUOert left last FrW Visa Blaaeha Erwin. daughter ef Rer, r day far WakefWd, Vlrinin, where he 44 Mrs. Ira Erwin, formerly of Asbe wrnt U M his frUavL Ur. Baird Mof-. bore bvt new ef Norwood. Miss Erwin 1 fltt tradoau from high school. Mr. was president of her elate and grafae- . MuOU will return with Mr. McCrary te4 with high honors. - f or sv visit te friends ta Asheboro. Jethro'Almon.Vs show1 was in town . 1 14 M TT Pa4itt and .M 1. Tmm n nf Ihla Ht. tafwt son. of New tprk, were Q Jethro ttMck'hii tect And moved to of Lieut Badgett's sister. Mrs. J. T. Liberty. ; ' t . ' - , Wfod a few days last week. - ' Among the large number initiated JIlss Etta Haywood, or is. wieaa, mto the ' mystenee-f ox tne wtibc . ii iha neat of her sister. Mrs. Sam Rhrina at the meettni1 fa Greensboro ' Wlksr. on Worth street, this week.' lajt week, were Messrs. Lacy D. i!r. Fred Wallace, of Star, was the Kirkmea and Max Wagger, of Ran. '. rucst of his sister, Miss Euna Wal- dleman, - 1 . bra, last Monday, Mr, - Wallace had Miss Leona Pierce returned to her , . b n attemi!ngtlie eommencement ex home in Randleman, last Scturdty. V erriKxs of the North Carolina College aur a visit of sevnl davs to Mr. for Women in Greensboro, . . , and Mrs. R. W. Pretont Miss Pierce - - Jim. Wm, C Hamme .and Miss ha- a position W the office of Dr. C E. Lola Steed were week-end fuesta of Wilksrson, in RnaiOeman, and is tak- reintl-rss at Bteeds.. -; , i. leg tralrJn fof t nurse. , Imj&tiir.r'-- WILLIAM C. HAMMER Candidate for' Congress " news-print ordered it confiscated and held until 'ruc,a woercu osis m camp further .wvc or pc h,ii twh nnaiiy succum: 10 tne nreaaea i . 1 once county, last week, lae sugar was. consigned to J. G. Townsend and Com-' Pftny, of Sclbyville, Delaware,, and. tliey are charged with wilfully hoard nig, noiaing, aenvenng and the sugar in violation of the Lever PRESIDENT WILSON VETOES THE PEACE RESOLUTION St5I President W'ilson has vetoed the act, and of removing the sugar from e reso'u"". ana, , net iniormea the course of trade to Inflate the mar--Co"gTfsJ,Jiat he could not ,becoje kot and increase nrices. Party ? e peace program framed by r;r t t i. tt , i i KepuDiican leaders oi tne benate ana Chief of Pphce Hatfield, of Mate- nn115l fnr he rnnsn.-eH n.,f MeeSt Vlr'mia' nd njne thr "an everlasting stain" on 'the nations Matewan men were released on bonds of $5,000 each, following arraign-1 ' Son wlsfvffeiSrw'vVl" MR- SNAKENBERG SELLS IN irrarf SfiETJS BafdVn"! TEREST IN UNION HERALD a ercs uectect-ves, in Matewan, May 19.1 u , i b ri wi;-v. r ;- i Mr- Chailes Ruffin recently pui- c m.f J T Coy?T' .mil'lonaire chased the interest of Mr. E. F. Srlak-, soap , manuiactarer of Cmcmnaii, tes- m the Canital Printing cJZ Hf f ' at r-tlet!?enate I,n,:cs- pany, publishers of the Unionerald,' ' tigation cf preconvantion nolitica . wii-i-i, u, ( fiTionoiii. Ilio"- U l.J .J j - L.u iv"..6ii. Z ,i rr.'o T n Tt J1 nau The Union Herald wiU continue W million tiollars to General Wood's nr. v- i n ,i.i , fir7rV' i T: "'al' Company, and Mr. Maxwell ; Or-, tnbutions from all other MmM "mil n o.i.-a. would not make as much." 'anmwW will h rhnrco f v If io .(.J t ..u. o - " o- w .ireu hic ex-vzar or tonal end. Russia, supposed to have been mur- u&iea iputy montns ago, is living with UNIVERSITY BUILDING his family in Japan. W. H. Anderson, an employe of the imperial Furniture Company of There are thirteen counties in the Seventh Concession al District Randolph is one bf them and more Demo cratic votes have been cast at every election in this county i.T ' rm. 4. i... i ; . 4.t-ltle man au; ubueriu cub tustiiuw, uc ucav cuuntv iiavui mc and in some manner a rod largest uemocrauc vote m every general election is tne faffed aad aew back sb 1 1 -.i... n.-ij... . rrk.ai ti.:.. A m ut u vro, uauiuiii uia iuiuiiy ux javjiusuu. meu wuico umuxi, tt ua.es auu nu-i Robah Baity, who was con HOUSES FOR FACULTY Stateslla. was ri,aiv iniTiivui f en nouses are Deing erected Dy tne that fiintnn i., , jiT" "" University of North Carolina for the in aXT15---o. . ZJ ?rlat an approximate cost of $50,000. became him for occu- son, Wilkes rivine more than I Anson last election. Ran- .l.ii'i - t.i." l il.!: j ii t- aoiDn nas a canaiaaie xor Vyozuniess uus year, ana au wno have iooked injko the cituata concede that he ,wiU carry eight eoljmties; ttodssibljt houses wm be ready pancy by September. . rne new nouses are Deing piaoea fMmnfaffinS&axkm&yWsa and YadHn. Prac- sentenced to be ektrocnted Jnlr 2 hv e eage rant, wus Judge Harding in the Yadkin superior S? aew area oc university icourt forWUnaCherig J. E. Zachery.deYelonMt ; foreafe fceepisg; tN ftf. v , Be. 4V. - --j - - .vj.r mi -.r t w nis noma in .etaiesviue in ms ear yuuiMiamw, wu w wy w ; . tlCally all the VOteS ifl these COUIltleS Will be for Mr. Ham- he was held up by robbers near Cleve- caucus dedaioa of Ue Ways eaut , . mer, and his friends claim that he will get a good vote in androbbed of$4o currency . jgjmm Moore. T 1 ::2. lipcrtsnt thing ROW IS tO get OUt trie watch, a fountain pen and a scarf among the insurgents. He threatens tf.nf trio rliafrfor. Trtorp aro in Ran- pin. There were three men in the to quit the party if the Republicans t tmfl4 Mam i1ai OvMeeiSi S1SISI aMSTan dolph county nearly three thousand Democratic votes. 1 j. P p., prominent aetho-i More than. twentyight hundred moac votes have SSrr,"&.EAot,0sl VSgMk been cast in the general election. If Randolph will give pitai aew dare age, where tu do- anvthiriC like the full Oercentaee Of its Democratic VOteS ceased had gen for treatment. ' Hon. R. N. Page, candidate for the Zf JSliSnSrSSrf S iSviSS ZotJ . taOW.rJ, of Ic, nomination for governor its wtumuatc ivi wugtcra am uicyituuuj vu mvav Dm sou ox War Klu insurance win spean in tne courtnooav m asob ia nrr n nnaaihilitv nf a second nrimarv. 'aaaooaeee that applications for the boro, at eight o'clock, next Friday mm r . ' i. i... - nM con mere is an aavantage to aujr cuunijr ui uavuig a iw if J.-i.- A M . n It, im mMih'fninn 1rnTir that ur n 1 1 0 . wawuve in yVAl ""TZ SaiOo5oo3oa Rewdless of how . ENLISTED MEN IN EFFECT tnere IS SOme division BS 10 OUiercautuuatuc vuvcioaic(long B man's insurance has' almost a unit for their home candidate. Vp1 t? Below u a copy of the new 'navy . 1 i i j .A" i.i:a; . isei or nnw umm na nu emm ai di? dui u DruTiuvu ivi enw we. Several amCieS nave Deen SUDmiltea lor puoucauuu ui i . service, a special Congress which will be of interest ta Sir ii.n ItTTTW Hsset ey S uwwviw wa sue hwbvV w conversion el War Risk Insurance into night. oermaaent Government Life In-' ' surance anrremte 183242 or more INCREASE IN PAT TO NAVAL Regardless of now. thlS neWSDaTer WUS WeeK, appealing lO tne voters 01 Ult? ruling permite him to reinstate it at Randolph county as mere are n nnm !vf -ir ftinnftrTMr' ttnmPWKiif trirfi in not snace SufTiaay time before July 1, 1W0 upon ap- bar of ex-Navy men who have been COUnty XO SUppOrt Mr. Uammer DUtUiere IS not Space 'Ip, ymint of only two watching for this bill to pass. ficient, and ft is not necessary tO publish them. The One monthly premiums on the amount of, The Navy par bill has been signed thiruTthat is necessary Is for his friends to be active in ;i by the.PredWandaow becomes a a hwumwi; pw.vw. nW (along enect January i, ByaUUWtvcioix:u ww v 5 " " ."i". , , Chief petty officer, permanent ap- known to be for Mr. Hammer. . LSfT ,TjIoBa0i pobr p.y!$m!oo p Ttthe Democrats in the UDDer Dart Of the CUStriCt tiim wiU he held la Asheville Wednee- "10??-, break their record and turn out to the primary in Strength and nominate a member Of Congress from the orthepeedle hospital in Gaston- Petty officer, trt elasa, base pay $Se county which has more Democratic voters than any other.uwn.uid k p7c- -cond m b- p-t. ni per nosu. coifiity in the' district rLet every Democrat attend andi urgfl, his neighbor to do likewise. tJttia'MUa Snth'.Cothraa. ef Kaari nbag, South Carolina, is Tistoag rew- tf 'ASBeeore s .wew. - parents, Jr. ana m sv u. . . - - . T I 1 Milan are epeaomg owae smai .w- ' 'Hf.'Vra PattB-ssa, haeuat Garden, "was a business -flaitoe ta Ashsboro, last Monday asctrning, sad gave The Courier aealL . ,-. , Messrs. H. B. Votttt aad T. A. Cos, of Coleridre, wereihj town oe. basi nets Ust"Triday, and paid Tha Co- v4anw MIL i '''' u The Courier la in) receipt of aa in vitation to the eoianvTBcesnentv' exer ciies of Trinity College, Durham, June 6th te 9th. S ' - ',n Rev. Joel B. Tro don and .family 8ent last Monday aad Tueeday in reensboro attending general ;eonfsr-j ence, ' i .- --I . The singing given last Saturday night by Miss XiUiaa West Was fnjoy dliri larva crowd. ' ' ' , ". Mr. Q. H. Cornellson and daughter. Miss Gladys, visited relatives la Ran dleman lost Sunday. ,t . A 1 hobo ra dsfaated : Rsmseur in e of base ball on the local diamond M. Thee. B. Parks, of Baaweur. was eoe of tne graduates iron emu. College, last week. A. series ef meetings to ta Wegtaa! at the Prasbyteriaa church. Bervtese, are held twice a day. at arae ta pay. areeh mod will come ef the 'meeting. . The Fpwortn League aaid a ssoet en)rrahle Social nseeting with ' Mise Ethel Johnson as hostess last Friday night Aa Interesting program was rendered and refreshments sorted. 'Dr. sod Mrs. C. C Hubbard, of Fsnner, ' were in town on ; business jreeuroay.-' Remerar Weesan Deed Mrs. H. F. Brady, of Ramsenr, died la Asheboro Memorial hospital, test Sunday evening, where she had been brought for aa operatUa. Interment was at Ramseur, on Mon day, funeral being conducted from the Christian church, of which the oe eeased was a consecrated member. Mrs. Bradv was a most estimable roueg ,emaavv -fihe is eurrivad by. e ing to pass another car. m tmw naiaUu- nf aonai miiui. TVa iilv dans-ntee of Mr. nur omcr, wra mm Mrs. L. C Bowers, of High PolaX, U0 per month. AimA TfntanrliT nicht. . I Seamen nad aU non-rated Dr. Tbae EL Lewia, presldont of par, U per laoerth. . WeetmHlster CoUega, MaryUad, was resnen first class, bane pay, $ Saaarday aUetad- - preHdeat of the fcw moeth, fjsaeral eoniereace wuca sueuisei emaa fm" te Greensboro Friday for a fM per month. - ine noeve) sua is es pay " fvrenbU with tha pay ta errfl lift and nil ether adantnfsa each as free food, lodging, medical attention, one 000 for tahrtee sustained at the Valoa hundred dellaro worth of eothea aad Station. Ralagh, ta ml Judgment ue opporromiy vnvot rwm t as entered . against the Soutaert trade makes it well won wnue any Railway Company .aad the United young maas eonosswoo regexu-e Sutes Railroad Admlalatratiom, ef We position -te errfl life.,, .For . B r afam. ef LaaksrUle. nred 68 further information eafl or write nnsaHTVian sn 1 ss i sines r auu sat na awnui game 01 mue oau on me locai nmg roueg eman. -iioe is survived t e tng U I last Saturday, the score beint 10 to.h9bn6.,i two' small Bona, .f5her,gerf 1 ' 'mother, four tlsUrs, and a brother, .. L Mayo, ef LeaaaviUe, aged 65 further information eafl or ' write , died at the heme efW. (X Aa- Nawy Rating Station, Post Offlot n in Greensboro Monday. Xndf- Building. Greensboro, N. C- y v . cations are that he took his own life, 'tT by exposing himself te Illuminating As a result of trouble between the gee. He was found te the bathroom races, at FayetterUle, test Friday te a dying condition.!' ill health U the night, one white man was kflled aad cause of the rash act Deputy 8herlff W. J. 8mith was mor- Roy Runnlon, n Madison county far- tally weoadeu. ) Ceotre Hobba, Uad mer, his wife aad two of their bah let or of negro gang, hid In a swamp and and J. W. Massey, were killed Sunday hna been treatened .with .lyixhfnr, at Hot Springer near Ashctne, when Soldirs from Camp Brarg were call their automobiU plunged over a cteep ed out te help restore orderv r embankment of 800 feet on a dan-" Fifty-one freight ears, loaded with cerous mountain curve. He was try. 8,060,000 pounds of sugar, are said te Two passen oe wet , m tna rauroaa yaras at eecsped with tninor injuries. 1, Chicago, are federal agenU are look ing for the cars. -;. Attend the Primary; Saturday; and..V6te -IYjChbice' For theWarious Offices