rTTTTTTi mr ri ISSUED WEEKLY VOLUME ILYI : fS PRINCIPLES, NOT IEN $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Asheboro. North Carolina. Thursday, May 5, 1921 DUMBER IS Pie Hunting Br p x' Now. Facing Famine HALT IN DISTRIBUTING PIE Waters of Confront r- arid Delay; Predicted , i ri, - w.ftAtit Administration is doroed with a. patronage i jam and the shaking of the political plum tree - i 5- . . v until ana pie cuiu.uk juudw to,"0" nnnArtnnitiMTK i I't uwia vr Appointments, delayed incjuae tnou- sands of postmasters, Internal revenue, iSSSSSTri? customs, mo-; iSdan ficials. Three Stumbling Blocks All jobs in these classes arevorv: o. the frest eligibies alter, nyTAi SFRVTrp ed in fresh complications : chw competitive examinations. J FKliB DENTAL SERVICE 4 ottttined undlrttS headings': .T. L In ;imy.2rft'and Western For Randolph Counl7$chool ChUdrett " l Necessity to" readjust Civil Sef- States more Republicans than Demo- Between Ages of 6 and 12 Tear vice rules-to permits wider; choice of crats were appointed postmasters . Dr. c. G. Fuquay, dentist, who is postmasters from" among availables during the last four years. sent out by the bureau-of medical in without revival fi Of ; the "spoils sya-'O-In the South-the Republicans have spection of schools of the State Board tern." " ; vi ' l;v . V. " been standing the examinations to get of Health, has arrived in Asheboro, 2 Difference l over the proposal to in practice-- Democrats throughout and will be , in the county during .Mkttw mnfartmiMoA from, the countrvii are also arranging to May, June and July. His services will th Treasurv to the Department of tne l restaur y , w . ifu . T..ti. l,riv, thATrpflBlirV OniV leaving to, the Treasury only tfuauvc, '"l " . niirdv revenue and tax pnases oi yui- purely , revenue nuu v ItAaA law administration. JDMcutaeT arising out of huge Rnmlof uncollected taxes and other nh imitinna for which present incum- bents in the Internal Revenue Bureau 1 I 1 Lnm-i. knnilo ' are responsiDie, . unuer and inability easily to transfer those responsibilities to new appointees. President Harding is said to ?view as most important in these tnree prop- lems the question of quickly disposmg nt unoointments of postmaster. Postmaster General Hayes in con ferences with the President is now oooirinir to revise the Civil Sercice re quirements and rules,, that .will effect , a Broadening - oi uie neiu ivt ,cuui . datesi v v i- -h oyiiiM' . I Postmasters to be Under Civil' Servke Under tre ' Civil Service' Law fourth class postmasters are under the Civil Service, and under examinations the postmaster may be selected from any one of the three highest.who "passed' the examination. - - Rv executive order President Wil- on provided that other postmasters v than lourtn ciass snoum w tjv" , by competitive examination, the ap plicant standing the best examination getting the appointment. Soon after coming to Washington, I learned that Richard u. uavis, wr. i.,-, Asheboro Has Boildlng Boom ' ' There are a number of new homes in course of construction in Asheboro. On Sunset Avenue, Messrs, Clarence Rush and Marvin Ferree are building new bungalows. 1 Work is progressing nicely on a C. Cranford'j new home on Fayetteville Street "Mr. -W. D. - S ted man is thoroughly remodeling his Hnmi 'una . when completed will -have an up w r:, i rLr Mr. j. au SMJ: n TI J. S. Lewis is putting material on the corner of - Fayettevilla - and Depot Streett for a new brick building. ; A good many - other residences will be built during the summers , : a ;: Anderson Sues Lieut-Governor -. j A ease of unusual Interest willbe-; gin In Guilford Superior ,'- Court Wednesday.. Parker R. Anderson, well known newspaper man; and former owner of the High Point Enterprise, is sueing Lieutenant Governor W. B. Cooper. A eomolaint has been filed 1 demanding judgment for the turn of ! 4,700 with Interest for cost and for general relief,- alleging tnisrepmen : tation on the part of Mr, Cooper in; : the sale to Mr. Anderson In the eon trolling interest in the Dispatch Pub .linhlng Company, publisher of the Wilmington Dispatch. Mr. Anderson, who is now in .Washington, D. C, brngi suit as a citbwn of Grensboro, Randolph Cduntjrf 5i ;! ; K Has Another Tragedy On hut Saturday nleht about nine o ciurn Tiu! nun wm aiuea near jonn I 1- U7MI . . V 111 S fc i. VJi lift- jS' ' iW '"'A, 7 T' nnlt"r Next week is commencament' wk lUndleman, Al fiwaney and CauMylname of Qarence Williams, who gave nart , nnlng Toeky, May 10th. Ihompmon, of Tabernacle township, the alarm and rt ported he bad wif, u .thing aofmr r,ry ak Rush to take them In his truck, the three men U which refjrenre was tghi dorlng the week, indudng. Bat to John Jamil's store. On the way made above with Mr. Kunh. Sheriff nr"ja. V - . U pre it wmi that an eltercatlon took'J. A. Brady and Dputli a W. Steed,, Mr B. IL Laiter'l serteualv IIL 1 ,111 i.nxiu 1 n iuu iat t uiar oi.wvarca 01 tne men and round ihint ml afTair have bn hard to ot.Uin but la the orlnlon of practlrallt evry Hut liif.kry wa at the bottom rf wa at Mr. JiuBh'a f t' tr,,U re df-nth I kim! ff How on Mc "-a r-r.fj ho wrro Wilh r f ; " I it rr r:,p- igad - u. of Months and other inflaential persons interest- ed In opposing a return to the spoils system, called on - the President and PAofmsefav Canara!. tma travn tnem .vw.. . . ., , . both to understand that the "country . , , , , . . . wouia not siana ior, any.reiaxauou uj. j the Civil Service requirements or re- turn to the spoils system. It is now ' i, mAjfw TWiionn. Pvpnitive a Mwin -TnfiiAK rton tn TiArmit anv one stand the examinations under this ad- . m miniSiratlUIU lirej uciuuuiiw . . st. - it,- onfhnl-itioa eithAr to uuu.ji. up w , ,. , J . ciW, Service or abolish carry out tne wvu service or it entirely. So you let all begin to study and brush up for there is fun ahead and you may depend upon it. $100,000,000 Uncolleeted I Senators and Representatives in 'conferences ' with Secretary of the Treasury Melton declared v that with aigg items-of 'revenue and oth er tax deficits probably reaching $100 000,000, a stumbling block has been put. in the way of selecting revenue officials. Officials, are, endeavorinf to remove some of these difficulties, but prospective-candidates " for - the- hew jobs are Unwilling to assume financial liabilities of the old administration. Appontment of new prohibition officers- may . be - delayed ndefinitely pending settlement of legislative pro posals to shift enforcement to the Attorney General. More, than 1,000 appointments are involved in this is sue, including both administrative of ficais and staffs of operatives through out the country. Many months, however, may eiapse: before the way is cleared for decision on these appointment matters. Some pnases oi tnem may ua uujubi.cu ci- lier, but tne prospect toaay wtw lot long delay. Hal a W 1( PRESBYTERIANS WORSHIP .t mimT haitcp in ww tx i v 1.1 ' i.et4Arian During the time he Jjterton n b.n2ftJEf .n thnrt of tha church will be held in e court house. Dr. McCotmell wiU preach on ouiiuay ouiwi w hin. - -o ular hours. The Presbyterian church which is B, mll wo. built abov about 75 agoTvT a W. McNeal year ago Kev. u. w. Mcneai was the first pastor, next came Rev. Sime on Colton. Among the names who are on the records of the dhurch in its earlv davs - are. l McCains. McNeils. rorurii ibiuw, xuiiubM, wixnu, ci.. .i . nr..i..i m. ti,.h .R" church. Mis. JiWort -r,,Trrrii",Twi ZZ ? Hot father, Governor Jonathan Worth, V riovd is rv ill thf. mV gave the land on which it now stands. mVsLw KJrkS In? JSS Her funeral was th. first funeral held rJT?. GrWboro Tl.itJ'home in the church after ita ereation. We J'tn SuS hopo to publiah a tr&.MS'ot Winston-Salem, SliiJSSS JS? trimAt w"Uv" hCT Iff the mission church of the town as its n,, Broadway Theatre U under new door havi t been open to management Mr. McCoy, from High rations if th.y had np church of their VoinCbu charge of it now. v own and when - Mpaln were, being , Ml HaMl yoyt 0f Greensboro, made. ' It ha; eemd the mission m Muve here this week. . Asheboro of Lane Allen's Weal church v0nder h.iw many went fublng 'ls that in which all denominations egr on jjy j,f . might go and worship and be welcome. ' Mr. 1 E. Wyrick pr 1 rletor of VTr- lured about three mid . lhe by A . X m a . a scene 01 uie trouble. Kuan pody the home of Jim Thorn p-on la Taber- na fie township. , . Mr. Rush Imi a wife and t t)A- idrpn. lie was bnriod at Caraway Fun- j day. r ennpr FmnVe la aUo marred jani tun several rhiiijnn. The other Jt vo f!,rr - U? srrind. V " v-.- .".-.. ' ? . " r. - ', i! " I L. - , ' PRIVATE NIXON M. HOPKINS Private Hopkins was a member of .VYf""- ' iT o """""" 00"u ;Wled m France, September 29, 1918. 24. He was a son of Mr. M. t Hop- Jans, of near bleazer. be entirely free to the people of the v.. t v, i v,:i,i u. wuiiij iui uic ouiuvi uiuuicuucmiccu tVio oo-oo nf oiir mil raara Mra "e-" -"-" .c Mildred Hareraves. educational nurse, juuureu nargraves, euucauonai nurse, and Mr. T. F. Bulla, superintendent of public instruction, will make the dates for Dr. Fuquay's visits to the various places. His services are non-partisan and are solely for the purpose of arousing interest in oral hygiene and to save the teeth of the young chil- The followC schecluie has been made to date; Asheboro. May 7. Randleman, May 9 to 18th. Trinity, May 19 to 28. Liberty, May 30 to juno 8. Seagrpve, Junn 8. to-18. '-, . , Coleridge, June 20 to 30. Ramseur, July 1 to 13. Fullers Mill, July 25 to 30. Workmen have been tearing down the roller mill at Archdale, in the up - per part of Randolph county, prepar- atory to rebuilding a modern and up - to-data mill on the old Dixie Milling Company site. R ANF1I FM AM NFWS UniUliLilUnlM iu u MARRIAGE OF PROMINENT RAN- ULGAlAn BUI TO UILLSBOKO GIRL INTERESTING ITEMS AND PERSONAL MENTION v. iimiriaire oi c( A. marriage of considerable interest to the people here occurred at Hills bor0' Saturday, April 23, when Miss Irene Hur) came the'bride of Mr- David Ferree' Jr- iM Hurley U from Hi,laboro and Mf p u' om dieraan.g Bpienaid younjt men We COUplO. Mr. nd Mrs. James Lewis and sons of Greensboro, were guests of Mr. J. Russell and family Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. W. A. Johnson and son, BiUie, of West End, visited rela tives here last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spiv ey, a son. Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel and Mr. . anu Mrs. Edward Hanner, all of - 1 - 1 i. . 1 rr - . Lineberry was recently purchased by Mr. C. rick's Market has nvd Into the - house recently vacated by Mr. Joe Turner's family. J -I,' Mrs. L R. Warner, who has been .vbtiting relatiwt in Denton, has -i turned to her hmna at Ranulqman. , j Mini Inda Barker, of Oreetumoro, t viHited home folks hen 'hi vtk. Mtsar. R. a RurmII and R. M. Cao- 4i4 nude k business trip to Greensboro this week.- - n week.' -t v.-. w-. ..11 1 , vi. .(de, Mrs. W. A, Umb and Mr. J. L Uwlu-r, of GnNmiboro; Mr. R. fc. LaanitPr, of Atlanta; and A. E. Lasl. fr f ftmrr. Mr. rA lAmb and ffnr?y, cf VTI1- rri-c'n. are risking trr.'. art r- .ve Krrn. WEELY RALEIGH LETTER' (By Maxwell Gorman) Raleigh; May 3-The fire lob print ing and three book-binding establish ments in Raleigh are practically shut down touay. because of the refusal of the owrra to comply with the agree-balls bunched together in. the eighth villa high school took, place last Fri mcht made two years aga for;: 44 inning of, Saturday's game . enabled. day and . Saturday, .i- On Friday hour wek,.; the terms then drawn up Asheboro to score four runs and win evening the exercises ? opened with stipulating that the change should be from Randleman in . the closest and prayer by Rev.. Mr. Gibbs, of Ashe-"' made May 1, 1921. The Capital Print- most exciting game played in Ashe-, bo ro, foUowed by an excellent address tug wjuinuij, wiuca puDiisnes tne Union Jlearld, State U Federation - of imuvi weewy, is not invoivea, oecauae j : .uandieman scored., in the second, the owners are not identified with the when Burgess, first man up was bit Typothea the employing - printers by McPherson.- He took second on an orgamzajiorv the latter having refused an infield out and scored V on Bean's to grant the demand The v Capital smgle. The other j Randleman tally PnntangiCompany- is (Operating, this came In the fifth, s With one out Mc week on .the 44-hour basis. m? - - i Ghee reached first on King's error The pressmen as well as the printers Was sacrificed to aecnnd . U J'j. .... t are involved and no press work is be- mg dortd by union men. rThree of the ing that took; place until - Asheboro Miss Katherine Buie, "My Ideal of a'. -commercial- pnntingi offices have the came to. bat in the eight, in this frame Student . h. . - - e??Ja,2f or S? Pnfttin DeUverr Asheboro took advantage of two costly'- The diplomii were presented by Mr,' : JVto8 runs. ?ugh Parks.' The exercises were en-, tSJ- mour displeasure After McPherson had fanned Cranford J0? by a large audience. , At the : m Et01111 ?d LeKislature. reached first on Bulla's first error and dose informal reception was given : , ? ow . in, stpped entirely. ,,If an promptly stole second and third, Lewis &nd these two young ladies received w ' agreemer t .3 not- reached soon the drew a base on balls and Kearns.hit ny congratulations. The closing ; btate pri,. rs may attempt to have the the first feall pitched for a two- bag- session was perhaps the best in the work sub ot to s offices outside thlsger scoring both Cramford Lewis, Kmg Wstery of our school i Prof. B, F. Lit- ,1 i-i i i1 i1,11511 ble will be ttea singled scoring ; Kearris, - Rush tie . and his associates, deserve much 1 nicely toi ,ollow.::5..;; . (flewout to Bulla, Armstrong was safe honor for their untiring efforts, one 0 xt of the demand is to se-, en Bulla's , second error - .and. King " Mrs. Nora Parham died at Dr. Wilk- , curr 5 '? froay holiday for the work- scored Asheboro's fourth run on this erson's hospital, Randleman, Satur-' men satu. days afternoon. - NewRnarier play Griffen flew out tn rwh offices ars not included in the original tion of casing the Legislature together done by both McPherson and Iveythe ?d is survived by her husband, tor, ?efn help out the muni- former getting stronger as the irame B- L Parharn and four small children. , r cipalities'wiuch hava,, been put in went along. For seven famnra iVev 1116 deceased was a daughter of John:' , hole thrwghs negligence or inefficii pitched reat ball only two hits were Brady and granddaughter of William " -eney... of Senate, clerk, whereby the gathered off his delivery, ; but the Trogdon, The bereved ones have the iact thatiihe "municipal finance act eighth nravwl Ma nnM. ij n i symnathv of the entire comnranttv v - whicfe.jpasvite vseveral. readings by "rr" 'We aver oeing reconsidered and f,y8e4edjwa hot AntdlWI Sin ' titan properly ...v.vu, .io UM um SO seated to any: onte.4,Iti,jlidoes , look Uke here is another manifestation of the lawsr'-1chnicalitiegr:that, provoke thoughjlful case where there 13 no sorf Q? flouu. that the law was properly jpased,' , and the three - read - ings by jtoii; can vote being recorded on thei;b111,M;sclf,'yet, becauseof the reminaness t J ignorance of a subordi- iww ieriQ,'i t attorpey-generat tens , Seeretary .fof he State tie latter has, aii me senators and Senate officials and news paper reporters know tne' bill passed with all the Senators pres- ent presumably voting for it, as no negative vote was recorded. As the ! journal must shov the names of Senators present on that date the , thing which the attorney-peneral as- sumes to be impossible with the Sec- Jretary of State is hardly that, not- withstanding section two of Article i14 of th0 Constitution. Yet it looks like some cities will bo put some incon- vuiuence in ru&inK uuuiuonai money i 'hich this enabling cet had authoriz- i mem 10 uo. inere may De anotner way out or it as the Governor sug gests and we all hope there is for no- sacrifice hits, McPherson and Bulla, body wants an extra session of the stolen bases Cranford 2, Kearns, Arm Legislaturo at this time. strong and McPherson. Double plays Fine Highway Work Prospects Rush to Armstrong to King,, Arm With Clifford Older, of Illinoise strong to King. Struck out by Ivey, elected State Highway Engineer and 9; by Mcherson,5; bases on balls, off W. F. Wilkerson, Charlotte banker, Ivey 3; oc McPherson, 1; hit batsman, appointed to fill the vacancy on the (Burgess by Mcpherson.) Umpires, commision, the State Highway Com- Dorsett and Somers. Attendance 400. mision is doing good business at the! sessions which nave been held here for a week past and still in progress. One of the Commisioners, El wood Cox, of J? h"'nK contest by score of 12 High Point, enthused everyybody byb 7 both teams took part in the hit predicting that fwitin on year" traffic but the visitors came out ahead, would bbe Tinder way from Johnston Aa1e from the hitting there was 1.0 county to Charlotte In Mecklinburg particular feature to the game, neitr.er county over the now hard surfaced ,f the pitchers did any great work. State highway.. The construction is Co started the game for Worthvil e being marked out for all the nino dls- but was repUce.1 by Jarrett wn lo tricts and an estimate of the sums to Woodwei.t all the way for Rimsour. be expended ori each out of the initial' , sum of ten million dollars submitted Score by innings R. H. E. and approved by the Govomor. S" ? ll 15 Governor Morrison says that the of-.Worth villa . 211 010 , 002 7 9 4 ferlng of bonds for sale was merly a' Batteries, Woods and Maynor; Cox, formality, which' had to be gone Jarrett and Hinshaw. uirougn witn in compliance wun ui law. Money may be borrowed if the bonds are not sold, and the only way to comply with the law was to offer the bonds for sale. The money can be secured for the road work and for all of the other building work the - State has under way or under consideratiot. It can and will be secured when it is needed .and in..-, amounts that .are "V ' i .v 1. tri k r3lA.ill "".TT .rr' j Apru w, at mm ago 01 60 years. Mrs. M. Hobbs, Loulahnrg: Mrs. J. R. Tage. l?AMnl2J' 'f"r Praln1 Aberdeen, and MfT'j. Vwood. -rod bttiW wiU be pushed "Pldly her anklo and. had been confined to Asheboro.', , ' all om the State. ' , Equalization of School Terms Tha t800J)00 fund set aside bv the' state for emialisatlon of the school terms in norm Carolina is out 10 per cent larger man it was last year ana the counties which participated in this fund will not be able to get more than 11 per cent over what was . secured j from this soorce last tear. Conse - quently any drastic reduction In tax. values will rt the School authortHes, in trouble with tho slxsmonths school taw ttnleaa the tax rate is lncreaa4 somewhat In proportion to the reduc tion oi vaJuea. . , . Ke cnmty ran participate - ia this equalisation fund until it has levied at leant 20 cnl on the hundred for chool purtoo and finds this not gtilnoierit to run the shoots of the rrmnty iT a fx roonths term. Tha bt r".h cf tV. v-rm 's Cxd by ! f-r) ASHEBORO STILL LEADS WON OFP RANDLEMAN, SATUR DAY BY SCORE OF 2 TO 4BEST GAME OF SEASON RAMSEUR LICKS WORTHYILUB', Two hits, two errors and a riasA nn! ."" wu year,., tne unai score oi tne game was 4 to 2. . . . on Pugh'a single. This is ail th all, , , ; : . ; : -, , . relieved him after Kearns ..made his' hit. : McPherson fanned 6. walW and hit one, Ivey struck out nine and wanted tnree. Box Score Asheboro AB. R. H. PO. AJJ. Cranford, cf. 4 1 0 3 0 0 Lewis, If Kearns, ss. .. King, lb . . .. Rush, 3b Armstrong, 2b .. 3 .. 3 .. 4 .. 4 . 4 .. 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 16 2 1 2 13 '08 0 1 0 3 0, 0 0 4 4. 0 Urijfln, rf. . . . Johnson,' c, '.: 0 0 1 r0 0 0 5 ' 0 : 0 i 4 4 27 14 30 Randleman Bulla, ss 3 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 9 Pugh, cf 4 0 Ivey, p 4 0 Farlow, p 0 0 Burgess, If 3 1 Hinshaw, 3b 4 0 Bean, rf 3 0 Richardson 2b 4 0 Talley, lb. 4 0 McGhee, c 4 1 33 2 4 24 8 Summary: Two base hit Kearns, Ramseur won from Worthville in a Mrs. Augusta Mrs. Augusta Reld McAalav died J b bome of her daughter, Mrs. J. f " &! W night, her room ever since, but mco, but her death trouble. . was due to heart trouble. Mrs. McAulay was as bonr In, New daughter freouotiy She was a con but moved to, North sfstehi aroK. 'JL member of re of thirteen years, the Prwbytermii uXJL..'.kt practced Burg, New York, ! veroiina at tne age ox intrteen years, wm - at w naa 01 - tne nrst ner religion daily. Khe truty mni ton factory In the South, that being about scattering sunshine and bright In Montgomery county, now known enlng the lives of those with whom as the old Burnt factory near Troy.'ihe cam In contact ' f , he wa the daughter of j the latej The body was token to Rockingham, George RekL who was a prominent where the funeral erv1ca were held, cotton mill mami factors.. - - -'; ;Rev. W. P. Copplge,' who- was nr Mm. McAuly was a slater of an pantor for year, paying bautlul Aaheboro attorney, George Beid, who tributes to her, the oldet nnsmber of msrrlM NannM Wood, a sister of vowmi n, 1. nw , 1 quest ner graniuons cted as pall- Fh was at the youthful- re of 18 bearer. A large number of frlpmla married to William . P. McRae, who'ind r!stive gathered to pay thi last was a shara owner In the cotton mill tribute. of respect to Mrv MrAulay. with rr father. . To this union four jThore wre many floral frfr1r,r wre foirr ehiMrw, Octaviua Ella Iteid.tlfying the love and ftra In v' ' ', arvl Vi iiuam U. McIUe. lining pft a irjf)W afl aHorwurrl tnrri a rfin FfiANKLLNVILLE NEWS SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY ' AND v SATURDAY MRS. PARHAM DEAD MR, PUGH CELEBRATES ; BIRTHDAY'; ' ; r i. i ft; ' ' ' ' -l The ' closfno- oy ut. uarns Williams, professor of rniiosopny at tne University. The subject was "Need of Real Men." Saturday evening the graduating ex-. - erases took place and , were awmoA . with prayer bv Mr. J.'H P.nfw..- The proeram was made, up of musie.- au seiecx reading of. tneir own com position by the two graduates. Suaject of Miss, Ollie Fentress': compositions J . d"A Few'Brieht Jawela" anrt fKot linville M. E. Cemetery Sunday even- funeral conducted at the home E. J. Harbison, of Ramseur. HnR WHS 7A VMTB and V -mAni-ka ' . Several of our people attended the ' commenceinent at Kamseur last week. ; Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Fox attended the state medical association at Pinehurst Tuesday, and Wednesday. Mrs. H. a. Edwards and Heraert. Jr., went to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mr.B. M. Allred has moved his family from the residence near the Masonic Hall to the Kivett residence on Depot street - Mrit ' Albert Tippett ? and sister, Bert&i Miss Annie Archer, Mr. .and O.Mfs? J. M. Archer and Charles Cox, of 1 weenBDoro. jur. k. .' 1 a. , , A ."Pleasant Garden, Jay Patterson Mr. 5 and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. . York and daughter, Miss Margaret, Mrs. Lena AB. R. H. PO. A.E.'Shephard, Misses Mola Steed and 2 Evelyn Hoosier, of High Point, spent 0, Saturday and Sunday in town with 0 relatives and friends. 01 Mrs. T. A. Slack and Mr. Henry 0 Curtis and family went to Greensboro 0 Saturday. 0 Mr. Wm. Pugh celebrated his 61st 0 birthday last Sunday. After a scrip lture lessson and prayer by Mr. J. A. 0. Cheek. There were 91 persons pres- 'ent who enjoyed a fine dinner served 3 under the shade trees near the resi dence, ihe table db leet long was 'loaded with every thing good to eat and it is needless to say that every their one was highly pleased with cordial reception. RAMSEUR NEWS Rev. J. D. Ross, of Norfolk, Vs,, filled the pulpit of for Rev. J. F. Black here at the Baptist church, preaching an able sermon Monday night Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Luck left Sun- day afternoon for Lenoir, where Mrs. Luck visited friends this week. Rev. W. M. Smith and Rev. J. F. ' Black are away holding a meeting at ' Leaksville and High Point Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Foust are the proud parents of a Ine girl. A number of our Methodist attended ' services at Franklinvilla last Sunday and heard P. E. Plyler preach and the Greensboro College-girls sing. The service was an inspiring one.' , ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marley spent Sunday with friends at Greensboro. - - Mr. J. C WatUns, of Greensboro, . was a visitor here Sunday. McAulay of Aberdeen; Dead ham. Them were four hiM , this marriage, Oscar, who died In ' California aVfew years ago, aS. 1 Mrs. McAulay had a large circle of friends in Asheboro hvinr vlnlurf ! ' me rrwbyteriaii uA.--...kt practced the church. 'By Mrs.- McAulay's t. tv8 trr.s I rid, unonu tVi-m a j f 'ankrt rf ervn am.Vi' C-t-cry c.-.-.'y ri k- It 1 !. -f' H 1