THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEB 30, 1923 THE ASHEBORO COURIER. ASHEBQRO, N. C. Page Thret Women Should Register and Vote Lift off Coms! THE CHAMELEON CASDIuATt (BY MISS LOUISE ALEXANDER) After seventy-two. years of battle for the privilege the vote is on. Wo man is. i every" state in the Union, the political equal of man. B the ac tion of the Tennessee lepisluvure 29 million women are entitled to cast their ballots in the cominjr general election and thereby perform the high est duty oi citixensn.p. our approval. We must remster in the rarty of our choice, coi.w ;our of its shortcoming, but also r-.ware of its great possibilities. No more forci ble proof that nothing 'can Le done outside of the two great parties exists than the lamentable failure of tlife Committee of Forty-Eight. - remaps the greatest question that Doesn't hurt a bit and Free-one costs only a few cents. With the quesuon oi me extension com ronr:; ine woman voter i nlay is: of the voting privilege tc women fin-1 "Am I a Republican or a Dei ..ocrrrt?" ally settled, there now arises another As woman, with skirts free from pat question 01 a very, vwj nature n in i entangling alliances, we are at liberty T ...... 11 Tlnr i. L.!l :. e. i the women icanyi uw . ve all along answered Those who "yes" to this question are very much heartened in to decide this Question on fulu'-e mev- its, or possibilities. We can forget past delinquencies, since both parties view of the large woman s vote m the r.p.v so many of the latter t. their recent primary elections in various . credit that it -ouM be a hoples task j atates. Int Maine, for instance, women j to strike a balance between tuem. We j went to the polls in astonishing num- ctcai, then, with thy party of ihe fu bers. In Virginia even, that strong-'tare, not of the past. Which of the hold of conservatism, file response of two greit parties embodies tr.f princi the women was extremely gratifying. ia states that havo n&d woman sun rage for years there is absolutely no ground for the aeensation that women jsst appreciate the franchise enough to use it. pies that appeal to women mot? Un questionably Democratic, because it stands for a hope of greater .iusti-e in equality of opportunity and in dis tribution of wsulth. It favoi-3 the -- middle body of consumers, rat'ier than And JOS. MesMM m a number of , the comparatively small body of nror jutes woanaa'e appearance at the aucers. bpeaking as Southerners oils is a brand new experience, and (and fevr rf are I'roo from the 'ec- boeause as a political asset she is ab-tional viewpoint), the Democratic solutely uncharted, it cannot be too party by its policies is especially fa- "With your fingers! Tou can lift ofl any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the hard ekin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freerone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon- the corn or callus. Instantly it stops hnrting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or sore ness. Truly I No humbug! Abraham linro.n, vhen a candid -e for 1'reiulenl, nce. eoik.e4.ui wnai l.e thought aoout slave y in u:e Te. i - tones, nor did Ulysses s. li.aut, i.en me nominee oi ms party ior r-.ts.-. dent, leave the voiei in uoubt as t j r..a opuuon of toe l-artv p.un oi sout. en; ttousti ucti jn. lDjsc. noue. i, . e.e' times v.hen Republican cuici-d..;. lor, Piesident knew v;Lt; to tnink anJ . what to say about paramount i -suet, ox ' tut- campaign. j V.arien U. Krdir.g is a Re pub . i ran ' candidate tor iYcsmont oi a .tulica!.;. u.rlerent kidney, and nooixi.' kuo.s iii tit--thinks oi can untie stand what he says concsrnir.g the League u. nations, wl-.ith is tue;i.. i.vue oi lfiiU. All tnat .s p:;un is Cumlidate Hauling has trie cjjahties ii me chanieitJii ai.d rentcts tae m:vs of the last party magnate wun v iioiii he conl'eis. A lev ca. s ag Ml. tjtorge W. vickeishuui comniuned .Ui senator Haiding and was led to believe that the candidate agreed wun him that our government be a member of the League, or words to tl'.at effect, but promptly Candidate Harding announced that ltis visitor did iiot uiiuei stand his position on the League at all, and he Lersis nig his iiuestion a Then ther ASPlKlN Name "Bayer" on Genuine REGISTRATION OF WOMEN VOTERS "P.ayer Tablets of -spirin" is genuine Aspirin proved efe by millions anJ I'r---scribed bv physicians for ow twi-nty years. Accept'onlv an unbrok.n "Hayfr package" which contains pror direc tions to relUve H.a.l&cl.e. Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, lvlieumalxm. ( oloa and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab lets cost few cents. Prujrpists also sell lareer "Baver packaee. Aspirin trade mark Baver Manufacture aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Memoriam. David K. Vickery, son of M--. ard i. juts. ih. v. n-rvci, ii ivm.t ciiiuu, .I.1.. Route 1, died September 1, yoiable to Southern interests. As an international consideration, it holds out the league of nations, with which women, with a few rare are most thoroughly in tms statement is oased on often and emphatically repealed that hi this year, vkM great national and international questions are to b set Had, it is of faisasasnrable importance tht wonaM shrald tote. And, in this act of organised prd- raotion of aai sMeesary that orgAnised is Ikis m earns saute use oi (mnization J -i 1 i 1 ntia all Dnnfi'mnnl - 1 "I parties; aaa uai, wnavever may De tmraiii nunin is, hjiu i collesre INTERESTING HISTORY OF posit.on on that momentous thoyneumo,, at p.olound secret. Hampton, Va. He was a mem ere is Mr. Knox, as hostile u 5F0th'Aero Squadron, U. I ague as wiekeisham is la- wv,;, ,.. . ' ,. .... ., i,oKIQ t it Mv Vmv hn,l r, Inlor. .Vn.".e 0Ill UltAUU A 1 liNli CLASS OF 1920 " V.rTT' TT ?. anu t thirteen months and had part of a true soldier In the graduating class of the Ashe- - took toucmng the League. Wil- v Hig lieutenan; This ':s thf first of a 62rits of ar- that vill appear in t.ns column , cn things of inte.est to women .oters: I No woman and thure is r.o excep tion to this can vote on No-, ember 2 v ho h?.s nDt been registered bc'ore hand. i What Women Are E.ititled to Be Registered Any woman is entitled to be legistered who (1) is able :o read and write any section of the ooni-titu-tion in the English language and shows to the satisfaction of the reg istrar her -bility to r?ad pjid write any such section ':pii she apples for registration and hefre she is regis tered; (2) is twenty-one years of ege; (3) has resided in North Carolina two earr in the county six months, and in the v ard, pr.-cinct, or election district Mono- f jur months; (4) states unde:1 oath as accurately as possible her noin, age. place of birth, place of residence, and h'.-'- ward if she liver in a city or town, and answers any othr Questions vh'ch may be material upon the oues- 11)20 of OI ner ntity ana qua'incation Field, 10 ne regis-cereti ; and lb) tikes the mini io suppo.i me constnutio'i ot tne United States and of North Carolina. Th.3 nrepvment of poll tax is not a condition precedent to a v onian's tlie beini' registei-ed or voting. When May a Woman Voter Be in a letter to the be- Registered The registration books ber of S. A. nineteen veavs of age he had been with this squadron fo- about acted -vmnathv boro hif?h of 1920 t:,ere were !',am.,H- attf Senator Harding is reaved nt 'spoke verv of w;n be open on September 30 and will :!! PS weIve tfrls and six boys, all of whom the hoPe; of the League; but Colonel the dece'ased. " be kept open between nine in the ... . . uv cntoroH .lion-o tv,; vn ueoiee narvev. alter a conierence m.. : i u- t i min i.. asssaitd campaigns, it is'reaaing oi tne expressions of opinion ZlZ lr 8 . ith Btl( Hr,iincr u r.ertertiv llle vC, "--"6 ' ",aV ?ALC1 thm woman'! vnto bp by women all over the countrv and " A "L l"c B"i : T ZZ Zi' r cross ior Dunai oeptemoer o, accom- ouauay, ior i.vemy uays tnat is, un- tn woman s vol1; De.J i vci uic iuuhiij, ciiu. a.,.j: t i, u:,... r . i .... satisfied with his' stand on thr .ensue. . i ,. -. .; x t. :i .. i- oj -.i.i f t rrlar t malcr if ofFectivp conversations With women from manv ."""'"S -"c "'wj i i w"." yr, , . ;.: " ?PT paniea Dy nis oergenm, j nines r. m suiun ui oamrauy, vcuoDer is. ii V . i i .j; 1.1 of the Present dav masv h.i failed colonel Harvey is a Duter-endor. ine wl, Thn fnnaml rivirAv; wpvp & Woman shnnlrl nnt. Tititll f- Vta 'Si mIt macWn'rfof or- In local politics what cannot the to g0 awy to col!ee but in this case L''0ne.1' howeyel' is nCt "faliiblefcHiB conducted by Rev. Lowdermilk. registered during this period but .tae emiy macnincrj oi or- " puuuis, wnai. cannot tne . , u,, u f,.,i ,ntt! sairucitv is not commensurate v.-itl? nis n. . j u.. u: i cU.,1,1 un u.. j... wa nars that of uolitical woman's vote accomplish? Laving "V " c".'c V lvl"c! , i' tv,,,, i ,,.ofi ' urviv"u u? i1."8. f "-".-u."y i'-" uay, uie oniv six oi tne triris nave cone .uii"ouiu.j. ,iC o mnther who wore nr. his nensifif! vvnen men sne mav ne reirist.erer .m e pi- th mstiMtrra naimc oi many women J ' dies have trotten married since school Harding at Cn.cago last June. to remaiB WSiaa OI party lines, De- ". oi political millennium, ,aQ,, " ,. is. the Senatorial olie-arcl." Three of the young la- tne nappy -thought that he nominated tne end came a)so four sisters and tion day. That is, if she shall become caase of waatthe parties have done, or the call is clear and strong. Great The' follnwiiw i a nf ti, rmrl .1.-. n'11 J,.. Ml. nrniects ran he, nrnmnfcH aJnontmn.i 1.fte lOHOWing IS a JlSt Ot the gratl The faef is, the Senatorial oligarchy nomi nated Harding in Washington last De have not do, taey will have to real- projects can oe promoxea eaucation- tJ , of 1920 and the colleges cembei. There is precedent for Col m that partT arennization is essen- al, hygienic, hurnane. We have the fthey wl attend It will be of Harvey's naivete-the fledgling roos tial under praajmt nditions to a fair '1nr mteZl t! Z people of the town to ter of the barnyard is thoroughly per eressioa ef tha will of the peop e in North Carolina communities prqvid- k h th , h suaded that the sun. rises a Conse matters of goremment. Women have ed they are steered , into the right te . school: quence of his crowing for dav. offer as citizerfa, but if they hope to istering one's name, and casting a make that contribution count for what wte. A little thing, but 01 mighty it is worth, thef must become a part consequence in the aggregate. Let us of the macaiaarr (not the machine, if not stand aside, indifferent or hostile, ,do should exist) that controls and while great things 'are brewing; but determines tha pollciec of the govern- let us join heartily as citizens in the ment. tfothiat is to be gained by as- campaign that lies ahead of ua, do our suming a superior, condsseending atti- part in the fostering of right ideals of tude taaard "politics," and so brand- citizenship, and have the satisfaction on&Jf a slacker with the thous- ot knowing that we did not sit idly five brothers, a host of relatives and twsnty-one years of age "oetween Oc- friends. tober 23 and midnight of November 2, The nallbearers were: Reid Stanton, or shall complete her residence of two Claud Toomes, James Rich, Theodore years in the state, six months in the Wright, Charles Kirkman and Clifford county, and four months in- the ward, Brodkshire. precinct or election district between 1 The flower bearers were: Misses October 23 and November 2, she may Tjuila SHai T.nis finenee. Hurdle and be registered on election rtav Graduating class. : Mr. Editor, the bravest act recorded pauiine Davis, Bessie Rush, Nell Mar- Where May a Woman Voer Reg. Adelaide Armfield, Salem College. m American political history was that iey Mr8. Kelsie Coltrane Huffmun and ister The registrar may keep the Ruth Hadley, Greensboro College of Grover Cleveland, when early in jjr. Jason Vickery. books open at his home or his place for Women. 1892, he wrote and had published a -jbis young man was a member of of business any day during the period Sarah Gregaon, State Normal. letter championing tne gold standard; fl,e Randleman Lodge of the Modern and on election day the registrar shall Anna Gregson, State Normal. ' and the most cowardly act in our po- Woodmen of the World, and was much have the books at the voting place of Kate Bulla, State Normal. Htical history is the wabbling of War- thought of by his associates. the ward, precinct, or election district. Julia Ross, State Normal. ren G. Harding on the League of Na- The bereaved familv have the most Bertha Presnell, to teach. tions, which would be pitiable H it sincere sympathy of friends and ALMOST A SHADOW, AFRAID TO ands of nTsa wha are either too indiff- by the wayside, but moved with the erent or too uaiatelligent to vote. I passing throng to a definite goal. What is politics? It is the technique! At the Democratic national con by which wa fanction citizenlv. It is vention in Sah Francisco :n July of good or bad as we make it. And this year signal favors were shown the ballot is the key that opens for us the women. On the executive com the doors of citiswnship in the great- mittee of the national Democratic est femiblia the world has ever known, committee at the convention there Will we use it? If ws are glad that were as many women as men, seven wa are now citizens, we will be glad teen of each. The Democratic na enough to pat ourselves to the trouble , tional committee itself is now com of registorLur and voting. It is now. posed of fifty men and fifty women. w privilaa to take part in perhaps These things are the earnest of the, tha most important eleetioa ever held good faith of the party toward wo- in Amerioa, and, to make our influ- men. The Democratic party, nation eaao count tn the vary most, we must ally and locally, extends to the women choose tha political . party whose his- ' of North Carolina a cordial greeting 1 tory and practices most near'y meet an outstretched hand of welcome. Wilma Russell, Mrs. Gorre Mary Fox, Mrs. J. T. Pugh. Leota Moffitt, Mrs. Lee Fritz. Elyer Richardson, at home. Kate Spoon, at home. Dan Burns, Chapel Hill. Wilmer Presnell, Chapel Hill. John Birkhead, Chapel Hill. Nolan Allen, Medical Co'lege Virginia. Neely Hunter, Davidson. Charles McCrary, Davidson. The best wishes of all the Ashe boro citizens follow this splendid bunch of young people. Sugg.' were not so contemptible. By the way, neighbors mere is norrioie uaings to trie enect 1 that this here Hague Court contrap GODSON TELLS THE blUll 11 HULL 1C XCVUlIllif EAT Boys, Get the Money! abroad is nothing in. the world but a branch of the viie Wilson League of Nations. Candidate Harding's atti- tuue toward the League reminds one of jot the doggerel about a dutifu, daugh ! ter and a fond but wary mother ".Mother, may 1 go in to swim? "es, my darling daughter; Hang your clothes on a hickoi y limb. But don t go near the water.'' If every voter in the United States could strip himself or herself oi politi cal prejudice and act only as mind and "My son-in-law was so bad from 4nnU . -. Ul 1L4 1- - 1 1 HORROR OF CALOMEL to almost a shadow and was afraid tb eat anything, as all food caused bloat- Rub-My-Tism is a powerfni antisep tic; it kills (he poison caused from in f'eclcd cuts, cures old sores, telier. etc, Report of the Condition of THE PEOPLES HANK, At Randleman, in the state if X I Carolina, at the close of tnis n September 8, 1020. Resources. Loans and discounts .... ?;!S0.1. rth ess, BROWN AND OX-BLOOD BEST FOR HOME SHINES 'SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIO VALUE PACKAGES Also PASTES and LIQUIDS for Black, Tan and WTrfw Shoes THE P. F. DAUST CORPOkATIONS LTD., buffalo, n. y. Demand loans Overdrafts, unsecured . . . I'nited States Bonds and I :hei t Bonds North Carolina state bonds Premium on bonds Hanking houses, $1,575.00; furniture and fixtures. $975.00' Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies . . Cash items held over 24 hours ". Insurance business . . . You Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe, or ing of gas which pressed against his Salivate Yourself to Start Liver heart, worrying him very much. Our Your'e bilious, sluggish, constipated, druggist persuaded him to try Mayr's You feel headachy, your stomach may Wonderful Remedy and in two' months be sour, your breath bad, your skin he looked fine, can eat anything and sallow and you belive you need vije, works hard every day." It i.i a simple, danferous calomel to start liver and harmless preparation that removes the bowels. catarrhal mucus from the intestinal Here's my guarantee! Ask your tract and' allays the inflammation 'druggist for a bottle of Dodson's Liv- which causes practically a'l stomach, er Tone and take a spoonful tonight, liver and intestinal ailments, Including conscience dictate, Jamen M. Cox If it doesn't start your liver anil appendicitis. One dose will .-- invince would receive every vote 111 the Elec- straighten you right up hotter than or money refunded. Sold by Standard toral College. In their convictions calomel and' without griping or mak- Drug Company and ilruggis'.s overy William H. Taft, Charles E. Hughes,1 jng you sick I want you to go back to where. , George W. Wickersham, Theodore the store and get your money. Burton, together with millions of oth- Take calomel today and tomorow crjtopubiicaiis, are for Cox, ns are the von will fool weak, sick and nauseated.' We New Vork Tumino, the Philadelphia pont lose a day. Take a spoonful or press our thank Ledger and many other great, Kcpuo- harmless, vegetable Dodsons Liver friends for the A Card of Thanks, want to use this method U px- ; to our nein'hhors and r m:mv favors and lican newspapers, but they are ahject Tone tonight and wake up feeling kindnesses shown us i slaves to partv prejudice and political ; snlendid. It is nerfoctlv harmless, so of our dear husband 0 fanaticism. I except het 'purer that Vive it to vour children anv time. It son-in-law. Mrs. L. 5.200.00 , used to shine for all i.nd now shines rnn't. salivate. " and Children, Mr. an f.2!!.70jfor none. It has no convictions in' . Hamlin. Is'.ock and therefore is impotent to ad- R LEIGH MAN STABS WII'K I 21, 100.00, vacate anything. I AND THEN SHOOTS HIMSELF Kindred of Mrs. M. J. Warren 1 the .-a.! death md father and 1). Ii-marcus .Mrs. W. R. ,50.00 of Sta- Dinner. Mrs. M. J. hat hrought 10th, her for reunion G.UdU.UUi And another homnle circumstance: . lv Knri'.-irl UiriMnv 110.00 Mr. Elihu Root eailv last summer or, flwirloj Fvans :i citizen of Vialii'h. Tlr. T.'lnl hii-th,l:iv .,f late hist spring gave utterance to'0ne day last week slashed his wife Warren was the occrsion some vile free-tiado preachment that dangerous in the side, chest and on the together on September sounded precisely like that 'he late head, then shot himself in the side, brothers and ether kindrei j John G. Carlysle and the tote Roger His wife ran and reported the act. and big dinner. jQ. Mills were wont to utter in party Both are in the Rex hospital which I Her brothers, John and James Bar r debate in the American Congress. js guarded by policemen who s-jc that ker, of Greensboro, and G. P. Barker, ,l,5C.38, what does Harding think of that? J ho does not escape. of Providence, all her children and r 0' ' no De''cve anv high-minded) Evans has been a machinist at the several nephes and nieces, with bas- 1,511,82 man jH rnnnhlp nf rnnrpnlinir his nnin-' Mrtflb- CMifrlio-n uhtinc for uimp time Wtj wplt filled ;ind much irond cheer. were p1es3.1t. Mrs. Warren ..uu.uu jon on a great political issue to gain'and has borne a good name. the Presidency of the Unitcu btates. Total $2c!),.!07.97 ft jg tbe grapdest civic station in the Liabilities, Capital stock paid in .... Surplus fund , Diirwflita snhlpct tn check I Demand certificates of de- , world, but hypocrisy is too high a ' iS'nS P"0 t0 Py for it Savoyard, in The New York World, Washington, Sept. 1..5.4.U.40 16 mo. 11 1 I 1 Turn hnmM ion Snnnet Avenue. These are the beat horaea in A rfieboro. . ' ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One five-room house with excellent bath and lot, H000. One five-room house in South Asheboro. near Asphalt street, a bargain, $3,000: One five-room house with bath for $3000. This is a real bargain. Dosit 17,579.50 unvnurvT npnirATen Savings deposits 85,608.76. T0 TAR HEEL GENERAL Cashier s checks outstand- lB 2;636'30i Members of the North Carolina His- r(ion7(w torical Commission and officers of the Total .. .. .. 'J'rf"'-; state division, and Daughters of the SUU of North Carolina-County of ConfeIera4.v ,Mt ThurBday dedicated 1 "One farm, 87 acres of land Eight mites south of Asheborb..35 per acre, fcn good road, cfose to school and church. ; SEE US WHEN YOU WANT TO DUY REAL ESTATE Randolph, Randleman, tember Zl, 18Z0. I A. R. Beaslev. Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. B. BEASLEYXt.'tr. Subscribed and sworn tooefore me, this 2, day of September, 1920. E.-T. HAIfil, notary i uunc (My commission eiplws Feb. 11, 1921) CorTectr-Attast: ' B r. DBAL, O. C MARSH, D. L. FOX, Directors. a monument to the memory of Maj. f Right Choice ! fvl at iirivrti tvciTOANm A ni?if. PCJTATP. : v- r COMPANY 111 r ' f J C C rVtrflfrL Mlntfftr AlhcbrO. N. C : ";; : If You Are Younsx toot trrvrU tot srs rood. A multitude ot Booikpara, 0tMfTBs rt and Trplt are ntd if Uaka, aiils, railroads, u4 tb Urre eorpora- Uffil il kllM?M ka'.rl Frnr f nr thm pwdfiU4 rotpr1tf that WratloB yftl brlaf,J AtUni Minl ud . i 4 sd r o vr tha top" tn tha baabaoa worll Srsry j ir ll.U'a BUSINESS COLIXCI , , L, L, ' f I OA L X I . - . n. h i ucnerai oicpiien u. iuiiiikcui, oi I" s II a J 1 1 . isene urove larm near lui'iuiciun, Va. They unveilel and dedicated a memorial of similar design to the memory of Brigadier General James Johnson t'ettogrew, a Confederate Ueader. A people living in the mountains of northern Svria. though under Turk ish rule, have for 60 yearn adhered to a mystic rellfrlon una rejecwu tnni- tlanlty and isismism Alabama Minister Relieved $hkM TrwabUs Made Him Ftel Sick at Meal Times, 4 Bat. Now Always Enjoys His Meals. D O TOO sojef ror msalsT Est wttkmrt tka isMd of Um afur ". LMk at apyotMa, aa4 a Drbl, Uk-aUtoataaaaak taaltsc after spsals, WoaJl tadlaata Uat four dtcastlra fga&S ask o4 vawklni praparly; As malt, fit H1 faat veak, lova walfnt ad Uck Ua aiC7 Uat la t aa da Itrad tram &41sUd lood. ' . A nlaakla M k earraoUBC lock ftovdittou to aaaaUaaad Yf Ua Erf. H t siansla, al Rot U Actloa, Ala, who writes: "I bad stomach trou ble. When I would fo to sat I would torn sick. I took one bottle of Ztrea, sad It cured me. Am always roadr for my meals and enjoy ttam. I think It Is a floe medicine." If roar food harta rev. If your npvo. Uta Is poor, If yon are pa's, weax u run-down, and hare otbtr syraptooit that indicate your aystam seeds help, try Zlron. It will put Iron lata your stood and help build yon up. Take It according te directions,, and U not benefited by rhe first bottle, the meney back ruarantee will pratect yen, ,. Ask yvair rfrurrtat ': . r..-- Nearly everyone arrives at a I point where there is need for a tonic-restorative. Scott's Emulsion is the choice of tens of thou 5 sands because it gives tone . to tne wnoie system restores strength. mm m w tMWTC VM1B i llnH k nswat. BlnomSrKI. has been confined to htr home for some years because of an injury but was hopeful ami happy to see her people. She lives on the old home place and the brothers were to revisit the places of childhood and recoust, though, maybo not always with pleas ure, the pran'.;s of boyhood (Liys. In sight were the old homes of frrand parents, Barker and Scotten. Boxes of (tcod thinfrs to were sent to old friends unable to attend. Wa wish for her many returns of the day. I. F. FIFTY CHICKENS KILLED TO FIND DIAMOND H. L. Walbourne, a jrrocer snd butcher of Davenport, Iowa, in un loading chickens from crates missed the diamond from his ring, valued at $600 He supposed one of tne 160 chickens had swallowed It The Jewel was found in the giziard of the 60th fowl he slaughtered. STANDARD DRUG CO, And all food drag stores I1K2QIQ lSL INDIGESTION QUICK RELIEF! Price, 2S4A-71V ALSO Ifl TAOL-TT rOWM HAoa snr soorr MAKCWS OF corra emulsion Reduced Teres Via ' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD to Houston, Teias Account , I a . I . . r I i Uniiea uwiieaersio veterans uesnmii OCTOBER 6-8, 1920 I Tickets on sale daily October t, 3,' and 4 Inclusive, final, limit midnight October 81st, 1920. Intptira of or writ U your nearest Ticket Agent. 8t FERTILIZERS Why not haul your fertili zers now while we have it and avoid the rush later, and the possibility of not getting any? And it the same time haul us yxur cross ties. J. A. HOLDER . . 'and . . ; , ' '. . 1LU LNG1UM X;