THE CtUEIEl ISSUED WEEKLY PRINdPLESyNOT MEN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XXXXT Ashebora, North Carolina. Tanrsday, September t. 1$2 NUMBER XS X LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Nell Steed, of Candor, has W. A. PRESNELL, SUBSTANTIAL CITIZEN, OF SEAGROVE, DEAD W. A, Presnell died at bis home near ANDOLPH SUPERIOR COURT The regular term of the superior cajttrt for trial of criminal case only, been visiting relatives in the city for . . a lew days. . u, mi M. Cox and daurhter. alias Hist Effte Jean Ferree swat several viri. of Ramsear Route 2. were in oaya recently vUitinjr her aunt. Mrs. Seagrove August 19 in his (7th year, ednveaed in Asheboro Monday. Sept Asheboro Monday. Miu Cox remain- Earie White, near Gleaola. Ee fell dead while at his work handinr with the Hon. Henry P. Lane, judge, ed in the city for a few days visit to Mr. A. Williams, of Liberty Route up sticks in tobacco barm. tpsesidiag and Hayden Clement, Esq., her uncle, Mr. Jona VX, in bouui a recently sunerea a stree oi Mr. Preenell twice married. Brosecutins' the criminal docket. His first wife was Mila Bridges, U !The mad jury is composed of the A&henoro. , , Col. w. P. Wood, of Ralei, was a Mr. R. A. Gaddis and family spent week-end guest in his home town. CL Sunday at Trinity. Wood attended tlw land sale here Men- Miu Mary Fox spent Tuesday in j .! intereartinrlv recoanted the Greensboro. of the town and contrasted Mr. E. H. Cranford and family, of prices land brought 'in A&hebere 34 Jackson Spring, were the week-end Mr. Presnell was member of the M. Maaess, E. C Turner, E. F. Phillips, years ago and now. guests of relatives in Asheboro. P. church at New Hope. He. was deep-'G. M. Kirarey, L. C. Parrish. G. M. Miss Roney Aahworth, of Asheboro Mr, W. Banks Richardson, of Chapel ly interested in church work uid found Reynolds, A. S. Clapp, L D. Latham. Route 3, has entered Asheboro high Hill, isvisiting his father, W. R. Rich- the service of Christ a delight. He I Cases were disposed of as follows: school and will spend the winter with ardson. told his children a short while ago not .State vs. Cletus Pool, nol pros with w sister. Mrs. Joe Betts. Mr. Jessie Yow, who has, a position, to invite friends to visit them, that leave. Miss Nell Bulla, who holds a respon- with the Standard Oil Company at would hinder them from going tol .State vs. sftle position with an insurance com- Charleston, S. C, is spending his va- church, discharged, pany in Monroe, has been visiting her cation with his parents here. The funeral service was conducted j Stat vs. mother. Mrs. J. U. rsuiia, west oi ansa ranueo yvusoo, oi etar, is Dy kv Asnourn, a iormer pastor, me uea. Asheboro. visrting miss nme iee fcpoon on mteremnt was in Mew Hope cemetery, rant W. 8. Freeman, of baiisbury, rayetteviUe street. His widow and six children survive has been relieving Capt. T. C. David- Mr. Grady Garner was the guest of whn has been on a visit to rel- his mother, at Why Not Sunday. stives and friends in Chicago for the Mr. and Mrs. Riley Styres, of High this union were born two children. f (Alewinjr, one of which is Mrs. E. M. James, of I "J). S. Craven. R. B. Summey. C. H. Marlin, Washington. His second wifelBawmaa, Fred Brown, J. C. Spencer, wm wuuc nun hum, oi vamp, va. x ninsnaw, rr . r . isiiey, j. a. this union were born five children. I King, E. H. Bird, L. E. Duncan, W. H. Claude Wilson, defendant Wade York, et al., contin. Dennis Fields, et al., con i Mann York, et al., contin WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS C. E. Gypsy Party. The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist Protestant chV'-ch met at the church, in Gypsy costume, last Friday evening and wen: to the Park where a campflre was built. While the coffee wu boiling, the business meeting wu held. An automobile contest was announced for this month. There are three prizes offered to the members who bring in the most new membei. The first prize, a Bible. Second prize, C. E. stick pin. Third prize, C. E. pin. All were orged to go to work at once. Following the business meeting sup per was prepared, consists of toast, weinies, coffee and toasted marshraal lows. After the supper the "Gypsies" enjoyed several old-time games. ASHEBORO SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY OF THIS WEEK FRANK LI NVILLE NEWS church opened Sunday morning. Kev. J. W. Williams, pastor South Main street M. E. church, High Point, is assisting the pastor, Kev. W. M. Smith. Mr. Williams is anr excellent preach past two weeks. Capt Freeman is a Point, are visiting relatives iu Ashe brother of Capt Freeman, who was boro, having come on account of the " i . t .1 : J a . .L i n I 11 for a number OI years captain oi me bvciuchl . m uicir nepnew, oneuy Burlington military company. Capt Styres. W S. Freeman was one of the organi- Mr. Henry Rich was a business vis zers of the old Burlington ' company Hor in Greensboro Saturday, when it was known as company F, in Mr. and Mrs. Aldred, of Hickory, thp early 90's. Captain Freeman is a are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Laurin jolly good fellow and very popular Cranford. with a large circle f acquaintances Miss Alice Lucas, of Malone, Ala., outside of railroad circles. left for her home Tuesday alter a visit The Courier is in receipt of an invi- to Miss Cleta Rich. tn attend the Sixth National Misses Mattie and Myrtle Iluehes, Exposition of Chemical industries, at oi ruiiers, were visitors in Asneooro . uraven, on AsneDoro street. the Grand Central Palace, New Yorki the first of the week. Mrs. B. M. Allred, who has been the week of September 20, 1920, from Miss Kathleen Hall, of Thomasville, I in the hospital at High Point, is im- the Southern Railway system ana me was uie gues, oi rs. m. n. Aiirea proving. State vs, ttinied. Stat va ued. State vs. Amos Carter, nol nros with The protracted meeting at the M. js. ,tcave i State vs. Geonre Callicutt. contina- ei ea. State vs. Henrv Lamb, continued. State vs. W. A. Bost, continued un der former ortJer. Btate vs. ueorga Thompson, con- Do As You Please Club. On last Thursday afternoon Miss Bessie Kennedy delightfully entertain ed the members of the Do As You Flease Club and several invited guests at hr home on Sunset avenue. Hearts dice was the feature of the afternoon. Mrs. Q. S. Sturn being the winner in this, receiving a lovely knv t TtANPtfl Al The hostess assisted by MUs Gladys S "Vs- y.i: "V"-. er aixi niiumg -i k"1 impression tuiuea unaer iormer oraer. on our people and much good expect-1 State vs. Seinday Lindsay, discharg ed to be accomplished. ed. Mrs. 0. T. Leonard and family, of I State va. Walter Tysinger, continued n i ? . r t 1 ... J t i vireenHDoro, are viuiunir mrs. uon-.Hawr ivriner oruer, Allred served iced tea, sasdwkhes and salted nuts. ard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. o. W. C. and Ohio Railroad Company, last week. Mr and Mrs. Geo. H. Ferree re- . Mr. Ludolph Fox, of Rockingham, turned Saturday night from a sight- visited his father, 0. R. Fox, last seeing trip to Washington and other week & p pomts. . church had a very enjoyable camp A handsome vault near the center h fc , of the Asheboro cemtery has been wa J a Gypgy erecxea young people dressing this way. It IS conai-rucfccu ui vj-j. ... " State vs. Walter McDaniel. contin ued under former order. State vs. Rankin Allred, continued under former order. State vs. Claud Chrisco, called and Born to Mr. and Mrs. James M. All-.failed; judgment ni sei 3i fa capias. red. Jr.. a daughter. I State vs. Marvin Harris, continued. Joe Shaw has moved his familyl State vs. Fannie Shamburger, not a from Cedar Falls to the house vacat-.true bill. ed bv R. I. Booth and has accented a I - State vs. Floyd Smith, col oros with twsition with the Randolph Manufac-, leave' turmir ComDanv. ' Btate vs. jl. lhomoson. Tom Among tne visitors in tovn Satur-jYork, Herbert Byerly, defondants day and Sunday we noticed E. A. plsad guilty. Judgment suspended on Grady Tippett, of .counsel, Mr. Stone, waived th- finding oi wu and pleaded guilty oi fornica tion and adultery; judgment tnat the defendant, Walter Daniel be confined in the jail of Randolph county for a Clarence Reaves and family, of ;trm of two years and be assigned to . , " . k io ,.r ? Mr. Charles f ields and i.vniiy. oi'Kouth and fami v. (J. H. Kouth ana payment oi costs. Born to Mr., ana airs. j. r-u. m- pieasant Garden, were visitors in family, C. H. Teague and family, ofl State vs. W. P. Roper, defendant denhall, at Memorial hospital, on jsep- r,, Monday. 'Sanfoid, Mrs. Wm. Steed, Mr. and called and failed. Judgment ni si sci tember 2. a little daughter, Martna , M , T , j m.c.,...... n n m..i0 n pi.i.f and .oniaa Redding. . ...... Nan Lewis were week-end visitors at Cot. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. TinDett. Mr. State vs. Edna Hoke and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Shanes nam3UV Bennettsville. S. C 'and Mrs. Floyd Bluster, Miss AnniejDaniel, the defendant throuj-h their - ''.,. Mr. and Mrs. Lanaer L.owtiermiiK, y. Archer and last week on their way to Sta. wheie of Kan are visitin(r re,aT.ives in Greensboro. iVey oL1" uP dunng tne Randolph county. Mss M. E. Makepeace, of Provi- Mrs. Shamburger expects to teach i Mr E B Leacn dauKhreri Miss'dence, K. I., spent last Friday at H, the graded school in Star. Mr. and Ufich f Searove spent Moi)js E(1' ards.' Mrs. Shamburger until asc year i veu . Asheboro. i (;ltlrftn,e at Hills Store when tney movea to Mr JohB Bowde0i of Rzm-.c r. visit-' Schoolfield, Va., were here a few days.lhe roads of Rowan county; that the Chula, V. . t i relatives in -tewn the first of the !,), week. iaWendaat 'Edna Hoke be confined in Mr. W. O. Marsh, t innity oute Hu h parkg famiy Qpfcn Sun-ltbe common jail of Randolph county 1, was. in Asneooro a lew wm4, p ... . epat wftK'dav at Sanford. six months. and subscribed to lhe ixwrier, nas an . -;"lv" m m u.i i n Ventriaa and familv sient State vs. Wiley Miller, defondant .tnrougn rus attorney, Mr. j. a. spence waived the finding of the bill and pleaded guilty of operating an auto mobile on the highway while mtoxi catad: ludarraent that the defendan pay a fine of $50.00 and the costs. onH familv ofl State vs. Grady Brown and John Miss Myrle Kearns returned last Asheboro, Mr iwoDinff w a memoer w " ere t,,, "here Brooks, defendants, through their at week from Palmetto, Ga.. wfcere she ef the senior dm at the University uem' were torney. I. C. Moser, waived tne find- visited her uncle, Mr. C. D. Kearns. oi wortn wraw tn.s year. fami, ing of the b511 and pleaded w Mrs. John M. Hammer and children, The M. P. Sunday School ol the M.l - . g . affray; judgement t that defendan of Greensboro, are visiting relatives p. Church wiU go on their annyai pic-i j m Brooks pay a fine of $50.00 and one- Mr. R. H. Moore, of SeacTve, was day at Sanford. . . , ty. j ... in AMnrnorn monaav. ir. muorc u . n. i extra nnerocacco crop. Tntiv t,uhaw) a barber sho- in Sundav at High Point when in Asnenoro mat ne naa .some .v""' rr J " m t AiiwJ i .h familv ant. J?afc- leaves of tobacco measuring wny--y- ... , . ',,vj0 a- anH Snnrlav at. Win- three inches ana we ny error eaiu vne :-----. j . . . v..v.s.i.m kuukh meuureu nmvi-ww - Mr. Marsh has a nice lot ot tobacco -r- -T tiv foot hirh Mr. Jesse Robbms is visiting ston-Salem- School opened m present. Mr. Robbinffis a member' Mr- Calvin Kidge Monday With 187 Largest Attendance in the h story if School. The Asheboro graded school opened Monday, September C, with 555 pnpils enrolled. This is the largest enroll ment in the history of the school. The pupils and teachers assemble m the eourtaouse with all members of the school board prehedt The devotional exercises were con ducted by Rev. L. W. Gerrirger, T. W. Andrews and Dr. ConnelL j .Iiviiiiwhicu wwwx a H.s opea- u oiicku uuuuku uno piaas .or ue entirs year's work. He urged the hearty co-operation of the people and said without it he could nut run the school. Following are the teachers: Superintendent, D. W. Maddcx. Temporary principal, Bank? Rich ardson. High school, Miss Ruth McDowell, nuns loweu ana Mrs. Bryan. Primary grades: Misses Brooks and Mary McCain. Selond grade, Miss Lucile Morris. Upper third, Miss Mary Moffltt Third grade, Mrs. Bessie Rice. Fourth grade, Mrs. J. W. McGuinn. rutn grade, . Miss Katherine Bums Woman's Gab Meet. The Woman's Department crub met on the lawn of Mrs. L L. Wnitaker on last Wednesday. A number of la dies acted as hostesses and served punch on the arrival of the members. Instead of having a program, as has been the custom for the summer months, a business meeting was held. Each member of the club was asked to give some suggestion concerning town improvement A number of sug gestions wore made, among them rec ommendations that the city fathers arrange for sidewalks for the town, a day current on Sunday, improve ments for the park and school grounds, a anight watchman for tne city and other things. A commitee was ap pointed to confer with the Dvs. Hay worth to ascertain how the Woman's club could best serve the hospital. Much interest was manifqptec in the hospital. Every one present was anx ious to do something for this institu tion which is doing so much to relieve the sick and suffering in Asheboro and Randolph county. Th-3 October meeting will be held at the park, when a picnic lunch will t3 served. The hpstesss served watermelon. Mrs. M. H. Allred Announces Marriage of Miss Mary Fox. Sixth grade, Miss Uphria McKenzie. eventn grade, Miss Zelnut Miller. Mr. Richardson is temporary prin cipal but will probably decide to re main for the entire year. With this splendid corps of teacher every effort will be put forth to make this the most successful school year Asheboro has ever known. SHELLY STYRES SUFFERS TERRIBLE ACCIDENT On Wednesday of last week Shelly Styres had the misfortune to have his arm caught in the belt of a dyeing ma chine at the Acme Hosiery Mill. His left hand was caught in a part of the machinery which revolves 800 times to the minute. His arm was broken ia six places below the elbow and once above and was so crushed that it had to be amputated He was taken im mediately to Memorial hospital where he was treated. He has suffered in tensely, but is now improving. ROAD AND BRIDGE CONTRACTS LET in Asheboro. nie Thursday, September 9th. BRAXTON CRAVEN MEMORIAL half costs; that defendant Brown pay FUND BEING RAISED a fine of $20.00 one-half the coat. Stat vs.. Addison AUred; the def- Mr.-N. R. Harris, ef Trinity Route Mr. John Swain, of Brown tummit, 1, was in Asheboro Tuesday and had was a visitor in Asheboro Monday, the finest tobacco Btalk we have heard Miu Leuella Lowe, of Washington , of in the county. The stalk was six D. C, is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. feet tall, with thirty-three Deaumui m. Lowe. , , J . vzho was president of Trinitf coUege with assault on his wife. aw i a acoiA wruvi unpn i. n idiimv in - i i ua.. u. i-ua. In honor of the laie Braxton Craven, endant through his attorney I. C Mo on of RandolDh's leadinr educators, ser, waived bill and pleaded guilty several years, a memorial fund has State vs. Jim Birkhead; the defend Many of the leading ant through his attorneys, Hammer leaves measuring 34 inches loag and . . . . . : tt.' L V 5 . eighteen inches wide, ine variety nign roinu ... heen started Many of the leading am tnrougn nis attorneys, nammer the Big Warren. Mr. Harris has one-, Miss Urslie Williams, of Durham, Carolinians of today were edu-'hd Moser, waived the finding of the half acre of this tobacco which is es- was the week end guest of home fo'ks. . . . ... , , ln.tiHltinn an,i vw. bills No. 64 and pleaded guilty of ear- timated by tobacco raisers to be when Mrs. S. L. Hayworth is visiting her Rpiendld woik which Mr. Cra- rytng a concealed weapon and pleaded ru.ea lOw pound, rte has oiied toui daughter, Mrs. Ellis, near bilcr City. r Everybody In Randolph guilty In number 84 of assault with Darns ana nas iour more vo tu-o. Mr. C D. Kearns and Frederick, of Palmetto, ir.g relatives ia Concord einer rwrU of this section ot ptate. Mr. Kearns left Randolph coun- the she win be in school this wimr. . eoulpment of a home eunomi-.ance. ndolphcoun- Mrs. unaries smitn was ine we. p.u . ,, for Trinitv hithl Htate by twenty-two years ago and went to guest of relatives at beagrove last , r (wArm wtr h enraged in farm ing. Mr. Kearns has ia a Urge cotton Miss Clara King, of Troy, was the gjjj QN GROUND FOR ASHE crop, he also raises corn and fruit, week-end guest of Misses Msttie and BORO BANK ft TftUST CO. Mr. SUstcm 8keea left the first of Linnie Burkhead. the week for Raleigh where he will be Mrs. U. C. Richardson and daughter,! The Asheboro Bank and Trust Com a student at the X and E. Colclge this Miss Elyre, were visitors in Greens- pany ia a new concern for Aiheboro. year. boro last week. Brick are now being placed on the Swrl Monle of Aheborol Mr. Ralph L. Lewis, of Charlotte, ground for the building. Work will attended the nartv rivea at the home was a business visitor in Asheboro begin .on the dnrgtag the toundation highl State vs. Dempsy Watson; aeiena- ant tnrougn nis attorneys wmteu um and pleaded guilty of abandonment. Judgment that the defendant be con fined ia the common jail of Randolph nf R r Mnr uir RuullDmiB Fri- Tuesday. day night I Mrs. Carl Slack, of Durham, has re- Miss Batty SteW, of Meuat Gils4,.omd heme after a vim w Mr. and was a wek-end Tisttor in Asheboro. Mrs. Osborne Slack and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Stead has been visiting rolaUves N. P. Cox. in Mebana. I Mrs. W. D. Stedman was i visitor Miss Esther Boss is at Memorial ia High Point Thursday, hospital, ha via undsrroiM a very dif- Miss Maxine Redding of Cedu- Falls ficolt operation last week. Miss Ross has entered Khool at Aheboro. has been very ill, but we are glad to say the ia imDrvvinc vary akely. ia immediately. The first floor will be used for banking roms while the sec ond floor will be osed for offices. Miuea Ethel Brim and Elisabeth Ashby. of Mt Airy, left Monday for their homes alter speeding a xew days with Mrs. D. 8. CeHraae. Vernle C AJlrsd, af Cedar fans, eounrv for twelve months, o be as signed to the public roads of Rowan emintv. not to wear stripes. StaU vs. Virginia Baldwin, Mary A. Hbaea. Mack Redwine, Thomaa Brovn. The defendants through their attor neys,' Spence and Moser, waived bill aaA lMded arailtv of entering house fsr prostitution; Judgmeni it tuspend- 4 pnymeat er eotts. BUU vs. Ray Whit true bill. The dafandant called aad failed; judgment ni si sei f a and capias. StaU vs. Dwirht Trordon; the de- fMitut thmiffh hi attornerx waived mi Lun WUev. of Salisbury. wtVwho hai been suffering from theU Duade4 ruilty nf assault A.Kj.hflra TMsdav. shock sine. Uie war was usea "lwtth deadly weapon. . - i Vv. r Tt a 'rNtaa l a a I m SBkV rW I Tl The Kritchflald Dramatic Company, Mr. Frank Byrd, Dr. O. U Freneii;Morgaton fuesoay oi iat weea state vs. Bal wrui; tne .ie enoan. is ia Asheboro this week aad has an and Mlaaea Lillie and Alabel ramoh Mrs. Mildred Hargravn, emiavy nur. eaid ttMt4; juagment ni i sci unutuAU rood um of sUtrftctiont. un wert nmttrt m ureentooro own.v. jnc cnwiw w ..v.K.w i wbq rpi. moDdav Airht Koarht nA Vila or, nr. MJPQ ovewr, m Will Carr. larceny: a true Mcun W. L. AlberUon and V. u kin "Brown, of Trinity, were butlnet vin- gtaU vs. Thomat Wallae. defend itors in the city Tuesday 'ant through hi attorneyt waived a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hug;ic nd wm nd pleaded guilty of carrying childrea, Hatel and Myne. tpenr sun- concealed weapon, Gastonia, it 'sane. was TWi. ... '.!U at- via tinr hi s Iter. Mrs. S. ivery. tractive to the Asheboro audience be- Mr. Stowa is drculstion manager of ause soma on gave a reading of this the Gastonia Dally Gasettc. play during the recent Chautauqua. ' Mr. A. Rots and daughter, Mim l.-SSJa X'Sfor g-wlth Mr. Hughef p.rer.t. nearP T v. djjjj orial hotpiUI, has returned to her Winn-S.lem where she wl teach Trinity. U thghjta ey ed bill Mr. John Swain, son of Rev. W. E.- Mits Mittie Lovett it vitHirg lived in Athecoro ami wno - o-'y and cost. Swain, a former pastor of Atheboro, lives and friends la Burlington. known throug ho it the i countv it vit-1 mfn CK VTFD . V.,... .1.. -i... ... i: . d.,,1. r. rxrr. Minni nf ilin nit dauirhter Mm. J. L.'Kit. TWO RANDOLIH Mr.r .KA!lr.ii tlT " V",M,r " lDe CU' W,C rHT vlhitinir thelft r'andmoth-1 Mr. Jordan M the mitfortunr of bP-f UCENSE TO PRACTICE LAW Dr. W. L Bowman, who U assoclat- er, Mrs. W. K. Dickens. Ing robbed of WOO a few wckt age d with Dr. Carson m the piactire of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stanton, of atlils home in South Carina, rvi .i r i T i tj-.ji - d,i. i .ra huainrui v - Dr. Otbome Athworth ha l-n m Asheboro the flrt of the week Itort in the city Tuetday. They werejting hit father Mr. : - ' - . . . Mr. John T. Brittain. Jr.. m of Mr. John T. Brittain of Ah-l)orn ami W. R. ApSworthiXi, u. r, Royslt. ton of Mr. Cynn wi nmi oi uie wer pri iir in - . - - , ,l , . ..r..n.. ... .1 v - i . .. ..n.j . a .-l lami hu nu at Ainenoro nouie i. it. n. m m . imvoju. oi innuy, it..ium) .'aJL."T-?Zr"J T?, :m"Z :T: v,.M educate at the Vlrgm.a Mrld ha SU l..t we.k nnd n.2 ZZZAT TT i," r."",w :,;, Tn" 4 n..4 t.r..n. Thl CnlUw In Richmond. Vs. He hn r-'rWd their lirente rn practice law m nis proie... w,i. . 7"-" " " 'T hen made auMrintendrnt of , RHttain ha beet, at Chsnel Hill t "n V" wrmeriyoi AAianoni. waa mr ow.w - Kn.naI , Ru.nmnn,. ".v. nmml f.w montht. Mr. Royal. nut now i ureeasboro, was uta urn of the week. Mr. k .klt. L t i bm Iml u. 4 t.i. .hl.h h e a ma 11 com- Aiheboro latt week . The word ty,.,,,, mi., vn nu.u u. li... V . m t .V- Ml I aitla P.. rWkotxt nf fiiu nr t t tu I., . j . , W ill AlTeVand Albert Paniona. Thlt College In Richmond. Va. He ha. r.-'raea.v! their lirente rn pract,re . ofA!vboro wan Mrs. SUnton't flrtt experience in cently been mnxle atipenntengrnt of Mr. Brittain hat been at (,h8fel H. J,,; Ih" court T ISt Elisabeth hotpiUl in Rvc.mnnd. -for the patt few montht. Mr. Roy. UcSuri MrJ T Uad.rwood has recently Misses Willie and Domthv r.anc. nf u the rural carrier from Tnn.ty. jr. vox tayt si r. j. w - ..nt s.h.hom Route 2. were rlitfr- inl SLETSrc.., . . . The word "book- it derive,! from Li. n ' . i . j . ,i . r b...K Mix I .an la Rurkhead. of Carwlnr it. the Teutonic "buch. or beech, tna .i:.TJjrP TTi' PJ hom. of Hugh J.lword specially tuiUble for Inscrip- aor street to thakt blm feel at home, tonic aad pronounca extra nne. On last Friday afternoon from four to six o'clock the beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Allred was a scene of loveliness and merriment A large number of guests were invited to the home, presumably to meet Miss Kathleen Hall, of ThomasyiUe. ine guests were greeted by Mrs. Allred. her sister, Mrs. Laurin Cranford and Miss Marr Fox and guest, Miss Hall. The home was most attractively deco rated with beautiful flowers. The col ors pink and yellow predominating. A beautiful y allow basket was sus pended from the electrolier is the re ception hall, this immediately upon the arrival of the guests began to cre ate suspicion. Sweet pea sccre cards were passed, the numbers ef which assigned the guests to ths various ta bles where progressive hearts were played. The playing of heart agara aroused the suspicion that Dan Cupid had been active. Many of the geusts suspected that Miss Hall was the vic tim. When the score was counted it was found that Miss Mabel Parrish had he highest score and a beautiful1 basket was presented to her with the instruction to open and upon doing so was greeted by a beautiful miniature bride in veil and orange blossoms to gether with the following announce ment: "I'll bet you my hat that she's fooled you About goiag to school in Maryland. Well, you needn't believe hor, for if you do You're duped toe you undentond For that's not what ale'i iaing st all. But she's going to be married in early fanr- Hew, areat you surprised, Well, so war wa, But It's the unexpected that happens, you see. Ths hoateas then lowered tba basket from the elactolier aad from this bas ket distributed pink hearts contain ing the following initials: "M. E. F." and "J. T. P." The contracting partiet are Mitt Mary Fox and Mrs. J. T. Pugh. The bride-to-be it the youngett daughter of Mr. O. R, Fox aJtd It s young wo man of charmlag personality bnd lov able traits of character. Her marriage comes as a complete turpriac at the had announced that the would enter Weatern Maryland College the 15th of September, the daU on which thf in to he married. Mr. Pugh it a piogie tivp young man. He hat recently pur chad Mr. C. E. Allen't grocery More in Aahenoro. Mr. I ugh wa a memoir of the American expeditionary force and nine hit return hat hT nngaifod in the lumber Jiutirvatt. The hottest served rream hnd enke after which the vltitort repaired tn their rvtpective hornet to tcatter the newt of a ral turprite marriage in Athebort). The new Montgomery-Stanly bridge to be built by the State Highway Cora mission below Lowder'8 Feny three miles from Norwood, is to cost seventy-five thousand dollars. - - - The bridge is UOQieet long, 18 feet wide and 85 feet above hiTr water. In its construction 4,500 barrels of ce ment will be used, and scores of cars of sand and crushed stone. Plans for the bridge were prepared in t' e offices of the commission. The bridge will form one of the ma jor links in the Raleigh-Charlotte highway being built by the commis sion. Contract for twenty-one miles of graded road by Moore county from Carthage to the Montgomery county line has been awarded to S. L. Davis & Sons, of Knoxville, at the price of one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. Ten aad twenty-five oae huad reths miles of clay gravel na4 goiac from a point nearly two miles 4 orth of Asheboro, where the new road is te leave the old plank road in the direc tion of Graham, known as tlx Capital to Capital Highway, at the price of eighty-five thousand dollars. REVIVAL MEETING TO BE GIN AT BAPTIST CHURCH Robert Harran, a widely known mo tion picture actor, died tt hit home in New Yoik O'y September 1. A series of protracted meetings will begin at the Baptist church here Sunday morniag September 11, last ing for about 10 days. Rev. J. F. Black, evangelist, of Ramseur, will have charge of the meeting. Every one is cordially invited to at tesd and help make this a successful revival. KEARNS REUNION AT MR. J. N. KEARNS HOME, UttSBAY On last Sunday la kostar of Mr. C D. Kearns, of Palmetto, GaH re union of the Kearns family at the home of Mrs. J. N. Kaarns, af Barn bay, was held. There were about aao hundred aad fifty af ths faaVly ares eat. Mr. Kearas is the soa of the lata Jesse Kearas, of New Hopo township. His mother was a sister of Mr. Jas. T. Wood, of Asheboro. There are eight of the childrea living, vis: S. E. Kearns, of Denton, B. M. Kearns, of Denton, W. H. Kearns, New Hope township, Mrs. Wade Birkhead, of Candor. Mr. J. L. Koontu, Lexington, Mrs. J. N. Keamt, Bombay, C. D. Koarnt, Palmetto, Ga., and T. L. Kearnt, near Denton. Ail f tr brothers and titters were present with their familiet except T. L. Ksm who was detained by illness of hi w'ifc. Many of other relatives and friendi of the family were present. Mr. All ton made a tpeech in which he rave a history of thit branch of the Kearns family after which a most tuinptuou dinner vat nerved. RECRUTIVG OFFICER I. D HINTON IN ASHEBORO Mr. I. I). Hlnton, of the army re cruiting oft of Greenaboro, arrived in Atheboro Tuetdsy and will be la Atheboro for ten days. Headquar ter a will be at the poatofTic. Any deird information concerning re organisation bill, pay, victory medals, etc.. msy be obtained from Mr. Ilit ton.

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