PS Six i. r. L.J. v HALF OF FRENCH A KMT LOST la Mimt of Lester Cm It ni very sad indeed when death Obkaary Ma CaDie Yates Parrish, wife f I &v jM na.smM a d in batik and aa entered tha aooM ef Aaroa Letor Cox Joha Pamab, aad doortteraf Mr and aenoealy vroeaded aad claimed ana tor ewa, Be had uiT pSST vti..lL nLiZ 1000 killei ."JT i""?" K Yetoa. wa. bora Decem the eaormoni wmfrt f Jraaee to suffered from Bnrht s (tunsaa aad aa k, im, .. i " . - This eofntttarted about abaeeaa i tha bead for mm tiaaa. but kZLZZZ,Tr7TZ TLL."T . half of the men she put late the field had esJy beea cearfinM U ej bed for IhartiU of " trXW few Urge rati, of bar. 8000,000 little mora than tw weak., hJfJi. 53 TV ' W -v- . TT . r " - caret u. pel a i bkv uct m the world war. In'--- COUU 1 Lxt i buv. . J ih awe mm was wa bob ax loe late mg coaooca ah vmiLd mm h ..... - r ..r Vn . it i . n nai ene wuuia never DC , " w - a. &v mma ainiui vol. na was Dom well ma. wail it mum! k.-i i u-u irom the reading of your pa- debt of gratitude for this heroic out- Aiignst 28th 187, and died April 23rd, part athiailW TlJ2. pe, ut u pout po m-Ud pounngof her life's blood that liberty murage 41 years, 7 moetbafaad 2o pankTyet wj SowtbafrTu orUi state" beguuut to UuL U m rhtW, and al to tba peasant, daya. Oa February 11th. 1901. he wa. SorTdeBaaS Vcr. srodea " Krauljui to u aame of France who dissorered a perfect married jo Mis Floreace Kirkmaa. To toieaS3iT?ha?He Uao rto oi ieu. ua ui tne most di- remedy fo- stomach, liw and latee- them were bora eifct chQdrea, all of 0f peraoas aadttat aooLr or Utow Suincu ab ol -o.iu ro.-u aien- bnal aifanenU which is reported to whom rorrire except oae who died tooaU anrer the calLbodVwa ueneu i- nnecuon itn tae juoer- hare relieved mcalculabta reffenng, aeveral years ao. He is also survived to Old Union anKkwbsn the vojcu kuoiO be a tusunct tnea t.u-ie. Ju&t av Lflis Uiae it is very am u.. u-m, o. remedy m America nnderUte r'ne and A. C. Cox, AsMboro; besides many mother, three sister, and four broth uncjuuou-iMC bikiui-M nouui '. - T U T.' " " - otaer reiaoes ana menas. ers with a host of other relatives miiui ji L-e:LJc:;. -k, t' we cannot anaerstana vaiy one just friend, tn mnnm ine. taken. tr.o''. s U.CC Kolb la Lexington In taken teres! of Ex-Serrice Men i ., .-, ,o 1-1 n Hn . V" T it, ll'Cl OIIU lUVCCVlilOl aMIUJCUliO, atia-m xr " n. - . To u,e ..m on tne outside u would mchicLng- appendicitis One dose will He was m honest, noble and trust- field reoreeS of W-ii.i appear iuat tnere is no otner m. in or money refunded. worthy man, who will be missed not iSormltio Itrrh ?rt.?w rt .Noivi u,-oana mat is as well quau- d Standard Dru Company orly b' nis loved ones but b .Ln ?JC hed is Mr. Page to nil this import- and lcadiaj drnists everywhere. iZnity ,t iarKe. He was a loving LT,,!-1 ant place. Mr. Page is knov.n xar ana father and a devoted husband. Every- central commit Zi JCJ wide as one cf the best business men vtiij who knew him personally sooke muM-es c 1'J1 cf the country. His many of Jarr.e, Rafus Parrish was born July and thought weU of him. " oSrdinr i S ? successi i ousmess experience coapled 13, 1893, and departed this life April While your hearts are torn and bleed- ernrntnt L thT.lccI, wnn nis mny years of public life 30, 1920. His death is rendered District SVenth Con?resslonal make him peculiarly fitted to fill the very sad indeed owing to the severe O'er the spoils that death has won, The idea h t tv , . - u, rntor in apridont which rniiscH it tkrw woem r ,n ; li: t . . Kre sm00tn OUt the Oill. e lie V .i. .-w. - UOil VUU BUJi Ul . j , rTr oy iwg aisters, axrm. J. o. nocjLea anu fnaeral was held, after whieh th hoav nuno. u, and saved thousands cf hrea. Geo. H. Miss Nettie Cox. of Pleasant Garden, waVuid to rest Mayr, a letdjrg Chirago chemist, to- Route 1; three brothers. Messrs. E. U. She is survived bv tha , hn. impoit- ports tne ingreoients ana sens mis Cox, Climax; J. A. Cox. Greensboro; band ,nA t. ..Ti .wh, io tne tiis uanu utrt .a oi.e uia , J" , ,, in tne Dioom oi uie scouia be men.ioaec m connection wiai uus mtesunal tract and allays the mnam- We can only say, The Lord rute soai-s lar aove uie others mabon which causes practically all best He gave and He hath man is Won. Koa. -. rage. -.--".. u"; away. and In faith hAlipnir. " "u.- ' rirdohii. county will remember how previous. While returning from the Calmlv sav. "Thv will be done.' -hm e,k . "vvur! when such a vast number of men ar attempting to settle their difficulties at a distance. The cosifctry is divided into three districts. Headquarters for the dis tricts are New York, Indianapolis and ocui rinncjsco. is orth Carolina comes al ly he represented tm .t:i Lcngres- ianerai oi nis sisier-in-iaw, airs, jonn jjy jug hands the Soon was given; sional District :n the United Slates Parrish, as he was crossing the rail- He h&s taken but His own: Ccngresj :uid ie i cmbe-ing Ihiz 1 road track in Thomasville his car was Lo or eaith and Gcd of Heacn trast thr.; every tro Democi-nt will struck by a fast moving train which Evermore, "Thy will be done. ral;v to his support smd hti,j to mke completely demolished it throwing him . him t: o next governor of North Caro- such a distance, with so much force DR. B. B. SHAM BURGER MOVES Una. hat he sustained injuries from which FROM alLER CITY TO TROY under the supervision TthT Be'c -e ps"fing 1 would liKe ne never recovered. He was rusnea apolis district Ex s Id . "T to appeal :o every Dcmocra: in Kan- immediately to the High Point hospital Dr. B. B. Shambarger, who has Seventh Congressional District of dol;m co.:nt--to vote for tne E uior of and all that medical sfcll could do was. been pricricing dentistry in Siler N0tfh Carolina who havi The Co-rler for their next Congress- done for him. City f0r some time has moved to Troy, against the Govenmt 1m , man. . He answered the call of his country Dr. Shambuiyer is the son of Mr. M. well to get ia touch with 7vw In the outset I had r.o dea of writ- m the recent v ar and took training in E. Shamburger, of Biscoe. man of the Central S i n ing wh-, l nave writton but my rr.m.! one of the southern camps, but never asd the matter will le refeTrX; L ?h! has wan lcred (wondered) and jus: was sent over seas. He was married a Greensboro to Have New Theatre, proper authorities for diit; n. w I ara wondering what has become short while previous to his going to Greensboro is to have a handsome sposition. cf Proi. J. F. Hamilton w-hose inter- camp to Miss A!.;e Loflin who wi h new theatre on South Elm street at an1 Booze is Not a Good Cure esiing letters were eageny sought and his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. approximate cost of $300,000. (From the Ames Iowa !(,,w , rea.1 oy ever;.- reader of The Courier Prank Parrish, five sisters and four T N Amusement Company is When T nW comeTtoi Zfl TJti I wonder has berotnc of Mrs brothers survive. Jim as he was famil- to erect the buildi on the old Mc- led up witHata d decla ij Ingold Marten vhose splendid leiteis larly called was a devoted husband and Adoo hotel sit die to your eence unTesfvo Z. illammcd the souls of all who read a loving and eoedient soil No sacn- best of motion ictures ud high cure r Xtf rttidE? v T v-onder has become of fice ever being to great for mm to v.j.rii L c, i.; oi wniskey, send the writer from Ph.son. (I do not make for his dear mother. He was of the is opned. 'a doctor, or else give him a dose of Chamberiain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. Ther is a mistaken notion amonir a whnla i r i. i that booze is the best remedv for mlir By Stock and Poultry Expert and stomach ache ' l0r collc A new book entitled "Care and '. NEW BOOK know who the last meniionea iuei a Kina ana jeny nature maiung menus is bv,t I have a suspicion that is that wherever he went, splendid -m:r.g man who carries an The 'uneral was canducted from emptv s'oeve areurd with him wher- Tabernacle M. E. church on May 1. ever he "oes.) I also wonder what by the Rev. W. B. Thompson. The high i i , "CTrt I n L'P I rtAffan- 0cram m tt-hirh n vrnc naln was nlnin. m . - r-. . , i n i . i . m . nas ceco it i i- -.r. , "u -- t--- i reatment oi Atoca ana rouitry nas v ibis out and Take it Wik v-. shied.) Is "Mike" lwui? still? He ly attested by the beautiful floral off- just issued by Dr. k D. Legear, A often f!Jt" fc "h Yoa must be livmg very stul ror we ro er-ng ar.d the large concourse oi notable Veterinary Surgeon, who 0f thTartiHU htt thexact lger he- the noise of his pen. But sorrowinj friends who were present from the Toronto, Ontario, YlaJ LTl to P"1- maybe "Mike" is sleeping, can t sorn-- It being said by many that it was tae Veteiinary CoUege 27 years agb, and else instead ,S something one wake rrn up ? But perhtps it is largest gathering ever assembled in has dnce' devoted hig entire life to point wtnd nltLL7 not quite time for "Mike' to ue yet. this section on such an occasion. Veterinary Science and Poultry Hue- Way b to t th if Ift7; Jt ""ff At any r 1 trust tb. .he -o. He an estmed and honored This book dontains 128 pages vAuth of his last become of others vnose iev.ers c nean iet sympawiy m tnia oarx nour poultry. It is otangesf drink passec into that Great Beyond, waue .i v.nx nmhnh'v foreotter that " ii-' . . . . . r .!. n-l,nt hoc TI- , 1 1 -J "v . i "wrr r:LSJn: .v.-riJr"C"": symptoms and treatment of stock and nothing Quito so saba divided into depart- .ti nation and inditio w poultry being taken up. ris very. becomo oi uie ' ! - "n tjmjHi m hub uu uwui poultry. It is divided into depart- .tinaiim j j,- loved to read. They too have grown and implore God's richest blessings SliorUs, cattle, hogVheepPand Upatlfm "digestion. .i . l -t nr. cnine of them nave iimd earn nf them. A Fnend. i. u.i . -t , .. Siltliu . 1 DUU1LTV UCU1K UULCU UU. . 19 IVMtftM f U - CI- mf - k-wc n Auaoer Land . 'V"r ",c power vested in complete with charts and fllustrations,i John E. Bolinr. aired 57 vears. died i , . i w k.t ,v.,ii k t- th tliey are a part of this great big world suddenly while sitting in his chair at home of every live stock and poultry undersigned Commissioner by a , . ' Vic knma in TTitfh Ptimt loaf- Tiiobov . rr ... r HwrM C : . . ' m wr c :i'-- t "r ' v.v, raiser in tne country, i ne price is - , r -upcnor iuurt oi Kan- Perhaps some one whom I have morning. onl 10 Get it from your deal- ?0,Ph county in the Special Proceed- menticr.ed in -his letter may ponder er or BenA a dime Dr l D. Le, mgs entiUed "Isabella Hayes et a . whv I have wandered (wondered). PLAIN QUESTIONS TO Gear, 1700 North Broadway, St VwfU Craven et al" will sell at If so T will tell tem the reason ana it ASHEBORO PEOPLE. Loujgj Mo stating that you are a sub- jMic auction at the Court House is this: the work which they have scriber to this paper, and he will send door in Asheboro, N. C, on Saturday, done, the lines which they have writ- Every Asheboro Reader Will Admit you a copy direct June 12. 1920, at 12 o'clock M. to the ten- t .o lives which thev hove lived The Soundness of the Logic highest bidder for cash the following are lr -. m the lives oi ou.ers. Would Asheboro people recommend Why Not Item. aescnoea lands together with a fine one c: i come into this world, no mat- Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the u. Brwi i t n t ;r,v ,.j e.;. J? timber in Columbia township. Qyd( Would Ashehorn neonle nwnmmpnH tr hr bneflv without leaving ar ira- medicine were not reliable? Would j - -j t Kandolph countv. North Camlins- press t. upon itJThftn :at rm they confirm their statements after Au o whitaker, were week-end : at .oak on of pressim is for good interests or tor yeais have e!apsed u their experiences visitors with their parents Mr and Sandy Creek runnin south 36 de evil; I' r the betterment or Uie retard- &d not show the 'remedy to be de- y j A Auman na grees west 19 chains to a black oak; in- ol mankind, depen .s mon the In- seeing of it: Statements like the m'ss Kazel Richardson and Linie the.n? 22 degrees west 9 chains dividi-al. It has been saia inai f01ow-,np n,ust carry conviction to uegrces west I cnains to a oak; thence south 24 deirrees D. Monroe w", T " " oiacic oax; tnence Cold, sparkling Ward's Orange - Crush what a refreshing delight after hot, dusty driving! . . wardrs imoaras-e nnBpuuu drink to Orao4PCmih is equally dclidooi! J TbcM drinks derive their dettcloua flavon from fruit oil. preed frotn. fieshrpicked oranges or lemons, combined with pure sugar and add (th natural acid of citrus train). in bolttit or mt fomulaimt ri Lasi Bottled in Asheboro by STANDARD DRUG COMPANY 3 has been said . . - .1 i...a iiifir i 'tirri .i i . i evil t "i men uu u:e dihiu oi even reauer: tu. ,,.-,0 The Bod a'ro lives. The question -s Mrs x p Parnsh) Wayman St, T,.- "hich .mpress.on an c ' Asneooro, says: "l sunered more o;- . aj r, Graham liss Smith, of Star, were of Miss Ev-a Smith Sun- for I tried different remedies but Monroe. ance to read tliese ncver foun(1 them to help me a much th?, vv s), when I say that as Doan.g Kidnev P lis did. Occasion- m'., ing. for Rood, in the j ke a box of this medicine and thew I know '.hr.t Mrs. Masten will par- leFS with Sidney (trouble don re for this personal reierencc, verrs (should she percham scattered tiiougRis her letter arc living, i" any 1 lane a oox 01 mis medicine and ty,oro 1- e n .end-in v inL i ,., . .. Hit: It. hearts r.nd lives 01 uuui). "i'".' 11 mey Keep ray Kidneys in good coudi those who like herself have left Kan- ticn." iolnh co.:ntv raid the dea." "Olu North The above statement was p-ivpi State" and have gone elsewhere to jjoary 5, 1915, and on July 24, 1918, seek the r fortunes. I trust that she jj, Parrish added: "I can reeoni- n'.c many more iciwris mend uoan s Kidney Pills as the guests of Mr. and Mnu J. A. .degree- v.est chains and I They will go to UUington " " " P081 oalt: lnrnce po1' eek to make their We. Mr. " "ft ". 01 ln oe has a position in thence cp the various courses of the r. and Mrs. John Reams, of Oi-'"Z 'tT P.iT coar8ea Pe , spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. .eka bepnning, containing ' ,;r: lJ acres more or less. may Mr. max ?,ven Cornelison. Mrs. Nancy J. Tippett has gone to tn visit hfr tun fin via highly Stuart See deed book 68 et page 30. ihe above land contains a fine lot ol timber. that the things that she ants new as I did before. 1 am now en- Mis8 Loma Lucas spent the week-' . o" sale cash upon conJirma- may continue to live in the Mai" and jovlnjf fi heath and a mglad to Ml her J tion ty the court This sale is being liws r.f us an. the things mat 1 others cf this medicine.' i , o; w made on account of an increase bid have written of Mrs. Masten I could Pl ice at D , having beca placed on the former bid. : .u ti, .h,.w names have E;mi ,v . . . iKrn to .Mr. ana airs. .Henry Statu, Kij-j n, mrt .iirnu " r"V.; fnc. 1 -jenn to fEi V H7.. Jr. Theyoung, -r; iia m cum "j - -r, "c ame mat man has the same birthday- as his - . .. imiii, uji ii -ui 1 jcaia yvua(- er. wnte. Parrish hurl My mind is still .wandering vwon- Ux, Mfrc., Buffalo, N. Y. dering). .No-" 1 am oniKim a. v-.u creek 31 chairs and 60 links to a syc-l T U - it. ..,feV o.inh Mintv can't have a "Home ry,m,n- Week." We are all familiar wt. tL. nld Ravin? "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. There is a longhw in the lives of all of us, who have left Randolph county, t.-a. we mar sometime be sheltered safely within its folds again. While I am proud of ray tive county, Randolph, I eannoi dose with out saving a worn 01 jiw adopted eonn'.y, 8umtor, and of the cityTf Sumter m which I lrve. The city of Sumter has within tia border about lljOOO people mdUoM of the ciost beaotifal and prosperous dties tn South Carolina. It boasts of hav-; ing more miles of paved streets tnan any other city ia the Caroliaaa. 8um-. ter county is one of the richest sad most pnfieaJve eounUea fat the stata. The etisene of Snmter county have TeeenUy voted a bond Jaewe ef lOQJOOQ for the purnoae e baildlng a' tntra ef hard surfaced roads cove STSe errVtuSTfc t TOUT Crop inSUTaHO. beat thatn ' . v Jx ' It you have money to t 1 t vMt vrr a wrm nu Tim n ir 1 rn a r.,v. A BIGGER AND BETTER TOWN ? Why of course you do. Every man in Randolph county wants A&hebor to grow and be industri ous because they want a better market for their produce and crops. , ; v . Wi'are trying to make Asheboro bigger and bet ter, and we ask for you to do your "bit" by giving us patronage , ; , Let us write your Fire insurance, your life insur ance, your Health and Accident - insurance, your Automobile insurance, your Stock insurance, and r 'v- , ' vlatitn Tre Courier anack aneetM and with Uedeat regard V Mr. Editor, I am " . .'. Yoora wr trirr. . , j. f. Lyndon, jr. Sumter, 8. C May , IP. , 1W Rmedr far Siemadi TraaUe " am pWred to have the eivpoT- rxtnitv to r a rood wortf tut brlln' Ta' '"." wrrti Mr. Ma mie IVtI.I cf l.Vtlr. V.o. "I W.lnV thry t' l'"t r"T-r,'y for st"- rH I ' ' . ' 'l ; I 1 oner to loan and want six per cent r ....Ii. .ni t ji Att. J The money you loan us is re-loaned to people right here in Randolph county lor the rmrpose of buy ing homes and doing business. This builds up our , own county, and that is what you want to do. Come to see us and let us talx over these things with you. CO cry :1 r- This the 24th day of May, 1920. L. P. HAYES, Commissioner. By C. N. COX, Atty. Received Nice Line of Men's Pocket Books Ranging in Price From 25c. to $2.50 Standard Drug Co. Asheboro, N.C Republic Trucks possess every quality that hauling requirements demand. ' - It does not just happen that the Republic is the largest-selling truck in the world today. It goes back to such basic things as the Republic's performance it wondertullv rutreed strcneth. and real economy, i More business men have bought :y . . --r' ; ' V ; REPUBUC YELLOW dlASSITRUCKS .'v:;;;, X than 'any other make 6imply because' th Republic has proved that it actually . . - a . . . a . "'.,,- L '' ' a docs more and better hauling at less cost . 7 Republic Trucks are dependable n. 1 hi:d::ici:. Acboro, n. c. 1.

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