pige Four the Asmxono courier, Asnmcma k. a THUXSDAT. XCXl 8, xt the; COURIER PUBLISHED EVEST THUESDAT WM. C HAMMER. EDITOB Entered as second class mail matter m the poetoffice at Asheboro, N. C Asheboro, N. C, June 3, 1920 Next Saturday, June 5, will wind up the primary campaign in the state. It is to be hoped thai candidates for the different offices will be nominated without a sec ond primary. The Courier has al ways been loyal to the Democrat ic party, and as heretofore, will gladly support the nominees, who ever they may be. We believe the Democrats of the county and state will use their best judg ment in selecting candidates and hence these nominees will be worthy of our support. Ik- hammer: political contest, Hon. W. C. Newland, ex-Lieutenant Governor. "It will give me great pleasure to vote for you. I regard you In a political contest, most men have a reason, satisfactory to them selves at leajt, why they give their support to a certain candidate. All the reasons are not the same and perhaps do not contain the same degree of soundness. Still, and none the less, they are all reasons, and in all proba bility appear differently to different individuals. Ifs a good policy for any man, howevei, possessing the solemn responsibility of franchise, to exam ine well his own reasons, occasionally to go over his list, and take stock of himself. Tn ns thpypforc for exanmle. there seem w w a uuu u ui covno "v i . , , . n . . t! nrrt of the Seventh District Mr. Hugh MacRae, Banker and busi should support Wm. C. Hammer for nes man Wilmington: Congress. FOR STATE AUDITOR : V-Js Among the many hundreds of endorsements candidacy of James P. Cook for State Auditor, we njte: that it wui be my pleasure to give you one of the heartiest votes in the pri mary that you will get anywhere in the state." General Julian S. Carr, of North Carolina: "Friends having brought forward my friend, Mr. Jas. P. Cook, of Cabarrus, for the Democratic nom ination to the office of State Auditor, I most heartily endorse his candidacy and commend this most worthy and splendidly equipped gentleman to the enthusiastic support of my friends in North Carolina." Hon. R. A. Doughton, ex -Lieutenant Governor: "I shall take great pleas ure in supporting you for State Au ditor at the June Primary. Best wishes." Hon. Frank' R. McNinch, mayor of Charlotte: "It is a really genuine pleasure for me to give my support to you for the office of State Auditor, not alone for my personal attachment for 70U, but because I know how par ticularly well qualified you are to dis charge the duties of the office." Mr. Julius W, Cone, Manufacturer and Banker: "I note that you have decided to present your name in the primaries for the office of State Audi- the ideal candidate fo State .Auditor." , ITMo! tike pleasure in endorsing your candidacy v i r 1 111 KfJlfll D. Turner, ex-Lieutenant "You have my hearty sup- Hon. W Governor port" Hon. R. B. Glenn, ex -Governor: "Tell all the people I am for you for State Auditor. I sincerely hope that will be nominated. a time in American political life when satisfaction commena yo strong, rugged men with convictions 'friends and acquaintances, and with courage and ability to fight! Hon. Locke Craig, ex tu.cvh werp riPPHPf). that time I Certainly I will vote for First of all, Hammer is a fighter, and a trood one. And if there ever was a st and thpm through, were needed, that time is now. In the recent past we have seen the folly of lazy, spineless, po-tics-playing men in the assembly halls of the nation. We are well fed up on that sort of thing. We now sorely tippH the oDDosite kind and must have them or go down. Not that the other gentlemen who are candidates are nut fighters, too. Not that at all. But that Hammer is a super-fighter. He is a sort of superdreadnaught ready to be launched upon the teething flood cf political and industrial turmoil. "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I lov ed Rome more," said Brutus. Not tnat the others are not fighters and good ones perhaps, but that Hammer Is tne oldest and greatest fighter. Furthermore, he nas had a wide ex perience in public life. It has been his business for a score of years to go after wrong-doers, to chase crime ana crookedness from their lairs In human ' society and compel men to behave. He is a veteran, seasoned in a thousand Kittles on the side of even handed justice, human rights, public safety, ic rifhteousness. Where, then, could a more efficient man be found to deal with the congressional rettitog- gery and political duplicity of today? There are many other reasons why Hammer is the man of the hour in the Seventh District, but these are two, .. j. 1. i-u: fiif. and tney are luracienu it 10 ui uaa- trict s opportunity w seuu a mou w represent it, who is able to make Its influence felt in the face of all oppos ing odds. And this is a fact that ev erv voter should consider deeper m his heart than petty prejudice or cov-j siderations of personal liking. Rts candidacy is safe, provided all the Democrats in the district think, and go to tne primaries, cut me canuiuacy of no man is safe, though he be the people's ideal, unless thc?e who favor him take time to go to the primaries and do their bit. Brother, bear this in mind. The Montgomerian. to my friends." Prof C. C. Wright, Supt. of Schools of Wilkes County: "I am gratified that Mr. Cook is a candidate for State Auditor. I desire to say frankly that there is no man in the state whom It will be 1 1 Preler 10 see noia trus important po- ciTinn un;i r; n "J iu n u'jkiui i t rtrt nil a pleasure to me to support you tor Kf.-te A-.Hit.nr. nt from mir lnno- and 1 can Ior mm- pleasant association I can with much I Rev. J. D. Newton, of Thomasville: satisfaction commend you to my . "I am happy over your candidacy for State Auditor. No vote ever gave me Governor: the pleasure that the one I am going Certainly I will vote for you for to cast for you will attoru me. If State Auditor: how could I do other- the people of North Carolina knew wise. I earnestly hope that you will you as I do your capacity, your state be nominated." ilove and your great interest in man- Rev. J. H. Barnhardt, Greensboro: kind and what you have accomplished "I strongly believe in putting good by an unselfish devotion to duty men in Oince. 1 wisn to assure you your uumiuauuii wuum to oocuim. iti m ; - 'Si 9 I have one Ford five passenger touring car and one Ford truck for sale. Both late models and in excellent condition. R. W. PREVOST Asheboro, N. C. C HON. ROBERT N. PAGE FOR GOVERN0R ' BALANCE WHEEL FOR BUSINESS -A BINDERS AND MOWERS We have a car McCormick and Deering Binders nnd Mowers. Come to see us before you buy. If you need repairs for your Binder place your order. McCRARY-REDDING HARDWARE CO. - i. (j . . Asheboro, N. C. . , You owe it to the Democratic party to nominate for Goverco: a candidate whom all elements of the party can fuppoit without reservations. Mr. Page has embittered the friends of no candidate and won the respect of all men. Mr.. Page is the only candidate for Governor who has declared for changing the date of tax listing for farmers back to May 1st PAGE FOR GOVERNOR MEANS A DOLLAR TAX GETS A DOLLAR VALUE Ma Page would draw to the support of the Dem oc.atic party that increasingly large number of in dependent voters in the state, eye to the future. We should have an Robert N. Page is not a lawyer. He is a plain business man. He is the only candidate for Govern or v ho is distinctly a business man. Nine Clear Reasons Wliy You Should Vote For Robert N. Page American Dead Honored in France America's war dead in Europe were eulogized and their graves in all parrs of France were decorated last Sunday, the second memorial day since the close of the great struggle, old glory floating over the graves of more than 70,000 soldiers'. Different allies organi zations joined the Americans in France in the services, and through out the republic, detachments of blue clad poilus acted as guards of honor in the cemeteries, wher lie those who foueht beside them on the fields of battle. In manv places, the women too a prominent part in the exercises, and in all the churches of France Cath olic, Jewish synagogues, and others besides the American churches memorial services were held. "A SPLENDID TONIC" Sj Hixson Uij Who, On Doc tor Advice, Took Lardu And U Now WelL Hixson. Tena. "About 10 yean ago I was..." says Mrs. J. a Oidd. of this place. "I suffered with pain In tar left tide, could not sleep, at night with tola Mln. always In the left lde.'.t My doctor told me to use CardoL ' took one bottle, which helped me and after my baby came, I was tronger and better, but the pala wu etUI there. I at first let it ex but began to get weak tni ta tun-down condition, I doclded to try some more CarduL which. I d:L -:-.. This last Cardut which I took made me much better. In fact, cured me. it hut beta number of TMra, sua re ro return of tble trouble. - ' I frol It wm Cardul that eared vie; rd I recommend It m I tplcndid e - lonlft." ' .- I u t allow" yourself te become and run-down from womanly v Take CardoL It should eure j yon, s It he M many do i f thwr womn la tbo rt 40 . !ir , fctckacha, Ideaehe, i 1 r rf voiTir,'f f i t t r'"-t f 1 .)..! A.U. Quality Goes GearThrough Frequently Dart owners are heard to re mark that they are able to dispense with practically all service attention on their cars. This is one of the advantages that accrue to you because of the simplicity and accessibility of Dort construction. MOORE MOTOR COMPANY II. B. Moore. Manager Kamseur,N.U NATIVE OF BANDLEMAN ASPHYXIATED III W, iuiuw Ut, Charles Stratford, a prominent cotton mill nan of Charlotte, was found asphyxiated Is his ana's .room hi a lodgfi.fr Wise in Jew Yfcrk City. Mr. 8tartXord was in the north .to purchase machinery for his firm. , - The deceased was &3 years of age. Its was bcrn la Randletnaa, but spent 27 yeats la Concord, MKociated with the OdVlla. formr Kamlolph men, ia the cotton mill buiinets. - lie then m()t1 to Charlotte and wis vry rc- -r--TA - sur'''ritn'l'vnt of t!e i ,? eoitoti n..,.i. He u one of Children Oryv 'i FOR FUTCHtR'S CASTORIA TO THE DEMOCRATS OF NORTH CAROLINA: When you go to the polls next Saturday, June 5, I hope you will make up your mind beforehand that ?ou are going to mark a ballot for ROBERT N. AGE FOR GOVERNOR and that you are going to do so regardless or any pressure that may be brought to bear by politicians working for other candidates. I ask you to do this simply because z believe Mr. Page is the best man for Governor and for reasons which I submit to your own thoughtful consideration and judgment Here are nine definite and explicit reasons why I believe this: 1. Mr. Page tells where he stands. He started out by announcing a definite platform for state progress. and development and he was the hrst candidate to answer frankly and explicitly the questions asked by the organized farmers and laborers of the Etr.te. Governor Bickett answered such a questionnaire four years ago: so did Mr. Daughtndge. Mr. McAdoo has est answered such a questionnaire. So have Mr. oover and other presidential candidates. Mr. Page has never dodged any request for his views on public questions. 2. Mr. Page proposes to make economy and effi ciency the keynote of his administration. North Car olinians now pay several million dollars a year in taxes. Any other great business having such vast expenditures would ret the wiset judgment of organ ization experts as to how best to promote efficiency and economy in every line. If elected Governor, Mr. Page promises not only to give his own time to this end, but to employ ine country s Dest experts to help him. Our systems of county government can also be made much more economical, and Mr. Page will formulate and advocate policies to this end. 8. Mr. Page has the training needed to make his program a success. As Mr. 1. Z. Green says: "He began his business career when his enter prising family was seriously embarrassed by debts due to the general poverty of the South, and it was only after years of labor w::h both muscle and mind, on the farm and at lumber camp, that Mr. Page at last achieved his business success. He known what it Is to toil, knows the work and sweat back cf a dollar, and in th great task of admin I uterine our state government and its mil- " lions of dollars In tax money, he will carry out his 'pledge to "make efficiency and economy the key note of his administration' " because his training fits him for this task. The life training of the other two candidates has been ss law yers. Without, any reflection on that worthy profes sion, will not such training as Mr. Page has had bet ter fit a Governor for the great business of adminis tering the state's business the next four years t '- 4. He has the best program ot rural progress and this interests city voters also. He has baen all his life an advocate of rural progress good schools, good roads, better marketing methods, and all the other agencies needed for the development of Ncrth Carolina farming. As he has well said: "Unless corn- try lite is made more attractive, the continued mi gration from the rural sections to the cities will in evitably result in 3iich underproduction that there will be undernourishment and suffering in the. cities." rw r w w . a. ai air. j. ureen saya: .nr. rage nas :io no- , i : i i. . i i t i ... iiiivui nacnme duck ui mm. ne nas reueu not on lining up leading politicians at every county seat, but on direct appeal to the farmers and voters of North Carolina. " 6. lie has conducted a clean campaign. He has not played the demagogue before the neoDle. but has met every issue courageously and he has always op posed the use of money in "oolitics. "Men will not buy votes if they cannot see them delivered." and Mr. Page favors the secret ballot as the most effective remedy for political corruption. 7. His platform on. taxation is the soundest pro posed by any candidate. He advocates (1) larcer in heritance and income taxes, so as to put a larger pro portion oi tne tax Duroen on tnose most able to bear it (2) Favors lower tax rate on homes occupied by owners, so as to encourage home ownership and dis courage absentee landlordism. (8) Favors raising state revenues by inheritance, income and corpora tion taxes so that real and personal property would be taxed only for county and local purposes and to insure an ample school term for all rural districts. (4) Favors changing tax listing date for farmeps from January 1 back to May 1 as formerly. 8. He Is not a factional candidate but would unify all elements m the part. One of Mr. Page's oppo nents is running with the widely advertised endorse ment of Ex-Governor Kitchin, tne other candidate as the favorite of Senator Simmons. Factional lines are being sharply drawn. Is it not the duty of all Democrats who place the good ot the party above faction to unite on Page a man whom Simmons-men and Kitchin-men alike acknowledge would make a great Governor and who. ia objectionable to neither faction 7 ' 9. Last but not least,' Mi1. Page la a man or high, est character. No breath of suspicion has even been uttered against him. Free from cant, pretense or hypocrisy, tlte simple dignity, honor and uprightness of the man have won him honors both from state and church. , ' . ' ,f-, ' p IF THESE NINE REASONS FOR SUPPORTING MR. PAGE convince yon that he should be our next Governor, then I repeat that you should make ud vour M own mind beforehand to Vote for Mr. Page and let no paid or unpaid workers for ti other candidates prevent you from doing so. y ; r i v . Lincoln ton, and was la the north at the time of his death to purchase ma chinery for this milL . . Mr, Startford is survived by his wife, four daughters, and three son. ' The body was brought btvrk to Charlotte for funeral and burial one day this week. , '-" .1 tl More than this, you should SEE YOUR NEIGHBORS and get them to go to the u polls and vote for Mr. Page, lie has no political machine behind hirrut No pow- U erf ul corporation influences are supporting him.' He is also opposed to the use of ' Ohildron Ory r: rinrrrs O ' T O 1 I f H money as a means of getting the nomination, and the law also forbids it. To you ii and to all other Independent voters therefore, he makes this direct -appeal and ASKS NOT ONLY YOUIC VOTE BUT FOR YOUR SERVICE IN GETTING OUT OTHER VOTES IN HIS BEIIALIV.V - v ; .v, V Vv; , :-' : " ' Jt '''.'"."v.: v'Y.':-;':: CHARLES ROSS. ' . -' ' Manager Page Headquarters, Raleigh. i I ",9 1 -r i f ! i ! ' - 1 r i r ''.'. t