mm ifflill rD WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, ! JTMEN $2.00 A YEAR IN AD v ANCi iaa xxixv I AskcWr. North Care.faa, Thu lay; November 25 1921 Nl'MUER 47 iEiil - " ; - ' ., MIAN CONFEMCE HUD LAM Wt RAIJIRKEWS Hoit- 4Vtare spends ."ves and Mr. D. C l.t. . A I . IS n uavg I 1 i . . inenaa in i.iwnKnon ii.miri ill nernuwi itiuic . P!" .- n Committees Make' Mr. and Mrs C. E. Baltk ?i,.ood Attendance Noted Lambert and Mrs. W. E North Carolina Christian Con- spent Saturday night and Sundays.. 1 . n iu 95th annual session C ? . church in the m K i I jJHE AMERICA!!;. ED CROSSX rOVXTH ID C.OSS HOLL CAlL-WEKlY JQ, Tjffl IH PEAGEIHME cutern LLc- Bamloliih Citizens As'.u.-d to Back 7hi : Splendid Organization I For tlie remainder of the month the American over the (By Maxwell Gorman.) Ncv. 21. The circular ;i Craven and family, of Colerid ft. BT Jf ir" Roads church in the Alton Craven, of Bell Buckle. Tenn.. ft t7rk trosi Kouas cnurcu in i Kim pail cf Randolph county, N tTZA Continued in session until ! i-0' - rP..n. the inclement inty, Nov. attended the funeral of his grandfath untd Fri-'er last week. t afternoon, uespiu, ie intiemem, Mr R H Kirkm-n family of F .i, acinus we.-e lartrelv at-1 m . . ' . kveatner uk ;- - iiroy, were nere on Dusiness one ciay p"5 . j .. ..; enmt iraK manifest . . . J Mr. N. F. Phillips went to Greens boro last Friday on business. ' Mr. and Mrs.' Ed 'Phillips and Mr. Archie Jones and family, of Bennett, were visitors here last Sunday. Mr. Will J. Cox made a trip to Rox boro last week with Mr.' Fillmore in his airplane. He says they were 47 minutes going and he enjoyed the trip very much. He spnt tho night with Mr. W. E Feiree and family, 'former residents of Ramseur. r!"L, .mi a tine spirit was Waristian churches near the enter finitiir chureh assisted handsomely in ffor the delegates and visitors. The opening day was featured by; JiUrMsea by President T. E. lZTZd Rv- S.C.HarrelL Mr. White spoke on "Big Jobs for Little SiesF and Mr. rlarrei on "Minis tering to the Expression of Life f jddresscs were ordered publish- mL Rev I Harrell, D. D. former .ajtor of the Christian church in Bur lioSoa, and for 25 years a prominent 'minister in the Christian church, was izZLlI a transfer to the North Caro- Ja Methodist Episcopal conference in fzZi. t Rocky Mount. I Reoorts were made by the various tion 1 - "..7 a J-.. UJ m.o-1 ff fte woman's home missionary au" tmgs w surau f" .r .i .ilate public eratrtude. A blight is on fv also made his report of the year's rwffc . . . 'v. ..J. Jhree missionaries on tne tnuren, s iam on furlough were present in the conference and made heipful address ed Rev. E. C. Fry telling about the Japmese work, fter. D. Barrett Porto Rico, and Rev. Yt. F. Jor- idoa of the work ia Central and South America. - ' ' . Mrs. W. A. Harper was on the pro- iatm for a history of the woman's GOVERNOR BICKETTS THANKS GIVING PROCLAMATION 1 1 f Here is the governor's proclama- $0 ' ' " 'J ""d 'Iff l Kanuoipn napver oi f recommendat'or of Marion E : Med:Ciss wiU strive to go over ne , f appointment to a cabinet po topm the fourth Red Cross Roll Call. tjQn in y aiminist.a- cnairmen nave Leen PP ; Uon at Washington has failed to secu . try township in the county and toe gi tum of the nior,t pion.ment o ever e pionunent of were soiicit- appointed canvassers wdl canvass mocu whose ir.eir lernvory m, c, Governor-elect Morrison, Governor membe. C G. Somen of Asheboro Spnator is roll call chairman and r. E. Brd is chailman Wafren and treasurer. . , . . . no.ithe congressman from the state and all " V: the r.t, except two Supreme Court IliO I V I .7...v-... .-.( I g justices (Clark and Hoke) Commis- hArd. In her absence Mrs. W. H. Car roll, of Burlington, read the paper. Dr. J. 0. Atkinson, mission secreta ry, delivered an address -on Our New Day in Mission Work" He tofcl of the our material prosperity, and, the faith for which we fough has been denied. : "But adversity is the.sMpreme test pass to immortality. Moreover, it is ; somewhat .to have felt the mightsi Anerteaai wke entrlBte f tie. Red oeMenttt feel ply repaid fer their generosity If they could see 'wnMt.ilt .iieiuM 'ta hmdreda of tbonsaod of war weary nffereca n the BalkB(.v Uere S widowed Roumanian mother berf-t end the boy at (he left i weaHa ftUM acrapa from the TV2?2 attieneids. They bate Just received wlnWri. elothlni, Je and coadenaea aflk for the baby. Blmlltr work Is aelat far ftamnaa refugee drive (rem heme. --tts''V-';': A i- t A I " l . . . . . . 'sinnnr nf A orinilfn rn n fw rAhor In srloomv war davs when Kandoipn s . r . , . r , bnve heroes were" facing the fire on oct"! Pomt bla"k riIuseJ to en the battie fields of France this great th"n u organiiation did more than anything! It is talked here today that the else. They were followed oa the bat- purpose of Mr. Butler in seeking to tkfields by Red Cross aid when need- get the endorsement of the leading ed. This organ ia tion not only helps in Democrats w as to use them in a future war but keeps up their splendid werk campaign which he is figuring in in peace times, rendering aid wherev-, ahead, rather than to expect them to er needed. do any good in an ostensible applica- landolph citizens have been loyal tion for a job under the Harding ad and answered willingly to many calls ministration which the state of North and let's stand to the back bf the Red Carolina has no right to expect and Cross in this calL Remember the eer-. which Butler really has no hope cf sc vice they rendered our boys acting as curing. The Sampson Fox has failed if a mother to them thousands of miles, that was his purpose, because the re from home. urt is a distinct refusal of the active The following roll call chairmen Democratic leaders to endorse Butler lor any tiling. H. WJttkws Infuential Ranx Won Counts'. Dead. The Father of urge born of great humanities; to havef Commimity-CaU-d; neara tne trumnets ox uoa calling us wBauwvw. . IKWICIDB AT RANDLEMAit Wm B4ffan Shoots and Kills Jamca Fioanclng State Administration Asheboro Mrs. Charlie Cranford,! Mrs. Charies Fox, Mrs. Hal M. WortV Mr;. B5?U B"tt: . The state budget commission which PnBkhmWtn.?.L FvK functioning in Raleigh since Raleman Mrs. T C. Stotr early last week is stm writing on the Seagwrre-Mrs. D. A. ComeUson, of financially making ends meet in "J-J. u AV11- , i the undertaking of preparing the bud- lTmuy miss mauoe rnMupa. iKt of salaries of orders and maldnr Columbia Mrs. T. seur, A. MoZitt, Ram- appropriations for the various insti- atadrevTbrM ittS 'Liberty-Mrs. W T. Hanner, Julian. SfiX'TMS'S i tr-li. . Watkin3. of Ramseur. answered the Hu&naa. an overseer in 'Deep River Lt n r uv,k w. notrua wronger, r-very puo- T TT : 1 a. rl f I 1 a. fttl 1 t I nf . -A.'4 from the grip of blood and iron and jt roll sall last Thursday morning. Mttto guide them in the footsteps of the f"? ing -biwbu prinPA nf Pmm but the memory of one whose life has man ii- n Li. ' v been full of noble deeds lingers in the shaW "iSS -.Zt "TCrZrST hearts and minds of his loved ones and kilted James Hinshaw. i came from pray to Randle- fme thnee months ago. Hin- i a married man, a member ox been blest with health and strength. m'JJJ The fields have yielded an abundant Mr y, narveai; ine neaas aau nanus ox in- served in France, a son 0 Route No. and Gol - of Lee Sinshaw. Huffman ia married a few yeart ago suf-. ajs'd- has five children. fered a stroke of paralysis and was in 'The deceased it is claimed while nn aeirleeted field in China where a col lege is to be made the center of an en tm of an enterprise of evangelization for 1,300,000 people not now covered by any foreign' missionary agency. Supt una, v. jormson . was aiao ieard m a strong plea for the Chris tain Orphanage, which is now erecting an additional building to accommodate $0 or 60 more orphan children. A general discussion on "an ade quate program of religious education" for the church in reconstruction claim -ed the attention of the conference at the afternoon 8e3irtL..To di voted to correlate r&e' Sunday: with Elon College and to regard Elon as crowing and completing the church's educational system. , Kev. F. C Lester is creating a fine impression by his "morning watch" devotional half -hours given each morning, as is J. V. Gunter during ty; "afternoon fellowship" talks. Several visiting ministers were pres ent during the session, among them Ui. W. W. Staley, president of the Southern Christain convention, Dr. C. H. Rowland, president of the Eastern Virginia conference, and Chaplain d. I. Black, of the A. E. F. Reports were heard on foreign missions, education, and addresses were given by Rev. C. B. Riddle, Dr X. G. Newman, Joe Wiley Stout, Rev. W. L. Wells and President Staley. The conference adjourned on Friday -oi last week. The only new point to be under taken is Clavton for next year, with Hev. J. E. Frocks a pastor. A church has already been organized there, and a house ot worship will be elected curing the year. t Rev. J. E. McCauley and Rev. W. J -Edwards were ordained to the full gospel ministry, and Rev. S. M. Lyman licensed as a probationer, Dr. N. G. ijewman, of Elon Collego, preaching tne ordination sermon. 1 Several candi date were arimittjH ti thn Rlhllcal class. Officers were elected as follows: President, Rev. R. L. Williamson, enderson; 'vice-president, Rev. A. T. nu, Ramseur; secretary, J. A. Uckey, Eion College) assistant secre- "T. J. W. Patterson, Greensboro; urtr, Hon. K. B. Johnson Carde- nas. ... Tba rennrtc if t "Jx there are 46 actively engaged ia wore, showed fine progreas along ubm, u did also the reports from n 121 ehurrhita Minutiil with tha nfTtnee. was the presence of Dr. J. W. wUoaa pastor of the ntertaininf cnarei n iRr.a t vi. acti. rtnd old patriarch, like the 4f John, sat as he talked to the "rmc which was charmed with reminiscences. - Ummrilt v. i o i lu iot the conference next year. Mr. 1. A bjii mt d- t..i. Sir. J. A Aju -a r-.l-. . ... Ily hit by the Norfolk Southern CT? tfra Monday moraine of "V k below BUeoa. KiV1"1 that the v engine f Mr. w went dead oa tho railroad 25M eroMlng and before he 2 et It started again was hit by Md thrpwinf Mr. BriU la a m broerht t Asheboro to Mem "Hotpltal cms the train. . He eulTtr mETr cate na nrulM on bis bead liu r r " mjuiva, ew. oe u iw aieeiy new. Concord-Mrs. C C. Hubbard, r-- - ' m'' T r cn. k: ' tt al needs increase appropriations. The New Hope-J M. SnawNev Hope l be foUow- v- Mm a w rs,n 'ed by.levy of a state taxtfor 1921, yet Mat.. me rv . Oja m. nAMasirtf aMMM fKAMri thaM Level Cross-Mrs. V. U. Siler, Ran-; 'l'? "tT:,, i, dleman, Route No. 2. . state, than i.-, tha. ,. New Market J M. r urr, Hign l- , work shortly to oe unaertacen in a dustry nave amved ar a tioeer under- fvU h,iti, k A tW inflvumr of Honor went to the - standing and sympathy : the public the veara hf! UBnsUk jk-B- tf 'Hidrman and with vile and f o tx.i. and dumb, for the feeble minded and Walter Scotten, conscience has "wakwedLto the neces- nHyg lwaTkricken burtvcTlanguag. and with rocks in Kkt-M (Do Redding, children and rictims of the sltl.nif1C!Le?laerol J? -r with cold a few days before the end his hands bToteout the glass in front tSuSJb rfo. 3 7" P1?8 M fo7 tiuuiwuw UBUHiuvia, aim ictuiuviv.i- -am& w tkan H... alarm nvM kin HMtf In n nfflYTt T ot m the hOUSe. ..i j rv rt t -. to XV UUUlCUUttlcl y unviU-.M iVT ngw- ary increases in our educational facili- TZZm" Vi ".T,.T: Sr i-i-r. J., f . nt olena7L'.r- J ever.' the stitc tax lew ha not been ties; and, even on the rred and dreary iB, ft Bhort tini. j.nrt th. 'A . hnli Mhl Huffman went to the door 7I!.. oT V-rl:;. . reeknmended and may sot be. The bud flail nf tnvfltnn th Mirht haa fa en. : . . " . T 4J1. . ," . fiea-Hi. vriuvc wuiuuue tvwwa,- f -,v -. - i . llq " wnen memDers oi nis iamuy noucea to mviie aeceaaea vo leave. -. re Bennett R. F. D. ...u ..iv. .u '"J; v - his breathing was bad. Some of the closed the door to leave is wnen me Columbia Mrs. away. . . ; neighbors were summoned and sud- glass was broken and in falling the cti "Therefore, I, Thomas Walter Bick-denly the final good bye was said. pieces ut her face and hand. Then Cedar Grove Mrs. C. T. Luck Sea eit, governor of lorth Carolina, do Mr. Watkins was the son of Cul-' it was the husband shot killing Hin- g-gye 2. proclaim and set apart Thursday, the pepper Watkins and Anna Marshall shiw without knowing who he was or B Grant Mrs. Fernando Lynch Ashe 25th day of November, 1920, as a day Tomlinson. He was bom in Stanjy wfcy hj.waa theroit. boro. 6 publc thanksgriving and prayer. couty near Norwood and wf a ylucytesTht jjgttriet; ytnont noting detail cdiur FailsArch Briles v-.tmnai uuy kvaut umytv repair v m me puMic icnpois in wiwmminioi-y 'xscy raKunw Y w ,, th&y&Muxi rf warthitf nd:.- an&later at Jonesvill Mar 'E&InSldf" tdrn thanks W the Lord for his endur- the early days of the Civil .War Mft Courier calls upon all to await- the ing mercy and unfailing love and es- Watkma, only 17 years of age. enlisted hearing of the case before either con- pecially let us remember that pure re- with Company C 14th regiment Anson" demning or excusing the act, for in ligion and undefiled is to visit the fa- County Guards. He v ent through the this as well as all other cases there therless and widow in their affliction entire war with a record unsurpassed, should be a fair trial both for the and to keep ourselves unspotted from Entering as a sergeant he was pro- defendant ami state. the world, etc. ,moted from time to time, and surren- idered at Apptmatox. Returning frotn SOPHIA ROUTE 1 NEWS . the war with no money but with a . clean character, sterling qualities, oi eni S. 7i7 I Ward. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE MOVED TO CHARLOTTE get committee will not make public any of its recommendations to the general assembly until its report is submitted to that body in January. SHERIFF J. F. HUGHES RESIGNS MR BRADY APPOINTED Sheriff J.- F. Hughes has tendered jhte Msigxtetion jgs. sheriff of Jtandolplj county anar anenii J. a. erruiy wno A large crowd attended the baptising honest endeavors and a firm determi at Glenola the second Sunday. nation to succeed, he began his busi- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Davis spont Sun- ness career by clerking in a country day in Randleman. store A few years later he engaged in Miss Blanche Davis spent Saturday the mercantile business in Montgom afternoon with Miss Cora. Edwards. ery county by himself. In 1870 he was Mrs. A. E. Edwards and daughter elected sheriff of Montgomery county Cora spent Friday in High Point. I which office he held for four years. Mr. James C. Davis spent the week-1 In 1879 Mr. Watkins moved to Ram end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. seur then but a small village known W. Davis. as Columbia factory. He assumed Mr. A. D. Gray spent Saturday in charge of the Columbia Manufactur High Point on business. . ing Company and has made it one of Mr. Frank Bingham and Miss Cora the be3t business enterprises of the Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with county. Soon after moving to Ram Misses Edith and Ollie Julian of Mill- seur Mr. Watkins urged the beginning boro. of a Sunday school. Although not Miss Callie Stanley spent Monday then a Christian himself his influence afternoon with Miss Cora Edwards. brought about the establishment of The little Infant daugher of Mr. and the Sunday school and the church in Mm. fteortre Cox was ouiely laid to which he has taken the keenest in- P , r I . . . 1. Marlboro cemetery aunoay terest ana nas Been a oevoiea, conse- The records of the United States Attorney's office were moved to Char- 1 . u : .. i ) --n 1 . tt NORTH CAROLINIANS URGED... LTX CONTRIBUTE TO ARMENIANS M steed AIic7Phijlip3 ha" . . . . gone to Charlotte where the head- "Innocents, orphanaged by the cruel wi jn future ravages of war, thinned by the pangs offlce ha8 becn AAa,OT0 gi Sep. of hunger, paled by the lack of nour- tember j m4 te ishing hands of mother and lathe. fou o(jmg ,n of and begging for a chance to lire, to- ,ftW building- Former United7 State8 day are holding out their appealing MU)rney Hammer was appointed .teLnwt United States Attorney on February ui ?:' 23 and was confirmed on February the Near. East Relief'.sums up a criti- O 4 1 1 A Ua mtnWPtnA n 1 cal condition among a beggar nation d . on nrViAM vi4-invttfif flnntnanna nacniTA ' r':T7u:":: :Xa;:Z March 3, MM, and after the expiration U.O CliUIU, L Wi.- U.U.. .f flrst he Bty . for another term. In the last campaign North t,aro- Hav, nominated for Con lXfcL Mr Hammer sent his resign.- I1CSO CIlllUI-ll, OOYCU 1IWII1 ,ll ll -j-- t torture, todav are being given a chance Trebizond the home of North Carolina's adop tion. It is where the 8,834 children was elected by the Republicans of the county in the recent election, war. ap pointed Tuesday by the Boa.d ot County Commissioners to fill the un expired term of sheriff Hughes. Sheriff Brady has assumed the du ties of the office and. will be lormally sworn in on Monday of the December term of court. Mr. Brady expects to move his family to AsheLcro in the near future. AMERICANISM HELD SOUTH TOGETHER tion to the Attorney General effective , waay are un - Septemoer 15 la8t. S. j. Durham, to live at the of BeKmnMr Cit was appoinN nd, Armenia. It is known as ' f . tupr..ftep BnH pVterecl' afternoon. crated member. In every phase or upin Carolina generosity 10 neep meui The breaved have our heartfelt sym- hfe in the Ramseur community Mr. airve. , pathy. Watkins has had a hand, church in- in calling upon me peopie oi i-orui Misses Nannie and Bertha Spencer dustrial, social and economic. It was Carolina, the Near East Relief is con snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan-. truly said of 'him he was the father fident -that the orphans allotted to ' J I . . . ;. T 1. !( If 4UI- , 41l k MaMJ oa in fhA oi me commueiiy. in asny uio mr. nnn bwx n Watkins was married to Miss Louise last campaign. Smithirman. who with one daughter i week Mrs. L F. Craven, and three sons. J. ' CHAUTAUQUA OF SPLENDID ed a few days thereafter and entered upon the duties of his office. allotted to this state are depending d iminal of ,aw whfch he m mMai,TT TA -OAfl IMP TYI . has neglected for several years owing to the arduous duties. Iav Ktwnrer. Miss Leia spencer axwnueu vices at Marlboro Sunday. Mis. Muriel Lowe spent the Frank Bivens Dead Frank T. Biven, aged 66 years died at his home in Jamestown last ; Sunday, Deceased formerly lived in ' A I I 1 1 . Asneooro ana numeu a uaugnier oi The 'News and Observer truthfully says that it was Americanism that held he South together in the recent election. Germans, dissatisfied over the peace . trantv in rrpnarfll Ttnliana rliacntiafi ftH was 1 reappointed ' " , " ' X ' , j. contented over the treatment of Greece, all the other forigncrs and descendants of foreigners who took their spite out on the Democratic party live somewhere else than in the South. There was dissatisfaction in the South, of course, over high taxes, over the draft, over the many disagreeable things that war brought. But in the South principle is what count3. The voters of the South believed sincerely in the league of Nations and as Hard ing said it ought to be scrapned, the South as far aa its ability went, was, with the exception of Tennessee, in favor of scrapping Harding. -t with relatives. She was accompar C. Watkins. Greensboro: E. C. and nied by Mrs. Fount, of New Center. W. H. Watkins, Ramseur, survive. A - Mrs. Ellin Edwards ana aaugnvor aaugnter, mrs. rieia rvaiains vajio, i uiwim . . 1 , : Miss Cora attended Quarterly meeting died in 1900. He is also survived by held the first of the week under the at Center 8aturday. sister Mrs. Nannie Ross, of Sanford. auspices of the Asheboro school was Misa Cora Edwards spent Sundny The funeral service was conducted by of much educational value. Splendid afternoon with Miss Callie Stanley. Rev. Smith, pastor of the church, who lecture were given, each being illus- Meeatrs. Ray Lackey ana uien was assisted oyiitev. joraen, presia- jiv.k. . ... ... - Clodfetlow. of Hiirh Point were wel- ng elder of he Gastonia district, and weU chosen Mid nicely rendered. com guests at Mr. C W. Stanley's who was a former pastor, also H. C. Mr. ana Mrs. iwion are cu.u WayV Byrum, also a former pastor. A large people and their chautauqua is Df high WW.m.. . . ... n, . 1 I m J 1 o 1. arlll MiltlvatA tha. tia nf Maaara. ixnrtv and Maine oianiej numoer oi reiauvea ana irrenui 7 ... spent Sunday nign "irn roinu Among tnos wno vinw was a man time f need and on for whom every on had most profound admiration and respect, and in whom every on had tmnlkHt confidence. r - t .. . . . EDUCATIONAL VALUE Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hooker. Stnaley's Suadny wer T4r. and Mm. Awry Hayworth Mlsi Cora Edwards and Messrs. Allen Oodfelter and Roy Lackey of High Point. Soatb Carolina Lad Kills Two Small UiMni throughout the state gathered to pay the young people to higher and better the last tribute to Mr. Watkins who thinking. among men, o friend in I , wlB ' nv A. DK1I1. nn i, no mi TRAIN, RECOVERING NICELY i Mr. J. A. Britt, who was injured . n .t o iW. ..... To be a friend is indeed a blessed . wnen jn nungisosuwrra orivilere and a pleasure to a man the; train hit the car in which he was nd- ,'typ of our .irteemed friwd, Mr. W. taf at a crossing near uiscoe, oion Rav Henderson. srtd 16 years, of ti nr.,..,. ui. -a aa. rii Km dav of last week, and who was :.. ' 3 I V. mA , l. . .V. -f. 1.1 k.rl u I DITJUIDI M U1S nVIHUI Mil ii-dIhm mm Ran- South Carolina, murdered Frank and JUr vlTtu I loya airor, agea mo i respect fl rely, of Gaffney, 8. O, last It is said that Henderson enticed the children to g with him hunting and when about six miles frim their. heme shot the younger child, blowing the top off his head, eaarht the ldr bey and beat him ever th head with his rn until b was dead, then threw the nir-l badiM lata a Mbv creek. Hendereon waa apprehended and tend aad help lodrd la tne Cbereke eounty aii. Scvtval Meetlag at Central Falls Baptist Chan. Hants CUus Writes Children of dolph County -wt tt a v a a a . iZ i -iiuiw - .ui . iear uuiaren, wne ana aii: fhU home in 0nT n Chri-dma. tim jagain U here and. few dava jlrttl deara. I am ready for you. My 7 . store are full, my airplane are ready and all I need is to know what you K I 1. VI - r 1"" " "' . l,f, . 1 . . - if" Jmm-J wuu nnw ui- a aiu veil mt A wival meetinf fcegaa at the b-j- Vk Vitnt Valta laai ftunday, November XL . Be. W. G.) Th body of Father Griffin, prleat of w yu Vnofi. at rajnnaunt. uml. aaa cnarn nin iMiand. who niaairoearM aevi ",4""," era! day at, was found haturdny in a shallow grave four mile from Gal way wHh bullet wound In his head. He waa kidnapped several day ato by three naknowa persona. of tit preaching. The rvk will eontlmw for two weekak , Everyone la eord tally nvttad to st uns rmvai a SANTA CLAU3. Care of Th Courier, Asheboro N. C P. S. Be rood children. They a4 a 8. C. DOWN IN NEW HOPE Both sides have appealed to The Dispatch to expose the rascality of the other side during the election in New Hope township, just acioss the line in Randolph county. The first request ame from a Republican subscriber who declares Democratic leaders tried to get two poor women who were de pendent upon him for a living to vote their ticket He is "glad ,to state. however." that he found out this trick" and had them to vote his way. The second letter is from a Democrat ic woman who declares that two saw mill men, Republicans, discharged a poor homelPM lad of sixteen oecause he said he was a Democrat and that this was followed up by the people who were boarding the youth, turning him out of a home. A Democratic home has taken him in, she reports. She also charges that Republican mon ey "from the North" flowed Into Ran dolph, but delights in th fact that "we beat them to a frasale in New Hope." Evidently there is considerable poli tics In New Hope, and It taken a good while for it to simmer down after aa election. We wish we were in posi tion to arbitrate tho matter, but be ing a UUU'far from taw, Ex -Sheriff C C Shaw la hereby nominated as a board of arbitration to re down to New Hop aad fat matUrf adjusted- Davidson Dispatch. , i m - . . i. .4 r.'i i ,'t .. ' I i ' '. ., n I . 1