' t I J J. THE ASIIEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C Pae Six WEEKLY RALEIGH LETTER ABSENTEE VOTE EFFE( TIVE WOMEN SHOIT.H KE(.iSTEK MAKION BITLLK I Kit KES IN RALEIGH. WOMEN ARE I'RGET) TO l"SE FRANCHISE HIMSELF A FARMER," COX AIDS FARMERS oren oi tne ate as an act ( By M . 11 Ka'.ni'li. Si (it. -" - o i aciu.nn'.;in. t'. M K.m -i'Ti an.i Y, :i - Ka.i irh a.ca n t: :. if currt-nt ri-i '"I - hai' Sume 'noti o: the next .a : e mooted that i.ve iommation :;. !:a. fonieresie w:r. r.: lere, the (.i ter oi anil the KaloiL'h cui ejreen.xboro N;. n. ion. i o ; .-i '..:!.-r. w : t h u -. la'-. ; o:' in .n.i net hi Ml v. e v.1 . i e (iarir.g- It v.a- at f;r-t ni-t ;f nesTu I called to hoi i ! a e.v paper friend? he Ka'.em'i Times :e.-pjndeni of the No "ofiinal" an nouncement of the nature of this joint taikfest has teen fi;r::'.a!ly made but there may be some njt-roppiiip of it in the editorial columns of ;:ie I'al elph afternoon paper and the Raleiph corresponile.-c'c of the til een.-boro Sews in the near future. .Mr. I!utlcr was a'su here to attend the hearing of the Republican appli cation for a restraining order against the State Toard of Elections, -.' herein Candidate Jenkins (the part;, to the tomplaint) sought to .-top tne func tioning of that law this year. Calling upon all the wo: eounirv to rtnter and vot of gratitude, Mrs. Maud Wooc Park, enairman of llie National Letpue of Women Voters, says: "The nianiat.c victory in Tei.ne.-.-ee emphasizes anew me ha.d nijis and tne enilurarve which have t'or.e ir.Zo the winninfr of sui-tia-e. Hur.dreus of women have ex-p-e-.-ed hy letter and telejrr.Hin and poem and jubilction their grat.tuile to Mrs. Cat, and the leaders oi tne suf frage movement. There is just one va to muke that pratitude an effect ive thinp. U-e your vote t.ow that you have it. lkm't let the travail and .-tiupple of TO years po for naupht in this year of years, when preat ques tions are beinp settled. If you are plad you have tt;e vote, be piad enough to put vour.-eh" to the trouble of reg istering and voting. If you are grate ful for the gift of-the ballot use it. Nominee's Record of Agricultural Legislation Evidence of prrt Knowledge i N'eT York City. As a p farmer whose childhood and manhood were pissed on t'n where he was born, James ! Democratic nominee for the i' cy, realizes the needs and proo the farmer at first hand. Ik the compensations, material an wise, of a fanner's life. As Governor of Ohio, a. C been an origiiator of legis the interests of the rgricultur.; try. This is told jn the D. Campaign Textbook, just is national headquarters, Grand 1 P.-.!a:e, New York City. On-, first acts as governor was to survey of reads in the state, i of rood building in Ohio be; Uphold the cause for which women this sunvey, which resulted in have sacrificed themselves, and prove that sacrifice worth while." Miss Minnie Bagwell, chairman of ping out of a complete network 000 milos of inter-ccunty roa;s together the 88 county seats :ca ounp farm l'oX - .e!i - lis of k:i. w.-t.'ier- lias i ii rata i :'ro:r. ' iitra. o: hi. i.ier .. era -. v,.th map of 10, t i tie of the the research committee of the League state. Of this, 3,000 miles, connecting of Women Voters, letter to Attorney askefl the ruling in in tne tonowing General Manning, regard to the reg- lucge Dismisses Rule A; of Elections. the larger cit:ep, were desioiuiod as mair market :oads. The latter a1 to be constructed crJnV&ly at ftte x- ktntinn ..f nno n-renn hv vnntlioi - Pense. vhile the reiflaincwr are to be "1 will thank vou fb give " me Your built' half at tlie expense of lh Ut written opinion as to whether or not, -nd half at the expense of the county ain.-i Hoard under the laws of our state, miv per- in which t.;e load lies. The piv-eran son has a legal right to register f r calls for an exnend ture of JoO.OOO.OOf another for a general or spec'al clec- annually, mciud ng ..eclorai aio. Judge Kerr, after healing argument, tion."' Ln responseyto the qjevv the Saving Farms From Depopulation iismissed the rule agamst the State ;rttolncv geneml has announced that : Another acMovement of t!w C-x ad Board of Elections whicn he issued a voter cannot be .egistered in any ministration which was of vitd con len days ago and the ope-ation of .lection unless he or she present him- cern to agriculture --.as the enactment the absentee voters law is now as ef- self or herself in person to me pre- of schocl eR,siaticn fective as ever. Counsel for plaintiff cinct registrar in person, in order to WM desired by the Goveoi to reor ppealed, it 13 true, but as Judge be e,iro,ied. His letter in reply to thc nY school , ster and by Kerr dismissed the case because of Miss BaKweU follows: modernizing it, centralizing and con th Y ,f .f use cf .actlon.. the '-Yours of September 11th is receiv- solidating districts, improving educa complaint it is a safe pmliction to C(1 You ask whethcr or ot one per- tionaI standards and methods and siv ruake that the higher court v. dl sus- son retev for another in a gen- inR the countrv bov and the am Judge Ken s decision by adding eral or ia, election. Such reKis. -J. , ta possesfe,i by pu the final knockout blow to this parti- tration would be void under uar con- pils in the larRor centreS, to reaove san attempt by the Republican cam- stitution Art. 6, sec. 4. That section fhe causes of discotsnt with 'ife on Pa' manament kl" good law. requires proposed voter, offering to the falTO and in thia wav ssve the me auseiuee voieis iaw nut oiuj pio- re2. ster. to present himself for reg- f, fmm mmnt t (h ritv fide Citizens ;cfr!,t;nTi That nf rnnrsp. means that uj.v Ji . " - - ' u CI WtLB lllll'ClilllllC 1U) CA'O.Ul-C. t is a right which cannot be delegated Th f aultura, !eiH8ia. jk) Those Long Winter Evenings , 1 4 keep your home warm and cosy with a N- tects the ballot of bona to participate in elections when thev are unavoidably absent from their in anv war 1 np nnvnr. voit'rs w .. .... . , hnmo nrennrt Knf it mnvh tho ciMi- , J . J . tion enacted aunng wxs tnreo aa- ., " , ".:rJ'" :L aoes not appiy lo rcgisirauon, moeeu, ministTat.inns inriuHE the followine- slso. Following is the Ii law that does this: the ballot... Miss Bagwell's inquiry 1 A law combmmg all agncultural 'It shall be the duty of the county was prompted bv the knowledge that activities under jurisdiction cf an ag Bcard of Elections to mail or send to in several instances, men had regis- ncultural commission; provision for any Toier aosent irom tne county, or tered for wives for the coming school slu"y vl tt"u 01 a in r.no !s pnysicai y unaDie 10 auenu in bond election in the ward in which she P"-" foiuM person, on application for same by lives and sha thought such egistra- f untested fertilizer; provision such voter or lu- any person for him, : , ;ni destruction of an remuneration v .wiiii ui uauut, ctt. sale for for Negroes in Evidence of Politics This Year, the purpose to ngure One of the points brought out at the diseased cattle; compulsory orchard mass meeting: of the Kalei women i-v'r Tl T rvionaay atternoon was mat a numoer r " . ' r r." rr : trhe negro vote in the election in North of men, known to be opposed to the inK Vfe at institutional farms and Carolina this year is multiplying. Ev er since the Republican candidate for President received the large delega tion of negroes, led by the negro Re- snecial school tax. were recristprinir C DUllQing u OI pure-oreu with no intention of voting on Octo- throughout t..e state; passage ber 2. One man, it was claimed, had Pure ill, establishment registered seven women. According producer-to-consumer market nnhiifan Mctir.n-.ji rr,rar, i h.om, u i; 1 v, tf .. provision for proper seen coin fnrm fleoima at his kmp in Cihn n t,k .-oo-ictrotir, ic .Uhjo crop nan iiiisfi, secunn ihort time ago, when he was promised The state hoard of elect!. ".: esti- a lai-pf negro woman vote in the South mates that about 100.000 new voters a v.ll as of negro men, there has will be enrolled this year, including heery.activity in many eastern counties the newly enfranchised women voters .lf-fhf'gro campaigners for both Hard- and malevoters who have reached iniv and the Repubi:cnn state ticket, their majority. The registration One only has to revert U Cutler's hooks for thc state and national elec- pevt'i.rmancr- of lM4-!'(! to it how Cons will be opened September 30, to ihi.-iiig on October 2'.',. Manv new Those Long Winter Evenings warm fOLE'Q ORIGINAL W HOT BLAST HEATER 7 HE health of your family depends upon properly heated rooms warm floors. The maximum radiation, low base heat, air tight construction, and Hot Blast Combustion insure even temperature in all part of the room at all times. And besides, Cole's Original Hot Blast Htater is guaranteed to consume one-third less fuel than any underdraft stove on the market guaranteed to hold fire for thirty six hours. Lei us show you yours today. McCrary-Redding Hardware Company ASHEBORO, kc. d !.'' this fits in with !."!:e- to the Icgi.-laUir; lio-uh!ic-in i oui;t t f ins pu-.-pi Republican Ski ll Mi :io o I i n a Am inn the ho. ks will he required, it is sr.id. for i:-e in the .CA precin-.-ts in the st;ite. It '-' not necessary tor women regis to vot in North Carolina under l!l.h amendment to ene tiieir N jrth C'ar- a'. una t pi t g camp Ko h Cam'i: mi on--, c ' l --e.-lle . i -on r,o ! !: i i " hi. - ( o.l . . is.li c .. ;-ui'l a i.- l ,iu; I. rn. a: la r.: ) : -:n : ii I h-- th t' ti'.c (lit run 'i r. s t'ne attiirncv genrrnl of l ive 2" is quite suflici- -l'at inn Not I'd'- t. ing th,-:!- and ..ing " tlv ;it it he reg!.- t:-e Ct wo'ti e not he I 1 ,1 1 ll 1 n't ro-with tin rav t . r.: me, hrrds of a of a bill; when 6,000 tractors in war time to keep up pro duction; enlargement of ag' i'ldtural aid through the experiment station and state agricultural college. How much in sympathy have been the aericultural aims and policies of the Democratic nominee and hi" par-; ty is shown by the record of the Wll-i sen administration. National Agricultural I The router of nati.'ivil a long one, filled wii.li Tr ent .-true1. ive nature. (''.. important was the 1 I.o.'.n Act, which lifl'd n! debt from tiiou.-anis of ;'. dcr its provision tw-dv ; Ih'.nVs and nunii-rou- .loin lh-iihs u:e in oieiation. .-alt that inti i ,st rates i i mil j:ci cent in son' I cert, witii niortg::-. up to '" vi a' An-'. ! er.rticinl 'lei-latinn wa - ia the K.-leir.l Res -r ii,g i.ition;;l h.'nk.- to gislalion. ! ';;i:;lation is r.-uir s or a of the r.io.-t ral harm hu'-dens of nilies. I'n o.lerai 1 :.'d .V-t r r l no, :. I no ho-t am i lo IV appi :;-it the p.. h 'U.d at oi'.ci- oi )i ;V faii that ac;ive in Nditii tha.- in any (lection in many an take siefs accordingly. ,io rnoiiiv i- Caiolina 'h's. 'n-: :it - l.llloli more (he ear Years, North ( ari.ma is normally a Democratic ate, and never more so tlian at the pnent time, r.ut in order to perpet- (iiiCi nuiiklv relieves I on --I i p. i! ion, l!i h iisiic-", l.o-s of A)!)etite anl Head-acin-s, due to Torpid I.ier. I- ' :n g force.. full rn nior.cai.T i i - I a per .". ru'tiir.tv T'-.. Fod-al Ai 1 Ro. mr.ti ' I'.hzed 1'ideral a (-:"-. tion in bei'dig ' ro.-'.dwavp the whole n tomocratic h Women MqhI Register expenditure cf $r,ro.00000 of ti I,- . i. i. . i win n ine rrcia iroi-i i.i.u-mi. pa.- f:y:i,uii(in'i', aiiu rim .- uate our political ascendency Ctereral x just e in Raleigh in getting most of the white women to register their names last Saturday, the last day foi regis tration, so thev could vote on the sub- Stock l.rni tli the re- . e declined V -e.-. to V- extending tiiece ff ' p'ovision Y authoriz- " money on the farm- - : lTiontns. , d Act of 1916; T id State co-' J nd paying for m calling , X Attractive Showing of Our stylish line of millin ery is unsurpassed in this section. Ladies, call and see us. We can please you. 961 and , Activity must keep a sharp eye on his ject 0f a school tax in this citv, re T"mv. Cener.-.l Arathy, and muster veals a condition that choulo arouse ! active v.rmcn end Democratic men to her Doctor TAU -5fR al DIVlTy Twfc$'' t fm bet . Ask Your Neighbor 1 Alton Paki, Tk5. "Dr. Pieroe'i siedicinea hve ben used a freat deal m my family with lb very beet of rtgplte. I bod a if1 that bad atironic broDcbltia and I nrrer foand oytblni that would fire bet re- ilrinf ber Doctor tTJT Ftercf Mkdjcal nd) It fTtt noni ! bel9-vlhan all Other laedl- inea pwt iogetTeT I hTe taken rOoldi.r Mtdleal PiMomy' for ittomacb trovblc aa4 It vm ettwlltot JiTlita ailment; H variflea one's blood d Menu to act op, and boild BP m'i wboU tyiwtn in rood, bealUiT rtate, 'Oolden kUdioal Vmimrj' k splendid (amUy mdVtne and 1 uka JWaeare la reoafBi)diD it. Ma. . k. Bru, 13Q0 liibland Arwrrt. rrwfoTVWfaaifliiKWlh4titVw not at toinetini or tb oaed Dr. rierM'a Ooldoa Medkal THmvmj lor tha atomacB, tint or Wood. Om twratyioor nlllioa twttiei of UiU toaia aod blood roaMd bara be nld br iroti la tbU mnotfj. Umi Tnkttrot.tr Kinwl Dr. ymrrm't Fleawht PelUM wioM hlghrjfcr U"J bare bwn md lor many years pMt by mj owt pmwt and kt j hoiband'e and later vnrty . mrwlf. I be nertr known tnc.h a fi.Ihl nd rf!rtiT rmxlT 1' elnrfUh lirrf and oontipSo M Dr. PWoe't I-,..i.t M'-Mlli AtDtl !,-' t1 ri" ar tackle the eb.iou. job befort them. Women with a distaste for porticipat ing in elections so refuse or consent only after urge appeals from other when as election is at hand that affects the eouca counties municipalities $'191,000,00i. I The Co- iperntive Agricultural Ex-j tension Act gave a great impetus to ( agricultural rducr.tion hy bringing. Feileral and SUta g'xre'-nments in rlo:;c touch for dissemination of in-1 formation among farmers bv personal co-aart For this v-Drk JS.fiS0.W0 will ,ui v,. be annually nvailable by 1922. nlv nftcr urgent gambling in cotton has heen for nly alter urgent v.. f....w.. ,i ever cnuen 0 me uiidm tuiuin tion Act, whic rigulatei marketing, ea- icniisnps nana nia coiwn nu mvr t . i : . 1 , U - 1 . I. .l r. ( ., ,1. .1 .. . nervisps exchange! icr more parucuiany man mr sup- - . r.in ctnnih.r.RiQtlon posed would be the caae, if Uky - are to A ,r hM cMhM figure to any cons.derable extent m . . nrir.. ...1 finiP,lai m- the general election In November. It is ccntive to produce better grades has up to the Democratic men to urge and . bring their moral and family muuence WarchouM Act n tdarl 'to r on the female members of e nnd marketing by . pc- ithc.r wnil.es, by impwulni upon fof 1)ceTnjr of ed war- llirni vniir uui; v.... !,.. m.kli MMrih tM 1SSU- the registration books when they are of ,illDU .a -iiv netrotluble opened the last day or beptnber. The warenouM, jpu, as well as permit rulinr of the Attorney - General that w.,,.. . t.m ...wtnMa women must -register In person, should what tno,,, rtimuhtk was not deter them for a moment, sn4 the Wnt wtr.tm, production by tha Go- mmt 01 Wie lamny stiouw m prompx w emment Wheat GuarwiU Js yet offer to accompany them to the regis- nh , mlndg of Americana.. As tration place. Most of them perhaps . if Muti 1 1 1 1 A rt m But t K uHHi fllhJV BT V. . . r . . win K " farmers were rxterxlcfl a government man, oncw -ir ... y, gnntn of 2i0 lld laUr Z.ZS and th oter kind hoaM not be al- for wheat as a war-Uroa maaa- timidity. -Co to It, rentlemen. Some j 192o T of them apparetaUy.ara gnlng to Med rf g, administration i a i"v wi to.,uii arncaittirai matters is erwefveao w sort and another. v. -iv.t w t n . 1 Fould o you with-me reminder, y,, .imion on tha statute books however. -B carerui wiui your "cave of UnitP1 gutes which U for swrr is uiu day no rwerauoo or. me iu prpo. tha oVrelopmatit rand aid Nineteenth Amendment. - . , rf irTVuttart haa btwrs maetod with- iMigniar uwiwea lvr voi m la tha last terea years. . - . aarea 1 rVspSUMha allerfld prposa of Ro- Twenty-ttreo woman arm radoat pullican nilgh ftnawt to crest a -4 mP fpom tha Omats-Unople mmh, H'l tl a poss.blo out fcji, for. Wottvti. . Two irkih of ua cotton and twaTo marrnna m- rf, wer, amctic tha Intallectuals, twa now and Kovrmber 2, flection - - - dry, the eotto and tobaeeo rrowera are rninf to enmo out hettar thah the 1 r( V CCC curd .lalaria. Chills manipulators of thr market planed, and FeVCrY H Hi OHM FeVCf, 1 n-i i.ur'1 I uiff-i v iiw iii y ww re, you birt, and tht' mp.ings Tha Lord helps lhoa who help thv nA. flnrl T.nCinr.r.: It c)U r ... ... . STYLISH SWEATERS PRICED LOW V J A splendid assortmeat, novelty styles in fall sweater? are now being shown. , , '. Best shades for the season. Brown, naMy, red, buff, ne blue, pearl and black. Our wonderful line of fal coats, Suits, dreeeoe, waisU sweaters and ready-to-wear now Wre and on displays our store. These inok.de just .the things for which yon have been looking. We have them alL They are here p? all you need to do is to come in and eelett the things yoot want Our fall suits are mkiig the bit of the season vni & j men young men adi kp. '.They are the telk of the totj and the envy of eveiv oM who bought Athe other m while those who bougkt irosfi M Wear a smile. There fa reason. We can akow it to. yo. Call to see ua. . r Wagg er Glothin Go The House of .Kupoehheimer f , ' ;: ' '. ' : ' ' - Ranidieman, ii. C. : ' - . . .... f . . . .. - - 1 , e.AAAA4A44A4A4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAuSAAAAAAAAAAAAA4v( www7 .rWWW.TrrWW, KEWBFTtRYING THE WilOLB NATION, CD A EG ED Tba taokiao w4ilch 4h Natimtal R puhlicaa 'pmty U uslnf ha this 1920 I'rwiiWial mhipalirn ar lha tacticj n&f In !',' :r'i to 1ct FenntoT I r -.' 1 II. Nr Vor-ry. tha wholaaal tM of Mm wilcb,tht pu tha. Sonata cAJrr' ; nra the ApoublkM Um ao nta'irttoa to raootlnaU on w matabaao lor IwaVleeB. Tio XiTxiW,irijnaf k a-ftrora' 0 2wbrrt nadefl to orraniaa ewyfl Unltad EUtea BnaU t tha bead of tha rl Commrtto, rith th -fnat f'f the tntr s . "t LodjSS rUitioM wrt da- jth- frowns tt wk and thm rv the p,irar,itc that caic thc - i-ir"'(iri - ii'd' 1-: ' , ' ..,..,. ...... I T . . 1 4 t' r-rl of tM ur (Ho rlnrtion of i;"i A .f t h I Vnra IV1 iHm cna not if fry ! i- f - r